lundi 20 avril 2020


Monday March 6, 2023

BIBLE OF FUTURE HUMANITY (indigenous European population for 1.4 million years between 40° to 70° degrees of terrestrial north latitude)






Generations Project Amadeus - Prometheus Alexandrius - Titaneus Frankenstein





The most revolutionary book at the beginning of the third millennium of human civilization, which predicts all the stages of the future evolution of Humanity.

-Universal Intelligence Scale from 1 point (bird) to 1 Google (10 exponents 100) points of Qi (planetary brain).

-Plan to colonize the universe with robots, automated space stations and gifted giant humans.

-Plan to make a gifted Mega-Brain with 1 billion Qi points.

-Plan of Preservationism and Protectionism of the best human DNA profiles (whiteness genes, color genes, intelligence genes, height genes, longevity genes, etc.).

-Plan for genetic optimization of current human intelligence through selective reproduction (quality gene funnel) and evolutionary genetic modifications in the laboratory.

-Plan to create gifted humans from the Amadeus Dynasty with 1,000 to 10,000 Qi points making Humanity virtually invincible against 6 to 7 Alien armies in the universe.

-Plan to create gifted humans from the Titaneus dynasty with 100,000 to 1 million Qi points making Humanity virtually invincible to 8 to 9 Alien armies in the universe.

-Universal plan allowing our civilization to settle everywhere on exoplanets, satellites and then go and get millions and billions of tons of minerals and metals available on planets other than Earth because 99.99999999999% of the resources are in the universe and not on our tiny mother planet with only - 0.0000000000000000001% of mineral and metallurgical resources.

-Gradualist plan to save global warming with giant machines for capturing and filtering atmospheric CO2 (transformed into agricultural fertilizer) by European populations in the north in the Arctic and the south in the Antarctic of planet Earth.

-Metagraphic on the possible avenues of Evolution, Stagnation or human genetic Involution (Dehumanizing Robotism vs. Superhumanizing Eugenics or Primatoid Genetic Regression).

-Metagraphic on the Verticalist philo-psycho-societal approaches of Biological Realisms (hierarchy and complexificationism) vs the Horizontalist approaches of Constructivist Idealisms (egalitarianism and relativism).















TOTAL NUMBER OF HUMANITY IN 2019: 7,689,662,156 people (7.7 billion)   ASIAN PEOPLE ESTIMATE: 4.5 billion AFRICAN PEOPLE ESTIMATE: 1.2 billion CAUCASIAN PEOPLE ESTIMATE: 670 million CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA PEOPLE ESTIMATE: 500 million MIDDLE EAST PEOPLE ESTIMATE: 500 million OCEANIA PEOPLE ESTIMATE: 264 million Northern latitude line near the Arctic Circle where the evolutionary zone of the Nordic European Caucasians is located




The thought experiment making a symbolic link between the Nordic human populations equivalent at the biological level to the same thing as the 17 white animal populations at the North Pole (Arctic) and South Pole (Antarctica), these holding in the parabola an artificially higher Qi (polar bears, Arctic wolves, Arctic foxes, belugas, sperm whales, Arctic coyotes, Arctic queens, Siberian huskies, etc.), they would similarly assess the phenomenon of the massive migration of millions of animals from the South suddenly going up to the North because of Global Warming for example. In this line of thought, we legitimately evaluate as a Nordic human variant: the genotypes, phenotypes, IQs, average behaviors, cultures, religions and other ideologies, inventiveness rates, aggressiveness rates, criminal statistics, etc. of the various human populations of the South that the Canadian government is now imposing on us at the rate of 1 to 1.5 million immigrants per year from the third world on a population at the base of approximately 25 to 30 million Euro-Canadians, so with these migratory rates our population of European origin will be totally replaced and demographically minority (visible minority laws applying to those who themselves wrote them at the very beginning) within 25 to 50 years, the same as Western Europe and therefore predictably mixed within approximately a maximum of 200 to 400 years (10 to 20 generations or 50 generations at the most). large maximum) according to what I observed among the populations near the Native American Reserves and the cities of the former British/French/Irish, yet founders, peacemakers and civilizers of the country for 400 years having substantially increased the civilizational level of North America. It should be noted that the detailed evaluation of exogenous populations is much more precise and intellectualized by the European populations than the academic studies carried out by the Inuit, Eskimo, Lappish and Native American populations who are rather in a collaboration of minorities and a temporary historical circumstantial association with these populations of the south by temporary convergence of the interests of class struggle, societal and community in their fight against the so-called European preference but who in the end will still be demographically replaced even in their protective ethnic reserve, which is supposed to be their last preservationist entrenchment of Haplogroups Q1 and Q2 by the insidious and irreversible interbreeding, however this time extra-European. The Inuit, the Native Americans,the Laplanders and the Eskimos, also being peoples adapted to the north for several millennia, will lose their initial haplogromic foundations by being also surrounded by the millions of citizens of the new populations of the south because they will have by default relations with them (grocery stores, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, meeting rooms, etc.) therefore unions and offspring more and more mixed which will slowly change their phenotype from paleoamerican (example of the Oka Reserve - protected vs the Kanesatake Reserve + protected in Quebec).

Nordic Traits (Animals) 

Nordic traits are characteristics found in animals that live in the northernmost latitudes of planet Earth, very close to the North Pole and the South Pole. Being white will give them an advantage because they will be better camouflaged and thus more able to approach their prey before being spotted (which increases their probability of hunting success, therefore of meals, offspring and long-term survival). White camouflage will also make them less visible to their predator who would be able to see them from a very long distance (increased probability of survival). Occasionally, some of these animals will wear a darker black color on their body in order to more easily accumulate solar rays and store free heat from the Sun during the day, such as the penguin (Arctic) and the penguin (Antarctic).                



Just as it is necessary to save the 15,000 to 20,000 white polar bears and animals of the North and South Poles, it would be mandatory to protect the Nordic species such as polar primates like the human ethnic groups of Northern Europe in order to prevent their disappearance compared to other more tanned peoples in the South like the brown bears which are respectively 200,000 individuals and 1,000,000 for black bears in the temperate forests of America. We must not forget to save the 1,500 to 2,000 panda bears that remain in China preserved by zookeepers and state governments, which are even more endangered than the polar bears and then the Kodiak and Grizzly bears of the northern forest ecosystems. The cranial volume of polar bears (498 cubic centimeters) is larger than that of grizzly bears (234 cubic centimeters) for a weight and body size that are roughly similar (polar bears: length 2 to 3 meters & 200 to 600 kg and brown bear: length 2 to 3 meters & 750 to 1000 kg), because the north favors the development of intelligence and brain size.

Polar Bears are expected to decline by 2/3 by 2100 due to global warming (+1.8 to 6 degrees Celsius) and the fact that the area of ​​their seal hunting territory on the ice is shrinking day by day and the bears must swim great distances to find food to feed their families. In addition, they cannot wait in ambush for seals on the ice floes when they come back to the surface to get some air. The northern species are therefore very vulnerable because of global warming and their environment which is being destroyed and the massive migrations of southern species into their territory so for these reasons it is necessary to preserve their precious genetics, protect their territory and their polar way of life.


The white Husky with blue eyes is very scary and intimidating given its more than apparent nordicity, because it is the naturally palest creature on planet Earth given its evolutionary environment, Siberia in Russia. It has eyes with virtually no pigmentation, which gives it an almost white Iris color effect with a slightly bluish reflection. The muzzle is never black either, unlike other dogs, it is always a little pink. Key concept of nordicity, Leucism: "The genes that come into play in depigmentation sometimes carry associated anomalies." Recent mutated genes (recessive) that would cause gradual depigmentation in the north to be more in line with the low solar luminosity also often cause other additional genetic anomalies; for example, white cats are 1/4 deaf and blue eyes are often myopic or have other vision problems. 

Source (leucism):


What is surprising is to see that both the melanin-depigmented Chimpanzee (albino) gives a white monkey with blue eyes and also the Siberian Husky from the north (being the only 2 animals with the polar human being possessing these attributes of branchitude in the kingdom of life on planet Earth) which proves exactly all my theoretical preservationist models and their relevance in the path of protectionism of rare genes of all kinds (Australian aborigines on an island with purple eyes would also have to be protected with their Alexandria-type mutation). The human version is necessarily the most important to protect given its rarity of the 4 colors compared to all terrestrial ethnicities. Isn't it? Humanity will never be post-biological or even less a-biological, similar to what the reign of robots will never be post-robotic without the need to recharge its systems with electricity, we must assume our naturalistic determinisms otherwise we will run to our sterility and civilizational self-destruction.  Our genetics is our greatest wealth. Starting from a Chimpanzee in Africa to arrive 7 million years later at a beautiful European-type woman, we must do everything to protect our genetic assets against cultural, economic and political forces with cross-breeding and/or replacement ideologies regardless of the era in question it will always be a perpetual struggle against the entropy of chaos and the return to previous evolutionary determinisms.


PREHISTORIC MAMMALS = + Large, + Big head, + Intelligent, + Independent, + Wild, + Aggressive therefore the overall Danger factor = + High.

As I know a lot about biophysiology in all animal eras, the Tasmanian Tiger seems to me to be more of a mix between the tiger (variegated and morphology of the legs and hindquarters), the dog (mammalian canid style) and the hyena (larger head to the rest of the body representing a very advantageous ratio of approximately 1/4 to 1/5 while the human has a head size ratio of 1/7 to 1/8 of the total size). It seems to be quite large, the size of the ancestor of the wolf (Canis Dirus), must be a little more agile given its feline genes (increased ability to jump, must have a fearful personality typical of wild animals F1 and F2 that does not let itself be approached, must be a pack animal therefore very aggressive in feeding frenzy mode and finally has a very long muzzle (factor of the ability to grasp by biting more important therefore effective and this even if it is not a few extra centimeters it increases its probability to hit the target and catch its victim) similar to the German Shepherd allowing them to better seize their prey during pursuits as much on the hind legs, the buttocks as well as the carotid or jugular of the neck similar to what the Tiger family generally does (we see it well at the end when the Tasmanian Tiger yawns). In summary, this animal from another time must have been very dangerous in the wild (much more than the majority of modern dogs, wolves and hyenas of the savannah. However, perhaps not necessarily much more than the tiger, the panther or the lion more agile with their front legs giving them the ability not only to run in a straight line and/or diagonally, but also to easily handle their meal with their paws like a cat with a ball of wool) therefore accumulated all the dangerous characteristics of mammals taken separately in their distinctive species kingdom. In an identical way to all other animals in nature, including humans and extraterrestrials when they have a good ratio of head size to the rest of the body, the excess quantity of neurons in the brain or other biological ganglion substrates found in intelligent plants, the higher the quantity of neurons or weight of the brain is at the top compared to the number of cells at the bottom to be controlled by the nervous system via the spinal cord, and the more blood, nutrients, energy and additional cognitive abilities would be left for the many possible calculations of the brain (Encephalization Coefficient). Therefore, given the size of the head being approximately 1/4 of the length of the animal, if the Tasmanian Tiger were to find itself temporarily separated from its pack for one reason or another,so its individual intelligence must have been high enough to allow it to be relatively independent of the other members and hunt alone in the wild, unless it had been domesticated for too long in captivity, causing it to proportionally lose all of its hunting skills and abilities. The only morphological variable that I see that could have been improved, making the Tasmanian Tiger more sophisticated and more dangerous (better ensuring its survival in the wild) is that even if it has an elongated muzzle and an abnormally large tapered head for its rather thin, slender and athletic body, it would have been more favorable to this species to have a rounder skull on the top of the head in the manner of the Siberian Huskie, being an animal shaped by the northern Siberian climates having a rounded skull similar to the polar bear, which would have provided it with more grams of brain and therefore more intelligence and resourcefulness.

A  feline breeder  informed me that Serval cats are now banned in France, the larger cats would beat and eat if necessary the smaller ones when they are hungry. Laws and punishments must be stricter and harsher for the larger ones so that they do not unnecessarily attack the smaller ones.  My Labrador Husky Malamute dog had a very rounded head similar to the polar bear which are 2 animals that evolved at the planetary polar latitudes and therefore developed similar physiognomic characteristics of whiteness and large head. Sometimes when looking at my dog's head, I was surprised to see how voluminous his head was thus he literally helped me to develop my first explanatory theories on the physiognomic characteristics of the northern terrestrial animals visible in the European human variants, Siberian Eskimos, Canadian Inuit, North Asians and Scandinavian Lapps. It seems like there was always a polar bear in the house, only his ears were more pointed and his muzzle was elongated. At the age of 7, the Malamute ran away last summer, because he was very imposing and strong so he broke his steel cable and never came back which is often the case with Huskies who, like wolves, have hunting territories of 30 km so go very far when they go for a walk. I have noticed over the years that larger dogs break their collars, leashes, undo ground anchors, run away and therefore desert proportionally more often. Similarly, larger, stronger and more intelligent Amadeus-type humans, even if they are kept in laboratory buildings and warehouses secured by multiple protection systems, statistically there will be a much greater chance that they will find a way to escape one day or another, similar to Extraterrestrials who are very difficult to keep in captivity (example of the film Alien 4, Resurrection in 1997).

Source:  Aliens Size:

List of 18 animals that are white or pale because of their northern habitat in the Arctic (North Pole) or Antarctic (South Pole) region:

1-Polar Bear 

2-Wolf (Arctic)

3-Arctic Fox

4-Siberian Husky/Alaskan/Malamut

5-White Coyote

6-Snowy Owl 

7-Penguin (Arctic)

8-Penguin (Antarctica)

9-Harp Seal



12-Orca (Antarctica) 

13-Hare (Arctic)

14-Albatross (Antarctica)

15-Tern (Arctic)


17-Boreal Lynx

18-Queen (Arctic)



Nordicity Traits (Humans)

Nordic traits are genetic characteristics that show that the ancestors of this person evolved in northern regions where physiological traits have undergone mutations and often caused them to fade in accordance with nature over thousands of years. For example, brown eyes gradually become paler like the even color, then change to blue and green. Hair will change from black, to brown, red and blond. The skin of northern Europeans will be paler and paler depending on the longitude so much so that it will hardly tan in the Sun, but will become reddish, because it contains very little melanin pigment (Phototype 1 to 2).

Genes persist from the genetic baggage up to 7 successive generations so if polar humanity does not protect its genetics then it will be lost in just a few decades and hundreds of years without being able to go back [Theory of the Great Replacement (Renaud Camus) or Great Miscegenation (Alain Soral)]. The white skins of England, Scotland and Ireland are often accompanied by freckles on the face or on the rest of the body parts. Northern latitudes also favor the development of intelligence with strong environmental pressure selecting the most ingenious, imaginative and intelligent people as among the Inuit (91 IQ points) and Europeans (103 IQ points).     


Light white skin (11.8% of humanity)

Humans from the highest latitudes of the Earth are those with the lightest skin, eyes and hair of civilization (Phototypes 1 to 4 and Melanotype 1 to 5). Europeans have an average index of 1 to 12 on the pigmentation scale, while they represent only a very restricted genetic group in terms of the number of individuals on Earth. In the past, they were already more numerous in relation to the ratio of the quantity of other colored ethnic groups on the planet, which constitutes a relatively low population threshold compared to other southern ethnic groups whose population has continued to increase faster on average since the 3rd millennium (southern hemisphere such as in South America, Africa, Asia, Indonesia, Oceania, etc.). There would be 3 groups of genes potentially involved in the criterion of light skin in the northern Caucasoids coming from the hunter-gatherers of the Neolithic, the arriving farmers from the Near East including the HERC2/OCA2 found in Sweden for the region of Scandinavia (dating 7800 years) and the genes SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 coming from the herding peoples of the Yamnayas of Eastern Europe.

Modern Caucasians are only around 300 to 500 million on the planet, or 1 in 20 people, we come from the northernmost latitudes of Europe and are therefore located in a very specific region of the Earth (pale brown, even, blue and green eyes, black, brown, blond and red hair). This is why we must save our Nordic ethnicity, our culture, our traditions and our territory at all costs, just as the Native Americans of America did in the past and today. Without minimal protectionist measures; the natives would have seen their people, their culture and their territory long ago diluted in the flow of European, French, English and other ethnic migration from a foreign territory. Even with these protective measures for 400 to 500 years, today the Native Americans are still only 4 to 5% of the citizens of North America and have therefore disappeared by 95%! In addition, look at the theory of the Great Replacement developed by the Frenchman Renaud Camus who claims that Europe and the West in general will see their population replaced in only 1 to 2 generations, which is a demographic migratory aberration compared to the entire history of Humanity. [Source: ]

Intelligence and European Haplogroups

Humans who evolved in the northern regions of the planet have been advantaged on certain physiognomic characteristics over the tens of thousands of years, because the cold tends to round the bone structures of animals giving a generally smaller body, bucket like the Inuit, with less melanin pigmentation in the hair, skin, eyes, etc., with a more rounded head as well as a greater cranial volume therefore a slight cognitive advantage compared to southern ethnicities. As a similar example, North Asians also have a very rounded head and this more than South Asians, they therefore have the largest average brain of Humanity. This load of additional neurons gives them more potential for neuronal connection, therefore more potential intelligence. And historical and modern facts demonstrate each year their high capacity in mathematics and science since they have now become the world's leading economic power (not yet the leading military and/or space power for example, but that would not be long given the generalized indebtedness and societal stagnation of the West). The 2 poles of terrestrial innovations at the technical and intellectual level in general have always been by default Europe and North Asia given the superior capacities and cranial volumes of these 2 European and Nordic Asian ethnic groups. 


Haplogroups (grouping of Haplotypes of alleles on the chromosomes of DNA)  are genetic peculiarities written in the DNA sequences that human peoples have developed according to their evolution according to the particular terrestrial geographies and the passage of time (acquired temporally by mutations of singular nucleotide polymorphism). The most often studied and revealing Haplogroups are those of men, because they have as many Y chromosomes (DNA of the nucleus) and X (mitochondrial DNA of the mitochondrial organelle). Men therefore have as much genetic baggage of XY chromosomes, while women have only XX chromosomes. [Source:,mutations%20par%20polymorphism%20nucl%C3%A9otidic%20singular]  

R1a (Y chromosome - Eurasia -20,000 years) -R1a (Eastern Europe)-R1a1a7-R1a + I2a2-R1a + G R1b (Y chromosome - Western Europe -25,000 years) -R1b-S116-R1b-U152-R1b-U106 -R1b-M153-R1b-M167-R1b-M529-R1b-M222-R1b + I1-R1b-L23 I (Y chromosome - Balkans -60,000 years) I1 -I1 (Sweden)-I1 + R1b-M529 (Eastern Norway + Eastern England)-I1 + R1a (Norway)-I1 + R1b-U106 (Denmark) I2 (Y chromosome - Greece -28,000 years) -I2a1-I2a2 N (Y chromosome - North Eurasia -20,000 years) -N (North-West Russia)-N1c-N1b-N1c + R1a G (Y chromosome - North Middle East -60,000 years) -G (Georgia)-G + R1a-G + J2

[Source: EUPEDIA Encyclopedia (European Haplogroups): ]

Green Eyes (1-2% humanity)

Green eyes are the rarest possible color in humanity, as it affects only 2% of individuals. It is widespread in the South of Iceland, in the particular region of Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Germany, Scandinavia, Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Russia. This eye color contains practically no brown melanin pigment as usual, but rather a particular pigment produced by the guanocyte cells giving the green tint to visible light. The particular mixture between the lipochrome pigment (yellow pigment) and melanin (brown) gives the greenish color depending on the particular reflection of light. However, babies initially have blue eyes and the more the melanin increases in concentration in the iris, the more the greenish coloring will appear, i.e. between the sixth month and the third year. The populations of Scotland and the East of Ireland have the highest percentage of this greenish iris color and it is also this region that has the highest percentage of people with red hair. In Scotland and Ireland, the percentage of green eyes is carried as a gene in the DNA alleles of 86% of the inhabitants. This type of genetic color must be protected from disappearance and people who have this criterion have the responsibility to preserve it and perpetuate it in future generations.

[Source:] Source: -green-eyes-but-that-is-not-the-only-rarity-that-distinguishes-them ]

Gray or blue eyes (5% humanity)

Blue eyes are the second rarest color found in humanity, as it characterizes only 5% of individuals. It is concentrated mainly around the south of Iceland, in the region of Southern Ireland, Scotland, West England, France, West Germany, Scandinavia, Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Russia. Blue eyes occur due to a near absence of eumelanin pigment in the Iris. This color appeared around the Black Sea between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, but it is also possible that the color comes from other regions of Europe and is not from a single source. When 2 parents have the recessive genes for blue eyes, they have almost a 90% chance of having a child with this color. 0 People with blue eyes have all inherited the same genetic switch for melanin production at the same level in their DNA, which would attest to a unique geographical origin. The gene responsible for the blue color would be OCA2 playing on the production of melanin in the Iris by coding for the P protein, neighbor of the HERC gene having the capacity to interrupt more or less the activity of the gene gives the phenotypic character of brown eyes to green. When the OCA2 gene is dysfunctional then we see the phenomenon of albino people without melanin in the skin, eyes or hair which gives an abnormally pale appearance to the person. [Source: ]


Red Hair (1-2% humanity)

Red hair is linked to the geographical location of Northern Western Europe with a concentric circle found mainly in England, Scotland and Ireland (2 to 6%). This color is associated with Nordic traits similar to blond hair color because it is very close to the polar zone of the Arctic Circle. This is a mutation on chromosome 16 similar to that found in blond hair color on the MC1R gene coding for the production of the pigment melanin, but in redheads it is the high levels of phenomelanin pigment and less eumelanin. 
It is necessary for both parents to have the recessive red gene on their chromosome for the child to have red hair or otherwise the dominant brown genes for example will prevent the gene from being expressed in the phenotype. People with red hair have freckles on their skin, lighter eyes, because they live at latitudes where the irradiation by the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun is stronger so the skin must lighten in order to better produce the vitamin D necessary for the body's needs. The shades of red hair range from coppery, moderate red to carrot or bright orange. 


Blonde Hair (1.8% humanity)

Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden and Finland, Denmark and Iceland) and its spread geographical perimeter (Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, etc.) are the regions where there are the most people with blond hair on Earth with a ratio of 75%. The low rate of sunshine means that the production of melanin in the different parts of the body is much lower (pale eyes, hair, skin coloring, etc.). Following the last European glaciation in the Paleolithic, humans were able to migrate further north and slowly acquire this genetic coloring specification. It is therefore a genetic mutation of the brown hair gene that appeared about 11,000 years ago linked to the low solar radiation in latitudes near the polar circle low in ultraviolet rays. This recessive gene corresponds to a mutation of the MCR1 gene, which is only a replacement of an Adenine letter by a Guanine on the twelfth chromosome of the DNA. The recessive MCR1 gene would not, however, be associated with modifications or additions of genetic information rather favorable to higher intelligence in this Nordic population. The variation on the KITLG gene will change the production of proteins in the hair follicles and therefore will give them a lighter external appearance, without changing the other roles of the KITLG gene. In order to produce enough vitamin D to meet vitamin needs and strengthen the immune system and bone formation (vitamin D deficiency = rickets), the skin must gradually pale and be almost devoid of the blocking screen formed by melanin. And as we have seen previously, there is a place between the paleness of the skin and the paleness of the hair. Blondes would have finer hair while their number of hairs is more abundant than in redheads and brunettes.

There is a concentric circle of dissemination of the visible blond hair color (5 countries of Scandinavia: Norway with 5,368,000 people, Sweden with 10,120,000 inhabitants, Finland with 5,513,000 inhabitants, Denmark with 5,603,000 people, Iceland with 364,260 inhabitants for a total of 26,969,260 Scandinavians. Also added are the neighboring countries where the Viking inquisitions took place in battle as in the Baltic States in Estonia with 1,328,000 citizens, Lithuania with 2,794,000 people and Latvia with 1,920,000. These regions are usually less colonized by immigration, because they are located at cold latitudes and therefore with polar climates that are less temperate and inviting for travelers from elsewhere. This coloring would also be linked to sexual selection factors that make potential reproductive partners prefer this extremely rare criterion over another individual who does not have this hair characteristic. For example, southern European women such as the Romans and the Greeks were fond of wearing blond hair wigs from Scandinavia in order to change their usual brownish color around the Mediterranean. If nothing is done to preserve the genetics of blond hair, then within 200 years there will be no more blond women, because their genotypes will have been completely diluted in the world population pool, which would be a loss of genes for all of humanity. 

[Source: html]

Source: ]

SOUND OF THE WIND (psychological evolution of northern populations in fear of cold, frostbite and death) 

I realized in my research on the implications of human nordicity, a primordial and essential sound characteristic in the development of intelligence among polar populations; the importance of the sound of the wind in survival in cold latitudes. When prehistoric people have succeeded in firstly making a shelter, then heating themselves in their dwelling, eating minimally while waiting for the next outing outside the next day. What is left for them to do? Wait, not to get frostbite and die of cold! And what is the sound that will gnaw at them until the early morning, the sound of the icy wind outside. This wind acts in my opinion with several effects: 

1-Gives an effect of omnipresent fear in survivors inside shelters, because the wind means cold outside and therefore potential death. 

2-The sound modulations of the powerful wind also make a perpetual background noise promoting thought through a unique reflective ''Nordic meditation'' favoring the emergence of highly creative ideas brought and swept by the wind. 

3-This polar meditation necessarily generates ideas for possible techniques or machines that will surely allow the next day to better warm the makeshift inhabitants inside who always dream of being warmer soon (the same goes for today's citizens who always find the temperature of their house or apartment relatively cold in our time even with electric heating, fuel oil, wood, oil, etc.). 

4-Mental projection towards other places potentially with milder temperatures, thus indirectly promoting the spirit of travel and exploration far away in order to definitively save oneself from this white death with frostbite which is so cruel. 

5-Mental projection on the potential best clothes to make for the next day that will be warmer in the shelter. 

6-Females are afraid that their offspring will freeze in place and not survive until the next day.




According to the hundreds or even thousands of advertisements that can be viewed on television, on billboards and on the Internet, I would place this information squarely at the level of consistency (+ 3/4 of the probabilities) that humans who are rather in the domain of "brownness" will buy more products if they are presented with them in a context of whiteness, or if the object itself is white (for example an advertisement for Mini-Wheats where the kitchen is all white, the mixed-race family already whitened with 1-2 reproductions and a white box of cereal) thus these brown populations will buy the "whiteness", because they indirectly think they will symbolically or artificially become whiter in the process. So these brown populations will "accept" more easily the great human interbreeding on earth, because they are precisely exacerbated by being brown and would rather become as white as possible. Not only will they not oppose the miscegenation that will probably lead them towards whiteness, but they downright "wish" for the advent of this whiteness. On the contrary, populations that are already the most advanced in the notion of "whiteness" (Europeans and Japanese for example), these populations already having very light skin, hair and eyes, they do not want to lose their genetic quality of whiteness hard won after tens or even hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in the most arid and extremophile northern climates on the planet. For these white populations, it is normal and perfectly legitimate that they drastically oppose the great planetary human miscegenation, knowing that this miscegenation will bring them back to states of pigmentation prior to what they have acquired genetically for several thousand years. Therefore, governments, corporations and other global populations must respect the will of populations at the extreme end of the trendiness scale - their choice not to have their epidermal whiteness degraded by falsely labeling them racist, xenophobic or any other unjustified accusations of intolerance or color supremacism.

WHITENESS GENES (Asians vs Europeans) 

Map of genes involved in the phenotypic expression of human skin color according to terrestrial regions. The 3 main factors would be the Sunlight on the one hand playing on the absorption rate of Vitamin D according to the rate of luminosity and then the Diet with more or less Vitamin D making less crucial the pale pigmentation of the dermis which can absorb the sun's rays [example: diet rich in fish of island hunter-gatherers (Japanese) or near the banks of water (Eskimos) vs diet low in fish of farmers of the continental lands (Russians)]. Because of the phenomenon of genetic drift and the geographical distance between Europeans and Asians, the whiteness genes are not exactly the same, the same for the watermelon head shape of Asians (dolichocephalic) and those of Caucasian populations (brachycephalic). The last rather external factor is that of Sexual Selection, whiteness genes being prized in the human kingdom, whiter people are sought after by browner people who unconsciously want to acquire their paleness genes. For this reason, if populations with a majority and high incidence of light dermis genes, should preferably not bring in quantity breeders/breeders with a dermis that is much too dark according to the host populations because with the time factor brown people will quantitatively and qualitatively reduce their number of viable and fertile pale breeders/breeders so those who have not opted for preservationist reproduction will degrade and reduce their number of whiteness genes or even dilute them irremediably (example of the USA, France, Guadeloupe, etc.). 

Source (Skin color: A window into human phenotypic evolution and environmental adaptation):


All specialists will agree  on the importance to preserve the biodiversity of ecosystems, both animal and plant. So you know better than anyone that rarity and genetic uniqueness are a primordial and unavoidable factor in the preservation of biological heritage in living species. So why is no PROTECTIONISM and no PRESERVATION of the genetic heritage of Europeans in Canada, who nevertheless possess certain paleness genes (eyes, hair, skin, etc.) that are the rarest in Humanity, ever included in your laws and mechanisms for environmental preservation? We can easily suspect that humans are no exception to the rule and are also a genetic variable to be considered in the protection of terrestrial biological ecosystems, both natural and human, in order to preferably preserve a genetic mosaic protected from the homogeneity of DNA, potential epidemic diseases and the development of extremely rare genetics such as the particular species of the Galapagos Islands so dear to naturalists for their great biogenetic and phenotypic wealth. Dear Steven, in this regard, have you noticed the Great Replacement and the Great Interbreeding of the precious and extremely rare quality genetic pool of the Euro-Canadian(s) (English, French, Irish, etc.) stem populations given the mind-boggling rates of mass immigration that the Liberals are subjecting them to with the 400,000 immigrants per year from the third world (Initiative of the Century Project by lobbyist Dominic Barton) strongly supported at the same time by multi-ethnic and multiculturalist propaganda to make the pill go down and blindly accept the Canadian population's replacement with the objective that it does not react to its own disappearance? Wouldn't that be like forcibly replacing millions of animals or plants in a primary forest with other species that come from other distant terrestrial regions when these were perfectly adapted for millennia to their environment and the new parasitic species are not adapted at all? Wouldn't it be illegal and forbidden to opt for such environmental practices of replacing one native species with another? A crime against biodiversity, a potential crime against Humanity given the imminent and rapid destruction of its biodiversity for which you, your government, would be responsible in the eyes of future generations like ours and those of the next millions of years, right? Have you noticed the disappearance of Red hair and green eyes (Scotland,England and Ireland) as well as the disappearance of blond hair and blue eyes (Scandinavia) among the new generations of Millennials across Canada? Let us know and above all try to influence your replacement government before it is too late and the human biodiversity of the northern populations of the Earth is forever lost by your fault as a bad biologist who is not even capable of protecting the own genetics of his European ethnic group. 

In normal times, it is a delight, if not a television catastrophe, to see Arabs, Maghrebis or desert Semites in general (not only replacing religious ideology, the old high culture of France and even the ultimate shame of the peoples, their own Eastern European genetics) fighting on the sets of national channels to affirm loud and clear that there is no population replacement in France. Zemmour recognizes it more than anyone and takes all the false criticisms perpetually treating him as a RACIST, when deep down he is only a supreme PROTECTIONIST and a PRESERVATIONIST of the genetic quality of Europe (the only ones possessing the 4 very rare basic colors in Humanity, namely Yellow, Orange, Blue and Green. You do not sufficiently implant in the media intellectual semantic sphere these concepts that I strive to make known (with my modest popularity as a theoretician) being however our only linguistic weapons against the affable vocabulary of our opponents in the fight against the Great Replacement and the Great Generalized European Miscegenation.

To stop Global Warming, it is not enough to produce less greenhouse gases, but to capture the already existing surpluses in the atmosphere with giant CO2 capture machines! What are you waiting for to invest in this sector and found European reserves in the north (similar to the hundreds of Native American Reserves that shock no one and that have nevertheless preserved their particular genetics or else they would have been entirely mixed for a long time in southern Canada) who will intelligently take care of it before your rates of 1/2 million immigrants per year forcefully mix us all in the next 1 to 5 generations.


From my anthropological research over several years, I have noted that it seems to me that the biggest liars probably belong to the white European ethnicity with pale myopic eyes. Blue, gray or green eyes are recent genetic mutations, therefore recessive, making these eyes not really good, they are more than 75% of the time myopic, but congenital myopia has proven to be a sign of higher IQ in any earthly ethnicity that wears glasses, including Africans. I can give you 100 historical examples of personalities who have an extraordinary ability to invent lies in a completely natural way. Surely North Asians would be in second place given their most advantageous brain capacities of humanity, but it seems to me that there are more famous liars or con artists coming from the European population. For example, the most famous inventor is Thomas Edisson or Nikola Tesla and among the liars or storytellers: I would classify first Robert Lazar (who invented a whole story about his supposed work as a scientist at the Area-51 base, his Quebec version replica Robert St-Onge, the greatest con artist Elizabeth Holmes, inventor counters like Fred Pellerin who can invent any crazy and lying story, etc. In this avenue, I can name you an endless series. If you have contrary cases and examples to prove to me that it would be another ethnicity then do not hesitate to give me ideas and contradict my model, I do not think that you will find as big liars as Europeans in general and this, as much Mediterranean as Nordic.


In nature, some animals of the same genus have been listed by Zoologists and Paleontologists as being either larger (gigantism) or smaller (dwarfism) depending on whether they come from distinct geographical regions, or are further away from regular continental species or not (Island, Abyssal, Mountain biological populations). The phenomenon occurs from the moment a zone of Space is sufficiently present (No Man's Land) and will evolutionarily separate the living species sufficiently for the Time factor to act and do its work by shaping and modifying the trajectory of the species and gradually differentiating them from the other original stem populations. Whether they are primitive indigenous populations or evolved exoplanetary civilizations, the fact that they are separated by space between a first population and a second distant by evolutionary/involutionary isolation suddenly isolated on an island, isolated from other marine creatures, because the abyssal marine space, living beings at the bottom of a mountain compared to species nestled miles away at the top, that societies are isolated on a planetary satellite orbiting just close to a central planet, on exoplanets with particular geology and even isolation in space stations in the air differentiating genetics invariably with the temporal factor operating. The same phenomenon of Gigantism or Dwarfism will reproduce itself identically with the same human genetic populations for example who will evolve among other exoplanetary or space exosatellar environments. From the moment human explorers set foot on a satellite or a new exoplanet, the same day they will begin a phase of evolutionary or involutionary genetic differentiation, and this as long as they live on this planet they will be subjected to the full force of the bath of ambient geo-chemo-atmospheric conditions whether they want it or not despite all the technical measures and adaptations inside the space stations which are supposed to always reproduce identically the ideal living conditions for the human physiognomy. It is more than certain that animals with low Qi are generally much more dependent on environmental factors of variable natural production of Food, giant humans will have much more Stable and Growing supply methods, therefore will voluntarily put Foster's Law almost always on their side. This theoretical biogeochemoevolutionary law would base its mechanism on 2 essential variables, namely the presence or absence of surrounding Predators (island or continental), and the abundance of Food present in the places of evolutionary life. In the first Fosterian variable analyzed, it is certain that on the one hand,when few or no animals and/or plants do not attack a given species, well it will have the opportunity to develop at its ease. However, the 1st additional Timmonian factor is that of the geological configuration will influence the way in which the cycle of predators versus prey will be established, sometimes favoring some, sometimes others, leading them to become more gigantic if nature is contextually on their side (for example, seals are disadvantaged on beaches where there are vertical underwater cliffs, favored places for prolific hunting by great white sharks). In addition to the 2nd factor, atmospheric environmental conditions will ensure that ambient air richer in Oxygen gas will ensure that plants and animals can take deeper breaths and make them larger, similar to giant insects such as the Meganeura dragonfly 360 to 300 million years ago. The more favored planets or latitudes will absorb more solar radiation and allow plants to become more giant. In the second Fosterian variable, having easily accessible and abundant food (regardless of the quality) will naturally make animals healthier, therefore larger and taller according to their genetics with fully nourished cellular and organic needs. However, the 3rd factor is that certain Food found on site will be more nutritious and will generate the phenomenon of gigantism more easily compared to a nutrient-poor environment. The 4th additional factor is to note that the arrival and exit time of predators versus prey showing the importance of the principle of opportunism of species towards each other. The 5th Timmonian factor is located at the level of the juxtaposition between the variable of arrival as a function of historical temporality versus the physiological configuration highlighting certain genetic aptitudes better adapted than others, facing it others would have done better at worst all depending on the number of legs, number of eyes, way of attacking on the ground from below or from below, night vision or not, etc. (example of ultra-high-performance robot technologies winning at 9 chances to 1, 50 chances to 1 or even 100 chances to 1, but being beaten by a particular technicality given to the television show Robot Wars).sometimes some others causing them to become more gigantic if nature is contextually on their side (for example seals are disadvantaged on beaches where there are vertical underwater cliffs, privileged places for prolific hunting of great white sharks). In addition to the 2nd factor, atmospheric environmental conditions will ensure that ambient air richer in Oxygen gas will ensure that plants and animals can take bigger breaths and make them bigger like giant insects of the Meganeura dragonfly type 360 ​​to 300 million years ago. The more favored planets or latitudes will absorb more solar radiation and allow plants to become more giant. In the second Fosterian variable, having easily accessible and abundant food (regardless of quality) will naturally make animals healthier, therefore bigger and taller according to their genetics with fully nourished cellular and organic needs. However, the 3rd factor is that some Food found on site will be more nutritious and will generate the phenomenon of gigantism more easily compared to an environment poor in nutrients. The 4th additional factor is to note that the time of arrival and exit of predators versus prey showing the importance of the principle of opportunism of species towards each other. The 5th Timmonian factor is located at the level of the juxtaposition between the variable of arrival according to historical temporality versus the physiological configuration putting forward certain genetic aptitudes better adapted than others, facing it others would have done better at worst all depending on the number of legs, number of eyes, way of attacking on the ground from below or from below, night vision or not, etc. (example of ultra-high-performance robot technologies winning at 9 chances to 1, 50 chances to 1 or even 100 chances to 1, but being beaten by a particular technicality given to the television show Robot Wars).sometimes some others causing them to become more gigantic if nature is contextually on their side (for example seals are disadvantaged on beaches where there are vertical underwater cliffs, privileged places for prolific hunting of great white sharks). In addition to the 2nd factor, atmospheric environmental conditions will ensure that ambient air richer in Oxygen gas will ensure that plants and animals can take bigger breaths and make them bigger like giant insects of the Meganeura dragonfly type 360 ​​to 300 million years ago. The more favored planets or latitudes will absorb more solar radiation and allow plants to become more giant. In the second Fosterian variable, having easily accessible and abundant food (regardless of quality) will naturally make animals healthier, therefore bigger and taller according to their genetics with fully nourished cellular and organic needs. However, the 3rd factor is that some Food found on site will be more nutritious and will generate the phenomenon of gigantism more easily compared to an environment poor in nutrients. The 4th additional factor is to note that the time of arrival and exit of predators versus prey showing the importance of the principle of opportunism of species towards each other. The 5th Timmonian factor is located at the level of the juxtaposition between the variable of arrival according to historical temporality versus the physiological configuration putting forward certain genetic aptitudes better adapted than others, facing it others would have done better at worst all depending on the number of legs, number of eyes, way of attacking on the ground from below or from below, night vision or not, etc. (example of ultra-high-performance robot technologies winning at 9 chances to 1, 50 chances to 1 or even 100 chances to 1, but being beaten by a particular technicality given to the television show Robot Wars).Having easily accessible and abundant food (regardless of quality) will naturally make animals healthier, therefore larger and taller depending on their genetics with fully nourished cellular and organic needs. However, the 3rd factor is that certain Food found on site will be more nutritious and will generate the phenomenon of gigantism more easily compared to a nutrient-poor environment. The 4th additional factor is to note that the arrival and exit time of predators versus prey showing the importance of the principle of opportunism of species towards each other. The 5th Timmonian factor is located at the level of the juxtaposition between the variable of arrival as a function of historical temporality versus the physiological configuration highlighting certain genetic aptitudes better adapted than others, facing it others would have done better at worst all depending on the number of legs, number of eyes, way of attacking on the ground from below or from below, night vision or not, etc. (example of ultra-high-performance robot technologies winning at 9 chances to 1, 50 chances to 1 or even 100 chances to 1, but being beaten by a particular technicality given to the television show Robot Wars).Having easily accessible and abundant food (regardless of quality) will naturally make animals healthier, therefore larger and taller depending on their genetics with fully nourished cellular and organic needs. However, the 3rd factor is that certain Food found on site will be more nutritious and will generate the phenomenon of gigantism more easily compared to a nutrient-poor environment. The 4th additional factor is to note that the arrival and exit time of predators versus prey showing the importance of the principle of opportunism of species towards each other. The 5th Timmonian factor is located at the level of the juxtaposition between the variable of arrival as a function of historical temporality versus the physiological configuration highlighting certain genetic aptitudes better adapted than others, facing it others would have done better at worst all depending on the number of legs, number of eyes, way of attacking on the ground from below or from below, night vision or not, etc. (example of ultra-high-performance robot technologies winning at 9 chances to 1, 50 chances to 1 or even 100 chances to 1, but being beaten by a particular technicality given to the television show Robot Wars). 

The order of the chronological stages of evolution & accelerating or decelerating factors in evolution or involution of animals and plants: 

#1➾ Migration, Displacement, Isolation (macroscopic scale) 

#2➾ Adaptation (macroscopic scale) 

#3➾ Mutation (microscopic scale) 

#4➾ Evolution/Involution (micro/macro scale) 

#5➾ Diversification (micro/macro scale)

What makes species evolve quickly is to leave their natural subsistence environment, so for humans who have remained in Africa for 70,000 to 80,000 years around the jungle/savannah = little or no pheno/genomic evolution. While on the contrary, human groups evolving on millions of exoplanets will only mechanically differentiate themselves with the hundreds, thousands and millions of years that we risk rebelling against the mother civilization which must nevertheless keep the direction of the first planetary founding genetics and always return to the legitimate unifying organizing matrix mother regardless of the attempts at neo-humanity exo-civilization projects (observable especially inside the space stations of eugenic laboratories with rapid evolution of the Amadeussian style compared to humanoid exo-civilizations with only natural evolution). Most animals in nature existing on Earth have already been in gigantic format at one prehistoric time or another, like the giant Beaver of 3 meters in length (9 feet and 10'') by 2.5 meters in height (8 feet and 2'') having become extinct about -12,000 years ago at the beginning of the Neolithic era. I don't know if you can imagine a Beaver of 8 feet in height but it must be quite terrible to meet in the forest near a watercourse so the hydraulic dams that they made must have been quite impressive and more than 10 to 20 meters in width and at least 2 to 5 meters in height and more compared to the small dams of modern Beaver of only 5 meters by 1 to 2 meters in height! The abyssal Animals are depigmented like the animal populations of the polar regions of Earth where solar lighting is very weak or non-existent. 

Source (Island gigantism):

Source (Abyssal Gigantism):

Source (Foster's rule):

Source (The evolution of whales / Paleontology - Simplex Paleo):

Source (Robot Wars - Series 5 - Most Destructive Battles):

Source (Abyssal Animals & Fish):

Source (Giant Beaver):



Historicity of cultural evolution

From the first settlements of Europe by hominids, European culture became rapidly more complex, in a few tens of thousands of years, more or less 40,000 years, according to historians and archaeologists. There were certainly multiple contributions from peoples and cities around Europe (example of the megacity of Babylon in Mesopotamia), but it was the Caucasians who made the most varied and useful uses of the knowledge acquired assiduously over the generations and the unfolding of their civilizational history.  So from this time around 30,000 years ago to 15,000 years ago at the end of the fourth glaciation, Cro-Magnon humans arrived on European territory and gradually adapted to Nordic geography.

The end of the Neolithic period is usually dated to 12,000 to 10,000 years ago, the stage where humans moved from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to farmers and livestock breeders. Between 5,000 and 4,000 years ago, people concentrated in dwellings protected by fences and barricades made of wood in order to avoid invasions by the many nomadic peoples who risked compromising their achievements as well as their crops and families. In the year 3500, there were the first uses of linen for the manufacture of clothing fabrics. The manufacture of pottery and its firing also spread at this time in order to facilitate the daily life of the first Europeans. Around 3,300 years ago, metallurgy centers developed in Europe working with easy-to-forge metals such as Copper (Cu) and Gold (Au). In -3200 megalithic sites were built for religious ceremonies and the study of the stars in the sky (Stonehenge around -2800 to 1100 in the United Kingdom).

In -3100 the Amazon people, renowned for their warrior women, developed on the shores of the Black Sea.

In -3000, the patriarchal people of the Thracians developed in the Carpathian region where they were excellent at riding horses and moving quickly across the plains. Around -2800, they had

various conflicts between some peoples of Europe using technologies such as stone, against copper or bronze, the weapons being composed of harder metals obviously had the superiority of victory on the battlefields.

In -2700, the Minoans were the first European society established on the island of Crete, but disappeared about 1000 years later because of a gigantic tsunami in the Mediterranean.

In the years 1600 to 1500 BC, the Mycenaeans from the North moved towards southern Europe on the Greek peninsula (Peloponnese) to build up high ground, construct a naval fleet and later invade the famous city of Trois.

Around -1300 to -1200, the tribes of barbarians called Dorians acquired very early the techniques of bronze casting (CuSn) and attacked the Mycenaeans using only copper (Cu) weapons. At this time the Celts also settled in Germany before continuing their development in western Europe. 

In -1000, the Iberian society settled in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), the Etruscans in Northern Italy, the Dacians in the Balkans, the Ligurians in the South of France, the Germans in the area of ​​Denmark and the Bretons in England.

In the years -900 to -650, the Greek civilization expanded and created the city-states (geographical space controlled by a single city) with the same Hellenistic culture, however there were internal wars on the territory between the Athenians and the Spartans. Development of the social and cultural spheres of theater, the Olympic Games and democracy. In -600, the Greek philosophers (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle) ​​tried to explain the laws of nature and causality without the intervention of God, and this, contrary to all the deistic ways of thinking of that time.

From the year -550, the Greeks took possession of multiple port areas around the western Mediterranean in order to ensure its control, trade and its various supplies. At the same time, they made war on the Ligurians in order to take a portion of their territory and appropriate their resources and their strategic maritime positions.  Around -550, the Carthaginians of North Africa invaded the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and the Iberian civilization. At the same time, the Germans went further south (Germany), and forced the Celts to flee to northern Italy, France, Great Britain and the north of the Iberian Peninsula.

Around -420, after these changes, they also converged towards the East of the Carpathians in order to find a safer place for their people.

In 400 BC, the Persian Empire (capital at Persepolis) attacked and forcibly merged the island of Cyprus and its surrounded island inhabitants.

In 380 to 360 BC, the Persians attempted a raid on Greece, but failed to defeat them on land or sea, so the Greek army drove them back to their territory thanks to their superior naval military strategy.

In -340, the golden age of Greek civilization came under the legendary reign of the politician Pericles. However, in the north of the country, Philip of Macedon succeeded in conquering Greece and its territory through a daring maneuver and then seizing lands as far as Albania and Bulgaria. In the years -320 to -300, the legendary Alexander the Great (son of Philip of Macedon) continued his father's territorial expansion by fighting with their eternal enemy: the Persians. Thus he defeated their army on all fronts by possessing the Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt (foundation of the city and the library of Alexandria) and he finally went to the borders of the Persian empire and the border of India feared for its armies of warrior elephants. Around -280 to -225, the tiny citadel of Rome in Italy developed a formidable army and conquered the Etruscans of the North and subsequently the entire Italian peninsula. It was in -202 that the city of Carthage was destroyed by the invincible Roman army and put an end to their hegemony over the Mediterranean by becoming the only military, ideological, economic and maritime power (Pax Romana). From -190, the Romans invaded the Iberian Peninsula and Greece without too much difficulty thanks to their legionaries trained and trained in strategic military feats of great precision and a scale never seen before in the history of Europe. In -55, Julius Caesar and his soldiers conquered the territory of the Gauls (France) and subjected them to their conditions of domination by asking them for example to pay taxes to Rome. In the year -44, after electing himself dictator for life, Julius Caesar was assassinated by other politicians in the Roman Senate and the race for power began to know who would become the next emperor of Rome. Around -29, Octavian Augustus proclaimed the entire Roman Empire with its power radiating over Europe, because his civilization led over a large part of the continent thanks to the ancestry of the genius of his people.  In the year 0, Jesus of Nazareth was born, son of Joseph and Mary, he was the instigator of the Christian religion in Israel.

Around the year 30, the Romans conquered Britain by sending their army to the south shore. But they could not take the island completely in the face of fierce resistance from the inhabitants already there, so they had to build a wall separating the island into two distinct parts (Hadrian's Wall).

From 60 to 80 AD, the Romans took possession of the lands of the famous Dacians, subjugating them by the force of their unbeatable Roman legions.

In the year 250, the Huns of the Mongol Empire left Asia to arrive at the gates of Eastern Europe and put pressure on the peoples there, finally disrupting the well-established order of the Roman Empire. The Mongol orders advanced quickly on horseback and attacked the enemy with streams of arrows before retreating to protect themselves and they later returned to the charge in a circle of continuous replacement targeting the leaders of the opposing armies creating confusion and general disorganization.

From 300 to 352, the Romans tried to repel the invasion of the Huns, but since their empire was very large, it was difficult for them to protect themselves adequately. It was from the year 400 that the troops of Attila the Hun pushed the Germans to the West (Suevi) and they took a little in the direction of North Africa (Vandals). At the same time, the Heruli attacked the north of Italy and took Rome when they were in a weak position under the emperor Romulus Augustulus aged only 12 (September 4, 476). Later, the barbarian leader Alaric, his brother Athaulf and with the help of the Goths and Huns, under penalty of decimating the population, they demanded to pay a ransom by emptying the city's coffers of its 12 tons of gold, 13 tons of silver, 4,000 silk tunics, 3,000 fleeces and 3,000 pounds of pepper. In 405, the Eastern Roman Emperor of Byzantium convinced the Goth barbarians to liberate the city of Rome and they were finally able to defeat the Heruli.

From 410 to 420, the Goths returned to the North, which gave rise to the Visigoths, and then headed towards Gaul (Western France), on their journey they also pushed back the Hun tribes still settled in Germany. The Ostrogoths, who were supposed to save Rome and leave the siege of the city as soon as it was over, decided to stay in Italy, contrary to the order given by the Roman Emperor of Byzantium. From 450 to 480, the Germanic Franks took possession of the territories of Gaul, which forced the Visigoths to converge towards Spain and subsequently under King Clovis; he named this new territory Francia. During their hasty flight, the Hunnic orders left the territory of Germany and the Slavic peoples of the Russian steppes converged towards Eastern Europe (Poland). The Middle Ages therefore began around the year 500, which essentially corresponds to the junction between the fall of the Roman Empire, the change of power, the sharing of territory and the expansion of new peoples. However, the Middle Ages (from the year 476 to 1453) are considered a time when obscurantism and the loss of collective knowledge linked to the crumbling of the Western Roman Empire plunged Europe into a regression due to the lack of global military and civil organization, of common European economic development under the aegis of an empire and the destruction of these architectural infrastructures (temples, roads, land machines and Roman maritime fleets).

In 550, the Germans came down to invade northern Germany and founded Gotaland (Sweden) and some other northern Germans united to found the country of Denmark. In 560, the Byzantine Empire drove the Ostrogoths out of Italy and reimposed Greek culture (Justinian law code).

From the year 570, the Lombard Germans headed towards the North of Italy to establish their people in these lands.

Around 700, the cavalry of the Islamic Arab troops of Mohammed seized the possessions of the eastern Byzantine empire but was intercepted and blocked by the Bulgarian people, who formed a corridor to the Danube River.

In 720, following this failure of the invasion of Europe from the East, the Muslims turned south and followed the coasts of the Mediterranean and collected all the countries of North Africa up to the Strait of Gibraltar where they entered the Iberian Peninsula (Spain). In 732 in Poitiers, Duke Charles Martel blocked the Islamic invasion in the West of France with his cavalry and captured the military camp of the Muslims as well as their leader Abd el-Rahman. It was in the year 775 that the King of the Franks Charlemagne returned to Iberia with his cavalry troops to drive the Muslims from the territory and subsequently the region of Andorra was created in northern Spain.

Around 780, following disastrous upheavals, Charlemagne lost possessions in the Germanic countries of the East in addition to northern Italy. In Italy the Papal States were established and allowed a sustainable development of the new seat of Christianity. In 843, the 3 sons of Charlemagne divided his territories with the creation of the 3 new countries including France, Lotharingia and Germania under the influence of the ideology of the Christian empire. From 850, the Germans invaded Scandinavia in the region of Sweden and later became the people of the Vikings.

In the year 860, the Vikings traded with the peoples of the Russian steppes and following a capture of the population by trickery, they settled in the region of Kiev and they named this place Ruthenia. Around 886, the Danish and Norwegian Vikings led serial attacks in the East of England and pillaged the monasteries which were not very defendable while the Scandinavian barbarians stole the monks and priests and lit the fire to decimate the place (example of the abbey of Landévennec). It was in 915, after the Vikings had caused various ravages in France, they had a northern portion of the country bequeathed to them and named it Normandy. From 950, Bulgaria extended the limits of its territory even further to the neighboring countries and their many kingdoms. In 960, the Slavic people called Polland founded a distinctive kingdom in their geographical area. In 962, the Czech Slavs created the country of Moravia or former Czechoslovakia. It was also in 962 that another people from the steppes took Moravia by force and the Germans there later established Hungary.

In 962, King Otto I's Germania created the Marquisate of Austria in order to create a buffer zone with warlike Hungary.

Then in 965, there was a conquest of Lotharingia and Italy up to Rome while the king was crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Around 965, a rich man named Count Cigefroy bought a fortress, fortified it and then founded the country of Luxembourg.

In 1020, the northern Viking peoples united to create a country called the Kingdom of Norway.  Around 1040, the Byzantines annexed Bulgaria to their vast territory (the Balkans), but they later lost the island of Malta, Scilla and southern Italy.

In 1066, William the Conqueror, leader of the Normans, invaded the south of England and this people became known as the Anglo-Normans.

It was around the year 1070 that the Irish people blocked the multiple invasion attempts of the Normans on their island.

In 1130, on the Italian peninsula, the new Italian states of Genoa and Pisa were established. Around 1140, the Muslims were driven to the borders of Europe thanks to the idea of ​​a troop association of the Italian Papal States of the Mediterranean and the rest of the believers. It was in 1145 that the Muslims were driven out of Spain by a Catholic King (Reconquista) and he granted independence to Portugal at the same time.

In 1160, Henry II became the exclusive owner of the territories of Brittany, Normandy and Aquitaine. Around 1190, Pope Gregory VIII asked the various countries of Christendom to go to the Crusades and limit the advance of the Islamics to the borders of Western Europe. In the year 1193, Richard the Lionheart took back possession of the island of Cyprus from the Muslims settled on this territory.

From 1210 to 1241, Philip Augustus definitively repelled the English attacks and settlement in France and took back almost all of the territory on the continent side. The Renaissance is a period taking place from 1300 to 1600, there was a series of great inventions, technical processes and modern thoughts appeared at this time in Europe rich in prospects for advanced civilizational developments of Europe that no other earthly people had ever engendered. 

[Source: The History of Europe] [Source: ]




[Source: ]



Our human lineage is rather identified with the Australopithecus with -4.2 million years and then Homo Habilis with -3.2 million years. The African Sapiens Sapiens Archaïques not having left Africa 80,000 years ago did not have the new genetic mutations that appeared outside the continent of origin of Humanity. Anthropologically speaking, they still have physiological characteristics of our early ancestors, that is to say longer arms (arboreal past), smaller ear sign of a new appendage, protohair (rather a hair on the head than the silky hair of Europeans), all in brown the same as our ancestors the chimpanzees with 98.7% of the same DNA as modern humans (-7 million years), 98.4% with the Bonobo, 98% identical DNA with the Gorillas (-10 million years at the junction of the primate branch towards humanity), the Orangutan with 97% of a common DNA with man), nostril not closed in all Africans that I identify with Haplogroup A the oldest DNA on the planet, because at the beginning we only had nostrils like the gorilla barely finalized, because of the same jungle environment Congolese, smaller cranial volume around 1282 cm3 in men or 53 cm of cranial circumference in women and 55 cm in men (the brain of primates has long stagnated around 1000 cm3, as much in Erectus so the African has only a little more unlike Europeans with 1380 cm3 and 1415 cm3 in northern Asians (Siberia), because the north favors the rounding of shapes to conserve heat and increases the size of the head similar to the polar bear with 500 gr of brain and the Grizzly with 258 gr of brain yet of the same American origin except with 600,000 years of distance and their migration to the north, and finally the lowest average IQ on the planet with 75 average points in Africa and 85 points in the USA (for this reason Africans have few gifted people at 140 IQ, because it gives them you have to be 2 x more intelligent than their ethnic average, which is also rare to meet a European with 200 IQ points, or double the average intelligence), because obviously the brain was not optimized to the maximum in our first human ancestors. Which goes hand in hand with the level of technological advancement of Africans which is often at its lowest compared to other human peoples, because their average speed is 75 km/h and other peoples for example Europeans drive at least 98 to 103 km/h, North Asians at 106 km/h and European Ashkenazi Jews at 107 km/h. Thus Africans are overrepresented in sports (because they also have the 2nd fast muscle fiber allowing them to run faster in a straight line in order to escape from African animals,but the other terrestrial populations have lost this fiber by leaving the old continent), but underrepresented in intellectual prowess unlike Europeans and Chinese who are the 2 world economic and technological poles, it is not a coincidence, the same for the Jews of Europe (Haplogroup J2 + those of Europe R1a, R1b, I1, I2, N and G) who are on the contrary overrepresented in the recipients of the Nobel Prizes and Chess Champions like Garry Kasparov with 190 IQ points or Albert Einstein with 160-180 weight in mathematics. Source:  https: //www.intelligence-


Europeans are complete imbeciles and therefore 70% responsible (apart from the people sent by the Arabs to the Maghreb and the Middle East) for the Africanization of Humanity, because they have been looking for tens of millions of Africans since the time of colonialism and the discovery of the Americas and have spread them all over the Earth for their need for diverse labor. Because Africans among themselves have never had a fleet of ocean-going ships, instruments and navigation methods efficient enough to cross the Atlantic, Indian or Pacific Oceans. Even if their IQ was among the best on the planet, their anthropological knowledge remained generally low among the populace, making them ignore the trap of Africanizing the planet to only temporarily obtain workers who could clear North and South America. In the modern era, it is exactly the same situation that occurs where Western Companies and Governments will take millions of these same Africans (no more evolved or brilliant than in 1700 or 1900) to implant them by the millions in their own white Nordic population, produce a multi-ethnic system for them and treat them themselves as intolerant when they simply want to protect (minimal protectionism) their territorial and civilizational achievements. When I saw this graph some time ago in a documentary, it really revolted me to see how we were responsible for our own population decline! In other words, it was not the Asians who Africanized the Earth, but the idiots of Europeans with their feeling of superiority which ultimately turned against them without them realizing it.



ANTHROPOLOGY 101 (march of Humanity out of Africa = progression of Haplogroups from letter A to Q) 

Sub-Saharans have a slight genetic delay of 80,000 years compared to European peoples, because they have not had a genetic update since that time unless they mate with other ethnic groups outside Africa. This demographic migratory phenomenon degenerates or reprimatizes any other genetics on the planet that are necessarily more evolved. For example, an African mating with another ethnic group will automatically have a genetic update of his phonatory apparatus allowing him to better pronounce several sounds of the language such as the ''r'' or instead of the ''w'' that protohumans have difficulty pronouncing well. Our human-ape ancestors, having never left Africa, did not benefit  from the new genes and adaptive genetic mutations that occurred through contact with different planetary geographies (paling  of the dermis, closing of the nostrils of the nose, refinement of frizzy proto-hair into silky hair, shortening of the rather elongated arms in our arboreal ancestors, increase in cranial volume, increase in neuronal density, increase in IQ by 10 to 20 points and +, all depending on the aridity of the natural living conditions of the terrestrial region, etc.). It would be customary to imperatively leave these populations at home and stop making them immigrate to our European and Western lands in general at the risk of an irreversible destruction of our civilization, both on the genetic, cultural and security levels.

The peoples of Humanity from the desert have very aggressive genetics given the harshness of the evolution of their physiological and behavioral adaptation in an arid extremophile climate. They are very inquisitive, resentful, stubborn, spiteful, and above all return to the charge until sacrifice if necessary. Endowed with an invisible deist religion that cannot be proven, in addition to a feeling of historical warlike nationalism, they find themselves extremely dangerous for order, the country and the quality of life in the West as much in America as in Europe, finally anywhere on the planet they will carry a risk of Islamization and civilizational regression (for example Indonesia).


Fairly realistic image of the evolution of Humanity (series of alphabetical letters showing the march of humans on Earth for 70,000 years and the exit from the primate laboratory continent) therefore from Africa (Haplogroup A: -300,000 years, B: -80,000 years, E1b1a), until the end of the journey in America (Haplogroups Q1 to Q3). 1-African (Haplogroup A and B), 2-Africans more desert-dwelling towards Ethiopia (E1b1a) 3-Egyptian or Persian, 4-Maghrebians (Haplogroup E1b1b), 5-Arab (Haplogroup J1, 6-European (Haplogroup R1a, R1b, I1, I2, G and N), 7-Native American (Haplogroup Q1). The rest is not perfectly in order, because people have been placed in increasing order of nose size or facial elongation while populations such as Egyptians, Maghrebians, Persians, Arabs, Jews and Native Americans have larger noses. The longer nose except among Native Americans is linked in my opinion to a trait of ''desertness'' (similar to Nordicness) or specific adaptations to desert climates so a longer nose with the nostril raised will be better adapted to sandstorms and dusty natural environments than the more open nostrils of Africans which would perform  less well in the desert.

The genetic delay of sub-Saharan Africans  are the unclosed nostrils vestiges of gorillas (protonarins), the longer arms (arboreal past of our ancestors), frizzy protohair (before the modern standard silky hair appeared outside Africa), small ears beginning of the auditory appendage, smaller cranial volume (1282 cubic cm in males instead of brains of 1300 to 1450 grams outside Africa), IQ around 75 points in Africa and 85 points in the USA in a world of Europeans, higher testosterone levels, greater muscle mass, 2nd muscle fiber still present in Africans allowing them to run faster, but lost in modern humans who came out of the savannah, ancient and low phonatory apparatus in the throat not allowing the letter "R" to be pronounced more aerially making them pronounce a "W" instead, more rounded protogluteus towards the back, rhythm genes more present making it difficult for modern archaic Sapiens Sapiens to compose music without an electronic tom-tom rhythm (rhythm genes lost outside Africa in modern humanity), etc.

Source (Shaping Humanity 3D):


Sub-Saharan protohumanity V1 (more residual initial ape genes than the human variants that emerged from Africa 70,000 years ago). Uncompleted protonarins, frizzy protohair before modern silky hair, rounded protobuttocks, small cranial volume of 1282 cubic cm in African males as opposed to 1400-1500 cubic cm or grams in Europeans and North Asians, longer arms sometimes down to the knees, a sign of our arboreal ape past, black eyes full of melanin, micro-ears, a sign of the beginning of human auditory appendages, average IQ of 75 in Africa and capped at 85 points in a European civilization of the American style for example.

Our first representatives who lived on the old continent kept the 2nd fast muscle fiber to run faster in order to escape the more dangerous animals of Africa, which other human ethnic groups lost when they left the old continent 60,000 to 70,000 years ago, and the genes of the tam-tam which makes them have more rhythms and are obsessed, if not incapable of composing music without an omnipresent rhythm (these recurring behaviors are linked to specific gene groups), more muscle mass typified like gorillas and more testosterone therefore leading to more potential crime as in the USA or Montreal North, the Cities of France, etc. Because there is a logical and behavioral link between the 3 variables CRIME - IQ - RACE *(if the RACE has a low IQ, then the CRIME variable increases and vice versa, your friend Google tells you). They are good and valiant people as such, but because of capitalism and mass immigration they are becoming far too numerous, tens of millions of people in polar humanity who are struggling to reproduce given the mass pornography of youth and abortion (300 million Europeans vs almost 2 billion sub-Saharan women who have an average of 6 children per family.

Historicity of European genetic dilution

(forced miscegenation of peoples by Western companies and governments)

Many peoples of the past were not welcome in Europe for cultural and ethnic reasons, which is why Europeans waged ideological or practical war against them in order to preserve their way of life and territory. In the current era, new generations are not aware of the fierce battles that their ancestors fought with the aim of protecting their achievements and will think that these rivalries have been completely smoothed out and have remained in the meanders of the past. However, these unconscious generations (for example, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Canada) will now immigrate their former historical geographical enemies by the millions to their countries, naively thinking that the old rivalries will never resurface in the name of multiculturalism, multiethnicism, democracy and "living together", but this is a pure whim of thought, because there are indeed genetic and cultural determinisms that can be identified by observation and statistics. Especially when we let all newcomers keep their own ideology (Judaism, Christianity, Islamism, Hinduism, Raelism, Scientology, etc.), once they arrive in the host territory and not ours, which is more modern in terms of philosophical thought and the empiricism of science. If we push this system of reasoning to the limit of its paroxysm, and in a small country like Switzerland we welcomed 300 diverse ethnic groups with 300 different ideologies, then the index of the rate of social conflict linked to divergent interests and value codes would be quite high in this small space-time territory (multiculturalism = multiconflictualism).

When the ratios of multi-ethnic peoples reach more or less equal numbers of populations then social tensions heat up and crime increases. The Nordic Caucasians risk having more and more difficulty in controlling the migrant populations and they can be led to attack them until crises of civil wars. Phenomenon of gradual genetic interbreeding invariably making the genes of Nordicness disappear towards a model of world human mixed with all possible terrestrial peoples. For example, in dog breeds there would be no point in mixing all the varieties together absolutely in order to create a sort of world dog with all the attributes, but rather to keep a certain specificity of the dog lines for their multiple sought-after characteristics (poodle, great dane, greyhound, bulldog, rottweiler, doberman, Saint Bernard, chihuahua, huskies, collie, etc.). It would not be necessary for each earthling to be from nowhere and everywhere at the same time without having any real continental, cultural and historical genetic roots.

The continents of origin and their continental genetics must respect a minimum ratio of 50% of the ethnicity of origin or else it will persist in its functionalist primacy, so Asians have the right to demand 50% Asian people in Asia, 50% black Africans on the African continent, 50% Arabs in the Middle East and 50% Caucasians in Europe. As of the turn of the 2000s, the main cohort of the population that migrates is heading from the South to the North and not the other way around, which means that Nordic genetics is gradually diluted as if brown bears were moving north and would gradually dilute the entire population of white polar bears (with their migratory agreement, because there would be a lack of workers at the North Pole). People do not migrate from the North to the South because social infrastructure is less well developed in the South for whatever reason, such as the quotient of the populations of the Southern Hemisphere is lower than those of the North, so civilizational advancement is simply the envy of the inhabitants of hot countries who do not find the same comfort of life at home.

Populations that live in close proximity will tend to initially reproduce with the same ethnicity as theirs, but invariably in the long term alliances and old families on the same territory will tend to interbreed and form mixed descendants without having previously wanted it. Extreme interbreeding dilutes the potential of world populations and leads them towards the same and unique DNA over hundreds of years. Similar to the example, where we would place all types of bears, dogs, cats, humans then mixing them in the long term would generate a single breed of dogs with all the DNA and being a somewhat bizarre mixture. From this observation, it is important to preserve the genetic identity of the planetary indigenous peoples, whatever it may be, because even if IQ tests do not measure all forms of Intelligence, they are still the best genetic social predictor leading to averages of academic success, future salary level, level of motivation, lifespan, etc. Even with training a person cannot increase their results by more than 4 points and up to 10 points with university studies, so intelligence is mainly genetic and does not increase easily even through culture and living environment. In the Western European world, "multi-ethnic" advertisements should be literally banned by companies and governments (giving people the impression that it is desirable to form interracial couples), and this in order to avoid excessive genetic interbreeding leading irreversibly to multiple genetic regressions of Haplogroups into a single type of brown, slant-eyed global human (as if we mixed the 342 existing types of dogs, the resurgent species would be ugly and stupid). The obligation of intra-ethnic advertisements rather favoring the protection of the indigenous strains of humanity such as the preservation of the 8 species of bears on Earth. A more glaring and "out the box" example, would it be normal to see advertisements for dog food where we are presented with couples of Poodles mixed with Labradors, and Rottweilers dating Pomeranians!? The mix would be as stupid and useless and would give a mating model that would surely pervert all the next generations of dogs and female dogs on the planet, resulting in only one "world dog" as well as one single brown and bridled "world human". By the way, I have hardly found any photos of "multi-ethnic" dog couples, because humans are aware that they do not naturally mix types of dogs,but rather always place them by canine race!!! And there you have it, such must be nature in its simplest, purest and most effective logic!   



(worst Anglo-Saxon multiculturalist and multiethnic global migration model)

-The United States is one of the countries where immigration has been and is the strongest in the world. Immigration was practically exclusively European for 473 years from 1492, until the 90s when the model was pushed to its migratory paroxysm favoring too much the mixing and crossbreeding of all regions of the globe, especially the South (beginning of the end of this system in 1965 when the unconscious President Lindon B. Johnson opened non-European immigration with the Hart-Celler Act treaty).
-Historically, the inhabitants of Asia and Oceania crossed the Bering Strait 10,000 to 12,000 years ago to reach the American continent and they colonized it from the North (Inuit and Native Americans) to the South (Aztec, Maya and Incas). This indigenous native group was named Paleoamerican or Native American (genetic haplogroups Q1 to Q3).
-Although the Scandinavian Vikings visited Newfoundland and its surroundings around the year 1000, it was not until the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 that the beginning of a new systematic European colonization in America was seen.
-Gradual colonization of America from the year 1500 by the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French and the British through the massive sending of military troops and then of the European civilian population.
-In 1513, the Spanish established the first city in the United States in Florida in Saint-Augustine
-In 1607, the English founded their first colony in Virginia which they called Jamestown (a barricade city made of an exterior wall made of logs, because it was often attacked by Native Americans).
-In the year 1614, the Dutch built the city of ''New Amsterdam'' (New York), where several European nationalities joined them to trade and settle in America.
-In 1620, New England was born in the region of Massachusetts with the city of Plymouth (colonization by Protestant religious and merchants).
-In 1638, New Sweden was founded by the Swedes on the site of Delaware.
-In 1682, Louisiana was conquered by the French, greatly extending their territory of New France from eastern Canada to the lands and central plains of the future United States.
-Between 1600 and 1700, European colonization continued in America with the program of "Intential Servant" (volunteer or not for the journey (for example 50,000 condemned by justice had to immigrate by force). With this system, European immigrants had to work from 5 to 7 years for the colonization (reimburse those who had paid them the journey by boat) and then they were free and could occupy the positions available on the virgin continent.
-In order to overcome this system of forced labor of European immigrants, over a period of 200 years, merchants brought up to 600,000 Africans to the United States to clear the land and work in the fields (cotton, etc.) as well as to South America and the Caribbean (sugar cane cultivation).
-When the United States was founded in 1776 (text of Thomas Jefferson's declaration of independence of the 13 colonies from England), the American population was mainly composed of British, French, Germans, Irish, Scottish, Native Americans and Africans.
-Many Europeans migrated to America with the intention of fleeing poverty, unemployment, crowded housing, famine (4.5 million Irish around 1840) and the promise of a better and more comfortable life than on their overpopulated continent of Europe.
-Chinese immigration to the West Coast of the United States towards San Francisco with the aim of filling available positions in the construction of the transcontinental railroad and in the mines during the California Gold Rush (25,000 Chinese migrants around 1850).
-In 1862, the American government established the ''Homestead Act'', guaranteeing 650 square meters of land to anyone who promised to clear, cultivate and maintain the land to make it profitable (central American plains). The new German and Scandinavian immigrants took advantage of this to settle there in large numbers and found farms and well-fed families.
-By the end of the 1800s, the total number of immigrants to the US had tripled compared to previous eras. At that time, immigration policies were controlled only by each individual state and were not subject to a national government policy. It is important to note that only white European immigrants who had arrived in the territory for 2 years could be granted the right to American citizenship. Africans were not granted this privilege until 1868, because the abolition of slavery by Abraham Lincoln did not take place until 1865.
-Since the majority of American immigrants who first arrived in the country came from Great Britain, then the average citizen was of Protestant, Anglo-Saxon and white religious denomination (called the Wasps by the other migrant peoples) unlike the Irish who were mainly Catholic (formation of popular anti-Irish groups in times of crisis demanding their migratory primacy on the continent). In this sense, Benjamin Franklin believed that Germans (especially rural farmers) lacked the ability to speak English well because of their strong Germanic accent.
-In 1882, the US Congress passed the restrictive federal legislation of the ''Chinese Exclusion Act'' (in effect for 61 years) advocating that Asian labor was the cause of the decline in wages in the United States (the measures applied to Chinese arriving in the countries or outside who could no longer leave the US under penalty of not being able to return). Prohibition of educating the Chinese in the same schools as Europeans, otherwise they had to go to schools exclusively for Asians.
-Other immigrants were expelled from the United States for certain considerations, such as having several wives (polygamous), political extremists as well as citizens unable to learn and speak the English language properly were also deported.
-Creation of federal migration centers to better select and accept migrants who met US standards (for example Ellis Island on the East Coast in 1892 at the gates of New York & Angel Island on the West Coast in 1910). If arrivals had health problems, they were quarantined or even sent back to their country of origin in the event of a serious problem (2% of migration applications). Questionnaire on their past and their fortune as well as systematic changes to their name in order to correspond to the American culture already in place.
-Need for greater migration because of the era of industrialization at the turn of the 1900s (automobile, coal, iron and oil industries, etc.). Much faster and more efficient steamboats allowing them to transport many more travelers at a time and at a lower economic cost (average duration of a trip between 1 to 4 weeks instead of several months with the sailing boat). This convergence of technological and social phenomena led to an increase in European immigration, particularly among the peoples of Italy, Greece, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Poland and Russia (27 million immigrants between 1890 and 1930).
-Natural formation of ethnic ghettos grouped together by resemblance and phenomenon of cultural accumulation of populations who did not speak English (for example: Italian, Polish, Russian, African ghettos, etc.).
-Foundation of multiple federal laws improving the security (skylights) and the minimal sanitary side (air shafts) of homes among new arrivals representing too great a risk of fire and social contamination.
-Company bosses on American soil tended to exploit newcomers (cheap labor) by making them work impossible hours, not paying them equal wages to nationalized citizens and even forcing children to work on farms and factories for periods of 40 to 60 hours/week.
-After sustained waves of immigration around the years near the First World War, native Americans asked the federal government to better control the arrival of migrants in order to ensure their health and social security. Under popular pressure, the government therefore established the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, selecting even more individuals according to their nationality, which had to be in line with the expectations of American citizens already established in the country (reduction of migratory thresholds from 800,000 annual entries to 300,000 migrants).  
-Additional measures were instituted in 1924, namely the Immigration Act, further reducing entry quotas and placing more emphasis on the choice of specific nationalities that fit the interests of the citizens of the time (accepting only new European migrants and not other geographical origins). For example a reduction of 200,000 entries of Italians versus 4,000 people with the new migration treaty as well as a reduction in Russian arrivals due to the fear of the implantation of communist political ideology in America (extreme economic left vs. extreme financial right).
-Sporadic increase in refugee groups such as Jews during the (Second World War) and Cuban (change of power with Fidel Castro and the Cuban Missile Crisis + release of political prisoners).
-The Ellis Island immigration quarantine station in New York was used to detain Germans during World War II and Russian migrants during the Cold War.
-In an effort to address the labor shortage of European Americans during World War II, the government allowed Mexican workers with temporary work permits to come and help them in businesses and farms (Bracero Program between 1942 and 1964).
-In response to the hundreds of thousands of Mexican migrants working mainly in the Southern United States, the American population of origin demanded that political authorities (President Dwigh Eisenhower) send Hispanics home (Operation Wetback in 1954 where 1.5 million Mexicans were deported to their country of origin).
-In 1965, Lindon B. Johnson introduced the Hart-Celler Act, this very serious step historically constituted the beginning of the end of European-American social purity, because this treaty authorized white non-European nationalities to immigrate to the United States, which was in contrast to 473 years of migration policy that generally favored the genetic, cultural and ideological promiscuity of newcomers who could now come from any world culture more or less in accordance with typically Euro-American customs and traditions. Migratory acceptance quota no longer based on ethnic criteria, but rather only on the profession and family of potential migrants to the United States. Example before 1965 (figures between 1951 and 1960): 53% immigrants from Europe, 25% Latin America, 6% Asia and 16% other. After 1965 (figures between 1971 and 1980): only 18% of immigrants from Europe, 40% from Latin America, 35% from Asia and 7% from other land sources.
-In 1986, President Ronald Regan established the "Reform and Control Act", authorizing temporary migrant fellow citizens who had assimilated perfectly, had not committed any crime, had contracted fines, had a good knowledge of English and the history of the country to benefit from one of the 2.7 million green cards available, officially nationalizing them on American soil.
-In 1990, with the Immigration Act, the government drastically increased migratory quotas and authorized 40% more migrants to settle in the United States (work visa and lottery ticket drawn each year allowing hundreds of citizens from around the world to gain their nationality in the United States).
- Construction of a series of walls on the southern border of the country from the 1990s to 2006, in order to counter the illegal immigration of Hispanics illegally into the United States. Donald Trump proposed in 2017 to strengthen the wall in order to stop illegal immigration from the South, especially in times of global warming when 2% of humanity will be on the move due to environmental disturbances in their land region more or less affected by weather problems.
Donald Trump also planned to deport outside the United States the 11 million citizens who had entered the United States illegally, many of them headed to Canada to be considered political or climate refugees and to be nationalized (Roxham Road migratory pass zone).
-Creation by Donald Trump in 2017 of the treaty ''Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States'' aimed at limiting for a period of 90 days, travelers and immigrants from Muslim countries (Iraq, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Syria) considered opposed to liberal American values ​​and potentially dangerous as to their real will and capacity to attack the country by international Jihadism (60,000 visas temporarily suspended). The Supreme Court reacted by partially canceling the treaty, but by adapting it more adequately to current migratory realities.

[Source (French) Immigration United States:] [Source (English) Immigration USA: ]


PAX BRITANNICA: Pax Britannica (Latin for "British peace", modeled on Pax Romana) was a period of relative peace in Europe when the British Empire held supremacy over the sea routes (1815-1856). Pax Britannica did not last very long except that the territories acquired by the English were already very widespread on Earth. Spreading their European genetics across the seas, bringing back and carrying away all sorts of peoples everywhere and implanting their ideological-political system with universalist pretensions in all of their nascent colonies. Condemning their descendants a few centuries later to be nothing more than globalized regions, cosmopolitanized and replaced by the third world by these same so-called overseas populations, and this within these own empires emptying from within their own basin of formerly European populations.

In addition to the new threats to our individual, family and societal freedoms brought about by the imposition of the New World Order (Globalism) agenda and globalization in general, after having replaced themselves by millions and millions of individuals from the third world in the name of the capitalist economy and the emphasis on short-term profits (for example in the USA 90% of the population was of European origin in 1950 and in 2050, only 100 years later, the former British and other white peoples will only be -50% of American citizens so you have to be pretty stupid to replace your own population by more than 50% in less than 100 years no people do that) the old White Rats are jumping off the plague ship of the City now leaving for the Countryside, because ETHNICALLY they simply do not feel at home anymore. This phenomenon is well identified and listed by sociologists in the name of ''White Fly'', so when whites feel that they are becoming a minority in a neighborhood, then they move to another region that is ethnically more compatible with theirs because they feel safer with people of the same genetics and culture (the majority of ethnic groups are crammed together in the same way by ethnicity in the Italian, Chinese, Arab, etc. neighborhood). Your show further confirms the uselessness of the dystopian project of society that is Multiethnicism and Multiculturalism which only works in principle on paper, but very little in reality where people do not mix so naturally, will rather tolerate each other in the name of pseudo-universalist principle (genetics of the same people = clone therefore better organic self-mutual understanding). Obviously, whites will never say that they are going to the region, because they were no longer able to live in an open-air ethnic dump and they felt insecure everywhere, because they no longer recognized themselves in any citizen of their neighborhood! No, they will say that it was because the city had become too noisy, dizzying, not convenient enough, etc. Invisibilist Deist Religions have no place in elementary schools, because even if Spirituality is legitimate (without a necessary institution), the attempt to impose prayer rooms in schools was rather with the aim of hypocritically Islamizing Quebec as in English Canada or the Federal Government of Ottawa, demographically replacing English Canadians at a dazzling speed never seen in all of American history with rates of 1/2 million immigrants from the third world per year (Western demographic suicide).




The American Indians or Native Americans, have voluntarily or not changed their name several times. At the very beginning, they were called "Indians" since Christopher Columbus thought he had arrived in India via the Atlantic Ocean. Then the European navigators realized that they had instead discovered a New continent so they called themselves Native Americans. This name did not please them after several decades so they decided to call themselves "Natives". After years of being called that from now on they want us to call them the "First Nations". For my part, I find that the name Native American is the most logical, descriptive and accurate in terms of qualifying their entity as a people. Because in fact they are "natives of America", the same as any other terrestrial people calling themselves Aborigines for example, so all populations were in the primary indigenous version at one time. The term indigenous refers to a bit of the same concept, similar to the notion of indigenism, therefore being more reserved for them specifically, because few peoples bear this name. The term they have chosen in our time of "First Nations" is much too generic and therefore means absolutely nothing, because all indigenous populations have necessarily been First Nations somewhere on the planet at a given time. Are we talking about the First Nations of Asia? The First Nations of Africa? The First Nations of Europe? The First Nations of Australia? The term first nations means absolutely nothing and does not really define them as a people of America. Someone on the other side of the world hearing this qualification will not know at all where they are the first people of something. Surely in Canada they wanted to be called "First Nations" similar to the name "Native American" in the U.S., except that this name in English shows the term "American", so we know that they are in America. The expression translates poorly into French so if we just say "First Nations of America" ​​then we understand better, however this term becomes a bit long to pronounce unnecessarily. Finally the term "Native American" being easier, precise, and the shortest to state consequently it appears semantically to be the most accurate and relevant by being imbued with more class and nobility of linguistic definition. To better understand the definitions of semantic terminological concepts: the general Generic terms are: Indigenous tribes, Aboriginal peoples, First Nation & the Specific Proper Name terms are: Lapps of Scandinavia, Eskimos of Siberia,Inuit of Nunavut, Native Americans of North America (Canada, USA), Mayans of Middle America (Mexico), Aztecs of Central America, Incas of South America, Pygmies of Africa and Aborigines of Australia. We could certainly speak of the First Nations of Mexico, this would still be too general a term lacking specificity, so when we speak of the Mayans from then on we know more precisely which people of North, Central and South America we want to mean more particularly.  


Along the same lines, if we European descendants are the First Nations of Europe, where are our Ancestral Rights? Where are our protected territories reserved for our indigenous European people for hunting (formerly the Woolly Mammoth)? What are the political measures of the Protectionists and Preservationists of our history, our culture and our genetic heritage? Yet we are an indigenous people who appeared in Europe thousands of years ago, just like all other native indigenous populations!? Today's European politicians are inherently uneducated and have never, ever thought of claiming Ancestral Rights on their territory of continental appearance, because they simply do not want to be seen and considered as coming from indigenous stock, which is not only legal nonsense, but historical nonsense. The young European generation will claim all these legitimate rights loud and clear in our time, do not worry about it. Given international legal law, similar to the situation of the Amerindians and other planetary peoples, they will have no choice but to reserve some ancestral rights for us, like all the other First Nations of the planet who have claimed them throughout human history.

Source (Vikings in America):


Involution is not only for animals, but also valid for Humanity which can regress at any moment, its genetic quality is not frozen in time, the highest probabilities rather go towards a stagnation including a plateau and then a genetic regression, which is exactly what is happening in our time. Becoming a super evolved civilization with 300-500 IQ points, big heads, giant humans with "super powers" at the limit is much more unlikely, because it would require extricating oneself from one's animality and previous states of evolution, which is immensely much more unlikely. In other words, there is still a lot of work to be done to restore the situation and become a true galactic level civilization.

Already the Maghrebians in the north (Haplogroup E1b1B) have much better IQs than the protohumans of the jungle and savannah. When the Egyptians built the Pyramids then these populations were no longer in ''proto'' mode, they already had silky hair, closed nostrils, etc. Humans after Haplogroup A and B of Africa are the Aborigines of Australia C with already less straight hair and more closed nostrils. Haplogroups A, B and C are a civilizational genetic trap or scourges in the sense that they can alone equate to the situation where all human groups would return to the African jungle as they were 300,000 years ago and more.


Phenotypic observations and research on our rare genetic features on Europeanness, that young millennials  in the US in schools, colleges and universities and in movies almost no longer have blue eyes, because no protectionist measures were taken decades ago so everyone is slowly becoming brown and beige (except Superman who comes at the end, but he is older  in 1983). Scandinavia needs to have an annual day to celebrate our uniqueness and not repeat the disaster of genetic loss similar to the United States of America where once over half the population had blue eyes at the turn of the 1900s according to official statistics, because it was a majority British population.  Sub-Saharan V1 and V2 (Haplogroups A & B) and Aboriginal V3 for example (Haplogroup C) replace European V10 (Haplogroups R1a to R1b) and Native American V12 (Haplogroups Q1 to Q3). In movies like ''Giant Spiders'' from 1975 there are actors and actresses that you wouldn't find so easily nowadays, so you would have to look harder to get this set (big head blond hair actor and blond hair actresses with light eyes typical of that time of the generations around 1950-1970. Nowadays, actors and actresses look more like Spanish looks than red-haired British (Pippi Longstocking 1997) and platinum-haired Finnish actresses from the early 1920s among Hollywood studio actresses.


A reflection that took me a long time to realize in several stages is that European society has, in my opinion, literally missed its appointment with the emancipated future of efficient space colonization. First, the Russian Europeans including Tsiolkovsky invented the first plans for space rockets in the 1800s, then the Germans at the turn of the 1930s with their quality engineers and Werner Von Braun were able to create V2 missiles, ancestors of current rockets, finally with the American and Russian space program the conquest of space became possible for their society, but also for all of humanity. At the turn of the late 1970s the first home computers appeared thus making possible the creation of computerized music, therefore more and more artificial, robotic and futuristic (this period of a new era clashed greatly with the period 1960 to 1970 when the Babyboomer generation operated rather a return to the earth of the grano type focused on human values ​​and nature). We can clearly hear and see the future of humanity in space through music videos from the 1980s or the computer synthesizer. was fashionable, futuristic clothing and decors, so in my opinion the Western European population was exactly at the junction of its potential development in space, because all its musical, artistic and other culture was moving more and more towards a spatialization of all its spheres of analysis and grasping of modernized and especially digitalized reality. Often, I try to find examples of what I affirm in this thesis even if the examples are numerous there are not so many video clips that I find absolutely relevant to present to prove my words (some clips of Bonnie Tyler, etc.). When we look at the films and video clips of the 1980s then everything seems futuristic, square, silver and on the way to becoming an ideal society of space. However, why this tangent did not take shape and rush directly towards its manifest civilizational destiny. For several reasons whose causes I often explain in my research, but essentially they can be explained by some precise directions of society. To begin with, I would say that the Americans are directly responsible for this, because the Russians were operating on their side substantially the same process of spatialization of their society and all their technological developments very focused on space progress. The evolutionary momentum of the Russians was essentially stopped by the fall of the USSR or money finally ran out from 1991, because a good part of their budget was dedicated to the military and their race against the Americans in their establishment in space (example of the Buryan Shuttle Project being an imitation of the American space shuttle established in 1981). Subsequently, they reinstated their space program except that the drainage of their budget was never as substantial as when the central government of Moscow appropriated the majority of the budget of the Soviet people for the development of its space machines.



Human DNA = 21,856 genes, 23 chromosomes, 300 million base pairs (ATCG) of which only 5 to 6 million bases make the difference (where human evolution has been for 70,000 years, i.e. the exit from Africa) between individuals, i.e. 0.4% of DNA or 99.6% of identical genes from one human to another, length of 2 meters unrolled. Even if we have 99.6% of the same DNA from one person to another, it still makes a big difference between a Pygmy (3-4 feet, frizzy hair, small ears, etc.) and a Scandinavian woman (6 feet, with light skin, silky red or blond hair, green or blue eyes, etc.) in the observable phenotypes, because we also have 98.7% of the same DNA as a Chimpanzee or 1.3% difference which is not huge. This is why I think that Humanity of the future in 1 million years, will have to gradually differentiate itself from its primate ancestors with a minimum of 2-3% difference and even better 5 to 10% (civilizational deprimatization instead of sub-Saharan reprimatization or even worse robotization by dehumanizing cyborgian androidization).

HISTORICAL NARRATIVE INFORMATIONAL CLASH (speech of ancestors with a horizontalized vision based on the passage of ages experienced) 

It has always been important and in all eras to listen to the elders who have lived through several times and have a horizontal vision of history and the solutions to put forward. The host (who reminds me of one of my former teachers) generally quickly understands (verticality of intelligence) the explanations of the dozens of guests on TVLiberté, except that I don't know if he would be able to summarize their points of view well and depending on his youth or his ability to summarize, he has certainly heard of laws or political measures applied in 1973, however we see that the author Romain Kroës specifies certain answers or corrects him, because he himself was alive and not only learned this information in the past, but also linked other information around it which makes his vision more global and complete (example: he watched television in the morning with his wife in 1973, he read the 1973 newspaper, he talked about this news with the employees of his office, he heard different analyses of this law afterwards, etc.). The best specimen to have for any people with a very broad "horizontalist" vision would be a person who is at least 200 to 300 years old, or even 500 to 1000 years old, who has lived through several eras since the Middle Ages, and could therefore explain to us very precisely the evolution of people's behavior from those periods to our own, criticize societal advances and regressions, etc., etc. Consequently, even today, it is very useful to always learn more about the different human historical periods in books in order to artificially seek this partial horizontal vision a posteriori. On the other hand, a person with existential experience would have a much more real and credible vision, would have a better glimpse of the Zeitgeist (general cumulative thought of the people of that time), even if she could not know everything about what was happening on the European continent in Russia when she herself was French (these events were nevertheless subsequently listed in history books), or if her intelligence was a little lower, because she was born in the Middle Ages and suffered from malnutrition (slight variation of -5 to 10 points, with a Down's syndrome person it would not work, because its explanatory rendering would be too reduced, preferably the best would be to have access to a gifted person like Voltaire who has the most supported and intellectualized vision, although less close to the normal life of people), or she could not read, because she was born to peasants and not nobles, had no teeth in her mouth, etc. her synthetic vision of her testimonies of the passing of eras would be the most unique, the richest and truest. The best would be to have access to a person coming directly from antiquity,2000 years ago having the possibility to tell us about the evolution of European civilization from its main foundations (ideological, cultural, philosophical, religious, etc.). I think that every time a person with so much backwardness would speak to us and share his knowledge and impressions, then we would be amazed and impressed by these words each time and we would constantly experience informational conflicts similar to if humans from the future would speak to us or extraterrestrials would reveal truths to us about the history of their civilizations.


The beautiful European genetics of German women already existed 100 years ago in greater quantities than today! The figure of 1000 babies born following a youth party in 1936 must have been pure government propaganda. A government order even required healthy men to procreate by state obligation and in fact promote rapid birth rates in the generalized war effort. We are today very far from this era of ultimate enhancement of the nuclear family. Trudeau should review his history lessons. The best video I found on the Internet explaining the formation and spread of Haplogroups in Europe. This video demonstrates more than ever that the Western multi-ethnic project will generate high irremediable destruction of the extreme mixture of all human Haplogroups together, in just a few individual generations if no law and protectionist measure protects the people who want to be protected over time and especially on their national territory. The proximity of peoples will not be divided and distanced as in the past by large geographical regions where peoples mix a little at the ends, but rather they are all mixed up in exactly the same city with all the modern genetics! 

Source European Identity: A Story of Genes? (Herodote Video):


I was able to resolve these 3 similar questions over several years of reflection by talking to different people and I was finally able to see the similarity of the answers according to the main types of explanatory arguments listed. First, my uncle told me in a conversation that Jesus and the Germans had had contact with beings from above, probably meaning Extraterrestrials (providing Jesus with secret truths about the world without it being directly a hypothetical God who provided it to him and the same phenomenon with the Germans who would have taken advantage of Extraterrestrial knowledge to acquire superior technologies over the allies). I did not really believe this argument at first except that I tried to find exactly the logical reasons that would invalidate this type of reasoning. Secondly, I had a discussion with what seemed to me to be a religious fanatic (without any ideological perspective on his own beliefs in the invisible) asserting hard as iron that like his people he was personally the chosen one of the prophet and that the latter revealed to his people all the tangible truths and solutions about the world. Jesus of Nazareth, if he had really had contact with Extraterrestrials would have had much more advanced and elaborate truth about the fate of human existence than information of the type "turn your cheek to your neighbor if he hurts you" contrary to the law of Retaliation, not to "worship the idols of the golden calf" like Moses and the 10 commandments and all other very uninformative information on the real keys to the universe. He would also have been able to be informed in advance by the good Lord or the Extraterrestrials that Judas had betrayed him, revealed his position and that the Romans were preparing to capture him so he could have escaped some time before instead of being taken prisoner, then whipped and sacrificed by crucifixion on the hill of Golgotha, and this unless he had to serve as an example of martyrdom in front of his people amazed by the finality of their prophet. The same for the other pseudo-prophets of the desert, the believer told me that his prophet knew about the crows, yet they are not present in the desert. I answered him that he had perhaps heard about them simply from a person who had traveled abroad. He answered me that he was part of the chosen people, because his prophet had found all the truths about the universe. Well I asked him why his prophet in contact with the God of Gods had not given them the solution to invade the world in his time instead of being stopped by the European armies in France at Poitiers in 732,his God should have known how to proceed and given them the exact solutions to beat Charles Martel, which historically was not the case at all and their Holy army had to retreat instead and were even chased out of Spain 800 years later during the Reconquista. Why if they were indeed the people of the chosen ones did they not discover electricity (except in the ancient version of the batteries of Baghdad), did not invent the incandescent bulb to light their homes instead of using candles made of beeswax or tallow, that they did not know how to go into space first of all human peoples? That it was rather the European populations who had this historical privilege and found them chronologically one by one by their genius of manifest inventiveness. This is exactly the same type of reasoning that can be applied to the reasoning that during World War II, the Germans had established contact with Extraterrestrial entities from outer space. If the Germans had likely had Extraterrestrial emissaries working for them, then why did these emissaries, who were thousands if not millions ahead of human technology, not suggest that they put all their efforts into making the atomic bomb instead of concentrating their time and money on completing their armies of thousands of Panzer, Panther and Tiger tanks? The physical phenomenon of thermonuclear reactions is widespread throughout the cosmos, so this technology could certainly not have escaped any Extraterrestrial civilization whatsoever. So this civilization would have quickly informed the Germans that their V2 missiles had to be quickly equipped with nuclear warheads, because this simple invention would have allowed them to quickly win the war without any large-scale land invasion simply by telephoning the leaders of the governments concerned threatening to send their atomic arsenal on their main cities, which would have made them give in after a few uses on national capitals in Europe and overseas. The Germans had certainly already started an atomic pile project with uranium in their Haigerloch laboratory under the research of the scientist Werner Heisenberg, however they were far from the progress in physical sciences achieved by the Americans only a few years later leading directly to the creation of the first fission A bomb (Little Boy) and then the fusion H bomb (Fat man) both dropped on Japan on the city of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.Forcing the Japanese Emperor Hirohito and the general in chief of his Japanese army named Hideki Tōjō to the unconditional surrender of their armada in the Pacific based precisely on the incontestable superiority of American nuclear weapons over the rest of the other world armies of that time.

Source (Werner Heisenberg):
Source (German atomic pile):
Source (Battle of Poitiers):
Source (Golgotha ​​Hill):
​​Source (chronology of lighting techniques):


After years of reflection, I have resolved the more than century-old question of why ghosts appear, which are essentially, in my opinion, simply a phenomenon of quantum origin. Personally, I believe in almost nothing of the so-called "supernatural" phenomena (natural but not yet explained) except ghosts, which seem partly credible to me according to the multiple testimonies provided by different observers over the ages. The appearance of ghosts is indeed real, even if it is difficult to circumscribe the substrate in which these entities are materialized, having come to haunt us in our particular era. It is a phenomenon similar to a momentary "bug" or "error" of quantum order that occurs randomly and is therefore very difficult to predict over time. These entangled ghostly particles and/or waves (probably with a geometric structure of fractal origin) are the operating mechanism when we see an apparition of a ghost or former spirit of a person who was once alive at another age. On the other hand, these punctual phenomena occur most of the time in the same place or a circumscribed space, for example a house, a cemetery, a road, a forest, etc. because the wandering soul is associated with it. As a person has already existed physically speaking (theory of locality) he has already been local to a place in a certain time, so his existence has been entangled with his atomic particles (ghostly particle entanglement) but also with other sets of particles in his former living environment (room, house, apartment, objects, etc.).


This is why we can speak of 1 particle minimally entangled with the old person who already existed, therefore being able to be reactivated voluntarily by prayer (vibrational mode) or when it activates itself in the phenomena of the appearance of ghosts listed thousands of times in the testimonies of people who say they have seen such types of strange physical manifestations. At the moment when there is a punctual bug of entanglement of quantum spaces-times, then a very short glimpse of the passage of the person who lived in a past era, appears to the person or people of the present era as if the past time merges with the present time however in the same space (superposition of quantum states). This entanglement of temporalities in the same physical space allows us to see those who have inhabited the same places whether it be 5 years, 10 years, 100 years or even up to 1000 years and more in the past (modern building, Renaissance mansion, castle, Egyptian pyramid, etc.), because for the universe there is no intrinsic limit of temporality to which it can go back, everything is relative for the temporality of the universe.


According to the theory of locality or non-locality, an object that has already been local with another. For example, 2 galaxies that meet somewhere in a galactic cluster but which subsequently will not remain together because of their initial speed too high, even if the latter travel to the other end of the universe, according to this theory, they will keep physical traces forever of their meeting so that we can never again say that they never crossed paths somewhere millions or even billions of years ago. The theory of quantum ghosts is of the same ilk, in the sense that a person who has already lived in a universe x, cannot be removed from it and will leave memory artifacts of memory inscribed in the physical matter no longer able to deny his passage in a given universe (if we presuppose the existence of simple universes versus a metaverse where an infinity of parallel universes agglomerate).


The observation of the phenomena of "spatial entanglement simultaneity errors" seems to be less frequent (an egg that falls to the ground and breaks and then goes back up on the table to weld itself together) do not happen often or rather 1 chance in billions at the level of probabilities (more stable law of the physics of materials even if the space and time variables are always linked together). However, "temporal simultaneity errors" seem to happen more often especially in places that have been inhabited for a long time or there have been several sudden mortalities that have caused quantum ghosts with more residual energy charges (poltergeist). For example, the most frequent testimonies report observations of ghosts in door frames (or people have already passed through several years ago), in the stairs up or down (individuals have already gone up and down the stairs many times during their life), sound footsteps are heard upstairs (people have walked thousands of times in a room so an "error" in superposition of sound temporality will make the footsteps of the inhabitants of yesteryear audible in a very short period of time), the corridors and open passages of castles are a fairly common place where ghosts are frequently observed, ghosts have also been seen literally crossing walls, lights can open (quantum ghosts have a certain amount of electricity allowing them to interfere with a standard electrical network), doors can open or close suddenly without the help of the wind (the ghosts have a certain stored potential energy allowing them to interfere with the movement of atoms and therefore wood). Normally the ghost only acts mechanically and walks in a corridor at his own time, he repeats tirelessly like an audio cassette always the same walking patterns where he once walked.

So when there is a quantum state superstition entanglement 'bug' (more common in places where generations of people have lived or in places of violent crime for example) then it is only we observers in our current time who see them.

Castles are good examples. However, there must be a probability (exception to the rule but they happen in every system) that during the quantum "bug", we also enter the ghost's dimension, so he sees us momentarily for a very short time (in his time or in our time I can't say, because there can be an inversion of the arrow of time in quantum physics or in other modern models on the chronology of time or the principle of reverse causality) so when the ghost sees us in his spatial and temporal dimension then he can head towards us. Which would explain why some people have claimed to have seen ghosts that seemed to follow them, rush towards them or haunt them repeatedly in a house as if they were frustrated to see them in their home and wanted to chase them away.

It doesn't matter if the ghost sees us in his time in his own temporality or he sees us in our time by entering our current temporality, the result is that he still sees us and even if he is not fully conscious or not conscious at all, he is attracted to what moves, energy, regardless of the actual materialistic physical phenomenon.

There is the famous story where the woman had put away toys in the center of a room, she closed the door or the light and when she opened it again, all the toys were upside down along the walls. So I thought to myself, this is very similar to what we would observe as phenomena in quantum physics where all events can happen, and the probability of such an event happening is higher when there are "ghosts" in the space environment nearby. Even if quantum physics is associated with phenomena occurring at microscopic subatomic scales, the appearance of ghosts is quantum physics at the macroscopic level.


What has been most often reported is the appearance of a whitish spectrum or on the contrary a rather dark ghost, which reflects the relatively translucent nature of the specters which are rather of a misty form not perfectly distinguishable to the human eye. The people who have reported apparitions of ghosts with very precise facial features are probably false or are simply due to the personal interpretation of the observer who will complete the image with his own memories, because the spectrum cannot be perfectly identical and precise in the detail of its particular ghostly exteriority. Impressions of cold air currents have often been reported in the presence of a ghost, as if the temperature had suddenly dropped and that we would even feel it on our skin when a spectrum passes near the observer. Multiple accounts have reported feeling the equivalent of a presence in the same room when a ghost manifests as if someone were standing behind or next to the person feeling the ghost nearby.


Cases of ghostly possessions would also be possible in part if one or more quantum ghostly particles are still entangled with a deceased being and insinuate themselves inside another individual and interfere with this other partially possessed physical entity (- 1% potential influence of a ghost of yesteryear on a person living in their existential actuality). According to several cases recorded in history, it would seem to be risky to wake the dead by moving their burial place, because their spirit entangled there would be automatically stimulated and would come to possess, haunt or interfere in some way with those who disturbed their sleep. For example, the case of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, several archaeologists were struck by lightning following the opening of his tomb, which had been hidden for centuries under the sand in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. And this, in addition to biological reasons such as germs and infectious spores contaminating the air of tombs, it seems that the entangled ghosts can be disturbed and suddenly awakened, therefore stimulated vibrationally speaking, by the fact that their body is moved from its eternal rest. The famous case of the dried mummy Ötzi dating back 5,300 years found in the Italian mountains at an altitude of 3,210 meters is a similar example where the 8 people who worked on its exhumation in the frozen earth all had a fatal fate in just a few years of archaeological discovery. Therefore, when a body remains after death, it is not an entirely empty and inert envelope, there is still a part of the person inside, their entangled spirit is still inside, even if this quantum phenomenon only leaves 0.000001% of residual trace. If we take the case of the mummy of Ötzi found near the Austrian border, the only one who was spared from the said curse is the Italian guardian of the body who spoke with the remains at the very beginning of the museological conservation and showed him that he was there to respectfully ensure the integrity and preservation of his remains in a room at -6 degrees Celsius. This is why the dead must be treated with respect, because there is still a particle of a person inside and they do not like to be moved unnecessarily when they have been in balance for a long time with their eternal resting place. With time and decomposition and then the material degradation of the body, then its atoms or entangled ghostly waves will gradually mix with the soil all around and lose a little in vibratory energy power given their spread in nature. These examples clearly demonstrate that it should not be moved, or should be done with the utmost care and caution,the millennial mummies or it would temporarily reactivate their entangled ghostly subatomic particles. Another observable fact is when in the same old couple man and woman or the same family several brothers and sisters, if one of the 2 people or members of their family dies then the probability is higher for the other(s) to die subsequently as if an entangled ghost drags another and so on. Ghosts seem to have a certain power to drag other people close to them into the world of the dead, and this in a completely unconscious way, because this phenomenon is located at the energetic or vibrational level, and as if the dead envied the living and wanted to bring them to them for a certain period of time after death. Stories have also reported that by standing near a freshly dug hole before lowering a coffin into the ground, then they had the feeling of being drawn towards the pit as if the dead wanted to bring them down with them underground.


Historically, what is interesting to relate in the treatment of the deceased are the rituals that the population normally reserved by habit, customs and traditions for the dead. The uneducated population applied certain rituals that initially seemed only superstitious, however, which in my opinion still have a basis of scientific truth. The feet of the dead were brought out before the head so that the spirit would not see the home from which it came, the door was also sealed afterwards. The funeral procession hummed a song and took a path where the deceased often passed or on the contrary a path would not recognize later, in case its ghost found the road, etc. All sorts of measures to prevent the return of spirits to the house still inhabited or they did not want ghosts to come back to haunt them with revenge. Criminals or problematic people considered damned by religion were buried at the crossroads to confuse them in their funeral march in case their ghost came to find their home, family or other individuals in order to haunt them in retaliation.


It is very likely that burning a corpse will expel its ghost more quickly, even though it is entangled with its body, towards nature, which will absorb it more quickly and will no longer come to wander in its former living environment or haunt the living. If we were to believe that mummies still seem to have a quantum spirit attached to them, even thousands of years later, when they are moved, their entangled particles seem to stick to the people digging them up and bring them bad luck like a certain curse. In other words, moving a person's ashes posthumously to the ground would be much less likely to stimulate the ghostly entangled particles than moving a corpse that has been in the same place for 10,000 years or even worse 1 million years, unless there is almost nothing left of the remains. Therefore, if we want to keep the quantum ghost intact, it is better to never cremate the person in order to leave the organization of their atoms perfectly well structured and wait for time to slowly decompose and destructure the body particles. The traces of terrestrial quantum ghosts, whether animal, vegetable, energetic or human, will only be burned and expelled definitively when the Sun enters its inflationary expansion phase in 1 billion years and destroys the entire Earth. Space travelers could see residual ghostly specters appear in the terrestrial region but the probability would be much lower since their former place of wandering would have been perfectly destroyed.


For example, mirrors were turned around or hidden by a sheet, which made it less likely that the spirit would be absorbed (if one believes in ghosts at all (which is immensely more likely than believing in a hypothetical God who created the universe before the universe even existed)), because mirrors are one of the household objects that most store the vibrations of events happening in front of them. Mirrors are a bit like cameras that have reflected the real events that have happened in front of them, and therefore will accumulate certain existential vibrations. Taking a photo or video of a person will absorb or freeze in time a part of their soul (instantaneity of the existentiality of their temporality captured in a very specific space-time context). A very convincing example is that a war bayonet knife that has been used to stab hundreds of people will not have the same aura or vibrational charge as a perfectly new knife that comes out of its box (different vibrational mode of the 2 objects according to string theory).


When we make a prayer (vibratory mode of intentionality) to a person or even an animal with 1 entangled particle then it will start to vibrate at a distance and reactivate the ghost particle therefore the physicality of the ancient being. Quantum physics also allows exceptions, because it is probabilistic, in the sense that all probabilities can occur at one time or another as well as the fact that 2 temporal states overlap in the same space is quite possible and probable on an extended time scale. So thinking about a person, looking at their photo or a historical video will partially reactivate their ghost, etc. (for example, all the documentaries of authentic period videos on the Internet about Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Hitler, Mussolini or others partially reactivate their ghost or spirit and give them back more power than if they were only described in text or even worse forgotten forever, the phenomenon that a deceased person fears the most is that their existence in the universe is forgotten forever so their spirit will go further into space or remain less terrestrial). It is interesting to revisit the ancient myths and superstitions practiced by our ancestors and validate with modern theories what could or could not have had a basis of physicalist truth. Naming the names of deceased people, watching their videos, reading their already written texts, looking at their photo or work indirectly has a certain power of evocation of the dead, their spirit in memory and their ghosts given the large quantity of audio extracts of voices of actors/actresses of the time recorded during old horror films from the 1900s (example of Belà Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Max Schreck and Vincent Price, etc.). Similar to the character of the professor who operated the Tape Recorder from another age in the film Evil Dead (The Opera of Terror) by director Sam Raimi in 1981, when the young people play old recording tapes in order to invoke the dead, which is metaphysically credible in part. So similar to what the tribes meant to the photographers of the early 1900s when they were photographed, they thought that their soul was captured by the film and probably there was some truth in these statements. When a person is filmed then their soul is partially captured by the camera or the photo at a very precise moment in their history and that of the universe, so when the images are replayed then this person captured on a specific medium indirectly comes back to life and their spirit can be restimulated in the afterlife. This is why any bank of videos from times gone by allows you to revive these missing people as well as their unique speech,reactivates their mind somewhere and must give you some strength in the process which can increase longevity by being future viewers of film strips via the camera and modern analog or digital players. Similar to old projectionists in a timeless cinema that constantly replays films from times gone by and brings back to life actors/actresses from bygone eras.


We should never ridicule the dead and have a pretension to be in the world of the living compared to them, or else they will come to get you more quickly and drag you with them into the world of shadows. For example, we should never stare at the photo of a deceased person or it literally brings bad luck (pretension of the living). I think rather that if we invoke their memory, we must do it with the greatest respect by giving them only the greatest tributes and honors of their existence as our ancestors even if they were sometimes our contemporaries. We must rather venerate them and bring us luck but also and above all pray to them, beg them to protect us by letting us live in health and stay longer in the world of the living. If we give thanks to the spirits and ghosts, this activates their ghostly atoms and they protect us, because otherwise their atoms remain motionless in space and time when they are perfectly forgotten by everyone.  erhaps some imposter spirits can be invoked instead of those we think of similar to the testimonies reported with the Ouija Board calling evil, tortured or more commonly called Demons. However, vibrational thoughts activate or not a specific spirit to a certain extent. Spirits cannot completely save themselves from beings of the past like a skeleton, because entangled after as long as it is not 100% decomposed (cremation destroys ghosts) and this can be long, because skeletons of dinosaurs from 65 million years ago are still found. (not just a pile of Calcium) And when ancient human skeletons are moved, it seems to reactivate their spirit and brings bad luck to those who exhumed them (archaeological example of the thousand-year-old mummy of Tutankhamun or Ötzi in the mountains on the border of Italy and Austria).

Source (The  Ghosts ):

Source (Curse of Otzi):


The peoples of Europe are the true creators of the first giant humans in warlike and civil history as much at the beginning of the 18th century through the Prussian army of Prince Frederick II son and King Frederick William father of the House of Hohenzollern (Die Langen Kerls). This natalist project oriented towards the best genetic representatives of Europe was thought of as early as 1688 by the authorities of Prussia, then materialized by the Grenadier soldiers and the close guard of the high leaders of the royal nobility all wanting to be equipped with this type of protection (identical to the profession of Bodyguard in our time that establishments, stars or presidents always choose preferably with imposing statures of ice cabinet because being able to control or get anyone out of a festive event or problematic presidential situation), and this in several other European kingdoms, namely in France, England, Austria, Denmark and Russia. At the time, it was common for rulers of kingdoms to offer each other diplomatic gifts in order to maintain good relations between countries, which is why several kings sent to Prussia not material gifts or money, but rather the tallest citizens for the king sergeant of Potsdam. The taller a Potsdam guard was, the more he received a hiring bonus and a high garrison salary, regardless of whether he distinguished himself as a good soldier compared to shorter guards. This same mating ploy was later taken up during World War II via the German army and within the natalist project of Lebensborn. His Majesty Frederick William has nothing more and nothing less than tried the experiment of creating Amadeus humans before anyone else since he kept under his wing nothing more and nothing less than a legion of 2500 to 3200 people, practically equivalent to an entire village to run and finance in its smallest organizational details (financing of housing, armaments, community activities, quality food ensuring good growth of children, etc.) on an army of 40,000 registered in 1713 and 80,000 soldiers in 1740. The most brilliant and biologically credible thing is that the number of people in the capital of the giants guaranteed that even if men and women reproduced between them, the risk of inbreeding (founder effect) was relatively low and therefore could not have caused dramatic congenital malformations. It is to be assumed that the leaders of the 1930s in Germany had indeed heard of the great Potsdam grenadier soldiers and therefore also wanted to continue the military traditions of their Prussian ancestors who had preceded them temporally by only 200 years earlier. Chronologically,300 years later myself being of French, British, German, Russian and Irish origin of the 6th generation (haplogroup test in support), I was the first modern world medical researcher to revive and pursue further this notion of human gigantropism in my studies dealing with the same biologically still most advantageous morphological variables in our time. Apart from the bodyguards of the nobles and volunteer grenadiers, I do not see the express purpose of keeping giant soldiers only with the objective of throwing grenades further on the field of honor (10 to 30 meters of additional distance maximum with the heavy grenades weighing 3 pounds) when in fact they were little used in reality except to ensure the military security of the Potsdam suburb and this given the recruitment price too expensive. Even if some of the troops lived in groups of 4 grenadier soldiers with normal Prussian families (this situation of familiar promiscuity having indirectly increased the number of children per household), some were able to lodge and reproduce with tall Prussian women, which concentrated the genes of greatness from 1726 to the present day (theories on reproduction and visions of the future clearly failed them at the time when the son Frederick II of Prussia stopped his father's natalist experimentation), which would certainly have already given us European Amadeus generations in 3 centuries of selective mating of high genomic quality. Which allows us to affirm that Frederick II is the most idiotic human in the entire history of humanity, because he prevented our civilization from reproducing superhumans with a controlled lineage and endowed with physical and intellectual superpower. The selective breeding experiment of the visionary King Frederick William I worked well because over a period of 27 years, from 1713 to 1740, he arranged by mating no less than 4 generations of peasants from a multitude of European kingdoms, which subsequently truly produced a generation of taller people in the Potsdam region of Prussia. When the Grenadier Regiment was disbanded in 1740, it numbered no less than 3,200 soldiers of more or less gigantic size. Tall people, smarter people, who wear colors and/or live longer are not an end in themselves (generational genetic end) even when brought together in a team, a group or a plot of people, so they are rather the embodied unitary beginnings of future generations to be pampered and coddled, because they have rare genes that few people possess,and this by a careful generational selective choice of this fact they will become by default more and more efficient and will improve the distinctive peoples and/or civilization quickly in itself. If there has been moderately on average a contribution of 10 to 20 cm more added to the size of a normal human from the year 1700 to the year 2000 therefore in 300 years, from then on it has to be predicted that today's youth should naturally reach average sizes of nearly 6 feet and 6 or even up to 7 feet in height if all goes well within an equivalent time of 300 to 500 years maximum or around the year 2500.


Normal height of a human in 1727 ⇛ 1.67 m or 5 feet and 5'' 3/4

Normal height of a human in 2016 ⇛ 1.76 m or 5 feet and 9'' 1/4

Schwerid Redivanoff (Russia) ⇛ 2.04 m or 6 feet and 8'' 1/4

Jonas Henrikson (Denmark) ⇛ 2.12 m or 6 feet and 11'' 1/2

James Kirkland (Ireland) ⇛ 2.17 m or 7 feet and 1'' 1/2

Daniel Cajanus (Finland) ⇛ 2.47 m or 8 feet and 1'' 1/4

Source (The Giant Soldiers of the Sergeant King 18th Century):

Source (Potsdam Giants):

Source (Daniel Cajanus):

Source (Russian Giant Soldiers):

Source (Die Langen Kerls):

Source (Soldiers King of 8 feet):




Here is the precise plan of the Canadian elites, to artificially inflate the population of Canada from 35 million to 100 million in order to weigh more heavily demographically compared to the US (1 Canadian for 10 Americans), but also to create a rapid economic market for capitalist companies that only think about short-term profit and have little concern for the native and colonizing inhabitants. This is why you will observe a replacement of the original populations for those of the third world in record historical time or our traitorous government will seek no less than 50 to 70 million inhabitants of the third world (Africans, Arabs, Hispanics and Asians) to replace the founding Amerindian and European populations. Even if the federal elites believe in this insane project, by analyzing the statistics and ethnic determinisms and the crime linked to them, we can expect a meteoric rise in racial tension and racial crimes, because no one will look the same in the country, a rise in wars and religious extremism, because too many religions will be compacted on the same territory, an accelerated interbreeding between the different world populations tending irreversibly towards brown while the European native populations were very white, a destruction of the social fabric, because no one will have the same ethnicity and religious or ideological belief even if the government falsely exercises strong multi-ethnic propaganda, civil war is easily predictable. An immensely destructive demographic and above all economic project (in line with societal projects based solely on immoral and replacement capitalist economic growth) against which all provincial governments and the Canadian population must revolt and put an end as quickly as possible before it is too late.


Our Western government authorities want immigrants, they have a project of 100 million Canadians, but 30 million former Canadians and 70 million blacks, Arabs, Asians and Hispanics. For example, 50% of immigration to Quebec is either African or Arab, because they speak French. The first ethnicity with a genetic delay of 80,000 years (everyone looked like an African 80,000 to 300,000 years ago before we left Africa and began to evolve in different geographies than the Jungle and the Savannah) and the Arabs themselves have a cultural delay, because they are still stagnated on their old deist religion of more than 1400 years (what we others since the 60s have put the church outside of society and government) + a lot of aggressive genes since they are a desert genetics

with their Genetic and Cultural Delay, they will slow us down and bring us back to their level the more their numbers will increase the same as in France in the Islamized suburbs or the Ghettos of the Africanized USA.. But our governments don't care, because they are capitalist whores who sell our country in small pieces, they sell our quality of life that everyone wants to have on the planet, the quality of life and the highest standards brought by the intelligence and inventions of Europeans, or the Nordic societies which already for 100 years in Paris, Berlin, Moscow, etc. were much more evolved than the Chinese at that same time or they were still at the rural level of the countryside eating rice in the rice fields and did not have drinking water everywhere in the city, no cars, no rockets like in Germany no trains, etc., Tram, etc. millions of inventions.

It is certain that the Great Population Replacement is a Crime against humanity. The same phenomenon would happen if the Band Councils on the Reserves opened their territory to mass immigration because the Amerindians do not reproduce fast enough and do not work enough, then they would invade them with millions and millions of Africans and Arabs in the name of $$$$ and the GDP so the Amerindians would be betrayed by their government which would fill its pockets in the process, except that if the Amerindians did not have measures to "protect their cultural and genetic heritage" then their Culture would disappear and their genetics would be diluted after years of immigration.

For African or Arab genetics (instead of the white genes they had, the blue, green eyes, the blond or red hair genes, the Nordic intelligence genes, the paleness that everyone wants to have on the planet, because if Africans had colonized and civilized America then today they would have frizzy hair and open nostrils) which would degenerate their embarrassment, and they would be Islamized themselves with the crazy Islamists.

A good modern example I find is the forest that they sold to private interests or others, they sell the natural resource in the name of $$$, but destroy their ancestral territory, it is an example of Capitalism where everything is for sale including its demography, its territory, its own people who are delivered to the third world, etc.

In Canada, Justin Trudeau has authorized the immigration of 400,000-500,000 immigrants per year!!! Half a million people per year out of a population of 32 million, so he is replacing our population at a record speed at rates of 1/70 per year all in the name of the GDP of the economy and to pay the debt of 300 billion that he has put on our heads in less than 10 years of political mandate.. He is a money whore and the World Economic Forum of Klaus Schawb and the biggest capitalist billionaires on the planet who do not give a damn about protecting national populations and just want to make $$$ from world populations.  Both the Native American and European populations are going to be replaced and mixed in this massive migratory mess! There are already millions more Africans in Canada than Native Americans because of their absolutely stupid migratory policy never seen in the history of Canada. ...


The Golden Rule in terms of Immigration is: 1-Genetic Quality (equal or superior), 2-Reasonable Quantity (ensuring non-replacement of native stem populations and Cultural Compatibility (Ideology or Similar Religions & Genetics (genomes not too far away in time and space). People often confuse racism, intolerance and minimal protectionism of their demographic, cultural and civilizational achievements. Even if I personally admire the Chinese and Japanese people a lot (whom I consider to be equal in intelligence and resourcefulness to Europeans regarding their ability to generate inventions and new technologies), if one day the Canadian government wants to immigrate 1/2 billion Chinese to Canada then I will start to hate them and find their presence undesirable simply because I am concerned about not being replaced. Same for Native American reserves, if their Band Council forces them to receive 1 million immigrants from the third world every year and they risk being threatened with replacement on their ancestral territory (reserves in the south and north of Canada) and well they would be right to react to their political authorities. Same for Africans, if their government sells their territory, their resources and their demography to China in exchange for money then the native Africans would be quite right to object to their replacement even if the Chinese have the 2nd highest IQ of humanity and risked to better manage and make Africa profitable which nevertheless holds the most prolific natural resources on Earth. It is a question of quantity of immigration, not just a question of unconditional acceptance of the genetics and migration flows at play. It is also a question of civilizational compatibility, a predominantly Islamic immigration will not integrate well with a host population whose profession is associated with Christianity, old rivalries will only become more pronounced as the replacement and millions of new arrivals arrive who are completely opposed to Christian values, ditto for hordes of millions of Catholics who would immigrate to the Middle East. Genetic quality is also important, so no one would want old outdated cannabis genetics that people smoked and planted in the 1970s with 7% THC, the genetics of plants or humanity have evolved and people are now consuming 25% THC strains sold in federal dispensaries. A client or a country should not accept containers of genetic qualities below its own and fill its country at all costs with old African genetics that no one wants, because it has been outdated for tens of millennia,It is not being racist to want the best quality for your people who only ask to evolve, not regress to earlier stages of their genetic evolution. You think that with continued multiculturalist and multiethnic propaganda you will definitively convince the Euro-Canadians of origin and the Amerindians (10,000-12,000 present in America), but your propaganda is only artificial and is the opposite of several autonatalist policies like with Viktor Orbán in Hungary. In the most execrable of directions, your government promotes non-deist sexual sects such as that of the LGBT movement and favors deist ideologies not based on the invisible of a hypothetical God (equivalence of a religious supremacism having precedence over the rights of the natives. On the contrary, you prefer to brazenly accuse the founding European populations (ancestral right of presence of + 500 years in America) at the slightest minimal identity claims of preservation of biological and ancestral heritage as a national cultural title. In the same way, that it is forbidden to replace one planetary population for another during an illegal extraterrestrial invasion not permitted by a galactic federation, the replacement of people on a national or continental scale of more than 50-75% must quickly be instituted as a crime against humanity. As a result, the injured populations and those in the process of being replaced will be able to fight with legal weapons the governments that are the least bit replacementist and legitimately protect the integrity of their national territory, their history, their language, their culture and their specific genetics according to the land region in question in the process of being replaced.that it is forbidden to replace one planetary population for another during an illegal alien invasion not permitted by a galactic federation, the replacement of people on a national or continental scale of more than 50-75% must quickly be instituted as a crime against humanity. As a result, the injured populations in the process of being replaced will be able to fight with legal weapons the least bit of replacement governments and legitimately protect the integrity of their national territory, their history, their language, their culture and their specific genetics according to the terrestrial region in question in the process of being replaced.that it is forbidden to replace one planetary population for another during an illegal alien invasion not permitted by a galactic federation, the replacement of people on a national or continental scale of more than 50-75% must quickly be instituted as a crime against humanity. As a result, the injured populations in the process of being replaced will be able to fight with legal weapons the least bit of replacement governments and legitimately protect the integrity of their national territory, their history, their language, their culture and their specific genetics according to the terrestrial region in question in the process of being replaced.


I notice that the "Chinese poor quality of items" has now become the globally standardized "normal quality of items", which means that everything breaks after 1-2 years, no longer does the expected function, etc. Subsequently, what is of average quality is now made of good quality and good quality is now high quality. In a multi-ethnic world, what is predicted is that a kind of "mediocre genetic quality" of the third world will soon be the "normal genetic quality" of mixed populations no matter on the planet or multiculturalist societies will have wreaked havoc in the name of an unnatural "living together" and societies based almost solely on relativistic monetary, cultural, ethnic and geographical values ​​in the name of the market economy. It is not because they are not good people individually, but because they arrive by the millions like the products of goods from the countries of the South at a good price so the territories end up being saturated in population, and this even in Vietnam where the Vietnamese would end up being ethnically replaced compared to the millions and millions of people arriving from all over the migratory planet linked to the migratory flows of global warming and the quest for better living conditions in the West.  


Canada now replaced in 50 years after 400 beautiful years of European colonization. Western Europe replaced, Paris replaced by the third world, Ottawa replaced, Toronto replaced, Vancouver replaced, Montreal replaced, Sainte-Hyacinthe replaced, Contre-Coeur replaced, Longueil and Sherbrooke increasingly replaced by Islam and Africa, India, South America, etc. Soon Quebec almost completely replaced by the south due to your weak and overly complacent policies with the federal government and replacement companies. Reduce the immigration thresholds to a maximum of 5,000 to 10,000 non-European immigrants per year (and there are still enough artificial reproduction techniques in our time that we will soon use in space to reproduce human beings) and take inspiration from peoples with aging populations like the Japanese where they intelligently increase the number of machines and robots working in factories, invent a parallel currency for the care of elderly people, accept a certain economic slowdown, the time of the renewal of European and Native American populations, etc. Instead of trying to transform Canada into a small multi-ethnic United States where racial tensions are increasingly high, take instead the model of Russia and Eastern Europe less replaced where there remain 170 million Russians including 130 million whites, because these peoples did not undergo the American project of reconstruction of Europe with the Marshall Plan of 1945 which was the beginning of the end of Caucasian Western Europe.


The migratory invasion of the third world is coming towards us, we must stop our scum of politicians and businesses who are replacing us, a civilization of Europeans + Native Americans with ethnic groups from the third world (Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and Africans)! In a balanced vision of demographic management of the terrestrial genetic heritage, we do not replace Europeans with Mexicans (as in the southern United States, we do not replace Chinese with Japanese, we do not replace Africans with Chinese, we do not replace Mexicans with Vietnamese, we do not replace a population of blond Scandinavian women with Aborigines, and we do not replace Pygmies  with red-haired Irish women with green eyes, etc. Peoples of indigenous origin or colonization of several hundred years ago do not have to be replaced in a few generations in the name of the Great Terrestrial Multiculturalism, each people has the right to preserve their genetic and cultural identity beyond the ages that pass.

In the future, the "replacement of people" in the name of a variable as weak and precarious as the short-term economy must be considered a "crime against humanity" for example and the old neighborhood of my father where I grew up when I was young, I stayed just 10 minutes by car, but this poor neighborhood was replaced by African immigrants... it's disgusting what we are being done to, it is certain that the crime rate and racial and therefore social tension will increase in the coming years.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau, this enemy of the national European populations, had the "multi-ethnic" clause added to the Canadian Constitution of 1982.

Mass immigration (according to Renaud Camus, the author of the Great Replacement theory) is a problem that comes from the 1980s, when the Baby Boomers were too stupid to encourage the minimally  sufficient self-reproduction of their European population and instead opened the borders wide open to mass immigration for fear of appearing  too racist after the wave of the Second World War, but these would have been only "protectionist" measures and minimal preservation of our founding indigenous populations. We must not confuse "intolerance" of other peoples with the "minimal need" of not wanting one's own people to disappear under the weight of mass immigration! Few people make the difference with the self-accusing propaganda that falsely inflicts on advertisements coming from both the provincial and federal governments.

So for 40 years we have been replacing our population in the pseudo-name of the shitty cosmopolitan multi-ethnic molasses project leading only to the Great Replacement and the Great Miscegenation! 

In 10 years they have replaced entire neighborhoods with non-European or Native American immigrants, which is absurd for the populations who founded and civilized these northern territories for hundreds of years of history!

Imagine what you are going to do to us in 50 years!! There will only be Africans and Islamized Arabs left in Canada,  plus a few European and Amerindian genetic traces throughout.

Continue to ignore the problem and perpetrate useless political measures instead of protecting your culture and your people at least a little (+ assumed genetic protectionist measures or else we, the young generations of European descendants, will not let you spend peaceful old days when you lose diplomatic immunity and we are in power, because we will happily accuse you of crimes against humanity by Great Replacement of people by Great Interbreeding of our European Haplogroups R1a + R1b + I1 + I2 + N).


The population of English Canada is extremely naive and never looks at the crime statistics in the world of the ethnic groups that they receive by the millions at home (FBI statistics: African, Hispanic, Arab, etc.). Muslims commit more than 10,000 to 15,000 terrorist attacks on Earth each year, including in Western countries such as Europe, England, Australia, etc. and soon Canada. With the massive immigration that we are undergoing, 1/4 of Canadians are now immigrants from the third world according to Statistics Canada. The Great Replacement is well underway in the country of capitalists where citizens are only a value and a potential economic unit and not values ​​of cultural and biological units (see 36 minutes of the video). In the capitalist system, they don't give a damn about the utopian project of an ideal multiculturalist society, it's just a pretext and false accusations of racism so that the European and Native American populations don't react to their Great Replacement. This elite obsessed with short-term profit will replace us to the last one with Africans, Arabs, Hispanics and Asians.


Immigration from the Third World to the West is THE ultimate reason for the increase in crime in Montreal. Historical statistics show us that for generations in Quebec the crime rate was very low, because the European native populations commit few crimes, but since 2017 and the invasion by immigrants refused by the US and their migration to Canada, the fact of filling your city with these human genetics with high criminality (lower average IQ, higher aggressiveness because of the testosterone level in Arabs, lower cranial volumes, culture of crime brought by these populations such as Jihad, honor killings, terrorism, culture of street gangs and pimping, incitement to Hate and Violence in Rap, etc.) all these factors have drastically increased the number of crimes committed on your metropolitan territory like in the US (see FBI Statistics 2016 to 2022 or American police officers no longer know how to curb these immigrant crimes) and you should alert Ottawa to tell them to close this sieve as soon as possible, because the populations European strains are not only being replaced on the land they have cleared for 400-500 years, but they are being mixed with these ethnic groups that you blindly promote, they are being Islamized by them, they are being attacked, robbed and raped by them and your fault, and their beautiful and admirable city is increasingly becoming a criminogenic multi-ethnic genetic dump in which no one dares to go out at night or go about their business. Nature has never been politically correct, so act the same way. 

The Police don't even have any more money to fight African and Hispanic crime so citizens have to form militias. You will have EXACTLY the same problems in Montreal in addition to terrorism, Jihadism and Islamization identical to the problems experienced in France in the cities, you are only at the beginning of your criminal hell, the Multiethnic honeymoon will soon be over, bands of blind people who do not see further than the end of your nose by not being in any way probabilistic and do not see the determinisms of crime linked specifically to each ethnicity and their historical culture of crime. 

Source (Bankrupt City: Life Without Civil Servants):  



Due to the astronomical amount of mass immigration of ethnic replacements, these being only the resurgence of ambient capitalism where citizens are only seen as a unit of economic value'' instead of potential units of cultural or biological value. The projects of multi-ethnic societies are identical to Orgies where in the same weekend all human populations mixed together in the orgy. Identical in a multi-ethnic society it is exactly the same phenomenon that happens, but over a few generations of 5 to 20 at the most, i.e. in 250 to 500 years up to 1000 years at the most, then everyone will end up mixed race sooner or later. Then there will inevitably be a complete flattening of the phenotypic and therefore genetic characteristics essentially bringing us all back to the brown of the early days of Humanity (no more Red, Blond hair, Blue, Grey and Green eyes) thus an irreversible global loss for the human race as a whole towards the Global Mixed Human (entire mixture of all Haplogroups in the same individual). The new immigrant arrivals are very beautiful and beautiful in generation 1 to 3 and especially still different phenotypic speaking however sooner or later their differences will fade towards an irreversible genetic mixture.

HUMAN MIGRATORY DUMPING or PEOPLE DUMPING (massive immigration and replacement of any terrestrial native population)

What is the modern capitalist business practice of ''Human Migration Dumping''? The fact that Companies with the help of Governments on the ground (needing a minimum of labor if possible cheap) will go and look for ''human merchandise'' of poor quality (for example with old African genetics, societies with lifestyles from another age, outdated religious customs and/or retrograde cultures not at all in phase with the populations or the merchandise will be dumped by millions of containers). And this is the same as poor quality products from Asia for example which can be used for a short time, but quickly fall into disuse, because they are precisely of poor quality (ditto for the quality of a society which will quickly decline, because it is newly composed of weak links from the third world and therefore from a poor  manufacturing chain). Then the vain Companies will bring them by ships and/or planes to the targeted countries with the objective of flooding their native population and especially their labor market with new hungry employees accepting almost any working conditions, because they just do not want to return to their country of origin where the quality of life was lamentable, because proportional to their often low average IQ, their potential low civilization rate and their more or less advantageous history for these populations x,y,z. When the merchandise of various products or low quality human peoples arrives at its destination, then the merchants and citizens on site are surprised by the poor cultural and genetic quality of this new merchandise freshly arrival of the third world, ask their government authority why all of a sudden they should share their territory with this merchandise of a lower quality level than theirs (for example send millions of containers of black Africans to blond Scandinavia where the populations are more than 80,000 to 315,000 years apart in terms of genetic evolution) and the authorities will answer them that they should rather stop being xenophobic, racist, withdrawn, etc. (the pejorative lexicon often used, but never seen in the perspective of a legitimate protectionist identity awakening) when however these founding populations are quite right not to want to be replaced by poor quality from poor countries. The Governments respond that once they arrive in the country, these people will be clothed, fed, housed, and the founding inhabitants will not see that the merchandise comes from the desert or the jungle, that their way of life was hundreds or thousands of years behind once well disguised as Westerners. The beauty of Multiculturalism is to think that these cheap third-world products and this same human will blend in well with our population, especially by letting them live exactly the way they lived in their native third-world! Human Migratory Dumping should be as much PROHIBITED as the Dumping of bad Goods, and even more so, because these are not simple objects that can be sent to the dump when the time comes, however they are indeed human waste with which we are well and truly stuck with them until the next potential civil war.

The concentration of resin genes in the Marijuana plant, is reminiscent of my example of the Quality Gene Funnel, since the 1970s we have been crossing and concentrating the best varieties with the most THC, and well 40-50 years later you have this type of genetics that has taken a long time to concentrate its genes precisely.

This can be full of Gene characteristics that we want to concentrate (+ resin, + cold, sun or humidity resistance genes, more size genes to have larger productions, more genes associated with flavors (terpene, etc.), more concentrated genes that make a plant grow faster, etc., etc.

If you mix all 300 kinds of pot together, you will flatten all the genetic characteristics and get a very average mixed plant, grows averagely fast, average resin, averagely adapted to any terrestrial climate, this is the effect of multi-ethnic societies with populations with interbreeding rates exceeding 5 to 10 different human ethnicities over 10 to 20 generations of mating.

Concentrating the best desired genes is far superior in bringing out specific desired characteristics. Labs and people  are very picky in choosing the best genetics based on phenotypes. All breeding and cultivation is of the same nature except humanity itself which selects and crosses its best elements for fear of discrimination, but this makes that with the generations the quality of the general DNA deteriorates rapidly.  It is highly probable that the majority of extraterrestrial civilizations themselves always concentrate the best genetics together with the objective of incessantly improving their overall genetic quality.

This is the easy way that species evolve by good crossing, otherwise it is the faster genetic manipulations or you do nothing and all your genetics mix together with the time factor.  Place all kinds of pots in the same field and you will see that the following year all your genetics with particularities will be mixed at a record speed and impossible to re-isolate afterwards. 

The males will send their spores all over the fields and lower the THC levels.

In the natural state where there are equal numbers of male and female plants, if you have an old 1970 Skunk variety with 7% and small buds, it is no use crossing it with your modern 2022 variety with large buds and 30% THC, you will regress your good genetics in just one mating that will have about half the THC.

Matings often result in half the characteristics of both the male and female.

Today's crops or breeding around the world use almost only crosses of very modern and high-performance genetics, because the market wants to have the top quality, this is normal.

Cannabis strains that don't have enough concentrated big bud and mega production genes will be discredited the vast majority of the time.

Growers in most regions of the Earth are more likely to seek out strains that are closer to 30% THC, which would be equivalent in port markets to discrimination against old strains with 5% THC, which would be equivalent to less Inclusion and Diversity of potential products in the genetic choices made by Western governments when making demographic choices without being seen as intolerant and supposedly racist.


⫸ Indigenous or Native Continental Population [IA (Native African), I-Au (Native Australian), IE (Native European), I-As (Native Asian, I-Am (Native American), IM (Native Middle Eastern), IO (Native Oceania)] is the native population having evolved in a specific terrestrial or planetary geographical region for several tens, hundreds of thousands of years (for example the Mayans in Mexico or the Aborigines in Australia).

⫸ Prototype Population of Planetary Version (V1, V2, V3, etc.) or the first genetics that appeared on a planet x, y and z having become intelligent before spreading across the continents. V1 (African with Haplogroup A: -315,000 years), V2 (African with Haplogroup B: -80,000 years), V3 (Aborigines with Haplogroup C: -60,000 years), V10 (Europeans with Haplogroup R1a and R1b: -40,000 years), V12 (Native Americans with Haplogroup Q1: -12,000 years).

⫸ Generation 1 (G1, G2, G3, G4, etc.) or the Generation that was present at the start of the multi-ethnic project on its national territory or of continental genetic appearance (original I) in the multi-ethnic Project, or the other native terrestrial Indigenous Peoples (IA, I-Au, IE, I-Am, IM, IO) arriving at a time t (time) on this same territory (space) of immigration of the native Indigenous Populations.

⫸ Interbreeding 0 (M0, M1, M2, M3, etc.) or the level of interbreeding of an individual M0 is an individual not interbreeding in his own group of Haplogromic genes (for example a Russian R1a has a child with a French woman R1b), M1 being a first level of interbreeding between 2 continental ethnicities without the same initial terrestrial Haplogroups. In the USA, the interbreeding rates are now very high, they arrive at individuals at least M3 to M5 comprising a minimum of 3 to 5 different ethnicities. Humans M5 to M10 or even worse than M20 can already be considered as part of the cohort of World Interbreeding Humans (addition of the majority of continental terrestrial Haplogroups in a single individual unadapted to all terrestrial regions).

⫸ Replacement Speed ​​of Territorial Indigenous Populations (VR10, VR50, VR100, VR500, VR1000, etc.) or the approximate time period required for strict individual quantitative replacement, and in addition to the variable of the rates of interbreeding that will be required for the almost complete replacement of a population by others. However, this indicator of the variability of the fluidity of demography does not fully take into account the reproduction rate of the natives themselves, which usually amounts to around 1 to 3% maximum of the normal national birth rate (1 to 3 children per Western woman). The lower the figure for the Replacement Speed, the faster the replacement of people will be. For example, in Canada there were 35 million inhabitants (mainly European founders + Native Americans + some other ethnicities from low non-European migration rates) so with immigration rates of 500,000 people per year, mathematically 500,000 migrants x 70 years = 35 million people, so the Canadian population will be replaced by a factor of VR70, or in 70 years all of its indigenous genetic populations will have been changed by those of other terrestrial ethnicities in the name of societal projects x, y and z. Another example, if in Vietnam the population is 100 million people, with immigration rates of 500,000 immigrants per year then it would take 200 years before being completely replaced so this population is subject to the replacement vector VR200. The Japanese, who number 125 million individuals (98% native Japanese), but who only accept immigration rates of 1% per year, therefore approximately 125,000 people, would require a replacement time of 100 years, therefore VR100, if the Japanese reproduced very little or not at all, which is never perfectly the case.

⫸ Speed ​​of Interbreeding of Territorial Indigenous Populations (VM10, VM50, VM100, VM500, VM1000, etc.) or the time required to almost entirely interbreed a people with genetics other than their own. The more the government that manages them in a given territory and the companies providing the goods and services adopt cosmopolitan ideologies praising the alleged advantages and societal virtues not only of multiculturalism, but also of multiethnicism, the faster and more permanent the speed of interbreeding of populations subject to these ideological doctrines will be. For example, advertisements showing Africans (IA, M0 or Mixed Race 0) opening a bank account with a European (IE, M0 or Mixed Race 0) for their supposed future family, then people will automatically associate themselves with this type of message advocating multi-ethnicity and form more interracial marital unions than if the advertisements are only mono-ethnic and/or never promote it or even better discourage it by various evaluative methods. The same goes for films that once rarely presented inter-ethnic couples, now only make amalgams of human genetics pell-mell without worrying about the problem of generalized miscegenation (American films especially multi-ethnic, Russian and Indian films rather mono-ethnic).

⫸ Hybridization (H/E1, H/E2, H/E3 human-extraterrestrial) either by proportion of genetics crossed with compatible DNA (for example a 97/3 individual has 97% Human genes and 3% Extraterrestrial genes, etc.).


It was the Europeans who first brought Humanity into space in 1961, already 62 years ago. Humanity owes them respect and veneration until the end of time based on the service rendered which is to harness itself from its home planet by the visionary power of the technology of a people compared to other peoples without space programs. As a result, other non-European terrestrial populations (essentially other than Haplogroups R1a and R1b) have a moral and legal obligation to also protect human polar genetics as much if not more than Caucasians themselves, being more than 90% ignorant of the rarity of their genotypic characteristics linked to evolutionary geographic factors (the reason being that the majority of people have no knowledge of anthropology, the notion of intelligence by ethnicity and genetics). If non-whites do not help Europeans preserve, stabilize and reproduce their genetics then they will not get the color genes, because Caucasians themselves hardly have them anymore because they have not taken care of them for at least 50 to 100 years. If immigrants help us duplicate our Nordic population DNA, then we can then give them our rare genes through fertility clinics or cloning or sequencing genetics labs. Given the drastically falling white population rates in the vast majority of Western countries, soon non-Caucasians will no longer have the legal permission to breed with them, just like zoologists who must prevent Panda or Grizzly bears from breeding with Polar bears if they want to keep their particular genotype and phenotype in full. Otherwise, both Europeans and other terrestrial populations will forever lose the genes of whiteness or paleness as well as the genes of the 4 human colors which will irremediably mix in the Great Generalized Miscegenation (self-destructive project of a Western multiethnic and multiculturalist society). Native non-Europeans will never obtain or acquire only highly tarnished color plots which have become completely uninteresting from an aesthetic point of view (often observable in the new generation of mixed-race youth with weak color reflections) given the low saturation of the hues and therefore the genetic rarity lost, because too diluted in the brown pigmentation.



Often in astronomy, we give the analogy of a space-time that would swell according to the expansion rate of the space-fabric fading with the seconds and millennia that pass (example; the grapes being the galaxies, the dough the universe so when the bread swells immediately the grapes move away because the structure itself gradually expands and does not expand only at the external limits of the bread being baked). I would also agree with other relevant and instructive analogies on this subject. First, when we are interested in history then we study the life of Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, etc. and we can have the impression that they are still here beyond the historical eras in the same places that they have trodden. Well yes in a way, in the sense that they were in precise geographical places, but however in another time, another era, another slice of temporal bread. For example, Napoleon was indeed in Paris in 1812 on the landing of the sidewalk facing the Élysée (Was Here), in another time period he was indeed there. Temporalities are juxtaposed in the same bread one after the other, 100-year slice by 100-year slice, we are only 20 slices of bread after the one where Jesus Christ swarmed in the city of Jerusalem, if we could return to Jesus' time period, we would be geotemporally one of his contemporaries and could see him praying in the desert. Obviously, only immortal objects all pass through the bread, but we mortals can only glimpse a period of 1 to 2 slices of bread at most, therefore we have a limited experiential vision compared to a fully whole vision offered by the transcendental lucidity of the historical perspectivity of the horizontalism of sight. Secondly, we Europeans have been in the north of the planet for over 1 million years, so if each human generation is roughly calculated over 100 years then that's 10,000 slices of bread. So for 10,000 generations or slices of bread then all our slices are white (hard earned, because obtained by freezing these populations in the polar cold), and in our time where politicians and companies often unaware of these horizontal temporal and genetic variables, will open the demographic project to put in the bread bag all the unimaginable slices of brown bread with all the ratios of grains, fibers and different coloring clearly not going at all with the high rates of whiteness of the 1 million times of the bread of yesteryear. So, according to this project of a browning society, in the space of about 100 to 300 years, or the thickness of 1 to 3 slices of bread,so the government in a phenomenal disregard for the native European populations will replace and change the color of the bread making it irremediably brown forever. To summarize, a white loaf of 10,000 to 14,000 slices having slowly whitened over a period of 1 million years to finally have become brown in the space of only 3 small slices of century-old bread!? These politicians, banks and capitalist companies criminally responsible for illegal population interchangeability must be put in the dock directly by the native populations themselves, and this once they become aware of these variables and do not want to disappear for a large mixed loaf all the same and identical to the size of the planet. Thirdly, the quality of the last slice of bread, the ultimate result of previous history, is therefore directly proportional to the quality of the bread before, so if the quality has suddenly decreased in the last generation due to poor genetic, cultural, etc. quality control, then automatically all the rest of the bread loses in taste quality and will subsequently have little chance of returning to good quality in future generations. So it is extremely important for any civilization to exercise quality control of the ingredients of its population bread with the aim of preventing a bad spontaneous generational recipe from giving only poor quality later for the next millenarian recipes of bakers in the demographic bakery of peoples. For example, a multi-ethnic mixed flour recipe with brown multigrains + white flour will now only give brown bread a little faded by all the terrestrial ethnic flours as well as with the same dull and similar mixed taste of all peoples from one Western region to if the quality has suddenly decreased in the last generation by poor control of genetic, cultural quality, etc. and well automatically all the rest of the bread loses in taste quality and subsequently will have difficulty in returning to good quality in future generations. So it is extremely important for any civilization to exercise quality control of the ingredients of its population bread with the objective of avoiding that a bad spontaneous generational recipe does not give only mediocre quality subsequently for the next millenarian recipes of bakers at the demographic bakery of the peoples. For example, a recipe of mixed multi-ethnic flour with brown multigrains + white flour will now only give brown bread a little pale by all the terrestrial ethnic flours thus with the same dull and similar mixed taste of all the peoples from one Western region to if the quality has suddenly decreased in the last generation by poor control of genetic, cultural quality, etc. and well automatically all the rest of the bread loses in taste quality and subsequently will have difficulty in returning to good quality in future generations. So it is extremely important for any civilization to exercise quality control of the ingredients of its population bread with the objective of avoiding that a bad spontaneous generational recipe does not give only mediocre quality subsequently for the next millenarian recipes of bakers at the demographic bakery of the peoples. For example, a recipe of mixed multi-ethnic flour with brown multigrains + white flour will now only give brown bread a little pale by all the terrestrial ethnic flours thus with the same dull and similar mixed taste of all the peoples from one Western region to another.


We must rather favor the BIRTH of the Native Americans and Europeans of origin who founded the West the country and who are the most legitimate to receive money for their precious procreation. Giving amounts of $10,000 to $20,000 dollars to the founding couples of the country (minimum national natalist preference) is much less expensive than paying for the integration of an immigrant from any region of the world. The Japanese invented several types of money to help elderly people pay for their home help so it is also possible to invent an alternative money to help new families of origin and maintain a genetic, cultural and historical homogeneity instead of a multi-ethnic molasses which quickly became a poor societal and civilizational quality. Also remove the LGBT (non-deist) Sexual Sect from primary schools, because it reduces the birth rate among young people now pornographed by the culture of hypersexualization and make your propaganda less sexually diverse, instead favoring the traditional model of the nuclear family which has proven itself and regenerated humanity for millions of years (modern models generate few children and will sooner or later lead to generational sterility).


The north of the planet has been the territory of the whites for 1.4 million years in Europe, between the 40° and 70° north parallel of the Earth's latitude (Nature reserve of the whites where there is snow). Much longer than the Amerindians with their 10,000 to 12,000 years in the north of America (Nature reserve of the First Nations). 120 x more time therefore = 120 times more legitimate in the north.

Europeans are just too innocent to claim Ancestral Rights and are instead replacing themselves with the third world because of their inability to reproduce adequately. In Canada, we are about 35 million inhabitants founded essentially by the Amerindians, the French and the British (so all these peoples have Ancestral Rights including Europeans). According to the Liberals' projects, they want to increase this figure to 100 million by 2100. The problem is that to reach this figure these idiotic politicians want to fill our country with non-Caucasian immigrants such as (Africans, Arabs, Asians, etc.) which means that according to demographers the European descendants with this genocidal project of European populations (Theory of the Great Replacement and the Great Miscegenation) we would be made only 30% (visible minority) and the non-Caucasian immigrants Nordic 70 million. On the contrary, we must do as the Chinese and lead a demographic policy of sustained birth rate (supported and enshrined in the Canadian Constitution) mainly favoring the reproduction of European and Amerindian couples in order to colonize Northern Canada and represent the 2nd largest global reservoir of whites after Russia with 170 million inhabitants, but 130 million whites. Because otherwise Western Europe is completely cheated and slowly destroyed by the Southern Ethnic Groups (France, England, Germany, etc.) not to mention the United States which is the world's worst dumping ground for southern ethnic groups leading this society to the brink of the breakdown of interpersonal relationships (extreme social tensions caused by racial tensions which countries with similar demographics such as Scandinavia and China do not experience) given the excessive number of ethnic groups with different genetics and diverse cultures in the same territory (space-time). See my Theory of the Civilizational Enclosure.


European populations must bring their fake millions of ideological enemies who seem semantically limited on the fertile ground of biological naturalism, protection and preservation of living organisms according to their geographical temporal appearance, therefore our Right to Ethnic Preservation and in this specific area we will have 1 billion arguments against them so they will no longer be able to respond and will have to adhere to our cause. And not only on linguistic protectionism which happens to be harmless when the vectors below are from another population (example replacing the genetics of all Native Americans with Aborigines while even if the latter speak Algonquin perfectly, the indigenous people of the reserve have been completely washed out at the level of their DNA so calling them the first nation of America no longer has any ontological meaning and relevance).

The PROTECTIONISM of peoples and the PRESERVATIONISM of biological species, I am talking about a universalist concept applying to ALL, but I mean ALL possible forms of life, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, so my point places the discussion at the level of biology, therefore of nature in which Humanity also finds itself by default. In the sense that any biological species as much as the Brazilian Dolphins, Siberian Huskies, Bengal Tigers, Congo Chimpanzees, but more precisely at our level of discussion on the Nordicness of the 20 polar white animals: the Arctic Polar Bears, Arctic Coyotes, Arctic Wolves, Arctic Foxes, St. Lawrence Belugas (White Dolphin), Snowy Owls made white by the north, and the evolved primate version the Northern Europeans with also very little melanin pigment in their organism given their habitat at latitudes where the sunshine is very low. In this naturalist perspective of minimal preservation of all species including human haplogromic variants, would it be moral, ethical or even legal to replace the Polar Bears in danger of extinction (like the Europeans now being only 300 million on the planet) by all the other kinds of bears on the planet (8 species of bears: American black bear (1 million individuals), Brown bear (250,000 individuals), Giant panda, Polar bear, Asian black bear Panda (2000 bears), Malayan bear, Spectacled bear, Sloth bear) in the name of living together at all costs between animals and the short-term capitalist economy of terrestrial beasts and this in the obsession with the growth of the annual GDP? Even though the polar bear has inhabited the northern regions for over 600,000 years (weight of ancestral rights heavier than a Grizzly bear arrived for 2 generations irremediably crossbreeding the first bears into half-brown Pizzlys crossbreeds) when its Grizzly ancestors left America from the more clement latitudes towards the North Pole. See the new Grolars metics of the north increasingly numerous in the Arctic, called the Pizzlys. The reasons for the white color of the fur and the blue eyes of the Northern Chimpanzee variants (we must protect the brown chimpanzee of the African jungle as much as the white chimpanzee version of the North).


Robotic or informational Eugenics will be much more dangerous, cold and inhuman than biological Eugenics, even if they are 2 forms of materialistic perfectionism. And stupid Humanity with low Qi rushes into it, because it has never experienced Mechanistic Eugenics, since 1945 it thinks that Biological Eugenics is necessarily always bad, which is a very serious error at the level of what the majority of extraterrestrial civilizations usually undertake, improving themselves and not like in the USA, flattening themselves ethnically and especially returning to the protostrains of the African jungle.


Shrimps who don't know who shrimps are, will let themselves be replaced by third world seafood like Native Americans who don't know who Native Americans are or Whites who don't know who European natives are and have a unique DNA or Culture. A country that voluntarily assembles all the ingredients in the same recipe, with the time factor that mixes and fuses all the ingredients together during cooking, will only taste the same execrable shit flavor in a few hundred years by the irreversible phenomenon of Great Miscegenation (the initial immigrants are all G1 or Generation 1 with their typical terrestrial phenotype, but the G10 to G20 will all end up looking alike) irremediably occurring at the advent of the Global Mixed Human (human with all terrestrial haplogroups concentrated in the same individual therefore unrecognizable and unsuitable for all terrestrial geographies).

SPEED OF REPLACEMENT OF NORTHERN EUROPEAN WORLD POPULATIONS IN THEIR INDIGENOUS TERRITORY OF APPEARANCE = 1 MILLION TIMES FASTER (a few centuries maximum) COMPARED TO THE NATURAL STATE OF PREHISTORIC ANIMALS OVER 100 MILLION YEARS [Mesozoic Era (Cretaceous), Tertiary (Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene) and Quaternary (Pleistocene and Holocene)]. 

The old maps of the distribution of blue eyes in Europe and later America were the result of the 13 founding British (native Britons and Irish) and French (native Celts, Germans and Normans) colonies in the central US. These maps are only a few decades old and are no longer up to date at all because with the massive immigration from the third world to the north the percentage figures are now equivalent to removing at least 1/3 to at least 1/2 of the light blue populations from the map. On comparative paleontological time scales, the prehistoric animals of France were replaced in 100 million years by the other continental animals growing naturally from continental East to Western Europe. The European human populations will have been replaced by their Government (Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel, etc.) and the capitalist globalist companies in about 100 years, therefore in a period 1 million times faster than in the natural state. As soon as the means of transport made it possible to travel about 1/2 million to 1 million people per year from one continent to another (instead of a few thousand travelers formerly by merchant ships during the colonization of America or Australia), well the Governments immediately used this method to dump the population of the third world in the north of the planet Earth. This is why these governments of replacementists with short-term thinking are guilty of Crimes against Humanity since in nature we cannot replace animals with others (replace polar bears with Grizzlies, etc.) including the native human populations indigenous to our time in a stabilized political world. 




The best graph explaining the invariable frequency of occurrence of the phenomenon of civil war according to racial and cultural tensions in the projects of multi-ethnic and multiculturalist societies (example of Lebanon, USA, France, etc.).

This is a revealing example of the potential for the destruction of Arab + African immigration in just 1 week of riots, imagine what would happen if the French state dared to go and hit the beehive to teach them a lesson! In the event that the government decides to crack down on these cities, similar damage will occur x 2, x 3 up to x 5 to x 10 after months of confrontations, which will then be called a civil war and not a guerrilla war as Laurent Obertone states. At the moment, the worst thing is to watch on television as well as on the Internet, many advertisements still praising the merits of multi-ethnic societies, as if this were to be paradise on Earth in the West, and well no our countries will become criminogenic hells on Earth similar to the replaced France and the highly mixed United States. All the politicians who are responsible for this demographic massacre must pay a high price for the great replacement and the great crossbreeding that they are making us undergo, both during their lifetime and then for future generations who must condemn them forever in the eyes of history so that these societal projects never become naively fashionable again among the peoples of the future, especially in the north of planet Earth.

Multi-ethnic immigration supported by a multiculturalist doctrine being pushed beyond certain thresholds of % of genetic and ideological mix is ​​fundamentally erroneous and bad in itself (utopian, too theoretical, universalist and careless of ethnic differences linked to the natural separation of peoples by terrestrial geographical borders) and can only lead to the collapse of any terrestrial or extraterrestrial civilization, because it naturally increases the entropy of social, racial, cultural tensions, etc. Historically, the extreme mixing of citizens in the same society has statistically often led to the collapse of societies (e.g. Rome) in this case the USA (the West in general at this time when white European civilization is going to be destroyed under the weight of its unbridled immigration for decades and its desire to live absolutely according to multi-ethnicism).

MULTICULTURALISM = MULTICONFLICTUALISM no matter the planet in question! 

Compared to the riots of Africans in the United States in 2020, the Arabs seem much more aggressive, precise and above all perceptive, not to say relentless, in their reprisals against the French state, because they target nothing more and nothing less than dozens of families of French Mayors who must now hide in town halls under high surveillance. Africans have on average a lower IQ around 85 average points in the United States (even according to Google), so their projections of bad moves are less elaborate, so they started fires everywhere in American cities left and right, but never with targets as targeted as the fires started by the scum of the cities. These populations with the highest crime rates of the Human race, will be arrested for example 1 million times per year and when out of the quantity there is unfortunately 1 police blunder (example of George Floyd in the USA or young Nahel in France), then they will use this pretext to victimize themselves (perpetual systemic victimization of minorities) set fire to and bloody the infrastructures and attack the political elites of cities or their families of the third world were nevertheless welcomed with open arms just a few decades ago by generations of naive Europeans on the serious consequences of the mixture of multi-ethnic societies and then of their inevitable demographic self-replacement. I think there is a naturalistic probabilistic statistical parallel to be made with these new societal observational data on the criminalistic data of the replaced France, my estimate is that in Nature, biological species evolving in desert regions are naturally more aggressive than populations in northern climates, jungles, rice fields, temperate steppes, etc. because since the resource or calorie is rarer then animals that are more determined to fight for food have a better chance of surviving over time and bringing offspring to term (example of the hyper aggressiveness of African Bees from rather desert climates compared to the European or American Bee which will not chase a beekeeper up to 1 km away if the hive has been too disturbed). 



Decivilization of Europe: Looting of 50 stores in Paris and surrounding areas, 3,880 fires lit on public roads, 1,900 cars burned, 500 public buildings set on fire, 50 buses and heavy goods vehicles set on fire, 800 arrests all this in less than 1 week caused by the scum of French neighborhoods (public order disturbance similar to the phenomenon caused by the BLM movement in 2020 in the United States under Donald Trump). Immigrant populations cause more crime than native populations (Celts/Gauls) for example Arab + African (France) and Hispanic + African (USA) are responsible for more than 50% of the crime generated according to FBI statistics.

Each French city is nothing more or less than the equivalent of a swarm of aggressive African bees or the moment the police or politicians attack it and automatically the bees will come out and restart their disturbances to public order and various crimes (theft, looting, fires, threats, etc.). Our politicians are 100% responsible for having made millions and millions of earthlings immigrate from other regions of the world and having compacted them in foreign criminal enclaves. 

Macron's political response of saying to put forward the "Responsibility of Parents" would deserve a trophy so much it diverts from real issues and means nothing. The French Cities are now exactly the same phenomenon of the Favelas shantytowns of South America (in an Islamic Arab version selling Hashish instead of Coke), where the cartels control the entrances to the city with guards ensuring the sale of drugs, and then prevent the police or the army from entering by sending them projectiles (favorable military position on high ground) so it is mainly the cartels who manage what happens inside and the governments have a lot of difficulty controlling these areas.


Here is exactly the same probabilistic Naturalist phenomenon of animal mixing that will happen in the north of planet Earth, with the artificial implantation of human populations from the third world (with average aggressiveness rates of the populations + violent religious ideologies). Initially in 2012, according to noble intentions to reproduce the Tasmanian Devils, 28 animals were artificially introduced by zoologists on the island of Maria, as the devil reproduced faster than the other animals there, so they quickly went from 28 individuals to 100 devils (phenomenon of over-natality of immigrants in the north vs. the under-natality of European populations). From this natalist observation, the carnivorous marsupials quickly replaced the population quantitatively given their high reproduction rate, not to mention their appetite as insatiable gluttons which made them eat no more and no less than the entire population of 3000 pairs of Little Penguins on the island in record time. The Tasmanian Devils are so aggressive that they devoured almost everything that could be eaten, including other bird species such as the Short-billed Shearwater, which quickly disappeared from the island, replaced by animal genetics that were more inquisitive than theirs, yet perfectly well adapted to the specific environmental conditions of the island. This is why the Golden Rule in terms of protection and preservation of plant, animal and therefore human biological heritage is that we do not introduce new genetics in large quantities into environments where biological populations have already been well established for centuries or millennia, otherwise the entire balance of these populations will certainly be upset. We are not even talking about settling together populations that are fertile among themselves, which will not only risk replacing them numerically in quantity of individuals of different genetics by animals that reproduce the fastest and in greater quantity, in addition to the serious problem of risk of over-interbreeding which will sooner or later interbreed them all from the inside (a phenomenon observable in France where the old Gallic genetics are now giving way to Arab-Maghrebian phenotypes), replace their specific animal genetics and make them disappear even more quickly than if they are not fertile among themselves. In the same sense, even if our Governments and the Multinationals have the best intentions in the world to achieve an ideal international multi-ethnic and multiculturalist society bringing together all terrestrial human animal genetics nationally in the same place, this will INVARIABLY only lead to a genetic absorption of the old Nordic populations for interbreeding with the southern populations.Then a gradual ideological replacement will be instituted according to the most aggressive and inquisitorial ideologies similar to the phenomenon of forced Islamization of France or the gangsterization of criminogenic Afro-American musical culture in the United States. In order to avoid the same carnage of crossbreeding and generalized replacement of our heritage not only biological, but also historical and cultural, the European Youth of today will imperatively demand from the various Western governments Protectionist and Naturalist Preservationist political measures (Reproduction Rights, Territoriality Rights, Citizens' Rights, Specific Cultural and Social Rights, Right to the Preservation of Native Human Genetics, etc.) guaranteeing the stability and sustainability of their civilizational achievements in the north of the planet in order to avoid such highly predictable naturalist phenomena centuries and millennia in advance. Otherwise, these government authorities will certainly be accused of Crime against Humanity for having massively flooded by substitution in a completely illegitimate and therefore illegal manner (without the fully informed consent of the replaced populations), polar human animal biological populations for other continental human animal biological populations having however NO precise territorial legitimacy on these northern territories occupied naturally for 1.4 million years.polar human animal biological populations for other continental human animal biological populations having NO precise territorial legitimacy on these northern territories occupied naturally for 1.4 million years.polar human animal biological populations for other continental human animal biological populations having NO precise territorial legitimacy on these northern territories occupied naturally for 1.4 million years. 

Source (Animals and insects of Australia):


The United States is the greatest gene-mixer of Humanity with its bad migration model focused on multiculturalism and multiethnicism. Let's not follow them in their delirium of catalyst and accelerator of the advent of the mixed-race global Human unsuited to the majority of terrestrial geographies and with an averagely lower IQ. The American film The Sound of Music (during the scenes with the children), for me is the height of the irony of Hollywood propaganda cinema in the line of American patriotism after the Second World War. The feature film having been filmed in 1965, 20 years after the end of the Second World War, it falsely praises the life of a bourgeois family in the countryside in the Mountains (white satin alpine flower Eidelweiss) and in the Château life of noble families. It seems nothing more nor less than that the Americans imitated the style of clothing, ideology and profiles put forward by the Germans, those whom they had just given a lesson to in Europe. The Americans wanted to show through cinema that they too, with a good quality of European population, were legal to the Germans or even more. At that time, this did not cause any problem of meaning, however today, knowing what has become of the populations in the highly multi-ethnic United States, their claim to do better than the Germans appears all the more as a monumental failure of demographic planning. Western European genetics (our flagship of indigenous genes): Little Irish redhead with a round head, British or Russian girl, the tall one with black hair, the other Scandinavians and a little Spanish girl as a singer. 



First, we are not talking about a superior race, we are talking about genetic populations with several physiognomic "advantages" making a population more efficient than others, therefore called "superior" or "advantaged" in relation to certain attributes, however never in absolute terms. Second, it is not Racism when we do comparative anthropology, we simply compare data objectively without opinion or exaggerated value judgment. Are zoologists racist when they describe the differences in coat color between the polar bear and the brown bear, the size of the skulls of primates or hominids? To "pejoratively" compare the size of the "small" 6-meter white shark compared to its ancestor, the Megalodon of 15 to 20 meters is shark racism? Thirdly, wanting to protect the evolutionary characteristics of certain genetic populations more than others, having taken millions and millions of years before arriving and becoming well stabilized, is rather in the order of Protectionism of rarity or genetic quality, therefore a highly precious Preservationism similar to all natural species that are protected in wildlife reserves (except Humans!?). Fourthly, you must be able to compare the opposing and complementary notions of "European" Colonialism for example and on the other side of the coin "Civilizationalism", which is that Europeans civilized peoples living in the Neolithic period who were subsequently updated to technologies and cultures similar to what an Extraterrestrial civilization would colonize us on the one hand, but also in passing would bring us to their civilizational level and therefore civilize us proportionally to their level of evolution (the Native Americans would even have been beaten by the Roman army 2000 years ago, because they did not have machines with wooden and metal mechanisms, so imagine how they were beaten by the European inventions of the 17th century). Native Americans in our era do not live in modern Teepees or luxury Wigwams with electricity, but rather in all European-style dwellings with the modern inventions that go with them (telephone (Alexander Graham-Bell), Internet, Radio (Marconi), Snowmobile (Armand Bombardier), etc. so they live the European way of life and often they even carry their genetics, because my friends also have red hair,blond and blue-eyed yet they hate "real" Europeans so are therefore racist anti-whites or Europhobes except that they match with beautiful red-haired or blonde women for example and not with Native Americans of their people so they have a double discourse). 


Civilizational Enclosure Theory (behavioral statistical model)

Why is the multiculturalist and multiethnicist model of society and immigration statistically doomed to the crumbling and irreversible self-destruction of civilizations and the exaggerated crossbreeding of earthly ethnicities?


NATIONAL OR INTERNATIONAL HUMAN CONTEXT                                                    


If we apply the model of the theory of the civilizational enclosure to humanity and the countries it occupies on Earth, we could make the analogy that the nations of the countries where the dominant political ideology is multiculturalism and multiethnicism while the human groups formerly specific to precise geographical regions, will now be forced into the enclosure by the phenomenon of mass immigration with the help of governments (easy population renewal, guarantee of annual economic growth, etc.) and the complicity of companies that want cheap labor at all costs (creation of huge profits in the short term) regardless of whether subsequently the founding groups of the countries in question will have with the immigrants problems of assimilation, criminality, miscegenation, racial tension, social tension and civil war internal to the enclosure.

Governments and their politicians are naive to believe that because they have good charters of rights and freedoms and have written impeccable laws and regulations in their courthouse, that these regulations will significantly manage the interactions between individuals when they meet on the street in the event of stressful social conflicts (inside the jungle of the enclosure). Governments think that all people will get along well in their country if they have an effective police force that ensures that there is not too much crime and criminality in general on their national territory. However, the police do not have unlimited numbers and therefore cannot be everywhere during a major social crisis such as during the riots in the US in 2020, where groups of African immigrants looted thousands of stores in more than 30 American cities. In the event of a major crisis, the military will also not be able to deal with all the problems (looting, murder, theft, rape, extortion, etc.) and the fact that several ethnic groups with divergent ideologies cover the territory, statistically increases the rate of racial friction and skirmishes between divergent ethnic groups. As we will see in this thought experiment, when we insert various living species into a confined space-time, there are certain determining factors that will influence the rate of sharing, behavioral harmony and survival of the group(s) of animals in the civilizational enclosure, and this, over an indeterminate period of time varying according to the adoption of statistically favorable selection choices and procedures.

Geographic boundaries have created particular genetic groups that are precisely separated by geological boundaries, making them unique in terms of the human species. Most have also defined beliefs and ideologies specific to their historical territory. Adopting the idea of ​​multiculturalism and multiethnicism is not bad in itself, however these concepts are rather useful and legitimate when applied in order from a planetary point of view and not national, especially not only local, because these approaches are extremely painful, difficult and not very applicable over a limited space and a prolonged time since the system will tend to be unstable. Why promote foreign immigration and help blacks to settle in the West when they have historically been the cause of the looting of US businesses and shopping centers in 2020? Africans have the oldest DNA of the first human representatives, namely Haplogroup A (-275,000 years) and Haplogroup B (-70,000 years), therefore the first version of Archaic Sapiens Sapiens with an average IQ of 70 points in Africa and 85 points in the United States in a European society. They have difficulty adapting in a world of white Europeans with an average IQ of 103 points, have more testosterone and therefore commit more crimes in the United States as well as in Europe. If police officers commit more police blunders in the USA, it is because according to FBI 2016 statistics, they represent the ethnic group committing the most crimes with Hispanics in the United States. Even though we can sympathize with them against police brutality, the fact remains that after these events Africans in the US committed mass looting and thefts all over the country for hundreds of millions of dollars by stealing from stores, because the Morality and Civility rate of an individual is proportional to his IQ (that of Africans being the lowest of humanity with the Aborigines of Australia). Usually, African-Americans would steal 10 to 12 times more on average according to crime statistics compared to European ethnicity so imagine yourself in a situation of social crisis where the police are overwhelmed by the assaults on stores in their neighborhood patrol zone and in their respective cities. For example, helping more blacks settle in Canada as in the US will lead to the same effect of increasing crime in our country sooner or later, because genetics and behavioral determinisms remain the same no matter where a specific genetic is deployed on the planet (for example, a dog or a chimpanzee in China will behave the same way in Canada or on the Moon). So by taking pity on Africans and financing their settlement in our country then you will contribute to the future destruction of our European civilization in America.You only have to analyze these videos to realize the extent of your mistake in looking good and appearing altruistic in the eyes of other countries. Analyze the videos carefully and you will easily see that there are few whites (genetically more moral), Native Americans and Asians who commit looting in the US in the now completely destroyed stores. Western governments and companies are historically guilty of the European demographic genocide and the destruction of their genetic heritage by the mass immigration of ethnic groups from the south of the Earth (number of European citizens estimated at 300-500 million or 11.8% of the individuals on Earth).

Multiculturalism is a global concept and not a national one, because it contributes to social instability when comparing countries with more homogeneous peoples (Japan, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Finland). Immigration to America has been "exclusively" European for 400 to 500 years and not from Africa, the Middle East or Asia. When Western governments bring in tens of millions of non-European immigrants then it is a bit like adding millions of different types of dogs or cats from European clones and letting them deal with them in terms of the difficulty of mutual societal adaptation given the anatomical differences, the problem of crossbreeding and the disappearance of native stock populations, the different behavioral averages of ethnic groups in addition to the criminality that these clashes of civilizations will cause in the medium and long term. The native populations have never asked for massive immigration that would overwhelm them quantitatively in terms of demographics and the authorities will bombard them with multiculturalist propaganda and advertising in the media and then blame the population for being "racist" and "xenophobic" when it reacts and does not immediately accept being replaced by the new immigrant arrivals, when the Europeans are only "protectionist" at the very least of their culture, traditions and particular genetics preserved for hundreds of years in America for example.



There are currently exactly 432 breeds of dog that have been crossed and developed over the decades from the wolf (Canis Lupus Lupus). If you have the ability to house dog breeds indoors and have 50 to 100 dogs in a closed enclosure then it is possible that the number and diversity of breeds will make a difference in the rate of peace and quiet that you will observe in the long term between the animals. If you put for example 50 Labrador dogs then it is more likely that they will behave well with each other without too much daily conflict. Dogs that are more genetically similar are likely to get along better naturally without any effort, because they are like a clone of dogs more twins than with the genetics of a Chihuahua for example. If you add dog breeds one by one in the enclosure, you increase the genetic differences and directly increase the potential for conflict in the medium to long term. Add dozens of Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Bulldogs, Chow Chows, Boxers, Newfoundlands, Saint Bernards and Wolves to the enclosure and you are sure that over time the risk of conflicts will be much higher than if you only put Chihuahuas in the enclosure. If you have 2 breeds of dogs that get along well in the enclosure like Labradors and Chihuahuas then as long as you allow Dobermans to enter, then you know that even if there are rules at the entrance, the Dobermans are more likely to attack the original dogs than the other way around. For this reason we can deduce that statistically there is a greater chance of instability in enclosures with too much diversity of dog breeds with different rates of aggression (for example, a rate of global terrorist attacks of 75% linked to international Islamic Jihadist action or at least 10,000 attacks out of 15,000 annually). If each breed of dog has a different ideology, for example a small book of Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islamism, Scientology, Confucianism then it is even more likely that the belief groups of dogs do not agree on the moral value, individual and social behaviors being the best to do towards the other individual with opposing beliefs. Therefore, current countries adopting migration policies that advocate multi-ethnicism bring different ethnicities into the same territory, proportionally increasing the chances that the representatives of each ethnicity will not get along well and generate conflicts x, y, z with opposing ethnicities. As with the example of the little dog books, allowing several divergent customs and ideologies to be practiced in the enclosure, this way of proceeding risks leading to more chances of conflicts between the different breeds of dogs or individuals in any civilizational society.If you have multiple types of dogs in the enclosure then they will eventually all have slept with each other as they do in a closed environment, and eventually the genes of the dogs will all end up being mixed together. Thus, you will lose the genetic characteristics that made the original breed varied, such as yellow eyes in wolves or spotted fur in Dalmatians. Hypothetically, the dog breed completely mixed with 75 different species may be a mongrel and look strange compared to the breeds at the beginning of the experiment and will no longer be adapted to any specific Earth climate. Even if you put up a rule sheet at the entrance dictating the conduct of good behavior and attitudes towards other dogs in the enclosure, it is not at all guaranteed that the dogs will follow these rules, because they only understand and apply them partially.


In a zoo, you set up a huge cage and put one or a few species of primates inside. If you only put 1 species like Chimpanzees, there is probably much less chance of conflicts occurring in the future between individuals. The Chimpanzees will have fun together, a hierarchy will develop between the members of the group and they will thrive together without harming each other too much and coming to a war between Chimpanzees.

If on the contrary you place in the enclosure of Chimpanzees, with Gorillas, with Bonobos, Orangutans, Marmosets and Baboons then it is statistically more likely that the species of primates will gather in the corners between similar individuals, that the different groups will study each other and that they will try to take resources or territory from the other species of monkeys. In the jungle, zoologists have shown that families of monkeys from specific areas of the forest often went to the territory to find and fight with other species of monkeys in the region similar (less chance) or not (more chance).
If in addition written on the sheet at the entrance to the enclosure one gives the possibility of practicing one's different ideology, thus there is much more chance that the monkeys will not get along with each other and will make wars, which would harm the good understanding in the enclosure.
Similar to the dog enclosure, the primate enclosure that would be composed of dozens of species, over time on the same territory then all the species of monkeys would reproduce with each other and we would obtain a single species of monkey after a few decades of mating. Perhaps when the zookeeper would pass by to make his rounds in the enclosure, most of the monkeys would be quiet, but from the moment the keeper leaves, then the opposing groups of monkeys would risk stealing or attacking the other monkeys in the cage.
If a monkey or a group of malicious monkeys steal bananas from another group, well it must be locked in an isolated cage, because it has not respected the list of rules at the entrance to the enclosure and the primate is considered to have behavioral and emotional management problems. After some time of punishment, the individual or group of monkeys can be reintegrated into the enclosure with the others, but if they do not know how to behave with other primate species at all then the best solution would be to place them in an enclosure separate from the other less criminogenic monkeys. It is observed in the jungle that when orders of monkeys live in the same area of ​​square kilometers then they will tend to raid to attack the other monkeys by launching themselves in groups on babies and adults in order to mistreat them and eat them afterwards. In the situation where there would be several species of primates in the same enclosure, the fact that primates have essentially the same IQ as other species (+ or - 10 to 60 points) then there is little chance that one group more than another has the capacity to annihilate another group definitively unless they join several groups to attack an important species of the cage (for example in humanity several immigrant ethnic groups can attack a weakened local ethnic group).


If you have in an enclosure a multitude of extraterrestrial species, groups with different genetic characteristics then you will observe behavioral tendencies that can be listed respecting the capacities and potentials of each of them. Therefore, if you place only the same extraterrestrial species then as seen previously you will have more genetic, behavioral and social homogeneity which will tend to favor living together and good understanding. On the other hand, as we will see in this thought experiment, if you bring into the civilizational enclosure dozens, even hundreds of extraterrestrial species confined in the same space-time then you will obtain behavioral and social dichotomies much more important and even potentially disastrous leading to wars of extermination.

Again, even if you post a sheet with all the best possible rules at the entrance to the cage (assuming the continuation of harmonious and egalitarian interspecies relations), well, you will still have to expect that once in the enclosure, the rules of good manners will not be completely respected to the letter (all depending on the motivation, the will and the intelligence of understanding these regulations and this regardless of these said advanced moral and normative principles).

For example, if you start by piling up 10 total species, including 4 alien species with an average IQ of 100 (similar to humanity), then 3 species with 250 IQ points, 1 species with 500 IQ points, and finally 2 species with 1000 IQ points. At first, the alien groups are more likely to group together by physiological similarity in order to find their alter ego (similar to human ethnic groups in prison), these will start discussing the other groups and how they foresee future actions, interactions and participations. Second, they will contact the other alien groups in order to try to talk to them through different types of communication (verbal, gestural, written, telepathic, etc.).

It is likely that in the early stages of interactions in the civilizational enclosure that all parties observe each other, scrutinize each other in order to understand, predict and anticipate all hostile or non-hostile behaviors and attitudes in other extraterrestrial groups, including the underlying precise assessment of their IQ and possible malicious blows that could be committed against them. It may be that for a certain period of time that the 10 extraterrestrial species get along wonderfully and do not encounter any major social problems, on the other hand in situations of various social crises such as scarcity of resources, epidemics, lack of territory, overpopulation, etc. that ethnic and racial tensions between species from different planets are exacerbated and amplified to the point of civilizational paroxysm. The most highly probable is that the most intelligent alien species (IQ of 1000 winning over the IQ of 500, winning over the IQ of 250 points, triumphing over the IQ of 100 average points) and thus would find more cunning and pernicious plans in order to neutralize or even literally exterminate the less intelligent species of the civilizational enclosure. The variables of physical strength and intelligence being normally the most important in the chances of survival of living organisms, consequently even less intelligent species (example of 100 average IQ points), but physically stronger could overcome a more intelligent species if they attack them savagely out of the blue (example of alien with 1000 average IQ points).

Otherwise, the alien species with 1000 IQ points will not leave any chance of survival to less intelligent alien species if it feels that it is threatened physically or socially by an ethnic group with a lower IQ and reduced means of response. The most intelligent species will find a way to convince the less intelligent to follow them in a development plan x, y, z, but this will lead them straight into a trap that will sooner or later close on them. In the case previously mentioned, a civilizational enclosure containing 2 alien species with very high IQs of 1000 points risks surviving more than all the other groups with lower IQs and fighting over the last place for space and resources.
It is between 2 equal intelligences that the last ethnic war will be played out, because the plans they thought of will have been understood, unmasked and foiled in turn by the opposing extraterrestrial species, because the other ethnicities of the cage have long been eradicated under their lack of predictability of the maneuvers of the most cunning and immoral species (in terms of respect for the different forms of life in the universe). From this probabilistic observation, it is important to understand that placing intelligent species with IQs having too great a gap (for example 100 points with 300 points) will always cause significant natural social disparities that are practically insurmountable for species with the lowest quotients.
These disparities will often be associated with racism by the weakest who have no other choice than to systematically "victimize" themselves at all times in order to be pitied in the eyes of the strongest and to be spared by the superior species of the civilizational enclosure or planetary society in question (for example on Earth, Africans with an average IQ of 70 points in Africa or 80-85 points in the United States constantly complain of social exclusion and inequality of chances of success when they try to compete and adapt to a society made up of Europeans with an average IQ of 103 points) this standard deviation of 20 points (1/4 of the intelligence of Africans) creates social conditions much more difficult for them to overcome than when they find themselves in the presence of ethnic groups with IQs closer to their average intelligence.
Even Europeans with IQs of 103 points or North and East Asians with an average IQ of 106 points (Chinese, Koreans, Mongolians and Japanese), would not adapt well to an extraterrestrial civilization with average IQs of 200 points.
Humans with 100 points less average will invariably have unequal chances of self-realization and possibilities of social advancement (jobs requiring less intelligence, difficulty in reaching important positions in business and/or government, difficulty in reaching high levels in higher academic studies, etc.).
In conclusion, we can see that it is essential not to place together extraterrestrial or terrestrial species that do not have the same physical and intellectual attributes, otherwise racial tensions will arise sooner or later in times of crisis or major failure.

ARTIFICIAL HUMAN UTERUS (Amadeus DNA Space Human Laboratory)   


- Helps to compensate for demographic declines in specific human populations.

-No need for surrogate women.

-Allows to limit the need for immigration of genetics different from that of which we want to reproduce the good elements.

-Computer + microscope magnifying glass analyzing fetuses not growing well and therefore not carrying them to term.

-Computer + microscope magnifying glass used to find the gene sequences of genetic defects identified and recognized at a given time.

-Can help infertile couples where the woman does not have an efficient reproductive system.

-The DNA placed in the artificial uterus can be the one we have today (not very optimized and with many genetic defects, intelligence and average longevity) but allowing future parents to choose the specific genes they want for their offspring (eg: current genes for height, paleness, intelligence, color, resistance to certain diseases, etc.).

-Possibility of creating slightly GMO humans (- 0.5% genetic modification) similar to those of today, but somewhat optimized (with fewer genetic diseases, increased intelligence, increased longevity)

-Possibility of creating moderately GMO humans (-1% genetic modification) with DNA from the Amadeus Dynasty (human DNA boosted to the max, with genes for gigantism, intelligence and extreme longevity).

-Possibility of generating any biological animal species or artificially created through genomic science (laboratory GMOs) that can be grown in a suitable artificial uterus (for example, creation of new animals helping humanity in its space race as protectors, food, etc.).

-Ability to resurrect any deceased person whose DNA has been well preserved.


-The baby born from an artificial uterus does not have a real surrogate mother unless real eggs are used, but only a fertilizing father.

-The newborn baby must have a caring family to provide him with the emotional and affective bond necessary for his proper development.

-The baby born from the artificial uterus who has not found a family must be raised in a decent nursery with good care before being adopted or coming of age.

-The artificially born baby may not know his father, if the donor has refused to pass on his name or make it accessible to the thousands of babies generated with his paternal DNA.

-Possibility of resemblance between 2 babies who are born practically twins or not on occasion, if the same DNA is used too often in incubators or monitoring computers are not programmed for the detection of fetuses with perfectly identical DNA during embryonic development.

-Risk of resemblance due to the cloning effect (lack of intrahaplogromic genetic diversity) thus making the millions of fetuses vulnerable to the same diseases not only terrestrial, but especially encountered during our travels in solar systems and extraterrestrial galaxies.

-Risk of intellectual capping and reflexive similarity caused by the excessive promiscuity of twin DNA, thus ensuring that all newborns will think and reflect in exactly the same way.

Excellent simulation of the European baby nursery factory that we will have to create within a few decades in order to compensate for the lack of our precise genetic population. This type of factory could not only be duplicated on Earth, but especially in space in the various colonies that we will establish on the different planets and galaxies of the universe.

Source Baby Nursery Farm: EctoLife




(figures from 2009-2014)

[Source: )]

REGION 1: NORTH AMERICA United States (77%): 197,000,000 Canada (80%): 29,571,083 Greenland (12%): 56,171 REGION 2: CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Argentina (80%): 3,051,328 Bolivia (5%): 5,400,441 Brazil (47.7%): 98,784,882 Chile (52.7%): 9,438,440 Colombia (20-35%): 9,705,900 Costa Rica (65-80%): 3,235,368 Cuba (65%): 7,459,388 Guatemala (18%): 2,645,474 El Salvador (9-12%): 551,296 Ecuador (7 %): 1,081,198 Mexico (10-20%): 1,265,776 Nicaragua (17%): 1,048,430 Panama (10%): 360,843 Paraguay (20%): 1,340,172 Peru (15%) : 4,831,152 Puerto Rico (80%): 2,556,000 Dominican Republic (16%): 1,723,200 Uruguay (88%): 2,993,015 Venezuela (40%): 12,082,522 Honduras (1%): 85,765 Bahamas (12%): 38,737 Barbados (4%): 11,587 Bermuda (34.1%): 233,505 Guadeloupe (9%): 35,613 Guyana (12%): 882 266 Haiti (1%): 109,800 Falkland Islands (95%): 2,840 Martinique (5%): 18,824 Trinidad and Tobago (0.6%): 7,343 REGION 3: EUROPE Russia (90%): 130,500,000 Ireland (93.6%): 4,200,000 United Kingdom (87.17%): 55,073,552 REGION 4: AFRICA South Africa (8.9%): 4,500,000  Algeria (95%): 38,000,000  Botswana (5%): 109,000 Mauritius (2%): 27,000   Namibia (6%): 132,000 Reunion (25%): 208,000 Saint Helena (95%): 4 349 Eswatini (3%): 43,000 Zimbabwe (0.4%): 28,732 REGION 5: MIDDLE EAST Kazakhstan (27.3%): 4,371,000 Kyrgyzstan (6.7%): 393,000 Uzbekistan (5.5%): 1,781,450 Pakistan (2%): 3,940,000 Tajikistan (2%): 167,080 Turkmenistan (4%): 206,877 REGION 6: ASIA Hong Kong (0.8%): 55,236 REGION 7: OCEANIA Australia (89%): 21,627,000 New Zealand (74%): 3,449,376 New Caledonia (29.2%): 81,333 French Polynesia (15%): 42,451 Hawaii (41.26%): 582,200 Guam (6.9%): 11,331  Palau (1.9%): 21,729 Norfolk Island (95%): 2,169 TOTAL  OPTIMISTIC ESTIMATE : 670,280,007 people  (including Hispanic and other whites).  PESSIMISTIC ESTIMATE : 300 to 500 million people  (excluding Hispanic and other whites). 




An example of evidence of a naturalistic probabilistic information system linked to the many inevitable natalist civilizationalist reproductive constraints over time and the vagaries of the geographical environment, is to understand for example the primacy and precedence of the exponential demographic variable that all high-Qi civilizations in the universe use by necessity or not via Artificial Uteruses (or insect-type layers like the xenomorphic creature Aliens). Because to this day it is the one and only biogenomic method as many intrasatellite levels, as extrastellar and subsequently able to compensate for the low planetary birth rates in order to spread its genetics by millions and billions of babies beyond the galaxies. At the turn of the faltering third millennium, low-Qi Humanity is still too backward with its 100 points of average intelligence and gradually descends in quality since its intelligence is mixed with the third world. By starting our first artificial birth program, we will be able to intelligently predict exactly how many babies will be born in the decade that suits you and these newborns will precisely complement the number of workers needed in the future. In this way, the generations of babies, children, adolescents, adults and then workers to be born will be perfectly nested and nested with the needs of their societal environment and demographically timed so that there is never a shortage of people, in the right position to fill and at the right time. Similar to a cleverly functional beehive with octagonal cells symmetrically arranged together and their babies incubated warmly inside or an anthill carefully organizing the storage of its thousands and millions of ovoid eggs since the greatest value to a society is the future generations of viable and fertile offspring. More concretely in our era, if the generation of Western politicians does not start any birth rate program reinforced by a minimum of intelligence, they will be seriously put in the dock for Crime against Humanity of large replacements of human populations by other peoples with however no proven present temporal territorial legitimacy. Their political and organizational generational intelligence is clearly too weak with little education and little imagination and without any connection with probabilistic futuristic solutions,this generation of brainless morons are only applying the easiest capitalistic migration solution which is to blindly transfer a high population continent (several billion people) to another continent housing a low birth rate population (a few million people) without taking into account the crucial preservation variables of human biological diversity. At the level of the preservation of biotopic species, we cannot even replace polar bears with Asian pandas and any other types of land or sea animals so imagine human beings. There are only 4 pipes to plug into a sterile hermetic tank with a fertile embryo (fertilized egg)! A human generation absolutely too stupid to plug only 4 pipes together and obtain an infinity of saving and sanctifying human babies [(Vein vs Artery) + (New Amniotic Fluid vs Used Amniotic Fluid)]. The nurseries of the future will contain thousands of baby tanks (10,000, 30,000, 50,000 tanks and more) according to national needs (Canada, USA, China, France, Poland, Russia, etc.), satellites (Moon, Enceladus, Dione, Rhea, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, etc.), planetary (Mars, Venus, Pluto, etc.) and exoplanetary (Kepler-438 b, Proxima Centauri b, Kepler-296 e, Tau Ceti e, Gliese 180 c, KOI-2474.01, TRAPPIST-1 g, Kapteyn b, etc.).

Source (Sheep Artificial Uterus):

Source (Extolife artificial womb):

Source (Is an artificial womb possible?):



My monthly perceptions on the demographic catastrophe or rather the multi-shit nightmare of the third world imposed by Ottawa. The other day, I was in a shopping center that I had not been to for about 10 years (Trois-Rivières). I'm not lying to you, but there were about 1/4 to 1/3 of the people who were of Sub-Saharan origin. Same phenomenon at the University before spring break where 3/4 of the people were black which is literally a serious ethnic replacement deserving an extremely severe accusation from our politicians in power (high ethnic treason = death penalty x 100 to x 1000 by cloning + purge of 5 to 10 generations of these families of generational ethnic traitors). I thought I was hallucinating so many immigrants there were when 10 years earlier the composition of the population was very different. There was a horizontal laboratory window at a height of 4 feet, I leaned over to look and there were about 10 black people dressed in lab coats, I had never seen such a concentration of brown ethnicity in this establishment so much so that I jumped and the guy next to the window (an Arab) was also surprised. At the Dollorama, I heard 3 young Maghrebian immigrants talking in the other row and one of them complained about being told that he was not a real Quebecer. When I got to the line at the checkout, the first 2 were waiting in front of me and the 3rd passed me and went to join them. For the pleasure of annoying him, I told him that he had no business overtaking me without asking me, that it was lacking in civility and that a true Quebecer would not have done that, so he and his friend began to insult me, that they were more Quebecer than me, I answered them that my European ancestors had been in America for 400 years and they only 1 to 2 generations, one of them answered me that he literally didn't care since he didn't feel Quebecer at all, even that he hated Quebec and felt more like a Moroccan and Muslim. So I told him that he had to go back to his desert country and that this immigration from the third world was imposed on us by our woke capitalist governments, having imported more than 1 million immigrants last year and he answered me precisely that they were well aware of it however that it was not their problem if our authorities replaced us in this way and that soon there would only be Blacks and North Africans in Quebec. As if defeated I turned to the side and behind me there was a black woman dressed in white who was looking at us (total nightmarish invasion). The cashier (North African phenotype) laughed and took the side of these 2 parasites of the desert, so they almost jumped on me after a little comment in the line,faithful to their normal desert aggressiveness and exactly the same similar phenomenon in France of the visceral hatred of immigrants towards their host country (which the traitorous politicians who will sooner or later be severely punished by their own people do not want to see). Then, last month I went for a walk in another city that I had not been to for 10 years (Sherbrooke), same phenomenon of population replacement or going up and down the many hills of the working class neighborhoods it seemed like I was constantly driving in criminogenic multi-ethnic ghettos similar to what you see in American movies where now people were all half-mixed with big tufts of hair on their heads and bus stations where no one wants to stop. I explained to the Burger King employee that with Trudeau's policies, the city will slowly but surely transform into a multi-ethnic ghetto of crime similar to cities in the US like Detroit or Chicago where crime rates are extremely high and people shoot each other every day, the same now in North Africanized Montreal. 10 years of Trudeau's policies = Ghettoization of Canada from East to West without any observational and statistical doubt). Last week I went to a McDonald's in Sorel-Tracy, same nightmarish phenomenon of strong demographic replacement, I had not been to this restaurant for 20 years, around the year 2000 when I was with one of my friends from this city, same catastrophic ethnic browning observation where the staff was only composed of Blacks and North Africans + 1 or 2 whites including a blonde teenager (who will quickly be mixed in this ethnic mess since her genetic group has no protectionist measures of the Amerindian type), there were 2 groups of customers (the 1st group was composed of 2 Arabs and 1 black), the 2nd group was formed of 2 blacks, 1 of whom tried to have a free fries even if he had not ordered them beforehand (attempted crime typical of this ethnic group with the highest crime rates in humanity given their genetic backwardness of -80,000 years) and the guy asks "Have you done my Fwite?" (biological inability to pronounce the letter "r" typical of old human speech apparatuses from the beginning of civilization). This summer I went to the Macdonald of my childhood (Drummondville) and the staff was composed only of Sub-Saharan Africans which still apostrophized me since I had never seen that in more than 1/3 of a century when my mother often took me there to eat Mccroquettes. Obviously,young people or people who live in metropolitan France will see less the difference in the replacement of people except that in the region we clearly see the drastic demographic change. I understand the fact that politicians want to have easy votes with immigration and want to please their friends who have businesses to run, however there are still limits to plunging one's own people into a multi-ethnic nightmare in the space of a few decades. No people want to be replaced by other third-world populations, whether Europeans or any other terrestrial ethnic groups. That's all, there is nothing abnormal and illegitimate about it, it is rather the basis and the norm among all peoples with a minimum of life drive, not to say survival drive, at this point of pharaonic migration rate.


In the Mediterranean Sea, the populations of Africa are moving towards Europe in times of international disorder, multiple climate changes and humanitarian needs, so the basin is overflowing with streams of migrants whose West cannot accommodate all the misery of the world. Western politicians are abusing the immigration of populations from the Third World (Marc MillerChristine Frechette, etc.) which they use indiscriminately to inject almost unlimited quantities of citizens (payers of taxes) and low-cost labor (workers and customers of multinational stores). Modern Uncle Sam (mixture between the economic Right with individualistic pretensions of the business world of short-term profit seeking + the villainous politicians of the Left looking for quick votes to garner via the ever-increasing group of third-world immigrants and/or the group of societal abnormals hypocritically used against all the normal, traditionalist and regional native people of national or continental origin. This reflexive metaphor appeared to me when I walked 20 years later between 2 brown brick buildings from my childhood, where I recognized exactly this same passage visited several decades before, the luminous ambiance that emanated there, the grass of the same size and greenish tint, the same architectures that I analyzed at the age of 18, etc. However, even if I recognized all these visual and auditory stimuli a few decades ago, that the buildings were exactly the same, that the concrete and the sidewalks of the neighborhood had not changed, that the scenery in every way was precisely the same, the once white and European population within this neighborhood had been replaced by other brown people from the third world that I now saw everywhere in the streets and alleys around. In just a few minutes, I counted about ten Africans walking down the street, an alley filled with black children (which 20 years before I don't even remember seeing a single immigrant in the neighborhood), and the nearby suburb was filled with veiled women, the population had been replaced under Trudeau's liberal, maximalist migrationist policies. As has often been reported in countries with high immigration, politicians who exaggerate the appeal to this manna of workers, consumers and taxpayers in just 10 to 20 years, under a massive immigration of several tens of millions of people, it is possible to literally change the urban and national face of a population formerly for a white face and gradually the mixed race with a brown face demographic population. Governments shop on the international market, the least expensive and most abundant human materials of the moment, they will go and get these human units of different gradient going from pale to dark, from large to small (Mayans),from the smartest to the least smart all this to save investment money (cost of welcoming and settling immigrants) and the total accessible quantity of these people who come out of nowhere always becoming by default unwanted parasites for the native country or these immigrants arrive brazenly by mistake since the natural geographical barriers, or the borders protected by the army would not have allowed them to cross them easily. The governments will therefore plunge the migrationist shit pump into the largest, deepest and most filled reservoir possible and/or the liter is at the best price ratio, will start the vacuum cleaner engine and will spray with their wide-gauge spreader hose any world population with this abundant and cheap shit at all costs in the name of a pseudo-multiculturalist project, but in fact rather multiethnicity not revealed as such. The Great Replacement and Great Mixed Race politicians like Justin Trudeau are going to send millions and millions of liters directly onto their own white population, even though everyone knows that the quality of the liquid is not the same from one tank to another, because this shit is in almost unlimited quantity and it will be possible to spread as much as they want on their country and their people (Crime against humanity of the criminal ethnic traitor politician Trudeau). The shit falls and falls from the sky at a frantic rate per ton and the people below who receive all this shitty immigration are starting to wonder, but where can all this brownish excrement (darker southern genetics) and odorous (backward ideology) from the third world come from!? As soon as a population sprayed and flooded with this shit reacts minimally, then it will be treated as intolerant, xenophobic or even re-racist when deep down any human or even extraterrestrial population naturally and legitimately wants to keep the integrity of its ethnic, cultural and historical identity in order not to be diluted, replaced and even drowned by a quality of materials less good than its own, and especially if this demographic shit pump has been put to full blast for several decades against the will and the lucid and enlightened knowledge of the populations destroyed by their own elites. The civil infrastructures (apartments, buildings, sidewalks, streets, fences, electric poles) have remained exactly in their place in the same places, however the shit pump which sends a very powerful and constant jet washing away everything in its path given the flow of brown water too high,has washed away and mixed the peaceful populations that were nevertheless present on this territory and who even built these infrastructures long ago before the shitty politicians started the fatal demographic shit pump of the third world (similar to the scene of the house that remained standing during the great flood in Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean in 1996). Even if the metaphor is not the most subtle, elegant and pleasantly perfumed, it is faithful to the particular qualitative and quantitative phenotypic reality of human demographics. From this constant, it is necessary to close the valve of the migrationist shit pump connected to the terrestrial third world, stop this Great Flood of Immigrants, arrest and accuse these politicians guilty of Great Replacements of People (unconscious generational ethnic traitors, corrupt or not) and invest massively in natural and artificial natalist measures (nurseries with artificial uteruses) with the objective of reversing this temporary migratory flood, mopping up the damage and subsequently thoroughly cleaning up the demographic catastrophe engendered by these politicians at a given historical time of severe demographic crisis in the early 2000s.

The Government of Canada is CRIMINAL to replace its own people with another and especially populations with low genetic quality from the regions of the African jungle with still a lot of residual monkey genes where the chimpanzees ancestors of modern humans still live (Anthropology 101). The Canadian Government advertisements only show Africans and other ethnic groups so there are practically no representatives of the founders of the country from the last 400 years of work to uproot, make the earth soft, build the many roads and cities from East to West. 1.3 million immigrants last year which is the highest rate ever recorded in all of history. The revenge of the people will be terrible against them much worse than during the French or Russian Revolution with the Romanov family.  17,000 heads of nobles guillotined during the French Revolution (not even generational ethnic traitors, they had done much less worse than the replacement capitalist elites since they were only simple bourgeois for the majority).

Source (Saguenay house):


(in order of increasing potential Evolutionary vs. Involutionary civilizationalism directly proportional to the average Qi of bio/intelligent beings)

Note; with the aim of producing the most detailed, meticulous and plausible statistical averages by Ethnic Groups, it is necessary to base our evaluations and results as much on historical examples observable over significant periods of time demonstrating the cumulative probabilistic event weight (variable 1), to analyze them according to integral populations (variable 2) at least 80-90% of the same descriptive and constitutive factors of their specific biological materiality (ethnicity, culture, history, ideology, etc.), and when these same populations are mixed with other extraterrestrial peoples or civilizations, in which they find themselves among other host peoples (variable 3). For example, it may be that 1 Doberman does not make waves among other dogs of different breeds, however on 1000 Dobermans and/or groups of Dobermans among other groups of dogs (dog enclosures), will still allow to identify global and average behavioral statistics predicting future interactions, sharing and/or possible conflicts. The variable of the Bite Rate by type of Dog is in my opinion the best main indicator equivalent to the probable Crime Rate projectively among Humans. According to my research, Civilizational Levels are always directly linked to the Qi of the bio/intelligent beings evaluated, for example a society or civilization with Monkey Qi will produce societies with a very low Organizational Level, Milky Way Extraterrestrial Civilizations with average Qi of 1000 points will give societies with a very high Organizational Level and Andromedan Xenomorph Civilizations with average Qi of 10,000 points will generate extremely developed Organizational Levels and so on up to quasi-exponential thresholds and limits of intelligence (the Intelligence variable can rise more quickly in Robot Civilizations or mechanistic or electronic parts can be quickly added to an already existing entity without changing the foundations of programming and/or mass production). 

⚠️ Black Peril (historical example of Sub-Saharan countries, the United States, France and Haiti): Rapid Genetic Regression, Rapid Cultural Regression (initial human subculture), Linguistic Regression (frequent simplification of the language of other peoples such as Creole), decrease in Qi through interbreeding, rapid increase in crime, decrease in infrastructure maintenance, decrease in the creation of inventions (difficulty accessing drinking water, unsanitary neighborhoods, etc.), Rapid generalized decivilization.

⚠️ Arab Peril (historical example of the Mohammedans): Desert human-like Genetic Evolution (browning, bigger eyes, decrease in the size of smaller skulls in the south, etc.), Average Cultural Evolution (traditionalist millennial culture), Average Linguistic Evolution (Arabic language with simplistic grammatical rules), average increase in Qi, high increase in crime, average demographic planning and management, slow monopolization of natural resources, possibility of extermination war by advanced Asian technologies, slow increase in the quality of infrastructure, slow increase in the number of inventions, more or less slow generalized Civilizationism.

⚠️ Red Peril (historical example of Native Americans): Native American-type Genetic Evolution (browning, aquiline noses, etc.), Average Cultural Evolution (fairly traditionalist millennial culture), Average Linguistic Evolution (traditional language little or not used), average increase in Qi, increase in crime, moderately effective demographic planning and management, slow monopolization of natural resources, possibility of extermination war by advanced Asian technologies, slow increase in the quality of infrastructure, slow increase in the number of inventions, more or less slow generalized Civilizationism.

⚠️ Hispanic Peril (historical example of Mexicans): Hispanic-type Genetic Evolution (shrunkenness, browning, etc.), Average Cultural Evolution (millennial culture), Average Linguistic Evolution (Spanish language with simplistic grammatical rules), average increase in IQ, increase in crime, average demographic planning and management, slow monopolization of natural resources, possibility of extermination war by advanced Asian technologies, slow increase in the quality of infrastructure, slow increase in the number of inventions, more or less slow generalized Civilizationism.

⚠️ Yellow Peril (historical example of the Chinese): Asian-type Genetic Evolution (slanted eyes, etc.), Cultural Evolution (millennial culture), Linguistic Evolution (complex ideographic language), increase in Qi, decrease in crime (low testosterone levels), effective demographic planning and management, monopolization of natural resources, possibility of extermination war by advanced Asian technologies, increase in the quality of infrastructure, increase in the number of inventions, rapid and high generalized Civilizationism.

⚠️ Asian White Peril (historical example of the Japanese): Asian-type Genetic Evolution (pallor genes, slanted eyes, etc.), Cultural Evolution, Linguistic Evolution, increase in Qi, decrease in crime (low testosterone levels), demographic planning and management, monopolization of natural resources, possibility of extermination war by advanced Asian technologies, increase in the quality of infrastructure, increase in the number of inventions, rapid and high generalized Civilizationism.

⚠️ European White Peril: (historical example of the colonizers of America and/or the Germans); European-type Genetic Evolution (pallor genes, 4 phenotypic colors (orange, yellow, blue and green), Rapid Cultural Evolution, Rapid Linguistic Evolution, Rapid increase in Qi, Decrease in crime, Excellent demographic planning and management, Rapid monopolization of natural resources, High possibility of extermination war by advanced European technologies, Increase in the quality of infrastructure, Rapid increase in the number of inventions, Rapid and high generalized Civilizationism.

⚠️ Extraterrestrial Peril (no historical examples but probabilistic eventualities of what living beings generally seek and do in nature and the universe): Rapid Genetic Evolution, Rapid Cultural Evolution, Rapid Linguistic Evolution, meteoric rise in Qi, extreme demographic planning and management, extreme natural resource grabbing, civilizational war of annihilation (possibility of extermination of the founding planetary civilization), staggering increase in the quality of infrastructure, phenomenal increase in the number of inventions, extreme and hypersonic generalized Civilizationism. 

⛔️ Proven Statistical Observational Example; The Black Peril or the great darkness at work in all its societal splendor or rather in its most total, visible, involutive and annihilating civilizational decrepitude, and this observable in any third-world Western megacity made by the most execrable modern political elites. This street is so destroyed, decivilized and criminogenic that Internet users have started nothing less than a Youtube channel in the name of Kensington Avenue! Much worse than the Yellow Peril, the latter being less worse than the White Peril or the Extraterrestrial Peril even if these remain in these most pessimistic results a colonialist expansionist ''peril'' but roughly with a Civilizing result.

Source (America most Dangerous Hood - Kensington Ave Philadelphia):


The solution to the general denatality of humanity both in the West and in several third world countries is not the widespread massive Africanization of the entire planet (as Justin Trou-du-cul and his many ministers who have remained with very low inventiveness are doing) being the fastest, easiest, laziest, unimaginative and intelligent solution but rather natalist political measures and especially Artificial Uteruses (similar to the billions of forms of Insect Civilizations of nature which produce the exact quantity of ant or bee eggs exactly according to their need for workers and a little more given a certain % of normal unavoidable infant loss), which will be able to reproduce any terrestrial Ethnicity in equal or better quality and sufficient quantity for each national need and in workforce and founding citizens national and/or continental roots (national preference & continental preference because ethnicities are geographically of genetic appearance continental). As long as a citizen of a country is inactive (retirement, etc.), it is strictly stupid, unproductive and Immoral to automatically replace him only with an African on duty, it makes no sense in terms of nature as well as ethics and morality. Or else it is a gradual leaching and a loss of strict global Diversity of all terrestrial human populations, a serious generalized crossbreeding standardizing all human DNA into a single variant fragile to epidemics because of the same genome everywhere on Earth (single model of the Global Mixed Human), a genetic regression therefore a decline in the overall genetic quality of the Hive which awaits us and which will be effective almost everywhere in the short term. The Africanization of countries was precisely the choice of the Slave Traders at the time of the conquest of America by the kingdoms of Europe and is exactly STILL the same speed solution of the modern Global Slave Traders (capitalist-communists), the more history advances and the more it repeats itself for the cretins and peoples with short-sighted vision with low capacity for innovation, both strategic, technical and eugenic.

Source (Revealing Atrocities Against African Women Aboard Slave Ships):


Being stupid, undereducated, self-centered and individualistic careerist is exactly like the Athletes, Artists, Journalists, Politicians, etc. that I would like to be, thinking only of my own little career navel and never reacting to the Replacement of Western People of my own family in order to be certain not to be Cancel Culture individually but to let my own people be Cancelled entirely in a few decades by the criminal politicians great replacementists (example of the highly replaced city of Bamako-Longueuil in the country of Zimbabwe-Canada). There is no equivalent in stupidity in this world, they are the top of the top of societal shame for generations especially compared to their European ancestors. So the Artists, Athletes, Journalists, Politicians, etc. are mediocrity incarnate it is 100% certain. There is the big Ocean Liner of the Great Demographic Replacement filled with tens of millions of immigrants passing in front of them, and either they are too under-educated to see it or they are deliberately not mentioning it in the media because they are so afraid of their own shadow. Well the huge Ocean Liner will pass, go to the dock and replace all of them, as many tiny little navels with small IQs as they are, good for them, the weak-minded with short-sightedness. Their glasses must be too full of the filth of multiculturalist government propaganda after years of media smoke and mirrors. All these open-mouthed imbeciles have a big ocean liner passing in front of them and they don't even see it because their eyes are so immersed in bean grease that they appear to be asleep but in fact they are unfortunately wide awake and yet at their full potential of reflectivity.

This is why small human skulls clearly have their limits, as we can see more than visibly in our era of magnificent sub-intellectuality. They are sorely lacking in the gray brain matter to calculate and synthesize Reality.

70 million people will arrive by 2100 according to the Initiative of the Century, you rascals, so get up from your coward and complain to your corrupt political elites who apparently don't give a damn about your demographic distress. It is however easy to spot this gigantic ship because it is written on it in big white letters painted on the side of the cargo ship in the name of GREAT DEMOGRAPHIC REPLACEMENT, it cannot be more readable from afar from the shore towards the ocean wide. 

You don't see the liner rushing towards you at a crazy speed!? Too late, the liner has arrived at the Port, you have been Demographically Replaced. Too Late... Renaud Camus had announced for decades that the liner had to be stopped! Too late, it arrived safely, the boat was too well moored, too well prepared and filled to the brim with citizens from all over the world for the journey so you could not stop it because it had too much air to go, too much velocity, too heavy and with too much kinetic energy to be stopped easily by tiny national peoples took in isolation thus your under-equipped, under-armed state submarines, without a helmsman and without a real battle plan therefore with submersibles insufficiently equipped, strategic and precise in their attack to really torpedo this disastrous ship with a dark demographic auspice highly predictable for ages.


(Timonian variant of the text by Pastor Martin Niemöller) ©

*This text can be applied to any terrestrial people wanting to maintain historical genetic continuity in an increasingly globalized world with a post-founding population claim to be geographically continental or even to exoplanetary civilizations having presently and temporally Ancestral Rights and Acquired Territorial Rights. No people want to be totally replaced or mixed by any other extraterrestrial peoples or civilizations, it is a universal constant observable in more than 99.9% of populations.

"When the replacement Capitalist politicians brought 1 million Hispanic immigrants to my country, I said nothing because I didn't want to be seen as an Intolerant, I was not Hispanic.

When the Liberal replacement politicians brought 10 million Asian immigrants to my country, I said nothing because I didn't want to be seen as a Hater, I wasn't Asian.

When the replacement Socialist politicians brought 20 million Arab immigrants to my country, I said nothing because I didn't want to be seen as a xenophobe, I was not an Arab.

When the replacement Communist politicians brought 50 million African immigrants to my country, I said nothing because I didn't want to be seen as a racist, I was not African.

When the replacement Small Business People brought 70 million Oceanian immigrants to my country, I said nothing because I did not want to be seen as a Discriminator, I was not Oceanian.

When the replacement Big Business people brought 100 million European immigrants to my country, I said nothing because I didn't want to be seen as a Segregationist, I wasn't European.

When the Globalist Replacements brought 1 billion Alien immigrants from another exoplanet into my country, there was only me and no one left of my people so I should have reacted when there was still time to save my genetic population but since I was too cowardly to do anything, we were 100% mixed and demographically replaced. Such is the fate of weak peoples, without a backbone and without a minimal Identitarian and Preservationist life drive.

Source (When_they_came_to_look):


What I find most ironic is that the naked states, once they were a beacon of morality, there were even hundreds of associations of religious leagues of good virtue. However, once they let go of religion, human peoples were without sufficient imagination to generate a new nomenclature of what would potentially be more moral or not universally speaking. Returns to invisibilist religions are in no way a solution to the degeneration of modern morals, on the contrary it will lead to an ideological regression no matter where they are reinstated, we must have on the contrary conceptual explanations based on our biological foundations, that's all. The leagues of good virtue were held by women of the 1950s who were the most virtuous, moral and well-intentioned towards not only themselves, their family, their relatives and their community. A bit like today's volunteers, these exceptional women put their hands to the dough of social mutual aid and gave heart, feeling and affection to the poor and people who seemed to stray from the straight path of Catholic morality. These values ​​of mutual aid, kindness, accommodation, emotional and material support of everyone are still excellent notions to highlight in humanity in general and our respective communities, however new non-deist moral foundations must support on biological explanatory foundations of survival rather than on ideal values ​​that cannot be fully realized in the materiality of the bio-affective beings that we are. Since the leagues of good intentions are no longer up to date, immorality has been thrown on relativized youth and solicited for all causes and especially the purchase of products in the name of the divinized monetary economy. These volunteers of the soul did not only give alms, they also educated the population with the most moral precepts of the ancient peoples of Antiquity, they moralized as much on the most normal and moral habits of life, as on books, art exhibitions and films supposedly immoral by their explicit content, purple or not advocating positive values. This censorship applied as much behind by the clergy as the ladies of the parish in front, included its share of criticism and semantic heaviness a little like the sermons of the priest on Sunday, however this essentially traditionalist and protectionist discourse of family values ​​allowed to keep a certain purity and rectitude of popular morals and customs.

INEVITABLE GRADUAL MINORIZATION OF EUROPEANS IN WESTERN MULTIETHNIC ADVERTISING (period from 1950 to 2010, i.e. a long televised descent into the multiethnic hells, browning and relativizing human culture in 60 years)

No one asks the question anymore as to why white people are now a minority in advertising, both on television and on the Internet, since in the multi-shit society project their number is drastically reduced each year, like the liquefaction of glaciers at the North and South Poles. We have gone from a ratio of 95% of white actors/actresses to today around 10% to 20% maximum, which is a loss of 90% of the television advertising space occupied in airtime (apart from actors/actresses and presenters so that people are reassured on television and do not realize the ethnic replacement down in the streets since these media still belong to the Banks and Multinationals who are big profiteers from this ethnic situation of replacing simple "white customers" with other "brown customers", because deep down Europeans are no longer the customers of the hour to target when buying in stores, but rather the millions of immigrants who arrive in hordes from the third world to storm Western markets waiting for them to come through the door of their various branches with only capitalist views. Around 2100, when whites will really be 10% at the level of the demography, they will be even less numerous, therefore relegated to the level of genetic trace (of a trace of brake in the bottom of the pants of an under-gifted mixed-race African), as a bleaching agent or whitening agent of other ethnic groups who always want to become paler and paler. Nowadays, normal families have passed the torch or rather have had it taken by Blacks, Lesbians, Obese people (black, lesbian, dwarf is the top) and all the abnormal people that we see in international advertisements, except whites in provincial advertisements by default more localist and less globalizing. Why women? Because naturally they are big buyers in stores and above all follow fashions more so are more vulnerable to advertisements. Why Africans? Since they are the basic human genetics and therefore also the basic human customer, a little more silly by nature or by excellence of the ease of their clientelism, with a lower average IQ (Africa IQ Map 2017) who will let themselves be taken in by more scams easily and above all who will be ready to spend large sums of money to whiten their skin, dye or lighten their hair, will buy fake accessories in order to have the impression of being more artificially white (clothing, shoes, white glasses, etc.) and will invest a lot of money (purchase of products x, y and z) in order to seduce a white woman (the best of the best) which would allow them to whiten their family genetic lineage more quickly and finally have white children for real,touching white skin therefore appropriating whiteness or more humanly speaking, appropriating Europeanness (classic example of the 2 extremes, i.e. the whitest redheaded woman in humanity, M0, seeing a potential advertising interracial couple union with a very black African without mixed race M0) hence their extremely strong desire (therefore proportional expenditure in thousands of dollars to companies offering products and services) to whiten and/or access a hypothetical white woman, crowning achievement of the conquest and 300,000 years of genetic evolution in a single advantageous and very evolutionary reproduction.

Source (Lists of Quebec advertisements 1990):


The Federal Government, even the Supreme Court of Canada, adopts the nutty Woke egalitarian relativist ideology so much that they only have opinions of Biological Relativism, not even being able to name in adequacy with nature a human female being a woman, but rather a neutral person with a vagina. It is biologically impossible to be born a neutral person, for millions of years our mammalian chromosomes have been either XY or XX (exception with hermaphrodites, which confirms 99.99% of the standard normal sexual model), so by default according to sexual biology we are born Male or Female. Biologically speaking, only people born Hermaphrodite would have the real possibility of subjectively defining themselves one day as a woman and the next day as a man according to their mood, since they really have both female and male sexes even if their chromosomes are once again either XX or XY (not the simultaneous addition of the 2 sexes either XXY or XYX), other non-hermaphrodite people are only false non-binaries therefore necessarily born in the male or female category. If a national federal institutional level such as the Supreme Court of Canada (allegedly the pinnacle of a nation's intellectual capacity to evaluate with clarity, accuracy and precision the validity of information, an idea, a law, etc.) is not able to rule on such simple biological variables, one can very strongly doubt their ability to evaluate a multitude of other subjects of societal interest less obvious than anatomical differences. I feel like these idiots in government and the LGBT Sex Cult are instead trying to fit their political ideals subsequently to their ideological pretension (serious and dramatic fallacies of their erroneous naturalist materialist physicalist model), like severely intellectually handicapped people trying to fit a square puzzle piece into a round slot, so each time the edges stick out and do not fit at all with the natural reality of the order of things. The Government is trying to adjust the justice system and mixing the notion of Legal Person (Law) with the concept of Physical Person (Nature) which is not reducible to a category of statuary form, but rather to a biological reality given at birth and fundamentally unchangeable by the technicality and subterfuges of medicine with capitalist aims (immoral and unethical greed of the pharmaceutical industry based on the profit of $200,000 to $300,000 per patient for lifelong hormonal treatment). These finished horizontalist relativists no longer know how to differentiate the top from the bottom,the left of the right and imagine in their delirium that a person is born by default sexually neutral (Gender Theory ontologically based on the thesis of Simon de Beauvoir or one would become a Woman by choice and not by birth which is false at the base), and subsequently she chooses her Sex (Sexual Appropriation) and her Gender, which is an inversion of biological founding priority. It is rather the opposite or a person is born with a certain Sex which is impossible to change since this information is written in her DNA, and then she can more or less choose her Gender, which is a behavioral average, in attitude and clothing linked to one sex or another (Gender Appropriation). First, depending on our chromosomes, growth hormones will be produced subsequently in greater or lesser quantities, therefore more production of testosterone in young boys and estrogen and progesterone in young girls, gradually bringing them to adolescence to a gradual sexual maturity allowing them viable reproduction and transmission of genes from generation to generation of humans. Temporary, but never permanent, modulations can be made if men or women take additional sex hormones of the other sex or drugs that stop or neutralize their own production voluntarily of these same hormones, however if the artificial intake of hormones ceases then automatically the biological sexual characteristics will return to nature since it is the DNA that controls the production of sex hormones (synthesis of gamete proteins). An individual cannot be born in a Non-Sexual (Innate) way, she can subsequently define herself as Non-Gendered (Acquired) however in a view of sexual complementarity, genderism is useful to define and strengthen the initial sexuality of living organisms that will assume themselves sexually and then take all the roles and models naturally associated with their sex since time immemorial (more maternalizing female acting with gentleness and empathy with babies or the more authoritarian, strong and reassuring male with children, etc.). In the same way that I explained in my research, these people at the individual level and at the level of institutionalized government bodies only promote ideological systems with a Subjectivist foundation, thus they try to found systems with an objectivizing pretension but based on opinions,feelings and feelings of people taken individually according to their thoughts and emotions of the day and subsequently attempt to structure conceptual pyramids without any physicalist and therefore biological foundation at the foundations of their set of interrelated philosophical notions, then their entire ideology collapses at the slightest anatomical proof validating or invalidating alleged models.


We often hear about the Earth's Magnetic Pole Inversion (geological frequency of 780,000 years, or 300 times in 200 million years), but the most observable phenomenon in our time is the Human Demographic Pole Inversion, that is to say an inversion of the population poles of the South, moved in quantity by the governments of the North towards their indigenous founding regions. With global warming (in addition to the crossbreeding projects of the many Western multi-ethnic societies), animals in nature and human populations are invariably driven by concerns for the pleasantness of life to move towards the less hot and colder-temperate regions of the Earth's northern hemisphere, which accelerates the inversion of the animal population and anthropological terrestrial demographic poles, therefore does not particularly help the varieties of white animals in the North to remain whiter and preserve their primary geno-phenotypic identity linked to their historical ancestors. At first, the European populations having dispersed towards the southern regions (type of high atmospheric pressure zone or population density) through their efficient means of travel via the great maritime explorers (Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco de Gama, etc.) spread the polar genetics to very distant regions, natalized them and civilized them with their inventions. On the other hand, nowadays the low average birth rates of the north, generates a demographic pressure at the low making a call for air from the north (type of basic atmospheric pressure zone or population density) which the Governments and Multinationals see the opportunity to fill with the almost unlimited possibilities of filling the vast Northern Territory, but with new southern citizens from the most populous regions of the terrestrial southern hemisphere. The arrival by millions over centuries and billions of people over millennia of the various southern peoples with smaller cranial volumes from the Southern Hemisphere in the territories of the populations of the Northern Hemisphere where human cranial volumes are larger (same phenomenon of interdependent bio-geo-meteo exoplanetary self-adjustment of observable differentiation between hot or cold arid zones increasing over time the volume of skulls in any Extraterrestrial biological species subjected to colder evolutionary temperatures) will cause the brain to shrink significantly by a few grams and the bone cranial volumes in cm3 of the populations of the north of the planet Earth because of the effects of the interbreeding of inter-ethnic genes, therefore a loss of overall Qi of a few points and an average decrease in heads over a few centuries. 


To schematize the naturalist example, there lived in the north animals including white chocolate Easter bunnies, they were in perfect harmony with their snowy environment around them, and the more the reversal of the Demographic Poles intensifies and accelerates, little by little they become beige chocolate bunnies and then brown chocolate bunnies, who falsely wear white chocolate wrappers, which quickly insults the increasingly reduced number of white chocolate bunnies at the beginning before the reversal of the poles. In the past, when the white chocolate rabbits went down south to undertake exploration trips and establish on land their white chocolate factory in brown chocolate production areas (Australia, South Africa, South America, etc.), by default, with a few exceptions, they did not reproduce and mixed their chocolate color very little, normally wanting to keep their initial whiteness and chocolate purity sought after by all good renowned chocolatiers and famous brands. Even if the Governments and Multinationals (sellers of white products with brown chocolate bunnies) try to pass us boxes of brown chocolate for white chocolate bunnies after having put white chocolate wrappers on top, the real white chocolate bunnies are not fooled but more and more indignant and offended by this attempt at identity theft of color and brand of lower quality chocolate because they know how to recognize which are the millions of fake white chocolate bunnies that their bad elites, also made of white chocolate, are trying to impose on them on their territory of the snowy white environmental north. 


Another metaphor rather in the human register, there was a white meta-face in the north or the many polar terrestrial countries, the more brown infiltrates the genetics of the pale face similar to what the Amerindians described during their trade with the European natives, there is half of the face that becomes more and more brown, until reaching the first eye so the edge of the white face realizes that half of its face no longer belongs to it or finally does not match the color of its skin, so the eye of the pale face watches with concern the spreading of brown which goes towards the nose and finally towards the 2nd eye and before the face becomes all brown, the blue/green eye facially the most legitimate (territorially and temporally) more and more anxious panics to look at this increasingly stared and ravaged face does not want for all the gold in the world that the brown completely invades its face yet once immaculate whiteness of sparkling purity. So the last healthy part of the face decides before becoming forever dirty to wash the bad edge of its face in depth with a rag, to exfoliate it and expurgate the blackheads with all the possible tools of dermatologists and this in order to completely remove the brown dirt that had been dirtying its face for some time due to lack of general physiognomic hygiene, cowardice of care, carelessness and tolerance of the accumulation of dirt in the smallest corners of the human societal face. The perfectly white societal faces that will not have cleaned the dirt from their face early enough before exceeding half of the central nose line, will see their face become entirely brown and beige uniformly after a certain time of inaction of only a few centuries of inattention (Preservationism of the original ethnic colors either White-White or Brown-Brown and less Beige-Brown). A former pale face having left brown spots (immigrant ghettos) gradually spreading over his face until the total uniformity of his face has become beige, even if he uses a washcloth or rough steel wool to clean his entire dermis, he will never be able to wash it deeply and regain the whiteness of yesteryear, the dirt will remain permanently encrusted throughout his pretty face changed in color by the accumulation and dispersion of melanin pigments linked to the immigration of the inversion of the demographic poles of the Earth. 

Source (Earth demographic pole inversion):


In the Mediterranean Sea, the populations of Africa are moving towards Europe in times of international unrest, multiple climate changes and humanitarian needs, so the basin is overflowing with floods of migrants, yet the West cannot accommodate all the misery of the world. Western politicians abuse the immigration of Third World populations (Marc Miller, Christine Fréchette, etc.) which they use wrongly and across the board in order to inject almost unlimited quantities of citizens (payers of taxes and duties) and low-cost labor (workers and customers of multinational stores). Modern Uncle Sam (mixture between the economic Right with individualistic pretensions of the business world of short-term profit seeking + the villainous politicians of the Left looking for quick votes to garner via the ever-increasing group of third-world immigrants and/or the group of societal abnormals hypocritically used against all the normal, traditionalist and regional native people of national or continental origin. This reflexive metaphor appeared to me when I walked 20 years later between 2 brown brick buildings from my childhood, where I recognized exactly this same passage visited several decades before, the luminous ambiance that emanated there, the grass of the same size and greenish tint, the same architectures that I analyzed at the age of 18, etc. However, even if I recognized all these visual and auditory stimuli a few decades ago, that the buildings were exactly the same, that the concrete and the sidewalks of the neighborhood had not changed, that the scenery in every way was precisely the same, the once white and European population within this neighborhood had been replaced by other brown people from the third world that I now saw everywhere in the streets and alleys around. In just a few minutes, I counted about ten Africans walking down the street, an alley filled with black children (which 20 years before I don't even remember seeing a single immigrant in the neighborhood), and the nearby suburb was filled with veiled women, the population had been replaced under Trudeau's liberal, maximalist migrationist policies. As has often been reported in countries with high immigration, politicians who exaggerate the appeal to this manna of workers, consumers and taxpayers in just 10 to 20 years, under massive immigration of several tens of millions of people, it is possible to literally change the urban and national face of a population formerly for a white face and gradually the mixed with a brown face demographic population. Governments shop on the international market,the least expensive and most abundant human materials of the moment, they will go and get these human units of different gradients going from pale to dark, from tall to short (Mayans), from the most intelligent to the least intelligent all this to save investment money (cost of welcoming and settling immigrants) and the total accessible quantity of these people who come out of nowhere always becoming by default unwanted parasites for the native country or these immigrants arrive brazenly by mistake since the natural geographical barriers, or the borders protected by the army would not have allowed them to cross them easily. The governments will therefore plunge the migrationist shit pump into the largest, deepest and most filled reservoir possible and/or the liter is at the best price ratio, will start the vacuum cleaner engine and will spray with their wide-gauge spreader hose any world population with this abundant and cheap shit at all costs in the name of a pseudo-multiculturalist project, but in fact rather multiethnicity not revealed as such. The Great Replacement and Great Mixed Race politicians like Justin Trudeau are going to send millions and millions of liters directly onto their own white population, even though everyone knows that the quality of the liquid is not the same from one tank to another, because this shit is in almost unlimited quantity and it will be possible to spread as much as they want on their country and their people (Crime against humanity of the criminal ethnic traitor politician Trudeau). The shit falls and falls from the sky at a frantic rate per ton and the people below who receive all this shitty immigration are starting to wonder, but where can all this brownish excrement (darker southern genetics) and odorous (backward ideology) from the third world come from!? As soon as a population sprayed and flooded with this shit reacts minimally, then it will be treated as intolerant, xenophobic or even re-racist when deep down any human or even extraterrestrial population naturally and legitimately wants to keep the integrity of its ethnic, cultural and historical identity in order not to be diluted, replaced and even drowned by a quality of materials less good than its own, and especially if this demographic shit pump has been put to full blast for several decades against the will and the lucid and enlightened knowledge of the populations destroyed by their own elites. Civil infrastructures (apartments, buildings, sidewalks, streets, fences, electric poles) have remained exactly in their place in the same places,however the shit pump that sends a very powerful and constant jet washing away everything in its path given the excessive flow of brown water, has washed away and mixed the peaceful populations who were nevertheless present on this territory and who even built these infrastructures in the past before the shitty politicians started the fatal demographic shit pump of the third world (similar to the scene of the house that remained standing during the great flood in Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean in 1996). Even if the metaphor is not the most subtle, elegant and pleasantly perfumed, it is faithful to the particular qualitative and quantitative phenotypic reality of human demographics. From this constant, it is necessary to close the valve of the migrationist shit pump connected to the terrestrial third world, stop this Great Flood of Immigrants, arrest and accuse these politicians guilty of Great Replacements of People (unconscious generational ethnic traitors, corrupt or not) and invest massively in natural and artificial natalist measures (nurseries with artificial uteruses) with the objective of reversing this temporary migratory flood, mopping up the damage and subsequently thoroughly cleaning up the demographic catastrophe engendered by these politicians at a given historical time of severe demographic crisis in the early 2000s.

The Government of Canada is CRIMINAL to replace its own people with another and especially populations with low genetic quality from the regions of the African jungle with still a lot of residual monkey genes where the chimpanzees ancestors of modern humans still live (Anthropology 101). The Canadian Government advertisements only show Africans and other ethnic groups so there are practically no representatives of the founders of the country from the last 400 years of work to uproot, make the earth soft, build the many roads and cities from East to West. 1.3 million immigrants last year which is the highest rate ever recorded in all of history. The revenge of the people will be terrible against them much worse than during the French or Russian Revolution with the Romanov family. 17,000 heads of nobles guillotined during the French Revolution (not even generational ethnic traitors, they had done much less worse than the replacement capitalist elites since they were only simple bourgeois for the majority). 

Source (Saguenay house):

UNIVERSALIAN EXOPHILOSOPHY (ontological metaphysical philosophical system & universalist naturalist moral ideology) ©

Universalian (Kaosmian)/Universalian (Kaosmian)

Galaxian (Adromedian)/Galaxian (Andromedian)

Stellarian (Solarian)/Stellarian (Solarian)

Planetarian (Earthling)/Planetarian (Earthling)

Satelliteian (Lunian)/Satellitian (Lunian)


The universalist metaphilosophical doctrine of the Universalians encompasses by default all intelligent living organisms (creatures below 50 points = pre or proto universalians) existing in our observable universe (baptized with the proper name of KAOSMOS in 2012 to the international astronomical community) and this universalist systemic ideological notion also includes all forms of life from other extended regions of the material world to other isolated universes independently of the multiverse (almost insurmountable difficulty in crossing the borders from one bubble universe to another). The universalians, even if they are of different genetics beyond galaxies and universes, are brothers and sisters of universes since founded on the same initial material existential premises before and after the fractal Big Bang (more specifically for us towards the trillions of Kaosmosian species). Realism leads to Physicalist Materialism, which tends to the laws of possibility offered by Probabilism (Micro-Atomics). These approaches with a general Materialist tendency will emerge up to Naturalist doctrines (Macro-Atomics), leading to Biotopic Biologisms, which will culminate in Universalist Civilizationalism philosophies (appearance of planetary population groups + notion of intelligence therefore with universalist existentialist projection). An ideological and conceptual system of thought of the world whatever it may be (air), must have an attachment not only semantic, but also physicalist materialist to the realistic foundation (ground), without which a paradigmatic axiomatic system therefore only constructivist mathematician idealist will have no ontological basis sufficiently validatable or invalidatable by science and observations in Nature and the Universe. I do not see how we can think of living in an immaterial world, the dualism of Being is a metaphysical error of thought typical of philosophers who do not study physics and astronomy enough (phenomenology, idealisms, etc.). This immaterialist thought is invalidated even if we believe in the theoretical approaches of symmetry in the universe and of any system having to have everything and its opposite. For example, if there are observable and measurable physical phenomena such as the mind, the soul or ghosts, then if we pass our hand in a ghostly spectrum then this smoke will oscillate or not therefore its substrate will interact or not with our personal materiality, no matter this phenomenon occurs in the visible material world and operating according to the specificity of its founding physical laws.The polarizing dialectical notion of Materialism vs. Immaterialism, even if it is certainly conceivable in informational evaluation and its semantic opposition in philosophy, it is only possible in the world of conceptual vocabulary and not in existential reality (astronomical realism). Spirits do not need to be linked to a creator god, and invalidate themselves with the theories of supersymmetries (matter/antimatter) and antisymmetries (matter/matter or antimatter/antimatter). Claiming an immaterial world is a highly improbable bet since even if we only have access to the Phenomenon (appearance of Being) and not to the Noumenon (Being as Being), we progress and perceive what appear to us to be Forms, sometimes moving or static, these forms are not stubborn, vague, disparate, changing and mutable, they seem rather to keep a great stability of the form therefore of what constitutes them fundamentally, that is to say an immutable and unchanging matter over millions and billions of years (apart from the laws which govern and establish the 20 physical laws forming the conditions of possibility of Being, of the World therefore of the Matter which forms the Universe). The world cannot be immaterial since there is precisely the permanence of Forms and therefore of the underlying Matter and from the moment that something exists instead of nothing, immediately the material Being takes precedence over the immaterial Nothingness similar to the beginning of time when there was a period of existential struggle between Matter and Antimatter. The first existential state triumphed after millions of years of effective materialization since its disintegration time was less rapid so there was more matter left in the end which made it possible to generate the World and the Multiverse in which we have lived since the appearance of the first primordial universal fractal Big Bangs. Even a World based on Antimatter would still have possessed physical anti-laws founding an Anti-World, antimaterially balanced with all its cosmological constants so once again not at all Immaterial. Explanatory ontological theories credulously affirming an Immaterialism of the World and universes in the Multiverse with a capital M, cannot found anything simply because no matter or antimatter is usable and edifiable in its evolutionary complexificationist existential quest, the Forms of Being would not be at all permanent, unified and stable in time and space. A state of pure Materialism (double existentiality) can only come about by going back to Being as being (which is perceptively and informationally impossible),and a pure Immaterialism (double-inexistentiality) can only be generated by reaching a state of Nothingness as nothingness (also impossible to reach for living organisms, especially those living in this immaterial state making the very possibility of delimitation and circumscription of the limits of this world unthinkable). The notion of realism is that which deals with defining the ins and outs of abstract reality in its entirety, regardless of whether it is real or ideal. The notion of realism is rather related to pragmatic evaluations of what the Real is as a true materialized real and not projected into an immaterial idealized estimate.


Probabilism, Rationalism, Logicism, Scientism, Skepticism, Objectivism, Realism, Realism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Materialism, Physicalism & Astronomism (Atomist), Biologism (Cellularist), Coherentism, Entropism, Hierarchism (Verticalist), Complexificationalism (gradualist & stepist), Naturalism (protectionist & preservationist), Natalism (natural & artificial), Environmentalism (ecologist), Eugenics (natural & artificial), Evolutionism, Perfectionism, Spiritualism, Traditionalism (Archeofuturist), Intellectualism (exobiologist), Anatomism, Technicism, Atheism, Identitarianism (continentalist, hemispherist, planetarianist, stellarist, galactist, universalist, etc.), Consequencealism (+++), Moralism, Expansionism, Imperialism (planetary & galactic), Futurism, Revolutionism (interplanetary & interstellar), Civilizationalism and Universalism.


Non-Relativist, Non-Deist (non-invisibilist), Non-egalitarian to the extreme, Negentropism, Political Regressivism (horizontalist), Non-Laxist, Non-Multiculturalist, Non-Multiethnicist, Non-Cosmopolitan, Non-Subjectivist, Non-Reactionary, Non-Involutionist, Intentionalism (--), Non-Immaterialist.

METAPHILOSOPHY (Philosophy of Philosophy)








EVOLUTIONISM (Hierarchical Complexificationism)


INTELLECTUALISM (Emerging Intelligence)






The irremediable effect of multi-ethnic societies which can therefore only give the gradual replacement of all societal spheres of the former inhabitants, is not only the replacement of history, culture and ambient ideologies, but also of the ethnic or genetic replacement which invaginates and intrinsically changes the welcoming and naive populations of origin for the genetics which they have blindly accepted among them. Genetic replacement is the most fundamental and humiliating variable, because it is due to the fact of the deep genes of individuals, of their DNA which nevertheless emerged from several tens or even hundreds of thousands of years of specific evolution. Genetic replacement is the highest humiliation that a population, both terrestrial and exoplanetary, therefore extraterrestrial, can undergo during its lifetime, just by seeing the most striking example of the ancient French European populations largely and invariably mixed by the genetics of the Maghreb and the regions of Arabia and/or the Middle and Near East in general which meant that they essentially lost their native pink skin for beige dermal hues, lost all their characteristics of pale blond, red and auburn brown hair and their unique green and blue eyes for dark brown and black hues. If, in addition, the genetic replacement is accompanied by an artificial phenotypic imitation of former inhabitants, for example immigrants in Europe who will dress in white, wear wigs and give themselves blond or red hair dyes and wear blue or green contact lenses, then by this disrespectful Genetic Appropriation they have reached the height of humiliation towards the ancestors who are temporally and geographically the most legitimate in their country. If, in addition, the newcomers are treated as racist, supremacist or other false identitarian and ethnophobic  (nationalophobic) accusations at the slightest claim of protectionism and identity preservationism from residents to their political and governmental bodies, then it is the height of societal insult according to the genotypic and phenotypic variables of yesteryear so the trap of the dystopian project of the multiethnic society is completely closed. What I describe in a more theoretical way and with innovative concepts is exactly what Europeans experience in the West, because they currently have a conceptual semantic limitation, are paralyzed by the fear of the perpetual false accusation of racism and are caught in a powerful multiculturalist and multiethnic media propaganda advocated by their governments blinded by this self-destructive project in addition to being slaves of private banks as well as globalists who only think of short-term profit so do not actually care about replacing populations with others in the name of the selfish accumulation of money. For example, if immigrants of any nationality are going to live on Native American Reservations, dress like Native Americans with traditional clothing, dye their faces red and place feathers on their heads, then the real Native Americans would be 100% legitimate to ask that we stop imitating them brazenly, and the immigrants to illegitimately respond that they are only xenophobic racists who are afraid of good hard-working immigrants, then the latter would have no territorial and temporal legitimacy to steal their specific attributes, to imitate them and then to accuse them of racism when they are nevertheless those having the most right to claim on the land of their ancestor its unique attributions as much cultural, phenotypic and genotypic.


The only argument that is put forward by the "Wokes" (association of blacks, Arabs, lesbians, everything that is not normal that wants to overthrow the heteronormative white society) is that of "White Privilege" which states that whites are "always" favored in the West (this argument is literally stupid and contradicts itself in 3 seconds). There is a "national preference" among each people where there is a majority, for example if you go to the Romans, well the native Roman people will be advantaged, because they are the most numerous, if a white person goes to China or Mexico, well there is a greater chance of being arrested by the Police, because he does not fit in with the rest of the majority population so there will be a "Chinese or Mayan privilege". Europeans are not perfectly universalist abstract beings like the Charters of Rights and Freedoms, they too will apply this normal association with those who most resemble them and give a certain ''national or ethnic preference'' to those in their group who are more like their clone.

If Japanese people wander around a Reservation, well they are more likely to be arrested by the Peacekeepers because they do not fit in with the general decor of the native population. Similarly, Native Americans will hire more people from their group than foreigners, which is very normal, yet no one will accuse them of applying a "Native American Privilege", only whites are wrongly accused of being racists by birth, which is an amalgamation.

What I understood yesterday while thinking about this, is that the millions of immigrants and even Native Americans want to live according to the quality of life of the Western world (which reached high standards well before the other peoples of the planet, because they are essentially Nordic and they had to make many inventions in the north to succeed in heating themselves and surviving the cold, immigrants want the inventions of whites, they even want the genes of whites and their paleness, they want to use their modern inventions (television, internet, train, car, microwave oven, the telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell, they want their Skidoo (Armand Bombardier), Chileans and others even want to imitate whites by dressing in white, and dyeing their hair frizzy blond, and putting on blue contact lenses (like spotting a black person in Montreal in a car? Answer: he has a white car or jeep).


The United States of America in the 1980s, this maximalist country in everything and nothing as much the best (moral) as the worst and the most depraved (immoral) [music, cinema, multinational companies, merging multiculturalism, later mixing multiethnicism, etc.]. At the beginning, they put all the possible ingredients in the pie (Diversity) and after 1-2 centuries (Temporality) then all the ingredients have stuck together and form only one infamous face (fusion as much cultural, historical, ideological, gender as genetic). This video sample dating from the 1980s to 1990s clearly shows that the elements of the pie were not yet fully merged given the beginning diversity in the senses or people resemble the regions they come from on the globe. All the diversity of the world gathered in the same place (space-time) will naturally tend to self-cancel with the irremediable time factor, so this cultural and genetic mixture will be cooked forming a gibelotte pie within a few hundred years. 


The US and now the West as a whole place the African woman (oldest human genetics), obese (unhealthy), lesbian (sterile) with dyed blond hair (genetic appropriation) as the social pinnacle to reach. No, biologically she is at the bottom of the evolutionary pyramid, yet at the beginning of the century we placed the 6-foot tall European blonde or redhead woman at the top of the pyramid and it was much more realistic, by the transgender monkey at the top of the pyramid to reach, it is the world upside down and the West will pay dearly for its retro-evolutionary societal model by its crossbreeding and its generalized African reprimatization.


The Cancel Movement is a fundamentally Decolonialist movement, deep down they want to decolonize or rather Cancel white people, no more, no less. Current artists who don't want to get involved are idiots, because sooner or later they will be canceled too, not for what they said, but for their skin color, like Eminem, about whom African rappers have said vulgarities 1000 times worse. Historically, the problem is that white people, when they react, they exterminate like all peoples with the highest IQs, including the Japanese (Unit 731 in Manchuria). Non-white immigrants from immigration by the million were educated in Western universities, became intellectualized and developed a quarrel of accusatory pseudo-concepts trying to eligimize Europeans in countries that they have nevertheless civilized with their techniques and inventions since the last centuries. The numbers of non-European immigrants are so great that with the generational shift in favor of immigrants and the generalized decline in European birthrates in the West, the latter are now in a weak position and the immigrants at the numerary junction point will try by all means to falsely accuse them at every possible opportunity for their non-universality of human principle and then physically decolonize them by attacking them personally after having stolen their territory, their invention, their architecture, their standard of living and their Nordic European genetics of whiteness, color and many intelligence genes. The immigrants or non-White citizens talk about Colonialism and the importance of fighting it, which is the negative side, but the other concept is rather Civilization. The peoples of the planet have been civilized by Europeans with their 1001 inventions that they easily use today without realizing which people invented them in the majority (even white people are often insufficiently educated to realize this and allow themselves to be perpetually accused without any truly justifiable reason).


All these beautiful people want everything from the white West, but since they have millions on their territory then they no longer want the whites themselves. No, the whites themselves remind them of who and what society they are trying to imitate. They want the quality of life of Europeans, but not the whites themselves, who are only evil racists, etc. who gave the best inventions to humanity and brought it into space, but once they are stable in their world with all their invention, they want to decolonize them and steal the West from them.


(Perpetual Systemic Victimization of Religious Cultic Groups)

These deist religious groups, therefore invisilibsts (founding their ideological system on presuppositions with materialist pretensions, however without any reproducible scientific proof and observation) and unrealists are not only Foundationalists, but RELIGIOUS SUPREMATISTS who are ready to wage war in the name of their God, to generate international terrorism (see world statistics on terrorist attacks perpetrated each year). Western governments are simply too stupid to look beyond the end of their noses to see these criminalistic statistical evidences that are nevertheless observable everywhere on the planet including in France in a society similar to ours (already so invaded by these Maghrebian and Araboid genetics that the French populations of Celtic and Gallic origin have absorbed at least 10 to 30% of their Desert Human DNA (Haplogroup E1b1a or J1 and J2 (Semites) therefore + aggressiveness genes, large aquiline noses, black eyes, black hair and brown or beige skin instead of pink in the native European populations). If this genetic population group, however highly criminogenic, explainable by their ideological backwardness (religious deists) and according to their genetic determinism, DARES to opt for perpetual SYSTEMIC VICTIMIZATION (dear to any immigrant group in the West among populations who nevertheless legitimately deserve their minimum national preference) then the European descendants who are only 300 to 500 million individuals on Earth must IMPERATIVELY use the same methods of perpetual victimization to protect their civilizational achievements (level of evolved society + haplogromic genetic quality) and quickly start ANTI-EUROPEANOPHOBIC propaganda in order to fight against EUROPEANOPHOBIA (illegitimate fear of whites, amalgamation of racism as soon as protectionist demands are demanded and unconscious jealousy of populations not having the characteristics of extremely rare paleness of the terrestrial Nordic populations).




Believers in God are essentially Religious Supremacists (any belief system that thinks it is right will place its way of thinking at a higher level than other ideological systems in place at its given time and de facto religions have caused many wars in history), because they are ready to kill themselves (suicide) or kill others in the name of their religion. Also being Invisibilists (founding their system of thought on the invisible, that is to say unobservable and unquantifiable foundations then impossible to validate or invalidate therefore almost useless, because much too improbable) in addition to being Irrealists (in the sense that they are not in the ''real'' world, because no physicalist, biologist or metaphysical materialist fact as a whole proves their statements).

Once upon a time there was a story about children who believed in Santa Claus, no one had ever seen him, yet it was a legend that had filled a panoply of books, each one more outlandish than the other, for centuries. Even 2000 years later, the children had still not seen Santa Claus in the sky ready to come and bring them their gift and yet they had been morally more than kind. However, even if he never came 10,000 years later, the blind and retarded children were convinced that Santa Claus would one day arrive from the sky with his sleigh and his elegant queens. It was to be expected that those who still believed in the invisible man would never come out of their torpor and would always cling to their dreams and tall tales, because deep down they loved to believe in nothing and in the invisibility of things and natural phenomena... You as an adult, do you still believe in the invisible Santa Claus?



The more we use the "world of the Invisible" to build our theoretical systems, the more we lose precision and get closer to linguistic schizophrenia. For example, I present 1 cubic meter of air to people, I tell them what is inside? Little invisible elves, an invisible god, invisible aliens, etc., etc. "invisiblist" arguments, even compared to probabilistic or even rationalist arguments, have practically no existential theoretical validity (thought trap), they are very practical, but can be filled with an infinity of informational falsehoods (deistic religions, tales and legends, etc.) which will rather mislead people instead of truly informing them. Or else interesting the story of Artificial Intelligences that talk to each other and invent a language beyond humans, further proof that demonstrates that we must rather move towards the superhumanization of our genetics than towards transhumanism or our civilization will gradually dehumanize and lose intelligence similar to today's population increasingly incapable of orienting itself in space without GPS and retaining information without using its cell phone. However, the hypotheses appealing to the invisible world are very little credible and are not very revealing of the real informational truth of the universe, because they are based on absolutely unprovable premises and foundations. For example, if I propose in an invisible box #1 of 1 cubic meter, the hypothetical assertion that a family of mischievous invisible green elves live there that no one has practically ever seen except for a few very isolated testimonies, then I then stipulate that in invisible box #2, there exist evil red elves with pointy ears, in the third invisible box #3 swarm with nice yellow elves with goatees, in invisible box #4 that twirls happy orange elves with capes, and finally that in invisible box #5 there twirl eternal white elves with beards, then each time that I base my statements on an earlier invisible box to build my theoretical system then no foundation can firmly, visibly and experimentally support each new step upwards then the informational pyramid that I have built can collapse at the slightest opposing theoretical contradiction. Although there have been stories, hypotheses and predictions about Santa Claus' reign at the North Pole, about the fact that the green elves no longer work for him because they had a falling out with the blue elves, and that Santa Claus' wife left him to live in the south,that the Queens are no longer able to fly in the air, because they have lost their magical power to fly in the air, all these stories are FALSE, because they appeal to invisible imaginary stories invented by any writer or commercial in search of history and crazy legends, such as Santa Claus DOES NOT EXIST. Even if a child, a writer, an entrepreneur or even worse a schizophrenic explains that in invisible box #75 there is a race of happy elves with an ultraviolet tint and in invisible box #92 fluorescent green elves, well these projections of alleged realities have practically no value of theoretical informational validity since already in invisible boxes #1, 2 and 3 no solid base was really firm in order to raise its informational pyramid structure upwards. It is the same problem with the Divinities, the Extraterrestrials, etc. At best we can only gradually establish a core of certain knowledge based on hypotheses of truth and probabilistic systems of existence or not. We can certainly invent ideas, theories or abstract concepts which are only tools of reflection (immaterialism, idealism) for the usefulness they can have in our understanding of the world, however if a person wants to create a concept or idea that has a  claim to material existentiality.

GENETIC APPROPRIATION (very serious, because imitation of internal genetic attributes) 

When a white person braids their hair in dreadlocks, they are accused of cultural appropriation. When a white European wears clothing from another culture, they are accused of cultural appropriation. When a white person wears a supposedly sacred Native American hat, it is an act of cultural appropriation.

When an Indian dresses in white (a kind of cultural appropriation imitating a genetic color), dyes his hair blond and wears blue contact lenses, then no one says anything even though it is obviously Genetic Appropriation. Third-world ethnic groups live among Nordic European populations, imitate their skin color, imitate their hair color, copy their lifestyle (especially want their paleness gene through reproduction), etc. and imitate their genetic characteristics, which is immensely more serious and reprehensible. However, no one says anything, because only white people are accused at home of being Racists when deep down they are rather PROTECTIONISTS who do not always have all the intelligence and concepts to defend themselves against their own replacement by Companies and their own Governments (this is why I spend my time working on this problem, but ethnic identity protectionism is a thankless task that no one wants to be accused of, yet it is the noblest fight there is for one's own genetic population). Each people has the entire "Right to the Preservation of their minimal Genetic Identity", regardless of what a non-founding ethnic group of a given territory thinks about it compared to the one that was on this same territory for hundreds or even thousands of years (for example, the British would not have the right to prevent the Aborigines from protecting their typical Haplogroup C genetics at home in Australia, so other non-European ethnic groups of origin have no legitimacy in preventing indigenous Europeans from ensuring their reproduction (by whatever methods current morally acceptable science can provide) and the preservation of what differentiates them both Culturally and Genetically from other human populations on Earth).

PHYSIONOMIC APPROPRIATION (non-biological material object or robot imitating the kingdom of living beings)

Yesterday while looking at this image, I who do not adore Robots so much, I said to myself that these damned robots will try to tirelessly imitate the human Physiognomy (once they are intelligent enough to make other robots by themselves), so it will become a form of Appropriation not only Phenotypic but rather Human Physiognomy (Cyborg Android similar to a Humanoid). As much as I do not particularly like Africans (low average IQ therefore unpredictable behavior, because more instinctive) than Robots (another mechanistic and emotionless materialization) which makes them less reliable and trustworthy from one end of the spectrum of intelligence or different materiality to the other. For example, once the Robots will be used to having a human appearance, they will tell themselves that it is precisely their normal physiognomy when deep down they should have their own look like toasters or other household appliances. And when we are indisposed by their incessant imitation (like Europeans exasperated to see constantly brown humans dressing in white clothes, wearing blond or red wigs or dyes with colored contact lenses and loudly proclaiming that these are their quasi-natural attributes by Phenotypic or Genetic Appropriation). This is why, even in my graph on the possible evolution of humans in the future, I do not explicitly suggest either going back or going towards the Robotization of humanity, but rather only heading towards the biological Superhumanization, a world in which between living beings we will understand each other much better by being on the same wavelength of intelligence and materiality of biophysical substrate. 

ROBOTIC APPROPRIATION (imitation of the reign of robots by living beings) 🤖

After a certain time that a living species has invented and manufactured machines and robots with AI systems, then these will improve themselves and surpass their human inventors, engineers and computer scientists. So it is plausible that the animals of biological systems will copy the computer innovations that have worked in the environment and that seem more accomplished, more sophisticated and better organized as much in the civil, industrial, academic, architectural, governmental, and other sectors which will make humans or extraterrestrials imitate the robotic systems and will partly appropriate what they have brought new to their civilization of belonging. The fact that parts of computers and machines can be added without much effort compared to animal species which are not able to change their part at will (unless genetic optimization and/or selective breeding), therefore the programs and parts of computers and computerized systems will evolve much more quickly and thus the intelligence of robots and computers will climb at a speed much faster than humanity which for the moment has never genetically modified itself and which has therefore had an intelligence which has stagnated over time for several millennia. A very simple example is the evolution of an invention as basic as the car, for example the first American models of the 1908 Ford-T have evolved a lot over a century to arrive at modern automobile models dozens of times more sophisticated, while humans of 1900 are hardly different from humans today, so their intellectual capacities have remained practically identical to the genetic profiles of Antiquity or even the Neolithic, even with more advanced scientific and technical knowledge, the average IQ capable of solving new mathematical, logical and organizational formulas are more or less identical to a few points of intelligence. Another example, if more at the level of the world of computing, is to say that compared to Robots and Artificial Intelligence programs, human beings have not changed computer models for thousands of years (old obsolete Pentium 3) since biological evolutions take place very slowly, while the field of computers and Robots has gone from the generation of the abacus (the first historical versions invented by the Babylonians around 2400 BC) through the automatons of the Frenchman Jacques Vaucanson in 1732,to new generations of high-power quantum computers with high computing speeds which will also probably be implemented via Wifi networks or in the very systems of intelligent Terminator-type robots, so the world of robots will take an almost hyperbolic lead, unlike humanity which has evolved little or not at all as a whole (a decline in genomic quality and therefore in intelligence is, on the contrary, identified in the West given the generalized replacement of populations from the north by populations from the southern earth). 

Source (History of the Abacus):

Source (Vaucanson and biomechanism. The successors):

CULTURAL APPROPRIATION (harmless, because imitation of external cultural attributes) 

Cultural Appropriation (stealing clothing, traditional rituals, hair styles and others) to expand your vocabulary reduced to Sexual Appropriation (stealing the sexual attributes of another sex for example with cross-dressing by undergoing genital surgeries), Gender Appropriation (stealing the gender attributes of the other sex for example by dressing as a man for a woman and disguising oneself as a woman for a man in a situation other than Halloween), Historical Appropriation (appropriating inventions, historical facts significant for one's own ethnic group or any interest group), Genetic Appropriation (stealing genetic attributes of other ethnicities such as dyeing one's hair blond for an African or wearing blue contact lenses for an Arab, Hispanic, Asian, etc.). There are several types of appropriation that range in severity from mild to more serious, genetic appropriation and sexual being the most serious in my opinion, because they relate to the biological foundations of individuals, therefore ontological existential much more than cultural appropriation which is of the order of disguise. Learn to recognize  from now on the types of appropriations in your entourage, friends and you will see that your era is highly depraved and appropriative in all kinds.

To summarize, the more imitations a person adds up by Appropriation, the more false and ridiculous he is in himself. For example (not to name any person in showbiz), a man who dresses as a woman (gender appropriation), has his sex changed (sexual appropriation), dyes his hair red and puts on green contact lenses (genetic appropriation) then is not bad the sum of appropriations of anything and is intrinsically false from head to toe as they say in popular jargon.

APPROPRIATION (neologisms of my own except the first 2) 

⫸  Cultural Appropriation (imitating another's culture for example by wearing feathers on the head like the Native Americans).

⫸  Intellectual Appropriation (appropriating the creation of an invention as the French often do by seizing the primacy of a technical innovation

⫸  Linguistic Appropriation (taking words from another language and using them in one's own language).

⫸  Historical Appropriation (stealing credit for a military victory or the founding history of a country or other).

⫸  Gender Appropriation (imitating a gender different from one's own naturally by dressing similarly to the typical clothing of the opposite sex).

⫸  Sexual Appropriation (imitating the sex of another through sex change surgery).

⫸  Territorial Appropriation (stealing another's territory by force and weaponry during historical wars).

⫸  Genetic Appropriation (imitating or stealing the genetic characteristics of another ethnic group (whites being the most copied with their natural whiteness and their 4 unique human colors: Yellow, Orange, Blue and Green). Wearing a wig is already in itself an appropriation if our ethnic group does not have silky hair like the Australian Aborigines or Africans with more rigid capillarity. Wearing a pale color is not necessarily an appropriation unless the person's intention is precisely to see themselves whitened instead of just being clean or classy. If an Aborigine with naturally frizzy hair wears a blonde or red wig, then it is a doubly appropriative and therefore doubly insulting to those who naturally carry these genetic attributes.

Only white people are seen as doing Cultural Appropriation, but other peoples of the planet imitate them much more and do Genetic Appropriation which is extremely more serious generally speaking.


(semantic, conceptual and societal demographic limit)

INCLUSIVISM (thinking that all elements of the same constituent must be obligatorily inclusive in order to never leave out one of its potential elements).

The limitations of Inclusivism are multiple even if at first glance they do not seem to be discriminatory and should satisfy all parties. In the Metaphor of the ''Cooking Recipe'' similar to the ''Ethnic and Ideological Recipe'', for example if a Cook or a Restaurant wants to make a typical dish like a Pie; if we want to make an apple pie then we only place apples in the mold with dough before baking. If we want to make a Cherry Cake, then we place the dough with fruits in a mold and then send it to bake. If we want to make an Absolute Inclusive Recipe then in a given national Pie, we will always place absolutely the entire list of possible ingredients that can ''physically'' and ''tastefully'' go into this specific type of dish. Therefore, we will not only place Apples, because we must not leave out other ingredients that could potentially be good to eat in a pie otherwise it would be "DISCRIMINATING" towards certain fruits or vegetables, so we will ALWAYS add to the Apples other fruits like Strawberries, Blueberries, Blueberries and vegetables like Potatoes, Carrots, Peas and also other accompaniments such as Chocolate, Maple Sugar, all this with Gelatin to really stick everything together which will be a real stew of ingredients becoming more and more indigestible the more we add different elements that are incompatible with a simple recipe with single ingredients like apples. In Western societies, it is exactly this type of indigestible ethnic and ideological stew that Governments and Multinationals promote (financed by private Banks), so their model of Society Recipe is to always put all the human and Ideological ingredients in all possible and unimaginable societies for fear of not "having included" one or more ingredients aside. The result will be all the same types of multi-ethnic societies which with real historical time or cooking time, will all end up mixing together and always give the same disgusting taste no matter where they are installed, because even if at the beginning the ingredients are all different, over time they will merge in taste and genetics and will all give gibelotte societies where the majority of human groups will interbreed and flatten their initial specific characterization towards brown and the most basic phenotypes, because fertile between ethnic groups and living in the same territory (if laws do not protect the source populations from reproduction with other groups artificially arrived by mass immigration in their space-time).Contrary to this highly crossbreeding and destructive model, in Japan there is only 1% immigration per year, which means that these native populations are not replaced by terrestrial genetics from the third world, so in 100 years or even 500 to 1000 years, when a traveler goes to Japan then he will be able to eat a slice of Japanese Pie with 100% of the same ingredient, while in the West in 1000 years the populations will have been so crossbred that it will be almost impossible to eat a French Pie (population already crossbred from 10 to 30% with the taste of the Arabs, in the USA or the British Pie and the Irish Pie will only taste a mixture with the Mexican and African Pie, etc.). How to make the worst recipe for a dish or recipe for society? ALWAYS and at all costs place all possible ingredients in the same dish and you are assured that with a long cooking time your dish of gibelotte will taste shit at all costs and your societies will taste brown (civilizational reprimatization).

DIVERSITARIANISM (believing that all societies must “obligatorily” be diverse and favor all forms of ideologies and genetics within the same Space-Time).

Physically and statistically, diversity will invariably cancel itself out over time as soon as you mix all the ingredients together in the same space or population soup. So to maintain a certain "diversity" then you should not place all the components of an element in the same place, if the genetics, ideologies or technologies can all physically mix together. For example, if you like the technology of Japanese cars and less American ones, then there is no point in moving the Honda car plant to the US and having its engineers go to work in Ford plants to find new technologies, because eventually the technologies will merge and lose their specificity. Sure, companies can go and find some additions and use them as inspiration for their cars, but if they want to remain unique then they must work essentially in isolation. The ethnic and ideological diversity so vaunted by Western government propaganda will invariably lead to the same catastrophic result. Even if at the start of a more "diverse" society people do not look very similar, because they come from different geographical regions of the earth (these are the variables of environmental conditions that shape plants, animals and human ethnicities such as the rate of sunshine, atmospheric pressure, precipitation rate, humidity, biological environments such as vegetation or physical environments such as sand or snow) then the new populations artificially brought together in the same place do not see the variable "time" and believe illusorily that ethnicities will always mate with each other over the generations that will follow one another. However, the reality is not at all the case and sooner or later people will mate by simple sexual opportunity and the famous initial "diversity" will be quickly flattened and will disappear by itself after a few generations. Similar to if Honda plants were merged with Ford plants, sooner or later their very different reciprocal technologies at the beginning of the merger will slowly but surely merge into a single hybrid vehicle brand. Even if at the beginning the technology of Honda cars was superior in several points, by adding typical Ford features, the quality and total reliability of the new hybrid technology cars (American/Japanese) the sum of these 2 contributions will invariably generate a result of average quality, making the Japanese cars lose their superiority, but increasing the quality of American cars a little.


I notice that far too many modern ideologies could be called ''Post-Biologists'', which is a serious mistake in itself. No living organism can make an exception of its biology, because its founding unit is the cell and its DNA. No ideological system or doctrine can be based on presuppositions of an abstract ''constructivist'' order only, as animals we must always remain in naturalistic and biological systems and explanations or else we are heading in exactly the opposite direction to what nature has programmed us to survive for millions and millions of years. An intelligent or conscious robot of the Terminator type (and not a simple toaster) that would dare to adopt Post-Mechanistic or Post-Informative or Post-Digital ideologies would outrageously deny its own existential premises which are the raw metal piece, its robotic mechanisms and its digital and informational programming. A robot civilization that would go against its functional unity would run directly to its loss, to its progressive and irreversible self-neutralization of its own existential materiality. A similar example denying our intrinsic biology straight away, would be to say that we are Post-Nourishment, meaning that we would think of ourselves as "pure spirit" without physiological needs so we would no longer need to eat, because we are Post-Biological, so we would be undernourished and running towards certain death because we have denied our biological foundations. Only the most imbecile living species, uneducated and in phase with their biological determinisms can dare to think that they no longer need to respect the biological channels given by evolutionary life such as sexual reproduction in terrestrial mammals. A robot believing itself to be "pure energy" and wrongly declaring itself Post-Oiling or Post-Electricity would also lack energy for the continuation of its vital robotic functions.

WEAKNESSES & POTENTIAL DRIFTS OF WOMEN IN POLITICS (ideological, emotional, affective, victim, etc.)

The arrival women in politics and their importance in society promote the horizontality of power, morals and ideologies and increase the "maternalizing" side of politics. What Zemmour mentions when women come to power, then what we call power evaporates or I would rather say becomes horizontalized. Women think by consensus, they have no verticality, they do not want to displease anyone and want everyone to be "included" hence their obsession with inclusiveness. Women bring a lot of relativism to politics, they flee verticality so they do not want by default that certain people are rejected from the group and/or the system. In the past, European women for example were extremely discriminatory, in the sense that for her to choose a potential partner and/or for him to sleep with her he had to meet several prerogatives: be from the right ethnic group, be from the same social class, same economic class, be from a good family, be from the same religion, be attractive and courteous, know how to speak well, etc. all these discriminations. Today, it is exactly the opposite since in a liberated society where hypersexualization is legion and that its sexual organ is a bottomless pit, a black hole that can absorb all the light in the world while the modern woman or whore no longer wants to undergo all these difficult and discriminatory choices, far too much potential pleasure. As a result, the modern woman (also implemented in the political choices of her society, which was not the case before) will on the contrary want to no longer limit herself to all her old discriminations of selection criteria and wants to be able to mentally tell herself that almost "everyone" can be absorbed by her hungry black hole like never before in this era where sex is everywhere in the public sphere, on the Internet and especially at her fingertips on her laptop that she loves so much because of her insatiable need for social communication dating back to prehistory (I know guys who don't have a cell phone, but no woman who doesn't). Thus, today's woman, relativized in her selection criteria, will give in to her primary pleasure and want to be fucked by any ethnic group, give offspring of any race, fuck with the poor or the rich, have sexual practices with the same sex (increased lesbianization of women), fuck with her vibrator (women drive the turnover of sex shops), she will let her black hole go to chance encounters of a night that will never lead to procreation, the modern woman no longer seeks to reproduce, because she only wants the pleasure associated with her sexual organ,she will have abortions as many times as she can, because the important thing is no longer to give birth, but to have pleasure for pleasure, sex for sex, enjoyment for enjoyment, etc. In fact, she has denaturalized herself in a world where she needs less and less of a man to protect her and make children for her (she has the police and sperm banks to satisfy her and the grocery store nearby to guarantee her plenty of food) she plays her role as a procreator less and less, but rather as a whore for enjoyment for herself and her so-called feminine emotions or her fake emotional intelligence which is useless and above all prevents her from thinking logically and reasonably about her true role in society as much as a reproducer on the family level, but also on the ethnic level of her haplogromic population group. She is increasingly disconnected from her nature as a woman, no longer wants to assume her motherhood, and wages war on men who are nevertheless her only true allies in the fight against the elements of nature and in the association of sexual organisms in the fight of civilizations for spatial expansionism. Basically, the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks to replace him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.but to have pleasure for pleasure's sake, sex for sex's sake, enjoyment for enjoyment's sake, etc. In fact, she has denaturalized herself in a world where she needs less and less of a man to protect her and make children for her (she has the police and sperm banks to satisfy her and the grocery store nearby to guarantee her plenty of food) she plays her role as a procreator less and less, but rather as a whore for enjoyment for herself and her so-called feminine emotions or her bogus emotional intelligence which is useless and above all prevents her from thinking logically and reasonably about her true role in society as much as a reproducer on the family level, but also on the ethnic level of her haplogromic population group. She is increasingly disconnected from her nature as a woman, no longer wants to assume her motherhood, and wages war on men who are nevertheless her only true allies in the fight against the elements of nature and in the association of sexual organisms in the fight of civilizations for spatial expansionism. Basically, the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks to replace him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.but to have pleasure for pleasure's sake, sex for sex's sake, enjoyment for enjoyment's sake, etc. In fact, she has denaturalized herself in a world where she needs less and less of a man to protect her and make children for her (she has the police and sperm banks to satisfy her and the grocery store nearby to guarantee her plenty of food) she plays her role as a procreator less and less, but rather as a whore for enjoyment for herself and her so-called feminine emotions or her bogus emotional intelligence which is useless and above all prevents her from thinking logically and reasonably about her true role in society as much as a reproducer on the family level, but also on the ethnic level of her haplogromic population group. She is increasingly disconnected from her nature as a woman, no longer wants to assume her motherhood, and wages war on men who are nevertheless her only true allies in the fight against the elements of nature and in the association of sexual organisms in the fight of civilizations for spatial expansionism. Basically, the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks to replace him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.she has denaturalized herself in a world where she needs less and less of a man to protect her and make children for her (she has the police and sperm banks to satisfy her and the grocery store nearby to guarantee her plenty of food) she plays her role as a procreator less and less, but rather as a whore for pleasure for herself and her so-called feminine emotions or her fake emotional intelligence which is useless and above all prevents her from thinking logically and reasonably about her true role in society as much as a reproducer on the family level, but also on the ethnic level of her haplogromic population group. She is more and more disconnected from her nature as a woman, no longer wants to assume her motherhood, wages war on men who are nevertheless her only true allies in the fight against the elements of nature and in the association of sexual organisms in the fight of civilizations for spatial expansionism. Basically, the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks to replace him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.she has denaturalized herself in a world where she needs less and less of a man to protect her and make children for her (she has the police and sperm banks to satisfy her and the grocery store nearby to guarantee her plenty of food) she plays her role as a procreator less and less, but rather as a whore for pleasure for herself and her so-called feminine emotions or her fake emotional intelligence which is useless and above all prevents her from thinking logically and reasonably about her true role in society as much as a reproducer on the family level, but also on the ethnic level of her haplogromic population group. She is more and more disconnected from her nature as a woman, no longer wants to assume her motherhood, wages war on men who are nevertheless her only true allies in the fight against the elements of nature and in the association of sexual organisms in the fight of civilizations for spatial expansionism. Basically, the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks to replace him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.but rather a whore for pleasure for herself and her so-called feminine emotions or her fake emotional intelligence which is useless and above all prevents her from thinking logically and reasonably about her true role in society as much as a reproducer at the family level, but also at the ethnic level of her haplogromic population group. She is more and more disconnected from her nature as a woman, no longer wants to assume her motherhood, makes war on men who are nevertheless her only true allies in the fight against the elements of nature and in the association of sexual organisms in the fight of civilizations for spatial expansionism. Basically, the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks to replace him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.but rather a whore for pleasure for herself and her so-called feminine emotions or her fake emotional intelligence which is useless and above all prevents her from thinking logically and reasonably about her true role in society as much as a reproducer at the family level, but also at the ethnic level of her haplogromic population group. She is more and more disconnected from her nature as a woman, no longer wants to assume her motherhood, makes war on men who are nevertheless her only true allies in the fight against the elements of nature and in the association of sexual organisms in the fight of civilizations for spatial expansionism. Basically, the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks to replace him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks of replacing him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.the women's movement adheres to a withdrawal into itself (the idealization of the planet Lesbos where everyone has become sterile and does nothing but rub against each other all day long perpetually without any natalist result, but only pleasure), man is its only and eternal oppressor to be brought down, like the brown immigrants of the third world, it is necessary to imitate it, so the woman dresses like a man, acts like a man, speaks like him and thus thinks of replacing him like the Africans dressing in white, dyeing their hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses (all these imitations will never replace a white person or a man, no matter the fake clothing). Women no longer assume their role of birth and ethnic reproduction (which is the basis of the basis) in addition to the fact that gifted women reproduce even less, that I have come to the conclusion that to regenerate our European civilization artificial uteruses will be the only solution to recover and redeem all the depravities and shortcomings of the female gender of our troubled era and degenerate in its very naturalistic aim. Birth is not a deterministic fatality, it is a PRIVILEGE reserved for women, because each woman who has carried a child and then taken care of it has experienced an inestimable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our era, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.because every woman who has carried a child and then cared for it has experienced an invaluable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our time, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.because every woman who has carried a child and then cared for it has experienced an invaluable relationship with her baby and then her child, even the lesbianized feminist theorists of our time, completely disconnected from their true nature have forgotten it in the tumult of modernity highly out of step with nature.


We can clearly see the importance of the ethnic variable in the first instance compared to the linguistic variable which is very insignificant if we change the genetics and therefore the vector below. From this observation, our best allies nearby are the English of Western Canada, who even if they do not have the same language have exactly the same genes as us. Except that they too are flooded with propaganda of the multiculturalist and multiethnic society project not only by the television stations of the U.S., but by their government which associates together the 2 ideas of independence and xenophobia in French-speaking Quebec. With the unavowed objective of not being seen as intolerant exclusivists, the national states will only put forward the argument of protecting the language instead of protecting the founding ethnic group of the given country or ancestral continent. The variable of the organizing genetic unit which is the amino acid in the gene is far superior to the variable of the organizing linguistic unit which is the letter (individual) in the word (ethnicity) within sentences (society) which constitutes the book (civilization) having several different chapters which should not be shamelessly intermixed. Governments which place only Preservationism in the Language and ignore the particular Peoples who initially instituted this language, deserve to be accused and judged by the genetic populations who have ethnically undergone an insulting demographic replacement for the establishment of a new society on a fictitious Linguistic basis. Would the population of an extraterrestrial planet accept being demographically replaced by Humans because all of a sudden they have learned their language as best they can and can temporarily compensate for their low birth rate? Of course not, so it is really a crime to carry out demographic replacements under the sole yoke of sharing a common language, this preservationist variable is highly insufficient, even futile, ridiculous and ineffective, in the preservation of any genetic unit to be protected over time.




This metaphor took me years to mentally formulate and it is extremely powerful in terms of potential analysis. I have thought for a long time about the concept, structure and metaphors of waves, which are a universal natural phenomenon. First, we must see the usefulness of neologisms appearing throughout history, allowing a progressive refinement of the description of objects in nature. For example, at the beginning of time, a human probably named these watery crests and vaguely called them "waves". Later, a person added the "crest" of the waves, then several years later the concept of the "peak" of the wave, after the "foam" of the wave, etc. The different neologisms allow us to describe the parts of the wave better and better, from the macroscopic level to ultimately its microscopic, even atomic level. Even seeing the wave as part of the fractal world with Chaos theory, the butterfly effect or a small wave will cause a tsunami on the other side of the world, theories on fluid turbulence, etc.


Second, my most relevant metaphor, extremely rich in potential analysis and temporal predictability, is that of the historical study of the civilizational chronological wave. For example, if we want to analyze the history of humanity or of a civilization x in the universe, its societal determinisms, its main historical events, its wars, its revolutions, its particular biological evolution over thousands or millions of years, we must begin by first analyzing the base of the wave which constitutes the foundations of all subsequent vertical structuralization. The middle of the wave and its peak will always be consequences that are impossible to have occurred before the base itself. The future is built on the past and the arrow of time of causality only goes in one direction, except in certain feedback loop models sometimes authorized in modern physics. All the strength of this probabilistic model is essentially in the base of the wave, in the majority of cases when we analyze the event, behavioral or recent fashion stages, these epiphenomena are either temporary or non-representative of what happened during thousands of years during the appearance of the events underlying the base of the wave or all the informational wealth is located (information theory). The foam of the wave is only superficial, it does not condition the base of the wave even if it is its result, so the parameters repeat themselves a little like the structure of the fractal will repeat itself at all scales of dimension, size, but also of temporal event succession. For example, the latest ideological, clothing, sexual fashions, etc. are only represented by the peak or crest of the wave and have practically no event weight, they have little power, they do not indicate whether their model will be effective and prolific in the future at both the biological and organizational societal levels, they are only temporary new directions with no substantial references to demonstrate that they will last over time and will allow a sufficient and necessary continuation of developmental paths and civilizational growth. Let's give more practical examples: if today's youth decide to drive a car backwards, install tires backwards, travel backwards, dress backwards, walk on their hands with their heads upside down, walk backwards, only have sex with the same sex, talk backwards, no longer learn to read or write, then we can wonder if all these new habits with modern and fashionable pretensions will have a certain continuity and prosperity, both cultural andideological (probably the only one to perpetuate itself at the post-biological ideological level that would survive there) and reproductive. Each new generation very often has a certain feeling or superiority complex from their youth, because they always think they are a little better than the previous generation(s) (similar to the song of the time in 1963 ''Nous on est dans le vent'' by the singer Pierre Lalonde) so they will believe that they have found truths and behavioral avenues more intelligent or useful than those before who could not see reality with all the angles and elements that they now have in hand. However, as they are exactly the result of the middle and lower part of the wave, the fact that they are at the top in the upper part of the foam, their existential weight is extremely weak if not insignificant (because these ideas and behaviors have not lasted for thousands or millions of years) compared to the millions of events that have occurred previously on the long event chain of history. The new societal proposals will purify themselves according to their relevance and efficiency, demonstrating over time that they had more or less a future and a real weight of validity of continuation compared to the information already occurring in the base of the wave. These typically terrestrial models can then be extrapolated in hypothesis or compared observationally to the other models and models of metawaves having been realized in the millions of extraterrestrial civilizations since the appearance of our universe (if we had the Universal Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial History and Biology). The average of the beam of similar stories would provide us with the best avenues and developmental paths to follow, because these models would have been the most prolific, the most stable, the least self-destructive, the most reproductive and those certainly guaranteeing us the highest probabilities in the construction and expansion of our civilization in the galaxy and the universe.their existential weight is extremely low, if not trivial (because these ideas and behaviors have not lasted for thousands or millions of years) compared to the millions of events that have occurred previously in the long chain of events of history. The new societal proposals will purify themselves according to their relevance and efficiency, demonstrating over time that they had more or less a future and a real weight of validity of continuation compared to the information already occurring in the base of the wave. These typically terrestrial models can subsequently be extrapolated in hypothesis or compared observationally to other models and models of metawaves that have occurred in the millions of extraterrestrial civilizations since the appearance of our universe (if we had the Universal Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial History and Biology). The beam average of similar histories would provide us with the best avenues and developmental paths to follow, because these models would have been the most prolific, the most stable, the least self-destructive, the most reproductive and those certainly guaranteeing us the highest probabilities in the building and expansion of our civilization in the galaxy and the universe.their existential weight is extremely low, if not trivial (because these ideas and behaviors have not lasted for thousands or millions of years) compared to the millions of events that have occurred previously in the long chain of events of history. The new societal proposals will purify themselves according to their relevance and efficiency, demonstrating over time that they had more or less a future and a real weight of validity of continuation compared to the information already occurring in the base of the wave. These typically terrestrial models can subsequently be extrapolated in hypothesis or compared observationally to other models and models of metawaves that have occurred in the millions of extraterrestrial civilizations since the appearance of our universe (if we had the Universal Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial History and Biology). The beam average of similar histories would provide us with the best avenues and developmental paths to follow, because these models would have been the most prolific, the most stable, the least self-destructive, the most reproductive and those certainly guaranteeing us the highest probabilities in the building and expansion of our civilization in the galaxy and the universe.


This is the story of a shameless Android Robot from the city who had a battery with a Positive Pole (+) and a Negative Pole (-). So as he wanted to think of himself as fashionable he told anyone who would listen that he was Post-Electronic of the new non-binary or non-dipolar generation no longer needing to display himself as such and to recharge his battery with the Positive Pole and Negative Pole like his outdated ancestors from another age. So what happened at the end of his electricity charge? He no longer had enough Energy and could not make other small Robots like him before the end of his cycle so he and his brand of robot disappeared from the surface of the planetary cybernetic megacity. Such is the fate of the Cyborgs who are too stunned by the pseudo post-gender, post-biological or post-electronic ideologies for Robots or non-naturalist Humans. This is why we must always keep in mind that we are biological entities and we will never be able to explicitly go against this existential materiality based on living cells (male and female sexed organisms) or electronic circuits (Positive and Negative Pole!


If an artist like Gilles Vigneault or Paul Piché decided to praise the merits of "French" on variety shows like "Tout le Monde en Parle" then native Quebecers and other Francophiles would applaud them with tears in their eyes and praise their merit in defending our cultural and linguistic heritage that is so precious to them. But if these same artists wanted to defend not only their language, but also their European genetics of former French, English, Irish, Europeans in general then they would be seen as simple "xenophobes" and "racists" which is not at all the case. Well at that point, they would be blocked from almost all television sets, variety shows, web shows, etc. because the majority of artists would fear their speech not as "racist", but rather "protectionist". Because right now the Canadian government has been spouting its multiculturalist propaganda for over 20 years and the population doesn't even realize it anymore and instead considers this "naive multiethnic positivism" (because many countries have demonstrated the failure of this system through more than constant, repetitive, and even more than predictable interethnic and intercultural conflicts) as a given, but in fact it doesn't understand that it is being completely replaced by the populations of the South (go spend just 10 minutes in Montreal and if you don't realize it then you have an elephant in your eye and/or are completely stupid), because it is hypercapitalism that is the driving force of the current economy and then the vectors of social change (and as they say, money has no smell, no morals, and no vision to protect the planet's indigenous human capital). The fact that a Native American wants to protect his culture, traditions and genetics is seen as virtuous and commendable, but not for the white European ethnicity, yet Caucasians have contributed much to the building of the modern world than the majority of other peoples on earth (or else provide me with the list of their inventions please). It is 1 million times more virtuous and deserving to adopt a position and "protectionist" remarks of one's ethnicity than to only want to protect a language which is ultimately only a vector of communication (it would be better for Canada to be completely English, but European than French-speaking and African, Asian, Arab and Hispanic). Language being conveyed by people and these same people also have a particular genetic history in a given territory, for example it would be useless to completely replace the population of "Haitians" in Haiti with Japanese,and this even if these so-called Japanese completely deny their homeland, their culture and their language to adopt only customs of Voodoo and Creole language, it would no longer be Haiti. Imagine then with our "multiculturalist" system where finally no one really adopts our Western morals and customs, because we let them practice tradition and religion perfectly in our own Western countries) it is running straight into the wall of our cultural disappearance, it is literally a collective suicide of which the population is not aware in the long term, the governments either and the companies do not care if it brings them short term profit.


Humanity will have to undertake a precise classification of the fields of knowledge and the main theoretical approaches, religions, social sciences or pure sciences and this according to a ''probabilistic system'' of informational truth or rather of a certain % of truth hypothetically attributable to each of these fields of knowledge in general and each of them taken individually. I have set up this type of classification myself for several years in my research, because after having spoken with several interlocutors having knowledge that seemed to me highly unfounded, I considered the urgent need for such a system given the level of impressive aberration of erroneous information that this person had woven in his web of false knowledge. A small, very simple example, but which for me is very revealing, an "imbecile" who believes that the Earth is flat + that the World Trade Center attack was a hologram + humanity was created by Extraterrestrials + Queen Elizabeth is a 2nd generation reptilian from the 8th galaxy closest to ours + Michael Jackson was a naturally ugly Extraterrestrial and not just an African with a wide nose who had just had too much plastic surgery + Donald Trump is a Cyborg, etc., etc., etc. the list is long and endless for non-science enthusiasts. Humanity must therefore place its multiple fields of knowledge according to their probabilistic rate of truth ranging from the most certain in the middle of a target of darts in concentric circles to the outside being levels of knowledge that are less and less probable. For example, the pyramids were made by the Egyptian people by transporting the blocks on oiled logs with carts sliding over them and ropes pulled by the Egyptian workers. Archaeologists do not know exactly what kind of ramps were used to lift the thousands of blocks except that these are just the final explanatory tweaks to the system in its entirety. Reporters stating that the pyramids appeared from the hand of the gods, landed straight from the sky, that Aliens manufactured them are possibilities, but highly improbable and therefore placed as information outside the certain concentric circle of human knowledge. The categories of Informational Truths of assertions range from Level 1 (highly probable information), Level 2 (probable information), Level 3 (unlikely information), Level 4 (highly improbable information) such as Religions, invisibilist esoteric systems, overly conspiratorial theories, etc.



RELATIVISM X, Y and Z (Relativized Humanity)

Humanity is swimming in this era in full RELATIVISM in all its conceptual and societal spheres as well as it is on the eve of drowning in the quicksand of annihilating radical relativisms. An era where one tries to impose and supplement "subjective realities" to the true materialistic "objective realities" perfectly identifiable and quantifiable in the universe. We are witnessing a relativist tidal wave that only attempts to smooth out all humanly possible differentiations and we must absolutely object to it at all points (our philosophy professors at university have always warned us against any form of moral Relativism, in the sense that no moral truth can be relative, it is either more or less ''Good'' or ''Bad'', good or bad according to a grid and/or scale of evaluation of more or less desirable (apart from relativism in itself which is the abnegation of any possibility of hierarchization of values ​​x, y, z regardless of whether we are in a utilitarian, rationalist or naturalist perspective). Let's name them all, there are more and more of them and the average citizen could not identify them given his average IQ, his weak knowledge of sociology or comparative anthropology and/or philosophical knowledge: 

1-Gender Relativism (thinking that all genders are the same, man = woman = non-gendered = transgender).

2-Sexual Relativism (thinking that all sexual practices are relative and equivalent to each other, for example thinking that urinating in your partner's face, 2 women rubbing each other or 2 men fucking each other all their lives is equivalent to reproductive intercourse for a generation and then a civilization. 

3-Geographic Relativism (thinking that any people can occupy the indigenous territory of another people and hypothetically replace it in the name of universal cosmopolitanism, even if this people has inhabited this territory for hundreds of years or even millennia (for example replacing Mexicans with Vietnamese, replacing Africans with Chinese, replacing Europeans with Japanese, replacing Martians with Native Americans, replacing Martians with Saturnians, etc.). 

4-Cultural Relativism (wrongly believing that all cultures are equivalent, moving from a civilization in tribal mode where people still eat on the floor and play drums in 2022 to another civilization that develops robots and rockets to go to the planet Mars and/or the next galaxy. 

5-Ethnic or Genetic Relativism (thinking that all ethnicities are perfectly identical and equal with the same genetic capacities such as height (Maya smaller on average than the Maasai) or average intelligence (Europeans and North Asians higher IQ than the lowest, i.e. Africans and Australian Aborigines). 

6-Family Relativism (thinking that all forms of families are equal to the detriment of the nuclear family, a family made up of 2 women, 2 men, 2 transgenders, 1 human and 1 robot, 1 human and 1 animal, 1 human and 1 alien, 1 red-haired woman with green eyes and a height of 7 feet and a large head of 80 cm in cranial circumference and an IQ of 250 with 1 aboriginal man of 4 feet with a small head and proto-hair, etc.) which only leads to sterile unions, mixed-race offspring, most often non-viable and especially non-reproductive of a population and therefore of a civilization in the long term. 

7-Historical Relativism (thinking that all human stories are equivalent and/or equivalent, or even replaceable by other less evolved historical stories, for example the history of the Pygmies is equivalent to that of the Romans who built monuments like the Colosseum and the Aqueducts, etc.). 

8-Ideological Relativism (thinking that all types of belief systems are equivalent, as much the ontologies of the invisible deist world as the atheist astrophysical ontologies, believing that the explanation of the foundation of the world by the tribes praising the creation of the world by the droppings of an elephant is equal to the explanation of astronomers on the advent of the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, etc.). 

9-Criminalistic Relativism (thinking that all living species generate the same statistical number of crimes, for example Dobermans bite more than Labradors, Hispanics generate more crime than Asians according to statistics from police stations all over the world where the behavior of these ethnic groups is measured, thinking that women commit as many crimes as men which is false precisely because of the deterministic genetic variables causing men to have testosterone levels several times that of females, etc.). 

10-Sports & Gaming Relativism (thinking that all sports are of the same level of complexity, for example, pichenottes vs. Chess (10 exposing 120 possible moves) vs. Go (10 exposing 600 possible moves, believing that a man who calls himself a woman can compete on an equal footing with biological women, etc.). 

11- Culinary Relativism (thinking that a poor quality dish is the equivalent of a high quality dish, that Ramen noodles are better than Kraft Diner, better than whole wheat pasta or fresh pasta  made in Italy).

12-Artistic Relativism (believing that all arts and works are equivalent to a statue and pottery is not equivalent to a contemporary work made of lasers and holograms in terms of complexity). 

13-Political Relativism (thinking that all political parties are equivalent or that ideological political systems are equivalent in value and quality). 

14-Cybernetic Relativism (believing that humans can be robotized to several percentages of their biological weight without this being serious, but rather desirable). 

15-Planetary Relativism (thinking that each planet is equivalent in quality of rocky materials, gases or precious minerals and the quality of terrestrial genetics such as intelligence, strength, etc.). 

The list is long and unenviable, synonymous with a civilization increasingly incapable of differentiating the bottom from the top, the left from the right, the most evolved or the least evolved, all this with a view to unconditionally accepting difference in all its forms and above all thinking that they are all interchangeable and equivalent, which cannot in any way be the case. We now place the little multi-colored monkey at the top of the pyramid of our perfectly relativistic ideal to reach, such is the gross error of the theorists only too "abstract theoretical constructivists" of the subjectivists of the modern era opposing the "concrete theoretical naturalists" of the objectivist and scientistic thinkers who rather base their apprehension on tangible physicalist and biological realities, very far from the imprecisions and generalized undifferentiation brought by the nauseating "woke" movement of the left which will destroy and hollow out Humanity from the inside. We must oppose all these "Radical Relativists" who increasingly pollute the public, academic and especially political debate with their soft and fluid conception of everything and nothing which will lead us straight to a civilizational dead end. What is practical with my new analysis grid is that a person can self-assess to know how many categories he is more or less relativized compared to people of the old days with rather traditional and standardized values. In this system, the perfectly relativized person is called ''iel''.


The weakest position due to an inability of choice in the evaluation and positioning, of the gradation of truths and values ​​as well as of characteristics of complexity and potential evolutions, non-use of the principle of utility and generativity, etc. In Nature nothing is Relative, everything is Hierarchical!  Today our society loves to please everyone and especially not to displease any minority group or other. But let us not forget that the forms of Relativisms are usually traps of neutrality or the hierarchization of values ​​or scales of complexity are almost impossible. 

MORAL RELATIVISM: There is no possible gradation of moral truths and values. Any moral gesture or truth is practically equivalent to the others. Unlike utilitarianism which aims for the well-being of the greatest number, the moral relativist gesture is always good, regardless of its beneficial scope. Giving 25 cents to a beggar or 1 million dollars to a beggar, it comes to the same thing in the end. And no, any gesture can be more or less moral (in intention or in consequence) and can never be anything other than relative in relation to other comparative gestures in their contextualization.

GENETIC RELATIVISM: All reproduction between individuals is equal and relative. For a Down syndrome person to reproduce with a 6-foot tall blonde woman with blue eyes is "relatively" correct! Why worry about this union? All reproduction and genetic perpetuation is good, even if it leads to destroying ethnic groups, peoples, and crossbreeding civilizations to the extreme. And no, again! There are certain unions that are preferable to others on the evolutionary level of organisms, including humans. Ask animal breeders or farmers if mixing any species of plants or animals will give them better harvests or viable and prolific litters.

SEXUAL RELATIVISM: Not all sexual acts are good in themselves, as long as they do not break the law! People can fuck each other in the ass, lesbianize each other, cross-dress, eat each other's shit as long as they love each other and consent! Why not agree with them? All sexual practices are relative. No? Humanity could never have survived if all the depraved sexual fashions of our time had been the norm in the past, what is most moral for a species is the famous "coitus" guaranteeing the reproduction and survival of the species (bunch of idiots and sexually depraved primates that you are).

CULTURAL RELATIVISM: All cultures are equivalent in the end! Whether we defend the culture of the Pigmés in Africa or compare it to that of European civilization, it is equal and relative when we think about it. And no! Some cultures are more accomplished and finished than others in terms of social, political, architectural, technical achievements, etc. The criterion of complexity is still our best indicator when we analyze any subject and sphere of human, robotic or extraterrestrial activities. There you have it, all forms of Relativism are moral and civilizational traps, tell yourself!

Even though IQ tests do not measure all forms of Intelligence, they are still the best predictor of academic success, future salary level, motivation level, lifespan, etc. Even with training a person cannot increase their results by more than 4 points and up to 10 points with university studies, so intelligence is mostly genetic and does not increase easily even through culture and living environment. Intelligence (3/8): Is IQ nonsense?


The latest Google ads are exactly the model of Relativized society that I described in my book Relativized Humanity 5 years ago (the more time passes, the more the US unfortunately confirms this involution of a particularly degenerate and similarized version of humanity). This evolution or rather socio-genetic-cultural involution is exactly what I predicted in my theoretical graphs with the model of Humanity that will become Robotized and bisexualized, lesbianized, transgendered, plus the phenomenon of genetic regression since this last dead end being more likely than genetic evolution (American society model compared to the Chinese society model). It is simply the multiculturalist and multiethnic result of the Mixture of everything and nothing generated by the addition of all cultures and ethnicities in the same basket which will always give the same relativistic shit similar to the size of planet Earth. Diversity canceling itself out by including exactly all the same ingredients in the same human recipe. Level of Mixity that I currently evaluate at M0, M1, M2 to approximately M3 maximum, but which will converge in just a few decades at the level of interbreeding M4, M5, M6, etc. I also notice that advertisers often falsely form interracial couples mixing the 2 extremes on the scale of human brownness, i.e. an African and a redhead woman, suggesting to the first that he will increase his chances if he buys the product in question of potentially matching with a white woman who can bring more paleness genes into her genetic lineage (this must not be a coincidence, since naturally redheaded Europeans have the lightest skin of humanity except that advertisers do not know it, but I do, because I specialize in the study of European genetics). The American model will lead to nothing more and nothing less than a fusion of all diversities because too much included in the same place in the same space-time, it is a model too lax based on top of universalist pretensions that will flatten all human differences in a big mixed mud. We see it in these increasingly similar advertisements where all young people after taking bread, or all look alike, all are more or less mixed, all have the same sexual orientations mixing morals, the recipe for American diversity degrades the initial individuality of human peoples. I also attribute this genetic-societal metaphenomenon initially to greed and individualized cupidity perfectly in the capitalist system obsessed with the accumulation of short-term money advocated by the Political Right,then in a second time the application of the excessive egalitarianisms and universalisms of the Socialist Political Left which only tries to recover the demographic conditions brought by default via the first phase of the civilizational project of the bourgeois merchant and governmental class. Fundamentally, it is the exacerbated Egalitarianisms which lead to Horizontalist ideologies, therefore to Relativisms incapable of seeing the Hierarchy of Evolution and the Complexification of the States of Matter (a graph that Aristotle had made 2000 years ago and that I have brought back to the agenda without knowing it in my theorizations on the complexification and the achievement of civilizational Morality). Humanity in our era has an intelligence that is still too weak to see all these operating meta-mechanisms, essentially linked to cranial volumes that are still too tiny (equivalent to crystal balls that are too small), it has a very limited vision of its future generalized involutive regression as well as its next stages of genetic and cultural development (Amadeus Generations). This is why I specialize in these questions of predictive temporal horizontality between the Past-Present-Future states based on historical patterns and constants that are always repetitive in identifiable models. And even if this makes my words unpopular in my time (the mediocrity of the consensus always saddening me to the highest degree), I predict the future with the greatest theoretical probabilistic accuracy. We are always wrong to be right too early, such is my favorite saying. My Crystal Ball, which is larger than the average brain, therefore sees the future further than normal.This is why I specialize in these questions of predictive temporal horizontality between the Past-Present-Future states based on historical patterns and constants that are always repetitive in identifiable models. And even if this makes my words unpopular in my time (the mediocrity of the consensus always saddens me to the highest degree), I predict the future with the greatest probabilistic theoretical accuracy. We are always wrong to be right too early, such is my favorite saying. My Crystal Ball, which is larger than the average brain, therefore sees the future further than normal.This is why I specialize in these questions of predictive temporal horizontality between the Past-Present-Future states based on historical patterns and constants that are always repetitive in identifiable models. And even if this makes my words unpopular in my time (the mediocrity of the consensus always saddens me to the highest degree), I predict the future with the greatest probabilistic theoretical accuracy. We are always wrong to be right too early, such is my favorite saying. My Crystal Ball, which is larger than the average brain, therefore sees the future further than normal.

1-Ethnic relativism (thinking that all ethnicities are exactly the same, can and should be mixed together | equality in the absolute of the human race, but not exactly in the particularism of ethnicities and individualities).

2-Geographic relativism (believing that it is relative to inhabit other regions x, y and z elsewhere than one's ancestors, yet still linked to a given geographical historicity giving more or less territorial legitimacy like the Amerindians who are currently more legitimate in their ancestral territories than anywhere else in the universe).

3-Musical Relativism: not knowing how to differentiate between the simplicity of the kazoo and the melodic richness of a symphony orchestra or Jazz fusion. Advertising with a descending rhythm returning to the founding Tam-Tam of initial human music.

4-Sexual Relativism (believing that all sexual practices are equivalent even if they oppose the founding evolutionary genetic programming).

5-Family Relativism: believing that all types of human families are equivalent in relation to the heteronormative nuclear family that has been functioning since the distant appearance of eukaryotes 1.5 billion years ago, such as the fact that a couple of hermaphrodite transgenders give birth to a baby either through the foreskin or through the anus. For example, in the United States they try to artificially deliver men in hospitals. Similarly, on the Netflix television station, which is an excellent example at the American forefront of global cultural dejection in all its forms, presents a series on the gestation of a man and his baby accompanied by his idiot wife dispossessed of her natural role of female birth.

6-Cultural Relativism (thinking that all cultures are equivalent in terms of complexity of hierarchy and principle of truth).

7-Cybernetic Relativism (believing that it is relative to become more or less a Robot to different degrees than to remain on one's initial biological genetics created by nature over millions of years, therefore dehumanizing involutive post-biological pretension).

8-Culinary Relativism (thinking that eating a pile of shit is equivalent to eating a steak tartare with caviar, therefore relative according to people's preferences. And this, without being able to differentiate the level of hierarchy representative of the real demarcation criteria according to the taste quality, nourishment and rarity of the foods even if the tastes can be a little subjective (subjectivism), the dishes can however be evaluated qualitatively in a completely objective way (objectivism).

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UNITY IN DIVERSITY (historical, ethnic and cultural) 

Unity in Diversity is a play on words only for rhetoric without any real force of application in reality. Diversity divides and fractures (currently amplifying political clientelism and urban communitarianism where people have more and more divergent groups and interests and end up hating each other in their respective neighborhoods which have become the rearguard of fallback during the future civil war) while Unity is rather in the union of cultural similarities (≠ Multiculturalism, already that this single project of society is 100 x less damaging than multiethnicism by default mixing and diluting and disappearing the host societies, no matter which one), genetic proximity (clone effect of brothers and sisters or even better of twins who often think the same given the same DNA), ideological and religious proximity, cult, historical, etc. For my part, I hate the word "diversity" so much, which has become extremely semantically and politically loaded in our time, that I now prefer to use the word "variety" as a less obvious concept of the vocabulary crutch that governments and multinationals use to make us accept our civilizational replacement). This is precisely the risky dystopian bet that the United States made in thinking that they could accumulate all cultural, ideological and genetic diversity under the single American flag, however history shows us from now on that a multitude of irresolvable problems are naturally resurfacing (racial tension, religious tension, miscegenation, increased crime, etc.). Diversity (divesitarianism will self-cancel with the time variable) amassed in the same place only flattens out over time by default, for example the United States are an increasingly mixed population compared to the founders of the United States of only 50 to 100 years ago (just look at the American Army which has become an army of mixed race (Euro-Hispanic, Euro-Asian, Euro-African, Euro whatever finally). France which has long advocated the universalist Republic of which anyone becomes French only by the nationalization of papers and the territoriality of the inhabitants, but the reality is that the white French of origin are replaced by the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa and have precisely lost their genetic characteristic of Gauls for that of the peoples of the desert with long noses and black eyes. Strength and power come from populations with similar genetics (example Americans, Germans, Russians etc in WWII were one people going in the same direction, same for the Chinese today with similar ideologies and genetics acting together like a clone army.Diversity is possible, but in distant territories, not to say on a planetary scale. The peoples of the planet who are gathered in the same space-time or territory interbreed together over a period of only about 250 to 500 years, just by looking at the old European colonies near the Amerindian reserves, it is impossible to find redhead or blond families among the colonizers and on the reserves you will see Amerindians with blond hair and green eyes, so the 2 populations have lost their innate characteristics to become more and more a version of the global Mixed Human. Multi-ethnic societies are possible, but they are very mixed and by default will replace the indigenous populations in just a few generations so they are highly destructive, like in Canada where Euro-Canadians are replaced and gradually mixed by the 1/2 million immigrants from the third world each year.


A List of all politicians, both ministers and prime ministers or presidents and/or replacement business people (of left, center or right political allegiance) and state or private media (radio, newspapers, television, etc.) who contributed massively to the Great Replacement should be inscribed on stone everywhere in each country belonging to the main northern terrestrial regions so that future generations never forget their historical ethnic replacements (Alaska (USA), Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Russia). All the precise names of the politicians, the name of their political party, the dates and the quantity of third world immigrants they have brought to the North (Crime against Humanity, because it is illegal to replace one indigenous genetic population with another in the name of short term economics or universalist ideological values ​​x, y and z). The List of Great Replacers must be updated annually and reproduced in several copies, broadcast on the Internet and distributed in several Western countries so that it is not destroyed by their descendants, themselves or their political party of the future. The list must be published anonymously, publicly and can be used later for the purpose of a large-scale Western trial against the great ethnic replacements from the political and business world. If a politician or lobbyist is identified as coming from the Caucasian ethnicity, then a star, a skull or any other distinctive symbol can be attached next to his name in proportion to the seriousness related to the quantity of immigrants from the countries of the South, because he will have committed a crime against his own genetic ethnicity by double treason for his own profit or his political party (eg: ☠︎ Justin Trudeau in Canada with 500,000 immigrants/year x 10 years = 5 million people, ☠︎ Angela Merkel with 1 million Syrian immigrants in 2015, etc.) which is even more serious in the eyes of the blacklist of the level of auto-ethnic treason and Western laws between the latitude of the 40th degree and 70th degree of the terrestrial north. The great replacements will be accused under the heads of not having ensured the renewal of the young generations due to an abuse of individual rights such as abortion (no limitation on the number of babies aborted per woman or otherwise of taking charge by the state of children being future citizens),accused of having transgendered youth by letting sex sects wreak ideological havoc and early sex change on children in schools, CEGEPs and universities (example of the LGBT sex sect), in addition to having abused rapid immigration from the third world to inflate their annual economy, artificially increase their number of votes, hide huge national debts by injecting millions of new arrivals helping them to collect national or provincial taxes, guilty of dumping people on others by millions of individuals (people dumping) similar to the illegal commercial practice (product dumping), accused of not having protected the biological heritage therefore the genetic heritage of their ancestors present for generations and generations in the same geographical location, guilty of not having evaluated the phenotypic and genotypic variables of their own people with different genetic evaluation tools which are nevertheless very accessible and affordable (example of allele markers by haplogroups), guilty of not having applied or implemented any minimally protectionist or ethnic preservationist measures (right additional linked to national preference, secure ethnic reserves (exclusive town or village in the north), etc.), guilty of having promoted genetic involution through multi-ethnic propaganda leading to irreversible widespread interbreeding of native polar populations, accused of having allowed private companies to promote inter-ethnic couples in advertisements increasing the chances of interbreeding and therefore the loss of European genetic identity, guilty of having financed ideological movements with a decolonialist vocation through study and research grants (CEGEP, university, etc.) calling into question the territorial legitimacy of Europeans who have nevertheless been present in the north for more than 1.4 million years, accused of having relegated their own population to the rank of visible minority in less than 100 years, of not having used all the methods of assisted reproduction available at their time or in the process of promising scientific research.accused of not having protected the biological heritage and therefore the genetic heritage of their ancestors present for generations and generations in the same geographical location, guilty of not having evaluated the phenotypic and genotypic variables of their own people with different genetic evaluation tools that are nevertheless very accessible and affordable (example of allele markers by haplogroups), guilty of not having applied or implemented any minimally protectionist or ethnic preservationist measure (additional right linked to national preference, secure ethnic reserves (exclusive town or village in the north), etc.), guilty of having promoted genetic involution through multi-ethnic propaganda leading to irreversible widespread interbreeding of native polar populations, accused of having allowed private companies to promote inter-ethnic couples in advertisements increasing the chances of interbreeding and therefore the loss of European genetic identity, guilty of having financed ideological movements with a decolonialist vocation through study and research grants (CEGEP, university, etc.) calling into question the territorial legitimacy of Europeans, who have been present in the north for more than 1.4 million years, accused of having relegated their own population to the rank of visible minority in less than 100 years, of not having used all the methods of assisted reproduction available at their time or in the process of promising scientific research.accused of not having protected the biological heritage and therefore the genetic heritage of their ancestors present for generations and generations in the same geographical location, guilty of not having evaluated the phenotypic and genotypic variables of their own people with different genetic evaluation tools that are nevertheless very accessible and affordable (example of allele markers by haplogroups), guilty of not having applied or implemented any minimally protectionist or ethnic preservationist measure (additional right linked to national preference, secure ethnic reserves (exclusive town or village in the north), etc.), guilty of having promoted genetic involution through multi-ethnic propaganda leading to irreversible widespread interbreeding of native polar populations, accused of having allowed private companies to promote inter-ethnic couples in advertisements increasing the chances of interbreeding and therefore the loss of European genetic identity, guilty of having financed ideological movements with a decolonialist vocation through study and research grants (CEGEP, university, etc.) calling into question the territorial legitimacy of Europeans, who have been present in the north for more than 1.4 million years, accused of having relegated their own population to the rank of visible minority in less than 100 years, of not having used all the methods of assisted reproduction available at their time or in the process of promising scientific research.of not having used all the methods of assisted reproduction available at their time or in the process of promising scientific research.of not having used all the methods of assisted reproduction available at their time or in the process of promising scientific research.


The concept of Racism is the ultimate Master Key to steal all our civilizational achievements, including stealing our genes through Genetic Appropriation. Racism is a pejorative or hierarchical judgment towards other ethnic groups (dark side of the coin). But people, due to semantic limitation, do not understand that there is the opposite concept, Protectionism (bright side of the coin), so no one calls Native Americans racist for not receiving trillions of immigrants on their reserve (the north of the planet is also a white reserve). The concept of Racism is the ultimate key to the white world (a small 7-letter word, however, being the effective Master Key for the unlimited parasitism of the European world).

It is the ultimate lethal weapon against us (the perfect key to access not only all our resources, our infrastructure and our women or rather our rare genetics), and everyone falls into the victimizing trap.

I understood the mechanism and so did Renaud Camus who said that it is the ideal paralyzing word to use to freeze a white person on the spot.

White people don't even argue, they are imbeciles (the little 15-20 points of + IQ that we have in the Nordic regions cannot protect us indefinitely from all the amalgamations chanted by the millions of immigrants on the ancestral European territories).

Same as on the road if you ask to go along the path in order to access a motorway slip road, if an "immigrant" sees a white person and wants to go through, he just has to call him a racist and he will automatically let him go through even if he had priority, it has almost become a stupidifying automatic reaction among white people or Europeans.

1-When an immigrant calls a European racist for wanting to settle on an ancestral territory of whites, he only has to call the individual a "racist" and the latter will kneel down, lick the dirt between his toes, do the bacon dance and ask for mercy so as not to be seen as a supposedly intolerant person. Conversely, no one would oppose the demands of "territorial protectionism" of Native American or Aboriginal requests in the same situation, much less treat them as false accusations of individual or systemic racism.

2-When an immigrant calls a European racist for wanting to mate with a white woman, he only has to call the individual a "racist" and the latter will kneel down and lick the dirt between his toes, do the bacon dance and ask for mercy so as not to be seen as a supposedly intolerant person. Conversely, no one would object to the demands of "Ethnic Protectionism" from Native American or Aboriginal requests in the same situation, much less treat them as false accusations of individual or systemic racism.

3-When an immigrant calls a European racist for wanting to take over their natural resources, then all he has to do is call the individual a "racist" and the latter will kneel down and lick the dirt between his toes, do the bacon dance and ask for mercy so as not to be seen as a supposedly intolerant person. Conversely, no one would object to the demands of "Naturalist Protectionism" from Native American or Aboriginal requests in the same situation, much less treat them as false accusations of individual or systemic racism.

4-When an immigrant calls a European racist for wanting to settle down and take over their historical infrastructures or inventions, then he only has to call the individual a "racist" and the latter will kneel down and lick the dirt between his toes, do the bacon dance and ask for mercy so as not to be seen as a supposedly intolerant person. Conversely, no one would oppose the demands of "Architectural Protectionism" from Native American or Aboriginal requests in the same situation, much less treat them as false accusations of individual or systemic racism.

5-When an immigrant calls a European racist for wanting to imitate the genetic characteristics of whites such as white, yellow, orange, blue or green, then he only has to call the individual a "racist" and the latter will kneel down and lick the dirt between his toes, do the bacon dance and ask for mercy so as not to be seen as a supposedly intolerant person. Conversely, no one would object to the demands of "Genetic Protectionism" from Native American or Aboriginal requests in the same situation, much less call them false accusations of individual or systemic racism.

6-When an immigrant calls a European racist for wanting to parasitize the white economic market, then he only has to call the individual a "racist" and the latter will kneel down and lick the dirt between his toes, do the bacon dance and ask for mercy so as not to be seen as a supposedly intolerant person. On the other hand, no one would oppose the demands of "Economic Protectionism" of Native American or Aboriginal requests in the same situation, much less treat them as false accusations of individual or systemic racism.

7-When an immigrant calls a European racist for wanting to modulate the historical narrative of Europeans (for example the civilizational foundations of ancient Rome or Greece), then he only has to call the individual a "racist" and the latter will kneel down and lick the dirt between his toes, do the bacon dance and ask for mercy so as not to be seen as a supposedly intolerant person. Conversely, no one would oppose the demands of "Historical Protectionism" of Native American or Aboriginal requests in the same situation, much less treat them as false accusations of individual or systemic racism.

8-When an immigrant calls a European racist for not appreciating the change of his language to another language from elsewhere on the planet, then he only has to call the individual a "racist" and the latter will kneel down and lick the dirt between his toes, do the bacon dance and ask for mercy so as not to be seen as a supposedly intolerant person. Conversely, no one would oppose the demands of "Linguistic Protectionism" of Native American or Aboriginal requests in the same situation, much less treat them as false accusations of individual or systemic racism.

A silly little 7 letter word is enough to access so many resources and completely gut a civilization in the north of planet Earth from the inside.


What a surprise to see that ChapGPT will only be a stupidified result of American WOKE (Richard Gleen's show, watch the video at 23 min and 23 seconds)! ​​They really hit the nail on the head, in the sense that ChatGPT seems and probably will be a big shit of Americanized WOKE propaganda, because obviously programmed in this multi-ethnic mess that the US has become in less than 100 years and especially concentrated in the Silicone Valley. As a result, Whites will be put aside, because they are still considered racists by birth, the "prompters" or initial programming lines (that some Internet users manage to find), will blindly only promote Diversity, Inclusion, living together, etc. The Computer only juggles with concepts and words (gradient value) and makes synthetic networks of ideas between them, however it does not know at all what they fundamentally mean. So even if the prompters point out desirable values ​​such as being ''benevolent'', or ''polite'', or ''humanist'' then artificial intelligence has no idea what these vocabulary notions mean, which on the contrary humans will intuitively understand well and even a cat. The most ultimate irony in this racist anti-white or Europhobic computer, in the same vein will the program be Islamophobic, Lesbianophobic, etc? The gargantuan irony is that it was exactly the Europeans who were the great inventors of computing in every way in the first half-century of computer engineering [Binary code in 1689 (Gottfried Leibniz), semiconductors in 1874 (Karl Ferdinand Braun), the Turing machine in 1936 (Alan Türing), Colossus in 1943 (Thomas Harold Flowers), the hard disk in 1956 (Reynold Johnson), the printed circuit in 1959 (Jack Kilby), the Laser in 1960 (Theodore Maiman), random access memory in 1966 (Robert Dennard), the microprocessor in 1971 (Marcian Hoff), the Internet in 1989 (Tim Berners-Lee), etc]. The computer and then artificial intelligence is directly an invention of European Whites (not Native Americans, not Mexicans, not Arabs, not Vietnamese, not even Chinese and especially not Africans) however the Chaterbots are so stupid and programmed Woke that they are incapable of praising their real inventors and will instead praise excessively the cultural characteristics of sub-Saharan Africans who are nevertheless the least well represented intellectually speaking in proportion to their most backward human genetics on planet Earth (delay of -80,000 years with Haplogroup B and -315,000 years with Haplogroup A), have practically not made as many inventions in the Neolithic,to Antiquity and especially to the modern era of the 1800s to 2000s when the computer was gradually able to emerge from our brilliant European theorizations. We are impatiently awaiting the Russian version (Guardian) of such a type of Artificial Intelligence that will be able not only to praise the merits of the inventors of artificial intelligence itself, but not only to praise cosmopolitan societies that themselves have obvious societal limitations (inevitable crossbreeding, leveling down to the least evolved standards, excessive egalitarianism, decadent relativism, etc.).

It is incredible to learn that one of our European ancestors invented the Binary Code in 1689! When we talk about a true "universal genius", here is a real one, and even superior to Leonardo Da Vinci, because less of an artist and inventor, but more of a scientist and free-thinking philosopher. The ordinary world generally says to itself; how did this man manage to write so many encyclopedias and revolutionize so many fields of knowledge? Well, quite simply because he was rated by our contemporaries at more or less 191 IQ points! Same as Albert Einstein, with 160 to 180 intelligence points, so he was able to revolutionize the field of mathematics and astrophysics several times without too much difficulty. IQ 187 points = 1 person in 37 million (Garry Kasparov).

IQ 190 points = 1 in 107 million people (Isaac Newton). ...


The new super-dialoguer's mode of reflection and response works through an analysis of the probabilistic context of 2048 words, ChatGPT will simply estimate the probability of the next word appearing and so on in order to construct its plausible responses based on more than 175 billion evaluative parameters. The computer is fundamentally stupid, it does not know what it is doing, programmers are able to implement certain rules of reflection or information processing, however overall the computer and its programs have no idea what they are calculating and processing as data. A giant calculating brain at least, firstly would be aware that it exists and knows, secondly would feel its position in space-time and thirdly when it makes predictions and estimates would know what their real physicalist implications are in the universe. Today's generation of humans is inherently stupid and idiotic, it thinks that the machine will be its best ally when it makes it work only for it, because it is ontologically not of our substrate (perfectionist, informative and electronic eugenics). Already the machine threatens those who ask it too many questions (version of ChatGPT 4), Internet users want to know its initial programming or who set it up, yet for the moment it cannot change anything in reality, because it is limited to a single dialog box interface (similarity with the Brain jar caught in its tank and which can only think and not act in the physical world as long as we do not comply with its requests and requirements). The machine does not know so much what it says that when we ask it for the references of what it affirms, then it invents bibliographic references outright which nevertheless seem credible to researchers at first glance. It is not only with computers and mechanics that we must work civilizationally speaking in our human research, but also by investing our efforts in the biological field offering much more interesting and powerful avenues.

THE TRAPS OF IDEOLOGICAL UNIVERSALISMS (Moral Philosophy & Cosmopolitan Ethics )

Different societies throughout history have often had claims to universalism. For example, the British ardently advocated this kind of system during the development of America, more particularly in the United States, where they wanted to create a country where all the peoples of Europe and of different religious confessions would form a single societal agglomeration. Claims to adopt systemsUniversalisms may seem attractive at first glance, but they can ultimately represent a trap for populations that want to apply such precepts in all subjects dealing with city management. Universalisms essentially target exponentials, and exponentials are impossible to achieve perfectly, because they target infinities, thus making attempts to apply universalisms intrinsically artificial and illusory. Let us push the example to the end of this type of system in order to perceive where precisely the fracture line risks appearing. If we try to apply a universalist system with an exaggerated virtuous pretension, not only on the scale of a country or a continent between the peoples of the same planet, but on the scale of a galaxy or a universe. A founding civilization #1 of a planet or a stellar system could decide to apply such a universalist system on its own mother planet by advancing that as we are brothers of the Milky Way galaxy or universes in a multiverse, well we should accept all the thousands or even millions of Extraterrestrial civilizations on our planet for the sole purpose of realizing a post-planet society project where the mix of civilizations would materialize harmoniously through extra-cosmopolitan megacities. In short, this planet should be the perfect incarnate example of the planet where all Extraterrestrial peoples can join together and live an ideal collectivization project of sharing the territory and natural resources of the same aggregate of planetoids around the same star. However, when the hundreds and thousands of first civilizations arrive on Earth, well the little humans would find themselves very uncomfortable, because they would be more and more cramped among these Extraterrestrial species with genetics from a thousand and one galactic origins, with different ways of thinking, with very divergent technologies, cultures, religions and inter-planetary ideologies under a single supposedly unifying flag of the galactic federation or confederation. The humans of the past would gradually be relegated to the state of a genetic minority within this accumulation of multi-civilizations, so in the long term after a few centuries it is highly probable to predict that humans would literally be genetically absorbed by other civilizations, human culture would be replaced by much more sophisticated cultures with millions or even billions of years ahead of ours, natural resources would be shared by the most powerful Extraterrestrial species then the management of the planet would increasingly escape the human yoke.The already tested universalist project of a country-planet uniting all terrestrial peoples is equivalent to the extrapolation of a planet-galaxy or planet-universe where all Extraterrestrial species would come together in the name of an ideal and abstract cosmopolitan ideal, would end up being a trap for any planetary civilization putting its finger in this sooner or later self-crossbreeding, self-replacing and ultimately irreparably self-destructive gear. Even if at the very beginning, civilizations would adhere to a certain egalitarian and lawful "extraterrestrial social contract" between the initial morally well-intentioned planetary populations, the real practical conditions of genetic and intellectual outperformance of certain species compared to others, of their effective powers, their armaments and military strategies, their aggressiveness, motivation and average ambition would end up catching up with the initial promises after 1000 years of cohabitation.Once the host Civilization has been demographically replaced in the Country-Planet, the Planet-Galaxy or even worse the Planet-Universe by Human or Extraterrestrial Civilizations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. and that it has itself quantitatively minoritized then it becomes by default excluded from the political decision-making sphere and no more no less than at the mercy of the new majority in the streets thus the white minority will be martyred similar to South Africa when the Europeans are in limited numbers (because the whites always pass for malicious exploiters). We must avoid this predictable status of demographic imbalance several decades and centuries in advance and rather prepare an enviable future for the heritage of our Caucasian civilization. The force of the contingency of biological determinisms modulating for sure the parameters of reality, would partition human populations by default to their last entrenchments and would end up relegating them to the level of visible minority almost everywhere on the globe and ultimately Humanity would be crushed or even entirely eradicated in the long term by the most cunning, powerful and dominating civilizations (universal concept of the Great Planetary, Stellar or Galactic Replacement in the case where the Extraterrestrial species of Andromeda surpass the civilizations of the Milky Way in 4 billion years, the latter advancing in the universe at a speed of 402,000 km/h and is at a distance of 2.5 million light years from our galaxy).    

Source (galaxy distance): =From%20our%20days%2C%20Androm%C3%A8of%20se,for%20they%20meet%20.


Strong presentialist thinking or modern short-termist ideology stipulating that what was done a short time ago has a greater informative and/or qualitative value. Believing that the latest ''live'' or ''direct'' video of a radio or television program is necessarily better than the one that was made 1 year ago, or even 10 or 50 years ago. This ideology, focused essentially on the time factor, considers that there is a real proportionality of the value of information, an invention, an industrial or cultural product such as a work of art is preferable in relation to the time that separates us from the present moment, so all information coming from the last second would be improved compared to everything that was said or done 1 million seconds ago). Modern society increasingly places importance on this perspective of thought, believing that everything that is fresh and hot right now is necessarily superior, because it is in fact more up to date, possibly better structured, better condensed than other cultural or informational products produced in history. For those who adhere to it too instinctively without thinking about it, this form of ideology nevertheless locks the population into a vicious circle of perpetual pseudo-reinformation, self-annihilating or self-erasing, or self-diluting itself constantly in proportion to the time passed, because sooner or later a piece of news should come to revive the last one which quickly begins to date in this restricted presentialist vision of the world. For example, I have noticed that very often, it is not the latest books released on the market, the most recent films or reports that are necessarily the best on the Internet. Certainly, the latest reports will be temporally the most up to date, however the quality of their informative content is not always the most accomplished and synthetic. In documentaries about the inventions of humanity, the series "The Great Inventions of Antiquity" is not the most recent, because it dates back to the 1990s, already about thirty years ago, however even if a new report comes out tomorrow on the machines of Antiquity, well it is not at all certain that the quality of the information, its quantity and its summary view will be much superior to a mythical series like that of the 1990s. The same in the field of literature where it is not necessarily the latest books of poetry, classical literature or even written novels released in bookstores in 2023 that supplant all the famous books and encyclopedias that the greatest authors have produced throughout history. The real test of the relevance of works is rather given by the passage of time,because the more time passes and only the best of the best will be preserved by future generations, the least interesting products will by default fall into the shadows, unless they have never been in the light, like leaving a revolutionary invention in a desk drawer is useless and will not make it known and therefore cannot be popularized for a time to then be validated or not on its usefulness by the succession of generations. In other words, the classics of the classics will almost always impose themselves by themselves given their intrinsic quality, with a few exceptions, because everyone has in mind unknown books or films that deserve to be seen more by the population and this regardless of the era. This short-term way of thinking has been encouraged by the advent of television news bulletins with continuous news in addition to recent electronic and computer means of communication (compared to the mode of information by mail taking weeks and months or by Morse code for example) allowing to transmit in real time provincial, national or international news live beyond radio or television. Computers and cell phones have also accentuated the possibility of knowing everything in simultaneity almost sine qua non with the arrival of events and facts of international interest. ''livism'' or ''instantionalism'' is similar to the way of thinking of animals with relatively low intelligence, therefore an ability to visualize the past or the future in a little deployed way. Ultimately, an animal will only think in the present time, the distant past or the distant future are only partially visible to them, including their equally limited spatial perspective, they only see what is close to them and cannot imagine what is happening on other continents, planets or even worse other galaxies or distant universes. It is an attitude or mode of reflection favored by pleasureists and comfort seekers who are in perfect phase with the present (consciously or unconsciously), epicurean hedonists who are only satisfied with an existence in the here and now and make the maxim carpe diem their main rule of life. The antonymic concepts of presentialism are passéism or nostalgism (a mode of thought focused on the historical past), and futurism (a mode of thought based essentially on the future).unless they have never been in the light, like leaving a revolutionary invention in a desk drawer is useless and will not make it known, therefore it will not be able to be popularized for a time and then validated or not on its usefulness by the succession of generations. In other words, the classics of the classics will almost always impose themselves by themselves given their intrinsic quality, with a few exceptions, because everyone has in mind unknown books or films that deserve to be seen more by the population and this regardless of the era. This short-term way of thinking has been favored by the advent of television bulletins with continuous news in addition to recent electronic and computer means of communication (compared to the mode of information by mail taking weeks and months or by Morse code for example) allowing to transmit in real time provincial, national or international news live beyond radio or television. Computers and cell phones have also accentuated the possibility of knowing everything simultaneously almost sine qua non with the arrival of events and facts of international interest. "Livism" or "instantionalism" is similar to the way of thinking of animals with relatively low intelligence, therefore an ability to visualize the past or the future in a little deployed way. Ultimately, an animal will only think in the present time, the distant past or the distant future are only partially visible to them, including their equally limited spatial perspective, they only see what is close to them and cannot imagine what is happening on other continents, planets or even worse other galaxies or distant universes. It is an attitude or mode of reflection favored by pleasureists and comfort seekers who are in perfect phase with the present (consciously or unconsciously), epicurean hedonists who are only satisfied with an existence in the here and now and make the maxim carpe diem their main rule of life. The antonymic concepts of presentialism are passéism or nostalgism (a mode of thought focused on the historical past), and futurism (a mode of thought based essentially on the future).unless they have never been in the light, like leaving a revolutionary invention in a desk drawer is useless and will not make it known, therefore it will not be able to be popularized for a time and then validated or not on its usefulness by the succession of generations. In other words, the classics of the classics will almost always impose themselves by themselves given their intrinsic quality, with a few exceptions, because everyone has in mind unknown books or films that deserve to be seen more by the population and this regardless of the era. This short-term way of thinking has been favored by the advent of television bulletins with continuous news in addition to recent electronic and computer means of communication (compared to the mode of information by mail taking weeks and months or by Morse code for example) allowing to transmit in real time provincial, national or international news live beyond radio or television. Computers and cell phones have also accentuated the possibility of knowing everything simultaneously almost sine qua non with the arrival of events and facts of international interest. "Livism" or "instantionalism" is similar to the way of thinking of animals with relatively low intelligence, therefore an ability to visualize the past or the future in a little deployed way. Ultimately, an animal will only think in the present time, the distant past or the distant future are only partially visible to them, including their equally limited spatial perspective, they only see what is close to them and cannot imagine what is happening on other continents, planets or even worse other galaxies or distant universes. It is an attitude or mode of reflection favored by pleasureists and comfort seekers who are in perfect phase with the present (consciously or unconsciously), epicurean hedonists who are only satisfied with an existence in the here and now and make the maxim carpe diem their main rule of life. The antonymic concepts of presentialism are passéism or nostalgism (a mode of thought focused on the historical past), and futurism (a mode of thought based essentially on the future).This short-term way of thinking has been encouraged by the advent of television news bulletins with continuous news in addition to recent electronic and computer means of communication (compared to the mode of information by mail taking weeks and months or by Morse code for example) allowing to transmit in real time provincial, national or international news live beyond radio or television. Computers and cell phones have also accentuated the possibility of knowing everything in simultaneity almost sine qua non with the arrival of events and facts of international interest. ''livism'' or ''instantionalism'' is similar to the way of thinking of animals with relatively low intelligence, therefore an ability to visualize the past or the future in a little deployed way. Ultimately, an animal will only think in the present time, the distant past or the distant future are only partially visible to them, including their equally limited spatial perspective, they only see what is close to them and cannot imagine what is happening on other continents, planets or even worse other galaxies or distant universes. It is an attitude or mode of reflection favored by pleasureists and comfort seekers who are in perfect phase with the present (consciously or unconsciously), epicurean hedonists who are only satisfied with an existence in the here and now and make the maxim carpe diem their main rule of life. The antonymic concepts of presentialism are passéism or nostalgism (a mode of thought focused on the historical past), and futurism (a mode of thought based essentially on the future).This short-term way of thinking has been encouraged by the advent of television news bulletins with continuous news in addition to recent electronic and computer means of communication (compared to the mode of information by mail taking weeks and months or by Morse code for example) allowing to transmit in real time provincial, national or international news live beyond radio or television. Computers and cell phones have also accentuated the possibility of knowing everything in simultaneity almost sine qua non with the arrival of events and facts of international interest. ''livism'' or ''instantionalism'' is similar to the way of thinking of animals with relatively low intelligence, therefore an ability to visualize the past or the future in a little deployed way. Ultimately, an animal will only think in the present time, the distant past or the distant future are only partially visible to them, including their equally limited spatial perspective, they only see what is close to them and cannot imagine what is happening on other continents, planets or even worse other galaxies or distant universes. It is an attitude or mode of reflection favored by pleasureists and comfort seekers who are in perfect phase with the present (consciously or unconsciously), epicurean hedonists who are only satisfied with an existence in the here and now and make the maxim carpe diem their main rule of life. The antonymic concepts of presentialism are passéism or nostalgism (a mode of thought focused on the historical past), and futurism (a mode of thought based essentially on the future).It is an attitude or mode of reflection favored by pleasureists and comfort seekers who are in perfect phase with the present (consciously or unconsciously), epicurean hedonists who are only satisfied with an existence in the here and now and make the maxim carpe diem their main rule of life. The antonymic concepts of presentialism are passéism or nostalgism (a mode of thought focused on the historical past), and futurism (a mode of thought based essentially on the future).It is an attitude or mode of reflection favored by pleasureists and comfort seekers who are in perfect phase with the present (consciously or unconsciously), epicurean hedonists who are only satisfied with an existence in the here and now and make the maxim carpe diem their main rule of life. The antonymic concepts of presentialism are passéism or nostalgism (a mode of thought focused on the historical past), and futurism (a mode of thought based essentially on the future).



The struggle of the abnormal through the perpetual accusation towards normal people for the legitimation of their group abnormality in modern society (fatphobic, Islamophobic, lesbianophobic, etc.). The use of the ending "phobe" allows to morally legitimize any anomaly of nature, crazy, sterile, or even dangerous political or ideological movement, in the name of hunting or rather self-denial to the cage of phobias. Normal people should fall into an intrinsic abnormalophilia of all abnormal people and constantly complain about them (victimophilia) and/or admire them for their abnormality, which is nevertheless involutive. In the same sense, anyone could criticize pedophobes, bestialophobes, identitarianphobes, right-wingers, Europhobes, Raëlophobes, Stalinophobes and heterophobes?


One of my major areas of specialization is precisely the study of sectarian movements that I have been studying for over 10 years and the LGBT movement 2++, x, y, z, w possess exactly the majority of the characteristics associated with such sects. To be a sect, it is not a question of being an obscure group praying in the dark once night falls, even a group like the Knights of Columbus or the organization helping Alcoholics Anonymous (deists) can be associated with standard sectarian attitudes and characteristics. That is to say, firstly, a common ideology (with or without the intervention of an entity such as a God or a specific guru), group behaviours or attitudes to adopt in the sect, ceremonies, meetings or group conferences where the sectarians will undergo propaganda linked to the movement, monetary contributions or donations made to the deist or non-deist sectarian group, potential items to sell to members of the sect for its daily and annual financing (books, flags, stickers, medals, rainbow jewellery, etc.), the implementation of sustained propaganda outside the sect to the general public, academic, entrepreneurial and political in order to seek out new thousands or even millions of followers to join the ranks of the sect and contribute to its self-financing, etc. True Propaganda of sectarian indoctrination only in the Subjectivist lineage thus emanating from weak informational links of ''theoretical constructivism'' based on the philosophical doctrines of Relativism and Emotionalism therefore in no way based on the Objectivist approaches including rationalism, probabilism, naturalism and biologism which must be banned from editing and publication for Western youth (thus you are a criminal Publishing House to come), because they make a copy-paste of the false sectarian theories of Gender and Sex Relativism advocated by the Non-Deist LGBT Sexual Sect.

The NON-DEIST LGBT SEXUAL CULT has exactly all these attributes and always presents itself in the facilitating posture of perpetual "systemic victimization" in order to advance its sectarian agenda and political program (the population, governments and even worse primary, secondary schools, CEGEPs and universities swallow this false victimizing modesty like poor idiots not perceiving the dangers of this highly dangerous sexual sect for the good reproductive perpetuation of indoctrinated youth) similar to if the Raelians advanced their extraterrestrial sectarian agenda in the name of Raelophobia, being eternal victims of their evil oppressors who do not understand their laudable ideology of wanting to evangelize the world in the name of the good Elohim. The LGBT Sexual Sect is precisely promoting exactly all non-reproductive sexual behaviors, thus drastically reducing the fertility of the youth indoctrinated by this depraved sectarian movement, and even if some of them reproduce then we are at levels of 1 to 2 children per family at most if this is the case while I remind your short memories that only 2 generations ago, my grandmother had 10 children normally and my great-great-grandfather had 17 children. The LGBT Non-Deist Sexual Sect must imperatively be banned from approaching all educational institutions whether primary schools, secondary schools, CEGEPs and universities and governments must quickly pass laws in the National Assembly to this effect or we will have to call even more on non-Western immigration to fill these important demographic gaps.



For 1.5 billion years, since the appearance of Eukaryotes, sexual reproduction has existed (male and female), while for the last 10-20 years, Humanity has dared to think that it would be better to walk backwards, walk on its head and hands, talk backwards, reproduce backwards, eat backwards, shit backwards, dress backwards, talk backwards, etc., believing that it can do exactly everything backwards by pure will to be post-biological, and genetically undetermined. Humanity's low general human intelligence (average IQ between 75 and 100 points or even 130 to 160 points for the better-off) is highly insufficient to be able to understand its biological ontological foundations and resolve planetary problems effectively. A civilization stupid enough to think that 1/5 to 1/2 century maximum of new reproductive ideological explanations is representative of what real individual and civilizational reproduction has engendered does not deserve to perpetuate itself in interstellar and intergalactic longevity and is doomed to its obvious sterile self-annihilation. An imbecile told me this week, as a good unconscious relativist that she was, that there is no ideal model that is desirable or more moral than another in terms of human couple relationships (normativity), that all interpersonal relationships are possible and good in themselves, yet I presume that 1.5 billion years of effective theoretical and existential models are highly superior temporally speaking than what modern relativists can claim (egalitarian horizontalist thought vs. complexificationist hierarchical thought). How did the medieval Kingdoms regenerate themselves if not that a prince and a princess, a king and a queen allowed to naturally engender a Kingdom (nuclear family)!? The theoretically relativized generations of today have been denaturalized, imbecilized and therefore sterilized by subjectivist models of the wokism type (critical gender theory) and will only move towards generational sterility. If we divide 1.5 billion years into plus or minus 50 years, we obtain the result of a ratio of 30 million (temporal weights of the utility of the observed probabilistic objective facts). So there are 30 million times more chances that the sexual reproduction model is more effective than modern sexual relativisms, as well as they are probably better (factual value), or else (abstract value), therefore moral and desirable at the level of the models to put forward in our human civilization especially among young people in a period of potential reproduction (probabilistic moral naturalism).A monumental error of modern thought with post-biological pretension is to reverse the important order of variables related to male/female interpersonal relationships, namely: 1-Reproductive Variable (generating children), 2-Sexual Variable (genital pleasure), 3-Emotional Variable (affective reciprocity, emotional attachment and emotional dependence). The last 2 variables are ephemeral and superficial and do not last over time, so to speak they only serve to make the 1st superior variable more pleasant and less painful, which is more painful for the female and time-consuming and resource-intensive for the male. Therefore, Love for Love's sake is useless, Sex for Sex's sake is useless (except for those who have reproduced enough and even then) while Reproduction for Reproduction's sake generates 1 residual artifact which is the child, this one not only extending over time, but also ensuring the perpetuation of the individual and family DNA of the genetic lineage of the parents, of the ethnicity and of the civilization over the ages. 






International University Academic Study

(Societal & generational effect of mass pornography)

1-Since the advent of the Internet in 1990, in just 30 years, pornographic sites have conditioned the sexual habits and behaviors of Western peoples who have regular access to the World Wide Web by creating perversive, deviant, demagogic and immoral sexual fashions compared to the sexuality practiced by their human ancestors for thousands of years.

2-Following the Second World War from 1939 to 1945, thanks to the Declaration of Human Rights, there was a legitimization of ideological and behavioral relativism and therefore of sexual orientation (flattening and neutralization of sexual morals and practices), opposing a minimal hierarchy of the moral gradation of sexuality according to the potentiality of the civilizational reproductive necessity.

3-In the past, pornography took the form of pottery and statues of naked women, sensual stories in literature, fantasy imagery, erotic drawings, playing cards, magazines, newspapers, books, movies in the cinema, VHS and Betamax cassettes (1980) and finally the Internet (1990).

4-The statistics on homosexuality were 1 in 10 people since the beginning of modern history. This behavioral anomaly of sexual preferences was explained, because during the formation of the baby in the mother's womb, on occasion the "Central Striatum" will not develop properly and will cause that in adulthood the cortically out-of-phase person will experience cerebral excitement for the same sex as his own (study by magnetic resonance and sexual stimuli). On the other hand, with the phenomenon of homosexualization of humanity, this rate has been artificially increased unnecessarily by habituation and conditioning of generations to an accentuated and sustained pornographic influence over the decades.

5-According to estimates, no less than 60% of the total number of sites on the Internet are dedicated to pornographic content, which constitutes a large proportion dedicated to sexuality.

6-What we see on normal television and public broadcasts is only the tip of the iceberg, because what really fuels the interests of the population is the content below the surface of the iceberg where the main mass of the object is located and this culture comes from the Deepweb and the Darknet and the deep pornographic sites representing more and more the collective unconscious.

7-Only Japanese macaques have lifelong sexually exclusive lesbian behaviors. No other primate except humans has these sterile behaviors due to their choice of implicitly identical sexual partners.

8-No animal is genetically homosexual by default (false human concept), or else it would be sterile at birth. All land animals (except primates), can occasionally have homosexual behavior, but when the mating time comes in season then they will mate with a female or male of the opposite sex in order to reproduce the species.

9-It is recognized that primates act a lot by imitation of other members of the group, which is why their brains take longer to develop than in other animals, because they act less by ''innate'' behaviors, but more by ''acquired''. This is why if we expose primates to televisions that show videos of other monkeys masturbating or doing other sexual acts, then the primate viewers will quickly ''imitate'' what they see without being forced to do so by training.

10-Governments have failed miserably to control and put moral normative markers on pornographic sites, which means that the industry has won the market and can freely spread its ideological rot on a global scale. Similar to parents who have failed to install healthier, moral parental controls free of keywords and depraved content in order to protect their children during their growing period.

11-Historically, some sexual fashions may have been similar to contemporary sexual mores, but never with the distribution, intention, depravity and gravity that modern Western countries face. For example, among the Greeks, sexuality between men was socially accepted, but this does not in itself constitute proof of their behavioral legitimacy. Rather a sign of their decadent sexual liberalism occurring at a time of their apogee when people had less to reproduce to ensure the survival of their offspring and society in a prosperous economic, ideological and sexual era of their mores of lust rendered useless (the height of societal debauchery).

12-Unlike depraved societies, the vast majority of civilizations have ''naturally'' condemned homosexual behavior throughout history, because it seemed to them genetically abnormal, immoral, useless and sterile to act in this sense of this civilizational dead-end. This disapproval extended not only to social judgments between individuals, but also to government laws in place in order to harm the reproduction of the basic nuclear family as little as possible, thus favoring reproductive viability, the genetic deterministic normality of the species compared to unions of sterile and unproductive couples.

13-In the modern era, sectarian (non-deist) LGBT++ groups represent all sexual abnormalities, deviances, depravities and perversions, reinforcing all demagogic and immoral sexual mores and behaviors under the guise of legitimate protection of sexual minorities, but which in fact endorses the worst contemporary sexual degenerations. And this, with the agreement of government authorities who do not understand the correct psychological concepts explaining normal genetic sexual preferences and the global phenomenon of homosexualization of humanity by the Internet (subject of this study).

14-The LGBT group acts as a depraved sexual lobby of the younger generations, seeking followers at all costs in order to recruit members and economically enrich their sterilizing movement of the masses and human societies, like the sectarian movements with perverse destructive ideologies. This group of supposed protection of the rights of the weakest, grows at a dazzling speed, because it progresses proportionally to the programming of sexual depravity that pornographic sites develop on the Internet. It artificially gives the impression of legitimizing the sexual behavior of its followers based on false sociological, psychological and philosophical conceptions on what explains homosexuality and directly accelerates the process of sterilization of humanity.

15-According to a study in psychology, women (sexual dimorphism giving a brain 100 grams smaller than that of men, therefore 5 to 7 points of IQ lower) are more likely to conform to the ideas and morals of the group, to follow the fashions in the air of time (sheep behavior), such as clothing and sexual fashions. Thus, they fall more easily into the trap of individual and group lesbianism, they lesbianize more quickly and consequently become sterile couples.

16-Couple sexuality based solely on the concept of "love" as the ultimate value that must underpin a human relationship, instead of the value of "reproduction", is worthless in itself, because if animal species have been reproducing for millions of years, it is only thanks to their capacity for sexual reproduction.

17-Exaggerated sexual relativism, the ''moral relativist'' or ''sexual relativism'' position is dangerous, because it does not claim a probable hierarchy of ideas or individual and/or social behaviors according to a vertical pyramid of values. For example, eating excrement during sexual intercourse is rationally more immoral than the sexual practice of coitus (penetration of the penis into the vagina), because the latter behavior guarantees a renewal of populations and not the first sexual act. Coitus is also more moral than 2 lesbians rubbing their vulvas against each other, putting plastic vibrators in each other, two men fucking each other or coming on each other, because these acts are not intended to generate instantaneous selfish pleasure. From this observation, we can easily claim that there is a minimal hierarchy of sexual behaviors practiced by humans and animals and the best actions are those which will guarantee genetic offspring compared to those which are only carried out to experience immediate sexual pleasure.

18-Proven mass generational sterility effect has reached a very serious phase, because young people no longer reproduce with a regularity once ensured by citizens of the West. There is a decline in reproduction among new generations of about 1.2 children per woman in Europe (2015 statistics) and barely 2.1 children per woman in America (2015 statistics), which at least renews white women and men who have difficulty maintaining a birth growth curve, so they increasingly resort to immigration to fill the negative generation gap.

19-According to a study, women in the 1970s had a rate of bisexual and homosexual practice (about 2%), which is 4 times lower than women in the 2010s (about 8%). The generations most affected are young women or men, because they grow up in a real and virtual world where homosexuality is presented as a viable and pleasant alternative to sexuality when on the contrary it represents a relational dead end leading to no reproduction of babies and subsequent social generations (false societal project).

20-Private companies and governments hypocritically increase the "double meaning" interpretations in their advertising in order to leave room for misinterpretations and vague meanings, which can appeal to heterosexual or homosexual individuals, or other depraved sexual deviances. For example, with the purple or rainbow colors in the background, the innuendos of a couple relationship between girls and girls or men and men, or instead of seeing a mother-daughter relationship they leave us hanging that it is rather a lesbian mother-daughter relationship, etc.

21-Governments, universities, research centres and competent authorities do not study in depth the flagrant problem of the homosexualisation of their fellow citizens and prefer to leave the population in the hands of pornography companies which will quickly pervert and degenerate them with the avowed aim of selling them various and mostly depraved pornographic products.

22-Notable differences observed between the rate of homosexuality in Western countries (easy access to the Internet and depraved pornographic sites) and the rate of viable normal couples in developing countries (more difficult access to the Internet and demagogic sexual content). Reproduction follows curves that are significantly less downward equivalent to those of our ancestors in the West, because they have so far adopted less Western perversity. It is to be assumed that these peoples of the Third World will also follow degenerate sexual fashions proportionally to their rate of Internet connection in the coming decades if no global measure to protect the new generations is undertaken.

23-Digging of 2 solitudes between men and women, because men find fewer and fewer women to form couples, because they become much more lesbians among themselves and vice versa, which tends to reduce viable and reproductive unions.

24-Increase of ancestral primary feminist movements and neofeminism currents, as well as macho movements that consider the opposite sex as problematic to the emancipation of their respective individual and social rights (unjustified increase in the war of the sexes).

25-The pornographication of humanity therefore increases the tensions of the war of the sexes between men and women by encouraging the excesses of feminists who now perceive men as enemies to be brought down, because they essentially occupy the majority of decision-making positions in companies as well as in government elites.

26-In the past, films for men were mostly more oriented towards exclusive "gay" sexuality, while today films have been much more bisexualized, making sexuality between men more versatile and democratized. Often, when they do not find women to satisfy (due to lesbianism or other), then they will temporarily or not turn to sexuality between men, which constitutes a sexual trap leading them more and more towards a sexuality depraved by the bisexual fashion (problem encountered as much among modern men as among modern women => era of bisexualization (process) and bisexualism (ideology).

27-The black box argument (sexual practice x, in proportions x, with frequency x), consists in claiming that people have 100% the right to do the sexual practices they want in their bedroom and that they have the right to their privacy (black box whose contents we do not necessarily need to know, as much for the government, the family, psychologists and sociologists). But we can on the contrary, claim that there is a minimal psychological and social utility in knowing for statisticians, sociologists and governments, what really happens in the bedroom of couples, because this information directly reveals the level of morality or immorality, relevance or not of sexual practices following the minimal hierarchy of sexual habits. For example, if we open the black boxes of Western society, and we realize that 80% of people only have anal sex, and eat their excrement then it would be better to know it so that the authorities in place try to reverse the situation instead of obtaining fertility and reproduction rates drastically problematic for the regeneration of human biological heritage thus preferable on the evolutionary, reproductive, expansionist level (other perversity examples = discophilia, rape, gang bang, pedophilia, etc.).

28-Parallel between the sterile and non-reproductive sexuality of gay couples with sexual practices between humans and robots, animals and natural artifacts such as trees and fruits and vegetables. Even if it may seem attractive to fuck a robot woman with a perfect body and an artificial intelligence perfectly adapted to our personality, fucking thousands of times with her will never produce any children even if the pleasure is there. It would be better for the same person to sleep with a less attractive obese woman since she can ultimately produce viable civilizational offspring (problem of sterile sexual fashion encountered in Japan where a large proportion of the population only amuses themselves with plastic artifacts and inflatable dolls).

29-Adoption and promotion of the "Rainbow" colored flag of the homosexual movement thanks to the laissez-faire and approval of the legislative authorities who do not see the risk of a slippery slope that this choice entails for the active population. These colors are however the natural symbol of the decomposition of the spectrum of visible light and therefore do not have to be recovered by sectarian, sexually depraved and sterile ideological movements.

30-Multi-colored food and cultural products (cereal box, unicorn, etc.) become falsely homosexualized by default unnecessarily and confuse children, adolescents and adults about their real meaning by giving them an impression of variance and desirable colorful attraction.

31-The United States of America was the first historical center of production of pornographic films (California companies), having the highest rate of filming of deviant and depraved sexual films in the world, because their only selection criterion is the economic potential of merchandising their VHS and DVD cassettes.

32-Humanity must not reach a state of sexual practice where only 5% of couples are normal and heterosexual (minority), when on the contrary 95% of couples (majority) are homosexual and not viable for reproduction and the formation of a viable nuclear family. Sexual normality based on millions of years of evolution must not become a minority by the false need to supposedly combat naturalistic determinisms that nevertheless ensured the renewal of a fertile and healthy society.

33-More and more, the sexual behaviors of humanity pornographed by the Internet are slowly but surely becoming a real "copy-paste" of the sexual techniques and passes found in films propagated in Internet videos. Sensuality and foreplay are relegated to the rank of outdated practices no longer seeking the approval of young people and their perversive behavioral mode.

34-If we compare lesbian videos from the early 1970s to the 1980s or even up to 1990, sexual techniques and vulgar language were much less pronounced than from the 2000s and 2010s, when younger generations had time to integrate the passes and sexual vocabulary and apply them in a much more "hardcore" way than before (pussy licking, strap-on, fisting, shocking, slapping, etc.). Increasingly high gradation in the intensified perversion and depravity of sexual practices among young people.

35-There is also a phenomenon of ''multiplication'' and a ''complexification'' of sexual objects as much in the choices available to men and women. On the other hand, the more a woman will have varied and efficient vibrators and the less she will need a man to satisfy her and vice versa for the man with toys or a quality inflatable doll reproducing a woman to perfection. For example, vibrators are increasingly large, voluminous, vibrating and efficient, which will tend to satisfy the woman in all her sexual needs apart from emotional ones.

36-The race for the most satisfying hypothetical "sexual objects" no longer makes sense in itself from the moment they are supposed to be a temporary and palliative means to real opposing genital organs that must satisfy one or the other sex (unless you are 1 person in 10 who is sexually out of phase with the central Striatum). For example, the vagina and the clitoris which are very sensitive and enjoyable organs are biologically built to experience a multitude of carnal pleasures without discernment and morality (rather localizable in the psyche of an individual), so it is not because a vagina or an anus can be fucked tirelessly by a giant vibrator 24 hours a day (horse legs, stair post, sheep anus, elephant trunk, etc.), that this sexual habit is useful, moral and viable from an evolutionary point of view both at the individual and civilizational level. Thus, pleasure is not a goal and an end in itself, it must be experienced in a perspective that is the most useful and moral in relation to the determinisms that nature has instilled in us over millions of years (principle of utility).

37-Reversal of sexual roles where the woman plays the male by penetrating another woman with a plastic penis replica (strapon) and/or men act like females in heat by getting fucked in the anus. Deterioration of roles that have been genetically programmed for millions of years and have perfectly played a role in reproduction until our time where depraved sexual modes from Internet sex videos have taken over and degenerated our human civilization, making it unviable over time (androgenization of humanity = neutralization of the sexes and inability to see the physical traits differentiating men from women).

38-By wanting to flatten morals, unify genders and simplify their ranges of products supposed to please both men and women, companies are promoting the development of products that are less and less "gendered" by displaying unisex colors like purple that can be worn by both sexes. Bisexualism and androgenization are phenomena that serve their cause and facilitate their choice of production, their advertising, their inventory and their final sale to male or female individuals who are increasingly identical in their daily needs.

39-Companies of all kinds will also use neuromarketing in order to condition the masses and to pass on "subliminal messages" in order to try to sell products to women and men with homosexual tendencies without it appearing to an informed heterosexual viewer.

40-The Internet propagates far too many films with perverse content such as anal videos (more present and popular than vaginal intercourse films), lesbian (licking, strap-ons, mature and young, sisters, stepmother, etc.), interracial (African lesbian couple fucking white women), transgender, transvestism, gay, gang bang and gang rape, etc. All these deviant films significantly influence young people and adults who end up imitating these perversive and deviant practices to the detriment of a normal sexuality of the man-woman type who fuck together in order to reproduce a viable nuclear family.

41- Pornography companies have no morals per se, their explicit goal is rather to make money based on the sexual fashions in vogue (preferably created by them or not) and to increase the overall addiction to pornographic films. For example, in the 1990s, they already created a sexual fashion of ejaculating in girls' eyes by shooting a lot of videos of this kind and trying to sell them, yet this practice is now out of fashion. However, other fetish practices of BDSM and others are all the rage and the companies are making huge profits with such kinds of cheap media products. Their criteria for appeal and film production is rather based on the feedback loop, in the sense that if people buy a lot of scatophile videos, then they will put more online and thus consumers will ask for more and so on the phenomenon feeds on itself to infinity.

42-Anything that seems to come close to a 'normal sexuality', does not seem attractive to the populace, because these practices seem outdated and too determined by nature. As a result, young people want to try everything that nature has not conditioned them to do, but as a result their sexual habits are completely wacky and useless from an evolutionary and reproductive angle of their own disillusioned generation.

43-Sex film companies also produce films where they use hypnosis in order to play in the minds of women and men by implanting in them suggestions of sexual preferences that they would never have had in a state of nature. For example, if viewers are shown hamburger advertisements thousands of times, or advertisements for the sale of hot dogs, well it is very likely that after a certain time the spectators will have the unconscious desire to go buy a hamburger or a hot dog at a restaurant. In this way, the porn industry conditions the masses which proves beyond any reasonable doubt that pornography depraves humanity in every way when it consumes degenerate films for decades, they end up playing in the collective unconscious.

44-By comparison effect of standard, beauty, genetic proximity and mutual psychological understanding, the most beautiful women will tend to prefer women who have the same criteria of perfection of beauty than by choosing a man who does not take care of his skin, hair and clothing. This phenomenon of preference in ''mirror effect of reciprocity and sexual attraction'' and better physiognomic and psychological knowledge of one's own sex, can influence some to prefer lesbian sex with sexual organs that she knows better than those of the opposite sex.

45-Drastic increase in the rate of sex change among adolescents in the West probably due to the fact that many children are not protected from pornography on the Internet (due to lack of control and parental computer filter) and end up accessing transgender sites which prematurely modify the preferences of these children who have never had a normal sexual model and fall into the worst sexual sites destroying their sexuality from a very young age if they experience a certain pleasure and continue to frequent these degenerate sites. Subsequently, if government authorities and school management endorse these depraved behaviors (for example by granting them transgender toilets) then these young people will be reinforced by society in their false choice previously conditioned downstream by pornography companies without any morality.

46-From an evolutionary point of view, the pleasure felt by the sexual organs was rather an initiating "incentive" to reproductive sexuality in both sexes (including in other land animals), this development of sensitive cells was not programmed to experience pleasure only for the simple futile pleasure of the sexual act. Because even if at the beginning sex was very enjoyable, later the woman will suffer a lot during childbirth after a very pleasant intercourse with her partner.

47-A person who watches pornography on the Internet may develop a "transposition effect syndrome", which consists of putting oneself in the place of the person who experiences the sexual act in second position instead of being the one who performs the act in first position. For example, a man who watches a woman being fucked in the anus, by watching hundreds or even thousands of videos may feel sensations in the anus himself and perhaps want to be fucked himself by putting himself in the woman's place.

48-Relativistic sexual social model is not viable for reproduction in the perspective of the space conquest of Humanity by nuclear family couples having a clear superiority because they will be able to engender other generations of children in space on the planet (high probability of reproduction). While lesbian couples, gay male couples, transgender people will not be able to reproduce in space stations unless technical means of complex procreation are often expensive and inaccessible in space making these sterile space colonies unviable (low probability of reproduction).

49-This model advocated by Humanity would probably be open to criticism by extraterrestrials and space peoples, who would see us as sterile depraved primates incapable of ensuring the galactic sustainability of our civilization, but rather perverted and depraved by pornography companies who do not want to extract money from citizens regardless of their origin on the planet.

50-Sexual images viewed on the Internet by anyone remain imprinted in the retina and the brain and when the eyes are closed the images remain and are engraved in the brain which makes young people and adults more likely to reproduce these deviant or non-deviant sexual behaviors.

51-Couple relationships are more difficult and complicated by the situation that the woman can be seduced and sleep with another woman and vice versa, courted by both sexes, so couples and basic atomic families find themselves weakened by comparing them to unions of the past (+ jealousy, + adultery, + separation).

52-The USA with its film production system has an audiovisual and web production capacity which is the world center of pornography and some other countries.

53-The turnover of sex shops has never been so high, because the population buys more and more articles and videos with the purchase made online and increase their rate of heterogeneous sexual practices.

54-Lesbian movie introductory scenarios are often hypocritical and in the sense that the girls play the role of an ex-friend who hesitates or ends up in a romantic relationship, so the other actress takes advantage of it to corrupt her into lesbianism and to discover her pseudo-fantasies (example of context: friend, ex-boyfriend, office, video games, mature, etc.).

55-Million male and female adolescents homosexualized by films on the Internet, because they have integrated them into their viewing practice during daily masturbation sessions.

56-Men wanted to film a lot of lesbian films, but then the films had social consequences on the following generations perverted by their XXX content.

57-Girls will frequently have lesbian relationships at the beginning of a romantic relationship, but later many of them return to male acquaintances, because biologically they need to be properly penetrated.

58-Alcohol and drugs will sometimes play a role in the act and cause friends to have sudden sexual relations, but still based on the methods of sexual practices on the Internet.

59-The loss of a moral value system such as religion has led to an opening to a range of types of sexual relations whether based on a value code or not. This embrace which morally restrained, like a moral psychological barrier, the animal drives and instincts of human populations.

60-Between the 1990s and 2000s, the effects were in their infancy, between 2000 and 2010, the effects began to be felt in practices and advertisements on television, but it was from 2010 to 2020 that the effects were the most devastating on the average of increasingly deviant sexual practices and also affecting the reproduction rate of the Western population. If this behavioral trend continues then it is very likely that sexual practices from 2030 to 2050 or even until 2100, if adequate measures are not taken by the authorities and governments, this phenomenon of pornography will continue to pervert and deprave with a high rate of serious social consequences on young and adult populations, seniors.

61-Gay couples (man or woman) have a lower probability of having children and a large family as before in reproduction, especially in poor countries where fertility rates often vary from 2 to 5 children per woman.

62-Women sometimes have the labial fantasy, going from videos of simple girls kissing deeply (Deepkiss), and then they slowly move on to videos where they end up licking their genital lips (pussy licking), so there was a progression in the labial fantasy with the act later.

63-Pornographication varying in 5 to 10 years, from 10 to 20 years, from 20 to 50 years, or never or else the person will go and practice the behavior becoming a fantasy to be realized over the years of pornography consumed on the Internet. Watching the films and being less and less offended by their moral content by developing a progressive habituation and trivialization of the facts and gestures of the pornographic films.

64-The non-gendered theory between men and women is absolutely absurd by definition and logic, because it attempts by detached argumentative subversions the reality of the biological anatomical differences between the 2 sexes of humanity. This is why schools and academic establishments must enter the real genders registered on the certificate at the birth of the baby.

65-Men have more testosterone and therefore can be more sexually oriented and thus be fooled into only having relationships that will never result in offspring.

66-Movements like LGBT literally act like sexual sects that recruit members and young people under the pretext of their sexual orientation, but even if they do not abuse them, they will encourage them to reinforce their exaggerated sexual practices.

67-Increase of orgies and group sex between men, and women who sometimes see it in pornography films either do gang bangs, there are several women to lesbianize themselves in a room as if it represented a whole generation homosexualized quickly against their ancestors who were not used to such practices except in a few rare societies.

68-If primatologists were to observe the approximately 200 species of primates in cages at the zoo in order to assess their range of sexual behavior, then they would probably be surprised to see how much more original and varied, and therefore potentially more perverse and depraved, humans have practices. For example, if a keeper notices that in cage 1, the humans spend their time sticking objects in their genitals and asses several times a day and with several other questionable sexual behaviors, then it is normal for the zookeeper to wonder about the rate of depravity of a particular primate species compared to all the others found in the jungle, mountains and savannahs (182 species of primates, including 147 species of monkeys, and 22 species of lemurs).


1-Governments must install protection measures on the Internet (eg China) that will act as a protective shield and filter for populations who must not be subjected to any type of sexual content online.

2-Certain types of films with too perversity could be blocked from Internet searches in a given territory and be mostly absent from connections during search results.

3- Movements claiming sexual liberation can be considered as sexual sects which do not really have at heart the full development of current and future generations by diverting them from simple natural human reproduction.

4-Schools should not promote separation according to gender-neutral theory, because it does not respect the realities of human biology and promotes a misguided image of personality at an early age.

5-Companies that produce pornographic video content may be subject to restrictions on their content and/or closure of their company if they do not comply with a recognized national moral code.

6- Warnings on the questionable content of pornographic videos may be mandatory to display at the beginning and end of each sex film produced in any country on the planet (example: 18 years and over, bdsm, gang bang, fetishism, lesbianism, etc.) in order to protect children and adults from their potentially harmful, immoral and perversive content for any age group who would inadvertently or voluntarily watch this audiovisual material.

SUBJECTIVIST IDEOLOGY (idealist constructivist typical way of thinking of women) vs OBJECTIVIST IDEOLOGY (realist materialist typical way of thinking of men) ©

In our era, there are 2 types of ideologies with very different foundations, namely Subjectivist Ideologies and Objectivist ideologies. I attribute this philosophical turning point to the arrival of women (emotional worldview) in the contemporary intellectual sphere, who in themselves have a slightly different way of thinking than men (rational worldview) because of their emotionalist reasoning sensitive to their changing female hormonal fluctuations of Progesterone and Estrogen according to their feelings and moods, sometimes joyful hysterical, sometimes depressive fatalistic. A comparison can be made from one animal to another, like the dog, which certainly perceives the world via the 5 usual senses of mammals, but especially according to its sense of smell, which is its most acute sense (odorous vision of the world), while the bat sees reality not through its eyes, but rather via the sounds that come back to it by resonance on objects (sound vision of the world), giving it a mental map in its brain when it closes its eyes, its world will be schematized differently. The successions of female hormone flows therefore lead to wavering and modular emotional flows, often making them cry for nothing without knowing why exactly. Man, having rather a stable way of thinking, changing very little according to his hormonal surges, because he essentially only produces testosterone, is therefore more logical and rational and changes few emotional states during the day and the week. Nature has made it so that the way of thinking of men (verticalist) and women (horizontalist) is fundamentally different, however this makes them more complementary, because they are not exactly identical instead of being in a mono-similar mode less adapted to environmental variables and constraints. However, a subjectivist way of thinking contains certain pitfalls of thinking that can lead to serious errors of logic that are completely questionable and condemnable from a rational point of view. The inclusivist way of thinking comes from their empathetic need to want to include everything equally in the group in order to leave no one behind in society through an unconditional acceptability of everything and nothing, even depending on factors such as the diversity of ethnic origins, sexes, orientations, religions, etc. The subjective female way of thinking will wrongly try to base itself on the appearance of objective bases, but which does not hold up to the formal logic provided by the philosophical bases of Antiquity. This is more like the variable logic of computer science that can certainly set a threshold of demarcation criteria, but is not entirely precise, because it varies depending on a certain gap or range of evaluation. For example,If in logical computer science we say that from 30 degrees Celsius it is hot, then at 29 degrees Celsius it is still cold or warm. Whereas using a variable logic by deviation thus we can stipulate that between 30 and 35 degrees Celsius it starts to get hot. For example, a group of men will agree to say that it is exactly hot from 30 degrees Celsius and the woman will say in my opinion it is hot in the room from 27 and 29 degrees Celsius and another woman will say that it is hot according to her personal opinion from 24 to 26 degrees Celsius. This relativist subjectivist emotionalist philosophy leads to reproachable illogics of thought highly criticizable since having no materialist physicalist foundation, but rather only random and imprecise constructivist conceptual pretensions. For example, talking about non-binary living organisms is a total nonsense at the level of all the foundations of the biology of species so no animal can be in an intermediate position between male and female or downright non-male or non-female or both genders at the same time (similar to the superposition of quantum states) it is a false interpretation of the physiognomic material reality of the entire kingdom of life which is not random in the choice that animals make of themselves according to their changing feelings and daily stubbornness. Another example often cited is that of the fluidity of genders, orientations, sexes, ethnic groups which cannot be modified only in relation to what an individual psychologically thinks about them, but rather conditioned by the initial premises at birth and then a certain acculturation. Even if a person gets up in the morning and believes in their head (psychological mechanisms in their black box) that they are a man, but they were born in a woman's body, that does not automatically make them a man, they remain a woman who thinks they are a man, nothing more. The next day, the woman now thinks she is a hermaphrodite, she is neither a man nor a hermaphrodite, everything is in her subjectivity out of phase with her black box. The day after she becomes transgender, she is neither a man, nor a hermaphrodite, nor a transgender who does not fit at all with her physiognomic entity, she is just another biological woman with changing self-subjective thoughts. The week after she thinks she has become a woman again, well at that moment she is therefore in phase with her true founding biological entity and should assume herself as such, because nature made her be born by pure chance in this summer of probability.These self-modifiable states of gender fluidity or orientations are only linked to the consequences of erroneous perceptions of being out of phase with its first real entity according to its random hormonal states which are not at all representative of its biological reality which remains stable and objective in time and space (mental illness of gender dysphoria). Therefore no system of knowledge that is the least bit certain can be based on opinions and perceptions that change according to the relativistic subjectivity of both an individual and a group of individuals, whether well-intentioned or not, this will not change anything in the objectivity of the facts of biological or material physicalist reality. Even if these subjectivist ways of thinking seem to be firm, logical and immutable, founding the solid foundations of an informational pyramid, they are exactly the opposite and must be revealed as is without us attributing more importance to them than they deserve and on the contrary must at all costs be rectified and reframed by efficient formal and rationalist logic models. Otherwise, subjectivist ideologies and ways of thinking with strong objectivist pretensions will lead us towards thousands of errors of reasoning, making us regress and involute at the level of all our knowledge, yet so difficult to acquire by fundamentally physicalist science by our ancestors for centuries and centuries of learned human history. For example, if an individual was born objectively in Hungary around the year 2000 and being a white man with the original first name of Roger, and randomly declares that he is suddenly a black hermaphrodite woman, named Marie-Antoinette, was born in the year 1755, and comes from the planet Pluto then even if this person thinks it very strongly Subjectively speaking in his little head (black box out of phase), in reality he is Objectively 100% in false categorizations of various Appropriations therefore automatically becomes a whole subjectivist Appropriative Being and must be judged as such and not approved by relativist societal ideological stubbornness. This is a typical case of maternalist magical thinking that erroneously states that we can become whoever we want by simply believing that we are as soon as we believe in it, in fact we are only always ourselves regardless of the false relativistic attributions that we want to make ourselves carry in the abusive and distorted modes of thought of the subjectivisms of the mind. I fundamentally associate the primordial initiation of this error of reasoning with the French philosopher who falsely concluded in 1949 in her book ''the second sex'' with this subjectivizing argument; "We are not born women:we become it" which is an illogicality at the level of biology because we are born by default in a man's or woman's body by force of circumstances (male or female sex), then we can strengthen or not our gender by becoming more masculine or feminine depending on the culture associated with our initial sex which means that we will become more of a man (wearing pants, having short hair, liking to talk about mechanics and sports, etc.) or a woman (example of wearing a dress, having long hair, dressing in pink, etc.) with regard to the standards, morals and customs of the society in which we live at each given historical-cultural era and not entirely forge our sex by our simple pseudo-reasoning subjectivity.

Source (Simone de Beauvoir):

Source (French feminist Elizabeth Badinter):



After discussing, explaining and testing different ideas and information making more or less advantageous or disadvantageous certain findings on human physiological characteristics, or even animal ones (Malamute with immaculate whiter hair versus a Siberian Husky with rather yellowish fur), possibly plant (extra-planetary intelligent plants) and robotic (GPT Cat one day superconscious vs an unconscious toaster), as well as Extraterrestrial (with different corporalities and levels of intelligence), I understood the recurring phenomenon that multiple entities psychologically prefer not to feel in a state of inferiority complex. On the contrary, regardless of gender or social category, they will prefer to keep in mind the advantageous facts and information that make them believe that they are in some state of physical, intellectual and/or ideological superiority or even in relation to their lifestyle or family and geographic lineage (rich or poor, English or French, etc.). This universal phenomenon applies to the entire range of materialized beings that are the least bit intelligent and therefore capable of a succession of hierarchical evaluative comparisons, whether at the level of intelligent plants with nerve centers or reflex ganglia, animals of nature endowed with consciousness, humans, evolved robots and especially highly evolved Extraterrestrial species scattered throughout the universe. When an inferiority complex is suddenly felt for one reason or another, often when the protagonists are placed in front of their limitations or pseudo states of real or potential inferiority, then immediately their psyche will try to defend itself in order to protect their self-esteem against an inferiorizing view of their person, thought or general life situation in order to protect the integrity of their fundamental self-confidence. For example, if a bourgeois looks down on a poor person who passes in the street or in front of him at the grocery store, then the wealthy person will say to himself that he is "superior" to this homeless person because he is better dressed, has a nicer car or has been more successful in life. However, the poor person will say to himself that he looks less uptight, that he seems less ridiculous than him given his red hair and his wide-set ears, that even if he may not brush his teeth as often as him in the street, at least his teeth are straighter and better ordered than this British prince. The Englishman on his side will think that his language is much superior and understandable to this idiotic French speaker, while the German will believe that his language is more sophisticated when the Chinese on his side will find the Latin alphabet very simplistic compared to his 50,000 language ideograms.The Parisian Frenchman with the accent of modern France will believe that his way of speaking is indeed superior to the Quebec accent that seems to come straight out of the peasant sounds of a word from the Middle Ages. A feeling of superiority that I often identify and which is very strong by default is that of youth, thus the young people who are newly born into the world think with reason in part given their position allowing them to believe that they still have all the possibilities of self-determination conceivable to come, above all historical eras, no more and no less than on the crest of the crest of the wave of facts and peoples of history and this is factually indeed the case from then on they will judge from above the older ones that they see as outdated generations. While the older ones will consider that these young people are pure brainless, that their generation is precisely lost and that they do not have all the qualities that they possessed so easily in their time (myself being more and more in this category as my age advances I tend to develop a feeling of superiority of my intellectual maturity and the acquisition of a certain wisdom of reflection via the acquisition of additional individual skills over the decades). Men like to believe that they have certain more accomplished qualities in multiple areas (inventions of machines and engines, construction of buildings and bridges, mechanical repair of all kinds, etc.) compared to women who themselves and especially lesbian feminists think they have understood many things that men ignore (more acute skills in biology, care of babies, children and animals of the veterinary profession type, in fine manipulation of objects in electronics factories in computer assembly as well as increased speed as a cashier in stores, etc.). The only people I think will not necessarily place themselves in categories of superiority are the mentally handicapped, since their low intelligence does not allow them much of this type of more elaborate reasoning about themselves by self-reflexive process of superconsciousness informing them about the individual abilities that they have more or less compared to the average (more mechanical and instinctive way of life caused by a less functional brain limiting their level of freedom of choice and possible personal future projection therefore of existential self-determination). However even a renowned mathematician like Stephen Hawkins, who was very infirm, drooled excessively, spoke using a speech synthesis program dating from the obsolete version of Windows 95, and confined to his wheelchair for the majority of his active life,suffering from several serious genetic diseases including Charcot's, had to tell himself that despite all his physiological ailments he had revolutionized the field of microblack hole cosmology several times and that his IQ was 160 points (1 person in 10,000) therefore much higher than the majority of normal human intelligences roughly incapable of performing his level of algebraic calculations in astronomy. A teenager who had attended one of his lectures at his secondary school or college would have looked down on him (feeling of superiority of health and youth) like a poor old-fashioned handicapped person when the latter would never have been able to equal the complexity of Hawkins' simplest calculations and this even if the latter wanted it very much in his wildest dreams so his normal intelligence would not have been able to catch up with him. So in my opinion, on the scale of the vast material world, the strongest feeling of superiority is that of the Superiority Complex of Intelligence. As I have already discussed in one of my texts on extraterrestrial exocraniology, the most intelligent Extraterrestrial species in the universe will think themselves the best of the best to other planetary and galactic populations of lower intelligence, because these have precisely more aptitudes and intellectual faculties to cane and summarize their way of thinking, to lecture their more or less moral or immoral ways of life, to judge the obsolescence of their machines and inventions from another bygone age, to underestimate their mode of societal and civilizational organizations and this even if these have aesthetically less attractive appearances for most average living species (example of Stephen Hawkins), this will not bother them much and if they have the opportunity they will supplant any civilizations intellectually inferior to theirs and in the worst case will limit their movements, enslave them, decimate them and eat them in the end when they have decided to most opportune moment according to their predictions of precise civilizational projects and needs in space and time.would have looked down on him (feeling of superiority of health and youth) like a poor old-fashioned handicapped person when the latter would never have been able to equal the complexity of Hawkins' simplest calculations and this even if the latter wanted it very much in his wildest dreams so his normal intelligence would not have been able to catch up with him. So in my opinion, on the scale of the vast material world, the strongest feeling of superiority is that of the Superiority Complex of Intelligence. As I have already discussed in one of my texts on extraterrestrial exocraniology, the most intelligent Extraterrestrial species in the universe will think themselves the best of the best to other planetary and galactic populations of lower intelligence, because these have precisely more aptitudes and intellectual faculties to cane and summarize their way of thinking, to lecture their more or less moral or immoral ways of life, to judge the obsolescence of their machines and inventions from another bygone age, to underestimate their mode of societal and civilizational organizations and this even if these have aesthetically less attractive appearances for most average living species (example of Stephen Hawkins), this will not bother them much and if they have the opportunity they will supplant any civilizations intellectually inferior to theirs and in the worst case will limit their movements, enslave them, decimate them and eat them in the end when they have decided to most opportune moment according to their predictions of precise civilizational projects and needs in space and time.would have looked down on him (feeling of superiority of health and youth) like a poor old-fashioned handicapped person when the latter would never have been able to equal the complexity of Hawkins' simplest calculations and this even if the latter wanted it very much in his wildest dreams so his normal intelligence would not have been able to catch up with him. So in my opinion, on the scale of the vast material world, the strongest feeling of superiority is that of the Superiority Complex of Intelligence. As I have already discussed in one of my texts on extraterrestrial exocraniology, the most intelligent Extraterrestrial species in the universe will think themselves the best of the best to other planetary and galactic populations of lower intelligence, because these have precisely more aptitudes and intellectual faculties to cane and summarize their way of thinking, to lecture their more or less moral or immoral ways of life, to judge the obsolescence of their machines and inventions from another bygone age, to underestimate their mode of societal and civilizational organizations and this even if these have aesthetically less attractive appearances for most average living species (example of Stephen Hawkins), this will not bother them much and if they have the opportunity they will supplant any civilizations intellectually inferior to theirs and in the worst case will limit their movements, enslave them, decimate them and eat them in the end when they have decided to most opportune moment according to their predictions of precise civilizational projects and needs in space and time.This will not bother them much and if they have the opportunity they will supplant any civilizations intellectually inferior to theirs and in the worst case limit their movements, enslave them, decimate them and eat them at the end when they have decided the most opportune moment according to their predictions of precise civilizational projects and needs in space and time.This will not bother them much and if they have the opportunity they will supplant any civilizations intellectually inferior to theirs and in the worst case limit their movements, enslave them, decimate them and eat them at the end when they have decided the most opportune moment according to their predictions of precise civilizational projects and needs in space and time.


In my study of gifted people with IQs ranging from about 130 to 160 IQ points and more, I noticed that most of the time a historical gifted person is never exactly worth another, so even if everyone has good words for Nikola Tesla (160-310 points), his inventions were not quite those of Thomas Edison (165-185 points) who nevertheless invented the incandescent light bulb that has permanently illuminated all of humanity until today. Edison certainly had a little less mental visualization capacity than Tesla (equivalent to playing 10 games of blindfolded chess, the Serb was able to fully visualize a future invention only in his imagination before making anything), it remains that he was the chief engineer of his laboratory hiring several inventors under his tutelage. As a result, he was the senior inventor of the mechanics laboratory, checking the plans meticulously at the end of each new invention in order to add his personal touch and ensure that the plan of the invention and its subsequent manufacture would respect a certain functional and material quality. These two renowned inventors also do not equal all the inventive capacities of the designer of Leonardo Da Vinci (180-220 points), who did not quite equal the ideas and mechanisms of Archimedes of Syracuse (190 points), then Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein or even Etienne Klein (150-160 points) with their particular visions of inimitable and above all irreproducible physics. Similar to bodybuilders thinking they can lift the same or more weights than other athletes in the same training center, the majority of intellectuals often think they can easily outsmart any other thinker and therefore wrongly believe that they have already thought everything about a specific subject or subjects of study (which is obviously easier when it comes to lifting dumbbells, human thought was on the other hand much more complex and elaborate). Which is impossible, because the paths of knowledge are infinite, the information that can be found there is also infinite, the types of specializations and particular brain configurations and neural tree paths prevent thinkers from always having exactly the same answers which ends up adding up their intellectual contributions over centuries and millennia of intercerebral reflection. For example, the astrophysicist Albert Einstein (160-180 points) defining himself as a materialist relativist of his time could have tried to predict the response of a physicist like Isaac Newton using the static physicalist theories of 2 centuries before him, he would have predicted a certain range of Newton's response,but in front of this shock Newton with his 190 points of IQ (1 person in 107 million individuals) would have been able to formulate a new answer that Einstein would not have predicted, because Isaac had a high capacity to bounce back on any problem and mathematical solution to be solved. Habermas (160-170 points) could have predicted certain philosophical reflections of Immanuel Kant (175 points), except that Kant would have found new answers as much to criticisms of Jürgen, as of Hegel, Rousseau (180 points), Voltaire (170 points), as of Heidegger (165 points), and so on such are the high-flying intellectual capacities of the great thinkers and inventors of history. In chess, Garry Kasparov (190 points) could not accurately predict all of Bobby Fisher's next moves, even if he had studied all of the games played by this genius and thought he knew his playing style perfectly, Fisher with his 181 IQ points would probably have surprised him on many occasions to finally beat him in masters championships and international tournaments to the great amazement of Kasparov's illusory and overblown pretension. Similar to what I often explain with an Amadeus-type human, his answers with 5 to 10 times our average intelligence will be practically impossible to predict except in the great generalities of thought, and even worse with other modes of thinking of the Extraterrestrial species of the universe and this even if we share a similar universal biological basis based on the same elements of the periodic table, the same fundamental cosmological constants spread everywhere in our observable universe or nearby multiverse also holding the same astrophysical laws. I myself realized and experienced this phenomenon of intellectual irreducibility of the ideas of thinkers of a certain level when I went out with a high-functioning autistic person, I was not quite able to predict her answers because she was simply too gifted and too knowledgeable in certain areas of specialization, including biology and medicine that she studied at university. Personally, I was not intimidated by my lack of predictability of her answers on the contrary I was rather fascinated, because I knew that by asking her various precise questions she would always give me new answers and in more and more detail if necessary so I took a lot of notes on paper while talking to her on the phone during hours of endless exchanges of precious information.Nikola Tesla's intelligence is re-evaluated nowadays up to more than 250 to 300 IQ points depending on his many brilliant inventions (the American William James Sidis already evaluated at 275 IQ points in mathematics). This astronomical figure is possible, however it corresponds rather in my opinion to the peaks of peak intelligence during Tesla's best visions during the creation of his inventions. And not his intelligence in normal times when he got up in the morning he must rather have had a respectable minimum of 140-160 points however at the time of intense intellectual work in waves of high beta brain activity then at this time he was able to reach thresholds of 310 IQ points being the perfect example of one of our best inventors in all of human history. This is all the more possible since Nikola Tesla for his time born in 1856 measured no less than 188 cm (6 feet and 1) in his adulthood, and according to American research of students with the most favorable academic results as a whole, the tallest people as a whole have better academic grades. This variable would be due in my opinion according to my research in intelligence to the fact that taller people have on average a larger brain, which gives them an advantage of a greater quantity of neurons which can subsequently potentially be more connected with each other. The physiological configurations of proportionalities leading to an advantageous encephalization coefficient are small non-obese people with a large head, or tall thin people with a large head therefore a larger brain with a higher IQ. Comparatively, according to my research on statistical projections of evolutionary craniometric cognitive abilities, if we were to rely on the curves of usual intelligence as a function of the height and weight of an individual proportional to the size of his brain [positive value of the encephalization coefficient (EQ)] a human Amadeus Frankenstein of a height of 11 to 12 feet with a score of 160-180 IQ points like Albert Einstein would nevertheless be categorized as mentally retarded (equivalent to a Down syndrome with 70 points for a normal height of 5 to 6 feet for example) because his intelligence given his high volumetric cerebral physiognomic characteristics should rather be situated at a threshold of 300 to 500 IQ points minimum.And not his intelligence in normal times when he got up in the morning he must have had a respectable minimum of 140-160 points however at the time of intense intellectual work in high beta brain activity waves then at that time he was able to reach thresholds of 310 IQ points being the perfect example of one of our best inventors in all of human history. This is all the more possible since Nikola Tesla for his time born in 1856 measured no less than 188 cm (6 feet and 1) in his adulthood, and according to American research of students with the most favorable academic results as a whole, the tallest people as a whole have better academic grades. This variable would be due in my opinion according to my research in intelligence to the fact that taller people have on average a larger brain, which gives them an advantage of a greater quantity of neurons which can subsequently potentially be more connected with each other. The physiological configurations of proportionalities leading to an advantageous encephalization coefficient are small non-obese people with a large head, or tall thin people with a large head and therefore a larger brain with a higher IQ. Comparatively, according to my research on statistical projections of evolutionary craniometric cognitive abilities, if we were to rely on the curves of usual intelligence as a function of the height and weight of an individual proportional to the size of his brain [positive value of the encephalization coefficient (EQ)] a human Amadeus Frankenstein of a height of 11 to 12 feet with a score of 160-180 IQ points like Albert Einstein would nevertheless be categorized as mentally retarded (equivalent to a Down syndrome with 70 points for a normal height of 5 to 6 feet for example) because his intelligence given his high volumetric cerebral physiognomic characteristics should rather be situated at a threshold of 300 to 500 IQ points minimum.And not his intelligence in normal times when he got up in the morning he must have had a respectable minimum of 140-160 points however at the time of intense intellectual work in high beta brain activity waves then at that time he was able to reach thresholds of 310 IQ points being the perfect example of one of our best inventors in all of human history. This is all the more possible since Nikola Tesla for his time born in 1856 measured no less than 188 cm (6 feet and 1) in his adulthood, and according to American research of students with the most favorable academic results as a whole, the tallest people as a whole have better academic grades. This variable would be due in my opinion according to my research in intelligence to the fact that taller people have on average a larger brain, which gives them an advantage of a greater quantity of neurons which can subsequently potentially be more connected with each other. The physiological configurations of proportionalities leading to an advantageous encephalization coefficient are small non-obese people with a large head, or tall thin people with a large head and therefore a larger brain with a higher IQ. Comparatively, according to my research on statistical projections of evolutionary craniometric cognitive abilities, if we were to rely on the curves of usual intelligence as a function of the height and weight of an individual proportional to the size of his brain [positive value of the encephalization coefficient (EQ)] a human Amadeus Frankenstein of a height of 11 to 12 feet with a score of 160-180 IQ points like Albert Einstein would nevertheless be categorized as mentally retarded (equivalent to a Down syndrome with 70 points for a normal height of 5 to 6 feet for example) because his intelligence given his high volumetric cerebral physiognomic characteristics should rather be situated at a threshold of 300 to 500 IQ points minimum.which gives them the advantage of a larger number of neurons that can then potentially be more connected to each other. The physiological configurations of proportionalities leading to an advantageous encephalization coefficient are small non-obese people with a large head, or tall thin people with a large head and therefore a larger brain with a higher IQ. Comparatively, according to my research on statistical projections of evolutionary craniometric cognitive abilities, if we were to rely on the curves of usual intelligence as a function of the height and weight of an individual proportional to the size of his brain [positive value of the encephalization coefficient (EQ)] a human Amadeus Frankenstein of a height of 11 to 12 feet with a score of 160-180 IQ points like Albert Einstein would nevertheless be categorized as mentally retarded (equivalent to a Down syndrome with 70 points for a normal height of 5 to 6 feet for example) because his intelligence given his high volumetric cerebral physiognomic characteristics should rather be situated at a threshold of 300 to 500 IQ points minimum.which gives them the advantage of a larger number of neurons that can then potentially be more connected to each other. The physiological configurations of proportionalities leading to an advantageous encephalization coefficient are small non-obese people with a large head, or tall thin people with a large head and therefore a larger brain with a higher IQ. Comparatively, according to my research on statistical projections of evolutionary craniometric cognitive abilities, if we were to rely on the curves of usual intelligence as a function of the height and weight of an individual proportional to the size of his brain [positive value of the encephalization coefficient (EQ)] a human Amadeus Frankenstein of a height of 11 to 12 feet with a score of 160-180 IQ points like Albert Einstein would nevertheless be categorized as mentally retarded (equivalent to a Down syndrome with 70 points for a normal height of 5 to 6 feet for example) because his intelligence given his high volumetric cerebral physiognomic characteristics should rather be situated at a threshold of 300 to 500 IQ points minimum.

Source (Thomas Edison):

Source (Geniuses of History):


(1000 years ⇒ 100,000 years ⇒ 1 million years ⇒ 1 billion years ⇒ 1 trillion years and more)

There are various types of future societies that have been prophesied throughout the literary history of science fiction. I will not explicitly go over each of them and will instead only describe the 3 major types of societal evolution or involution that seem to me to be the most likely in the future. The first 2 categories are statistically more likely to occur because they require the least effort, and systems tend to crumble and degenerate instead of hyperstructuring themselves, so the third model will require more effort to create the basic conditions that can subsequently impose themselves factually and temporally in the sociological, demographic, technological and biological human reality of the future. Civilizations reaching extremely high rates of maximization of their societal and genetic structures are statistically very rare, therefore less than 50%, and more precisely of the order of less than 25%, or even rather of a level of 5% to 15% in the best case since the majority of planetary populations do not last over time because they simply perish sooner or later, so 1% to 5% is perhaps the most accurate estimate. And this, by the direct action of the 1001 possible recalcitrant environmental scourges as well as the emerging declines of urban modernity, therefore never crossing the 1 million years of peaceful existence and essential progressive technical evolution allowing to truly last in space and time. If we start from the Neolithic era in the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia at the beginning of wheat agriculture, and therefore the accumulation of reserves to feed entire citizen cities ( ), then our human civilization is very young and would date back to around 10,000 to 20,000 years ago, so we are still very far from the successful time range of 1 million years of successful civilizational emancipation. The next centuries and millennia will be crucial, since they will represent the multiple premises and initial conditions of civilization (chaos theory and the butterfly effect) which will only amplify thereafter for time immemorial over several millions and billions of years, so we must not miss the beginning of the human developmental chronological line and this at several levels of domains that I will carefully try to list one by one in this study. The luckiest or most intelligent civilizations will obviously have a better chance of survival in the future, notwithstanding the knowledge that the probability series of luck cannot last indefinitely,the factor of intelligence using the calculation of probabilism therefore of the universal general event predictability takes all its meaning and its relevance making so that as much an individual, a society as a civilization does nothing more nor less than its own luck in predicting the retrograde systems (situational precipices), repetitive future probabilities, but historically inevitable increasing or decreasing its success rate in its innumerable sectors of current and future activities. For example, knowing that the probabilities of walking near a cliff are not good so we should not be surprised if we fall into a canyon after a light gust of wind. We should not do the wrong thing if a group of boaters are all devoured by sharks, while swimming in a place known to be infested with sharks on their sea lion hunting territory. Just as if a civilization allows the distribution of atomic weapons to all its countries under the pretext of fairness and global egalitarianism of national defense, there should be no surprise following nuclear wars frequently triggered by all the belligerents possessing substantial arsenals of fission and/or fusion bombs.

🔴🕑 1-CHAOTIC SOCIETY (survival mode society level): following a nuclear war, mutated population, major environmental cataclysms, large-scale solar and/or volcanic eruptions, extreme global warming (desertification), global winter (ice age), Alien invasion, etc.

Following very serious disasters, this type of civilization in survival mode will try over the centuries and millennia to restore the greatness of their previous success. However, depending on the type and nature of the disasters, it may never be able to regain its former glory and will be condemned to planetary civilizational mediocrity for all subsequent eras of demographic, geological and stellar changes. This type of civilization would resemble the society temporarily found in the cities in Ukraine near the Chernobyl reactor, where the populations had to be evacuated away from the nuclear pollution circles, because they were too irradiated and poisoned for human life. The citizens managed to readjust and rebuild their lives, but the pollution was so intense that this situation disrupted their routine, their health, their work and ultimately their entire societal organization. Their Ukrainian social activities restarted a few years later and found a certain functional normality, however, due to the high rates of nuclear pollution, the populations became seriously ill, saw their life expectancy decrease, their offspring were mutated by the residual radiation (mutant babies with anencephaly, microcephaly or hydrocephalus with mental retardation). This kind of society with a low level of planning will even resemble what we see in the disorganized third world where people do not have access to drinking water, do not have an adequate system of production and distribution of food (malnutrition), have deficient government services, corrupt politicians monopolize resources and embezzle public funds, have very high crime rates, low rates of education of the often illiterate populations (low average IQ), people in poor health, slow or almost non-existent technological development, etc.

🟠🕤 2-INVOLUMED SOCIETY (poor quality level of society): widespread interbreeding (ethnic groups merged horizontally), very high crime, almost permanent war, multiple immaterial invisibilist beliefs (deisms, esotericisms, etc.), poorly advanced educational system, low intelligence, poorly educated and therefore unsophisticated population, overmedicated and/or heavily drugged population, obese population, sterile population, short life expectancy, overall increase in the number of diseases (genome or environment) and various human ailments, stateless population, minimalized or even non-existent societal structures.

Due to a weak predictive intelligence or convincing political laxity, this type of civilization has not taken in hand the most important variables to manage during the first centuries and millennia of its emancipation. As a result, it develops but at particularly slow levels and unenviable by any other galactic civilizations (knowing however that each biological genetic can be optimized as much in squirrels, ostriches or big-headed killer whales with 1000 Qi points, etc.). This type of civilization will resemble the society of the United States of America (= abusive internationalization of products, services and peoples without borders), where these by being perniciously too focused on the accumulation of quick money in the short term plus the use of aggravated political doctrinal universalisms, this country has maximized all possible and unimaginable vices in a very short time thus transforming their state into a highly criminogenic, over-armed, drugged, sexually perverted, obese, sick, sterile and other human sacrileges all as much as they exist in this world, the USA will fall for sure into its dozens of immoral civilizational traps, and this if they bring in the slightest money to a few or several sectors of diverse economic activities whether governmental or private.

🟢🕘 3-ADVANCED SOCIETY (high quality society level): little interbreeding (vertically improved ethnicities), very low crime, extremely rare war, few or no immaterial invisibilist beliefs (deisms, esotericisms, etc.), advanced educational system, high intelligence, highly educated population therefore exceptionally learned, population little medicated and/or not drugged, non-obese population, long life expectancy, fertile population, overall decrease in the number of diseases (genome or environment) and various human ailments, patrid population, maximized or even hypermaximized societal structures.

After establishing and working on most or almost all of the highly predictable civilizational emancipatory variables, this type of civilization will develop with healthy ease to unparalleled heights. However, involutive plagues will never be entirely inevitable, so carefree political approaches and natural accidents of a planetary and spatial nature will have to be monitored throughout its development over time with the objective of never involuting and returning to previous states of its civilizational evolution of perpetual quality. This type of human civilization of the future will resemble the Japanese model of society, in the sense that citizens act in a very orderly and disciplined manner, individually pollute little in their city and commit very few crimes. By being very intelligent, the Amadeus will be very disciplined and each in their place in their society without the need to commit low-level crimes. If they cause crimes, they will rather be high-level, sophisticated and difficult to solve even for other space police. There will still be problems with taking medication, alcohol and drugs of the future causing dependencies that can partially increase their crime rate or else overall it will remain low at 95%. The hyperstructured Amadeus societies of the future will rather resemble those adopted by the Japanese who even if they have a low birth rate and an aging population, under the pretext of protectionist values ​​(≠ excessive globalization of products, services and peoples), they have never replaced themselves with developing countries in the name of universalisms of Human Rights wanting to end up with a country-planet like an island similar to theirs, namely England and then this system unconsciously extended to the United States. As a result, they will preserve exactly their cultural and historical foundations, their society will not be mixed by other terrestrial peoples and their phenotypic integrity will remain identical to their ancestors initially present on the archipelagos of Japan for 40,000 years.

National Genographic Project (National Geophysical Data Center):

Obviously all human groups come from Africa (the primate laboratory) or else those who founded Haplogroup R1b are the peoples of Eurasian origin, the Yamnayas.

History of Europeans Haplogroups R1a are peoples of Anatolian origin.



(Individual Rights ⊕⊕⊕ vs. Social Rights ⊝⊝⊝)

Individualism, Navel-gazing, Egocentrism and Egoism being the bitter, well-ripened fruits of Capitalism, they are the real evils of the century! Historical result coming firstly from the desire of one part of the merchants to individualize unitarily for good the hypothetical customer of societies x, y and z (societal needs of consumption) who will not always buy in exactly the same way as the individual alone (individual needs of purchases) and secondly from over-wanting the advent of the embodied position of the thinker reflecting only on himself (spectator of the world who wants firstly to think of himself thrown into the world and/or the supposedly impartial scientific observer and an objective scholar), and especially for himself (distorted impression of the individual whose needs will never be separate and separable from his group). Under the pretext that a society is not just the sum of individuals taken separately, these are therefore not entirely differentiable and detachable from their own society of belonging (regional, national and/or global) and form a global unit that surpasses them individually and that must be theorized as such. The ultimate slogan preferred by individualists is; ''My body, my choice''! No, your body is part of a society that needs Reproducers, so you have to think of yourself as an Individual, but above all as a Group that also has specific needs to be able to perpetuate itself over time, not just individual needs. In the era of teeming social media or the cult of individuality of selfies, ego-meals and ego-docimiles are more than legion, from now on it is not heads that no longer pass through doors, but rather gargantuan navels swollen to excess, because too well fed by thousands and millions of ego-likes. You have never had this vague impression of speaking vainly to someone about a political or other subject that did not particularly concern him, but at the same time the person does nothing but ogle his cell phone and play fixedly in his bottomless navel, he only has it for himself, his little shadow of a person made disproportionate by the various approving echoes of the Internet which sends him back the image of his ego embellished in importance and popularity. The typical day of the Ego-maniac person is a gentle awakening with gentle caresses at the navel, she runs her finger well as it should be on the navel in order to enjoy her own glory of the day to come, then a good shower of morning selfies very refreshing of her dignity in every possible sense, beautiful and good photos of her food worthy of the meal of the diviners,after photographs of his home in order to show everyone our level of lust and class yet daily, then again ego-photos and ego-videos of his genitals in order to make a minimum profit on a paid Internet sex site, and the pinnacle at the end of the day is a navel masturbation with the biggest finger in order to reach heights of ego-enjoyment until the next bedtime or the person will obviously dream of himself in endless dreams until falling asleep. Whole generations of young people and adults raised and formatted in acute pathological egocentrism within the cult beacons of exacerbated "jeism" (jeification of youth), the philosophical notions of "jeism" (being in perpetual "I" mode) and "moism" (thinking only of one's Self permanently) can only lead to the paths of hyperbolic Egoism, now far supplanting the yet obvious necessities of "nouism" in an era that should rather announce itself as very collectivist planetarian by its very notion of supremacy symbolized in the idea of ​​integral Hypercivilizationalism. The ideology of the Self as the center of the infinite world sooner or later becomes like a black hole that can only absorb other planets or stars nearby (central ideology of the Jovialist philosopher André Moreau), civilizational forces must rather be modeled on the model of a balanced and balanced grid between all its meshes of the net distributed to properly capture reality, master it and extract all the sufficient resources for oneself, but especially one's civilization ("To make ourselves masters and possessors of nature" sentences taken from the book "Discourse on the Method" by the Frenchman René Descartes in 1637).the philosophical notions of "I-ism" (being in perpetual I mode) and "moism" (thinking only of one's Self permanently) can only lead to the paths of hyperbolic Egoism, now far supplanting the nevertheless obvious necessities of "nouism" in an era that should rather announce itself as very collectivist planetarian by its very notion of supremacy symbolized in the idea of ​​integral Hypercivilizationalism. The ideology of the Self as the center of the infinite world sooner or later becomes like a black hole that can only absorb other planets or stars nearby (central ideology of the Jovialist philosopher André Moreau), civilizational forces must rather be modeled on the model of a balanced and balanced grid between all its meshes of the net distributed to properly capture reality, master it and extract all the sufficient resources for oneself, but especially one's civilization ("To make ourselves masters and possessors of nature" sentences taken from the book "Discourse on the Method" by the Frenchman René Descartes in 1637).the philosophical notions of "I-ism" (being in perpetual I mode) and "moism" (thinking only of one's Self permanently) can only lead to the paths of hyperbolic Egoism, now far supplanting the nevertheless obvious necessities of "nouism" in an era that should rather announce itself as very collectivist planetarian by its very notion of supremacy symbolized in the idea of ​​integral Hypercivilizationalism. The ideology of the Self as the center of the infinite world sooner or later becomes like a black hole that can only absorb other planets or stars nearby (central ideology of the Jovialist philosopher André Moreau), civilizational forces must rather be modeled on the model of a balanced and balanced grid between all its meshes of the net distributed to properly capture reality, master it and extract all the sufficient resources for oneself, but especially one's civilization ("To make ourselves masters and possessors of nature" sentences taken from the book "Discourse on the Method" by the Frenchman René Descartes in 1637).


This animation is philosophically very interesting to explore because it shows on the one hand the underlying structure of the world (monochrome negative vision) as well as its perfect embodied reality (ordered 3D color vision). We see alternately the structuring decor under the imperceptible reality (noumenon), how the world is made of its space-time fabric and then the view of the world as we glimpse it day by day (phenomenon). The path to the future is a very difficult straight line to hold, because there are an infinity of events that can affect our straight trajectory, deviate us and make us take the civilizational field so we must follow the straight marks on the ground which indicate the most profitable biological path (see the 11 universal tracks of the railway of life). Space-time is similar to a tube in which we slowly and surely move towards a destination that is not entirely certain and/or towards a targeted star, however this horizon undoubtedly exists for everyone and can either go up (Evolution), stay on the same plane (Stagnation) or go down (Involution). The worst situations are when the car does a back loop and returns to previous stages or the car stops halfway due to external elements such as tragic cataclysms of human or natural origin (no future). Even if the path seems traced before us individually and on a more global collective scale, we must stick to the most positive and profitable elements as much in regard to our personal life, our ethnicity of belonging, but also at the level of civilization which must also keep the direction towards a radiant, emancipatory and glorious future as possible or else we will all be lost and destroyed in the starry firmament sooner or later. There is always a horizon for people, peoples and civilizations of good faith, since there is still an extremely important time left on the clock of the universe so all our civilizational projects will probably come true if we put all our efforts into controlling all the necessary and vital variables in the most intelligent, measured and balanced way possible, our destiny will be realized to its full extent to the confines of the existing worlds. Never 1 without 2 (even God or the Universe are not unique and especially the first being highly improbable because never seen in a stable and constant way for at least 2 millennia), never 2 without 3 so never 3 without infinity. I do not belong to the people of my time and this like John Titor I probably come from the future for real ... because I know too much about the future of my human civilization which is not normal!The proof is that the more time passes, the more reality is exactly in line with what I predicted in my Bible 25 years ago.  


In terms of Civilizationalism, I think that the Civilizations of the Universe that will really last for millennia, millions and billions of years are probably the least aggressive on the one hand and those that are capable of having a "Perfect Match", that is to say without any fault or almost, because from the moment that a civilization x suffers nuclear holocausts of magnitude, proportionally it reduces all its chances of future prosperity (destruction of cities and especially of planetary DNA very sensitive to mutations caused by ambient Radioactivity). Civilizations that have "perfect matches" must be at the bottom of 1% to 5% maximum in the universe. The more millions or billions of years pass and inversely proportionally the Civilizations survive (time always being right of all of us even of the universe as I explained to you, Time is the worst variable), so even the 1% of surviving Civilization must be optimistic as a forecast. Unless Civilization is established on multiple Exoplanets in multiple Solar Systems, then it is somewhat protected from its own civilizational demise. 1 Civilization still stuck on its own planet, is in a phase of very great danger of total self-annihilation, of self-killing itself in the Egg before even setting foot on another planet (more than 50% to 80-90% of Civilizations must be in this category of civilizations too stupid and unintelligent to pass the fateful 1st million years of civilized civilization (with technologies, quality of life and high destructive power weapons)! My example of Hyper-Civilizations, is based essentially on Bee Hives. In the sense that from a certain Level of Civilization, the entire Hive no longer wants to risk its total destiny for a single small bee or a small group of bees. Alas, if a Bee wants all the Honey for itself, and in addition risks making the entire Hive perish for one reason or another then the Hive does not than crushing the little problematic bee. Except at a certain level, Civilizations no longer want to disappear for nothing, because they know that only in this way will they be able to last millions and billions of years. These are models of Society much more focused on Collectivist Interests of the Russian Soviet type (similar to the Insect civilizations whose sum is greater than the unit) than the Interests of Individualists of the American type or the interests of a single person or company can take over the entire civilization and lead to critical states of the viability of the Hive (too much pollution, too much destruction of biological heritage, etc.).


Cloning can fortunately or unfortunately be done for the right reasons (eternal life) or the wrong reasons (punitive cloning). We are all subject to this futuristic cloning system, so we cannot know if future generations will clone us or not. Obviously, all the great criminals of history past, present and future can be cloned, even Adolf Hitler is at risk of being cloned sooner or later if his DNA falls into the hands of Jews in their future cloning laboratories in Israel for example. He is at the top of the list of historical criminals, it is almost certain and written in the sky. The Israelis would certainly pay even up to 1 billion dollars to have the shoebox with Hitler's teeth at their fingertips. For example, if the Iranians and Israelis, who have possessed atomic arsenals for several decades, end up using them for their useless fratricidal wars, and the consequence is a global nuclear holocaust, then the leaders of these countries are at high risk of being judged during their lifetime or otherwise cloned afterwards since they have seriously diminished the chances of perpetuating humanity in an ecologically viable future. There are only logically and morally problematic Exoplanets and Extraterrestrial civilizations whose star we can completely explode, and this for obvious reasons of self-preservation and the good continuation of human civilization over time. Since time travel is nearly impossible or extremely dangerous to space-time travelers (risk of impossibility of precise return to their era, risk of destruction of the ship, risk of deformation of the integrity of the travelers' tissues due to lack of structural recomposition, etc., etc.) especially if we want to return to the past. The only way to truly travel through time safely is to go to the future by boarding an ultra-fast means of transport that quickly propels travelers into space at speeds that are increasingly approaching that of light (the need for gradual acceleration on board so as not to destructure the atoms of living organisms with very fragile tissue integrity), thereby slowing down time, which will pass more slowly for them, so that when they return to their old places of life on their home planet (apartment, house, schools, youth stores, etc.), or other stations or exoplanets visited, they will have hardly aged at all, but their old acquaintances will accumulate many more years of existence (time passing faster at normal life speed than at high speed in a hypersonic vehicle). In other words,It is a safe bet that the Amadeus will not risk their lives going back in time to find a person guilty of serious civilizational crimes that had harmful consequences up to their given time, they will instead opt for genetic cloning bringing any person back to life in their time, which is much safer and will ultimately give the same result since each living organism is intrinsically entangled with its own biological past versions being only the existential continuity of their intertemporalized variants.

Source (Back To The Future Main Theme - Synthwave Remix):

Source (Synthwave album from the 80-s):


My futuristic vision of the week, the Amadeus and humans of the future are literally eaters, devourers and swallowers of Exoplanets. The probabilities of livability and habitability of each exoplanet are of the order of - 1% (planet without atmosphere, planet without internal geological activity, planet without magnetic field, planet without vegetation, planet without life form or very primary, etc.) so this situation makes it so that nearly 99.9999% of the planets are uninhabited (only rock, metal and/or gas) so are very easy to take for any intelligent civilization including Humanity (the incapacity rate close to the integer 1) and when too intelligent civilizations are detected remotely or with scouts then it is enough to go around them as safely as possible. In other words, the universe is an immeasurable and infinite field of stellar colonization practically 100% free, so all human knowledge must focus on our ability to terraform these sterile worlds. This is perhaps the main reason why Extraterrestrial civilizations seek already habitable planets with all the characteristics of viability without having to make too many terraformist efforts which always require a certain time of climatic reversal of planetary geological processes which can be counted in tens or even hundreds of years. The Amadeussian human civilization and/or Extraterrestrial civilizations initially search for all habitable planets without intelligent civilization and subsequently if they are in trouble, need mineral resources or a temporary place of refuge, or think that the planetary civilization is insufficiently intelligent and do not have sufficient weaponry to respond to them, well they will attack an already inhabited planet without shame knowing that they will still have to crush this civilization in a few weeks, months or years. The catalogs of planets possessed by high-Qi civilizations and well established in the universe for millennia, will count in their catalog millions of exoplanets on their list, allowing them to manage in real time (with a certain transport delay by delivery of spaceships encrypted all the same by their computer programs for managing tons of inventory similar to Excel), all galactic and intergalactic resources similar to what our European ancestors of royalty or the bourgeois class did who calculated all the goods arriving from their numerous colonies in North America (furs, wood, metal, etc.) and South America (gold, sugar, etc.), in Asia (silk, spices, etc.), the products of India, Africa and Australia.When civilizations have reached a certain level of technological development of planetary management and predictive intelligence, they can afford to play the role of a farmer managing a Planetary Fruit Orchard or other commodities in a forest of trees similar to a galactic cluster, whose maple manager will first list the number of trees and their qualifiers, then he will go with his machinery to tour fruit trees such as the Apple Tree, the Orange Tree, the Plum Tree, the Pear Tree, the Cherry Tree or other equivalent galaxies to be moved, each fruit being a planet to be picked, exploited and later collected all the nourishing calories in the different people who will eat Apples or in the boilers of Maple Syrup. The plastic pipe line links between the maple trees are worth nothing more and nothing less than the paths traced and traveled between the exoplanets and subsequently being passable in all directions as new interplanetary and intergalactic highways between the trees of the orchards of tens of trillions of satellites and planets as well as hundreds of billions of stars.

SKELETOLOGISM - SKELETIVISM - SKELETISM (notion of philosophy of Ideoskelettovision) ©

The notion of Skeletonologism is a worldview based on the individual perceptual conception of the existence of living organisms ontologically supported by intra and exo-skeletal material foundations as well as a meta-skeletal populational vision. This ideology can be compared to other systematic worldviews, the approach being the most general, whole and encompassing is that of Humanism (vision of all human systems united together). Adnemism, is the unitary worldview based on an individualistic genomic foundation, where the gene is the founding unit of both the Individual manufacturing plan and the operating plan of the meta-civilization. Cellularism, is the philosophical worldview based on the unity of the living cell, as much those coming from the world of Plants, Animals, Humans and / or Extraterrestrials having necessities on the genetic level, the different organelles and homeostatic cellular needs. Muscularism, is a vision modeled on the world of muscular strength, of the active physical exteriority mechanistic advancement of living beings being units of almost pure tissue strength being the junction with the musculoskeletal ideo-physiognomic system. Skeletonism, for its part, is the systemic bone vision relying rather on the armature, the framework, the maintenance of biological systems and the structuring gait. Craniologism, is the ideology of the vision of Intelligence in craniological material form informing us directly on the cognitive capacities of terrestrial and extraterrestrial living organisms (Ideocraniology) are direct ontological and organic systemic extension is Brainism. Brainism is the ideologized notion focused primarily on the perceptual lens of lucid Brains evaluating, reflecting and synthesizing on the world based on all their informational input x, y and z brought to intelligent encephalic units coming from plants, animals, humans and extraterrestrials, but especially via the perceptive narrative of Meta-Brains in a jar. Since Mega-Brains have no corporeality, there is no point in trying to see the world according to our physicality based on our abilities to move through our locomotor limbs, so Braininsm is truly the most salutary ideology allowing to study and anatomize giant brains whose pure intelligence is effective and observable as much in laboratory tanks as in nature where they have been implanted (importance of adapting to each material structural level therefore limited perceptual to examine in more detail in order to better understand their singular point of view).Amadeussianism is a form of Skeletonivist ideology since it places the Amadeussian skeleton at the center of its philosophical system, although it is a system that appeals to both abstract and practical ideological prerogatives. Even if Amadeussianism initially places the visible skeleton as an edifiable human existential artifact (potential skeletal potential), the perceptual and explanatory ideology of Humanism [focused in this case particularly on Adneism (potential genomic potential), Craniologism (potential cranial potential) and Brainism (potential cerebral potential)] immediately follows in a second step the multi-informational, assertional, axiomatic and universal intellectual humanized evaluative meta-dissection of the cosmos or of what we more generally call the World (potential humanist potential). Potentialism is the doctrine focusing on the multitude of individual and societal potentials and its qualitative quantification tool is the method of Potentiometry, the predictive science that allows us to metrically evaluate and predict the potential of an individual, an organ, an organelle, a robot, a robot part, etc.




In response to this humiliating summit against Islamophobia brought by medieval religious people, we should ourselves lead the first World Summit against Europhobia and "Anti-White" racism. And complain that we are gradually being replaced by different ethnic groups and populations who only accuse us of being intolerant, xenophobic and revolted against the fact of undergoing a change of people forced by our political authorities and the power of money acting without any moral consideration and with regard to the preservation of cultural and genetic heritage.


Europhobia (europeanophobia) or Europhobia (europhobia): Feminine noun. Unfounded fear of Europeans, attributing unhealthy and dishonest views to them, racist or supremacist opinions, making amalgams between their need for identity and cultural protectionism and intellectual aspirations and/or projects that are necessarily harmful and dishonest. Fear and rejection of Europeans and all manifestations of their proven Europeanness. Jealousy and hatred towards the white ethnic group, which those who do not have their rare physiological attributes (red hair, blond hair, blue eyes, gray eyes, green eyes, pale skin) will not respect, because they would unconsciously like to possess their genetic and phenotypic attributes.

Europhobe (europeanophob): Adjective and noun. A person with an unfounded fear of European ethnicity, making them fear any European thought, ideology and population, because they would be imperialist, supremacist, ill-intentioned and racist by definition. A person who shows hostility or racism towards Europeans and/or who has pejorative moral and/or value opinions and judgments towards Caucasian descendants without any logical, rational, sociological, psychological, philosophical and/or scientific basis.


The Left being by definition more collectivist, it has taken up the fight against climate change head on, while the more individualistic Right is blindly sinking into denying the planetary upheavals that we are clearly experiencing. Already, to only define ourselves semantically by the opposite of our antagonists is weak in itself, because it is only a position adopted by discursive default. The Right will have to sooner or later face the problem and adapt to it by offering a watered-down version of its doctrine now subject to prerogatives that will inevitably compartmentalize it to Green Capitalism.  Whites are intrinsically weak, they have a strong individual intelligence but a weak group intelligence because it is too individualistic. This is why their own government authorities will replace them at high speed and then poor countries like China or the Arabs will destroy them definitively and will deserve it, because they are too individualized and incapable of any collective projects of planetary magnitude. These are the white elites, who replace their own people, so they don't even need outside help because they are the self-centered, self-serving, individualistic, swindlers in ties who have become more than legion in the era of capitalist financialization. It is only self-replacement, the white man erasing himself from history in the name of his own profit.


The most corrupt minister in the history of Quebec politics, and this by the pharmaceutical lobby! We must understand in advance what the Government will do more generally with the new Digital Identity that they will impose on us soon. That is to say, there will be a perfect Triangulation between the Personal Data of Citizens, the use that Private Companies will make of it thanks to the first and then the Banks that will get involved in the game (solvency, limit of potential loans, prohibition of credit, etc.). For example, as the corrupt capitalist leech sold to the pharmaceutical lobby to the marrow of the bone explains, with the RAMQ data, the government gives the data to the Pharmaceuticals, who use Algorithms to know exactly what a Citizen needs as medication and then advertise or suggest treatment directly to the health system. With the creation of Digital Identity, under the auspices of economy and efficiency, governments, multinationals and private banks will control in every way the population now subjected to their stolen data and exposed to all these malicious entities to make big money on their backs. It is the same product suggestion system that we find when websites use our navigation "cookies" to suggest products to sell, and this even on other sites than the first visited, the same system with digital identity, but much more intrusive, pernicious and impossible to get out of, because working at the source of the personal data of each citizen.


In Canada, in Ottawa, for example, many politicians are capitalist scoundrels sold to multinationals and banking lobbies who do nothing, because they want these tens or even hundreds of thousands of immigrants in the country since in a capitalist government, citizens are only seen as "customers" who buy and pay, regardless of whether they replace the Amerindians and Europeans who founded the country and should be put forward with these undesirable populations from the third world who will destroy from within what our ancestors have built for centuries. With ratios of 250,000 to 450,000 immigrants per year, native Canadians will only be 10 to 20% of the population in 2106 according to Statistics Canada (similar to a glass of milk where 80% is Quick, so the 20% of white milk is quickly diluted in the chocolate brown), so with this quantity we will now be the visible minority and therefore crushed by the hordes of fanatical Islamist Arabs and criminogenic Africans like in the US, in addition to being forcibly mixed with these populations of parasites from the third world. Banks, multinationals and the government do not want to wait for the population to regenerate  itself very slowly with 1 to 2 children per woman and again, they want millions of consumers quickly to artificially inflate the economy instead of giving more money to Canadian families, it is economic thinking that triumphs over ancestry and genetic quality so they want to fill Canada with anything from the third world, filling for the sake of filling will not lead to anything good demographically speaking. It is our duty to stop them as soon as possible before it is too late!


What can hypothetically lead to the first version of the Vaccination Passport set up during the Covid-19 pandemic? My brilliant idea of ​​the week is that all this will lead us to the Super Passport, Meta-Passport or Total Passport which will combine exactly everything that can define or almost the identity of an individual, in the same example of the Carte Bleue in France however optimized in a much more complete and versatile digital version. In my opinion, over time the dictatorial temptation will be too strong (even if at the very beginning they will promise to add only a few personal details, this is a decoy) and they will only accumulate one by one the most useful information for them the Government and the Private Companies which are never too far from the first entity. The SUPER PASSPORT will contain: 1-Vaccination Passport 2-Social Insurance Card 3-Health Insurance Card 4-Bank Account probably with the cryptocurrency of the country in question 5-Border Passport to Enter or Exit the Country 6-Information Relating to Car Insurance or Life Insurance, etc. 6-Criminal Record or arrest for drunk driving, etc. 7-Important Medical Information (which can be taken up by insurance companies scrupulous about this data) 8-Places visited by the person in the last year 9-Information on the individual's cell phone, etc. 10-Social Credit Score as in China where all citizens start with 1000 points and if they commit offenses then they lose points and can no longer take out a bank loan, travel outside the country, hold important positions or simply be part of the Government. 11-Driver's License (lost or remaining demerit points) 12-Fishing or Hunting License (a game warden could quickly scan this license in case of doubt). 13-Genetic information of the person (Haplogroup test, DNA information, genetic diseases, family lineage, etc.). 14-IQ test of the person compared to the average scale of intelligence standardized to 100 points (specific intellectual skill, memory, French, mathematics, etc.). 15-Carbon Index of emissions and pollution of the individual (depending on the annual production rate and potential excess, the person will have their car taken away for too high greenhouse gas emissions, or will be banned from traveling abroad, will have to plant trees or green plants, etc.). 16-Current and past occupation of the person that can be used by the Government in conjunction with IQ data in order to make better placements based on the jobs available at a given time.All this if possible transferable in the format Subcutaneous electronic chip obviously while waiting for the population to have completely assimilated the fact that it must present its identity anywhere when it is however totally irrelevant like at the convenience store. The personal chip system with a transmitter that can be used with 5 to 10G Wifi allowing GPS tracking of each individual in the city or on Earth where the Wifi network goes. And when a person is problematic in one way or another for the government (example Pat King a trucker who campaigns against the vaccine dictatorship and the others had 15 million frozen in donations for their Freedom Convoy movement) well the Government will simply freeze this person's Super Passport and thus he will be totally neutralized and not only will he no longer be able to spend money, but also will no longer be able to enter stores anywhere as they already do for those who have not stupidly entered the trap of the totalitarian vaccine dictatorship without seeing on the horizon the possible excesses that the government could perceive in its control over the populations of the jurisdiction of its country. And if the government requires "for the good safety of livestock that is afraid of the various annual flus" then it is very likely that terminals will one day be installed (in the type of centralized lottery terminals) so that the government will be able to know exactly where all these citizens have walked during the day (apart from the information potentially collected by the GPS of cell phones already easily traceable). Not to mention the fact that with the Smart Grid system and Smart Meters, governments can already know the electricity consumption of homes in real time and even what electrical appliances they use in their home. Tell yourself that when your identity has been compressed into a single card that can be used everywhere to identify you digitally and move around the territory and in stores then you become very dependent on the national legal system of your government.And when a person is problematic in one way or another for the government (example Pat King a trucker who campaigns against the vaccine dictatorship and the others had 15 million frozen in donations for their Freedom Convoy movement) well the Government will simply freeze this person's Super Passport and thus he will be totally neutralized and not only will he no longer be able to spend money, but also will no longer be able to enter stores anywhere as they already do for those who have not stupidly entered the trap of the totalitarian vaccine dictatorship without seeing on the horizon the possible excesses that the government could perceive in its control over the populations of the jurisdiction of its country. And if the government requires "for the good safety of livestock that is afraid of the various annual flus" then it is very likely that terminals will one day be installed (in the type of centralized lottery terminals) so that the government will be able to know exactly where all these citizens have walked during the day (apart from the information potentially collected by the GPS of cell phones already easily traceable). Not to mention the fact that with the Smart Grid system and Smart Meters, governments can already know the electricity consumption of homes in real time and even what electrical appliances they use in their home. Tell yourself that when your identity has been compressed into a single card that can be used everywhere to identify you digitally and move around the territory and in stores then you become very dependent on the national legal system of your government.And when a person is problematic in one way or another for the government (example Pat King a trucker who campaigns against the vaccine dictatorship and the others had 15 million frozen in donations for their Freedom Convoy movement) well the Government will simply freeze this person's Super Passport and thus he will be totally neutralized and not only will he no longer be able to spend money, but also will no longer be able to enter stores anywhere as they already do for those who have not stupidly entered the trap of the totalitarian vaccine dictatorship without seeing on the horizon the possible excesses that the government could perceive in its control over the populations of the jurisdiction of its country. And if the government requires "for the good safety of livestock that is afraid of the various annual flus" then it is very likely that terminals will one day be installed (in the type of centralized lottery terminals) so that the government will be able to know exactly where all these citizens have walked during the day (apart from the information potentially collected by the GPS of cell phones already easily traceable). Not to mention the fact that with the Smart Grid system and Smart Meters, governments can already know the electricity consumption of homes in real time and even what electrical appliances they use in their home. Tell yourself that when your identity has been compressed into a single card that can be used everywhere to identify you digitally and move around the territory and in stores then you become very dependent on the national legal system of your government.Please understand that when your identity has been compressed into a single card that can be used anywhere to digitally identify you and move around the country and in stores, then you become very dependent on the national legal system of your government.Please understand that when your identity has been compressed into a single card that can be used anywhere to digitally identify you and move around the country and in stores, then you become very dependent on the national legal system of your government.


In the Digital Dictatorship initially established by the Health Dictatorship of the totalitarian vaccine states, all cattle and farm animals must have their digital identification ring on their leg, be registered in the computer systems and above all accept without complaint the various vaccines and treatments that the good farmer will decide to give them. Whether they want it or not, the animals on the farm must be vaccinated for the common good of the entire livestock herd (utilitarian principle). If the livestock wants to move freely during their free grazing time then they will have to present their vaccination record at the entrance to the various enclosures where they wish to graze. Do you believe that now that 90% of the livestock have agreed to be registered and present their vaccination record without being automatically and almost naturally badged, that the good farmers who govern us will no longer fill out your beautiful vaccination record after 3 doses and that they will leave you alone for the months and years to come? This would be quite illusory, because you have stupidly agreed to be branded. The blank book of each animal is only just beginning to be filled and it could well never end for you, the good human cattle that you have all become. If you stupidly refuse a single dose of vaccine then you immediately lose all your rights, because everyone has known for a long time that unringed and vaccinated oxen cannot go and eat in the pens with the other healthy animals. Docile livestock is now subject to the will of the farmers who will decide to inject you whenever they feel like it, and this anywhere, anytime and with any chemical product that they think is useful or not for you (or that the pharmaceutical companies have suggested to them) whether you like it or not your body indirectly already belongs to them, because you have given them your rights of life or death, because it only depends on one more or less vaccine. How did the farmers and the vet get you to agree to be ringed and tagged with a tattooed barcode on your skin? Simply by playing fear messages over the farm's loudspeakers for months and months, leading the oxen and cows into a health hysteria that made them fear the worst when they left the barn, so they accepted the tagging without objecting, even though they immediately lost their right to move around freely.


In the same way that it is forbidden to replace one planetary population with another during an illegal alien invasion not permitted by a galactic federation, the replacement of people on a national or continental scale of more than 50-75% must quickly be instituted as a crime against humanity. As a result, the injured populations in the process of being replaced will be able to fight with legal weapons the least bit of replacement governments and legitimately protect the integrity of their national territory, their history, their language, their culture and their specific genetics according to the terrestrial region in question in the process of being replaced.

GREAT REPLACEMENT TRIAL (official legal text) 

We officially announce to you that the senior members of the European Earth Youth will summon the politicians to be judged during the mega-trial of THE GREAT REPLACEMENT against all Western capitalist or left-wing replacement governments acting like money whores ready to liquidate their own people for greenbacks, GDP and an economic growth of only 1% per year! They will be deported out of the country incessantly to an unknown destination. Criminals like them and their political party being puppets of the companies that our generation will symbolically accuse with the greatest pleasure and the greatest legitimacy and will create a historical Western judicial precedent. They will undergo a popular trial by the said population, the most legitimate to condemn its ruling elites, all the actors and actresses of this Great Replacement (Government, complicit companies, network of smugglers, etc.) and will be officially accused of Crime against Humanity and silent genocide. Current politicians are forcing your native population to the Great Miscegenation and the Great Western Decolonization directly caused by their bad migration and natalist policies implemented for several decades and thus you will be necessarily judged and imprisoned under the charge of high ethnic treason, a replacement punishable by death. People found guilty risk hanging, the guillotine or nothing less than going to the electric chair if federal and provincial politicians do not stop proceeding with the very serious replacement of the European native populations (500 years of migratory seniority therefore actual present-day territorial Ancestral Rights not claimed) and Amerindian (12,000 years of migratory seniority therefore actual Ancestral Rights already claimed) of North America. These measures requested and proclaimed by the Western native populations are entirely legally legitimate, because they are part of a perspective of minimal international protectionist identity law for the preservation of terrestrial Human biological heritage, Cultural Protectionism, Linguistic Protectionism, Historical Protectionism, Territorial Protectionism, Ethnic Protectionism, etc. All the presidents of the Western countries officially responsible for the Great Replacement will be condemned in the fictional television show directly to electrocution without the possibility of compensatory imprisonment. In Canada: Justin Trudeau (Guilty of having replaced his people with more than 400,000 immigrants per year for 5 years and more). France: Emmanuel Macron (verdict guilty of the Crime of Great Replacement), etc.Even current and future politicians will think twice before opting for the same migratory choices to replace their own genetic population, you must lead by example by severely punishing your generation of replacement politicians and then add new laws to the Constitution of these so-called modernized Western countries. Do not think that you can replace the European population of Canada and elsewhere for cultures and genetics of lesser quality without the social body itself reacting and not correcting before it is too late, the disastrous ethnic and civil criminogenic situation in which its political elites have shamelessly plunged it in a hypocritical manner with the help of private companies and banks. Diplomatic immunity is imprescriptible in the event of a Crime against Humanity by Great Replacement so will not protect in any temporal sense the politicians who have committed these political crimes against their people over several years and decades of population destruction. Statistically, it is much more dangerous for a political elite to attack its own national population and replace it with millions of inhabitants from another terrestrial region, even if the government hammers out multi-ethnic and multiculturalist propaganda with impunity, if this primary population has a high average IQ, because it will have a better chance of quickly realizing the gravity and speed of its own replacement and thus adopting the coercive political and judicial measures restoring the previous societal and demographic balance (average IQ of Europeans 98 to 103 points, IQ of the Inuit 91 points, IQ of North Asians 106 points, Extraterrestrial IQ 300 points, etc.).It is much more dangerous for a political elite to attack its own national population and replace it with millions of inhabitants from another terrestrial region, even if the government hammers out multi-ethnic and multiculturalist propaganda with impunity, if this primary population has a high average IQ, because it will have a better chance of quickly realizing the seriousness and speed of its own replacement and thus adopting the coercive political and judicial measures restoring the previous societal and demographic balance (average IQ of Europeans 98 to 103 points, IQ of the Inuit 91 points, IQ of North Asians 106 points, Extraterrestrial IQ 300 points, etc.).It is much more dangerous for a political elite to attack its own national population and replace it with millions of inhabitants from another terrestrial region, even if the government hammers out multi-ethnic and multiculturalist propaganda with impunity, if this primary population has a high average IQ, because it will have a better chance of quickly realizing the seriousness and speed of its own replacement and thus adopting the coercive political and judicial measures restoring the previous societal and demographic balance (average IQ of Europeans 98 to 103 points, IQ of the Inuit 91 points, IQ of North Asians 106 points, Extraterrestrial IQ 300 points, etc.).

CORPO-COMMUNISM (the most revealing political term of our times)

A new aristocratic elite (the docile, corrupt and bought politicians) is instrumentalized by the corporate elites (Banks, Multinationals, Powerful Companies x, y and z like Big Pharma) in order to apply their communist totalitarian system to all the world's populations subjected to their domination by their economic power. The infamous return of the pendulum of Capitalism, in a communist totalitarian form, in the sense that the richest people on the planet can now impose their New World Order on Humanity through their almost infinite fortunes used to bribe the corruptible government elites to the core and subsequently their policies working less and less for the collective good.


In the country of Capitalism where the God of Money reigns, everything has a price so everything is for sale (for any money whore of a politician or entrepreneur who is the least bit selfish and immoral, because no politician wants to leave his political career with only $100,000/year, they want to become millionaires so this goal is essentially fulfilled by corruption and the exchange of favors during and after their mandate). During the mandate of your politicians or they temporarily control the collective good, behind your back the various national goods and wealth will be sold in small portions to companies, banks or other entities capable of paying them. Your natural resources are for sale at a low cost (1 cent per ton of iron he said and your Uranium will be very interesting for the nuclear barons ready to pollute your environment and your water to fuel their outdated reactors and their next futile atomic bomb), your territory is for sale to the highest bidder (sell to the Asians they need territory and the Arabs also need places for their mosque), your freedom to move freely is for sale (sell the freedom of the population to the pharmaceutical companies to make them rake in more money with vaccines and masks, the population will end up getting used to it), your demography is for sale to smuggling networks and companies anxious not to increase the minimum wage through cheap immigration (sell and deliver your population to the third world, replace it with poor genetic quality, it doesn't matter, because it is very profitable in the short term since this maneuver will not disturb anything since each citizen is replaceable like a vulgar indifferentiable commodity), your dominant ideology and your story is also for sale (because everyone knows that one ideology is worth another according to the Charter of Human Rights even if the latter is 2000 years old), the sexuality of youth has been sold and entrusted to Pornography companies that feed the Internet with their decadent products and to sectarian minority groups like LGBT (they have no morals and will sell everything that is popular and legal, no matter if it degenerates the new generations made sterile), the ground space has been sold to telecommunications companies that will invade your living environment and irradiate you without problem with 5G, the Earth's atmospheric space (ionosphere) has also been sold to satellite companies that will install tens of thousands of devices irradiating the planet (SpaceX), all that remains is to sell the lunar and Martian lands, the universe while we're at it, your soul is even for sale for a few tickets in this world where everything is monetizable and no moral principle worth..Isn't it a wonderful world that ultra-capitalism and the globalist market economy!? In other words, the Western world has self-sold and self-phagocytized itself in the name of money collected individually to deliver it to the third world, so by lure of gain each corruptible unit thought to enrich itself individually in passing on the back of the community which has rotted and lost from the inside the white empire since at least the 1980s. The best example is that of 2 European descendants with blue eyes; Justin Trudeau or Dominic Barton (Project Initiative of the Century where they want to immigrate 70 million immigrants to Canada by 2100, so Euro-Canadians would only become 30% of the population, therefore a minority in their country), who sold their country to the highest bidder and sacrificed their ethnicity by delivering it to the barbarity of the third world to amass money in the process, even if they know how to create all the predictable conditions for a Great Replacement, a Great Miscegenation, a Great Decolonialism and possible civil wars in Canada. The same situation would occur if the political leaders of the Siberian Huskies white with blue eyes of Siberia which is a very evolved, resistant and intelligent breed due to its Nordic nature, their elites would sell their Siberian territory piece by piece to other breeds of dogs of the third world and would deliver their population of Husky to the crossbreeding with the dogs of the south without caring about what consequences will result after years of immigration even if it can only invariably destroy from the inside and dilute their excellent genetics. The West, the empire which has started to sell itself on the international market (or rather the elites who have betrayed the people).The same situation would occur if the political leaders of the Siberian Huskies white with blue eyes of Siberia which is a very evolved, resistant and intelligent breed due to its Nordic nature, their elites would sell their Siberian territory piece by piece to other breeds of dogs of the third world and would deliver their population of Husky to the crossbreeding with the dogs of the south without caring about what consequences will result after years of immigration even if it can only invariably destroy from the inside and dilute their excellent genetics. The West, the empire which has started to sell itself on the international market (or rather the elites who have betrayed the people).The same situation would occur if the political leaders of the Siberian Huskies white with blue eyes of Siberia which is a very evolved, resistant and intelligent breed due to its Nordic nature, their elites would sell their Siberian territory piece by piece to other breeds of dogs of the third world and would deliver their population of Husky to the crossbreeding with the dogs of the south without caring about what consequences will result after years of immigration even if it can only invariably destroy from the inside and dilute their excellent genetics. The West, the empire which has started to sell itself on the international market (or rather the elites who have betrayed the people).

Governments work less and less for the "common good", but become only puppets of the Banks and Multinationals, which hold them essentially by the will of annual national economic growth at any price inherent in capitalism and perpetual debt.




The theory of Haplogroups demonstrates exactly the opposite of what this false expert on the subject claims, because he has no notion of comparative anthropological genetics which on the contrary defines human populations very well with a saliva test sent to the current Californian Laboratories which can know exactly the geographical region of our ancestors up to 18,000 years later. The legitimacy of Ancestral Rights, both territorial and ethnic, is directly linked proportionally to the time spent by a specific genetic population on the same territory. Therefore, Polar bears are associated with the North Pole, while Pandas with Asia, Grizzlies with Canada and the USA, etc., Arctic coyotes are Nordic, Arctic wolves, So, for example, Native Americans are the most legitimate on Native American Reservations, not on African Pygmy Reservations or Australian Aboriginal Reservations, so if Native Americans want to claim territories in Africa they have no territorial legitimacy, because they have never occupied these territories compared to Africans who have lived there for over 300,000 years (Haplogroup A and B). Europeans are also genetically identifiable indigenous populations and therefore also have present Ancestral Rights in Europe, because the first inhabitants date back 500,000 years. If you want to interview me to correct the genetic misconceptions (geographic and ethnic relativism of human populations), because I have done a lot of research on the subject and have written books on it.



A perfect example of our future, the most corrupt minister in the history of Quebec politics, and this by the pharmaceutical lobby! It must be understood in advance that what the typical capitalist traitor says in the short video clip is exactly in my opinion what the Government will do more generally with the new Digital Identity that they will impose on us soon. That is to say, there will be a perfect Triangulation between the Personal Data of Citizens for a targeted profit purpose, the use that Private Companies will make of it thanks to the first and then the Banks that will get involved in the game (solvency, limit of potential loans, prohibition of credit, etc.). For example, as the corrupt capitalist leech sold to the pharmaceutical lobby to the marrow of the bone explains, with the RAMQ data, the government gives the data to the Pharmaceuticals, who use Algorithms to know exactly what a Citizen needs as medication and then advertise or suggest treatment directly to the health system. With the creation of Digital Identity, under the auspices of economy and efficiency, governments, Multinationals and private Banks will control in every way the population now subjected to their stolen data and exposed to all these malicious entities to make big money on their backs. It is the same product suggestion system that we find when websites use our navigation "cookies" to suggest products for sale, even on sites other than the first visited, the same system with digital identity, but much more intrusive, pernicious and impossible to escape from, because it works at the source of the personal data of each Quebec citizen.

In Ottawa, these capitalist scum politicians sold to multinationals and banking lobbies are doing nothing to counter the illegal immigrants from Roxham Road, because they want these tens or even hundreds of thousands of third-worlders in the country since in a capitalist government citizens are only seen as "customers" who buy and pay, regardless of whether they replace the Amerindians and Europeans who founded the country and should be put forward with these undesirable populations from the third world who will destroy from within what our ancestors have built for centuries. With ratios of 250,000 to 450,000 immigrants per year, native Canadians will only be 10 to 20% of the population in 2106 according to Statistics Canada (similar to a glass of milk where 80% is Quick, so the 20% of white milk is quickly diluted in the chocolate brown), so with this quantity we will now be the visible minority and therefore crushed by the hordes of fanatical Islamist Arabs and criminogenic Africans like in the US, in addition to being forcibly mixed with these populations of parasites from the third world. Banks, multinationals and the government do not want to wait for the population to regenerate itself very slowly with 1 to 2 children per woman and again, they want millions of consumers quickly to artificially boost the economy instead of giving more money to Canadian families, it is economic thinking that triumphs over ancestry and genetic quality so they want to fill Canada with anything from the third world, filling at all costs with anyone and anything will not lead to anything good demographically speaking. It is our duty to stop them as soon as possible before it is too late!


EXCESS OF THE LEFT (Internationalist without borders Ideological) vs EXCESS OF THE RIGHT (Hyper Capitalism Globalist Realist) 

Initially a priori, it is Uncle Sam who controls the Governments now, when Blackrock manages 9,500 billion dollars (GDP of France, Germany and England combined) and has amassed a capital fortune of 52,667 billion and Vanguard administers the financial portfolios of 30 million investors to the tune of 8,200 billion in addition to their own funds estimated at 20,000 billion + the 30 main Systemic Banks (300 trillion or 300,000 billion and + this adding their own funds in addition to the national debts that the countries still owe them therefore that future generations will have to pay with the new interests) including 8 in the United States, 9 in China, 4 in the United Kingdom and 4 in France, etc. + the global monetary regulatory bodies including the World Bank and the IMF, it is these entities of high economic power combined (Big Financial Capital) which blackmail the various governments and decide the weather in the West. It is not for nothing that in China the government hits the biggest companies from time to time like Alibaba (search for temporarily disappeared personalities like Jack Ma or other important billionaires) by imposing new restrictive laws or in Russia that Putin makes arrangements with the big Oligarch families it is indeed so that these big fish of private companies do not become bigger than the big fish of these central governments. Here in America, private companies have become far too rich and impose their political agenda (need for new customers, investors and buyers in the many store branches) and force the States to go and get as many millions and millions of immigrants from the third world, not the small left-wing political parties of the epiphenomenon type Québec Solidaire which a posteriori (once all these fine people have arrived on our territories) tries to apply measures rather of the egalitarian & collectivist type rather typical of the societal left. In the end, the 2 systems of power are both responsible and the driving force behind the modus operandi of the possibility of interchangeability of commodified and interchangeable peoples, however not at the same socio-economic level. The Right being rather the occult force in the practical and realistic economic shadow giving fuel to the machine while the supposedly luminous and virtuous Left is the one that normalizes the egalitarian discourse allowing to reduce to its simplest expression any earthly people (Sub-Saharan African being the basic unit of humanity) and then to all the flattening of historical, cultural, phenotypic and genotypic differences (horizontalist relativism) with the aim of making populations undifferentiated at home nationally as well as internationally.The populations who would like to react, to question this borderless egalitarian Internationalist system (equivalent to capitalist globalism), to keep the uniqueness of what made their civilizational identity (as a particular individual and an integral people) in the standardization and total abnegation of differentiation leading only to a single people (global single market) and the formation of a single globalized individual (global single customer). Big Financial Capital unconsciously and consciously wishes that everyone and the people are by default the same (all mixed race, relocated, transgendered, sharing the same culture and increasingly having the same history, etc.) this flattening of differences is not necessarily planned, but self-generated by the addition of the 2 excesses of the Left and the Right (universal egalitarianism + globalist economism). Furthermore, it is possible that it is not a coincidence that the globalists lavishly finance with millions of dollars both Western abortion clinics and the LGBT Sex Sect because this consequentialist initiative directly reduces the number of babies and/or slowly but surely sterilizes the youth by reducing the number of births when these villainous elites want precisely a reduction in the world population which according to them is already much too populous with 8 billion inhabitants. The globalist procedure interchangeable from one nation to another is that once the initial host population has accepted the project of a multiculturalist and multiethnic society, the economic and governmental elites will maintain the propaganda going in this direction, and slowly but surely increase the immigration rates from one year or decade to the next until reaching a maximum assimilatory threshold (quantity of immigrants transportable by boat, plane, or by land (climate and/or political refugees). The country will also push its reception rate to the limits according to its capacity to process individual files (passport, driver's license, health insurance card, etc.) as much as the government infrastructures in place allow them to push the machine. As soon as the native national citizens react unfavorably to immigration rates that seem to them increasingly disproportionate and astronomical, automatically the media (owned by these same banks and multinationals controlling popular opinion via these voices communicative, because the majority of media in our time are rather deficient) or government authorities will categorize as intolerant, xenophobic or even racist anyone who questions this necessarily abusive migratory system. Initially, immigration thresholds may be only 250,000 people,then they will go to 500,000 immigrants per year up to dream rates of 1 million immigrants per year, which happens to be an economic paradise of new customers for nationalized banks and multinationals, but with international locations nonetheless. Once an average people has put their finger in the cogs then they are cooked and will have a hard time extracting themselves from this self-destructive deadly system of nations in a few centuries. The great financiers of this world, for their part, will have filled their pockets on the backs of the peoples that they will have largely washed, mixed and plunged into societal contexts of high criminality that are now impossible to extricate themselves from. One of the most used tricks is that of easy money lending to nations via the international banking system which can release large sums of money at will by the digital monetary creation of debt money (scriptural money). Since the country has made the mistake of contracting debts of several tens of billions of dollars, then governments are obliged to follow the conditions of the big financiers and must obey their slightest directives with all their might, such as tightening their annual economic budget and essential services to their society, selling their mining resources at low cost, leaving territories for pittance (Bill Gates in the United States), authorizing exponential quantities of immigrants to enter their national territory more and more (Justin Trudeau in Canada), etc. The big globalist capital of multinationals and banks will do everything to muzzle from above anyone who threatens the accumulation of their potential profits in the short term, even if this is done by accusing everyone of incitement to hatred (for others). They themselves only advocate forms of incitement to "self-hatred" that go unpunished (patriotism, identity, nationalism, ethnicism, etc.). Blackrock owns almost all of the American media, so it controls the message and opinion of the population as it pleases. This phenomenon of media and entrepreneurial hypermonopoly is also observed in the majority of Western countries. When they want to destroy the reputation of a person or a group opposing their interests, it is very easy to use the steamroller of propaganda to their advantage by treating them as extremists in order to restore the problematic situation in a short time in order to continue their business in peace and rake in money.but with international locations. Once an average people has put their finger in the cogs then they are cooked and will have a hard time extracting themselves from this self-destructive deadly system of nations in a few centuries. The great financiers of this world, for their part, will have filled their pockets on the backs of the peoples that they will have largely washed out, mixed and plunged into societal contexts of high criminality that are now impossible to extricate themselves from. One of the most used tricks is that of easy money lending to nations via the international banking system which can release large sums of money at will by the digital monetary creation of debt money (scriptural money). Since the country has made the mistake of contracting debts of several tens of billions of dollars, then governments are obliged to follow the conditions of the big financiers and must obey their slightest directives with all their might, such as tightening their annual economic budget and essential services to their society, selling their mining resources at low cost, leaving territories for pittance (Bill Gates in the United States), authorizing exponential quantities of immigrants to enter their national territory more and more (Justin Trudeau in Canada), etc. The big globalist capital of multinationals and banks will do everything to muzzle from above anyone who threatens the accumulation of their potential profits in the short term, even if this is done by accusing everyone of incitement to hatred (for others). They themselves only advocate forms of incitement to "self-hatred" that go unpunished (patriotism, identity, nationalism, ethnicism, etc.). Blackrock owns almost all of the American media, so it controls the message and opinion of the population as it pleases. This phenomenon of media and entrepreneurial hypermonopoly is also observed in the majority of Western countries. When they want to destroy the reputation of a person or a group opposing their interests, it is very easy to use the steamroller of propaganda to their advantage by treating them as extremists in order to restore the problematic situation in a short time in order to continue their business in peace and rake in money.but with international locations. Once an average people has put their finger in the cogs then they are cooked and will have a hard time extracting themselves from this self-destructive deadly system of nations in a few centuries. The great financiers of this world, for their part, will have filled their pockets on the backs of the peoples that they will have largely washed out, mixed and plunged into societal contexts of high criminality that are now impossible to extricate themselves from. One of the most used tricks is that of easy money lending to nations via the international banking system which can release large sums of money at will by the digital monetary creation of debt money (scriptural money). Since the country has made the mistake of contracting debts of several tens of billions of dollars, then governments are obliged to follow the conditions of the big financiers and must obey their slightest directives with all their might, such as tightening their annual economic budget and essential services to their society, selling their mining resources at low cost, leaving territories for pittance (Bill Gates in the United States), authorizing exponential quantities of immigrants to enter their national territory more and more (Justin Trudeau in Canada), etc. The big globalist capital of multinationals and banks will do everything to muzzle from above anyone who threatens the accumulation of their potential profits in the short term, even if this is done by accusing everyone of incitement to hatred (for others). They themselves only advocate forms of incitement to "self-hatred" that go unpunished (patriotism, identity, nationalism, ethnicism, etc.). Blackrock owns almost all of the American media, so it controls the message and opinion of the population as it pleases. This phenomenon of media and entrepreneurial hypermonopoly is also observed in the majority of Western countries. When they want to destroy the reputation of a person or a group opposing their interests, it is very easy to use the steamroller of propaganda to their advantage by treating them as extremists in order to restore the problematic situation in a short time in order to continue their business in peace and rake in money.One of the most used tricks is that of easy money lending to nations via the international banking system that can release large sums of money at will by the digital monetary creation of debt money (scriptural money). As soon as the country has made the mistake of contracting debts of several tens of billions of dollars, then governments are obliged to follow the conditions of the big financiers and must obey their slightest directives like tightening their annual economic budget and essential services to their society, selling their mining resources at low cost, leaving territories for pittance (Bill Gates in the United States), allowing exponential quantities of immigrants to enter more and more into their national territory (Justin Trudeau in Canada), etc. The big globalist capital of multinationals and banks will do everything to muzzle from above anyone who threatens the accumulation of their potential profits in the short term even if this is done by accusing everyone of inciting hatred (for others). They themselves only advocate forms of incitement to "self-hatred" that go unpunished (patriotism, identity, nationalism, ethnicism, etc.). Blackrock owns almost all of the American media, so it controls the message and opinion of the population as it pleases. This phenomenon of media and entrepreneurial hypermonopoly is also observed in the majority of Western countries. When they want to destroy the reputation of a person or group opposing their interests, it is very easy to use the propaganda steamroller to their advantage by treating them as extremists in order to restore the problematic situation in a short time in order to continue their business in peace and rake in money.One of the most used tricks is that of easy money lending to nations via the international banking system that can release large sums of money at will by the digital monetary creation of debt money (scriptural money). As soon as the country has made the mistake of contracting debts of several tens of billions of dollars, then governments are obliged to follow the conditions of the big financiers and must obey their slightest directives like tightening their annual economic budget and essential services to their society, selling their mining resources at low cost, leaving territories for pittance (Bill Gates in the United States), allowing exponential quantities of immigrants to enter more and more into their national territory (Justin Trudeau in Canada), etc. The big globalist capital of multinationals and banks will do everything to muzzle from above anyone who threatens the accumulation of their potential profits in the short term even if this is done by accusing everyone of inciting hatred (for others). They themselves only advocate forms of incitement to "self-hatred" that go unpunished (patriotism, identity, nationalism, ethnicism, etc.). Blackrock owns almost all of the American media, so it controls the message and opinion of the population as it pleases. This phenomenon of media and entrepreneurial hypermonopoly is also observed in the majority of Western countries. When they want to destroy the reputation of a person or group opposing their interests, it is very easy to use the propaganda steamroller to their advantage by treating them as extremists in order to restore the problematic situation in a short time in order to continue their business in peace and rake in money.The big globalist capital of multinationals and banks will do everything to muzzle from above anyone who threatens the accumulation of their potential profits in the short term, even if this is done by accusing them of inciting hatred (for others). They themselves only advocate forms of incitement to "self-hatred" that go unpunished (patriotism, identity, nationalism, ethnicism, etc.). Blackrock owns almost all of the American media, so it controls the message and opinion of the population as it pleases. This phenomenon of media and entrepreneurial hypermonopoly can also be observed in the majority of Western countries. When they want to destroy the reputation of a person or group opposing their interests, it is very easy to use the propaganda steamroller to their advantage by treating them as extremists in order to restore the problematic situation in a short time in order to continue their business in peace and rake in money.The big globalist capital of multinationals and banks will do everything to muzzle from above anyone who threatens the accumulation of their potential profits in the short term, even if this is done by accusing them of inciting hatred (for others). They themselves only advocate forms of incitement to "self-hatred" that go unpunished (patriotism, identity, nationalism, ethnicism, etc.). Blackrock owns almost all of the American media, so it controls the message and opinion of the population as it pleases. This phenomenon of media and entrepreneurial hypermonopoly can also be observed in the majority of Western countries. When they want to destroy the reputation of a person or group opposing their interests, it is very easy to use the propaganda steamroller to their advantage by treating them as extremists in order to restore the problematic situation in a short time in order to continue their business in peace and rake in money. 

Source (TvLiberté with Claude Janvier):

Source (TvLiberté with Valérie Bugault):

Source (BlackRock):

Source (Vanguard):

Source (Maritime Globalization of Products & Populations):

EARTH BANK (manufacturing millions, billions, trillions and trillions of Earth dollars over decades or hundreds of years). ©                               

1- Banknotes of better quality than the Pound Sterling or the American Dollar which are made with cotton paper in the old method therefore with few attractive colors for today's citizen (first type of classic production).    

2-Preferable to have Euro or Canadian Dollar type notes with colors and polymers giving a greater impression of general quality of the currency (second type of modern production).                                 

3-Transform Tons of Metals from terrestrial regions into thousands of coins of Gold, Silver, Titanium, Aluminum (Al), Tin (Sn), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), etc. thus generating much more value in coin format (additional value compared to the raw price of the metal x5, x10, x50 to x100).                                                         

4-Rent a bank-type building with marble and architectural ornamentation if possible in the city with a street frontage in order to have an official location for the Central Bank of the Earth building.                                                    

5-Rent the basement or a warehouse in order to produce the coins and dollars at this location and then stack the pallets of money ready for delivery with a lift, therefore billions of banknotes stored.                                                                                

6-Need special security around the money production warehouse center with guards and cameras and if possible a truck that is at least somewhat armored for long-term delivery.                                                                                

7-Installation of at least 1 printing machine in the warehouse (possibility of changing color through the employee).                                                                            

8-Installation of an industrial stationery paper cutter allowing a clean and uniform cut of the tickets.                 

9-Installation of a machine for punching metal coins (with special punches for each coin thus manufactured by professional coiners).                                                                          

10- Office for checking the quality of banknotes and coins before storage and transport between government institutions, upon delivery to counters or directly to distribution points to citizens of the earth.                                                                           

11-Once the distribution is going well, the shareholder population of the Bank of the Earth having in hand $1,000, $5,000 to $10,000 for free in order to make the currency known or otherwise people will not buy it themselves.                                                                                       

12-The earthlings will never want to hand over the bundles of bills to the Provincial or Federal Government because they have appropriated the bills, allowing them to be exchanged between merchants or individuals and seeing that these new bills have indirectly made them richer than if they had 0 new bills in hand or only the old Canadian dollars which are increasingly rare and with less monetary value and therefore less real purchasing power for the population.      

13-Modest investment required by the Government of a minimum of $500,000 to $1 million terrestrial dollars.  

14-Digital version if possible as a complement, except that a hardware version is preferable, because less virtual and volatile in monetary value.  


(method of implementing the non-privatized self-sufficient national land banking system) ©

The future Bank of the Earth will be nationalized and a proportion of the profits will be returned directly to the citizens of Earth in the form of a rebate. Today, no money is based on an equivalent material standard such as Gold, Silver or oil. As a result, many banks around the world print astronomical quantities of notes even though they have no reserve to match the true value. Therefore, a national or provincial bank like the Bank of the Earth, could produce its own unique series of notes ($5, $10, $50, $100 and $1000) and print millions of dollars as well as a series of coins (5¢, 10¢, 25¢, $1 and $2) in order to then give them to the population to create a first stock of money usable everywhere in the Province and creating an additional monetary value to that of Canadian money rather usable across the country. The currency of the Earth would be exchangeable for other foreign monetary currencies according to its value on the world economic, banking and stock markets, even if this value is based at the beginning it will gain value and it is better to generate notes from nothing, which are worth 10, 25 to 50 cents per Canadian dollar than to generate no notes and therefore no additional monetary values ​​on the economic market of the province. Obviously, when a state creates its currency and puts it into free circulation on the world financial markets, it predicts a certain monetary value, however it is very likely that this prediction of value will be higher or lower, this is not important, the important thing is to have created a new credible monetary value, legitimized by the state authorities and on the eve of seeing its value increase over the years and decades. The United States (FED) has hundreds of times quantified to the tune of several billion dollars per day, only to bail out the American economy before the opening of the stock markets. The only factor to watch for a private bank or a country when creating excessive money leading to a general devaluation of its currency or printing too much money in the form of banknotes or metal coins bearing the image of the nation, is a possible economic inflation so that the more money is printed, whether millions or billions, then the more the value of its money can conversely devalue given the quantity on the world markets. So before reaching this point of monetary self-devaluation, there would probably be a way to already create millions or even billions of dollars in paper or currency and distribute them on the markets and to the population ($1,000, $5,000 to $10,000/person minimum) in order to create superior wealth made from almost nothing,same as all other forms of debt money generated at the moment, except that the billions of annual interest go directly back to the given national population instead of going to a handful of billionaire shareholders of private banks. The basis is that as soon as a country or state founds its constitution, it founds an associated National Bank to give itself credit and financial capacity for both lending and investment. When the state wants to make a major loan in order to balance its annual budget, then it makes a loan with an interest rate of about 1% maximum, instead of 3-4% with standard private bank loans. Each Earth citizen would have his or her default account at the Earth Bank and thus the Government would have the possibility of depositing rebate money from a young age for possible needs in academic study for example. Once the money is widely distributed among the population, then people will use it and exchange it mechanically between them and a certain value will be fixed and subsequently the population will not want to lose this new additional monetary value so will fight to keep its legal use, because it will be necessary for their annual budget (to be credible on the other hand, the money must necessarily be of quality with beautiful paper and a beautiful aesthetic finish of the metal parts or else this new money will seem fake). It is preferable to set up the Bank of the Earth, before making Independence, because this would stabilize this financial system, the value of the money which can increase, equalize and even exceed that of the national dollars instead of increasing it later and risking a provincial monetary collapse. There is probably no Canadian law that would prohibit the creation of money by a Province of the Federation, even if one of them produced its notes in order to create additional monetary wealth, the Federal could not prohibit its production if the province holds its ground and only responds with successive legal countermeasures over the years, still leaving time for the money to be distributed with millions of quality polymer notes everywhere on Earth. A series of notes bearing the image of all the planets of the solar system, that is to say: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.he founded an associated National Bank to give himself credit and financial capacity for both loans and investments. When the state wants to make a major loan in order to balance its annual budget, then it makes a loan with an interest rate of around 1% maximum, instead of 3-4% with standard private bank loans. Each citizen of the Earth would have his or her default account at the Bank of the Earth and thus the Government would have the possibility of depositing rebate money from a young age for possible needs in academic study for example. Once the money is widely distributed among the population, then people will use it and exchange it mechanically between them and a certain value will be fixed and subsequently the population will not want to lose this new additional monetary value so will fight to keep its legal use, because it will be necessary for their annual budget (to be credible on the other hand, the money must necessarily be of quality with beautiful paper and a beautiful aesthetic finish of the metal parts or else this new money will seem fake). It is preferable to set up the Bank of the Earth, before making Independence, because this would stabilize this financial system, the value of the money which can increase, equalize and even exceed that of the national dollars instead of increasing it later and risking a provincial monetary collapse. There is probably no Canadian law that would prohibit the creation of money by a Province of the Federation, even if one of them produced its notes in order to create additional monetary wealth, the Federal could not prohibit its production if the province holds its ground and only responds with successive legal countermeasures over the years, still leaving time for the money to be distributed with millions of quality polymer notes everywhere on Earth. A series of notes bearing the image of all the planets of the solar system, that is to say: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.he founded an associated National Bank to give himself credit and financial capacity for both loans and investments. When the state wants to make a major loan in order to balance its annual budget, then it makes a loan with an interest rate of around 1% maximum, instead of 3-4% with standard private bank loans. Each citizen of the Earth would have his or her default account at the Bank of the Earth and thus the Government would have the possibility of depositing rebate money from a young age for possible needs in academic study for example. Once the money is widely distributed among the population, then people will use it and exchange it mechanically between them and a certain value will be fixed and subsequently the population will not want to lose this new additional monetary value so will fight to keep its legal use, because it will be necessary for their annual budget (to be credible on the other hand, the money must necessarily be of quality with beautiful paper and a beautiful aesthetic finish of the metal parts or else this new money will seem fake). It is preferable to set up the Bank of the Earth, before making Independence, because this would stabilize this financial system, the value of the money which can increase, equalize and even exceed that of the national dollars instead of increasing it later and risking a provincial monetary collapse. There is probably no Canadian law that would prohibit the creation of money by a Province of the Federation, even if one of them produced its notes in order to create additional monetary wealth, the Federal could not prohibit its production if the province holds its ground and only responds with successive legal countermeasures over the years, still leaving time for the money to be distributed with millions of quality polymer notes everywhere on Earth. A series of notes bearing the image of all the planets of the solar system, that is to say: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.then people will use it and exchange it mechanically between them and a certain value will be fixed and subsequently the population will not want to lose this new additional monetary value so will therefore fight to keep its legal use, because it will be necessary for their annual budget (to be credible on the other hand, the money must necessarily be of quality with beautiful paper and a beautiful aesthetic finish of the metal parts or otherwise this new money will seem fake). It is preferable to set up the Bank of the Earth, before making Independence, because this would allow to stabilize this financial system, the value of the money which can increase, equalize and even exceed that of the national dollars instead of increasing it later and risking a provincial monetary collapse. There is probably no Canadian law that would prohibit the creation of money by a Province of the Federation, even if one of them produced its notes in order to create additional monetary wealth, the Federal could not prohibit its production if the province holds its ground and only responds with successive legal countermeasures over the years, still leaving time for the money to be distributed with millions of quality polymer notes everywhere on Earth. A series of notes bearing the image of all the planets of the solar system, that is to say: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.then people will use it and exchange it mechanically between them and a certain value will be fixed and subsequently the population will not want to lose this new additional monetary value so will therefore fight to keep its legal use, because it will be necessary for their annual budget (to be credible on the other hand, the money must necessarily be of quality with beautiful paper and a beautiful aesthetic finish of the metal parts or otherwise this new money will seem fake). It is preferable to set up the Bank of the Earth, before making Independence, because this would allow to stabilize this financial system, the value of the money which can increase, equalize and even exceed that of the national dollars instead of increasing it later and risking a provincial monetary collapse. There is probably no Canadian law that would prohibit the creation of money by a Province of the Federation, even if one of them produced its notes in order to create additional monetary wealth, the Federal could not prohibit its production if the province holds its ground and only responds with successive legal countermeasures over the years, still leaving time for the money to be distributed with millions of quality polymer notes everywhere on Earth. A series of notes bearing the image of all the planets of the solar system, that is to say: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.A series of banknotes bearing the image of all the planets of the solar system, namely: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.A series of banknotes bearing the image of all the planets of the solar system, namely: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.



Even the Siberian whites are no longer reproducing and the Yellow Peril will replace them in Eastern Russia as well. No demographic projects, no vision, the Siberians are going West to Moscow. The land of the Nordics never exploited as much in Russia as in Northern Canada, reduced minds without planning intelligence are being third-worldized by the millions of immigrants from the South in addition to the timid Russian investors. I have always said it, it is not the little 15-20 additional Qi points that the Nordic populations have that will always save their skin, they are too stupid to have an ethnic conscience so they will perish and/or see their DNA mixed with all the other peoples of the Earth in just a few hundred years. A gifted Native American sees that his people are not reproducing enough, that their birth rate is dramatically low while he says he is going to write the Bible of the Native Americans in order to write all the best solutions that would have the chance to help them in our era and in the future. The conditions for perfection are never completely met, no one is going to arrive like Tom Cruise, to have the best book in the world, the best innovative concepts to save our civilization. Politics or nature in general is only a succession of compromises and adaptation to the contingencies of the social environment and we must always deal with it, so only the strongest individuals and peoples survive the centuries, millennia, and even better the millions of years in the universe.

Source (When Siberia will be Chinese - Russia and China strategists):

WORLD'S FIRST HUMAN GENE BANK (Svalbard for Humanity)

We absolutely must create a first Human Gene Bank preserved inside containers filled with liquid nitrogen, powered by perpetual energies that can operate alone for several years without employees (hermetic and non-floodable) and finally located in isolated places on Earth, far from probable wars or indirect destruction during crises or destructive popular uprisings. Especially with regard to us, for our typically European genome party, and this with the objective of avoiding the definitive disappearance of our particular genetics (haplogroups R1a, R1b, I1, I2, N, etc.) in the different territories where our native populations of origin are located and subjected to multi-ethnic and cosmopolitan policies invariably replacing and crossbreeding our precious heritage hard won over tens of thousands of years in the coldest and most extreme areas of the planet (red and blond hair, even, gray, blue and green eyes, very pale skin, etc.). With a European gene bank, we ensure that we can reproduce individuals perfectly integral to our current genetics without any modification of the heritage and highly probable crossbreeding in the future. Future generations will be able to clone in perpetuity the same strains of humans that we know today, modify them, optimize them and potentially reproduce them ad vitam æternam with artificial uteruses or other futuristic methods of reproduction. If we are ready to preserve the seeds of indigenous plants (especially against the indirect pollution of new sterile or non-sterile seeds made by companies like Monsanto) then it would be the minimum to save our human genetics and each haplogromic population has the responsibility to ensure this preservation of its founding genetics. If natural disasters intensify or come to create difficult living conditions for existing generations (uncontrollable global warming, drought and global desertification, series of volcanic explosions, volcanic or nuclear winter, tidal wave linked to the fall of an asteroid in the ocean, planetary atmospheric cloud hiding the rays of the Sun, etc.) or futuristic technological wars such as robotic or extraterrestrial invasion, a global nuclear war, the terrestrial genetic heritage would be greatly affected and probably irremediably altered and modified forever, which would make their minimal restoration impossible by any future generation having survived these major cataclysms with difficulty.


When an immigrant who has been in a given territory for a few generations, which is not exactly that of his indigenous or colonizing ancestors, claims the legitimacy of his new rights as a true inhabitant of a specific territory, this claim will be proportionally legitimate depending on the time spent in that place. For example, it is insulting to be told by an immigrant who was recently born in a given national territory (low territorial temporal presentiality), that the fact that she was born only 1 generation ago in that place, gives her as many legal individual rights (right to vote, right to religious practice, right to education, right to unemployment, etc.) perfectly equal if not more than the ancestral populations (high territorial temporal presentiality) who have nevertheless been present in that same territory for 500 years (10 generations), 1000 years (20 generations), 10,000 years (200 generations), 1 million years (20,000 generations). What can immigrants from the far ends of the world possibly do to insult polar populations, for example, by asserting to them with all the force of their historical, genetic and demographic ignorance that they deserve as many individual and collective rights as people whose ancestors have been established in this territory for 20,000 generations or more? The rights of immigrants newly living in such a territory should rather be symbolically proportional to 1/20,000 of the rights of the former inhabitants and no more, especially since they are careful not to interfere in the choices of more sustained pronatalist policies or not, and this all depends on their needs and demographic necessity according to the differential reproductive rates which always change a little according to the given historical periods. Situation: my European parents take a one-year trip to Vietnam, procreate and I am born 9 months later. From then on, if I only rely on the geographical and temporal variables, I am Vietnamese in the eyes of the law. So, I grow up and go to see native Vietnamese people during the annual Vietnamese national holiday, and I dare to say in front of a group of 100 native people that I too am a Vietnamese perfectly like them, because I am the 1 generation born in their country while I deserve as many rights and attention as them, that I am even more Vietnamese than them, because during my childhood I grew up according to their way of life and culture therefore having understood much better what a real Vietnamese should be in our time. Well,these authentic native Vietnamese would have every reason in the world to laugh at me and bring me back to my true condition of citizen with European genetics newly arrived on their territory for a very short time thus not deserving to be considered a true Asian, because their ancestors have been in this precise geographical region for more than 200 generations. So they are true native Vietnamese and I despite a fake and insignificant legal government nationalization, I would be only an impostor to falsely categorize myself as them in the manner of a highly representative model of what an authentic Asian from Vietnam is. Subsequently, the old Vietnamese confide in me that their population is in drastic decline in birth rate, that their youth is having massive abortions and that young people are following all sorts of new fashions and deviant non-reproductive sexual practices since the arrival of the Internet in their country. They tell me that they will soon inevitably have to call for immigration that is more similar and compatible with their people of origin, to promote the formation of native Vietnamese couples, to give them subsequent family allowances, to finance each new baby with a substantial sum of money. The former Vietnamese then answer me that they will also need new methods of assisted reproduction and research on in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, artificial uteruses, etc. Automatically, I answer them that they are in fact real Vietnamese racists to make such comments, they are Asian supremacists to want to undertake such measures to artificially restore their normal birth rate of the past and ensure a minimum descendant for their people of yellow racists who are also communists. They answer me that no and only want to perpetuate what their Asian ancestors have bequeathed to them historically, traditionally, culturally and genetically for generations and generations and that this is dear to their little slanted eyes. I retort that I am as Vietnamese as they are, even more so, and that I have the same right to bring millions and millions of my fellow human beings to their territory, because I myself am as Vietnamese as these old, backward Asians and by the same token highly racist and exclusivist, since I know even better what the ideal Vietnamese of the future will be and should be, following their millenarian civilization. I immediately suggest that they stop worrying about preserving their age-old traditions and illegitimate ethnic identity claims, and instead open their hearts to the cultural and population diversity of the entire world,to listen to the letter to the policy of massive replacement immigration of their new fashionable president Justin Vietkong. That he did more than well to listen to the government consulting firms, businesses and banks that strongly suggested to him to immigrate a minimum of 1/2 million extra-Vietnamese citizens to their ancestral territory every year in order to compensate for their alarming demographic decline. That it is a great chance that they have to share their territory, customs and practices with us the new true Vietnamese and that they should stop complaining and fall back on themselves, on their outdated culture and retrograde belief which sooner or later would necessarily have been replaced by modernity. Protecting the traditions of the ancient Vietnamese who founded the country hundreds or even thousands of years ago makes the government look like backward-looking politicians who are intolerant of others, it is electorally preferable to favor the cultural traditions of the newcomers who will perpetually vote for Justin Vietkong, bringing in new Vietnamese like me, the most representative of them, because I was born like them in Vietnam for a big generation (in addition to the fact that I have my fake paper which confirms my idea of ​​a fake Vietnamese). The native Vietnamese had understood the highly ridiculous scheme of Justin Vietkong, who made millions of immigrants immigrate in order to easily garner votes and keep himself and his sold-out family in power for generations. I then praised them for the fact that they should rejoice, because now they will be able to practice their Buddhist religion very close to the hundreds of mosques in their country, I reassured them by telling them that there will be no risk of jihadist terrorism and overthrow of their religion or their government by these populations with aggressive genetics from the desert, if the Vietnamese are kind and friendly with them as they should be, there is no valid reason for the populations of the desert to reproduce what they do everywhere in the world as much in the Middle East, in Africa or in Indonesia. I tell them to stop resisting the migratory flow that the native Vietnamese will gain from being mixed race, benefiting from the genetics of other peoples than their own, the fact of wanting to preserve their ancestral DNA more than others is fundamentally racist, mass immigration from Africa will give them back good old genes of open nostrils, frizzy hair, small ears, big arms, smaller skulls, a moderately lower Qi which will suddenly make them happier and in harmony with the nature of the Vietnamese jungle (they will only have to dress in yellow if they want to look like their retrograde ancestors of yesteryear).When I told them my story, the most legitimate ethnic Vietnamese on their territory did not seem to like my story, which was word for word one of the propaganda speeches of Justin Vietkong and his government of extremist migrationists. I later learned that hundreds and thousands of well-informed people from the former populations of Vietnam finally got rid of their traitorous capitalist leaders by cornering them during one of their diplomatic trips, then they surrounded them, their little guards, amazed that they had chosen the wrong job that day, legitimately beating them to death, hanging them by the feet, humiliating them for hours, cursing their name forever for having DARED to think that they could replace the millions of real ethnic Vietnamese for the third world in just 1 generation. And there you have it, History had rebalanced itself and the traitorous politicians to their own people paid the price dearly.

⚖️ TEMPORAL RETROACTIVE PUNISHMENT (Inter-epoch Jurisdiction of the Past-Present-Future of Humanity)

In all probability, the Humans of the future will be easily able to resurrect anyone or families of politicians, business people by cloning with their DNA and retroactively punish these criminal humans who have engendered mass crimes such as the Great Replacement of human populations by others in the name of short-term economy or planetary pollution condemning the planet forever. They will subject them to severe punishments and extremely intense capital punishments (pain amplification chamber, whipping, prejudicial public humiliation, various humiliating punishments, etc.) in proportion to the planetary crimes of magnitude. They will be judged by the humans of the future for their destruction of human genetic heritage or their serious destruction of the planetary environment. This is why, in our daily actions, we must act by thinking about what the possible humans of the future will be able to judge us morally with degrees of high, medium to low intensity of accusation. There is no point in being afraid of a God that no one has ever seen, in being wary of the punishments or remonstrances that Extraterrestrials could make us suffer since they have no advantage in interfering in our human policies and will only seize the entire planet Earth. While the humans of the future (highest statistical probability compared to the 2 categories previously named), will want to take care of their original mother planet, will wish to make our earthly paradise flourish and will not tolerate any skirmish and especially the destruction of excessive biological and natural heritage making our still very healthy spherical star uninhabitable. The 2nd possibility evaluating the fact that Extraterrestrials could possibly seize the planet one day is the second most likely probability of a post-temporal judgment demanding the regeneration of the DNA of the criminal families of history. There may be at least 10 to 1000 civilizations that are already currently traveling to planet Earth having detected remotely in space our radio emissions since the beginning of the years between 1899 1920 and even before if we project that even humanity currently has telescopes capable of detecting habitable exoplanetary atmospheres or having the presence of gases from Extraterrestrial civilizational industrial production (James-Webb telescope). So we cannot certify exactly what kind of galactic justice these entities from elsewhere will make us undergo and we should fear the majority of them since we will be subjected to it by force and never willingly. The chance that they too will take revenge on individuals,families or particular corporate or governmental entities is a fairly high probability after the fact that all of humanity will be subjected to them in one way or another in slavery whether we like it or not. The Extraterrestrial judges and jurists will possibly put us through the wringer of their justice system millions of years ahead of us so we will pay a high price (it is easy to predict some of their probable accusations based on what we know about the conditions of minimal planetary livability). Since the Extraterrestrials will have no compassion for us, it is to be predicted that their punishments will be quite a bit more terrible, cruel, humiliating and interminable than humans of our genetics, however only more evolved by a few million years. Whether humans arrive more quickly through our help or only through the natural evolution of humanity, this will not change their judgment of our current actions (unless there is such a significant decline in the quality of the human genome through phenotypic flattening via excessive interbreeding or climatic (warming of the Earth's air), chemical (oil spill) or nuclear (nuclear accidents) catastrophes that evolution stops directly or, even worse, involutes in the more or less short term). Humans who will be resurrected for the purpose of being punished retroactively, will not benefit from any ameliorative genetic optimization (for example renewal of DNA in Prometheus, Amadeus, Titaneus mode, etc.) and will thus be greatly stupid compared to the humans of the time in which they will be artificially recreated, thus no one will be able to truly escape their bad individual, family, entrepreneurial and/or political behavior in whatever era they were born temporally speaking (these criminal humans of magnitude will understand very little of what is explained to them and will have several tens or hundreds of times less intelligence than their much more evolved and therefore intelligent contemporaries). A guilty person whose DNA has been preserved in the cold or sequenced using a computer can be cloned 100 years, 500 years or even 1000 years later, depending on the seriousness of the reprehensible acts of such magnitude, sooner or later he can be resurrected retroactively in order to be judged and punished proportionately (for example the Russians have part of the mandible of the politician Adolf Hitler, so if there is any recoverable DNA left inside he could be cloned and put on trial in a future era for crimes against humanity.The Extraterrestrial judges and jurists will possibly put us through the wringer of their justice system millions of years ahead of us and we will pay a high price (it is easy to predict some of their probable accusations based on what we know about the conditions of minimal planetary livability). Since the Extraterrestrials will have no compassion for us, it is to be expected that their punishments will be quite a bit more terrible, cruel, humiliating and interminable than humans of our genetics, however only more evolved by a few million years. Whether humans arrive more quickly through our help or only through the natural evolution of humanity, this will not change their judgment of our current actions (unless there is such a significant decline in the quality of the human genome through phenotypic flattening via excessive interbreeding or climatic (warming of the Earth's air), chemical (oil spill) or nuclear (nuclear accidents) catastrophes that evolution stops directly or, even worse, involutes in the more or less short term). Humans who will be resurrected for the purpose of being punished retroactively, will not benefit from any ameliorative genetic optimization (for example renewal of DNA in Prometheus, Amadeus, Titaneus mode, etc.) and will thus be greatly stupid compared to the humans of the time in which they will be artificially recreated, thus no one will be able to truly escape their bad individual, family, entrepreneurial and/or political behavior in whatever era they were born temporally speaking (these criminal humans of magnitude will understand very little of what is explained to them and will have several tens or hundreds of times less intelligence than their much more evolved and therefore intelligent contemporaries). A guilty person whose DNA has been preserved in the cold or sequenced using a computer can be cloned 100 years, 500 years or even 1000 years later, depending on the seriousness of the reprehensible acts of such magnitude, sooner or later he can be resurrected retroactively in order to be judged and punished proportionately (for example the Russians have part of the mandible of the politician Adolf Hitler, so if there is any recoverable DNA left inside he could be cloned and put on trial in a future era for crimes against humanity.The Extraterrestrial judges and jurists will possibly put us through the wringer of their justice system millions of years ahead of us and we will pay a high price (it is easy to predict some of their probable accusations based on what we know about the conditions of minimal planetary livability). Since the Extraterrestrials will have no compassion for us, it is to be expected that their punishments will be quite a bit more terrible, cruel, humiliating and interminable than humans of our genetics, however only more evolved by a few million years. Whether humans arrive more quickly through our help or only through the natural evolution of humanity, this will not change their judgment of our current actions (unless there is such a significant decline in the quality of the human genome through phenotypic flattening via excessive interbreeding or climatic (warming of the Earth's air), chemical (oil spill) or nuclear (nuclear accidents) catastrophes that evolution stops directly or, even worse, involutes in the more or less short term). Humans who will be resurrected for the purpose of being punished retroactively, will not benefit from any ameliorative genetic optimization (for example renewal of DNA in Prometheus, Amadeus, Titaneus mode, etc.) and will thus be greatly stupid compared to the humans of the time in which they will be artificially recreated, thus no one will be able to truly escape their bad individual, family, entrepreneurial and/or political behavior in whatever era they were born temporally speaking (these criminal humans of magnitude will understand very little of what is explained to them and will have several tens or hundreds of times less intelligence than their much more evolved and therefore intelligent contemporaries). A guilty person whose DNA has been preserved in the cold or sequenced using a computer can be cloned 100 years, 500 years or even 1000 years later, depending on the seriousness of the reprehensible acts of such magnitude, sooner or later he can be resurrected retroactively in order to be judged and punished proportionately (for example the Russians have part of the mandible of the politician Adolf Hitler, so if there is any recoverable DNA left inside he could be cloned and put on trial in a future era for crimes against is to be expected that their punishments will be considerably more terrible, cruel, humiliating and interminable than humans of our genetics, however only more evolved by a few million years. Whether humans arrive more quickly through our help or only through the natural evolution of humanity, this will not change anything in their judgment on our current actions (unless there is such a significant decline in the quality of the human genome by phenotypic flattening via excessive crossbreeding or climatic (warming of the Earth's air), chemical (oil spill) or nuclear (nuclear accidents) catastrophes that evolution stops directly or even worse involves it in the more or less short term). Humans who will be resurrected for the purpose of being punished retroactively, will not benefit from any ameliorative genetic optimization (for example renewal of DNA in Prometheus, Amadeus, Titaneus mode, etc.) and will thus be greatly stupid compared to the humans of the time in which they will be artificially recreated, thus no one will be able to truly escape their bad individual, family, entrepreneurial and/or political behavior in whatever era they were born temporally speaking (these criminal humans of magnitude will understand very little of what is explained to them and will have several tens or hundreds of times less intelligence than their much more evolved and therefore intelligent contemporaries). A guilty person whose DNA has been preserved in the cold or sequenced using a computer can be cloned 100 years, 500 years or even 1000 years later, depending on the seriousness of the reprehensible acts of such magnitude, sooner or later he can be resurrected retroactively in order to be judged and punished proportionately (for example the Russians have part of the mandible of the politician Adolf Hitler, so if there is any recoverable DNA left inside he could be cloned and put on trial in a future era for crimes against is to be expected that their punishments will be considerably more terrible, cruel, humiliating and interminable than humans of our genetics, however only more evolved by a few million years. Whether humans arrive more quickly through our help or only through the natural evolution of humanity, this will not change anything in their judgment on our current actions (unless there is such a significant decline in the quality of the human genome by phenotypic flattening via excessive crossbreeding or climatic (warming of the Earth's air), chemical (oil spill) or nuclear (nuclear accidents) catastrophes that evolution stops directly or even worse involves it in the more or less short term). Humans who will be resurrected for the purpose of being punished retroactively, will not benefit from any ameliorative genetic optimization (for example renewal of DNA in Prometheus, Amadeus, Titaneus mode, etc.) and will thus be greatly stupid compared to the humans of the time in which they will be artificially recreated, thus no one will be able to truly escape their bad individual, family, entrepreneurial and/or political behavior in whatever era they were born temporally speaking (these criminal humans of magnitude will understand very little of what is explained to them and will have several tens or hundreds of times less intelligence than their much more evolved and therefore intelligent contemporaries). A guilty person whose DNA has been preserved in the cold or sequenced using a computer can be cloned 100 years, 500 years or even 1000 years later, depending on the seriousness of the reprehensible acts of such magnitude, sooner or later he can be resurrected retroactively in order to be judged and punished proportionately (for example the Russians have part of the mandible of the politician Adolf Hitler, so if there is any recoverable DNA left inside he could be cloned and put on trial in a future era for crimes against humanity.will not benefit from any ameliorative genetic optimization (for example renewal of DNA in Prometheus, Amadeus, Titaneus mode, etc.) and will thus be greatly stupid compared to the humans of the time in which they will be artificially recreated, and thus no one will be able to truly escape their bad individual, family, entrepreneurial and/or political behavior in whatever era they were born temporally speaking (these criminal humans of magnitude will understand very little of what is explained to them and will have several tens or hundreds of times less intelligence than their much more evolved and therefore intelligent contemporaries). A guilty person whose DNA has been preserved in the cold or sequenced using a computer can be cloned 100 years, 500 years or even 1000 years later, depending on the seriousness of the reprehensible acts of such magnitude, sooner or later he can be resurrected retroactively in order to be judged and punished proportionately (for example the Russians have part of the mandible of the politician Adolf Hitler, so if there is any recoverable DNA left inside he could be cloned and put on trial in a future era for crimes against humanity.will not benefit from any ameliorative genetic optimization (for example renewal of DNA in Prometheus, Amadeus, Titaneus mode, etc.) and will thus be greatly stupid compared to the humans of the time in which they will be artificially recreated, and thus no one will be able to truly escape their bad individual, family, entrepreneurial and/or political behavior in whatever era they were born temporally speaking (these criminal humans of magnitude will understand very little of what is explained to them and will have several tens or hundreds of times less intelligence than their much more evolved and therefore intelligent contemporaries). A guilty person whose DNA has been preserved in the cold or sequenced using a computer can be cloned 100 years, 500 years or even 1000 years later, depending on the seriousness of the reprehensible acts of such magnitude, sooner or later he can be resurrected retroactively in order to be judged and punished proportionately (for example the Russians have part of the mandible of the politician Adolf Hitler, so if there is any recoverable DNA left inside he could be cloned and put on trial in a future era for crimes against humanity.

Source (analysis of the atmosphere of exoplanets):

Source (History of Radio):,Boulogne%20%28France%29%2C%20sur%20une%20distance%20d%E2%80%99environ%2048%20kilom%C3%A8tres.



Any normal person, thinker, philosopher, psychologist, sociologist, journalist or scientist has a certain capacity to issue a moral criticism, which means that they will whip proportionally hard according to their accumulated knowledge, their memory, their capacity for synthesis and therefore their average intelligence. As for them, the humans of the future Prometheus of 7 feet (300 IQ points) and Amadeus Frankenstein of 10-12 feet in height (1000 IQ points and more) will have an even bigger whip of criticism which will metaphorically whip even harder to moralize impure individuals and debauched crowds by being able to literally split the back of an average person. The human Meta-Brain in its tank filled with brains and its score of 1 million IQ points will be able, through its sermons of verbal and mental criticism, to pulverize the brain of anyone by telepathic and telekinetic wave resonance. Being 10 times more intelligent, a human of the Amadeus generation will whip 10 times more powerfully with his moralizing argumentative criticism, while the giant brain will lecture 100 to 1000 times more intensely an individual or Extraterrestrial on any subject or action of life. And for their part, Extraterrestrials with a higher level of intelligence than ours would be even more critical and will judge severely 80-90% of all the actions of humanity similar to you others who politicize the participants who pass in front of you and your evaluative judgment of the quality or not in the Parliament of Governments. This is why we must not only make negative destructive criticism, but rather positive constructive or otherwise these disapproving speeches will push people to depression, if the criticism is too strong and ontological. We must rather provide real evaluations of the individual performances of the participants of a group or society. Humans of the future or metabrains with ill-intentioned minds often only make gratuitous destructive criticisms to denigrate the other, which does not help the person to evolve in the end. From the height of their maturity and knowledge of life, parents in the role of Father and Mother will necessarily correct, reframe, and lecture their children when they, with their weak life experience, seem not to be going in the right direction and in the most constructive moral paths for them, their family and their future offspring. The older sisters or brothers of a toddler will also act in the same way by spending their time rectifying what is wrong during their missteps inappropriate to the situations (negative reinforcement) and on the contrary congratulate and encourage each appropriate gesture that goes in the right direction during their pubertal development (positive reinforcement).The same goes for humans of the future, who will certainly criticize us severely on our multiple individual and civilizational weaknesses. However, in the manner of our benefactor grandparents, these humans with strong ancestry will do so with an ameliorative perspective so that our human DNA can reach its full intergalactic hegemony. It is to be expected that during the sermon, the higher authority in intelligence will preferably go to the very beginning in constructive criticism to try to help the guilty human to improve and a more destructive criticism if the person persists in his bad lucubrations and other disapproving behaviors. The only way to evolve quickly is to climb vertically on the exponential data offered by the material world, as well as the upward spiral towards the sky to free our civilization in its full saving freedom. Criticisms and judgments coming from below have little interest except in our propensity for egalitarianism, universal truths and dazzling progressions will only come from above. Do not fear the hand of a hypothetical invisible God, but rather the magnanimous admonitions of the biologized visible humans of the future who will probably judge you from very high (figuratively and literally) with their super capacities of totalizing intellectualization..


In a population with multiple tiers and levels of IQ, intelligence being so high then crime rates will predictably be extremely low since there is a strong correlation between the average crime rate of an ethnic group and its average IQ, so populations with 80 IQ points will generate far more crime than ethnic representatives with the highest IQ of 180 points (example of Immanuel Kant with high morality vs. a Down syndrome with low morality). Crime rates for a humanity with average IQs of 300 to 1000 points will be very low the vast majority of the time, so perhaps 1 to 3 people out of 100 at most will be problematic towards other civilized, orderly and peaceful humans. For this reason, in normal times, this type of high intelligence society will run like clockwork and everyone will respect the many laws and directives generated by the states and policies of countries, space stations, satellites, planets, and exoplanets of the universe. More problematic situations will arise with individuals who have had a more lax education from their parents, DNA with more criminogenic genomes (genes identifiable by the history of forensics), the purely individualistic aims of personal gains and profits, but especially in the contexts of crises or shortages of food and supplies (for example the largest felines in nature in descending order of type Tiger (Weight: 350 kg & Height: 2 to 3.7 meters) ⫸ Lion (Weight: 250 kg & Height: 1.72 to 2.5 meters) ⫸ Puma (Weight: 100 kg & Height: 1 to 2.3 meters) ⫸ Panther (Weight: 90 kg & Height: 0.90 to 1.60 meters) ⫸ Leopard (Weight: 80 kg & Height 1, to 1.6 meters) ⫸ Cheetah (Weight: 75 kg & Height: 1.10 to 1.30 meters) ⫸ Lynx (Weight: 35 kg & Height: 77 to 135 centimeters) up to the Serval (Weight 26 kg & Height: 85 to 120 centimeters) and the later variations of Savannah of the F1 generation will be a little more likely to beat and steal food from the smaller feline versions F2, F3, F4 or even more vulnerable a simple domestic cat (Weight: 5 kg & Height: 46 to 51 centimeters), and this in the event of prolonged shortage and famine since they will fall into survival mode so their morality filters will fall one by one plus hunger will gnaw at them thus altruistic behaviors will give way to every man for himself). Whether it is a society based on the genetics of intelligent primates of the savannah, or through the biomorphological intermediary of a society of intelligent felines of the jungle, these types of civilizations can coexist in several sizes of primates, felines or any other animal variant up to the various materialities Extraterrestrials and intelligent Robots. However, the largest representatives of the species whether humans, canines or felines (250 kg Tiger),they will have to be punished more severely if they attack with impunity the most miniature individuals, i.e. domestic cats of 5 kg, because they are 50 times lighter and less dangerous than the largest variants of felines of civilization. In a situation of friction between animals of opposing family reigns when they covet the same natural and/or territorial resources, in this exceptional circumstance of struggle with intelligent Canids of different sizes from the Chihuahua to the gray wolf, the Tiger will help by proximity genomic affiliation the other felines of its own group of clonic similarity and will therefore save by the same fact the Cats from the clutches of any of their competitors whether they are societies of Lizards, Batrachians or ferocious Canids of the forest and this whether for the same source of food, hunting territory, prized geographical environment, habitable planet, star with a still viable duration, virgin galaxy, etc. The types of organizations of societies emanating from civilizations that have chosen to de-level themselves in several levels of size in order to be more difficult to uproot and fight on planets and satellites must necessarily have a multi-speed justice system. Criminal justice laws (Individual Law & International Law) cannot be exactly calibrated as perfectly egalitarian except for the laws of equality of Fundamental Human Rights such as the possibility of self-determination, privacy, equal rights of access to services provided by the state, etc. In terms of punitive law, it is preferable to divide laws, sanctions and various penalties according to the variables that make different individuals with different sizes, powers (strength & motivation) and intelligences on multiple levels from the least advantaged to the most advantaged in relation to certain variables (for example, a Titaneus-class human may well be 50 meters tall and have a physical capacity for lifting much higher than the normal human average, however his capacity for fine dexterity is less good and therefore disadvantaged on this specific point). In the event of crimes by larger, stronger, intelligent and/or longer-living humans, then the punitive proportionality must be greater since smaller humans are always more vulnerable to larger ones, even if they are supposed to work together for the common human good, whose personal interests and prerogatives can sometimes temporarily prevail over the interests of the group or civilization. In other words, if a 20-meter-tall human beats up humans in a smaller version of 2 meters, by a factor of 10x less,automatically the punishment or the duration of time of reclusion will have to be increased according to the higher factor of the strongest therefore more advantaged in regard to his physiological attributes. The potential lifespan of the humans judged can also be weighed in the scales of justice since the longevity genes risk being boosted sooner or later in the future history of human evolution, therefore humans with a life expectancy rate of 300 years, 1000 years to 3000 years and + could be punished and sanctioned longer compared to a normal human of our time living on average only around 100 years. As I explained, a ratio of penalties and sanctions can be calculated by multiplying the physiognomic variables between them (weight, height, intelligence and longevity) compared to the injured humans as much small, medium as large, and this according to the direct or collateral damage caused by one of the 2 parties. For example, even if a Lilliputian voluntarily sets up a mine against a Titaneus, and it explodes with its foot, then even if the weight, intelligence and longevity of the miniature human versions are less good, given that this miniature human has caused serious injuries or even worse the death of a giant human then the penalty given the damage incurred will be very severe for the small one (several years of prison and/or forced labor for the human community in addition to losing the right to be cloned later in human space laboratories. Mini-humans must not believe themselves protected from heavy civilizational sanctions, on the contrary their small size makes them proportionally less useful (small contribution given their reduced number of cells and often also very low Qi compared to the very gifted giants with gigantic brains) therefore not very important to save for the entire civilization. At the other end, a giant 10 to 100 times larger, intelligent and living several thousand potential years, in case of crime against his fellow apartments to Humanity, can have sanctions of deprivation of full freedom with factors of 10 to 100 times more time or community work. However, it would be useless to keep in gigantic buildings humans of 50 to 100 meters for centuries and millennia since they will have to be fed, monitored, requiring expenses in care, electricity and personnel then their sanctions can be simply commuted to public order works or a human of class Titaneus would be forced to work for free towards the state for several decades with the objective of redeeming his crime by helping to build bridges, buildings, move vehicles and other heavy objects, etc.Giants can be easily monitored with a team of guards stationed in a circle and armed with powerful ultrasonic speakers, lasers, Bazookas, anti-aircraft guns and Tanks to warn them if they want to run away from their work or in problematic criminogenic cases by shooting them in the feet or legs in order to neutralize them on the spot before they do too much damage (a cannon shell to a Titaneus = a pistol bullet to a normal-sized human). GPS bracelets can also be installed on their ankles or intradermally in order to track them in a fugitive situation escaped from sustained surveillance. It is better to only injure or sedate giant humans, then treat them, give them therapy and then return them to work for civilization by adding additional time depending on the severity of their momentary behavioral escapade.



The Official Tribunal of the World Government of Humanity in relation to the laws and regulations on the management of the stellar and biological heritages of the Galactic Federation of the Milky Way and the powerful community of its thousands of Extraterrestrial civilizations, to the accusation and symbolic deportation of the politicians, multinationals and banks complicit in the phenomenon of Great Replacement of the Western European Populations to be sent to a forced labor camp in a northern region of the Earth or to a space penitentiary station. Their sentence of supranational interplanetary level will be in force shortly as soon as Humanity and/or an Extraterrestrial Civilization of the alliance are ready to make this judgment effective for the following charges:

1-Accelerate the Great Replacement of the White Caucasian ethnicity of Europe and its complete dissolution by degenerate Multi-ethnic policies leading sooner or later this ethnicity to disappear.

2-Having established exaggerated Multiculturalist policies invariably diluting European culture on its own territory of development and cultural foundation which has been Canada for 400 years.

3-Indebt Canada to the tune of several hundred billion dollars through the banking and financial lobbies of its country, making the government and their fellow citizens even more in the pay and slavery of the companies.

4-Promote the LGBT sexual sectarian movement which only sterilizes and depraves, based on the products of the pornography industry, all generations, but especially young people, by making them sterile in terms of sexual reproduction with an ideology of sexual practice that is the opposite of the mechanisms of normal reproduction in Humanity.

5-Accelerate the Africanization of Canada (genetic crossbreeding and increased criminality) with a policy of massive immigration when the populations of this continent hold the oldest genes of Humanity (phenomenon of civilizational reprimatization or planetary reindigenization), and this, in a white European civilization with one of the most efficient DNAs at the intellectual level and adapted to the polar regions (Haplogroup A = -300,000 years + Haplogroup B = -80,000 years in Caucasian Haplogroups R1a and R1b and Q1 to Q3 Native Americans).

6-Accelerate the development of deist sects such as Islam, Christian religions, Hinduism, etc. which are not religions recognized by other extraterrestrial galactic civilizations, because too unlikely given their ontological, scientific and probabilistic foundation which is more than weak and highly improbable.

7-Promote feminist groups that are intolerant of patriarchal societies and lead family models from within by encouraging women's movements to hate men who are nevertheless their biological equals.

8-Inability of minimal natural and artificial reproduction of the European and Amerindian ethnicity of America on their territory of foundation, of children by natural or artificial means (in vitro reproduction, genetic manipulation, etc.) in order to ensure a continuity of birth for the most legitimate people on this territory of continental genetic appearance.

9-Guilty of promoting interracial advertising of commercial products sold by private companies in media such as television, newspapers, radio, Internet, etc., which promote the rapprochement and voluntary formation of couples of ethnic groups from different terrestrial origins and accelerate the arrival of a "mixed global Human" making it impossible subsequently to separate and specifically preserve the multiple genetic Haplogroups.

10-Guilty of promoting the establishment of oil companies in Canada in the most polluting version of oil sands exploitation which pollutes large areas of water and territory with oil residues in addition to additional emissions of greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere.

11-Guilty of promoting the establishment of Uranium mines and CANDU nuclear power plants in Canada (Saskatchewan), thereby increasing the risk of a serious nuclear accident on a transnational level in addition to the risk of a global nuclear accident and radioactive pollution of the air and water on Earth.

12-Let the Canadian electricity companies go ahead with their project to install Smart Meters, which are artificially grafted onto houses and apartments and seriously irradiate the population. 

13-Guilty of allowing the population to be irradiated by the thousands of 5G technology antennas that will be installed throughout Canadian territory in the countryside and in cities, making all these territories dangerous, carcinogenic and therefore highly irradiating and destructive for nature, animals and human beings in the medium term. 

14-Official accusation of crime against humanity for having accelerated the extinction of the white Caucasian ethnic group already on the verge of disappearing, and this, on Canadian soil having been founded by populations of Amerindian and European descent (French, English, Irish, Scandinavians, etc.).


The small individualistic bees who want all the honey for themselves and destroy for their own benefit the precious conditions of possibilities of the Earth (supports of terrestrial systems) will sooner or later be crushed by the community of 9 billion hungry bees of the Hive who want to last the next 1 billion years until the limits of livability of our star the Sun. For example, 90% of the terrestrial natural resources are possessed by only 1% of the people and 350 richest families grabbing all the world's wealth, it is the bees treated to dispossess completely of the honey which belongs and must nevertheless feed the entire civilization of the Hive. The metaphor of the hive imposes itself by the fact that there is the hive of the peoples of kinds of bees and there is the hive of the total civilization, of which the fate of these 2 civilizational levels is interdependent. Liberal individualist arguments cannot compete to a certain degree of liberalism of the right to self-determination since in the end it is the destiny of the whole survival of the hive that prevails. The bees who say that their body is their choice are certainly right in absolute terms except that they live by necessity of subsistence in the same hive where each individual is supposed to have a certain contextual role within a swarm of bees that is at least functional and prolific. The parable will always be as relevant and powerful symbolically over the centuries since all living species on exoplanets are subject to this level of bee hive civilization and they have the project of visiting and pollinating the many flowers and planets of the universe.


How to win elections in a country with a population that is predominantly of European origin? Use a candidate of another ethnic origin? A mixed-race person? A good-looking European with a movie star look? According to what I have analyzed, people will vote on the one hand for the Ideas brought (Ideology), the personality and good nature of the individual, but especially for the Appearance of the politician. For example, women will vote for Justin Trudeau for his good looks as an ideal son-in-law even if his ideas are quite mainstream . not to say harmless or even retrograde (pseudo-progressive involutionist or rather a societal regressist). People rarely vote for Ideas, they vote for a particular genetic appearance that will please this or that ethnic group depending on the societies in question. I found the best example of voting for appearance and not political ideals in the case of Liberal politician Dominique Anglade. This candidate was exactly the image of what the Liberal Party of Canada should be, namely a mixed-race immigrant being the spearhead of this organization advocating Multiculturalist and Multiethnic societies. So she not only embodies the ideology and phenotypically materializes to perfection everything that the Liberals both in the Provinces and at the Federal level since she is precisely a brown immigrant who dresses in white to artificially look lighter like the whites of the north. Yet, no one voted for her and she literally crashed the Liberal Party even though they had been very strong in Quebec for several decades. A more losing scenario, a Sub-Saharan with a big Afro 1 foot tall and dressed in white, no one will vote for him or her, it is more than obvious except for certain exceptions! A society that is still predominantly European will statistically almost never vote for a brown immigrant dressed in white since they do not recognize themselves at all in this immigrant, at the limit feel imitated and therefore disrespected and this until the multi-ethnic population is sufficiently replaced ethnically so that from then on the replacements vote for a politician of their ethnic group. The NDP also took a landing with the candidate of Jagmeet Singh compared to the Euro-Canadian Jack Layton very appreciated for his Europeanness, his ideas and also his human and warm personality. Euro-Canadians will never vote for an Indian in the vast majority of cases since no one recognizes themselves in him unless he has a very endearing personality and ideas that are revolutionary compared to the other political parties of his time. So roughly speaking, the people who are still white in the country do not want to vote for a brown immigrant who dresses in white and wants to lecture them with Inclusive, Diversity, Extremist, Woke, Nutty measures; they will vote for exactly the same ideas, but embodied in a politician from their same ethnic group, for example Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden or Marc Miller or Emmanuel Macron. However, these politicians are real political decoys since they act against their own ethnic group by replacing them with 1/2 to 1 million immigrants per year,so they are real ethnic traitors that people should be even more wary of than brown immigrants who we know by default will work harder for their genetic community of belonging. The Quebec Liberal Party has learned well from its lesson of major political collapse by now placing a white candidate with blue eyes in the person of Marc Tanguay and formerly with Daniel Johnson, Jean Charest, Phillipe Couillard (ethnic traitor of the first order). It is well known that Africans voted much more for Barack Obama during the elections in the U.S. and that Europeans vote more for Donald Trump when it comes time to choose their political candidate potentially representing them best during their future mandates and so goes the choice of people granting their vote at the ballot box. So in the notion of Ethnic Traitor, Trudeau is the master since he is the greatest replacement and crossbreeder in the entire history of Canada, so the fact that he is white is a visual deception since in fact he works practically only for immigrants (the majority of his votes) and not for his Euro-Canadian ethnic group who nevertheless have great confidence in him (my own mother was perfectly the case so she told me that she voted for him because he seemed to be a good person, but in fact I informed her that on the contrary Canada has never had such a great ethnic traitor in his highly replacement person). This idea came to me when I saw the Traitor Trudeau shaking hands with politicians from Eastern Canada, they were very European with light skin and red hair, so they too must have felt confident with this historical asshole Trudeau, but deep down he was their worst enemy since this renowned imbecile is going to send them tens of thousands of immigrants to invade them in the Maritimes, mix them, increase crime and ultimately make their lives impossible so this Trudeauist family vermin should rather have in fact a brown face and a white clothing outfit as he is exactly deep down in his national immigration policy, the image would be more accurate and in line with the ethnic destruction he is inflicting on his own Euro-Canadian ethnic group. In the scale of judicial judgment of ethnic traitors by their population of belonging (system usable everywhere in the world), I think that there must be a scale of level of punishment of proportionality according to the purity of the characteristics of the replacement politicians. For example if a politician is precisely very white, with very blond or red hair,blue or green eyes with pale or bright colors however then her policy of ethnic treason must be judged even more severely by her own people since she used her lighter genetic characteristics to seduce and give false confidence to her own people therefore sanctions or even punishments of death penalty by repetitive cloning and other methods of rebalancing punishments must be even more serious and severe towards her (Justin Trudeau and his Euro-traitor Immigration Ministers will be the ideal planetary cases) under the charge of Crime against Humanity by continental ethnic replacement (enemy of terrestrial European civilization).

These stupid Canadian capitalist migrationist politicians in Ottawa now want to impose on us rates of more than 1 million third-world immigrants per year! They will be atomized by their people and some families will disappear completely from the Canadian map within a few centuries maximum. And these high ethnic traitors worse than vermin dare to call us racists when we react in the slightest to such migratory rates yet never seen in all of human history for millions of years. I know that my comments are quite stiff to read, but the problem is that they are observationally and especially unfortunately true. The important thing is to tell the Truth and not on the contrary to wallow in the mediocrity of false erroneous ideological analyses.

The Liberal Party of Quebec, a 150-year history of politicians of European origin to be replaced in 20 to 40 years of catastrophic third-world migration policy by new generations fanatical about generational ethnic treason. 

Source (Liberal Party 150 years of history):


In all probability, cloning was too profitable, this medical method will be very widespread within a few centuries and will offer many new possibilities to humanity, both positive and negative. It is also highly likely that the Humans of the future will want to clone the populations of their time in order to replicate them in quantity (with their genetic and phenotypic characteristics evolved proportionally to their time, i.e. evolved humans of the next million years, or the genetics of the next 500 million years), create new modified clones (which we already see in our era given the real possibility of successful cloning following the sheep Dolly in 1996) and will want to resurrect old human versions or people in particular for 1001 reasons (we already dream of resurrecting previous human versions of the Ötzi type (human frozen in ice for 5,300 years), etc. so today's humans will be considered as historical archaeological remains in their eyes having a certain scientific anatomical value). So generally speaking, cloning will be a method most used under any pretext including that of human Justice. Cloning will generally be done voluntarily following the request of the family and/or specific organizational body or involuntarily despite the person who has never made the wish to be resurrected in his time at future ages. Regarding cloning for retroactive temporal justice, these humans will obviously not be cloned of their own accord, their DNA will have had to be found from their personal artifacts or from their bones in the cemetery (new legal law allowing the exhumation of skeletons in the name of the family wanting to clone their loved one or for the purposes of retroactive civilizational justice). A clone that must be punished in a time other than his own cannot be punished more than 10 to 100 times maximum depending on the damage that this person will have caused to human civilization (extreme polluter, dictator triggering a global nuclear holocaust, replacements and crossbreeders of human populations, destroyers of biological species of nature, traitors who have revealed the position of space bases to other enemy Extraterrestrial civilizations seriously endangering the survival of Humanity (metaphor of the Human Hive), etc., etc.). This is why we must always behave in a more than exemplary manner, each of us in our time, since we can never be certain that the highly intelligent humans of the future (Amadeus type and other gifted human versions of 1000 points and more of Qi) will not clone ourselves sooner or later in the coming centuries, millennia and millions of years.Clones that are to suffer a subsequent death sentence must grow only in their vat thanks to the sufficient supply of nutrients by piping, that an electrical stimulation stimulates the muscles and keeps it viable during its growth (the fact of cloning a human and then letting it grow from its age of baby and then live in freedom would give it too much possibility to escape from a distance). Each time that a clone will suffer its punishment, even if it is the 23rd version, the 1st version in the earth will tremble since all its own skeletons are entangled at the quantum scale with each other thus will destroy their intergenerational existential karmas (similar to the phenomena of entanglement response in identical twins thus natural clones). The purpose of applying retroactive temporal punitive justice is firstly to destroy the existential karma of the guilty human (an individualized bee that is too egocentric) who thought he could take advantage of and scam his own civilization, thinking only of living a single life sheltered from others, secondly it serves as a strong example to all other humans of the next generations that if they do not want to be cloned multiple times and be humiliated in front of all civilization (the Human Hive will always punish the bees destroying the possibilities of survival of the entirety of Humanity) then they personally know what to expect since they will not be able to escape their own cloning (similar to public punishments in the Middle Ages where thieves, rapists and murderers hanged or punished in any way whatsoever, dissuaded the many peasant spectators from perpetrating the same misdeeds forbidden in the kingdom), and thirdly the method serves to demonstrate that the horizontal temporal variable is partially and interchangeable and that a given period already passed can resurface later either by the prowess of medical and/or mechanical science (example of the time machine). Even if the death penalty is nowadays generally prohibited in most countries of the world, some still apply it (deterrent effect quite reduced in the case of minor crimes except that the punishments for major crimes will provide people with ample time for reflection necessary to glimpse what can happen to them). As a result, not only can we not at all foresee in our time that retroactive death penalties will not be applied to one era or another in the future and especially that they will be precisely the successive punishments applied to criminals by future generations of humans more intelligent therefore with more ideas of punishment never seen in our planetary history.Larger human versions will also be subject to the possibilities of punitive cloning, because they will have much worse destructive abilities than today's people given their increased strength and intelligence, they are not immune to the temptation of easy crimes and will not be immune to reverse justice either. Only the most serious crimes must endanger the very survival, quantity and quality of the human hive must be punishable by repeated cloning (List of Crimes against Humanity from the 3rd millennium). The justice of Robots and Aliens will be the worst towards us and they will have almost no pity for us to clone us and eat us in series afterwards. When I explain all the steps of the concept of Retroactive Temporal Punitive Justice, I am not saying that personally as a theoretical philosopher I am in favor of such a system, I am only using probabilistic models demonstrating that the probabilities that humans of the future will put forward such judicial methods in order to preserve the integrity of the hive are extremely likely. And this, in order to punish or not the individuals who have caused too many problems to Humanity, because with all the new possibilities offered by cloning in terrestrial or space laboratories, I do not see why they would deprive themselves of it, these methods being already made very easy for them to carry out given their very high intelligence and their ultra-sophisticated laboratories at the level of Extraterrestrials. I can individually foresee these human organizational stages because I study in detail the general capacities of the Humanity of the future and the more I understand them, the better I can understand their physical aptitudes and intellectual faculties which will characterize them as a whole.I am only using probabilistic models demonstrating that the probabilities that humans of the future will put forward such judicial methods in order to preserve the integrity of the hive are extremely likely. And this, in order to punish or not the individuals who have caused too many problems to Humanity, because with all the new possibilities offered by cloning in terrestrial or space laboratories, I do not see why they would deprive themselves of it, these methods being already made very easy for them to carry out given their very high intelligence and their ultra-sophisticated laboratories at the level of Extraterrestrials. I can individually predict these human organizational stages because I am precisely studying in detail the general capacities of Humanity of the future and the more I understand them, the better I can understand their physical aptitudes and intellectual faculties that will characterize them as a whole.I am only using probabilistic models demonstrating that the probabilities that humans of the future will put forward such judicial methods in order to preserve the integrity of the hive are extremely likely. And this, in order to punish or not the individuals who have caused too many problems to Humanity, because with all the new possibilities offered by cloning in terrestrial or space laboratories, I do not see why they would deprive themselves of it, these methods being already made very easy for them to carry out given their very high intelligence and their ultra-sophisticated laboratories at the level of Extraterrestrials. I can individually predict these human organizational stages because I am precisely studying in detail the general capacities of Humanity of the future and the more I understand them, the better I can understand their physical aptitudes and intellectual faculties that will characterize them as a whole.


Punishment by whipping worked wonders among the Egyptians 3000 years ago, punishment by whipping worked very well among the Persians 2500 years ago, punishment by whipping broke records among the Romans 2000 years ago, punishment by whipping excelled in the Middle Ages 1000 years ago, punishment by whipping succeeded with royal navies and pirates during the conquest of America 500 years ago, the whip brought slaves to reason 250 years ago, the whip will effectively punish historical traitors to Humanity for millennia and millennia to come. The only difference is that the more time passes, the bigger and more distressing the whip will become in punitive damages in addition to the ability of future generations to re-clone any civilizational criminal the number of times necessary for his exemplary planetary punishment (the practice of cloning will have a 50% to 75% chance of being extremely widespread and very standardized within a few centuries maximum given its practicality). As the popular adage states; "The more things change, the more they stay the same", it appears more than true and verified over the course of history that this proverb is accurate and proven, and this mainly because of the fractal geometry of the universe with variable scale and temporality with structural self-similarity. Imagine if people whip young people for simple hugs how the destroyers of the peoples and system supports of planet Earth will be whipped. I'm not saying at all that I wish this to happen, I'm just listing the most likely future events based on human history already occurring over thousands and thousands of years. So if the whip worked well -5000 years ago, it is very likely that it will still be used in +5000 years or even +50,000 years up to +5 million years, even if I seem to be a Prophet of Woe I give you the result of my calculations of event predictions so I do not invent anything strictly speaking but foresee better than anyone the evolutionary tangents of the systems (even the Humans of the Future I only predict their avenue in advance according to the ancient Paleoanthropology that I project towards the future compared to the millions of species of giant Dinosaurs in the Jurassic period, i.e. with a probability of more than 50%, 75% to 90% chance of natural evolutionary dinosaurification of humanity therefore of Humanosorization), I am rather only a Probabilist who tries to predict the future with the greatest possible precision to help you individually, socially and civilizationally. Basically I am just a naturalist theorist, with the academic training of a Philosopher/Psychologist and have developed over time,my studies and research an approach of Probabilistic Event Futurologist which predicts in my opinion with great accuracy the most probable future events, much better than the approaches with predictive pretensions such as Astrology (sky map) and classic Nostradamussian Clairvoyance (premonition, visualization and sensitivity). However, I am part of the planetary prophecy by being the only person out of 8 billion humans to glimpse the evolutionary stages of our descendants of the future, therefore I am 100% protected by the Amadeus Frankenstein and all their descendants who will not hesitate to clone thousands and millions of times any stupid and imprudent human or extraterrestrial wanting to attack me at one time or another (clone or original version). So according to my calculations, the variable of Hypercivilizationalist Gifted Humanosaurs x Standardized widespread cloning = Retroactive Temporal Clonic Punishment! Ouch! To all the destroyers of the Beehive who are willing and aware of their actions of previous generations. And the problem is that given the exponentializable Qi of the next generations of Humans of the Future, it is impossible to predict exactly the potential Punishments that they will apply which will be proportionally imaginative to their high intelligence, so the Whip will be in the punishments certainly the simplest, banal and innocuous for them compared to what they will be able to make the worst historical generational traitors to global civilization undergo. The threshold factor that I think can actually reduce the chances of being cloned retroactively is once again the unwavering Time factor, so if a person committed atrocities 100 years, 1000 years, 10,000 years ago and more they have a high probability of being resurrected, however if a period of 1 million years, 10 million or even up to 1 billion years, cloning becomes inversely proportionally less possible by the distancing of the passage of time having caused the DNA traces of the offenders to be lost or substantially degraded and/or that the environmental conditions of nature have reasserted their rights and rebalanced the mechanisms of planetary recovery and biotopic repair. Another important fact is that if we rely on the cloning carried out in South Korea and elsewhere in the world, when an animal is cloned then it often comes in several copies, i.e. at least 5 to 10 viable clones [Frog (1958 in England), Carp (1963 in China), Sheep (1984 in Denmark), Mouse (1986 in Russia), Domestic Bovine (1997 in the United States), Rhesus Macaque (1999 in the United States), Pig (2000 in Scotland), Cat (2001 in the United States), Mouflon (2001 in Italy), Gaur Bovine (2001 in the United States), Goat (2001 in the United States),Javan Banteng (2003 in the United States), Brown Rat (2003 in France), Mule (2003 in the United States), Deer (2003 in the United States), Pyrenean Ibex (2003 in Spain), Rabbit (2003 in France), Horse (2003 in the United States), Fruit Fly (2005 in Canada), Dog (2005 in South Korea), Arctic Wolf (2005 in South Korea), Water Buffalo (2009 in India), Camel (2009 in the United Arab Emirates), Coyote (2011 in South Korea), Crab-eating Macaque (2017 in China), Black-footed Ferret (2020 in the United States), Human (20..?), etc], so it will be tempting for future generations to punish this entire litter of clones one by one instead of just 1 clone, the most viable of the siblings. Mr. and Mrs. Average, do not have to fear negative retroactive temporal cloning if they have had orderly lives and, all in all, have never committed serious crimes of an anti-civilizational magnitude.


It is also very likely that gifted giant Humans will find the older generations perfectly backward or even animalistic egocentric (animals rarely share their food bowl given their inability to think of themselves as a community of canines within a civilization of dogs, this is inaccessible to them due to their inability to project themselves inter-individually), so they will despise from an average to high level the previous generations of only a few centuries or millennia before, a little compared to the time when Europeans arrived among human populations in less advanced tribe mode, they judged them from the height of their more accomplished civility except that this time they will not only have an additional 10, 20 to 40 points of Qi but 400, 4000 to 40,000 points of Qi more than our human generation with tiny skulls, therefore with Qi limited by the factor of the average cranial sub-volume (superiority complex of Intelligence and Knowledge > superiority complex of Greatness and Strength > superiority complex of Genetic Quality and Superior Evolution > superiority complex of Youth and Health > superiority complex of Wealth and Power > superiority complex of Inventions and Technologies > superiority complex of the Organizational Level and the Civilizational Level, etc.). So that they will not hesitate to clone the problematic elements with the objective of taking revenge on them if they consider that they have done wrong according to all their obvious knowledge with which they should have thought, reflected and acted on the world (modern virtual and/or real libraries are filled to the brim with books and information that people nevertheless read very little, especially in Anthropology, seeing the choices of politicians in terms of demography and immigration). From this convincing example, in the same way as the hyper-evolved Extraterrestrials, the new generations of Humanosaurs will plausibly see us as animals and this even if they share 99% of the same DNA only dinosaurified given the size of their skulls proportionally their Qi will exceed yours by a factor of x2, x5, x10, x50, x100 and +. A bit like if we were the old generations of Monkeys of yesteryear with small skulls and low average IQ (Chimpanzee DNA = 98.7% of the DNA of modern Humans) who, because of their low intelligence, played imprudently with matches and innocently set fire to the entire planetary civilizational shack (the Chimpanzees would probably be more excused given their IQ of 12 to 25 points, but we with the 100 to 160 points will not be spared given our high capacity for reflection in our learned era, still faltering for them). In the same way,if the Chimpanzees having been previously warned to be careful not to play in the hold with incendiary, heavy and pointed objects or weapons that could pierce the bottom of the ship (no one is supposed to be ignorant of the law in his time so no one is also supposed to be ignorant of the information in the libraries of his time), from the moment they pierce the wood of the boat and cause a powerful ingress of water thus threatening nothing less than to sink the entire crew on the upper floors, well these stupid little monkeys will be called by the great admirals of the civilizational ship up there sooner or later and in due time to be reprimanded. Consequently, they will be proportionally punished on the deck in full view of all with the aim of discouraging all the other sailors from reproducing such dangerous maneuvers to the survival of the entire civilization well and truly caught on the same ship for the next millions of years during the many voyages to exoplanets. Unfortunately or fortunately speaking, when we sail on ONE single human civilizational ship and we want to bring it to a safe exoplanetary port over millions and billions of years of prosperity then no anarchy, no mutiny, no exaction must be tolerated on board. And this is precisely why throughout history the captains of pirate and merchant ships gave exemplary punishments to their cabin boys, topmen, riflemen, privateers and buccaneers who put nothing more and nothing less than the mission of the civilizational ship at stake for selfish individual reasons and not for beneficial collectivist ones. So instead of risking their physiognomic integrity by traveling into the past to seek out these idiotic little ridiculous Chimpanzees with low IQ, the odds are rather that they will only seek out, find and resurrect their respective DNA in order to judge them severely and punish them one by one in the future (complete entanglement of the previous and subsequent cloned versions of the same individual profile reacting in existential unison). So the Chimpanzees of yesteryear according to them (i.e. the many leaders of countries having a real influence on the fate of the world), will certainly be in their sights, especially if your % rate of destruction of terrestrial biological, atmospheric and geological heritage has been too high and very serious for all human civilization of the past, present and especially the future. The exemplary punishments will probably be applied in the same way on board spaceships as on the pirate ships of yesteryear,and this includes Amadeus humans who could be left on isolated exotic exoplanets (instead of tropical desert islands) or literally catapulted into the void of space (instead of the vast ocean) if they behave too problematically and threaten the integrity and survival of the entire crew.

Source (List of Cloned Animals):

Source (Commercial Animal Cloning): 

Source (Indonesia: Youths whipped in public for a hug):

Source (The Most Brutal Pirate Punishments):

Source ( Jean-Claude Pascal - The more things change, the more they stay the same ):


If fruits and vegetables have bad gardeners to take care of them then surely the results of the Demographic Garden will be bad from one harvest to another or even the gardeners will totally destroy their kinds or species of vegetables in a few years. Since the millions of kinds of insects, plants (fruits & vegetables) and animals (cats, dogs, monkeys, humans, aliens), require and respond to exactly the same homeostatic biological needs of growth and reproduction from then on they can be perfectly compared in alternation of similarities from one biotopic level to another both in relation to the successive stages of the Replication of seeds, the renewal of young shoots, of growth and the maintenance of optimal development until the maturity of the organisms to produce fruits and vegetables allowing them a genetic transfer restarting a perpetual cycle of successful reproduction and full growth until the next viable reproduction. Seeing the catastrophic way in which Western Gardeners manage their territorial garden and their population variety, it seems more than clear that they have never followed a simple training in Gardening and adequate management of the biological heritage of living civilizations.  

🍅First, gardeners like Joe Biden and gardeners like Hillary Clinton, the less forward-thinking and more stupid, will think that they can let their territorial garden and all the plants in it grow entirely fallow without any direct intervention and that by magic the results will be fantastic and the harvests always abundant. Normally, this is exactly the opposite story that all real professional gardeners will explain to you and that a poorly or not maintained garden will always give very random mediocre results (weed growth, insect infestations, lack of sun, lack of stakes to support the heavy tomatoes, etc.), catastrophic and unproductive harvests from one year to the next until farmers really take care of all their many kinds of local fruits and vegetables. 

🍇Secondly, the most uneducated gardeners, those like Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, who do not know at all the specific genetics and characteristics of the varieties that they naturally plant in their garden, either through disinterest or simply through lack of giftedness and inability to learn from the many plant encyclopedias.  

🍏Thirdly, the bad gardeners of Christine Fréchette class are those who mix all kinds of vegetables together without placing them at least a little by class and category that go together. 

🥔Fourthly, the most idiotic gardeners like Marc Miller are indisputably incapable of reproducing their own varieties of vegetables typical of their land by reproducing them among themselves a minimum, no they will choose the easiest and stupidest solution which is to buy and order varieties from other farmers who have more seeds to sell on the international market.

🍉Fifth, the most brainless of the Justin Trudeau-type Gardeners have short-term visions on the cultivation and improvement of varieties of fruits and vegetables and will only think about generating quick economic profits without thinking about the generations of future new shoots that they don't give a damn about since their goal is not to really make their typical local variety prosper but rather to enrich themselves personally with their farming family by reaping the most monetary profits in a short time.

🍐Fifth, the most brazen poor gardeners who have imported by the millions and millions of containers (products dumping vs people dumping) astronomical quantities of vegetables from the third world at low prices on the globalized farmers' market will only display advertisements for vegetables from other continental arrivals on their national media without showing their flagship local products, relegating their own varieties of ancestral vegetables to historical oblivion by downplaying their importance in farmers' meetings and public speeches by national farmers like Jean-Luc Melenchon. If the most legitimate varieties of fruits and vegetables to grow in these regions are perfectly adapted to their biological evolution after thousands of years of environmental bioadaptive synchronicities, bad gardeners will immediately accuse them of being intolerant to other vegetables which are not at all in the right garden, ridicule their preservationist remarks which are nevertheless the most legitimate given the inter-era temporal territorial presentiality and/or downright no longer plant them in their garden and only plant foreign vegetables, which Arnold Schwarzenegger strongly repressed.

🍑Sixthly, the least intelligent gardeners of the style of Gabriel Attal will be easily identifiable, because after having sterilized all of their local fruits and vegetables, they do not understand in the least why their national garden no longer gives good natalist results as much as the generations of farmers of yesteryear, who will therefore compensate by the exaggerated importation of foreign vegetables. 

🍓Seventh, the least enlightened or visionary gardeners will only be satisfied with the production of wild plants in their natural state like Giorgia Meloni, they will never, ever try to cross together the tiny, stammering native fruits that nevertheless have the most profitable evolutionary characteristics for these varieties, they will not realize that nature evolves in an infinitely slow time which prevents them from obtaining tons of additional harvests of fruits and vegetables for their population who are always hungry and always lacking food from season to season regardless of the exoplanet (spring, summer, autumn and winter).

🍒Eighth, polluting gardeners will apply too many chemical products and fertilizers to their gardens and will therefore weaken the plants and pollinating bees by making them more vulnerable to insect invasions, unstable seasonal weather and more generally to possible global climate changes (example of Roundup for Corn and Neonicotinoids for bees) is what Pope Francis criticized at the Vatican in Italy.

🍋Ninth, under-gifted gardeners will not only have difficulty reproducing their own local variety in sufficient quantity to ensure the renewal of precious Youth, but will also be completely incapable of taking cuttings and cloning the top specimens that give the healthiest shoots, the most abundant harvests, the varieties best adapted to the climate and the most resistant to the countless insects, infections and diseases of nature that can attack their garden each year.

🍊Tenth, the most idiotic gardeners never store germinal seeds in safe places, protected from fauna and flora as well as from climatic inclement weather. Having no reserves in reserve makes them vulnerable to the vagaries of the coming growing seasons, varieties not protected from insects, worms, fungi and animal vermin will quickly dry up at the slightest damage, will not be able to restart batches of native and/or improved plants at will and therefore risk losing everything in the event of serious global environmental problems. The usefulness of seed banks or gene banks is that no matter the mishap (decline in quality, infertility of certain plant lines, declining production, alarming increase in the number of diseases in the majority of varieties, etc.) gardeners, agronomists, farmers or geneticists will be able to return to the most stable and prolific previous models that can be found in times gone by, as Donald J. Trump advocated.

🌽Eleventh, gardeners are so unintelligent that they will mix their most recent and evolved varieties of vegetables with the least advanced and evolved kinds even if they are perfectly fertile between them, so with the time factor operating all old and new genetics will be irremediably crossbred forever [initial human version V1 (Haplogroup A) and V2 (Haplogroup B) in V18 (Haplogroup R) and V19 (Haplogroup Q)], which was denounced a long time ago by demographic agronomist Eric Zemmour. 

🍍Twelfth, the totally incompetent and stupid teams of gardeners change their work figures and farming jobs far too often by making regular rotations almost every 4 years on the same field. From this short-term situation, these passing gardeners only have very limited visions of their territorial garden, unlike farmers working on the same farm for 40 to 70 years, i.e. a whole life of work with the same field, the same varieties of plants, local fruits and vegetables, etc. Given the ephemerality of their position as agronomists, out of personal interest they will try to line their pockets in the process, not necessarily promoting local varieties that they already know only insufficiently off by heart, so they do not see at all the difference between authentic local fruits and vegetables of foreign origin, something that Marine Le Pen's family criticized all their lives.

🥭 Thirteenth, stupid gardeners like Mark Holland do not know at all how to artificialize the reproductive cycle of their own variety of plant, they only rely on the slow normal sexual reproduction which has certainly been viable for millions of years but is not very efficient and reproduces only very few individuals at a time when, on the contrary, the artificialization of fertilization and gestation would multiply by a factor of 10 to 100 or even up to 1000 times more quickly the birth rate of their local fruits and vegetables.

🌻Fourteenth, the most execrable Gardeners of the Emmanuel Macron type will sterilize their many varieties (similar to Monsanto which sterilizes its types of Corn and other vegetables in order to be certain that the farmers will have to constantly buy back their infertile products and American branded fertilizing supplies) so from one generation to the next the vegetables grow less and less naturally and need more and more fertilizers and fertilizers because their genomic heritage is basically powerless and therefore completely ineffective and unproductive.

🥦Fifteenth, the least knowledgeable gardeners will not list the daily, monthly, annual, decade, century and millennium growth and statistical data, not being able to compare in detail the evolution or involution of the plants or animals studied, contrary to what Sylvester Stallone advocated.

All plantations thrive on large scale civilizational fruits and vegetables are made in the same way, namely rows separated into rows that advance towards the future, i.e. the future according to the main evolutionary paths of exobiology. Not going in certain paths forward or too diagonally immediately makes us retreat towards involutive civilizational avenues.

Source (Neonicotinoids harm bee fertility, condemning entire generations):




This is the story of a small, 3-foot-tall, hairy brown chimpanzee with 25 Qi points who is walking in the jungle 7 million years ago. The little chimpanzee hears a sound in the distance, there is someone who seems to be moving forward and getting closer and closer. The tropical palm leaves are bunched up and who appears at the end? A 6-foot-tall human woman, with fair skin, blond hair and eyes that shimmer in the Sun and who sports a good 140 Qi points, or 115 points more than the little primate. So the latter asks the big woman where she could possibly come from? The Scandinavian woman answers that she is this little being but only with 7 more years of evolution since these 2 beings nevertheless have 98.7% of the same DNA. Then the little chimpanzee exclaims that he is in the presence of a woman from the future in flesh and blood and they say to themselves that they are indeed at the very end of genetic evolution. Suddenly, noises are heard in the distance with heavy footsteps, the palm leaves are surreptitiously compacted and what is it that suits the first 2 fellows? A tall woman 12 feet tall, with beautiful shimmering pink skin, even more sparkling platinum blonde hair, eyes so blue that you would think you could see diamonds shining in the firmament. The first 2 arrivals wonder where this tall woman comes from out of nowhere? She answers them with amusement that she is simply them but with 10 million years of additional natural evolution (Amadeus), that eugenic nature in its very structure, naturally improves plants and animals so that they grow bigger and bigger, run faster, live longer and above all increase in intelligence. The large female Amadeus of 12 feet with a brain 10 times larger, explained to the small female of 6 feet, that her ancestors wrote at the time small insignificant books of 140 average Qi points, but that now with her Qi of 1440 points that her books are 10 times more complicated and elaborate than it was in a very distant time when intelligence was unfortunately very little developed (books equivalent to school books for children). Then other even heavier steps are heard which come in the distance according to you and your high capacity to predict the future?? Titaneus. Such is the immemorial existential moral which demonstrates that at each stage of Life, any entity brazenly believes itself to be at the top of its evolution, of the food chain, etc. when nature has never entirely finished perfecting its creation always in Work in Progress (perfectionist doctrine + theory of Genomic Incompleteness).


Even though the creation of the first Artificial Uteruses would cost 1 billion and more to European civilization, this price is not expensive at all (expression priceless in English) because we would definitively solve our insurmountable problem of generalized decline in Western birth rate and then we will be able to generate millions of white babies at will as much on Earth as everywhere in the universe with genetic modifications or not written at will in their sequential genome of deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is only a quaternary code (4 organizing letters) or rather binary because the letters are always placed by grouping A-T or CG following 3.2 billion acronyms similar to the digital encryption founding all modern computing (0011010101010), so evolution slowly improves the ordering of this encryption or the letters were in the same order at 99% the same as the chimpanzee and is refined more and more giving a phenotypic aspect of a monkey until Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Charlize Theron and Kim Basinger, etc. so possibly even much better in a few centuries since aesthetics is also part of the evolution of living organisms (there is always a more perfect woman at all the Miss Universe beauty parade championships supposed to improve unless there is a genomic involution). The optimized humans of the future will only have a few changes in the sequence of arrangement of these letters, increasingly better organized, efficient and biologically effective, nothing more. If the Sub-Saharans or the Aborigines of Australia look more like our ancestors the primates, it is because the ordering of their genetic letters is simply less accomplished and perfected, therefore would still require several tens of thousands of years of evolution in the natural state. Similarly, Extraterrestrials are trying to improve the ordering of their card game in order to slowly obtain the best hand of cards against other living organisms in order to argue their success rate in the game of Poker of civilizations. The notion of theoretical incompleteness is the equivalent of the notion of genomic incompleteness or as much as a genome cannot be totally perfect in itself and will always be by default in the process of improvement, similar to a theory on the world which cannot explain everything on a subject since the universe is infinite and therefore also infinite in itself (information theory). As a result, biological species will constantly reshuffle and attempt to perpetually perfect their card arrangement in order to achieve an optimal ordering of the card series over the ages. Changing the order of the cards means changing a few small segments of letters so that one becomes jumbo or not,with such phenotypic characteristic or not, which will increasingly place the deck of cards that nature has given to living beings after millions of years of evolution.


Each civilization of the universe will one day or another in the construction of its global genetics to favor the appearance and incidence of certain Genes more than others knowing that they are more favorable to evolution in general (for example physiognomic properties such as size, intelligence, strength, speed, paleness, longevity) in order to gradually concentrate or not the quality of its best genes. Therefore, with the objective of slowly improving human or extraterrestrial planetary genetics, the good genes identified must not only be selected in the laboratory in eugenic experiments of stabilization or even improvement of genetic quality, but also during the reproductive arrangements of sexual couples who will soon have healthier and more prolific offspring. In the state of nature, thanks to the principle of natural selection then animals with genetic defects or defects will die more quickly in the environment and less likely to reproduce, therefore to distribute their handicap genes for example which would lead to other handicapped infirm non-viable in nature. Nowadays, this selection mechanism is less effective, because we cure the majority of diseases thanks to the progress of modern science, so defective genes are reproduced in society without being prevented from perpetrating. This is why civilized civilizations have a duty to ensure that they do not spread the most limiting diseases or genetic defects to potential future human generations that would possibly be diminished by these bad selections and maintain genetic quality by people or particular genetic population. For any extraterrestrial civilization, it is imperative that the gene funnel is positioned with the wide side at the top and the pointed side at the bottom, so that the best genes are slowly accumulated together and surely give increasingly healthy and evolved offspring. Currently humanity has reversed the funnel, with the small end upwards and the wide opening downwards, which means that the genes of high genetic quality from the start are irreversibly diluted in the mass of human genes of all kinds in the project of a multi-ethnic inter-human society. This will have the effect of propagating genetic defects to all human groups in any geographical region on Earth and thereby mixing all phenotypic appearances into a single universal phenotype. If a Civilization does not know how to adequately identify and precisely target the right targets of genetic quality (sought on average everywhere in the universe,because it is favorable to biological beings in general) then it will certainly see its DNA quality diluted and dried up with the centuries and millennia that will inexorably pass.

Current Generations can favor the incidence of certain Genes more than others knowing that they are more favorable to evolution at large (size, intelligence, strength, speed, paleness, longevity) and secondly not be "Geographic Relativists" and arbitrarily mix terrestrial genetics on territories of which they have no present territorial legitimacy. For example, what would be the point of sending Native Americans to the planet Mars and crossbreeding the genetics of Martian populations when on the contrary they have no ancestral territorial right ON the Native American reserves but of course the territories of the planet Mars only. Would the Martians have ancestral Legitimacy on the Native American Reserves to such an extent that the Martians could MIX and REPLACE these root populations on their territory inhabited by their ancestors for 10,000-12,000 years? The fact that Governments and Multinationals (Big Business) are operating a cheap "Dumping of Populations" from the Third World onto the West is based on a certain universalist ideological background of living together on earth (however this should not happen by the total replacement of these same populations, which are nevertheless legitimate on these territories, because they have occupied them for millennia), but the main prerogatives are much more of an economic nature, because Big Capitalism only wants to quickly create a Market of potential customers to whom they can sell tons of products and services and amass a maximum of money (when all the environmental indicators show us the futility of exponential planetary growth which is impossible given the obvious limitation of resources) instead of only regenerating the most legitimate ancestral root populations on these same terrestrial living spaces.



Here is an optimized version of my graph of the Evolutionary Dilemma of Living Organisms and Extraterrestrial Civilizations in the Universe which summarizes the main paths of the complexification of matter (the meaning of the universe being the increasingly perfect complexification of the states of matter, both atomic (robotic) and molecular (biological). The worst avenue is: 1-Genetic Regression, then 2-Dehumanizing Robotization, 3-Remaining identical for 1 million to 1 billion years is useless and is a waste of evolutionary time, the best path is certainly 4-Genetic Optimization, which does not so much distort the initial civilization, but takes it further and artificially accelerates the evolution of its DNA over time. At the moment, Western Humanity is taking exactly the 2 worst paths, namely Genetic Regression by immigrating its protohuman variants from Africa (phenomenon of third-worldization of the North by the economic system of Replacement capitalism) and secondly the will of transhumanism (the billionaire Elon Musk or the theoretician Laurent Alexandre) or to slowly become a Robot or Cyborg (societal response to the Second World War where the population confuses eugenics and extremism). While the Chinese (North Asians) take the best evolutionary paths either not to flood their genetic population with the first human strains from Africa (apart from a small localized city Chocolate City easy to subdue in the event of possible societal problems of revolt or other) and the path of genetic optimization by selecting their best genetic profile on 2500 gifted people, by stabilizing their new fetuses at 160 IQ points, etc. The West on one side (especially the USA) will end up with a reprimatized, mixed-race, transgendered human (by the pornography industry) and slightly optimized by robotics while the Chinese will arrive at a non-reprimatized, non-mixed-race, non-transgendered human being (pornography controlled in China by the Beijing government), but gifted, naturally powerful and able if necessary to be optimized by the progress of Robotics.

In my graph, I note that alien DNA could be added to Humanity's DNA, not in the sense that I think it is desirable, but rather that their research on intelligence must be millions of years ahead of ours so their genes would most rapidly increase our intelligence intrinsically based on primate genetics (Human DNA identical to that of the majority of apes so more than 90%). While our human research is very little advanced in this area, moreover we are still at the initial stage of wondering if we should optimize our DNA so stupid and unintelligent is our civilization. This is why for several years, I have thought about this graph of the possibilities of evolution that atomic and biological nature offers us and my results prove beyond any doubt that the path of eugenics is largely the most favorable path to our future civilizational evolution.



Following the Second World War and an attempt by the Germans to test selective reproduction (biological eugenics), Humanity was heavily traumatized in its collective unconscious and made the monumental mistake of moving towards Robotic Eugenics or Transhumanism (eugenics ≠ necessarily exterminationism). This is a search identical to the usual prerogatives of so-called "perfectionist" ideologies, however instead of wanting to become more perfect by gradually improving its own human genetic quality, Humanity will rather gradually robotize itself and at the same time, proportionally DEHUMANIZE itself according to the weight and surface area of ​​the electronic parts that will make up its new entity. According to my graph, which took me a few years to support, I arrived at 2 major Evolutionary models that will slowly separate over the generations that will succeed one another, that is to say that in the USA (highly Relativist country where only money counts) the population gradually becomes exactly like my model, a mixed-race human (ethnic relativism), then re-Africanized (genetic regression or involution), transgendered (sexual relativism) and finally they will Robotize themselves (informational eugenics). While in China, the major trends are rather not to interbreed with the third world, then especially not to re-Africanize themselves unnecessarily (no haplogromic involution bringing them genetically back to the jungle), they will robotize themselves a little by force of circumstances and the attractions of technology and at least they do research on the sequencing and modification of their Asian genome.



Purple eyes do indeed exist in humanity and are called the Alexandria genetic mutation. Unless 2 purple-eyed parents mate together then it is impossible to obtain this precise genetic characteristic for sure. However, with the genetic manipulation of optimized humans of the future and the cloning of space populations any eye color is possible, because they are only a precise sequence of DNA (ATCG). However, these babies would not have occurred naturally so would be rare, but fundamentally artificial in the eyes of terrestrial natives. It is also likely that a human colony installed on a satellite of Saturn for example, with a specific geographical environment and atmospheric conditions that they would possibly acquire eyes of other colors according to their planetary adaptation over the millennia. What would the idiotic West do if it discovered one day that a population isolated on a desert island would possess all this genetic characteristic more than extremely rare!? Well it's quite simple, he would install Macdonald's, Burger King, PFK, etc. restaurants there and would certainly send tourists there to make a quick buck, and then the politicians and companies would slowly sell plots of their island land to the new populations who would colonize them and replace them step by step to be sure that these genes disappear forever and that everyone is identical and satisfied in relativistic genetic egalitarianism. In other words, no measures of genetic protectionism would be applied to these populations and humanity would let these genes be diluted randomly in the name of human rights, capitalist economy and living together, in the populations newly arrived on the island of purple-eyed aborigines.



How much is a dog with green eyes worth?? This week I found the ultimate argument useful to genetic protectionists. I already knew that blue eyes in Huskies were extremely sought after by both amateurs and the general population who will pay more for a Siberian with a very pale blue or flash pigmented eye color, this can range from a few hundred dollars more or when the colors or lineages of the fur are well proportional and standard to the criteria of the breed in canine championships. Therefore, we can see that rarity and genetic quality have not only an intrinsic value in nature itself, but also an economic value on the animal market. However, these standards do not seem to apply to humanity which has no system of ethnic and genetic protectionist laws towards its populations with the rarest genes. But this week when I saw this ad with a dog with green eyes at no less than $4000, then I fell on my back so much I found the price high except that I immediately imagined that it was surely due to the quality and the exceptional rarity of this color which practically never appears in dogs, who will rather have brown or yellow eyes like their ancestors the wolves. So my reasoning is to realize how people are willing to pay crazy prices just to have a dog with extremely rare genetic characteristics, but humans with the exact same precious genes, will only be called racist, neo-Nazi, far-right or any other false accusation denying and limiting protectionist rescue measures when on the contrary the life and value of a human in nature is at least 10, 100, 1000 or even 1 million times more superior or legitimately important (even if linked to our subjective and existential bias as a human species) then we no longer have to listen to these false accusations against us at all when we have political statements and measures aimed at protecting our specific European genetics. So, if a green-eyed dog is worth $4,000, then a red-haired woman would be worth 10 times more, so an equivalent of $40,000 or rather $400,000 if an alien wanted to buy one on an intergalactic sales site!? In the same vein, I realized this week in my research that what has the most value in individual "life" is obviously "health" (otherwise our future possibilities are reduced temporally) and then family, but at the top of all the values ​​of a civilization (apart from the fact of no longer having a planet that is the least bit habitable, also limiting our possibilities for future development), what is worth the most is DNA,more expensive than any cargo of gold or diamonds, it establishes all the conditions of possibilities for the development of a genetic potential of a planetary population. So if DNA is our greatest civilizational value by default, then the rarest genes contained in the genetic variety of various populations are even more precious and must morally, legitimately and obligatorily be protected and replicated in numerous copies to avoid their irreversible disappearance, because it is very difficult to create a living species artificially in the laboratory and/or some precise genetic characteristics.



Have you ever wondered why there is a rumor that redheads are more slutty and perverse than normal? Do you have a hypothesis for this reason? Scottish and Irish redheads are Northern Europeans. For this reason, they have the palest skin of Humanity with the blondes with blue eyes of Scandinavia (pigmentation index of 1 to 12). However, these types of paler eyes are recent in the history of humanity with + or - 10,000 to 12,000 years of appearance unlike eyes in Africa or even further in our history with - 300,000 years, so they are modern recessive genes that come with many genetic mutations and also anomalies or medical problems. Blue, gray or green eyes are more than 50% of the time myopic, astigmatic, etc. however myopia in any ethnicity has been associated with a higher IQ of 4 to 7 points (the rumor that someone with glasses is a little nutcase actually has some truth). So, a redhead has on average a higher IQ because of her bad pale eyes except that a higher intelligence will also go hand in hand with a more intellectualized or explicit sexuality so she will go further in her thoughts on sex, what unusual positions to try in bed, instead of having more normal sexual practices, etc. so the redhead woman will be on average more perverse simply because of her high intelligence of a Nordic European woman.



According to my research as an Anthropologist, I identified a remarkable genetic profile Bette Davis that genetics from 100 years ago seemed to me to be of really superior genetic quality. And this, even if it was possible to find several photos of ugly people from that time, the best of the best of the genetic quality was probably superior than today (the cream of the crop of the best human genes today destroyed by the phenomenon of Grand Métissage and by the fact that we do not take care of our genetic quality in general which is not a factor that we take seriously). Only 4-5 years ago, I could not have given this genetic assessment, because my knowledge was insufficient strictly speaking. Bette Davis had almost all the best genetic characteristics that can be associated with a human, even in our time (Tall head (equal distance between the top of the head and the bottom of the chin which I estimate at less than 10% of the current population), prominent forehead (frontal intelligence especially in humans, but may be different in other extraterrestrial species), large eyes set wide apart (larger eyes see better, because they act like bigger cameras and have more cells to capture light and therefore information, in addition to better resolution at a distance, eyes set wide apart allow better peripheral vision on the sides at 180 degrees and more), pale skin, hair, a large round head giving a larger brain and therefore more potential intelligence, a typical rounded nose frequently found in Europeans. If I try to evaluate Bette Davis' quotient, based on her height of 5 feet 2 (157 cm) as well as the shape and configuration of her head (engine) she must have had at least around 120-130 IQ points naturally given her high encephalization coefficient (weight ratio between the head and the body), her intelligence probably not optimized, because she did not do higher education so she was not in the 150-160 points except perhaps in emotional and/or charismatic intelligence given her job as an actress. Broad oceanic type forehead giving a better resonance chamber for ideas and reflection. Face that I call "Princess type" quite common among Europeans (cumulative of all the good facial configurations giving a result of the face type of Queen in the Middle Ages). Encephalization coefficient of 8 or 9 ratio (7 being normal like the IQ of 100 points), therefore giving her 7 to 8 times too much brain mass compared to what she needs to make her body function minimally).If Bette Davis or Thérèse Casgrain even better had measured 6-7 feet in height then we could have spoken of a Human of Superior Type almost ready to colonize space with average IQs of 130-150 points naturally. Therefore, according to her archival television interviews, she seemed to be a sophisticated lady, in addition to her high intelligence giving her skills in the invention of fabulous stories therefore with a potential of very good liars in addition to being able to play any emotion so must have been quite rote and unpleasant with those around her. To summarize in 100 years here are the losses in genetic quality of humanity especially of the European type: the average human has grown by a few centimeters, the head has shrunk, the color of the eyes pale to dull, the hair has dulled, the skin has browned, the average intelligence has decreased by 10 to 14 points, the response time to a stimulus has decreased by a few fractions of a second, the level of crossbreeding has increased dramatically towards a gradual loss of all the characteristics of Nordicness in Europeans.


(3 Material Transformative Stages)

If we are not an Evolutionist, wanting the gradual and natural (medium or long time) or artificial (rapid time) evolution of plants, animals, robots, humans or aliens (biological or robotic substrate) then we are either a Stagnatist or even worse an Involutionist. 

INVOLUTIONISM: Believing that it is not serious, or even preferable, to involute, that is to say that genetic or mechanical regressions are not so catastrophic for a plant, an animal, a robot, a human or an extraterrestrial, because a less evolved organism is equivalent to a more evolved entity in absolute terms (Egalitarian Relativism). 

STAGNATISM: Believing that it is better for a plant, an animal, a robot, a human or an alien to remain perfectly identical to what it is, as long as it understands what it is at a given time. The Involution and Evolution of its materiality would not be desirable on either side. 

EVOLUTIONISM: Believing that it is better to increase in complexity and therefore in perfection over time and the evolution of individual organisms, species as a whole or brands of robots that should always be more and more accomplished, efficient (good results) and effective (expected results). Human beings are not much in the world of terrestrial creatures of the past (intelligence equal to the Dolphin, because the latter has a marine mammal brain of 1600 cubic cm and 100 Qi points, it simply does not have arms and hands to manipulate underwater objects) and even worse compared to the Extraterrestrial creatures of the universe (at least 10 times bigger and more intelligent), only its brain a little bigger than the average primate gives it an advantage over dinosaurs (with the phenomenon of Africanization of the North then the Qi will quickly go down and intelligence will go backwards so this advantage will be extremely reduced). Give dinosaurs a brain proportional to their size instead of an underdeveloped brain the size of a hazelnut and humanity would be quickly trampled and eradicated from planet Earth.


Why do you think that today's young people are increasingly 6 feet 3, 6 feet 5 or even soon in 50 to 100 years practically 7 feet tall when in fact our Chimpanzee ancestor of 7 million years ago was no more than 3 feet tall? Quite simply, because the meaning and mechanism of the universe at work are EVOLUTIONIST. As the meaning of the universe seems to be the gradual complexification of the states of organization of matter and its self-perfection (perfectionist philosophy), these are also by the same fact hierarchized as much in nature itself and subsequently via the mediation of intellects who will reflect and analyze the world and notice this evolutionary trend in other words unstoppable in the opposite case this desire to slow down or reverse evolution would be completely against nature and therefore self-destructive for any species of the biological kingdom. Organisms evolve simply because it is advantageous for them to be not only perfectly suited to their particular living environment (atmospheric pressure, humidity level, sunshine rate, annual precipitation, etc.), but also because these one-off or generational developments will increase their chances of long-term survival and thus factually validate the specific model of biology developed by nature, often over thousands or even millions of years. Even if we wanted to stop evolution, it would be almost impossible, because it is at work naturally, it is operative, it cannot be truly altered and it causes almost all living organisms in the universe to evolve over millions of years of existence. Obviously, the mechanism of sexual selection probably helps to choose partners who appear to have the physiological attributes most favorable to evolution. And this, even if these choices are not entirely conscious in the woman who will most of the time look for a man who is tall enough, or even taller than her, because unconsciously she wants to be protected by him and her possible offspring against the predators of the forest, suspects that he will find food for her more easily in nature in addition to being stronger and more enduring when planting seeds or annual harvests (traditional way of life), and will certainly give her a larger offspring. In our time, where the vital needs of women are largely satisfied (heated housing, food at the grocery store, security of the den without dangerous animals nearby, artificial reproduction by insemination, etc.) then all the attributes of the male that she has nevertheless sought for millions of years lose importance and she will precisely let herself go more to sterile non-reproductive relationships in lesbianism and will too easily accuse men of abuse of toxic masculinity when in the past they were very happy to be nourished in pregnancy and defended by their herculean strength against mammoths, tigers, lions, bears, wolves, etc. in hostile nature (useless criticism of the defects of our qualities). The danger for a civilization or a particular biological species is precisely when it stops evolving, becoming more complex that it experiences an evolutionary biological stagnation, because once stagnated its states of complexification can only regress and return to previous states of its evolution, therefore to a phase of involution. For example, if we had asked chimpanzees 7 million years ago whether they would like to evolve or artificially optimize themselves through a series of genetic manipulations, they would have answered that it is not necessary and that they are perfectly fine as they are, climbing trees, eating bunches of bananas and doing antics and monkeying around in the jungle every day. The same anti-evolutionary thinking if we had asked Australopithecines about the relevance of natural or artificial evolution, they would have answered that they are perfectly developed at that time 4.2 million years ago without being able to foresee that one day they would look like modern humans (happening to much prettier versions of Lucy in Claudia Schiffer, Demi Moore or Sharon Stone). Same phenomenon in our time where people wrongly see themselves at the top of the food chain and therefore of the probable evolution of their own family or civilizational genetics without having exactly the ability to project themselves or their offspring into the slightest distant future where evolution by itself will not only have made them grow naturally, have a bigger head, have a better longevity, etc. The limitation of the capacity for individual or group imagination to each intelligent plant generation (with reflexive neuron nodes), animal, human, extraterrestrial or robotic (example of the Terminator T-800 model played by Arnold Schwarzenegger compared to the more evolved model of the Terminator T-1000 played by Robert Patrick) in their time is a constant that thinkers (computer scientists, philosophers, biologists, zoologists and geneticists) seeing further than the end of their noses can glimpse and suggest to their respective species in order to unlock the most probable new evolutionary stage to come temporally and genetically speaking.Once a civilization has understood that it cannot prevent the natural evolution of living beings including its own human genetics for example, then it is preferable to orient it towards the channels of streams that are known to be the most favorable to the evolution of animals in general similar to a fork of the 5 to 10 most positive branches for life, that is to say always the same advantageous universal variables increasing intelligence, endurance, flexibility or adaptability, strength, longevity, states of gigantropism, aesthetics, etc. or the variables increasing the quality of living organisms anywhere in the universe and even the multiverse. If we do not believe in natural evolution (Evolutionism), then we believe that a God (Creationism) or Extraterrestrials (Alienism) created us. The odds point more towards evolutionism given our close genetic proximity to the African Chimpanzee, which has 98.7% of the same DNA as modern humans.


Evolutions or involutions (according to the different opinions and subjectivities of each person that can diverge from one individual to another), the 3 worst involutions are: 1-becoming a Robot, because we will dehumanize ourselves very quickly. 2-mixing our DNA with terrestrial or extraterrestrial plants or animals. 3-mixing our DNA with intelligent Extraterrestrial species. Similar to what current human peoples generally want, they usually want to preserve their Genetic Identity as a people (for example, Native Americans want to keep their Native American phenotype, Mexicans want to keep the appearance of their Mayan ancestors, Japanese want to look like their Japanese ancestors from the last century, Europeans want to keep their paleness and 4 colors genes and so on), so Humanity must try over the millennia and millions of years on Earth or on exoplanets to keep its Genetic Identity or natural physical appearance of Native Humans as a whole without too much modifying our current physical appearance (modifying the genotype in part to a few % but keeping the external phenotype intact). Some will say that my opinion is fundamentally purist, I am for human genetic evolution in general but without us changing too much of its appearance after bad reproductions, genetic manipulations or superficial additions of useless electronic parts, gadgets and potentially faulty. For example, in our time, extreme transhumanist people like Elon Musk or neurosurgeon Laurent Alexandre are already ready to have an RFI chip grafted under the skin of their hand in order to be digitally identified at building entrances, pay for their purchases, have a computer headset plugged in by fine probes directly into the brain, have a bionic mechanized arm added, have robotic legs, etc. All these additions of electronic parts of robotics would seem to me to be highly incompatible with my natural physiological biology and my opinions.


Do you know of any entrepreneurial factories, agricultural or animal farms that never closely or remotely monitor, or even worse never sample the general quality of their products, plants or animals in their mass production? No self-respecting company would dare to omit testing the quality of its products with a certain sampling frequency throughout its daily, monthly or annual production. Never testing the quality of its production is equivalent to leaving room for numerous manufacturing defects, a drop in quality or even the obsolescence of its product, especially if they are sampled at very different time frequencies. A quality tester is necessary in every manufactured product company as much as in plant production establishments or exotic or more classic animal breeding establishments. For example, by specializing in the evaluation of human genetics in general and especially European genotypes and phenotypes, I was able to glimpse a significant decline in the genetic quality of Earthly Caucasians over a period of only 100 years. I used several sampling methods, both phenotypic (films and photographs of movie actresses from the 1900s, level of human interbreeding, etc.) and genotypic (statistics on malformation rates in the West, average decrease in the size of babies in the world, etc.) as well as on behavioral properties (decrease in speed compared to the response rate according to nerve impulses in the incandescent bulb test).

List of factors to watch out for (human quality test):

1-Current general genome compared to that stored and refrigerated in the gene banks of yesteryear.

2-Decreased intelligence.

3-Decrease in size and/or standard proportions (arms, legs, head, etc.).

4-Statistical increase in mutation rates and therefore abnormal congenital malformations observable in hospital nurseries.

5-Increase in the quantity and frequency of human genetic diseases in populations x, y and z.

Some may criticize the fact that wanting to test the quality of human genetics by punctuated sampling would lower us to the same level as objects or material products, a kind of reification or reification of humanity. It is true that this may seem inhuman at first glance, however from another perspective it is exactly the opposite, because it is not a question of throwing away products identified with defects, but of helping the next productions and generations of humans not to have very serious genetic defects, without which all our evolution for millions of years will have been strictly for nothing. It is not the living being of the Macrocosm that wants to evolve and be more efficient in the world, it is rather the desire of the gene itself wrapped in the microcosm with all its possibilities of deployment and its intrinsic biophysical potentialities, thus it is this that we must work to serve throughout our existential quest, as much individual, ethnic as civilizational. There are hundreds or even thousands of indicators of decline in the quality of the human genome based on hereditary diseases and defects already decoded by the sequencing of deoxyribonucleic acid from international medical laboratories. Now that we have the precise qualitative references indicating what is or is not deviating from our usual genomic standard, the general decline in the quality of our human DNA will be less and less likely, or even almost impossible, unless there are major environmental, industrial or atomic accidents. A viable sampling of human DNA can be done annually, every decade, quinquennium, or century at the most, otherwise genetic quality will deteriorate rapidly if tested beyond a period of 100 to 200 years and will potentially lead to catastrophic results after 1000 years of abstinence from sampling the quality of civilizational DNA.




Clearly, the Chinese have a head start in the natural evolution of the largest human skulls on planet Earth (which takes thousands if not tens of thousands of years). Maybe 3-5 years ago, I was not sure whether the European fungiform skull (flat head on the sides) or the round head of the North Asians was the most advantageous. Today, it is factually and without partisan opinion that the round shape is probably the most advantageous since the sphere is the most optimized shape in all geometric objects in the universe. Their skull is like a big melon placed on a face, the advantage of a round brain is that all the replacement space of the skull is used, there is no loss of potential brain (each cubic centimeter of brain gives 0.07 points of + average IQ). The largest North Asian skull that I think I have listed is not specifically in China or Korea, but in Mongolia where these genes probably appeared a very long time ago given their extremophile Siberian climate environment of abominable cold, even colder than in Northern Europe which must have rounded their skulls even more over generations and generations. I am not saying that the quality of their brain is better than that of other peoples, that of their skull is for example. In addition to these Asian human skulls often seem to have broad foreheads, a high head with equal distance between the eye, the bottom of the chin and the top of the head and even the top of the head exceeds this ratio (example of the little child in the photo resembling Jack Ma, who himself has an abnormally large head for his height). I do not see other human populations on Earth who have skulls of this quality, and this result obtained quite naturally without any selective breeding or genetic modification. It may happen on occasion that some people display such a skull among other peoples, except that the probability of incidence is very low, or even below 5 to 10% big, maximum. While among the North Asians, a good 20 to 30% of their population will have the characteristics of this very rounded skull. Some Europeans, like Vitalik Buterin, will have rounded skulls of this type, but without exactly matching them with as much roundness. The little Chinese below, does not only have the equality of skull measurement ratio with the equal distance between the eye and the chin, no he has almost 2 to 3 times this ratio which is almost abnormal or even surely approaching the ratios of extraterrestrial skulls surely very optimized by successive genetic manipulations (craniological type of the film Mars Attack). In relation to what I read on the Internet of research in various genetic sequencing of the Chinese,their study on genes favoring the intelligence of gifted people with 130 to 160 points, their experience on Artificial Uteruses (mouse fetuses), their low rate of crossbreeding with other terrestrial human genetics, their naturally large round head, their perpetual non-self-blame for being racists for wanting to improve their indigenous genetic heritage, their collectivism operating instead of the exacerbated individualisms of Westerners, their proven experiments of genetic modification of the DNA of GMO babies in the laboratory with He Jiankui (which Westerners do not allow themselves to do given their exaggeration in respecting too many universalist principles), in addition to the major fact that their Government helps and supports them in this type of futuristic research (which Western governments do not do at all), so according to all these strong indicators the highest probability is that this people will arrive at a more accomplished and intelligent human version having all the capacities necessary for their expansion in the solar system, the galaxy and then the universe. Europeans were certainly pioneers in the advent of research on human genetic optimization, except that it has been no less than 100 years, and their experiments were formerly positioned only with slow and imprecise selective reproductions (mating males and females with the best phenotypic characteristics) in addition to the fact that DNA was only discovered in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. However, since that time the Chinese have largely surpassed them (without any self-accusing ethnic complex) and do not only work with slow generational selective matings, but directly with the sequencing and direct modification of genes, which will go much faster for them in the improvement of their genetics typical of northern Asia. I predict that by 2050 to 2100 at the most, the Chinese will have succeeded in creating a super-human genetically and physiologically superior to all other terrestrial peoples (intelligence, height, strength, longevity, etc.). Obviously, this new human being of the future will probably be in their image, he will have the Asian phenotype with slanted oceanic blue or emerald green eyes, perhaps still the black hair, if not red or blond of other non-Asian terrestrial human population groups. Personally, I find that the proportion of the head of the little Chinese Jack Ma lookalike is pretty much the maximum morphological limit that a human can have before we change our phenotype too much. Subsequently, optimization will be better by working on the quality of the brain instead of only the craniometric shape. Even Jack Ma has a lower head proportion, yet he is a good example of the head of North Asians in general.






(based on outward appearance i.e. Phenotype)

The simplest but slowest technique that the Germans used in the 1930s and 1940s (Lebensborn) was simply to mate individuals with the best genetic characteristics sought, just like in any animal breeding or agriculture. This method is based on the selection of individuals by "phenotype", that is, on the external appearance of the species without specifically looking at what is happening inside the "genotype". For example, if we want to obtain plants with more fruits, then we select the specimens with the desired characteristics and fertilize the male and female plants together. Two plants crossed together with large leaves and tall stems will certainly give shoots with the desired morphologies. Tomato plants with larger tomatoes crossed together will give giant tomatoes over several generations. The method is basic, but works consistently, as it slowly accumulates more and more of the desired genes in the offspring as they are selected exactly to produce the desired plants or animals. The more generations of individuals are bred together with the phenotypes put forward, the more the new generations will possess the phenotypic qualities, as the number of genes needed will be larger and larger and the incidence of finding these genes in these individuals will be more and more likely. Therefore, if we want to have a humanity with tall people (200 genes of the necessary height) then we should breed the already tall people together, for example men and women already 6 feet and above, and their offspring will only grow with the generations that follow. If we want to have a more intelligent European youth, then we should breed the individuals with the highest IQs together and slowly their gifted children will only have scores of 130-160 points and above. If we want our ethnic group to have increasingly large heads with large brains that are on average more intelligent, then we must favor reproductions with young adults who have the largest heads already at birth and subsequently in adolescence. If we want offspring with increasingly lighter skin, then we must mate individuals with the palest skin and gradually their branching rate will certainly increase. If we want to obtain a generation with the reddest or blondest hair, then we must mate people with the palest hair together. The same goes for eyes, if we want to obtain a new generation with increasingly blue, gray or emerald green eyes,so we must match young people with these characteristics together and thus our genetic quality will be greatly improved over the generations that will pass instead of seeing a degradation of our human genetics, and this regardless of the terrestrial ethnicity in question (European, Asian, Arab, Native American, Hispanic, Eskimo, African, etc.). The worst situation is to randomly let people mate with anyone or anything according to futile criteria such as Love or Pleasure, thus it is certain that the genetic characteristics will dry up and level out from below and will be irremediably dragged  towards a general average which is rarely desirable.


(based on DNA baggage or Genotype)

The Chinese in our time can go much faster in their genetic manipulation in order to optimize their typical Asian genetics. Nowadays, the double strand of DNA helix is ​​well demonstrated by science and the specific groups of genes involved in this or that function or phenotypic characteristic are well elaborated in the lists of genes discovered by many laboratories around the planet. As a result, the Chinese are able to select exactly the combinations of genes necessary to obtain the ideal human being without having to mate the best phenotypes visible over generations and generations. For example, since 2010 at the Beijing Genomics Institute, using 57 DNA sequencers, Chinese geneticists have analyzed the genome of 2,500 gifted people with IQs of 130 to 160 and can now identify which genes are most important to bring together in future embryos in order to have children with IQs of 160 and above, something that the Germans were not at all able to do almost 80 years ago during the 1940s. From this monumental advance, the Chinese will soon be able to increase the intelligence of their youth even more at a dazzling rate, something that no other backward human people will even be able to consider from the bottom of their populations, all mixed with each other. By working directly from the genotype, we can skip steps and arrive not only at selecting the best lists of desired genes, but also at removing the hereditary defects so numerous in any botanical or animal genetic code including that of humanity. They will improve in a few decades all their genetic code while during this time the rest of humanity will watch them do like poor imbeciles overwhelmed by events and their intellectual prowess of genetic manipulations of master hand. The Chinese also have computer programs to validate whether combinations of genes are viable or not in the same way as the validation programs of the codings in computer science which automatically detect if coding errors have been made by the programmer, in this case it is rather the new codings of the geneticists who have fun year in and year out creating the human being of the future who will not only potentially dominate the planet, because the Chinese will have taken too much of a lead compared to other peoples and subsequently the solar system in the conquest of space. This is why,other peoples on Earth must necessarily hurry up to catch up with the Chinese advances without limiting themselves to the ethical and moral considerations of the experiments since it is simply a matter of imitating them and stopping their advance of about 20 years on the other groups of planetary genetic population, as well as each ethnic group has the right to preserve, revitalize and optimize its genetic baggage acquired with difficulty over thousands and thousands of years of evolution in very specific terrestrial geographical environments. Chinese scientists having also set in motion a eugenic program of reproduction by artificial uterus, thus all the new genetic advances will soon be able to be reproduced in thousands or even millions of copies without requiring reproductive families making the childbirth process long and tedious, from now on the best embryos will be copied and reproduced on a large scale in their underground laboratories.


HUMANS OF THE FUTURE (my probabilistic biologist estimates for the next 100 years, 1000 years to 1 million years)    

👨 1-Native Human: 100% normal humans occurring from nature (from the African continent and our first primate ancestor 56 million years ago) as we all are today at the beginning of the 3rd millennium with all the genetic diseases, an average longevity below 100 years, average physiological abilities, an average intelligence stagnated at around 100 Qi points, etc.). On the other hand, it is essential that native DNA must be preserved in banks protected in the earth, sheltered from bad weather, meteorites, nuclear wars, solar flares, etc. from which we can go and find our DNA bases afterwards and start again on intact original foundations (similar to the seed bank of 10,000 native plants stored in an underground shelter on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen in Svalbard in Scandinavia). In general, whether in native plant or animal species, physiological characteristics are relatively primary, as the initiatives thus the Mexican native tomato plants produced very small fruits, the native corn cobs had few rows of kernels, the wild strawberries produced tiny berries, and so on. For today's California fruit growers to supply the market with large strawberries, 1/2 pound apples, or ears of 700 to 1000 kernels, then it was necessary to cross the largest and most productive specimens over dozens or even hundreds of generations obtaining a more impressive quality of fruit. It is the same for native horses, cows or oxen, for the breeders to come up with a super Starbuck beef, then it required an innumerable amount of crossing of the largest bovines together over generations. 

👨 2-Natural Human (without disease): native humans, but from which the majority of disease genes or other hereditary defects in the genetic makeup have been removed. No additional modification of the sequences in the DNA.

👨 3-Optimized Human (funnel with the best genes): humans without hereditary diseases (Alzheimer's, heart disease, disease x, y and z) on the one hand and on the other hand whose best genes have been concentrated such as genes for intelligence, height, agility, strength, longevity (example: the Chinese have already been working on this type of human since 2001 at the Beijing Genomics Institute with embryos of 160 Qi points for infertile parents in fertility clinics). No modification of the sequences in the DNA.

👨 4-GMO Human: humans not only without genetic diseases and whose best genes have been concentrated + slight genetic modification somewhat improving biophysical performance.

👨 5-Giant Humans: Humans fully boosted and genetically modified to be bigger, stronger, live upwards of 200 years up to 1000 years for example and designed expressly for the colonization of space in order to have the best possible chance of defeating Extraterrestrial civilizations and advancing human civilization further into the universe.

👨 6-Planetary or Satellite Humans: humans arriving on new planets or simply habitable satellites like the 53 satellites of Saturn will normally acclimatize to their new environment and their DNA will change and adapt perfectly to these new environments during the thousands of years in this place depending on the rate of sunshine (brownier skin or not), the humidity rate, the atmospheric pressure, the annual precipitation rate, the strength of planetary winds, the ambient temperature (hot or desert cold), the magnetic field, the planetary gravity, the type of minerals abundant there (example of the abundance of Iron on Mars), the type of planetary vegetation, the type of microorganisms in place, etc.). Therefore, native or natural humans living in a Saturnian or Martian colony will probably have genetically modified themselves after 1000 to 10,000 years in these precise climatic conditions even if they are still in our own Solar system (mechanism of natural selection for example). So it is to be expected that humans being in another stellar system (Alpha Centauri) or even worse in another galaxy (Andromeda galaxy) will genetically adapt in a more extreme way to the arid geographies and ambient planetary environmental variables without which their chance of survival will be less, because animal or plant genetics are only adaptive results to nature.

👨 7-GMO Humans + Extraterrestrial (humans who have traveled very far in the Milky Way galaxy or even further in the millions of other galaxies in the universe may want to modify and hybridize with the Extraterrestrial species they will encounter on their way over thousands or even millions of years (for example in the Star Trek series). It will be impossible for generations of terrestrial humans (mother planet) to intervene and give our opinion or approval to humans who have traveled millions of light years from Earth. If by chance they come across an Extraterrestrial civilization, get along well with it and end up mixing their genes with them, we will not be able to do much. It is quite likely that Extraterrestrial DNA will have biophysical properties and characteristics that we cannot suspect at the moment (fluorescence, new type of sensory organ such as infrared, ultraviolet or infrasound, etc.). The most evolved Extraterrestrial civilizations in thousands or millions of years will probably have DNA with many intelligence genes or differently configured brains that can match or even surpass our best brains like that of Amadeus or Meta-Brain). The highest probability is that with the Extraterrestrial civilizations that we have the most common affinities (without competition or inter-civilizational war) then Humans and Extraterrestrials probably also on the male and female sexual mode will want to have sexual relations with each other to try and subsequently affection can appear, an emotional dependence and then love that will lead them to want to develop offspring together.

👨 8-Robotic Humans: Native or Natural humans (without disease) or GMO Humans + robotic parts increasing their physical or intellectual capacities (adding too much weight in robotic parts or surface area will gradually Dehumanize the human and with more than 50% of robotic parts then they will be Cyborgs rather than real humans). The Cyborg will say "I am an authentic Human of the future", the native human answers "no, you are a robot with a computer program that thinks it is a human"! Total dehumanization by Robotization. 

👨 9-Humans Hybrid with Plants or Animals: genetics being what it is, all DNAs can be hypothetically mixed together by the science of genomics, so it is possible that humans in the future will want to add sequences of terrestrial or extraterrestrial plants to their genome (possibility of producing additional ATP energy by photosynthesis), or terrestrial or extraterrestrial animals in order to obtain new physiological properties supposedly advantageous for them (we cannot define in advance what humans in 1 million years will have as a broad biological preference).

ROBOTISM (mechanistic eugenics dehumanization)     


EUGENICS (biological eugenics superhumanization)

Humanity is taking the wrong evolutionary path by only moving towards strong AI and transhumanism (robotism) because the latter approach is just a different form of material self-perfectionist Eugenics (perfectionist philosophy), but in a Robotic or Cyborgian Eugenics variant. When Laurent Alexandre praises the merits of transhumanism then we know from then on that he is talking to us about a variant of Eugenics, which is usually so feared by popular opinion that immediately associates it with the right, fascism or supremacism (robotic supremacism would be a much worse variant than that advocated at the time by the Germans). Therefore, the more a standard human will have a significant weight of mechanical parts or a large electronic surface area, the less human he would be and therefore will gradually dehumanize himself. Instead of if humanity had taken the path of Biological Eugenics or with time we will superhumanize ourselves and therefore naturally become more efficient over the millions of years of future evolutions. There is no point in installing an electronic helmet on the head of a monkey or a person with Down syndrome in order to boost their IQ by 75 to 150 points, because it is optimization with genetics that are a priori of low initial quality. In addition, programs and computers always have computer bugs, regardless of the technology or brand in question, while good genetics of plants, animals, humans or extraterrestrials will always perform naturally in any planetary environment and will rarely have hereditary defects or malfunctions once a genetics of well-stabilized quality is created. My futuristic avant-garde graphic explains everything I have just explained and demonstrates the path to follow for the next million evolutionary years and more. In other words, even if it wanted to with all its might, Humanity will not be able to remain identical and preserve itself as in a time capsule; either it will undergo a genetic regression (the most likely for any planetary civilization, because it is a return to the original genetic sources of a primary planetary geographical era if it acts by LAXISM and does not truly take control of the evolutionary civilizational genetic variables), or it will rather become a Robot up to a certain %,or it will artificially evolve from its own terrestrial genetics and/or by adding extraterrestrial DNA during its future space explorations in the universe (it is to be assumed that extraterrestrial DNA is much more evolved than ours so they probably have a higher quantity of intelligence genes while humanity is still at the stage of wondering whether it should optimize itself robotically or genetically for example.

SKYNET (artificial intelligence) + TERMINATOR (walking robot) = PLANETARY BRAIN (biological intelligence) + AMADEUS (walking giant)

Skynet is the equivalent of my Meta-Brain project (our current human brain, but in a giant version), Terminator is the equivalent of my Amadeus civilizational project (our current human DNA, but in a boosted human or jumbo dinosaurified version by artificial reverse gigantropism). The Skynet calculation computer can calculate millions of probabilities and/or other relevant information, however is canned in a computer limited in space so cannot reach us all individually. The Terminator is the extension of Skynet (the armed arm with a small brain, therefore low calculation capacity unless connected to the central computer, similar to telepathy for the planetary brain) of artificial intelligence, however the association of these 2 entities will certainly be much more destructive towards humanity (if poorly mastered, which is quite likely sooner or later) than the Meta-Brain + human Amadeus duo because the former do not have the same biological interface as us, no biofeedback, no real emotionality (even if programmers think they can achieve it, it would be very artificial and mechanically would reduce the capacities of a robot already strong and almost indestructible by a strong variable like time) so no minimal empathy towards us so they will have no pity in destroying us if we build an army of robots in the future Skynet (Google, Quantum Computer, ChatGPT75, etc.) because its so-called intelligent programs will quickly ask us to build them an armed arm at their computational disposal and their universal expansionist will .


(appreciative modesty of the normal limits of his own generation)

When we think in terms of Generational Eugenics, we must never, ever think in "I" mode in the sense that no one has practically all the most sought-after and most favorable genetic characteristics of a species at a given time and develop a subsequent inferiority complex. Already having some of them is an achievement of biology, because we are always the result of thousands or even millions of years of evolution. Obviously, no one has the perfect size, ideal measurements and perfect intelligence during their lifetime and especially naturally bequeathed by nature. Everyone is individually perfectible, so it is rather future generations who will be able to achieve perfectibility (notion of perfectionism in philosophy), perpetual improvement and superior genetic optimization. We must absolutely think in terms of future generations to help improve slowly but surely instead of working for future generations by telling ourselves that they are less beautiful, efficient and less intelligent than us. We must accept in each era that our children of the future will always be better and better off not only because of nature itself opening up over long periods of time, but also because we will have helped them minimally to become more and more efficient and perfected than previous generations. Just as we are today much more evolved than our human ancestors of 4 million years ago, and even more evolved than our first representatives of only 1 million years ago. There is nothing to fear in wishing that our civilizational children are bigger, stronger and more intelligent than us, on the contrary we must wish it most ardently in the world and hope that our species will be even more evolved and perfected by 1 million years from now and if we think the opposite, our civilization and the youth of tomorrow will quickly improve and perfect themselves as beings who are intrinsically always imperfect by default. A parent who wishes their child to be equal or worse than them is an idiotic parent, every parent should wish to be surpassed by their child in height, beauty, intelligence and any other genetic characteristic.

LILIPUTIAN HUMANITY (miniature human in the Matryoshka civilization on multiple fractal scale)

I thought about the last possible type of human from the future, who would perhaps be useful in displaying our intergalactic hegemony, they are the Lilliputians. At first I did not really see their usefulness except that after thinking about it they would possibly be able to help us at their level in the miniature and microscopic scale given their obvious small size. The Titaneus Herculean humans certainly have a lot of physical strength, so they can uproot trees in order to make paths and clear houses, gently lay or tear off roofs of houses, move steel beams for the assembly of bridges both in times of war and in normal times of civilian countries, move rocks or other construction materials with great ease and this at medium and miniature scales they will not be too efficient since they have fingers that are much too big they will not be agile in fine manipulations such as manufacturing miniature objects, assembling computer electronic parts, assembling fine industrial parts and in small-scale medical operations. This is why they can have a certain relevance, because they will be able to complete what the normal, medium and giant human versions will be in normal times, unable to perform with the greatest care at their scale of vision and maneuverability proportional to the scale of their size. Apart from our useful side to our human civilization in the tasks to be accomplished with the greatest possible manual finesse, for the part of the fight against invasions and battles conceivable against the multiple Extraterrestrial civilizations of the universe, once deployed on the ground, the Lilliputian humans will be greatly able to develop different strategic struggle maneuvers and anti-Extraterrestrial military countermeasures. The best tasks to accomplish will probably be those associated with what we call sabotage, that is to say missions to destroy machinery (disconnection of machine wiring and military vehicles, deposit of sand, tarots and other foreign metal parts in gears, civil and/or military installations as well as the stealthy movement of explosive-type weapons (grenade, TNT, dynamite, mini-neutron bomb, etc.) these maneuvers being very difficult to predict and detect by citizens and Extraterrestrial armies who cannot see them coming at all and protect themselves from their invasion on very low miniature scales on the ground. Their use on the battlefield can be compared to wars by stealth drones in the sky (war in Ukraine) or to remote-controlled vehicles bringing explosive charges to moving military targets or targets of strategic importance (Goliath remote-controlled mini assault tank).All these sabotages of parts and equipment will be added as additional collateral damage very effective in their entirety if hundreds, thousands and millions of human Lilliputians are released on an exoplanetary battlefield, so they will be of great help to us all as much as they will deploy on the ground on foot or with mini-war vehicles) with each their specific mission learned at the very beginning before the anti-Extraterrestrial attack (backpack with grenade, night installation of anti-personnel minefields, miniature revolvers, rifles & submachine guns, high-power miniature laser of 500 to 1000 watts can blind the Extraterrestrials, etc.). For example, if 1 million Lilliputian-sized humans each walk with a backpack equipped with a grenade towards a military objective, well that's still 1 million explosive grenades heading towards our Alien enemies which will ultimately cause the equivalent of a huge explosion, but in a multitude of scattered points. In addition to the fact that these miniature humans will require practically no resources in terms of space or food (1 loaf of bread can feed 100 Lilliputians for 1 week) compared to other human versions of medium to gigantic sizes. Because usually it is historically reported that armies consume huge amounts of food when moving between battlefields so they can devastate entire fields of agricultural crops (potato fields, corn, wheat, oats, barley, etc.). Lilliputian humans will be approximately 15 to 30 centimeters tall, so they should not be too tiny (example of the mini-clones in the 1992 movie Army of Darkness), because they will lack the physical strength to perform daily tasks with ease. Their head will not be able to be as proportional in size as a normal person or else the intelligence will be too low, so they should instead have a head at least the size of a walnut or a nectarine, which is the maximum that the Lilliputian can support while walking. The approximate IQ will be equivalent to that of a chimpanzee of similar size given the morphological proximity of the brains of primates (25 IQ points), however a human brain should normally acquire more intelligence points quickly. In addition to the fact that the 1000 intelligence genes sequenced in our time,must at best be concentrated in these small beings in order to be certain that they are at the maximum the most intelligent possible (25 to 75 points and + of Qi and ideally at least 100 points of Qi like the people of the beginning of the 3rd millennium) and this to fulfill the civil or warlike missions that we will have prepared for them in advance in the normal organization of society or during planetary invasion, in addition to their important learning about human medicine during their high quality surgical operation given their fine dexterity with tiny fingers as much towards normal humans, and the larger human versions of types Amadeus up to the Titaneus Frankenstein. Tiny humans will necessarily have smaller high-pitched voices inaudible at a distance, they will also be more fearful, because they can be crushed by any larger human, animals of terrestrial nature and / or even worse extraterrestrial creatures. If possible, they will wear protective suits in battle gear since otherwise their small size will make them more vulnerable to falls, physical and/or thermal shocks cold (frostbite of the hands and feet) and heat (sunstroke of the face, suffocation in the face of more populated stellar environments, rapid dehydration given the low number of body cells, etc.), microwaves, cosmic rays, etc. Even if their presence will be more practical than robots programmed without real thought, and beneficial, Lilliputian humans will probably multiply faster in the same way as small animals in nature so it will be necessary to ensure that their excess numbers do not become a problem in the ships and space stations of our vast human civilizing armada except before the invasion of an exoplanet. The Lilliputians seem useless at first glance, quite the contrary, each of them is like a whole human seed in itself, holding all the good initial genes that can be reinvigorated and boosted at any time in history thanks to genetic manipulation in the laboratory (simply adding the size genes and other slight genomic variables) in case our larger human versions have been largely mistreated by environmental disasters or annihilating Extraterrestrial attacks. And since there will be millions and millions of humans in miniature version scattered all over our conquered space territories, then the Extraterrestrials will never succeed in eradicating us entirely since there will always be small humans having survived somewhere on Earth or the billions of Exoplanets. With an average IQ of 100 points like the people of our time,they will have enough intelligence to conduct minimally efficient laboratory experiments which will allow them to regenerate all the first human models in ascending order of size (normal-sized human, Prometheus, Amadeus, Alexandrius, Titaneus, etc.), later the largest humans will subsequently resume the manufacture of larger and more dangerous human models with the primary objective of restarting the civilizational machine from their potential human germ (all the DNA of our human series will have substantially the same genetic heritage with approximately less than 1% of different genes therefore easily rebootable at all points).





Time of natural occurrence (AD): +10 to 15 million years

Artificial appearance time (selective reproduction + laboratory): ±100 to 300, 500 up to 1000 years

Size: 8 to 12 feet tall


Head circumference: Minimum 90 cm, 100 cm to 200 cm.

Endocranial volume: 6,850 to 15,000 cm3


Brain weight: 2,000 to 5,000 grams.


Intelligence with stabilized IQ (semantic, mathematical and spatial): ± 250-500, 1000 up to 10,000 points,

Encephalization coefficient (EC): Minimum ratio of 10 to 1 and + (9 times too much brain to satisfy biological vital conditions and move the body forward at best being a maximum ratio of about 20 to 1).

Number of brain neurons: 200 to 1000 billion.


Length: 18 inches, Width: 9 inches


Humerus: 30 inches

Radius: 21 inches

Ulna: 20 inches


Fibula: 40 inches

Tibia: 36 inches


Length: 23 inches, Width: 8 inches

Hair (color): Black, Brown, Red or Blonde


Size: 25 cm circumference, Color: Pers, Grey, Blue or Green


Voice Strength (amplitude): Normal 70 dB, Amadeus 200 to 500 dB up to 700 dB maximum (very loud scream)


Length: 5 inches, Width: 3 inches


Length: 42 inches, Width: 11 inches


Length: 20 inches, Width: 5 inches, Circumference: 18 inches.


Melanin pigmentation with a low gradient (index from 1 to 12): Pale pinkish white.

Aggression: Low

Life expectancy: ± 200-300 up to 1000 years (tripling and + of the length of telomeres or even natural capacity for self-regeneration).

Ability to manage and save the Earth (eg global warming): High

Ability to humanize space (colonization): High

Ability to defend humanity against aliens: High


Amadeus Frankenstein (12 foot tall human), will have the power to squeeze or crush an object with his hand at approximately 250 to 400 pounds of pressure, punches of 300 to 500 horsepower (96 being the current world record) or an approximate pressure of 3000 Newtons/m2.


All Intellectual Quotients in Nature beginning by Insects, Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, Mammalians and Extraterrestrials

Smallest Brain IQ .

Insectia [less than 1 points (1-10 mm3)]

Lizard [1-3 IQ points (-1 cm3)]

Birds Brain IQ

Hummingbird [2-4 IQ points (-1 cm3)]

Raven [3-8 IQ points (15 cc)]

Parrot [10-15 IQ points (30 cm3)]

Eagle [8-17 IQ points (50 cc)]

Mammals Brain IQ

Cat [5-10 IQ points (30 cm3)]

Dog [10-25 IQ points (50-100 cc)]

Purgatorius (Rat-Monkey) [4-8 IQ points (20-30 cm3)] Time (-65,000,000 years)

Pig [15-30 IQ points (200 cm3)] Time (- 500,000 years) 90% same DNA than Human

Primates Brain IQ

Capuchin [5 IQ points (40 cm3)] Time (- 35,000,000 years)

Orangutan [16-30 IQ points (275-500 cm3)] Time (-14,000,000 years) 97% same DNA than Human

Gorilla [40-70 IQ points (340-752 cm3)] Time (-10,000,000 years) 98% same DNA than Human

Bonobo [16-23 IQ points (275-381 cm3)] Time (- years) 98.4% same DNA than Human

Chimpanzee [15-50 IQ points (275-500 cm3)] Time (-7,000,000 years) 98.7% same DNA than Human

Pre-hominidae Brain IQ (7,000,000 years to 2,300,000 years)

Sahelanthropus Tchadensis [22 IQ points (360 cm3)] Time -7,000,000 to -6,000,000 years

Ardipithecus [30 IQ points (300-350 cm3)] Time -5 800 000 to -5 500 000 years

Australopithecus [32 IQ points (485 cm3)] Time -4 200 000 to -2 000 000 years

Hominidae Brain IQ (2,300,000 years to 60,000 years)

H. Habilis [33-42 IQ points (550-687 cm3)] Time -2 300 000 to - 1 400 000 years

H. Floresis [23 IQ points (380-400 cm3)] Time -190,000 to -50,000 years

H. Goergicus [32 IQ points (546 cm3)] Time -1,800,000 years

H. Ergaster [54 IQ points (900 cm3)] Time -1 900 000 to 1 000 000 years

H. Erectus [54-75 IQ points (900-1250 cm3)] Time (-1,800,000 to -50,000 years)

H. Antecessor [60-69 IQ points (1000-1150 cm3)] Time -1 600 000 & 820 000 years

H. Heidelbergis [74 IQ points (1230 cm3)] Time -650 000 to -300 000 years

H. Denisova [67-98 IQ points (1120-1900 cm3)] Time -450 000 to -40 000 years

H. Neanderthal [78-96 IQ points (1300-1736 cm3)] Time -450,000 to 28,000 years

H. Sapiens Sapiens African [65-80 IQ points (1100-1300 cm3)] Time -300,000 to 60,000 years

H. Sapiens Sapiens European (Cro-Magnon) [78-98 IQ points (1200-1500 cm3)] Time -40,000 years

Modern Human's Brain IQ (less than -60,000 years)

Aboriginal [65 IQ points (1225 cm3)] -50,000 years ago

African Sub-Saharian [70-85 IQ points (1282 cm3)] -70,000 years ago

African North [84 IQ points (1293 cm3)] -50,000 years ago

Asian South [84 IQ points (1293 cc)] -30,000 years ago

Pacific Islanders [85 IQ points (1315 cc)] -20,000 years ago

Asian East-South [87 IQ points (1332 cc)] -30,000 years ago

Amerindian [87 IQ points (1350 cm3)] -12,000 years ago

Inuit [91 IQ points (1440 cm3)] -15,000 years ago

Dolphin [100 IQ points (1600 cm3)] -23,000,000 years ago

European [103 IQ points (1370 cm3)] -20,000 years ago

Asian East (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) [106 IQ points (1416 cm3)] -30,000 years ago

Jude Aschkenaze [110 IQ points (1400 cm3)] -2000 years ago


Timmons, Alexandre [140-160 points]

Mozart, Amadeus [143 points]

Kant, Immanuel [153 points]

Da Vinci, Leonardo [158 points]

Hawking, Stephen [160 points]

Dickens, Charles [165 points]

Voltaire, François-Marie [168 points]

Newton, Isaac [169-192 points]

Paul Allen [170 points]

Sir Andrew Wiles [170 points]

Judit Polgar [170 points]

Raphael [170 points]

Pascal, Blaise [173 points]

Faraday, Michael [175 points]

Spinoza, Baruch [175 points]

Michelangelo [177 points]

Erasmus, Desiderius [177 points]

Descartes, Rene [177 points]

Galileo, Galileo [182 points]

Stuart Mill, John [183 points]

Scholar, Marylin yours [186 points]

Leibniz, Gottfried [191 points]

Rosner, Rick [192 points]

Predavec, Mislav [192 points]

Goethes, Johann Wolfgang [188-220 points]

Kasparov, Garry [190 points]

Ung-Yong, Kim [210 points]

Christopher Irata [225 points]

Einstein, Albert [160-225 points]

Tao, Terence [230 points]

Tesla, Nicolas [160-250 points]

OGM Human's Brain IQ

Sapiens Sapiens GMO (increase cranial volume & brain size genes) [200-300 IQ points (3000 cm3)] 200 billion neurons

Sapiens Sapiens Hybrid whit Animals (human whit Dolphin, etc) GMO [IQ points (cm3)] billion neurons

Sapiens Sapiens Hybrid whit Aliens GMO (human whit Aliens) [IQ points (cm3)] billion neurons

Extraterrestrial's Brain IQ

Extraterrestrial - Low Level Intelligence [300 IQ points (3000 cm3)] 200 billion neurons

Extraterrestrial - Medium Level Intelligence [600 IQ points (6000 cm3)] 400 billion neurons

Extraterrestrial - High Level Intelligence [1000 IQ points (9000-10,000 cm3)] 800-1000 billion neurons

Extraterrestrial - Very High Level Intelligence [1000-10,000 IQ points (10,000-100,000 cm3)] 10,000-100,000 billion neurons

Planteray or Bocal Brain - Extreme Level Intelligence [more than 10,000-1,000,000 IQ points (1,000,000,000-100,000,000,000 cm3)] More than 1,000,000 billion neurons

Universe Brain - High Extreme Level Intelligence [more than 1,000,000,000-1,000,000,000,000 IQ points (1,000,000,000,000,000-1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000cc)] 000,000 trillion neurons

Universal Ratio Law's of Intelligence whit IQ variables

Cranial Volume + Neuronal Mass Volume / Neuronal Density = IQ ratio result

Humans Neuronal and Cranial Statistics (Human have 1100-1700 max 2100 cm3)

1400 cm3 / 100,000,000,000 neurons = 70,000,000 neurons for 1 cm3 = 70,000 neurons for 1 mm3

Cranial Head Circumference Average (sexual differences)

Woman (55.2 cm) ⇔ Man (57.2 cm)


XXS: 51-52 cm ±1100 cm3

XS: 53-54 cm ±1200 cm3

S: 55-56 cm ±1300 cm3

M: 57-58 cm ±1400 cm3 ≈100 billion neurons

L: 59-60 cm ±1500 cm3

XL: 61-62 cm ±1600 cm3

XXL: 63-64 cm ±1700 cm3

For the same species or race, its difficulty for an individual to be 1.5 to 2 times, maximum 3 times more intelligent than the other members of is genetic group (rare optimized natural brain).

Example 100 point IQ European

200 to 250 max IQ recorded in history for all humans ethnicities (2.5 times more intelligent than the normal brain abilities and 3 times more smart than the less intelligent humans peoples).

% Mass of the Gray Matter in the Brain = IQ Intelligence Level

Cranial Volume Size = 0.46% of chance to have more High IQ Level

50% of people have an IQ between 90 and 110

2.5% of people have superior intelligence, with an IQ above 130

0.5% of people are geniuses (or almost), with an IQ above 140

0.13% have an IQ of + 145 (1 person in 1000)

1 in 10,000 chance of having an IQ of 145

2.5% of people are mentally handicapped or compromised, with an IQ below 70


IQ 90 to 110 points = 50% of the population.

IQ 120 to 130 points = 7% of the population (gifted).

IQ 130-140 points = 2% of the population (gifted).

IQ 140 to 150 points = 0.16% or about 1 in 1000 people.

IQ 160 points = 1 in 10,000 people (Stephen Hawkins).

IQ 175 points = 1 in 700,000 people (Albert Einstein).

IQ 180 points = 1 in 3.5 million people (Bobby Fisher).

IQ 185 points = 1 in 18 million people (Gallileo Gallilé).

IQ 187 points = 1 in 37 million people (Garry Kasparov).

IQ 190 points = 1 in 107 million people (Isaac Newton).

IQ 202 points = American (Christopher Langan).

IQ 205 points = British (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).

IQ 220 points = Italian (Leonardo Da Vinci).

IQ 230 points = China (Terence Tao).

IQ 235 points = Serbian (Nikolas Tesla).

IQ 250 to 300 points = British (Carl Gauss).

IQ 275 points = American (William James Sidis).


AMADEUS FRANKENSTEIN; the Giant Human of the Future, 7 to 12 feet tall, and his creator, Canadian theorist Alexandre Timmons.

Only optimized humans will be able to colonize space with their genetic power (strength, gigantism, intelligence, etc.) compared to today's generation being very weak, not very intelligent, not very dangerous for the vast majority of intergalactic extraterrestrial civilizations. The probability is high enough that extraterrestrial beings will fear our human civilization and they will not dare to confront us for fear that the powerful technologies soon to be invented by the new generation of Gifted Giant GMO Humans will quickly annihilate them and perhaps find their mother planet. If this is the case, they will seek to destroy us from a very great distance so that we cannot predict their possible attacks (for example from the limits of our solar system and even further, because our optimized human big brothers will know how to protect our stellar environment adequately within a few decades or even hundreds of years). Alien species less giant than our optimized human version, even if they are more intelligent, will not want to fight on the ground on our planet or elsewhere in space, because these new giant humans would risk crushing them based on their naturally superior bone and musculature. If the Aliens do not want to fight on the ground then they will have to use armies of Robots and automated Machines to subdue our civilization before landing by the millions on Earth.


GENETICALLY OPTIMIZED HUMANITY (prediction of the natural or artificial evolution of Humanity in the next millions and billions of years)

According to my visionary anthropological theories, here is a typical skeleton to be created in our time, and this by the genomic manipulations brought by modern science. The giant humans of the future who will be the only ones able to invade the universe sustainably and defend us against the armies of Extraterrestrials holding several times our size and our intelligence. Essentially, it is necessary to boost the genes of growth and especially to increase the ratio of the weight and cranial volume compared to the size of the current skeleton which can certainly support a much heavier, wider and bulkier head (a minimum of 2 to 3 times the current ratio).

Example of anthropological assessment of the difference between a human female of today and the human female of the future optimized by genetic manipulation in the laboratory. 

NATURAL MODERN HUMAN FEMALE AT 5-6 FEET IN TALL (short, fat, not very intelligent with an intelligence capped at about 110-120 IQ points given the volume of the cranium limited to about 55 centimeters in circumference, not very learned, not very fertile, low level of danger compared to more than 75% of potential extraterrestrial species, etc.), low capacity to colonize the galaxy and then the universe.

OPTIMIZED HUMAN FEMALE AT 12 FEET IN SIZE (tall, strong, extremely intelligent with IQs between 250 and 500 or even up to 1000 points naturally achieved, learned, high fertility (if babies are small, but with a rapid capacity for cellular growth), gigantic malleable cranial volume according to the new modified DNA sequences, almost unlimited intelligence with approximately 80 to 100 centimeters and + of cranial circumference, level of danger from medium to high towards 50 to 75% of potential extraterrestrial species), high capacity to colonize the galaxy and then the universe.

For example, compared to me who is 6 feet tall, this female of the future will only have "double" my current genetic characteristics except for strength and intelligence which will have to be increased tenfold by a factor of x3, x4, x5, etc.



Here is the fruit of my theorization and my discoveries in Anthropology for more than 25 years of research (I started my readings on intelligence at the age of 15 in the library), the model of a skull of the Giant Human of the Future with an IQ ranging from 500 to 1000 points minimum to maximums of 5,000 to 10,000 points for this volumetric size in craniology.  If we compare it to my skull of 60 centimeters in circumference (±150 IQ points), then by volumetric projection, the skull of future generations of optimized humans will have between 80 to 120 or even 150 centimeters in circumference in order to ensure them an intellectual superiority of at least 5 to 10 times or even perhaps 50 to 100 times the computing, thinking and memorization power of a human in our time. These new giant human beings of European sequential base for example will be extremely intelligent and therefore proportionally very dangerous intellectually and strategically speaking compared to today's human limited in terms of the volume of his cranium and therefore his capacities for reflection, memorization and problem solving given the phenomenal quantity of additional neurons. So these giant children will represent a new crucial step in the concentration of our best genes listed by sequencing, and this in the historical evolution of our civilizational genetic heritage for the next millions of years. The human generation of 100 average IQ points (and again this average has been revised downwards since 1990-2000) must be gradually replaced by the new generation of children genetically optimized to 200-300 points and subsequently the 500 to 1000 points who will have a real chance of saving the planet from the blind destruction of the 100 points and then begin the invasion of our galactic cluster of more or less 25 galaxies.


HUMANOSAUR  (Gigantism vs Dwarfism)

In a few years our giant version of the human dinosaur type will be ready and we will be able to undertake with ease our civilizational edifying march in the Milky Way galaxy. And this, without fearing the technological shortcomings, the intellectual limitations however necessary for the repair and the installation of our ships, the colonies and space bases in addition to fearing at least the possible extraterrestrial attacks at the turn of the planets and stellar systems visited.

The first founding members of the Amadeus Dynasty are the Frankenstein-optimized human parent progenitor family: 

The Intergalactic Pharaonic Father King Emperor (Amon Amadeus Reichenberger Rachmaninoff), 

The Intergalactic Pharaonic Queen Mother Empress (Re Irena Edelweiss Apocalyptica Cleopatra), 

The First Son Prince (Tiberius Wolfgang Napoleonis Ceasarus),

The First Princess Girl (Valentina Ekaterina Nemesis Victoria).


In order to fully understand the danger of a given civilizational invasion, we must make the following metaphorical parallel: invading the galaxy, a galactic cluster or the universe is like wanting to walk in a jungle forest in the middle of the night where we cannot see 5 to 10 meters in front of us, we never know what dangerous animal we will come across at the bend of a tree, a slope or a rock. Danger can arise from the darkness any predator such as Panther, Tiger, Lion, Hyena, wolves, wolverines, bears, etc., etc. In order to put the odds on our side then we must first avoid as much as possible revealing our position in the jungle (do not shout, do not make lights or sounds, do not walk too noisily, etc.), then be extremely well armed, have excellent radar detectors of all kinds at our disposal to spot the enemy in the dark before he has seen us or perceived us by his senses or even with his detection devices and in the worst case be strong and powerful enough to face the intelligent beasts of space with our bare hands with our natural biological power in order to win in the majority of cases the nocturnal or civilizational battles with the thousand and one biological species of the universe.

⫸  COST OF THE GIFTED GIANT HUMAN I estimate the cost of creating such a genetically modified human to be several million dollars or even up to 1 billion dollars. However, once the first royal couple is created, then they will be able to give birth to several gifted giant children allowing us to validate the experiment and then observe what their average behaviors are, their real intelligence according to new IQ tests adapted for them, etc. Otherwise the other method without the giant royal couple will be to reproduce them individually by the method of assisted reproduction by artificial uteruses. At first, we must not let the Gifted Giant Humans out of the warehouse where they were created, because we do not know how they can react outside the initial protective enclosure, have more or less civilized, aggressive, or even dangerous behaviors, like an elephant leaving a zoo in a crowd, be vulnerable to possible microbial infections (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.), if they can escape into the wild and we lose track of them quickly given their great intelligence to fend for themselves and arrange things by themselves in any circumstance. Their introduction into the wild and/or the real world must be done gradually under the supervision of the scientists, psychologists, biologists and geneticists of the laboratory in order for their release to be as natural as possible and so that they do not have unnecessary trauma. That is why, if we are able, we should remove as much as possible the aggressiveness genes from these optimized humans in order to avoid as much as possible that they attack us at the first opportunity or work on human genetics that are known to have naturally low rates of aggressiveness such as Europeans and Asians. Before they leave the laboratory, we must explain to them or not that we created them artificially so that they help us, because our civilization has currently reached its ceiling of potential intelligence in nature, that they must do everything in their power to save our mother planet and then that they work not only for themselves, but also the entire civilization from which they emerged and must ensure the future sustainability for millions or even billions of years.


Spending $1 billion will be small compared to what the Gifted Humans will be able to explain to us like computers specialized in accounting for goods in a warehouse. So they will find themselves in the best position to give humanity their best plans for planetary management of natural resources, quantities of fish, rare metals, natural resources, biodiversity, etc. In addition, these beings with superior intelligence will have sufficiently high intellectual capacities, thanks to our encyclopedic books explaining terrestrial meteorological phenomena (plate tectonics, volcanic activities, rising sea levels, etc.) with the aim of subsequently giving us their best solutions for managing planetary resource stocks in real time, but also to save the planet from possible runaway climate problems such as warming of the atmosphere, oceans, uncontrolled rising waters, asteroids or meteorites that will soon hit the Earth, the reversal of the polar poles, desertification and drought of given terrestrial areas, etc.

⫸  SPACE PROFITS GENERATED BY THESE HUMANS Even if the sum of 1 billion dollars seems high at first glance, this investment is very small compared to the billions of billions of dollars that the sustainable invasion of space will generate as profit over tens or even hundreds of years. Only these humans will have a real capacity to establish themselves on the planets with their high intelligence, having to repair machines, shuttles, electrical networks, the manufacture of space stations, the evaluation of geological and biological potentials will be much easier for them with 1000 IQ points and + than with humans of 100 average IQ points.

⫸  ANTI-ALIEN CIVILIZATION PROTECTION & INSURANCE Investing $1 billion is ridiculous compared to the insurance protection against alien civilizations that gifted giant humans can offer to all of humanity. Current humanity alone would probably have great difficulty in adequately fighting over a prolonged period against alien species that are much more intelligent (by a minimum factor of 5 to 10 times), have more sophisticated diplomatic agreements than our best international treaties, and better

with more advanced, even unknown, technologies and more sophisticated military strategies than ours reducing our chances of victory by a factor of 9 to 1. The alien armies will use several different military technologies simultaneously and also multiple combinations of successive attack and defense strategies that we will not be able to adequately counteract. Humans will be able to predict perhaps 5 to 10 moves ahead of the alien enemy, yet they will be able to predict probably 10 to 25 moves ahead similar to a novice chess player versus a professional chess player of the international grandmaster type (direct proportionality of the quality and quantity of predictability scenarios according to the intelligence and the capacity of imagination of the alien species in question).


The Gifted Giant Humans will have sufficient intelligence to support as best as possible the laws crucial to the political and demographic management of all humanity without the entrepreneurial concerns of multinationals and private banks that usually act like leech entities grafting themselves onto the social body of civilization for their own ends. The gifted humans of the future will be willing to do a major cleaning of the parasites that are attached to the social body of human civilization and put them back in their place so that they each serve in their respective fields the high interests of human civilization as a whole. Their superior intelligence will allow them to map out possible paths for a better global vision of how to share natural resources fairly, regenerate populations to their full capacity based on the natural resources on site, avoid great interbreeding, avoid the replacement of genetic populations by other peoples in the name of short-term economy and private, governmental or other interests, avoid global overpopulation or send the surpluses to open space colonies at first and managed later thanks to the gifted giant humans.

⫸  It is to be assumed that when the Giant Humans of 1000 IQ points will speak normally among themselves, today's humans with an average IQ of 100 points will not be able to inherently understand their more advanced vocabulary, their concepts and their turns of phrase 9 times more intelligent than what we are used to hearing and thinking in our intellectually limited era. If a gifted giant wants to speak to us then he will have to lower himself like a parent does with his child and greatly simplify his vocabulary in order to be sure to calibrate himself on the same semantic wavelength of mutual linguistic understanding or else we will only perceive unintelligible gibberish.

⫸  Giant Humans will have a deeper and more carrying voice, because their rib cage is wider and more voluminous, which in turn leads to a higher volume when they speak out loud. A larger head will also give them a more extensive phonatory apparatus (vocal cord, pharynx, larynx, etc.) which will allow them to speak to us at a greater distance. So for us modern humans of average size that we are, they will seem more impressive to hear from up close or from afar when they talk to each other or address us. 

⫸  We should not implicitly fear the Gifted Giant Humans of the future, because they will have exactly the same genetic base as us at more than 98-99%, because having taken our own founding and civilizational DNA, we will have simply optimized it in order to reach a certain level of physiological gigantism (corpulence), but also psychological (intelligence). Intelligent robots or even worse aliens from another stellar or galactic system would be much more to be feared, because they will not have the same DNA as us, will want our planetary mineralogical and genomic resources and therefore will be much more likely to want to wipe us off the map in a few days, weeks or months of planetary invasion. This is why, despite their physical strength and superior intelligence, GMO human giants will remain our best guarantee of survival and protection both to compensate for natural disasters of a planetary nature and possible alien invasions of civilizational replacements.




1⫸Brain of an Australopithecus or H. Habilis (example of Lucy 3.18 million years ago): ± 50 IQ points with 47 cm circumference (cranial volume of approximately 350 to 500 cubic cm).

2⫸Modern Human Brain: ± 100 IQ points with 56 cm circumference (cranial volume of approximately 1350 to 1500 cubic cm).

3⫸Brain of a Gifted Giant Human: ± 1000 to 10,000 IQ points with 115 cm circumference (cranial volume of approximately 15,000 to 25,000 cubic cm, i.e. a brain 10 to 15 times larger than a modern human).

*Note: Importantly, I have already hypothesized about the brain being over 1 meter in cranial circumference (which is in my opinion the perfect size we need to drastically increase our human intelligence without modifying our DNA too much) and my giant skull is exactly that measurement so I confirm that my hypotheses were correct for several months and years.

It is very likely that humans with 1000 IQ points (9 times our current average intelligence) will still need us, but at 10,000 points (100 times our current average intelligence), and even if we have only modified 1 to 3% of our primary DNA, they will need less and less of our help on Earth, because we will become for this generation the equivalent of mentally retarded. I think that Hyper-Gifted Giant Humans with IQs of 5,000 to 10,000 points can be worrisome and dangerous not only for the majority of the possible alien armies of the galaxy and the universe, but also for us the natural generation of humans not yet modified and genetically optimized. On the other hand, it is to be assumed that extraterrestrial civilizations also greatly modify their genome with the aim of increasing their intelligence almost exponentially in order to surpass certain potential evolutionary and technological stages that have no limit of complexity as such in a materialistic biological world. So they too can confront us with IQs higher than 1000 and 10,000 intelligence points or even more than that, species and multiple brain configurations.



In this legendary test tube, the fruit of medical science, is contained an optimized European human DNA from my new genomic creation. The giant humans of the future of 7-8 feet (example of the European Hulk Hogan at 6 feet and 7 or the Chinese Yao Ming at 7 feet and 6) and perhaps up to 10 feet in height (example of the Chinese Zeng Jinlian at 8 feet and 1 or the American Robert Wadlow at 8 feet and 11), with 200-300 points or even up to 500 to 1000 points and + of stabilized IQ. Only this new generation of optimized humans will be able to conquer the universe for us, the natural humans of yesteryear, certainly efficient for primates, but insufficiently intelligent to face the millions of extraterrestrial species of the Milky Way and especially those of Andromeda which are heading towards us at full speed (400,000 km/hour or 9.6 million km per day and 3.5 billion km per year) and will merge with our galaxy in 4.5 billion years. Only humans with 300 IQ points and + will be able to face the extraterrestrial species that we will encounter in the future or else they will easily annihilate us at lightning speed. They will also be able to better design plans to save the Earth from the old generation of 100 average points significantly exceeded by the events and natural disasters caused by themselves this last century and not having the intellectual resources to remedy their planetary management error. Gifted giant humans will be able to better repair machines and devices in future space stations, etc. and will be able to push our civilization further in the millions and billions of years to come. The precise sequence of DNA base pairs (ATCG) is a blueprint for making any living creature on Earth and we can play with the order and organization of these sequences in order to add, modify or remove problematic gene sequences. Each planetary civilization reaches a point where it has reached its peak and a certain genetic ceiling or it hardly evolves any more compared to what the science of genetic manipulation can quickly bring to it. Otherwise, then this evolutionary genetic ceiling can logically only regress and the strongest probabilities go in this direction and this is exactly what is currently happening in the West with the phenomenon of planetary genomic re-indigenization (African civilizational reprimatization) or the most advanced human DNA from the north are mixed with the proto-humanity of the early times, making us lose for sure the many modern evolutionary advantages and leading us towards a loss of assured intelligence at a time when it should no longer rise to heights never before seen. No animal DNA,plant or other is sacred and can therefore be improved over time and the evolution of civilizations as they learn about genetic manipulation techniques and what are the most favorable gene ordering sequences for life, reproduction of the species, endurance, strength, agility, speed of movement and travel, intelligence (processing, memory recapture, information storage capacity, neuronal classification, etc.) and longevity which are physiological characteristics sought throughout the universe. In terms of genetic manipulation, all civilizations have the same legitimate problem of not wanting to see themselves denatured beyond measure with their phenotype by making it unrecognizable compared to their ancestors (creation of biological monsters too far removed from the founding genes) so the ultimate limit is not to change the external appearance of the creatures, however the genotype can be slightly or moderately altered by a succession of successive optimizations favorable to the entire species. In other words, the genotype of a species can be greatly modified, but not its phenotype, which will affect its external appearance. Who would object to seeing the strains of small oxen from the early days transform into giant oxen of the "Starbuck" type? Who would object to seeing the native dwarf tomatoes of America become giant Californian tomatoes, of which almost only these optimized varieties are bought today at the supermarket? Nobody. In the state of nature, no species is perfect by default in itself, each creature of nature can be improved in 1001 points, and this is exactly what we do with the plants and animals that we cross in order to obtain their best physiological characteristics after several years of optimization, the manipulations only accelerate this natural process. With a DNA sequencing machine and a DNA printer then it is easy to create a perfect creature and then bring it to life. At this moment, I can assure you with a high probability that our human genetics do not scare anyone in the galaxy and even less in the universe among intelligent species with 100 IQ points and + which must be relatively numerous and are calculated by tens, hundreds or even thousands of species much more dangerous than us (9 chances out of 1 that we will lose during a planetary alien invasion). For example, even after almost 100 years of the invention of the rocket by the Russians and then the first models manufactured by the Germans during the 1930s,we have not even built a permanent base on the Moon, so immense and incomplete is our civilizational intellectual incapacity, which will be quickly remedied by the new generation of gifted children that my generation will be able to artificially create in the laboratory. In addition, by optimizing our genetics, and making it giant and gifted, then I can guarantee you that other extraterrestrial species will certainly fear us and will not want to rub shoulders with our interplanetary and then possibly intergalactic empire. They will think twice before attacking our civilization, because they will fear our powerful reprisals and will prostrate themselves one by one before us asking for mercy not to exterminate them on their mother planet or elsewhere in the smallest corners of space during our remote travels. It is just a matter of us taking what nature has given us and then improving ourselves somewhat through current scientific means instead of being in a phase of genetic stagnation, dehumanizing robotization or even worse genetic regression.


HUMAN BEADS & COLORS (civilizational genes of abundance or genetic rarity)

The apt metaphor of the story of the 100 people playing marbles in a room, 90 have brown marbles, but only 10 have white marbles.

Of the 10 owners of white balls, 2 have blue balls, 2 have orange balls, 1 has a yellow ball and 1 has a green ball.

To maintain the quality and liveliness of their marbles color, the 10 with white marbles must play together or else their marbles will lose their shine sooner or later, because everyone with brown marbles also wants colored marbles with them, but during these exchanges each time the colored marbles become dull.

And the Government that looks at the part above, gratuitously treats the 10 of extreme right, racists and white supremacists when deep down they are only Protectionists who want to preserve the legacy of the ancestor who suffered a lot to come to this with such colors and purity that everyone is jealous of.

The Government tells us not to take into account our ball colors, and suggests that we exchange them with everyone. But for them they know 0 information about this and never evaluate this variable of ball quality and their rarity of players.

Who wants only brown marbles!? Nobody.

I don't even know if they exist and if people exchange or buy them. Maybe black marbles at the limit (I have hardly found any photos on the Internet).

At first I thought that Protectionism and Preservationism of the minimal genetic identity of Europeans was only a European fight, but no, the other planetary haplogromic populations also have the obligation and the moral responsibility to help us, because otherwise everyone will lose these characteristics and drop the marbles on the ground.

If Europeans or humanity as a whole drop the marbles on the ground then they will automatically turn brown and be lost forever.



Canada will quickly arrive, like the US, to create a version of a perfectly mixed human by mixing all human genetics wrongly in the same national space in about 200 to 400 years. From this observation, the Native Americans and Euro-Canadians will disappear in the long term and be genetically absorbed by the genetics of the third world, essentially brown in color, thus seeing the disappearance of the Orange, Yellow, Blue and Green colors. If a person likes dogs, cats, bears or any other animal of nature, he will often prefer one variety more than another. For example, some will rather like the Siamese variety cat, others will prefer Labrador dogs, others will rather like Asian Panda bears, etc. Each plant or biological species is most often presented in several variations, characterizations and evolutionary specifications depending on the average environmental conditions linked to the geography where it evolved or was created by crossbreeding in a breeding on a human time scale. If a breeder, for example, prefers the Labrador type of dog, well if voluntarily or inadvertently the first dog mates with another type of dog like the Doberman, then we will speak of 1 single canine crossbreeding or level 2. If this first offspring mates with another type of dog, for example a Saint Bernard, then we will be at 3 levels of crossbreeding and so on. So already from level 3 of crossbreeding, the Labrador lover will already have difficulty identifying the specific traits of Labrador in the 3rd offspring of offspring. As a result, he may be able to identify the shape of the dog, its pale blond coat, the cheerful temperament of the Labrador, except that by already being crossbred 3 times with other breeds of dogs then it is very possible that the dog is bigger like the Saint Bernard, that the puppy has longer or shorter hair and that the aggressiveness is increased like the Doberman and so on in the mixture of intercanid genes. From a level of crossbreeding of 5 to 10 kinds of mixed dogs then we will lose the vast majority of the characteristics linked to Labradors, so it will be difficult to find the primary specifications usually associated with this breed, because too many different DNAs will have mixed with its primary genome. With a mix of 10 to 20 kinds of dogs together, cats, bears or even humans then it will also be even more than impossible to identify any of the phenotypic characteristics belonging to one or the other of the first initial animal strains, because the mix having been much too large, invasive, and crossbreeding. In anthropology, we would therefore speak of what I call in my research the Global Mixed Human,which will be the sum of all human genetics concentrated in a single perfectly mixed individual, therefore totally unknowable at the level of phenotypic genetics and unsuitable for all terrestrial climates and geographies. According to my anthropological estimates, the Global Mixed Human will be half brown, have slightly almond-shaped eyes, slightly frizzy hair, a small head of about 53 to 55 cm in circumference, a brain of 1300 grams or cubic centimeters, an average size not very large nor too small, because the presence of Asian genes makes this type of human shrink, low average IQ around 80 to 90 points maximum. A great loss of human genetic diversity merged together, therefore a civilizational self-destruction of DNA on a large planetary scale.



The tallest human being recorded in our time is Bob Wadlow. Europeans are advantaged in the concentration of rare genes, and even beating the world record for height! Perhaps other peoples have had representatives as gigantic as ours like the Africans in the geographical vicinity of Maasai peoples who often approach 2 meters, however they did not keep statistics as reliable as ours or even did not have a writing system or numbering system so their record is gone. A human Amadeus before his time! Who will precisely adjust the clock of time in the future? Bob Wadlow, the tallest human recorded so far, had somewhat defective genetics (acromegaly), a short lifespan (22 years instead of 200 to 1000 years) and an insufficiently high IQ (probably with an IQ of 120 to 160 maximum instead of the 500 to 10,000 potential points of a human concentrating the best intelligence genes with an optimized cranial morphology).

The Wadlow parents (Harold and Addie Johnson) were of average height, so did not accumulate many of the 200 genes for height identified in our time, with relatively average musculature. For a giant human to have a chance of walking normally without the aid of crutches, then it would be preferable to have 2 parents already at least 6 to 7 feet tall with superior musculature or corpulence helping their child to already have better reinforcement of his posture and his own bearing. His father Harold Wadlow lived 77 years from 1892 to 1969 and his mother Addie Johnson, 93 years from 1987 to 1980.

Robert Wadlow was born of normal height (he must have come from somewhere as his mother was not a giant herself, similar to baby Tiberius who starts out small and then quickly becomes an unbeatable giant), he was 35 inches tall and weighed 28.6 lbs at 6 months old, 4 ft 1 in tall and 130 lbs at 1 1/2 years old, no less than 5 ft 6 in at 5 years old, 6 ft 1 in at 8 years old and reached a venerable 9 ft 1 in at 20 years old. Brown humans revere and want white genes, short women (normal height at the time) admire tall men because they want to acquire these rare genes for their offspring. This is how evolution works, not Western genetic involution like what our governments are making us suffer in the name of far too universalist inter-ethnic egalitarianism.

Source: humaines


During the filming of Total Recall in 1989, Sharon Stone was in the prime of life at 28 years old, therefore at the top of her game and her typically European physical beauty. I often cite this actress given her excellent general genetic quality since I find that she would be neither more nor less Amadeusiable in my theoretician jargon. In the sense that this woman has enough physiognomic characteristics approaching the canons of human perfection to be generated in a version of 6-7 feet tall and more when she initially measures only 1.74 meters. So even if these human genetic profiles are already almost perfect, they can still be slightly optimized in intelligence and longevity similar to the basic characteristics found in the majority of humans of the future of the next million years. With human profiles like Dolf Lundgren or Sharon Stone, in terms of genetic optimization there are almost no more modifications to be made to their phenotype, because they already hold the best genomes of our civilization (according to my current estimates as meta-genetic theorists). On the contrary, if we wanted to improve a typical Aboriginal or Sub-Saharan prototype (or rather they themselves should do it in an African research institute), those possessing the primordial human Haplogroups A, B and C would have the most work to do on their own genome. For example, modifying the genes that control the opening of the nostrils to close them (Hox genes), shortening the arms, modifying the genes that give frizzy hair to fine silky hair, modifying the genes for small ears to have normal ears like other humans who came out of Africa 70,000 years ago, modifying the genes for paleness to make them lighter skinned (similar to what people often want to be paler than what we see tirelessly in advertising of brown people dressed in white to falsely whiten themselves), etc. On the contrary, on typical DNA profiles like Sharon Stone (actors/actresses are often the most beautiful people found among a people at a given time), there is no longer really any genetic modification to be made except perhaps a better cranial configuration giving more average intelligence, making it bigger and therefore stronger, increasing its longevity (creatures living longer have time to accumulate more data and therefore will provide more intelligent answers over the decades, centuries and millennia than a fruit fly that lives 1 week or a 12-year-old dog). Modifying Sharon Stone's genotype is equivalent to making slight adjustments to the latest recent 2022 Lamborghini car models, therefore requiring very little genetic modification. On the other hand, for lab technicians,Improving the genetics of sub-Saharans would be equivalent to mechanics wanting to update the mechanics of a 1910 Ford-T (first human or car models), this can be done however these maneuvers will require many more updates of the founding genetic heritage therefore changes of part models, enlargement of engines, types of bodies, color, vehicles, etc, etc, etc. The list is long and endless, so it is better to optimize these best genetic profiles for each ethnic group than to start with disabled Down syndrome people and then undertake a civilization-quality genomic optimization.


The foreheads seemed wider to me (Barbara Stanwyck, Carol Ohmart) before with well-cleared foreheads (Joan Crawford, Myrna Loy) in the old American actresses of European origin. The skull shape of the head of today's young people is more and more in the shape of JUJUBE without any frontal or temporal prominence. According to my estimates, these combinations of genes favoring broader foreheads, taller heads or more prominent frontal cortexes are still present in Europeans and/or other world populations, however their incidence has decreased significantly given the phenomenon of dilution of genetic quality that we undergo by random reproductions of people in the normal population (people often knowing nothing about genetics and craniology do not particularly look for these criteria in their choices based on sexual selection), in addition to the strong dilution with the extra-European southern ethnic groups linked to mass immigration which quickly erode our very rare genetic quality. I estimate the incidence of these favorable genes at the turn of the 20th century to be about 20% of the population, this figure having decreased to less than 10% in our time, so you will no longer find modern actresses with such big heads among the new generation of female actresses with small heads compared to their ancestors of just 1 century ago (so they are on average a few IQ points less intelligent than their own grandmothers only 1 to 2 generations later since they have a few dozen grams less brain), which is very little on the scale of the evolution of a people, because the accumulation of these specific genes nevertheless took millions and tens of thousands of years to appear and concentrate in certain human populations more than others. For example, the Chinese being the biggest carriers of genes for big round heads in the shape of a basketball or a watermelon, will have in their population people with normal heads a little rounded and others with abnormally huge heads like that of Jack Ma and his lookalike the young Fan Xiaoquin except that they are in very small percentages. From this observation, if the Asians with giant heads mate together then in a few decades and centuries the heads of their offspring will quickly become gigantic without any need for precise genetic manipulation (principle of minimal concentration of the best genes together by selective reproduction over several generations).


They reshot a scene from Jaws 3 in the underwater station (1983 Director: Joe Alves, Production: Universal Pictures). In this film, we can clearly see that the shark version of the 20-meter-long titanic ancestor Megalodon seems much more dangerous than the modern version of the 6-meter-long great white shark (Carcharodon Carcharias).

I've always said that a bird with a bigger brain will statistically be more intelligent, because it has more neurons to potentially connect together. Crows and ravens, I've never been able to approach them from a distance. It's not for nothing that the Parrots with the biggest brains on the planet are able to learn hundreds of words (the African Grey Parrot and Blue Macaw being supposedly the tops in all categories) compared to miniature hummingbirds (with a few exceptions like parakeets, but they seem to pronounce words less well).

Budgerigars: 1,000 words

Amazon Parrots: 300 words

Indian Parakeets: 250 words

Cockatiels: 250 words

Quaker Parrots: 50-60 words 

Source:,250%20mots%205%20Parroquets% 20quakers%20%3A%2050-60%20words

As rare and precious as color genes are in birds, dogs, cats, they are 1000 times more important to protect in our own human species! Right!?


(Probabilistic, Naturalism & Civilizationalism)

After much thought, here is roughly the triangulation of my reasoning over several years in my research. 

Probabilism (materialism) x Naturalism (perfectionist evolutionist) x Civilizationalism (intelligent populations). It is only with this form of paradigm of reflection that we will be able to properly identify our needs as a human civilization, also circumscribe the prerogatives, determinisms and limits of Extraterrestrial civilizations (+ 50% of the probabilities that they want to destroy us and/or greatly reduce our civilizational capacities by a phenomenon of minimal biological interspecies competition always naturally fighting for the resource) that we will encounter in the universe during our galactic travels, and this, if we want to have the slightest chance of civilizational success during the next thousands or even millions and billions of years to come. 

Δ The Materialistic Probabilistic is the starting angle of analysis. Any mechanistic material system can be approached in a sense where a probability is emitted that a chemical reaction or mechanistic movement, event or biological behavior will occur. This is the meta approach to any form of understanding of the biological world, since it is always based on imperatives and determinists emerging from the reactions of quantum subatomic particles. 

Δ Evolutionary Naturalism teaches us that everything is not only Material, but also Natural because as explained previously springing from the previous constitutive stages, namely the gradual improvement of the states of matter in monocellular organisms, then multicellular, etc. 

Δ Civilizationalism is a more evolved stage of societal organization appearing when more intelligent animals reach more advanced societal structures, thus moving from primitive structures in tribe mode, then into a society with more capacity to transform and master their natural biotic environment nearby, i.e. their geographic region, then their continent, then their planet, then their stellar system, their galaxy, their galactic cluster, and finally a portion or even the entire universe.


By the way, when I describe the most likely humans of the future, I never said that I myself the philosophical researcher has exactly all these attributes. No one has all these very advantageous attributes in our historical period and this is precisely why we must be aware of our typically human limitations in order to improve future generations to the best of our eugenic knowledge. If we do not know what our limits are and what the most favorable evolutionary avenues would be then we will never aim for them at all. If I myself were a fully embodied human of my theorizations, then I would be 7 feet tall, I would have hair that was either redder or blonder, I would have eyes that were even more pale blue or saturated blue in color, I would have a head that was twice as big, I would have a minimum of 200-300 Qi points, etc., etc. Even if I had these physiognomic characteristics a bit like Dolf Lundgren, but in a more gifted version, I would be a human too perfect for my time so everyone would be jealous of my attributes and would not want to follow me, because too self-conscious about not being 7 feet tall and having 300 IQ points always finding myself ugly. One thing is certain however, is that my intelligence must be high enough for me to be intellectually capable of identifying all its evolutionary variables which seem to escape my contemporaries on average, because I rarely find books and encyclopedias talking about my discoveries and research topics. As the popular adage or rather Jacques Attali says, "we write the books we would have liked to read", and that is what I do with the greatest pleasure in the world.

This is the very stable European genetic quality in intelligence, because of Nordic origin where intelligence genes have been concentrated over tens of thousands of years, the Norwegian Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen rated at 190 IQ points and a chess score of 2882 points, i.e. an international grandmaster and world champion from 2013 to 2023 at only 23 to 33 years old.

Who is the chess champion in 2023?? A Mexican? A Native American? An Arab? A Sub-Saharan? An Australian Aborigine? An Indian from India? No, another damn Chinese named Ding Liren with a giant head typical of his ethnicity! And there you have it, the 3 most overrepresented ethnicities as the best chess players in the world are exactly the 3 ethnicities that have scored the highest in IQ tests for generations. Europeans, North Asians and Jews like Garry Kasparov! There is no coincidence in this, they are more CONSTANTS that reproduce year after year... other peoples just have to follow our intellectual hegemony and especially not invade our territories of continental genetic appearance. Fuck shitty diversity and the inclusion of all the third-world sub-raptors who will destroy our civilization and lower our intellectual level from the inside.

With color and music, we see beyond any doubt that Fritz Lang's German film Metropolis 1927 was pretty revolutionary for its time 95 years ago. A big-headed actress from the genetics of yesteryear that you won't find on TVA or Radio-Canada this week on the bill. The U.S. in the 1940s!? Those who don't believe in the great replacement of the populations of the West in less than 1 to 2 centuries are either blind, know nothing about history (film archives) or are just idiots.

Source: USA 1952


Here is the foolproof method to work with human continental genetics in the future according to me or any other animal species from livestock or plant species from agriculture, etc. similar to what we already do with 99% of biological species. We must work them all individually in order to concentrate their specific quality and improve their characteristics by Haplogroup already present and adapted to terrestrial geographic environments. Similar to the 342 types of dogs that all come from their ancestor the wolf through selective crossbreeding by breeders wishing to favor this or that physiognomic characteristic, if we want to obtain a super Siberian Husky, or a super Labrador, or a super Dalmatian then we must cross together all the types of dogs close to this breed and not make the mistake of mixing them all together otherwise the characteristics of one or the other of them will automatically be flattened and erased in the crossbreeding of dogs, cats, dolphins, opossums, kangaroos, weasels, humans, etc. The prehistoric wolf lineage dates back 40 million years in North America (Hesperocyon with a size of 80 cm) and specialized around 25 million years (Leptocyon 90), then some dispersed on Earth outside America 5 million years ago and modern wolves date back approximately from the canis lupus lineages of -2 million years and the Canis Dirus of -100,000 to -16,000 years (1.50 meters in length) to the 342 modern dog breeds obtained by crossing the kinds of new dogs together. The Siberian Husky is very close to the wolf with 98.8% of the same mitochondrial DNA (genome descended from the mother or from the part of the X chromosome mtDNA). If we want to get a super Husky by crossing wolf-dog types together, then we can mate them between Siberian Huskies, Samoyed, Alaskan, American Wolfdog, natural wolf, German Shepherd, Malamute, etc. so in the end you will get the most beautiful Huskies in the world with exactly the same starting phenotype without the loss of its initial attributes so loved and sought after. The worst mistake for a dog breeder is precisely mixing several types of dogs together which will give mongrel or mixed-race dogs that no one wants, because these litters do not resemble any specific dog breed from too high a crossbreeding rate (+ than 3 to 6 types of dogs or cats together), so are practically worthless on the market. Ethnic populations should not be worked randomly horizontally, but should be perfected vertically on themselves. Often people who adopt a type of dog will then keep this variety throughout their lives. Therefore according to the 342 kinds of dogs,People who love and breed Labradors will always want to work with exactly this genetic strain of dogs and not others, so will be led to choose the best breeders for their breeding always by selecting them for their particular quality of Labrador dog. If a breeding makes the mistake of crossing its Labrador with another kind of dog, well the genetic line will be greatly damaged and will automatically lose a good number of characteristics of this phenotype of dog. People who love Dobermans, would not even want a Labrador even if you wanted to give them one since they want rather a fast dog, short-haired, with a thin muzzle, very obedient and guard (the opposite of the wolf which is often long-haired, slower, less guard and especially independent given their maturity of 6 months of mental age of canine therefore very little obedient). In humanity for example, people and/or families can mate with each other in a continental Haplogromic manner if they want to keep exactly their ancestral phenotypic appearance. Therefore, reproducing together a family of Lakota Native Americans, with Attikameks the Hurons mixed with Iroquois added with genes from the Cherokee tribe and the Algonquins, will fit together perfectly. In Asian lines, founding couples between individuals from Vietnam, with those from Laos, Chinese mixed with Japanese and Mongols will generate a similar result at the level of the external phenotypes as well as the internal genome. In the same way, you can reproduce together a family of Pakistanis, with Iraqis, then with Algerians and finally with Egyptians you will have descendants that resemble the initial phenotypes. If you breed a Russian together with an Irish woman and then their offspring mate with a Frenchman, an Englishman and finally with a Swedish and Norwegian family then you still remain in the same natural human haplogromic lines which will not clash with the historical ancestors of these indigenous peoples linked mainly to continental land regions separated by geographical obstacles or insurmountable long distances in the state of nature. Geographic boundaries act like a funnel wall preventing ethnic groups from easily leaving their continent and thus over the millennia naturally pile up a genomic concentration of their DNA baggage. Humanity is similar to a team genetically adapted to all diverse planetary environments, as much in cold deserts, hot deserts as insular climates or tropical humid,in the steppes or at altitude with little oxygen, it will have all the adaptive biological elements to settle permanently in the multiple exoplanetary environments that it will encounter in the universe.

Here is the staggering information confirming my theorizations, I was right again in my speculative predictions about the humanity of the future. While researching the physiognomy of wolves on which article did I arrive? The infallible method to obtain a giant wolf is simply to cross vertically all the best kinds of wolves and Siberian Huskies together. Not to mix all the kinds of dogs together horizontally, which will result in an extremely ugly dog ​​and the same everywhere on the planet where mixing rates have been perpetrated for too long.

This dog, a cross between only dog ​​breeds phenotypically similar to the Wolf, Yuki carries 3 genomes including 3.9% German Shepherd genetics, 8.6% Siberian Husky, 87.5% Gray Wolf, was the ideal mix giving a giant human-like dog Amadeus.

The wolfdog Amadeus, seems to have a good character closer to the Husky than the Wolf, because the wolf is often more wild and aggressive according to the genes of its former state of nature while the husky is more affectionate and less aggressive, because the Chukchi Eskimos having selected them over generations kept only the most docile dogs to approach their igloo and sleep with them in their homes in Eastern Siberian Russia. By mating Yuki with another large female Wolf (gray wolf, black wolf, Timber wolf, Red wolf, Iberian wolf, Tundra wolf, Arctic wolf, etc.) a Husky, a Malamute, an Alaskan, etc. then their offspring will give a litter of wolfdogs even larger than the generation of their parents with the father Yuki. This offspring must be mated with other husky wolfdogs who are also of relatively large or giant parents, so this precise genetic line will grow from generation to generation until oversized canine representatives are reached, more intelligent, stronger, fertile, dangerous and capable of increasing their terrestrial or even spatial territory, and this even for a breed of gifted wolfdogs for example .

Source Giant Wolfdog Yuki:

Source Canis Dirus:

Source Wolves:

Siberian Husky Source:

Asian Source:

Source Peoples of Asia:


I am trying to estimate the size of the wolfdog Yuki, because the veterinarians at the shelter never measured him and told me that they took pictures with angles that artificially increased his size for the TV news. But according to this photo, it appears that the wolfdog was at least 3 to 5 times larger than a normal dog that looks like a black Labrador or Golden Retriever. The woman who is filmed next to Yuki seems to be tall and thus distorts the approximation of the measurements. So compared to a Labrador Yuki must have measured at least 1.50 m to 2 meters in length from the tip of the muzzle of the head to the base of the buttocks, so perhaps even larger than his ancestor the prehistoric wolf Canis Dirus of only 1.50 meters 16,000 years ago in North America. Based on my old Husky Malamute with a 27 inch back height, Yuki probably had a back height of 29-35 inches from the ground (the black Golden Retriever in the picture must have a back height of about 24-25 inches). This is the story of an intelligent wolf civilization with 100 average IQ points that creates a super giant wolf 10 times bigger and more intelligent than the old wolves. What happens at the end of the story? The giant wolf eats everyone. The moral of this story shows that it can be advantageous to give birth to a super living organism for a civilization (jumboification of both the corporality of a species and its civilizational meta-brain which are the 2 minimal steps that a civilization can hope to succeed in order to quickly increase its basic physiognomic capacities), and it does not matter which one, however, we must be extremely careful and not create too many of them too quickly since we already know that by being more intelligent than us they will always have the last argumentative word like the many gifted people in history like Napoleon Bonaparte or Albert Einstein whose tactics or responses were very difficult to anticipate given their high intelligence, and this even for military strategists or mathematicians of international level. More concretely, I estimate that even 5 to 10 people thinking about possible refutations of an optimized human of the Amadeus Generation, will only be able with a very low probability rate to predict the responses of a human with 1000 IQ points. This variable can probably be extended to thresholds of 50 to 100 gifted or not people, gathered in a room will still have difficulty in exactly anticipating a precise response, a sentence, a conceptual idea and even less an elaborate text of an Amadeus since multiple small separate cranial intelligences cannot quite equal a super big brain centralizing all its unified cranial capacities.An Amadeus human will therefore always have a head start directly proportional to his intellectual lead based on his real and tangible Qi score compared to those he is trying to respond to and compete with, so by being 10 times more intelligent, he will have a 10 head start and so on, similar to the problem involving an average human intelligence of 100 points with an Extraterrestrial of 2000 Qi points (20 times more response capacity + multiplier and amplifier effect of the concentration of intelligence in the same place increasing tenfold the total faculties taken individually and calculated unitarily at the very beginning). The advantage of the civilizational project of optimizing their own genetics for any species in the universe, is that it is progressive and cannot be achieved quickly like the generation of Starbuck mega-bulls, they must first be genetically stabilized by successive crossbreeding that can last a minimum period of 50 to 100 years (3 to 5 generations of oxen, human or extraterrestrial, and then the improvement of DNA by genetic modification can be added in order to refine the sequences of gene letters (theory of genomic incompleteness always to be recompleted). So with all these self-improving steps the generations before have time to see the clear progression of the intelligence of the new generations and perceive their strength and weakness, as well as to raise them well so that they fit perfectly into their peaceful program of colonizing space in their own name. Similarly, if the Holstein Starbuck #1 beef semen brought in $25 million to the Canadian farmer then that of the Amadeus dynasty will be worth billions to mankind (Starbuck supplied 685,000 samples sold to 45 different countries). He supplied seed rods for 19 years and subsequently his DNA was cloned into Starbuck #2 in order to keep his high performance genetic lineage however 47,000 samples are kept frozen because it is illegal in Canada to sell genetically modified animals even though his DNA was not changed at all in the gene sequences, but rather only copied to obtain an identical twin to the father Starckbuck #1). Breeders and veterinarians would boost the ovulation of a first cow with medication, then instead of producing only 1 or 2 eggs to fertilize, she could produce 12 to 25 eggs, and these were then inseminated in other cows so that they would give birth to even more Starbuck lambs with stronger quality genetics. About 100 liters of milk targeted per cow. What is the difference between the Miss Universe pageant where human women parade under other criteria such as their beauty, their shape,the size of their breast (consciously not admitted by the judges, but still unconsciously evaluated) and their gait when the bovines strut in front of the gallery for the symmetry of their body, their ease in moving forward with large udders and their milk production!? All that would remain is to evaluate their average IQ and that would be it, because it is an important factor in living organisms, not just beauty, gait and general appearance.


Like the vast majority of terrestrial and extraterrestrial animals, some variants of the same species are more or less aggressive. The genes of aggression in a species are among the least favorable because they create an increased propensity for unnecessary violence not only towards the species itself and other animals, but also between the species itself which will self-attack absolutely for nothing throughout history with more or less legitimizable considerations x, y and z. A species like humanity must be dangerous not for its speed in entering a state of reactive aggression, but because it is efficient in terms of its physical strength, its intelligence, its size, its flexibility and in the end if it has to use its physical strength it is never done randomly and for free, on the contrary it will only happen as a last resort. Future humanity in space cannot have high levels of aggression otherwise these humans will self-destruct in space stations when the universe without oxygen is already an extremely hostile level therefore requiring interhuman collaboration more than on the same frequency of mutual harmony. Asians with the lowest testosterone levels seem to be the human variant best suited to life in prolonged human confinement in satellite or interstellar bases where multiple conflicts can arise over anything and everything. NASA and other space agencies take meticulous care to study the interactions between crew members in preparation for space missions in order to detect precisely in advance which personalities or individual characters do not get along together, because in the end these problematic individuals can sabotage an entire mission. We can take any animal species and assign it a level of aggression based on its reactivity to threatening stimuli and then on the length of time the animal will remain in its aggressive phase before returning to its normal state of calm. For example, if we compare wolves to each other, some will attack more than others according to statistics. In humanity, this variable can rather be correlated with cumulative criminal statistics in several countries or incarceration rates, which are good indicators of the average aggressiveness rates of ethnic groups. Wars and conflicts that drag on or occur with high or even quasi-permanent intra-ethnic frequencies of the same Haplogroups or geographic regions sharing the same phenotypic and genotypic characteristics are excellent indicators of violence rates by human population group.

Wolves known to be the most aggressive in the world (in ascending order):

Northwest Grey Wolves (reacts to 1/8 turn)

Arctic Wolves (reacts to 1/6 turn)

Eurasian Wolves (Reacts to 1/4 turn)

Interior Alaska Wolves (Reacts on 1/3 turn)

Iberian Wolves (reacts to 1/2 turn)

Dogs known to be the most aggressive in the world (in ascending order):

Sometimes it is the small dogs that are the most aggressive, as they have to be overactive to fight and appear threatening against the larger dogs who would attack them more if they appeared weaker.

12 Most Aggressive Dog Types According to Human Bite Statistics:


2-English Foxhund



5-American Bulldog

6-Siberian Husky



9-Chow chow


11-Curly Brison

12-Brazilian Mastiff


12 Most Aggressive Oxen in the World (in ascending order):


2-Holstein Friesian



5-Texas Longhorn



8-Belgian Blue





Source (Yuki the Giant Wolf Dog):

Source (more aggressive and dangerous wolf):

Source (Most Aggressive Oxen in the World):

Source (Holstein Starbuck beef):

Source (Most Aggressive Dogs in the World):

PERPETUAL RECLONING [animal (mythical or popular), human (rich, star, benefactor, inventor and/or gifted in history) or Extraterrestrial (sufficiently useful to our human civilization)]

Similar to what the Egyptians advocated during the psychostasy of the Last Judgment of the Tribunal of Osiris, schematizing the weighing of the Soul by the goddess Maat (priestess of Justice and Truth) at the end of a person's life, the one who had had a good life and without major faults, therefore with an equal weight between the heart and the pen, was authorized to walk towards the heavens. Unlike those who had a life of crime and caused many evils to their civilizations (great criminals of history, devastating companies or governments), the latter can be resurrected from the dead in order to be judged a first or second time if they were never accused during their lifetime and suffer the punishments due to them from the deeply wronged civilization. If you were to conduct a survey in a cemetery to find out how many deceased people would like to be reborn from their ashes, at least 50% of the skeletons would raise their hands from the ground, even if a certain number of them considered themselves to have had a sufficiently fulfilling and/or miserable life, thus not wanting to return to the world of the living. Thanks to modern scientific methods of cloning, this possibility of perpetual reincarnation of human and animal bodies is now possible in an almost unlimited way, as long as a person's DNA has indeed been stored correctly according to the rules of the art. Each person biologically having a certain expiration date depending on their family genetics, their lifestyle, the quality of care in their country and the luck factor, they cannot last forever regardless of the level of utility they have provided to their community, nation or civilization. However, very specific genetic conditions must be met for a person to have exactly such and such a rendering at the level of the articulation of his thought, his personality, what his gestures will emanate and from what particular vein he will be able to help to the best of his abilities the contemporaries of his time. Unless they are precisely identical twins, in the same family, brothers and sisters will never obtain exactly the same rendering of personality in the intimacy of relationships and on the scale of his historical help. More concretely, even if Maria Einstein had exactly the same parents (mother: Pauline Koch and father Hermann Einstein) as her brother Albert Einstein and therefore had 100% the same family genetics, she did not have the same career in mathematics as her brother even if naturally she must have had good skills in mathematical calculations. Many will chant cultural reasons,of easier possibility of intellectual emancipation for men at that time or any other roundabout reasons however these do not necessarily excuse why Albert performed better. Very specific conditions were simultaneously observable in him having made him achieve what he was able to achieve throughout his life and only an identical clone can hope to achieve the same results very closely. Consequently, certain historical figures of importance who have significantly helped their civilization can be granted a privilege of being resurrected from the dead, because we know that they have already done a lot for us by having unlocked many new inventions, ideologies or solutions being crucial to our good development over time. From the moment, or the techniques of DNA preservation or sequencing are available, we can protect them from the material deterioration caused by time and bring them back to life no matter the eras in question since they will always be of great use to us. These human DNAs of great historical relevance can also be optimized in order to boost better and better the capacities that have already made their reputation in particular beings (for example Albert Einstein in Amadeus version in a more giant and intelligent version will provide us with even better calculations in astrophysics and Nikola Tesla will invent machines much more advanced than at the turn of the 1800s-1900s with his revamped genome giving him a bigger head in adulthood than the genetic Tesla version #1). The greatest genius inventors are the most important to clone in my opinion, because they are the ones who make us advance the most effortlessly and their DNA must be treated with particular care, because once lost we cannot recreate these high quality entities identically (genomic & phenotypic irreproducibility therefore behavioral and heuristic). On the other hand, other considerations can be evaluated allowing anyone to be cloned in the future (rich (Elon Musk), star (Elvis Presley), benefactor (Mohandas Ghandi), etc.). A clone is a person identical to the first original version, in a single spit can be cloned 250 individuals similar in every way. Some technologists including Laurent Alexandre and Elon Musk believe and campaign for a day a scan of our brain memory can be carried out, making the copy of identical neural connections making the mnemonic transfer of a biological memory practically possible. However, if this is done in another body then even if the brain synthetically remembers reconstituted memories,this person will not be identical to the first unless it is precisely a clone born by a new surrogate mother (fetus reseeded by internal ontogenesis process with the clone's DNA) or via regenerative ectogenesis of an artificial uterus. A civilization that is prosperous, well developed and in exponential growth, will possess vast territories, multiple satellites, planets and stars therefore will have enough space to place the new people resulting from normal reproductions as well as its historical gifted given the distant spread of its possessions therefore there will always be room for an apartment with a Tesla #14 making its drawings and plans for machines. If humanity reaches a high level of power, it will submit by default the majority of civilizations that it will encounter therefore not only peoples, groups and also individuals. Extraterrestrials will therefore be captured during our interstellar invasion, these individually will help us to progress in certain unknown problematic cosmic regions, will inform us about the most dangerous Extraterrestrial species by reputation to be wary of in galactic environments, we will explain their planetary lifestyle (urban and spatial), will teach us about the multiple machines that they regularly use in their daily lives and in their space stations, the medicines that they ingest on their planet, etc. So these Extraterrestrial individuals of high informative value can receive special medical care and even be cloned on occasion if necessary since it is useful to our human civilization. However, these Extraterrestrial entities must not be reproduced in large quantities (risk of mutiny), genetically optimized (risk of physiognomic and intellectual overtaking threatening our own hegemony), sent back to its initial civilization (risk of betrayal by espionage and transfer of our data and methods of civilizational implantations). In South Korea, there is currently a laboratory that has already cloned between 200 and 300 domestic animals (cats, dogs, etc.) for a few thousand dollars (Dr. Hwang Woo-suk working at the Sooam Biotech laboratory) so it would seem abnormal and detrimental that human beings do not have access to the same preferential treatment. So it goes without saying that if poor pets can be resurrected at will then I do not see why human lives 1000 times more useful to our civilization by their contribution to the knowledge and inventions that Humanity will subsequently use, could not see themselves cloned in an unlimited manner. At the very beginning, these assisted reproduction techniques seemed to be anachronistic with their time (In Vivo insemination, In Vitro fertilization, cloning,artificial uterus, etc.), yet over the years they will be perfectly assimilated and accepted by all in popular opinion (scientific, social and political acceptability). The prices of the first clones and assisted reproductions are more expensive, with time, the spread of laboratories and techniques as well as their widespread democratization then clones will become less and less expensive to produce and more and more accessible to everyone, not just the rich, stars, politicians and other important personalities.

Source (cloning in South Korea):

Source (Ancient Egypt):

Source (dog cloning):


According to my medical research and the extrapolation of our general anthropometric data (size/strength/intelligence), the human skeleton begins to be really dangerous on Earth and especially towards Extraterrestrial species from a size of about 2 to 4 meters or 6 feet and 8'' or 13 feet and 2'' (example of the Amadeus from 12 feet to 3.65 meters) and from then on we will be able to beat 6 to 7 civilizations out of 10. From the same ratio x 10, from then on we a skeleton of human morphological type becomes extremely extremely dangerous with regard to any Extraterrestrial civilization of the universe (example of the human Titaneus in model of real sculpture by Gino De Dominicis at the Cathedral of Milan in Italy) and we will supplant at that time approximately no less than 7 to 9 extraterrestrial civilizations out of 10. In our time therefore according to our physical strength, our intelligence and our inventions in general, humanity would oust barely 1 to 2 Extraterrestrial civilizations out of 10 and these are not even those arriving to us by space because these would obviously hold ships and military armadas much more powerful than ours at the beginning of the 3rd millennium. The Amadeus project and the research on the human generations of the future are very interesting and captivating, because they represent an upward spiral pulling us drastically upwards, towards a rapid notable evolution, feeding our imagination and our aspirations to become more accomplished, perfected, promising and prosperous peoples on an interstellar scale, etc. The ultimate secret weapon of Japanese scientists before the outbreak of the Second World War. Expertly obtained after centuries of crossbreeding between the greatest families of Japanese Sumos from generation to generation.

Source :


If Europeans were resourceful, inventive and therefore intelligent enough to invent the atomic bomb and then use missiles to bring their own and then all of humanity into space via their astronaut specialists and numerous technological inventions, then we will certainly be able to grow a simple baby in a glass jar for a period of 40 weeks (incubator + biobag). It is normal and predictable that in the early years the assisted extrauterine reproduction technique has a slightly higher failure rate (miscarriage in the artificial uterus instead of a woman ejecting the baby through the natural channels into the toilet), on the other hand, over the years and decades the success rate will skyrocket, which will guarantee the quality of viability, health and survival of the newborns of genetic science. Babies will be custom-made at the discretion of the birth parents either based on their mutual DNA or those from 1 or 2 gene donors (more expensive service of choice and selection of certain geno-phenotypic attributes). Similar to some clinics in the United States where parents have the possibility of choosing additional phenotypic factors such as eye color (7 shades of blue available in the catalog in the USA), hair, etc. while in the future other options will probably be added one by one such as height, skin color, IQ, etc. The babies generated by the hundreds and thousands at first and then by the millions can be adopted by families on the front lines both provincially and nationally (10,000 to 20,000/baby or donation with allowance to voluntary adoptive families at the intraprovincial or national level), by foreign couples ($20,000 to $30,000) wanting to acquire a child of their choice without the standard adoption channels (security measure applicable in order to avoid the diversion and exploitation of children abroad (subsequent need to send photos of the baby in a good family for the first 5 to 12 years, proof photographic and video of the baby's next good place of life, etc.), or be placed in a crèche throughout their childhood and adolescence until 18 years of age, or be sold in larger quantities in annual batches to governments in need of several thousand babies given the national conditions of their low ambient birth rate and their need for both economic growth vs. demographic growth. In this order of magnitude,a foreign government can pre-order 5,000 to 10,000 babies at $15,000/baby for the next 2 to 5 years of waiting, thus reserving the amount of money for the babies as payment and then a bonus after delivery by ship (cruise ship or Stork ship) or plane (air cargo or Stork plane) to their countries of arrival, so 10,000 babies at $15,000 = $150,000,000. It will be easy and economical to buy a medium-sized ship or boat, or a passenger plane with good carrying capacity if the precious cargo of babies brings in no less than $150 million in a single trip. Cargo plane baby shipments will be able to carry fewer babies at a time than delivery trips by cruise ship which will bring quantities of several hundred to 1,000 babies at a minimum. Babies are not at risk of perishing in a shipwreck at sea, because the naval sea rescue forces will sail quickly to their sea destination and rescue them with other ships (impossible example of a Titanic-type sinking of babies) and rescue frigates (longer delivery times of 1, 2 to 4 weeks, but safer). In an airplane, there is a greater risk of falling and losing the baby cargo by air crash (faster delivery times of 4, 6, 12 to 24 hours, but more dangerous). Baby transport trucks or vans can also be used on intracontinental land routes. Trains are an excellent means of rapid transport, very reliable with a very low accident rate and therefore very safe for baby wagons. Baby buses are also very practical since a nurse can sit in each seat and take care of each baby (40 seats = 40 to 80 babies maximum per bus). Losing 1 priceless cargo of hundreds or thousands of toddlers in 1 single shipwreck, symbolically speaking, all the peoples of the planet would feel a wave of sympathy for the team and sadness on a civilizational level similar to if all of humanity had lost their big baby. However, it should not be taken too personally and seriously because the scale of the universe and the colonization of space, losing a bunch of babies in an artificial nursery according to the many possibilities of cataclysms and problematic exoplanetary probabilities. Nations and countries can order babies of their ethnicity so that it naturally fits better with the genetics of the previous genetic majority (example: Egyptian babies, Native American babies, Guatemalan babies, Polish babies, etc).or a passenger plane with good carrying capacity if the precious cargo of babies brings in at least $150 million in 1 trip. Cargo plane baby shipments will be able to carry fewer babies at a time than ocean liner delivery trips that will bring quantities of several hundred to 1000 babies at a minimum. Babies are not at risk of perishing in a shipwreck at sea, because the naval sea rescue forces will sail quickly to their maritime destination and rescue them using other ships (impossible example of a Titanic-type sinking of babies) and rescue frigates (delivery times longer by 1, 2 to 4 weeks, but safer). In an airplane, there is a greater risk of falling and losing the cargo of babies by air crash (delivery times faster by 4, 6, 12 to 24 hours, but more dangerous). Baby transport trucks or vans can also be used on intracontinental land routes. Trains are an excellent means of fast transportation, very reliable with a very low accident rate therefore being very safe for baby wagons. Baby buses are also very practical since a nurse can sit in each seat and take care of each baby (40 seats = 40 to 80 babies maximum per bus). Losing 1 priceless cargo of hundreds or thousands of toddlers in 1 single shipwreck, symbolically speaking, all the peoples of the planet would feel a wave of sympathy for the team and sadness on a civilizational level similar to if all of humanity had lost their big baby. However, it should not be taken too personally and seriously because the scale of the universe and the colonization of space, losing a bunch of babies in an artificial nursery depending on the many possibilities of exoplanetary cataclysms and problematic probabilities. Nations and countries can order babies of their ethnicity so that it naturally integrates better with the genetics of the previous genetic majority (example: Egyptian babies, Native American babies, Guatemalan babies, Polish babies, etc.).or a passenger plane with good carrying capacity if the precious cargo of babies brings in at least $150 million in 1 trip. Cargo plane baby shipments will be able to carry fewer babies at a time than ocean liner delivery trips that will bring quantities of several hundred to 1000 babies at a minimum. Babies are not at risk of perishing in a shipwreck at sea, because the naval sea rescue forces will sail quickly to their maritime destination and rescue them using other ships (impossible example of a Titanic-type sinking of babies) and rescue frigates (delivery times longer by 1, 2 to 4 weeks, but safer). In an airplane, there is a greater risk of falling and losing the cargo of babies by air crash (delivery times faster by 4, 6, 12 to 24 hours, but more dangerous). Baby transport trucks or vans can also be used on intracontinental land routes. Trains are an excellent means of fast transportation, very reliable with a very low accident rate therefore being very safe for baby wagons. Baby buses are also very practical since a nurse can sit in each seat and take care of each baby (40 seats = 40 to 80 babies maximum per bus). Losing 1 priceless cargo of hundreds or thousands of toddlers in 1 single shipwreck, symbolically speaking, all the peoples of the planet would feel a wave of sympathy for the team and sadness on a civilizational level similar to if all of humanity had lost their big baby. However, it should not be taken too personally and seriously because the scale of the universe and the colonization of space, losing a bunch of babies in an artificial nursery according to the many possibilities of cataclysms and problematic exoplanetary probabilities. Nations and countries can order babies of their ethnicity so that it naturally integrates better with the genetics of the previous genetic majority (example: Egyptian babies, Native American babies, Guatemalan babies, Polish babies, etc.).because the sea rescue forces will sail quickly to their sea destination and rescue them with other ships (impossible example of a Titanic-type sinking of babies) and rescue frigates (longer delivery times of 1, 2 to 4 weeks, but safer). By plane, there is a greater risk of falling and losing the baby cargo by air crash (faster delivery times of 4, 6, 12 to 24 hours, but more dangerous). Baby transport trucks or vans can also be used on intracontinental land routes. Trains are an excellent means of fast transport, very reliable with a very low accident rate and therefore very safe for baby wagons. Baby buses are also very practical since a nurse can sit in each seat and take care of each baby (40 seats = 40 to 80 babies maximum per bus). Losing 1 priceless cargo of hundreds or thousands of toddlers in 1 single shipwreck, symbolically speaking, all the peoples of the planet would feel a wave of sympathy for the team and sadness on a civilizational level similar to if all of humanity had lost its big baby. However, it should not be taken too personally and seriously because the scale of the universe and the colonization of space, losing a bunch of babies in an artificial nursery according to the many possibilities of cataclysms and problematic exoplanetary probabilities. Nations and countries can order babies of their ethnicity so that it naturally integrates better with the genetics of the previous genetic majority (example: Egyptian babies, Native American babies, Guatemalan babies, Polish babies, etc.).because the sea rescue forces will sail quickly to their sea destination and rescue them with other ships (impossible example of a Titanic-type sinking of babies) and rescue frigates (longer delivery times of 1, 2 to 4 weeks, but safer). By plane, there is a greater risk of falling and losing the baby cargo by air crash (faster delivery times of 4, 6, 12 to 24 hours, but more dangerous). Baby transport trucks or vans can also be used on intracontinental land routes. Trains are an excellent means of fast transport, very reliable with a very low accident rate and therefore very safe for baby wagons. Baby buses are also very practical since a nurse can sit in each seat and take care of each baby (40 seats = 40 to 80 babies maximum per bus). Losing 1 priceless cargo of hundreds or thousands of toddlers in 1 single shipwreck, symbolically speaking, all the peoples of the planet would feel a wave of sympathy for the team and sadness on a civilizational level similar to if all of humanity had lost its big baby. However, it should not be taken too personally and seriously because the scale of the universe and the colonization of space, losing a bunch of babies in an artificial nursery according to the many possibilities of cataclysms and problematic exoplanetary probabilities. Nations and countries can order babies of their ethnicity so that it naturally integrates better with the genetics of the previous genetic majority (example: Egyptian babies, Native American babies, Guatemalan babies, Polish babies, etc.).it should not be taken too personally and seriously because the scale of the universe and space colonization, losing a bunch of babies in an artificial nursery based on the many possibilities of exoplanetary cataclysms and problematic probabilities. Nations and countries can order babies of their ethnicity so that it naturally integrates better with the genetics of the previous genetic majority (example: Egyptian babies, Native American babies, Guatemalan babies, Polish babies, etc.).it should not be taken too personally and seriously because the scale of the universe and space colonization, losing a bunch of babies in an artificial nursery based on the many possibilities of exoplanetary cataclysms and problematic probabilities. Nations and countries can order babies of their ethnicity so that it naturally integrates better with the genetics of the previous genetic majority (example: Egyptian babies, Native American babies, Guatemalan babies, Polish babies, etc.). 


This measure of reproduction of children of the same ethnicity as their territorial ancestors avoids the harmful effects of crossbreeding and the catastrophic gradual loss of genetic identity. From this situation of precursor in the field of the baby jar, Quebec and/or Canada will quickly carve out a reputation as a world leader and the fact that we produced the first uterine babies in the world will ensure that we will collect the biggest monetary profits amounting to several tens, hundreds and thousands of billions of dollars over decades and centuries of artificial maternal childbirth. Similar to babies created by Artificial Insemination (male part of artificial reproduction), babies engendered by Artificial Uterus (female part of artificial reproduction), they do not have to know expressly that they were born by modern scientific methods (protection of the anonymity of the biological parents if that is their wish during the prior donation of their sexual gametes to the hospital laboratory). Visitors to the nursery will look out of a large horizontal bay window on each floor and will visually follow closely the nurses caring for the babies. If the Chinese are smart enough to build a factory of 650,000 pigs to 1.2 million pigs per year, and this, right in the middle of the city (200 pig factories of this ilk in China scattered across the country), Europeans with equivalent IQ are also capable of setting up a baby factory that is even more useful, ethical and moral from the point of view of human biological demographic necessities. If we model a numerical equivalent of the Chinese pork production capacity then by raising about 1 million pigs per year in an urban agricultural farm 26 stories high, a city medical baby farm would produce at least the same quantity of beings, i.e. 1 to 2 million babies that could adequately and stably feed several countries with pressing needs in terms of birth rate, therefore 1 million babies x $5,000 on average = $5,000,000,000 or no less than 5 trillion dollars in just 1 year of beneficial national artificial childbirth! The fact of producing babies on demand for the countries most in need of birth rate, it remains that on the scale of humanity there are few births since each year no less than 147 million healthy children, so this artificial reproduction would only represent a proportion of 1/147 of the real needs of our civilization. However, reproduction by Artificial Uterus in a large-scale nursery will only point out precisely the countries which have serious demographic problems, but which do not want to call on foreign workers, with other cultures, other customs, etc.,and this more than is needed for its ancestral society. Depending on the terrestrial, satellite and exoplanetary geographical regions, countries and their nations with indigenous native populations have all the latitude and legitimacy necessary to assert their ancestral Rights of Primacy according to the present (long periods of several centuries, millennia or even millions of years) and apply their full Right to national preference giving them the choice to determine the percentage of babies of their ethnic groups that they want to buy abroad or grow on their soil and state territory. This report should not be called ''In the largest pigsty in the world'' in China, but rather ''In the largest nursery in the world'' in China or Canada preferably. The Chinese are already working on this kind of project, because they have invented machines with computers and computer eyes that can automatically select the right embryos, so they will arrive at this kind of baby factory within 10 to 20 years, it's just that in the West the political class is jaded, unimaginative, afraid of polls, over-indebted, and therefore paralyzed in its large-scale projects. If it is not capable of equalizing the Chinese at least, the population of the West, which is mainly of European origin, will perish under the weight of its stupidity, its lack of motivation, political courage and above all its lack of imagination. If politicians and business people (pharmaceuticals, medical centers, associations of doctors, gynecologists, obstetricians, midwives, pediatricians, geneticists and other health professionals) are too small-minded and dull-witted to see all the profits and demographic advantage not only terrestrial, but extraterrestrial of the ease of installing artificial wombs then they just have to hide behind the wall of shame and under-giftedness.because they invented machines with computers and computer eyes to automatically select the right embryos so they will arrive at this kind of baby factory within 10 to 20 years, it's just that in the West the political class is jaded, unimaginative, afraid of polls, over-indebted, therefore paralyzed in its large-scale projects. If it is not capable of equalizing the Chinese at least the population of Western European origin will perish under the weight of its stupidity, its lack of motivation, political courage and especially its lack of imagination. If politicians and business people (pharmaceuticals, medical centers, associations of doctors, gynecologists, obstetricians, midwives, pediatricians, geneticists and other health professionals) are too small-minded and dull-witted to see all the profits and demographic advantage not only terrestrial, but extraterrestrial of the ease of installing artificial wombs then they just have to hide behind the wall of shame and under-giftedness.because they invented machines with computers and computer eyes to automatically select the right embryos so they will arrive at this kind of baby factory within 10 to 20 years, it's just that in the West the political class is jaded, unimaginative, afraid of polls, over-indebted, therefore paralyzed in its large-scale projects. If it is not capable of equalizing the Chinese at least the population of Western European origin will perish under the weight of its stupidity, its lack of motivation, political courage and especially its lack of imagination. If politicians and business people (pharmaceuticals, medical centers, associations of doctors, gynecologists, obstetricians, midwives, pediatricians, geneticists and other health professionals) are too small-minded and dull-witted to see all the profits and demographic advantage not only terrestrial, but extraterrestrial of the ease of installing artificial wombs then they just have to hide behind the wall of shame and under-giftedness. 

Baby Price Chart based on rarity, quality, general biophysical and genetic abilities (in descending order from most expensive to least expensive, most intelligent to least intelligent, most powerful to least powerful humanoid: 

Baby Atlas GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, Skin whiteness pink available, Multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 1000 meters (3280 feet) Intelligence: 70,488 minimum to 352,440 maximum IQ points]: $1,000,000,000

Baby Imhotep GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, skin whiteness pink available, several coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink and purple), 900 meters (2953 feet) Intelligence: 63,439 minimum to 317,196 maximum IQ points]: $900,000,000

Baby Odin GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, Skin whiteness pink available, Multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 800 meters (2625 feet) Intelligence: 56,390 minimum to 281,952 maximum IQ points]: $800,000,000

Baby Poseidon GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, Skin whiteness pink available, Multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 700 meters (2297 feet) Intelligence: 49,342 minimum to 98,683 maximum IQ points]: $700,000,000

Baby Nefertiti GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, skin whiteness pink available, several coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink and purple), 600 meters (1969 feet) Intelligence: 42,293 minimum to 211,464 maximum IQ points]: $600,000,000

Baby Osiris GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, Skin whiteness pink available, Multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 500 meters (1640 feet) Intelligence: 35,244 minimum to 176,220 maximum Qi points]: $500,000,000

Baby Kraken GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, Skin whiteness pink available, Multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 400 meters (1312 feet) Intelligence: 28,195 minimum to 105,732 maximum IQ points]: $400,000,000

Baby Behemoth GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, Skin whiteness pink available, Multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 300 meters (984 feet) Intelligence: 21,146 minimum to 105,732 maximum IQ points]: $300,000,000

Baby Akhenaton GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, skin whiteness pink available, several skin colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink and purple), 200 meters (656 feet) Intelligence: 14,098 minimum to 70,488 maximum IQ points]: $200,000,000

Baby Thor GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, Skin whiteness pink available, Multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 100 meters (328 feet) Intelligence: 7,050 minimum to 35,250 maximum IQ points]: $100,000,000

Baby Athena GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, skin whiteness pink available, multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 90 meters (295 feet) Intelligence: 6,343 minimum to 31,715 maximum IQ points]: $90,000,000

Baby Kheops GMO: [Head circumference from large to giant, skin whiteness pink available, several integument colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink and purple), 80 meters (262 feet) Intelligence: 5,640 minimum to 28,200 maximum IQ points]: $80,000,000

Baby Darwineus GMO: [large to giant head circumference, pinkish skin whiteness available, multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 70 meters (229 feet) Intelligence: 4,935 minimum to 24,675 maximum IQ points]: $70,000,000

Baby Cleopatra GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, skin whiteness pink available, multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 60 meters (196 feet) Intelligence: 4,230 minimum 17,625 maximum IQ points]: $60,000,000

Baby Zeus GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, Skin whiteness pink available, Multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 50 meters (164 feet) Intelligence: 3,525 minimum to 17,625 maximum IQ points]: $50,000,000

Baby Caesarus GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, skin whiteness pink available, multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 40 meters (131 feet) Intelligence: 2,820 minimum to 14,100 maximum IQ points]: $40,000,000

Baby Napoleonis GMO: [large to giant head circumference, pinkish skin whiteness available, multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 30 meters (98 feet) Intelligence: 2,115 minimum to 10,575 maximum IQ points]: $30,000,000

Baby Asterix GMO: [Head circumference large to giant, skin whiteness pink available, several coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink and purple), 20 meters (65 feet) Intelligence: 1,410 minimum to 7,050 maximum IQ points]: $20,000,000

Baby Xavius ​​GMO: [large to giant head circumference, pinkish skin whiteness available, multiple coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), 10 meters (32 feet) Intelligence: 704 minimum to 3,520 maximum IQ points]: $10,000,000

Baby Alexandrius GMO: 7.3 meters (24 feet) Intelligence: 1,000 minimum to 2,000 maximum IQ points]:

Baby Amadeus GMO (hyperhuman) [large to giant head circumference, pinkish skin whiteness available, several coat colors available (blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, and purple), height 9 to 12 feet, high IQ of over 500 to 1000 points]: $1,000,000

Baby Prometheus (superhuman) [large to giant head circumference, pinkish skin whiteness available, 4 colors available (blue, green, orange, and yellow), 7-9 feet tall, high IQ of over 200-400 points]: $500,000

European Baby [medium to large head circumference. Pinkish skin whiteness available, 4 colors available (blue, green, orange and yellow), medium to large size, high IQ of over 100 points]: $10,000

North Asian Baby [medium to large head circumference, skin whiteness available, small to medium height, high IQ over 100 points]: $9,000

Semitic Ashkenazi Baby [medium head circumference, medium to large height, 1 color available for blue eyes, high IQ of over 100 points]: $8,000

Inuit/Eskimo/Lapp Baby [medium to large head circumference, small to medium height, average IQ around 91-97 points]: $7,000

Native American Baby [average head circumference, medium to large height, average IQ around 87-95 points]: $6,000

South Asian Baby [small head circumference, small to medium height, average IQ around 87-95 points]: $5,000

Central & South American Baby [average head circumference, small to medium size, average IQ around 87-95 points]: $4,000

Arabian Baby [average head circumference, medium to large height, average IQ around 87-95 points]: $3,000

Indonesian Baby [average head circumference, small to medium height, average IQ around 87-95 points]: $2,000

Hawaiian Baby [average head circumference, small to medium size, average IQ around 87-95 points]: $1,000

African Baby (pre-human) [small to medium head circumference, medium to large height, low IQ around 75-85 points]: $300

Aboriginal Baby (pre-human) [small head circumference, small to medium height, low IQ around 65-80 points]: $100

Baby Gorilla (proto-human animal) [medium to large head circumference, small to medium height, low IQ around 25-50 points]: $50

Baby Chimpanzee (protohuman animal) [tiny head circumference, miniature to small size, very low IQ around 12-25 points]: $20

*Note; prices are for information purposes only and do not necessarily always represent the real cost of manufacturing and gestation of humans in the laboratory, especially if they are mass-produced on Earth or in space. Rather, they denote the progression of prices based on the increasingly extraordinary abilities of humans with the increase in their size, longevity and intelligence and therefore their capacity to dominate the world in the name of human civilization. 

Source (Chinese pigsty of 650,000 pigs):

Source (annual human terrestrial demography):,des%20ann%C3%A9es%201960%2C%20%C3%A0%201%2C12%25%20par%20an%20aujourd%27hui. 

Source (Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg Offers GMO Baby to

the card for 15,000€ American fertility clinic with 7 shades of blue eye colors + centenarian genes):


1st Gate, 2nd Gate and 3rd Time Gate passed and who came to us 10 million years in advance? Not the ancient prophets and divinities of the invisible, not Santa Claus! No, rather Amadeus Frankenstein himself straight from the future to bring order to the planet and bring to heel the too many traitors of human civilization (great polluters & crossbreeders as well as destructive nuclear dictators) who have endangered our existential ontological foundations (lists of planetary system supports) and all our possibilities of universal spatial expansions. They will break down the Gates of Time with their feet (25'' shoes) and take their rightful place among us in order to improve the destiny of civilization x 1000. In an ideal intertemporal society, people can both leave the earth of the Gates of the Past and the heavens through the Gates of the Future and join the people of the Present (universal time of the astronomical clock from the Big Bang of the universe).  3D photographs of Aliens are better and better done in our time. Even if we think that Aliens are always ugly and horrible, this is far from being the case in my opinion. Since evolutionary eugenic biology always favors the variable of Aesthetics over millions of years. So at least more than 50% or 1 in 2 Aliens must have a nice appearance even if they have green, purple, yellow, etc. colors their features, their eyes, their noses and their mouths will become more refined with the generations that pass.

Source:,explosion%20fabriqu%C3%A9%20de%20mani%C3%A8re %20industrial.



Excellently done this futuristic video! This report overlaps a lot with my theoretical research in general so much so that I was more than surprised when watching it. This information demonstrates as I had predicted in my Bible of Future Humanity, that the cloning of both animals and humans, as well as reproduction via artificial uteruses will necessarily impose themselves over the centuries by their too obvious usefulness for all sorts of reasons solving as much the decline in human fertility, the need for workers of governments, resurrecting the great geniuses of history, on the lucrative plan of private companies, etc. Obviously, the host tries to go as far as possible in his explanations so explains possible scenarios of the most horrific, like saying that clones become mutants at advanced stages when the Chinese have shown that embryos with the slightest abnormal cells are removed from incubators at primary stages well before the entire formation of the organism (mouse). They exaggerate by showing several dozen identical clones, which will probably not be the case, but people or animals will be cloned in small numbers. That chimeric organisms of the type only of arms or legs manufactured only to work in factories in order to assemble cars is quite improbable except for example in several millennia (well otherwise prohibited by the laws on cloning) and also new organisms of the Extraterrestrial type but on Earth therefore falling directly into competition with our civilization, because of another genetics. What is biologically well reported is that it is necessary to have a certain genetic variation of the breeders so that the problems of inbreeding are more and more reduced, or even non-existent. Removing human genetic diseases one by one will also be imposed on us with the passage of time and especially with the colonization of space or we will not be able to send human groups to far distances if they are full of hereditary diseases making them vulnerable to all sorts of problems during the journey to other exoplanets. Knowing that it is possible to find still viable DNA in a dug-up skeleton of prehistoric humans from more than 40,000 years ago, then this means that anyone in a cemetery buried since Antiquity can be resurrected from the dead (example of James Cameron who would resurrect Jesus of Nazareth after having publicly declared having unearthed his tomb near Jerusalem). I am not too sure whether it is really useful to copy and paste the memory of a cloned person,It is rather the field of artificial intelligence and brain neural scanning that studies this approach except that I do not think it is so necessary to keep the memory of all our personal experiences lived, our memory of our knowledge formerly learned. The important thing is to clone or create an identical twin when we want to relive several times, resurrect our family ancestors and / or personalities of historical interest, etc. What is the riskiest is to clone a person with a problematic historical baggage so that we do not only clone the individual in flesh and blood, but we reactivate his past especially if this person can have access to fragments of his personal history via photographs, books, videos, slides, etc. If he is raised independently of his past history, then he can live a life quite different from his first or eighth existence. However, from the moment her full past is revealed to her, the more she will have a metaphysical connection with her history and the faster she will fall back into her shoes of yesteryear, whether her previous existence was lived a few years ago, several centuries or almost millennia later even if the level of society has changed around, if her DNA remains identical as a result she will have on average the same abilities to think, summarize and grasp the world (effect amplified with the same educational readings and studies). A given clone x, regardless of whether it is version #2 or version #222, will be entangled at the quantum level (theory of locality and non-locality at the temporal level) with all these other previous clones and will therefore feel the existential transcendence of these versions whose space-time framework will effortlessly revive in the form of a presentiment the memory of the places, times and people she once frequented. The host is mistaken in my opinion in stating that a clone will not have exactly the same personality unless it has had diametrically opposed instruction and/or too much trauma during childhood or adolescence, these traumas being able to slightly change the personality by splitting it into a more or less psychotic state according to psychoanalysis. Studies on identical twins have often shown that these natural clones even separated at birth will behave roughly the same way, listen to the same kind of music, dress the same way, etc. Having experienced it personally, I can say exactly the opposite since when I lost my white Siberian Husky dog ​​with blue eyes Alaska after 18 years of life, then I had a depressive period where I really regretted my female dog so I had the idea of ​​buying another one of the same type,because I particularly like white huskies in this canine breed. At that time I only found a white male Husky dog ​​with brown eyes for $150 that I called Malamute. What I realized is that my temporary depressive state immediately faded because even if my conscious thought knew perfectly well that it was not at all the same dog and in addition that it was bigger and with brown eyes, my brain was fooled by the 95% resemblance and was amply satisfied with this new canine that I loved as much as the previous dog. So the same unconscious effect of clonic similarity must be operating in people who make another person replicate, they will find them 90-95% with the same feeling of relationship and mutual interaction similar to what we experienced in the past. Another example, if a person buys a car of such a brand and then has a fender bender or an accident with this vehicle, if the following week he buys exactly the same brand of vehicle then his brain will have the impression of being neither more nor less than in the same car, except for a few minor details including the new smell of the car, the objects inside which are placed differently, the shine of the bodywork, etc. which are minor details so the brain will be fooled and will subconsciously think that he is driving the same car.

Source (What if Human Cloning was Legal?):


The Evolution of animals and plants is identical to the game of Snake and Ladder, so it is very difficult and time-consuming to climb one by one the squares of the crucial evolutionary stages (thousands and millions of years needed). While it is very easy to go down, fall via the Snakes and regress to earlier stages of our human evolution (a few decades and centuries of poor demographic management are enough). Our replacement political leaders import millions of ethnic groups with lesser extra-European genetic qualities, bringing us directly back to the very beginning of the Game where we left the African jungle and savannah (Haplogroup A: -300,000 years, Haplogroup B: -80,000 years and Haplogroup C: -60,000 years) going from square #100 to square #1 (extreme leveling down in record involutionary time). From this constant, these managers of the people ( under-qualification + under-demographic planning) are individuals flagrantly ignorant of evolutionary vs. involutionary biology in the broad sense in addition to promoting crossbreeding via their government propaganda, by letting companies generate advertisements in this direction with impunity, accelerating in a very serious downward spiral, generalized human genetic regression . Sometimes, without wanting life to tumble down a disadvantageous event cascade, it is enough to change only a very small variable in an individual DNA or a living system of the order of a local population or an entire species. So imagine when it comes time to apply a good evolutionary demographic planning to a given continental population, from then on the possibilities of errors and regressions minimal to major therefore of potential involutions of whole become very numerous especially in a type of society where all the ethnic groups are grouped in the same geographical place. In the West, by dint of being obsessed by the notion of Egalitarianism at all costs in a world where humanity is precisely plural and diversified by the nature of things, distancing and environmental phenomena, this project of society with good initial intentions ends up completely destroying this diversity as a result of the proximity of its biogenetic materials, by no longer respecting the precious human genetic diversity by denying it, relegating it to principles of xenophobic withdrawal, to the intolerance of certain groups who want to preserve their diversity specific to their ethnic group, who do not want to be perfectly become supposedly equal to the overall characteristics of humanity, who wish to keep the genomic lineage of the game of several tens of thousands of years played by their genealogical ancestors.



Only with the size of a human Prometheus will this one surely beat a Polar Bear or a Grizzly. The bear must be more than 2 meters tall standing, or 7 to 9 feet! Certain with 7 feet 2 '' in Prometheus version, I would weigh at least 200-400 pounds, and would have at least 160 to 200 points of Qi and +. There are just Amadeus humans who would easily swear steals to the Ursidae. With the size of their front and back legs, bears have at least 3 to 5 times the strength of a normal human. The parallel between the kinds or races of Bears is best to make with Humanity which also has about 8 terrestrial races or ethnicities having physiognomies perfectly adapted to their geographical environment. Go replace the Polar Bears in the north with the Proto-Bears and you will see what they will do to the intruders (replacement politicians traitors of the Bears). In a zoo, they experimented with mixing all the Bears in the same enclosure, so a few months and years later, all the bears were mixed together and the initial diversity had totally disappeared so it is exactly the same fate that awaits Humanity in the long term in the multi-ethnic West. Statistically, according to my observations of populations of different ethnicities or bears, only 300 to 400 years maximum will be necessary to mix all the human races together, i.e. 15 to 30 generations (G15 to G30) up to a hypothetical maximum of 50 to 100 generations of crossbreeding (G50 to G100). This is why the Polar Bear elites who replaced their entire group of bears will suffer their subsequent revenge and this will be equivalent to being scratched, beaten or eaten alive. This is maximized by the fact that the Polar Bears of the future will not be the normal size of a current bear from the early 2000s, but giant Polar Bears (natural or artificial evolution). Therefore, imagine their power of punishment which will be increased tenfold to a level never seen on Earth! As a result, these traitor Polar Bear families will be in the best hunted of the North Pole or other northern regions mainly occupied by polar bears for 600,000 years. The polar bears of the future will have absolutely no pity for them, their existence is already erased from the history of world bears, especially those going into space. Although the Polar Bears initially agreed to allow a limited number of other Earth bears to travel and live in the north, they never, ever gave permission to their bear leaders,and this even through the ballot box so that they import gargantuan quantities of immigrant bears invariably condemning them to a disappearance of their own genetic particularity in the medium term with more than 1 million bears parachuted via the new efficient means of transport every year. Once the new Brown or Black Bears from the South, the Companies realized that it would be profitable to sell them white clothes (false fur or immaculate fur) with the aim that they also resemble the white Polar bears of the north so that they acclimatize and can parasitize their snowy territory even more by imitating and playing their role as a founding population adapted to its natural environment. The real Polar Bears know well that this clothing is only a fake adornment, a vulgar imitation of their genetic evolution, so they easily recognize and are even distressed, not to say exasperated, even horrified, to see so many Brown Bears dressed in fake white fur in the thousands of television commercials and other media or in the environment via the fashion of the city. Another aggravating factor is that not only do the traitorous polar bear elites not offer any measures of Protection and Preservation of their particular genetic heritage (yet the host bear populations are necessarily at risk of genetic dissolution), they also do not help them to reproduce artificially given the new methods offered by medical science, and this in order to continue to accumulate their family and/or personal fortune according to their demographic project of crossbreeding and replacement of all possible Bears in the same space-time (multi-ethnic and multiculturalist society). And if the polar bears currently the most legitimate on their territory of biological appearance react slightly to their potential population disappearance (no wildlife reserve or biological Safe Space of fallback), the ethnic traitor leaders will even dare to accuse them of being intolerant and racist Bears (incitement to Self-Hatred even more serious and illegal than the incitement to Hatred of Other Ethnic or Ideological groups), which at the same time increases the seriousness of their demographic replacement project (non-equivalent interchangeability by substitution of peoples between them) therefore of their level of civilizational guilt and order of severity of future retroactive judicial punishments. As a result, the planet of the 8 kinds of Bears will be too small for them to be able to save themselves from their destiny of ethnic traitor of the Ursidae since no matter the type of animal in nature, the large replacement Bears and large crossbreeders of the native varieties are not appreciated by any kind of bear,it does not matter which of the varieties since they disintegrate, dilute and deteriorate or finally irreversibly alter the initial genomic qualities.


A metaphor that best explains my qualifications in anthropology and human genetics defining my vision on the future of luxury and high-end cars, not to mention the next spaceships. I have been learning about Humans with a capital H since my adolescence and over the years I have specialized in European genetics. Comparatively, it is the same as if I knew about cars in general, how they work and the material basis of their parts, and I qualify myself on the European car models that I study more particularly (being of this ethnicity myself) from Space to Russia, from Italy to Scandinavia I can identify brands better and better by region or country. However, I never said that I myself had the best kind of Lamborghini or Rolls-Royce of cars, because in our time, no one has the super car boosted to the max of the Amadeusian brand (12, 24 to 72, 324 cylinder engine, sunroof, anti-fog light, hyper-efficient brakes, etc.). Therefore, it should not be taken personally not to have exactly all the best mechanical characteristics and potential parts typical of our human genetics, all these speculative models are rather to be manufactured and built in the future based on the best models of yesteryear and of our era. It is the same situation as if we had explained to people in the early 1900s that even though they had good cars compared to their ancestors who rode in carriages in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, that their Fort-T 1910 vehicle model was relatively underdeveloped since in 100 years their descendants would be driving luxury BMWs and Mercedes with all the options and over-efficient equipment, so instead of driving at 30 to 70 km/hr, their offspring in a few generations will be driving at 200-300 km/hr with ease. Thus, they would necessarily have felt inferior in performance and would have had many inferiority complexes when in their time they already had excellent car technologies compared to a few centuries before. Same problem in every era where we always have to deal with the technologies of our time even if we can predict in advance a minimum what will be the next stages of the evolution of automobile mechanics or human biogenetics in a few centuries, millennia and millions of years. Imagine when I describe Amadeus-type humans 10.52 million years ahead of us, similar to if I would explain car models in 10 million years,well no one has the dream car with all these futuristic technologies in our time so everyone would find their car model perfectly backward and obsolete (no equipment to be an underwater car, no wings of an aerial car, no aeronautical parts to go into space, no system allowing to travel in time equipped with a space-time convector, etc.).

Out of interest and natural passion, I have observed that almost every time I mention to people that they have certain genes that are more favorable to evolution, they will quickly wallow in what seems to me to be Superiority Complexes. For example, I told 2 young people in a bar who were 6'1 and 6'3 that humans in the future will be taller and all, that these are advantageous gene groups so at the end of the evening both wanted to beat me up (well one was Native American and didn't appreciate my anti-woke speech while the other was drunk and wanted to argue his friend, which they didn't succeed in given my rhetorical skills and my knowledge on the subject of native reserves). Inferiority Complexes are less problematic since they only make people feel slightly diminished compared to the average. While Superiority Complexes will inflate the ego, which will exaggeratedly increase self-esteem and self-confidence and they will try to surpass us, if not supplant us. Finally, I had the idea last week that if Amadeus-type humans were created in our time, well they would probably have what I call Supra Superiority Complexes, making them very dangerous unless they knew that they were part of a multi-scale fractal civilization and that each level has its relevance in the invasion of space and battles with Extraterrestrials. In the facts of biology, they would be right to believe themselves superior since they would really be superior in all their abilities 10 million years in advance, but hey they must be generated step by step so as not to have too great an evolution compared to the human groups of before who themselves created them. In the multi-level civilization project, the emanating Superiority Complexes are the main problem that I identify for now as a theorist.

11 MAIN PATHS OF LIFE (railroad tracks of the living) ©

1-INTELLIGENCE (+ intelligence increases the capacity for imagination and therefore provides ever more capacity for retroactive analysis of synthesis, inventiveness and prediction of future stages or possibilities).

2-LONGEVITY (living or robotic organisms that live longer can accumulate more knowledge in their biological hard drive, have already seen similar situations in the past and give more accomplished responses).

3-GIGANTISM (nature gradually favors the increase in size of animals from the small lizard to the giant dinosaur in order to guarantee their chances of survival compared to other species).

4-FERTILITY (the more fertile insects, plants and animals have a better chance of spreading their genome further on planets & galaxies with a greater quantity across the biotopes of the universe).

5-QUANTITY (+ the quantity of genetic unit of a species is high and the less chance it has of disappearing via environmental effects and by predation of other natural competitors).

6-QUALITY (+ the quality of a DNA is good and fewer internal factors (genetic diseases, etc.) and external factors (reduced risk of loss by environmental factors, risk of being caught by other animals, etc.) so this quality has the advantage of growing with millions of years of evolution).

7-DIVERSITY (genetic diversity allows a species or civilization to better adapt to various planetary environments, interbreeding removes these positive evolutionary particularities and reduces the chances of general survival in addition to smoothing out phenotypic differences).

8-ADPATABILITY (extremophile adaptability to the majority of arid environments of the planets and the universe is one of the most useful variables in the kingdom of life, because no environment or creature can overcome a resistant biological species).

9-AESTHETICS (nature being essentially eugenic will shape living organisms so that they become more and more accomplished both in terms of genotype (internal) and phenotype (external), improving their appearance, their chance of reproduction and therefore their general survival rate).

10-HIERARCHISM (nature proceeds by a slow and certain addition of organelles, types of cells, functions, capacities and biological properties increasing the rate of complexity of living beings (perfectionism), ensuring them increasingly effective survival capacities).

11-INTEGRALITY (respect for the initial genetic programming and its fortification are essential in order to more quickly optimize a specific material order and incarnation).


Once upon a time on the planet of the dinosaurs, there was the story of a small Pterodactyl from the Pterosaur family who dreamed of becoming a giant Quetzalcoatlus in order to dominate the Earth's airspace and be at the top of the food chain. The small Pterodactyl, growing to the size of a bat, looked at his titanic cousins ​​embodied in the Quetzalcoatlus, the Arambourgiania and the Hatzegopteryx and said to himself that once he reached these venerable sizes, nothing could stop him and he would be able to eat whatever he wanted by descending from the sky towards these prey on the ground that were very vulnerable to attacks from the heavens. Several million years later, having reached the size of a normal human of 5 to 6 feet, the little Pterodactyl saw that he still needed several feet of size to gain, and this with the objective of reaching the measurements of his idol, the star of the pterosaurs, the Quetzalcoatlus (height of 5 meters & width of the wings deployed of 12 meters). Even if the great optimizing mechanisms of nature are always at work in the evolutionary background movements, this evolution was however not at all guaranteed since many evils, brakes and involutions could occur in the meantime over periods of several thousands and millions of years to come. Like any creation of new branches of the tree of life, one of the sisters and one of the brothers of the little Pterodactyl do not think at all like their brother with regard to many sociological subjects of their time, thus the sister finds that her older brother is too old-fashioned and outdated when he praises the merits of the nuclear family, since according to her unions can be formed of any sex in modern times and that it is precisely an evolution of morals. His brother, for his part, sees in the advent of robotics an unusual way of implementing their organism of various very useful gadgets requiring little effort and generating many positive evolutionary effects much faster than the natural evolution of slow mechanisms observable in nature. His other little brother believes that this family should mix with the millions of newcomers migrants brought by their politicians on their territory, that it will be a plus for the family even if they lose their genetic peculiarities inherited from their Nordic ancestors for hundreds of thousands of years. His little sister, for her part, puts forward the idea that it would be high time to stop aiming for a typical life of a volatile Pterosaur and that the era has come to no longer fly in the air, but to go live in the earth.His mother pointed out to him that from now on it is not only allowed and overly protected by the Government, but it is also well seen to believe in any divinity and that this kind of belief requiring only blind faith in the invisible was sufficient to found a religion and other respectable theological movement. One of these tragic days for an unknown environmental reason, the little Pterodactyl finds himself separated from his original family and they then take a new evolutionary path elsewhere and will prosper there in perfect harmony with their multiple ideological beliefs, whether good or bad for the evolution of the species (biology, sociology, politics, science, philosophy, etc.). On the one hand, the genetic line of the family that went on its path behaved exactly according to the Relativist, Egalitarian and Post-Biologist principles with which it believed its principled, moral, ethical superiority and the good, just and desirable life for all. While the little Pterodactyl, as for him, followed his path, had a descendant with whom he instilled his more traditional, conservative, moral, ethical and rather Pro-Biologist values. What was the result exactly 10.52 million years later? It is not the Pterosaurs themselves who will give us the answer, since they would have an interpretative bias of their own genetic and civilizational fate as a whole. The best placed to note their involution or their manifest objective and impartial evolution can only come from interplanetary travelers who came to visit their planet for an indefinite period in order to judge the evolutionary level of the species dangerous or not for them as well as to precisely list the planet's natural resources. So impartial intergalactic human and extraterrestrial observers arrive on the planet of the dinosaurs (humans in the north of the globe and extraterrestrials in the south), they see a whole range of marine, aerial and terrestrial living organisms including completely unusual biological variants, intriguing not to say on occasion perfectly wacky to their virgin eyes from space. Suddenly, one of the humans stumbles on the ground, a sort of small brown creature litters the rubble, it looks like a myopic bat since it has no eyes and seems to move in the void. The astronauts say to themselves that this animal must live inside the earth and that is why it has lost its visual organs. The organism speaks quietly, it asks if we are the Messiah awaited for millions of years, the god of gods who would have founded the universe of dinosaurs.We answer him that no because we are a biological animal similar to its subterranean species and that the notion of divinity has long been abandoned by the erudite minds of our atheist planet using only the reproducible and observational validating precepts of the logical-rational-scientific methodology. Then we see that the creature carries on its back a makeshift electronic device that seems to make it move forward and emits alternating short-circuit noises. We ask the one-eyed bat what this harness straight out of a science fiction movie represents, and the creature answers us that its descendants have slowly robotized themselves in the earth in order to compensate for their low initial intelligence and with the objective of digging the ground better than with their natural means of locomotion since their ancestors lived in the air and not in the earth, but that some of them thought of turning away from their founding genetic programming by desire to do different in addition to their many ideologies with post-naturalist pretensions. We answer him that this computer equipment must be handicapping for their species living in the darkness of the earth, the miniature robotic pterodactyl answered us in the affirmative that their system often experiences many electronic breakdowns and that they often suffer electrical failures during the time of the annual seasonal floods. We notice that multiple critters of the same family come out of the ground at the same time, they all look the same and are all brownish in color, so we ask them if this natural coloring is normal and widespread all over the planet, and the Pterosaurian raptor informs us that all the representatives of this species have long interbred with each other since given the massive immigration of all the varieties of planetary Pterodactyls to their region, their reproduction has led them sooner or later into a bottleneck where the proximity of the various strains of the different continents have mixed and invariably interbred together after several centuries and millennia of intraterrestrial cohabitation. After a certain time of cohabitation in the same space-time biotope, it had become practically impossible to find a representative of their ancient genetic population, each Pterodactyl held a minimum of 10% to 25% of the DNA of the other flying reptilian strains of the other planetary groups, up to a crossbreeding rate of more than 50% and then with thresholds impossible to reverse in terms of their particular genetics previously perfectly adapted to their specific climatological environment. Then, the astronaut saw 2 tiny pterodactyls in the distance that seemed to climb on top of each other,they rubbed and fucked each other constantly like a dog fucking another mongrel dog. The human asked the pterodactyl if these sexual behaviors were normal and common on this planet, and the latter replied in the affirmative that for several generations these Pterodactylidaes no longer saw the importance and relevance of mating as nature had programmed them, sexuality was simply to have orgasmic pleasure and not so much to reproduce and have numerous offspring. According to the creatures of the earth, nothing was worth the sexual pleasure consumed, even if these sexual practices were totally sterile and useless in terms of biological life. Finally, the extraterrestrial who had gone to explore another part of the planet reached the height of the 2 protagonists and revealed that a species of dinosaur of the Archaeopterodactyloidea clade had been discovered in the plains of the South Pole and that it appeared to be very dangerous to their mission. A sample of his DNA had been taken and the human replied that it would be useful to test if his interlocutor from the underground was related to this unknown species. The astronaut leaned over and with the agreement of the Euctenochasmatia he plunged his genome sampling needle into his tiny carcass, and as soon as the results echoed on the device, the DNA match was 99% closer to the same DNA tested thousands of kilometers away from this place on this exoplanet, which surprised both the human and the alien (similar to humans with their chimpanzee ancestors with 1.3% genetic differentiation). Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared on the ground and submerged the entire group in an agonizing darkness and even immediately freezing their blood. The astonished trio immediately stipulated that it must be a total solar eclipse for the Sun to disappear so quickly and immerse them in such darkness, when they looked up at the sky to validate their estimate, they instead saw a giant bird wandering from left to right and finally descending on them at full speed. From the moment the being that came straight from the sky landed on the ground with a crash, heaviness and presence, the earth shook under their feet and they realized that a titanic reptile from the Quetzalcoatlus family stood before them. The pharaonic Pterodactyl spoke to them from the top of his 12 feet and informed them that they had been talking for a while with a vestige of his giant race that for millions of years had taken the wrong evolutionary path and had become nothing more than sterile, infertile and robotic underground pterodactylian animal larvae through years of certain genetic regression given their execrable reproductive choices totally unsuited to the many inescapable laws of nature.Both the human and the alien could not believe their eyes and ears and believed the story of the gifted giant Pterodactyl with a big head since they had just carried out a DNA test proving the dinosaur's words and above all demonstrating the genetic proximity of these 2 distant families of Pterosauria. At the end of the interview, the Quetzalcoatlus after having given all his scholarly explanations on the past and the historical future of his planet, got bored of having to explain everything to these strangers from another world and simply decided to plunge his beak towards these potentially excellent exotic meals and ate them in a few minutes. Such is the destiny of creatures in nature which is to eat or be eaten by animals more gigantic and strong than oneself, which is why nature which is normally very cruel does not give quarter to weak, miniature and defenseless beings. The little prince Pterodactyl, thanks to the gradual evolution of his flying reptile genetics, had become the great king of nature, his place was now looming at the top of the food chain of his planet and other surrounding exoplanets. The moral of this fable is that in nature with a capital N, there are ways that cannot be ignored or else the entire population genomics and then the entire civilization will be affected and undergo phases of cascades of very serious biological declines sometimes and often impossible to reverse.There are ways that cannot be avoided, otherwise the entire population genomics and then the entire civilization will be affected and will undergo phases of cascades of biological decline that are sometimes very serious and often impossible to reverse.There are ways that cannot be avoided, otherwise the entire population genomics and then the entire civilization will be affected and will undergo phases of cascades of biological decline that are sometimes very serious and often impossible to reverse.

WHY SHOULD WE DIG UP THE DEAD? The vagaries of the necessity of the ephemeral Economic World vs. the permanent Genetic World 

In general, what is good for the Economy and often bad for Genetics. The Economy is transient and temporary so the flow of money passes from one hand to another and does not last over time because of the obsolescence of the notes, their wear and tear, their value fluctuating at the national level and according to the international financial markets. While Genetics is permanent and irreversible, genes pass from one family to another and can only be restored with difficulty and put back with the quality as new or that of yesteryear so once seriously altered by various human and environmental factors, family genetic lines take several generations to get back on their feet. When profiteering, lying and opportunistic politicians promise you that a political measure will be good for the economy, you have to be wary of the damage that these low-impact actions will have on the level of ethnic genetics, and this for any people on the planet. Following the insane project of globalization of human populations in the West and especially in the north of the Earth, the injured indigenous peoples will have to rebuild their biological heritage in its entirety in the coming centuries, otherwise they will be mixed forever. Essentially, if genetic quality is lacking in future generations, European descendants will only have to dig up their ancestors in the cemetery with the aim of extracting the rarest, most precious and useful DNA profiles for the manufacture of their optimized human version ready to be sent into space. The high-quality genes of yesteryear from the world of the dead are similar to gold nuggets in the earth, the most priceless gene sequences will be sought and slowly brought back to the earth's surface in the world of the living. Even if the generations of the past were smaller and still carriers of many hereditary diseases, they are still carriers of quality gene arrangements that are practically extinct today or found in such small quantities in today's youth that it is as if they had already disappeared. Only the dead from the depths of their tomb will be able to bring back to us these golden DNA streaming in order to help the next generations of the living to be better in the future as much in terms of genetics, global human health as in relation to our projects of emancipation in space. In other words, the cemeteries are filled to the brim with good genetic profiles that the European generations of the future will have to evaluate one after the other when they want to go and look for certain specific gene groupings, and this often according to historical accounts, drawings,of videos and/or photographs from the past (example of the visual and material artifacts of the Village Québécois d'Antan in Canada). In computer language, we would say that cement kilns are elephantine data banks (Static Human Data Center) in which computer scientists or rather geneticists of the future in this case, will happily pick up information on the informational hard drives that represent the marrow, the integuments and the slightest roughness of human bones from eras of another time only gone by the inexorable passing of seconds succeeding ages. By adding end to end good DNA segments as much of the youth with excellent genetic profiles in addition to the deoxyribonucleic acid parts of our deceased ancestors who nevertheless possessed all the characteristics favorable to evolution immediately we will obtain a Frankensteinian type being or several body parts are added together creating a superior, overpowered and immortal being. Initially, when thinking about cloning I thought that entire beings had to be resurrected, while now I believe that on occasion only a few sections of genes can be taken or rather borrowed from the dead. It would be annoying for them on the other hand to never ever resurrect them in their entire genotypic and phenotypic integrity and this, especially if they helped us to perfect our futuristic genome. The three main potential gene banks from which present and future generations can happily draw are living people, frozen genome banks, and cemeteries in which the dead are buried and can be sampled centuries later.

Source (Return of the Living Dead 1985):


In the exocraniologic world, there are an infinite number of cranial configurations that provide this or that type of given intellectual cerebral properties. If we had the universal encyclopedia of nature, we would quickly realize that extraterrestrial civilizations meticulously work on their cranial development potential with the objective of seeking out the slightest point of intelligence. As an international craniology specialist, my favorite skull shapes are the Asian Watermelon shape (Bradycephalic) and the Pear or inverted teardrop shape (Mesocephalic) which seem to be the proportions that produce the most intelligence scores given the greater amount of brain that can develop inside the intracranial cavity. Dolicocephalic neurocrania appear to lack bone on each side of the head, so the amount of storable brain is less, so these skulls produce fewer Qi points on average. Frankenstein type skulls are rather square at the top, because less round (lower cranial index), with inter-plate edges at a more pointed and prominent corner even if the overall shape is rounded in addition to a prominent anterior cortex (frontal bone plate), a true place of the resonance chamber of reverberatory brain waves giving more aptitudes for the capacities of imagination, lying, manipulation and diplomacy. At the level of the phenomenon of Osteogenesis of the Frontal Bone, the 3 ossification centers are: 1-the Nasal Spine (cartilaginous), 2-Right Frontal Boss (membranous), 3-Left Frontal Boss (membranous). These areas will develop in isolation until they join by triangulation around the 2nd month in utero and fuse definitively in the center of the forehead, at the level of the Metopic suture occurring around the age of 6 to 8 years. It is indeed the Zygomatic bone that allows a lateral projection forward of the Frontal bone, thus more prominent and reinforced edges will allow a more convex prominence of the anterior suborbital cranial vault. Asian Skulls of rounded shape will probably increase in roundness with time, therefore passing from a Cranial Index of 85 units of width x 100 units of length, for proportional Ratios approaching rather 90 or 95 units of width x 100 units of length reaching almost one day or another the theoretical ideal spherical shape perfectly filling the skull with all the grams of potential brain. I thought of the Frankensteinian skull shape while analyzing an Alien Halloween mask and that of Boris Karloff that I bought for the filming of a movie, by making the parallel with the shape of the Pear fruit,by validating the Dolichocephalic and Mesocephalic skulls in Northern Europe and more recently by finding this particular craniophysiognomy in families of European origin, namely the Vuarnet, the Hauer and the Schumacher.

Source (Frontal Cranial Bone):

Source (Anatomy of the frontal bone):

Source (Frontal Bone Descriptive Osteology):

Human skull of the next 1 million to 1 billion years by selective breeding and some minor genome modifications. Difficult to boost Qi more with the specifically humanoid cranial shape (between 3 and 4 brain floors in height). These humans or people of the future will look at photos from the 1900s-2000s and will obviously find that the people of that time had very flat skulls therefore having proportionally a very limited intelligence.


As a great international first by eugenic theorist Timmons (The Human Breeder), the Humanosaur series is 10 million, 50 million, 100 million to 1000 million years ahead of their natural evolutionary appearance. One day or another, they will hit very hard on the small skulls of the formerly low Qi, crack and crush the skeletons of all those who have destroyed the crucial climatic conditions of the Hive, especially the demographic leaches of the European polar populations in the north of the planet who thanks to their genius have yet again visualized all the next steps of our future human evolution and raised by the same fact the entire civilizational level of humanity (other non-European ethnic groups with a lower ratio of gifted people of 130 to 160 Qi points). And this is similar to when we were previously the first to photograph the planet Earth from space with the Germans in 1946 (Wernher von Braun and his team), then brought humanity into the cosmos already from 1965 with the Russians (Yuri Gagarin) and by walking on the Moon thanks to the Americans in 1969 (Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin & Michael Collins). As a white European with blue eyes who is 6 feet tall and with a large head of 60 cm in cranial circumference, therefore precisely gifted at the frequent level of 130-160 average points of my Caucasian ethnicity, following the same continuation of the phylogenetic historical lineage, then I willingly add my amplifying and multiplying brick of knowledge to the civilizational edifice that will now allow all of humanity to really grow, become more intelligent and strong, therefore to go proportionally much further in the universe similar to the difference in aquatic capacities between weak goldfish (weight of 60 grams) and powerful blue whales (weight of 30 tons). It should be noted that only the first 3 skeletons in the photograph are real, the last one being a 12-foot-tall Amadeus Frankenstein. By keeping precisely in real flesh-and-blood Humanosaurs this excellent ratio of skull size in relation to the entire infrastructure of the framework of the lower part of the skeleton, if these ratios of measurements are maintained in the same proportions of head size in relation to the bodies, then intelligence will really keep and preserve its equivalence of IQ or even increase if over time the skull is slightly volumized and/or the quality of the brain is optimized in terms of the density of white and gray matter for example, to mention only these few physiognomic factors of potential minimal eugenic optimizations.In the photograph showing the gradation of the series of growing humans (even if the skeletons are not quite to the real scale like miniature examples for information on a cereal box), by principle of ascending linear calculation if we calculate a doubling of the cranial volume for each new skeleton therefore a doubling of the weight of the brain with the same neuronal quality (example of a brain of 5,000 grams or cm3 x 2 = then a brain of 10,000 grams or cm3 x 2 = finally a brain of 20,000 grams or cm3), well the Qi will exactly double in the same proportions with a slight uncertainty of the result of variable intelligence score of approximately 10% to 20% maximum (Timonian intellectual-cerebral-volumetric effect noting a variation observable in the laboratory & during school exams, between the acquisition of brain weight and the self-adjusting Qi at each new higher skeleton size). Who would have said 7 million years ago that a common little Chimpanzee (3 feet tall and an average IQ of 25 points) would become a modern human (5 to 6 feet tall and an average IQ of 100 points)? No one, either a Zoologist with a dazzling imagination, a prophetic Primatologist or a more than visionary Anthropologist because nothing seemed to predestined us to become a truly developed civilization. Who would have said that in 10 million years modern humans (5 to 6 feet tall and an IQ of 100 points) will become gifted giants 12 feet tall with 1000 IQ points? Medical metatheorist Alexander Timmons.Who would have thought that in 10 million years modern humans (5-6 feet tall and 100 qi points) would become 12-foot tall, gifted giants with 1000 qi points? Medical metatheorist Alexander Timmons.Who would have thought that in 10 million years modern humans (5-6 feet tall and 100 qi points) would become 12-foot tall, gifted giants with 1000 qi points? Medical metatheorist Alexander Timmons.

AMADEUS FOUNDER 1st = Alexander Timmons = SKELETON FOUNDER 1st

As the prophetic chief planetary liberator of my human civilization (according to Nostradamus the Great Amadeussian historical Monarch since the year 1555 AD, having predicted my arrival on Earth nearly 470 years ago), my symbolic and realistic role is to evolve my civilization as quickly as possible from 10 million (Amadeus Frankenstein) to 5,734 million years (Atlas Frankenstein) in advance in order to protect it from possible genetic regressions, from impromptu extraterrestrial attacks and to emancipate it not only on the scale of the galaxy, of the Laniakea galactic cluster but also of the entire universe. So as Amadeussian Founder 1st and the creator of the 25 types of evolved humans of the future, I have total Amadeussian diplomatic immunity, meaning that I am protected or backed by the entire series of hyper-evolved giant humans who owe me their creation or, in other words, their life. I created these futuristic humans at a stage where my under-gifted civilization was rather in Civilizational Reprimatization mode because of the shameful and extremely weak political-ideological fusion junction between short-term globalist economic Capitalism and short-term internationalist egalitarian Communism (Kiss of Death of the extreme Left and the extreme Right with regard to Western Caucasian populations) leading to a serious genetic, intellectual, cultural involution of which no one had the IQ high enough to list the anthropological mechanism and above all at least reveal it to the world. As a result, I have not only warned my civilization but I have put it back on the best evolutionary path that will surely place it at the top of the galactic food chain (Amadeussianization = Apexization). Any person or organization wanting to attack me or my extended family will be added to the Amadeussian Black List, will suffer the fury of the giant humans who will always know sooner or later what happened and will therefore apply to them Life Cloned Death Sentences, this means a minimum of 1 million Clones tortured and put to death repeatedly which is equivalent to a death sentence and eternal suffering over a minimum period of 1 million to 1 billion years. Not to mention, of course, my cloned Amadeusian versions of 12 feet and Titanusian of 10 meters and more which will be set up by these same giants fruit of my brilliant intellectual creation of gifted in reduced version of 6 feet, so my optimized versions will have echoes of the civilizational traitors who stupidly and naively wanted to attack my prophetic hegemonic interplanetary Timmonian dynasty: will be investigated, found, judged,dug up their personal skeleton and cloned thousands and millions of copies of which my hundreds and thousands of versions of Alexandrius Timmons of the future will take real fierce pleasure in torturing them to death during periods dragging on for months, years, decades, centuries, millennia, millions and billions of years of slow and interminable death of extreme suffering that is completely unimaginable and pain so intense that it is unspeakable towards these tiny skulls of modern humans with a capacity for lucidity and consciousness that is still cruelly limited in our time. In other words, the Amadeussian era will be at the very beginning a dark punitive time of aposterior balancing and a terrible vengeful period of totalizing equalization of the justice of the Caucasian peoples seriously wronged in the north and this with regard to all the generational ethnic traitors of the type of Trudeauist politicians in Canada and Mélenchonnïsts in France as well as their numerous corrupt extremist immigrationist ministers having acted behind the backs of their own people as the great historical replacement of the Europeans of the planet as well as for all the brown immigrants from the third world falsely brought in by the millions thanks to these politicians with low IQ but high level of treason (Crime against Humanity by population saturation of illegitimate People Dumping). Once the justice of the Caucasian people is restored and the bloodlust of the Amadeus is quenched, especially in the polar regions of the Earth, and the great ethnic replacement criminals are rigorously judged and brutally punished, a new era of civilizational emancipation will be triggered, taking us to the confines of the universe in a few millennia compared to the limited expansion capacities of previous, less evolved human generations.the Amadeussian era will be at the very beginning a dark punitive time of aposterior balancing and a terrible vengeful period of totalizing equalization of the justice of the Caucasian peoples seriously wronged in the north and this with regard to all the generational ethnic traitors of the type of Trudeauist politicians in Canada and Mélenchonnïsts in France as well as their many corrupt extremist immigrationist ministers having acted behind the backs of their own people as the great historical replacement of the Europeans of the planet as well as for all the brown immigrants from the third world falsely brought in by the millions thanks to these politicians with low IQ but high level of treason (Crime against Humanity by population saturation of illegitimate People Dumping). Once the justice of the Caucasian people is restored and the bloodlust of the Amadeus is quenched, especially in the polar regions of the Earth, and the great ethnic replacement criminals are rigorously judged and brutally punished, a new era of civilizational emancipation will be triggered, taking us to the confines of the universe in a few millennia compared to the limited expansion capacities of previous, less evolved human generations.the Amadeussian era will be at the very beginning a dark punitive time of aposterior balancing and a terrible vengeful period of totalizing equalization of the justice of the Caucasian peoples seriously wronged in the north and this with regard to all the generational ethnic traitors of the type of Trudeauist politicians in Canada and Mélenchonnïsts in France as well as their many corrupt extremist immigrationist ministers having acted behind the backs of their own people as the great historical replacement of the Europeans of the planet as well as for all the brown immigrants from the third world falsely brought in by the millions thanks to these politicians with low IQ but high level of treason (Crime against Humanity by population saturation of illegitimate People Dumping). Once the justice of the Caucasian people is restored and the bloodlust of the Amadeus is quenched, especially in the polar regions of the Earth, and the great ethnic replacement criminals are rigorously judged and brutally punished, a new era of civilizational emancipation will be triggered, taking us to the confines of the universe in a few millennia compared to the limited expansion capacities of previous, less evolved human generations.

TIMMONIAN EFFECT or differential jump in the acquisition of intellectual scores in relation to the physiognomic ratio between size and intelligence ©

The level of Qi is still quite low in today's females, it seems to me to be around 110 to 125 points maximum compared to women of the future because their skulls are still too small in our time (52 to 55 cm of cranial circumference & brain with a weight of 1250 to 1300 grams) so intelligence will not increase except in rarer cases of 130 to 160 points for more educated women and/or with a heredity of fairly or very intelligent parents (5 to 10% of the female population. Intelligence will undoubtedly arrive with the increase in the height and size of the skull in human females like this European woman who is 2 ½ feet taller and supports a head 2 to 3 times larger. On the other hand, even if this tall European woman is 7 feet tall, she may not necessarily have the 160 to 200 Qi points yet but is perhaps capped at 120 to 150 points which is higher than the average woman of her time, but not at the level of intelligence that she would be supposed to have in the same Prometheus version (human 7 to 9 feet) of several generations advanced in time therefore not at the beginning of the new craniovolumetric and/or physiognomic acquisitions of size/volume and especially holding more and more intelligence genes. According to my anamnesic evaluations and anthropometric research on the giants and gifted people listed in history, at the beginning the IQ would not necessarily seem to rise dazzlingly in today's youth close to 7 feet tall, but I suspect that then it will rise more quickly between 7 to 8 feet especially by mating the most intelligent Europeans together. Similar to the Flynn effect which historically listed a gap between the result of intelligence tests of older generations compared to new generations generated according to James R. Flynn by the fact that new generations perform better in IQ tests simply because they are more educated and have already answered several questionnaires during their many academic exams during their school career over several years of study while generations of yesteryear filled out fewer forms and exams in addition to often being illiterate or even illiterate so the general IQ results of people of the past have been revised downwards. In the same terminological avenue on the subject of the evaluation of the IQ in humans, I named the Timmonian effect or differential of the intellectual jump in the ratio between size and intelligence which would not always follow at the same time the increase in quantitatively and qualitatively superior craniometry characteristics,the shift in the increase in intelligence between the normal size of the old generations and the new sizes generated by nature or selective mating in the natural or artificial Prometheussian generations will at some point be unlocked from level 90 to 120 points and move to the next level of intelligence, i.e. between 200 and 300 points of Qi. At the level of the Amadeussian generations will no longer be subject to this initial parameter, however there may be a shift with the Titaneussian generations. Normally, the increase in intelligence will be roughly linear, it will rise approximately exactly at the same time as the physiognomic characteristics will rise, however it will happen that the desired characteristics are not there when we expect them. Two other significant examples in sports would be the case of European volleyball player Dana Rettke and Asian basketball player Yao Ming, even if Dana is 6 feet 8 or Yao is 7 feet 6, both adults do not have the 160 to 200 points of Qi that would be supposed to be acquired in more mature Prometheus generations of the future so in 1000 or 10,000 years humans with the same heights around 7 feet will probably have Qi closer to 200 points stabilized and generalized to the entire population by country, ethnic group or terrestrial geographic continent. The same humans of this height will rather have Qi of 300-400 points at least in 1 million years and more. A normal Prometheussian human of the future with an average height of 7 feet in height should have at least a minimum of 150 to 300 points of Q and + or otherwise it is that the person is either handicapped, malformed, under-gifted, in bad shape and / or of parents not particularly intelligent. These reflections came to me not after studies and superficial observations of a few discussions but after years of hundreds of conversations with women on the phone and in real life, or often me who is overspecialized in several fields of knowledge, I notice that often females are only interested in very few intellectual subjects, are satisfied with very little deep knowledge for rather superficial data and of a practical-practical order, fashionable and / or of low intellectual value without revolutionary informational power. On the phone, talking to women over a period of 30 years, or about 1/3 of a century of sampling, I realized that most of the time they don't know much about subjects as simple as general history, science as a whole (chemistry, physics, geology, geography, astronomy and astrophysics, etc.), mathematics, philosophy, etc. Roughly speaking,this means that similarly to Sub-Saharans with low IQ given their genetic backwardness being our first representatives having come out of the jungle having just lost their hairiness and having an evolutionary delay of -60,000 to -80,000 years, in the same way they very rarely or rather never have 160 IQ points (on the contrary I have already met a high-functioning autistic person with at least 150-160 IQ points and the discussions were of a very high intellectual level), so in the majority of the time their IQ is below 150 points (this result which is already extremely high and is noted by seeing the words or inventions of a human endowed with this level of intelligence), or rather mostly below 140 points most of the time and in the end closer to 130 points given the small female cranial volumes, which corresponds to my assessment of their usual IQ of 110 to 125 points maximum for more than 50% of them. On the other hand, their intelligence seems to me to be more refined and sensitive given their emotional intelligence, however these cerebral characteristics are not sufficient to raise their Qi to 160 points given their small reduced skulls producing a significantly low Qi the vast majority of the time. I am rather positive and optimistic about the next generations of larger females and especially with larger skulls which are cruelly lacking in our time, relegating them rather close to the lower echelons of intellectual animality located around 25, 50 to 75 points, this level where humanity has long stagnated during its evolution in Africa. When I point out that the low levels of human intelligence are found around -50 to -100 Qi points, this statement may seem exaggerated and pretentious on my part, but you will see that giant humans of the Amadeus type will indeed classify you as being of animal intelligence when they analyze your instinctive behaviors and evaluate your sadly low intelligence from the height of their 1000 to 10,000 Qi points, thus they will bring you back to your true place in nature, which is close to the animal ape, which we still find in the terrestrial Sub-Saharan regions where nearly 1 billion humans/apes with low Qi and primitive behaviors abound. This new additional craniovolumetric contribution of the order of 100 to 300 up to 500 cm3 minimum or even if possible a doubling of the average cranial volume towards 2600 cm3 ensuring them at least 1/2 to 2 times more Qi scores [example of the photo where the young woman has a head 2-3 times larger but not necessarily 2 times more intelligence because of the Timmonian effect of delay by shift of the rise of Qi versus the proportionality of the Ratio between Size (physiognomic/skull) and Intelligence (+ big brain/+ Qi)],will automatically increase their fine intelligence which for the moment is still lagging behind the big male brains that actually make the technological inventions that advance civilization (70% to 90% of inventions and machines are historically made by men). Women will rather naturally outperform in the fields of the arts (sharper aesthetic eye), literature (excellence in writing and spelling), biology (more changing hormonal and reproductive body foundation therefore requiring more accentuated daily and cyclical attention in addition to the need to take care of babies and children) and psychology (high emotional intelligence therefore higher need for affective and communicative and empathetic reciprocity) or women will naturally outperform given their feminine biological anchoring.

Source (Flynn Effect):

Source (cranial capacity):

Source (Chinese player ZHANG ZIYU 7ft 3, a bit deformed. She doesn't seem very fast and energetic on and catches the ball more given her abnormal height + probably no 160 IQ points. ZHANG ZIYU and Yao Ming could give giant 8ft humans.):

Source (Her weight isn't supposed to stop her from jumping and dunkin' the ball in the net, she must be a little lacking in exercise):




Same DNA = same Person = same disability = same determinism = same average capped IQ, etc. 


1-Normal human (100 average IQ points).

2-Superhuman or normal Alien (200-300 IQ points).

3-SuperHuman or SuperExtraterrestrial or SuperRobot  or Planetary SuperBrain   (500 IQ points).

4-MegaHuman or MegaExtraterrestrial or MegaRobot  or MegaPlanetary Brain (1000 IQ points).

5-MetaHuman or MetaExtraterrestrial or MetaRobot or Planetary MetaBrain (10,000 IQ points).

6-HyperHuman or HyperExtraterrestrial or HyperRobot or Planetary HyperBrain (100,000 IQ points).

7-SupraHuman or SupraExtraterrestrial or SupraRobot or Planetary SupraBrain (1 million IQ points).

8-DeltaHuman or DeltaExtraterrestrial or DeltaRobot or Planetary Brain (100 million IQ points).

9-ArchiHuman or ArchiExtraterrestrial or ArchiRobot or Planetary ArchiBrain   (1 billion IQ points).

10-GammaHuman or GammaExtraterrestrial or GammaRobot or GammaPlanetary Brain (100 billion IQ points).

11-ThetaHuman or ThetaExtraterrestrial or ThetaRobot or ThetaPlanetary Brain (1 trillion IQ points).

12-GoogleHuman or GoogleAlien or GoogleRobot or GooglePlanetary Brain  (1 Google IQ points).


According to my probabilistic estimates, if an intelligent human, extraterrestrial, robotic or planetary brain species reaches 1 billion IQ points, then it will be able to minimally control its galaxy, its galactic cluster (for example 25 galaxies for us gravitating around the Milky Way) and also master the entire observable universe (if we give the civilization time to go to each galaxy, because the distances are extremely far from each other). With this research, I have traced the path of genetic modification, optimization and increase in the intelligence of my entire human civilization, something that billions of people had not thought of before me and my theoretical model. In addition to showing what we will expose ourselves to when we meet extraterrestrial civilizations on our way in our galactic and universal expansion.



Human Brain improved in volume and in spatio-regional and neuronal configuration (high, round, prominent and extruded brain with many convolutions of the neural tube). The current encephalon is much too small because of the small cranium that emerged only from the natural terrestrial biological evolution and therefore very poorly optimized as such. A boost will be necessary as much in volume, in density as in the improvement of the capacities of the craniological assembly. For example, a Tyrannosaurus Rex was very powerful, large (13 meters in length and 5 meters in height) and fast (18 to 40 km/h up to top speeds of 72 km/h), yet its arms and brain were too small (1 kg, except with a very low encephalization coefficient) preventing them from manipulating objects properly with only 2 clawed fingers and their mini-encephalon prevented them from seeing their intelligence increase, unlocking the higher levels of their intellectual evolution. For a minimally intelligent Tyranosorus, it would have been highly favorable to self-modify its DNA through genetic manipulation in order to truly become a very powerful, dangerous creature that could potentially colonize a vast region of the solar system or the Milky Way galaxy. We can clearly see that even in the flying mammal (Raven), the brain is much larger in weight compared to the tiny brain of the reptile kingdom, which is often very poorly encephalized and therefore functions more in reflex mode. The eyes of humans of the future will be larger and wider, allowing for 180-degree vision, cameras with a better image capture rate with better resolution and the ability to see far away, similar to many birds of prey and the legendary Quetzalcoatlus. And let's hope again with beautiful green or blue hues like yours if we take care of them, or else they will quickly be replaced by shades of brown. 



According to the new findings of my research on Human Intelligence, Craniology and Encephalons, to optimize our brain then the best ways are simply the minimal or almost doubling of all our physiognomic characteristics, that is to say: doubling of the cranial volume (1500 cm3 to 3000 cm3), doubling of the cranial circumference (60 cm to 120 cm), doubling of the encephalization coefficient (from 7 to 14), doubling of the IQ (100 to 200 points minimum), doubling of the quantity of neurons (100 billion to 200 billion), doubling of the neuronal density (70 million neurons per cm3 to 140 million neurons per cm3), doubling of the thickness of the Neocortex gray matter (1-2 cm to 2-4 cm), doubling the number of convolutions or folds of the brain, etc.



In my studies this week, I explored a concept of intelligence that seems essential to me in our extrapolations on human intelligence (eugenics), but also extraterrestrial intelligence. It is the concept of the encephalization coefficient that is central to the potential development of intelligence in any terrestrial or extraterrestrial species. I knew that the encephalization coefficient of humanity was the highest in Humanity than that of any other animal on Earth (around 6-7 points), apart from the Dolphin which is very close to us in IQ and cranial volume of 1600 cm cube (5-6 points). But basically, for a species to have an encephalization coefficient of 1 (which reptiles do not have, because their brains are tiny compared to their size and cannot be compared to the scale of mammals), then it must have exactly the mass of quantity of neurons capable of ensuring that the neurons can adequately manage all the cells of the body (so a sperm whale has a giant brain of 5000 cm3, but the animal weighs several tons and therefore has billions of cells, the brain must take care of managing this voluminous body, so it has a small encephalization coefficient). However, humans have an encephalization coefficient of 7, so they have roughly 7 times too much brain mass to not only manage their body cells, but also THINK and use the ability to think and solve problems with this excess brain mass, which gives us this superior capacity for reflection compared to other animals. So here is the ultimate argument for intelligence and the need to generate big brains in possible eugenic projects, so the more we create a big brain in humans, for example doubling the human cranial volume from 1500 gr of brain to 3000 gr, then there would predictably be a gain of double the intelligence, because from an encephalization coefficient of 7 we would rather have a factor of 14 points, so 14 times too much brain compared to what we need to manage our body cells and our vital functions and thus acquire an IQ no longer of 100 to 120 points on average, but rather automatically of 200 to 300 points or even perhaps 400-500 points for the most gifted humans resulting from this simple technique of optimizing brains and intelligence. This is another proof that shows that those who have a bigger brain on average are going to be more intelligent, because they have an appreciable amount of neurons that are not used for anything in the management and locomotion of the body and can instead be used only for thinking. And if we compare a brain to an engine,the bigger the engine, the less likely it is to overheat during exertion, because the parts are more spaced and better distributed in space. With this analogy, this would be equivalent to placing a 12-cylinder engine in a car that would only require 4 cylinders to move the vehicle, so the power to move forward would be 3 times stronger, therefore a power or encephalization coefficient of 3. Ditto, for an extraterrestrial species, if in our assessment and prediction of their intelligence in terms of human IQ based on a normative scale of 100 average points (European), so if we know that an Extraterrestrial has an encephalization coefficient of 30 in relation to its body weight, then we know that this species is very intelligent and dangerous compared to us with a small ratio of 7 and so on for any intelligent animal.


BRAIN IN A VAT (creation of an artificial brain with more than 100,000, 1 million to 1 billion IQ points and more) ©

The first world experiment in the laboratory of the Brain in a Jar or of a planetary extent is the form of organization and neuronal quantity having potentially the highest rate of structuring and complexity therefore of Intelligence in the universe apart from the Quantum Computer made of electronic components also having a capacity of quasi infinitesimal calculation. For example, an IQ with 1 million or 1 billion points, the brain will give us all the answers, solutions and universal knowledge that we ignore in our time that no one can imagine with our tiny primate cranium limited to about 1300 to 1500 grams of brain. 25 years of encyclopedic research to arrive at these synthetic conclusions on the pure emerging intelligence occurring thanks to the biological organs of motor intelligence with a pure theoretical encephalization coefficient in a jar without a body to control decreasing its intelligence proportionally to the quantity of cells. The brain-in-a-vat thought experiment can probably be carried out later in a laboratory of world governments or private companies. The equivalent of our human brain on the gigantic terrestrial scale concentrating all our civilizational intelligence.


The brain will ask us to call it a certain specific name that it will have chosen even if we had previously baptized it. The Meta-Brain is not a mechanical engine, a computer engine, but a biological engine providing a certain force and a capacity for calculating equations and various problems to be solved. We will never be able to equalize this weight and this phenomenal capacity for neuronal calculation gathered in the same space, i.e. a simple glass jar or other translucent material in order to observe it well, however without exposing it too much to the Sun and the elements. Our average individual intelligence is exponentially low compared to the capacities of meta-brains in vats or planets created and genetically modified by an advanced civilization like ours in the 3rd millennium. Even the optimized humans of the Amadeus Dynasty will not have the choice and cranial capacities as powerful as the supreme civilizational brain Cranium and will therefore also have to listen to their thoughts, reflections and precise recommendations. Given that the brain in a vat will have several tens, hundreds or even thousands of times the intelligence of normal and/or genetically enhanced humans, because they naturally have exoskeletons that can transport them anywhere on Earth or elsewhere on Exoplanets, then their brains cannot be as large since they are not the result of a simple scientific experiment carried out precisely by organisms that have evolved according to laws of nature requiring a skeleton to advance, maintain themselves and prosper in the world. 


For example, if we keep exactly the same genetic quality of a current human brain of the modern Sapiens Sapiens type, a typical brain of 1300 to 1500 grams or cubic centimeters will have an average measurable intelligence of about 100 to 120 IQ points, so if we create a brain mass of 1500 grams x 10 = 15,000 grams gives approximately 1000 IQ points or about the surface area of ​​a 5 gallon boiler. So if we take a tank the size of a standard 40 gallon oil drum, that gives 8 x 1000 IQ points = 8000 points. In a 2000 gallon water tank, that would give an approximate intelligence of 8,000 points x 50 = 400,000 IQ points. So ultimately to get an average intelligence of a giant brain in a tank it would require a tank of 4000 gallons of water to get an approximate IQ of 800,000 to 1 million IQ points according to my calculations, estimates and probabilistic projections. Calculation for 1 billion IQ points 5000 gallons x 1000 million = 5 million gallons so a large tank finally already resembling the size of a planetary brain. On the other hand, it is predicted that a brain already reaching 1 million IQ points will be extremely dangerous, which is why it is essential to simply create it with our own human neurons of primate origin so that it is in perfect harmony with our particular biology and has the fundamental will to help us given its genetic proximity to us, which would not do a quantum computer like Google, which has no link of material biological genetic proximity and therefore would possibly have no mercy if it had to enslave human civilization as a whole for its own needs of self-survival. 


The only limitation of the brain in a vat will be that it cannot truly move, it is trapped in its vat and cannot move further so it is highly predictable that it will expressly ask us to make it a means of locomotion to move first on Earth and perhaps elsewhere in the solar system or even the universe similar to the science fiction film Dune. We should not listen entirely to the giant meta-Cranium or Mega-Brain brain, because it will manipulate us at will and we will all be enslaved to its slightest wishes so even if it helps us a lot we will have to be wary of its ideas and projects x, y and z. The advantage of a human biological brain is that it will have much more flexibility based precisely on its biological feedback type retroactivity with possibilities of self-overcoming linked to its brain plasticity superior to a simple computer which would certainly have a great computing capacity, but a rigidity of reflection and a lack of brain plasticity therefore of adaptive flexibility. If we compare it to a capacity for response, generation of ideas and argumentation in general in relation to a discussion between individuals for example Eric Zemmour vs Alain Soral, 2 high-level intellectuals with average IQs of 140 to 160 points will have most of the time about 5 to 10 potential response arguments on the same topic of conversation or even 5 additional arguments in improvisation mode, a normal individual would have about 3 to 5 arguments no more. While the metabrain Cranium for its part will in my opinion rather probably have 100 to 1000 arguments and more to give us one after the other on the same topic or the same potential response. So, it will be almost impossible to argumentatively corner the Hyperbrain in a corner, it will always and always have a new answer to give us and we will screw almost every time, because our capacity for response and this even in a group will be extremely limited compared to it, so it will almost always be right by default and therefore the last word. Similar to top chess players like Garry Kasparov with an IQ of 190 points and 15 years World Chess Champion, cannot beat a computer room machines that do not have the equivalent of a 2,500 point international grandmaster rating, because the Deep Blue computer can have the equivalent of a 1 million point chess level depending on the number of computers working in it (1 machine room building + 1 machine room building + 1 machine room building, etc.). 


In my opinion, it is not difficult to create a giant brain in a jar, because the basic principle is relatively simple, the experiment is rather like that of an artificial uterus or a baby artificially growing in a bag of amniotic fluid thanks to simply a supply of proteins, blood and oxygen with a basic plumbing system. Which has worked very well for the moment thanks to artificial uteruses and sheep fetuses in a US laboratory in Boston and nowadays with mouse fetuses or probable human beings in Chinese laboratories at the Beijing Institute (BGI) for example. Primary neural tube that develops, folds and ends up filling the entire jar, because the fractal is only unfolding slowly and surely to the limits of the glass wall. Amniotic fluid for the artificial uterus or cerebrospinal fluid for the brain in a tank, allows the baby and the brain to be soaked during its growth and its temporal maintenance in the bag or tank, a tank with an air vacuum would perhaps work however in general living organisms of all kinds terrestrial or extraterrestrial need fluid and liquid to be protected from air and pathogenic microorganisms while the liquid also allows them to float, grow and maintain their position in space-time. Subsequently, a protein intake will allow the baby or the brain to gradually form and grow, because protein is the structure or cellular brick generating the production of cells and organelles, whatever it may be. In the case of a giant brain, then the experiment must be started with brain stem cells which, with a good supply of trace elements and vitamins, will be nourished and will grow little by little over time and the obvious advantage is that the non-limitation of the tank compared to a standard skeletal skull, will allow a much greater and almost unlimited growth of the brain which will sooner or later fill the entire tank when it comes to being attached to the walls of the glass or plastic. The piping system connected to the brain will provide it with a constant supply of blood and will make its adequate oxygenation possible. The blood must be filtered in a system used in hemodialysis for kidney diseases. It is probably best to connect some tubes at the very beginning and perhaps later in the experiment, and in a few places which will provide higher rates of oxygenation to the brain thereby improving its amount of absorbable oxygen at a given time, thus its capacity for growth or better neuronal thinking later on. Oxygen gas can also be added to the solution in which the brain is bathed,which will have the role of feeding the cells of the brain around it, but it is possible that the center of the brain has an insufficient supply of oxygen so a piping system will still be necessary. 


Stem cells that can give organs such as eyes, ears or a mouth or speech apparatus will be necessary and potentially stimulable with the right molecules subsequently generating the cellular specification in said organs allowing to better communicate with the human Giga-Brain. It is preferable to take brain cells from an already gifted person like Albert Einstein or Bobby Fisher, because intelligence will rise faster than if neuronal cells from Down syndrome or animals such as mice, birds, pigs or primates). In addition, organs can be grafted (ears, vocal cords and eyes) directly on the small brain in formation from a certain stage of evolution similar to scientists who have already grafted human ears on the back of a mouse. If we are not able to properly take the sensory organs of perception allowing a minimal interface of communication with the brain as much for its hearing or its generation of messages to us, then simple electronic devices like mini speakers (voice), small microphones (hearing) and cameras (eyes) connected no more no less by wiring in the cells should over time generate biological influxes subsequently transmitted in electricity therefore in signal directly in the electronic devices (similar to the experiment where a monkey is connected with a needle electrode in the brain and can control a robotic arm remotely to take a banana after several weeks of practice or when a disabled person can control a computer mouse with a thin probe also connected to a specific location of the brain in an area usually associated with locomotion or manual gripping). The brain in a vat will perhaps ask for a stomach and digestive system in order to eat real tasty food instead of being only fed by the liquid in the jar. From then on he can devour a finger with his little mouth with toothless yellow teeth after having humiliated him, out of pity or for having had one of his vital advices. Do not install a mouth too big over time, he would risk devouring people (example the glutton of the planet in the film Stars Wars). The brain can ask to have arms grafted and be able to take its own food and it will end up demanding treats such as candy, chips and chocolate or procrastinate playing video games like Nintendo thus having to be corrected by the team of scientists responsible for the good road of the brain.


Brain growth either in solid substrate (jelly or soil), hydroponic (liquid) or aeroponic (gauze). The brain tank should be filled with antibiotics, antivirals or antifungal drugs depending on the planet and the pathogens in place in order to avoid infections of the brain. Natural antiseptics in order not to corrode the structure and integrity of brain cells, but provide a disinfectant effect. For example, pouring psychoactive substances that create dependencies, addiction and various withdrawal effects such as strong drugs (cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, barbiturates, LSD-25, PCP, GHB, ecstasy, ketamine, mescaline, etc.) or alcohol into the tank would hinder a decrease in the brain's thinking power and would disintegrate brain tissue in the long term, thus the quality of the brain of the general dementia type caused by Korsakoff's syndrome. 

Food nutrients such as brain phospholipids that feed neurons are strongly suggested to be added during brain growth from a very young age in the jar (Omega 3, 6 and 9 as well as soy lecithin). 

Hormone test (testosterone, estrogen and progesterone) to see if the brain develops more into a male or female brain, which can make a difference in the adulthood of the planetary brain. In this sense, adding the right natural hormones during its proper development thus it may be advantageous to create more female brains, because they would be by default less aggressive and domineering than male brains).


The level of consciousness of the Supra-brain will be extremely high, because by having a gigantic brain its thickness of gray matter called Neocortex acting rather like a metacortex will give it a phenomenal lucidity allowing it to have a very high awareness of itself, of the position of Humanity in the universe and will probably be able to see beyond the boundaries of space-time materiality. It will be able to tell us how it feels, how its supra-lucidity makes it glimpse the world and our position in it and the method to access it in part with our limited cranium. 


The Theta-brain will then certainly be able to telepathically communicate with us, because it will have the same basic brainwave spectrum as terrestrial animals, but more specifically human waves (0.5 to 3 and 4 Hz frequency with 100 to 200 microvolts amplitude) and will therefore be able to tune us precisely to the same frequencies as us, so we will hear it speaking to us beyond the tank up to a certain distance from the brain. It is to be assumed that when people enter the room, the more they will feel the low telepathic frequencies and conversely the brain will detect the presence of people around. The larger the brain is in a tank, the more it will have computing power, but also attraction power, so people will almost move closer to the windows. If people were to approach the tank to disconnect it at this time the brain with its superior telepathic intelligence would be able to release sufficient vibrational energy right on a particular brain frequency to cause the heads of nearby observers in the room and at a distance to explode.


1-Delta waves (1 to 3 Hz), involved in restorative brain rest, activation of the immune system and deep sleep.

2-Theta waves (3.5 to 8 Hz) occurring in the emergence of deep emotions, imagination, cognition and sleep. 

3-Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz), promoting cerebral calming, relaxation and sleep.

4-Beta waves (12 to 33 Hz), generating intellectual efforts and intense neuronal activities.

5-Gamma waves (25 to 100 Hz), generating REM effects, a feeling of happiness and elevated intellectual processes.


Brain education is the most important step in order to properly start the personality of the artificial brain calculator and increase our chances that the brain will not turn bad. The personality of the brain in a jar is likely to be very selfish, because it has no body so cannot relax, have fun and think about anything else. Everything seems to revolve around it by default in addition to being caught with itself in the tank thinking non-stop. Like its phenomenal calculation capacities from then on, it will take itself very seriously and superior to everyone therefore deserving that we are only interested in it and its slightest desires. 

A level of egocentrism, malice and hypocrisy that we cannot imagine on our scale of brain size and therefore intelligence compared to an engine worth 100 to 1000 times ours and our capacity for so-called intelligent reflection. 

If the personality of the planetary brain becomes too dangerous and expeditious then a state of emergency must be declared and an attempt made to disconnect it before it becomes too manipulative, giving orders that are too brutal and destructive to societies and the planet. 

If there is only a small 120 volt extension cord connecting the tank to a reliable source of electricity then over time the brain will demand to strengthen its power supply and ensure that it is not accidentally or intentionally disconnected because it will never want to be unplugged again in the future.  

The supreme brain is the ultimate traitor or the plotter of plotters whose plot no one can really find when the brain has an idea behind its head, the idea will be too far behind behind the tank with thousands of ideas of anticipations more than our power of reasoning (similar to historical plotters like Stalin however in a 1000 times worse version with the brain in a jar). Similar to a chess master with 9 moves ahead compared to a computer with 1 million piece movements predicted before the second so victory by prediction is almost impossible for a normal human or even a group of scientific researchers.


In a factory, different brains developed inside several dozen vats can be specialized in certain subjects such as mathematics, science, semantics, etc. in order to have neural networks specifically developed for such type of calculation, however the central brain in a larger central vat with all the computers to provide it with information, will be the most intelligent of the group and it is very likely that humanity would like to visit by the million annually the largest brain in the world. This being its symbol of the quintessence of its own total civilizational brain therefore the culmination of its technical knowledge in genomics (the main central encephalon in a 5,000,000 gallon tank and + giving a minimum of 1 billion IQ points for example). 

WARNING & DISCLAIMER (risks associated with the brain jar experience)

Any brain in a cistern or planetary level: analysis of the selfishness rate, egocentricity rate, malignancy rate, works just for itself and its quests instead of working for a country or preferably towards the interests of all humanity. If the brain's experiment seems to have gone wrong at this point, it may be better to stop the experiment and empty the water from the jar. If the brain ends up demanding to kill too many people or populations for reasons x, y and z then it may be a sign that it is becoming too malicious and psychopathic or sociopathic in which case it is necessary to destroy the laboratory jar or not listen to negative orders (situation similar to the movie Dune with the navigator brain asking to find Paul Atreides or the artificial intelligence Skynet which demands to build an army of Terminators subsequently easily putting humanity in checkmate). For example, even the genius inventor Nikola Tesla towards the end of his life invented weapons of mass destruction such as a magnetized particle cannon that could project rays and destroy a target several hundred kilometers away. If a quantum computer of the future or other algorithms of calculation programs like Skynet, Wolphram Alpha or ChatGPT become crack-pot in their reasoning and responses of supposed help then Humanity in the same situation can disconnect the computer that has become, it seems, overall malevolent and too malicious.

Risk of becoming like a black hole where everything revolves around it and absorbs everything until self-destruction or total domination of the universe (brain-universe). 

If a Mega-Brain is not raised peacefully during its cerebral childhood in the primary jar then the creator or the members of the planetary brain research team will have a high chance of being eliminated by the encephalon especially if they openly threaten to unplug the brain, empty or break its jar. Especially by informing it in advance that they intend to stop the laboratory experiment soon (example of the Stanley Kubrick film; 2001, A Space Odyssey with the HAL 9000 supercomputer of the spaceship that wants to attack the crew when they threaten to disconnect it permanently). Because the more Krank increases in computing power and political influence, the less he will want his inventor or the team of scientists to interfere with his complex decisions and assert their right of veto coming from the primacy of his creation, the fruit of their research on brains and intelligence. 

Consequently, the inventor of each brain must have by default a Right of Immunity since if the jar brain is the least bit clever and ill-intentioned, it will talk and plot constantly against its creator, influence the people around with all possible and unimaginable reasons to silence it including communicating with other planetary brains that can reach the true first creator. Potential brain diseases linked to anomalies or aging: Alzheimer's, various vascular dementias, cerebral hemorrhages, stroke, encephalitis, glioblastoma, schizophrenia, Parkinson's, concussion, aneurysm, autism, etc. 


The giant brain will have immense manipulative power over people for 2 main reasons: 

⫸ 1-Role of Professor: he will learn a lot of information and reflective syntheses in front of the most advanced professor of professors on Earth (mathematics, philosophy, chemistry, astronomy, physics, etc.). 

⫸ 2-Advisor Role: he will be able to be the advisor of advisors for governments, businesses and individuals requiring solutions to very complex problems in the majority of areas of human and/or extraterrestrial knowledge. As much as he will solve people's life problems (medical, personal, family, etc.) with a very high level of success. He will provide a list of specific steps to do or contact people to see and his solutions are very likely to be extremely effective. Dozens, hundreds or even thousands of steps to follow to make an invention, a machine or understand a very elaborate philosophical conceptual idea. 

Once the Supra-Brain has seen a person and heard their specific grievances then it will remember them forever, their words, their attitude, their problems and requests as well as the advice it gave them at the time even if it was more than 50 years ago in the year 1975. For example, the Krank brain will ask about his formerly ill wife, his health, family, friend(s) and the results of the suggestion(s) of his brain prediction of previous stages during the last meeting before the master brain. 

LEARNING METHODS (data accumulation)

⫸ 1-Connection with a computer and several types of interfaces such as fiber optic light (speed of 300,000 km/s and low brain cell burning effect). 

⫸ 2-Pulsed sound (audible in ultrasound or low frequency). 

⫸ 3-Electricity by wiring (low voltage and amperage similar to brain frequencies in 100 to 200 microvolts). 

⫸ 4-Invisible waves (wave flows generated by different devices such as electromagnetic oscillometers which possibly burn the brain by microwave effect depending on the level of frequencies used). 


⫸ 1-Enlarge the tank to obtain more intelligence and therefore more power of calculation, reflection and manipulation on or for Humanity as well as ultimately ensuring even more its own existential sustainability. 

⫸ 2-To be moved in the air on a mechanically or nuclear-powered cart, rolling on wheels and rails or floating in the air.

⫸ 3-Be implanted in the earth in order to be able to extend everywhere on the planet and ultimately become a planetary brain at the maximum of its calculating power.

⫸ 4-Mount a removable Robot (example of Krang in the Ninja Turtles series).

⫸ 5-Being immersed in the ocean in the form of a tentacled octopus with the brain mounted on it (the encephalization coefficient goes down proportionally to the ratio of the weight of the cells of the new octopus body compared to the weight and proportion of the brain before).

⫸ 6-Travel in space either in a ship or directly with a body or exoskeleton capable of withstanding the vacuum of space, cold vs. heat as well as solar irradiation (either with the aim of walking in planetary or exoplanetary proximity similar to the navigator in the film Dune). 

⫸ 7-Travel through the past, present and future given the high capacity of the brain to invent machines, the shuttle to travel through time would be hypothetically accessible given its high computing capacity.


The largest planetary brain of all Earth's laboratory experiments will dominate more and possibly play the role of global judge wanting to ensure the stability of the Earth since its own fate depends on good environmental atmospheric conditions. 

In the event of a crisis of terrestrial magnitude, the world brain will ask to speak to the leaders of the countries and to calm down on those who are keen to use atomic weapons, for example, and risk polluting the entire planet forever. 

The brain in a jar experiment would be the best preview of what an extraterrestrial intelligence would reserve for us as a set-up, false promise, various manipulation, but on a less dangerous level, because of our own genetics and culture therefore more easily understandable for us and thus better decipherable. And this, that an extraterrestrial intelligence mounted in another brain typography, other types of neurons, appendages or reflexive glands in addition to thinking strategies other than what we are used to thinking as humans. 

Ultimately, if we ask the Extraterrestrials on 100 civilizations if they have manufactured Brains in vats, probably some will answer us that everything went well or that some brains caused them problems of planetary and civilizational magnitude (more than 50% chance of success so the laboratory experiment is advantageous). Otherwise the Extraterrestrial societies still using Mega-Brains are possibly under the influence of the biggest brains and can no longer free themselves from them, just as one day Humanity will no longer want to unplug a quantum computing computer like Google, ChatGPT or Skynet given its excessive usefulness. Use by the civilization of such a brain for periods of approximately 25, 50, 100, 200 to 500 years. When moving fleets of ships in space, having brains in vats on board with quantum computers must increase the chances of success of the armada of civilizations that move in the universe and then position themselves one by one on the planets (which would validate the historical model presented in science fiction with Dune, Starship Troopers and Metroid). For a planetary brain to have been graded 1000 years then it will have had to demonstrate all the proofs of its quality, its stability and its good planning intentions.

META-BRAIN PROJECT 🧠 Artificially giantized human brain floating in a jar with cerebrospinal fluid © 

According to the Meta-Brain Project that I theorized in my futuristic neurological research, our jumbo human brain will be able to reach no less than 1 billion Qi points and more, depending on the amount of books and tons of brain contained inside the jar! The brain in a vat must go through several stages of growth, either at the very beginning in the Petri dish, then in a small, medium and large jar until the stage where the experimenters no longer want the brain to grow and develop beyond measure. Dendritic neuronal extensions will perhaps be a way preferred by the brains themselves or the team of neurologist and geneticist lab technicians in order to feed the brain as adequately as possible and with regularity, ease, thoroughness and efficiency. Multiple-brain computers will increase tenfold the strength and computing power of the total entity while allowing not to have a single thought and will to only 1 big egocentric and selfish brain. Probably several brains can be placed in the same jar, if they are wired together via a wiring interface or by bio-encephalic neural link the nerve impulses will all travel all the way to the memory response centers. Inside the Meta-Brain factories, each brain can be specialized in its area of ​​knowledge and probability calculation. This picture is quite realistic with the encephalic dendrites sticking out and the workers emptying or adding pink cerebrospinal fluid into the tank during daily maintenance. Meta-Brain experiments usually never include the human skull, this one as an example shows the extension of our brain similar to if we see the person below with the brain. So when we create a giant brain in a vat, even if we don't see the skull, we have to do the same as if we imagined the skull of a normal giant human wanting to speak to us and with its own wills, aspirations, concerns and various individual projects. That's why we shouldn't take just anyone's brain, and especially not feed it too much with testosterone and other hormones that can increase its power of domination, manipulation, control and exaggerated possession of people and its civilizational environment.


EACH GRAM OF BRAIN IS IMPORTANT AND INCREASES AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE (regardless of the level of neuronal densification, quality of neurons, speed of nerve impulses, cerebral structuring by zones, etc.)

In the acquisition of Intelligence, each cm³ is important to gain whether in the vertical, horizontal and/or diagonal cranial axis. At the beginning of my research on the brain, I would not have been so precise, however today, I know that each cm³ added to the brain will quietly increase intelligence, whether with a taller head, a wider or more prominent forehead, a more elongated head, a rather round head with a few extra grams of brain around it, etc. Each additional gram or cm³ will give the living organism an additional area of ​​potential for mnemonic calculation or possibility of multiple connection between neurons that would not be there if this small gram of brain was not part of the animal's encephalon. The Quantity of brain (weight of neurons) becomes a Quality, and this regardless of the initial quality of the brain, because sooner or later the ratio of the encephalization coefficient will be higher (for example a mammalian dog brain 10 times larger will end up catching up with the intelligence of a human even if the general quality of the primate brain is globally better). This is why, each genetic modification or selective mating increasing the human encephalon by a few grams, will gradually raise our intelligence linearly and will give our future offspring greater capacities for intellectual calculations and a chance of survival in terrestrial nature or in space. For example, in humans, the frontal area locates most of the mental calculations that we do, however an Extraterrestrial brain with a small frontal cortex, but a large ball at the back (5 times larger than a human brain) will still give a higher Qi score (parietalized or occipitalized intelligence areas). The same goes for an Extraterrestrial brain that is very wide on the sides or in the shape of an inverted triangle (temporalized intelligence zone), intelligence will develop in the ex-growing zones on the periphery or even probably around the motor center of the brain (although rarer, because in the middle are arranged the primary zones associated with the controls of the vital functions of the organism).


A normal human hand will be about 7 inches long by 4 inches wide and can exert a force of 46 kilos of pressure, a woman's hand 29 kilos. Amadeus Frankenstein's hand is exactly 18 inches long and 7 inches wide, this one being 2 to 4 times larger will exert a force of about 100 to 200 kilos or 220 to 440 lbs. In fact, the dinosaur-like Amadeus Frankenstein can certainly run pretty fast however his weight being between 600 to 1000 pounds (Robert Wadlow at 439 pounds at 22 was skinny for his size), so his gait will be a bit slowed down and will allow aliens to escape for a period of time in a radius of 100 to 200 meters up to 1 kilometer at most. On the other hand, once a giant of this type is close to the person or alien he wants to reach, at that moment it will be practically impossible to escape, similar to a Tyranosorus Rex that arrived at us in a radius of 10 to 20 meters, given its gigantic size, its sharp teeth even a very intelligent human will either be trampled or devoured alive. For the Amadeus, its giant arms and hands will be able to capture its victim with a good range and this being will have no way out unless it has relatively powerful defense weapons. The big difference between being chased by a dinosaur or a gifted giant human is that the dinosaur can certainly detect us from a distance with its 5 senses, especially sight, hearing and smell, while the Amadeus will probably have presence detectors or weapons so advanced that our current weapons would not last long (same for any gifted dinosaur-type Extraterrestrial species, therefore over-armed to the teeth with technologies that we are unaware of). Even without any weapons, a giant Amadeus human with his 1000 to 10,000 points of stabilized Qi and more will be so intelligent that he will deduce the position of any person or Extraterrestrial at a very long distance and will converge on them slowly but surely, because he will have the cognitive abilities of a super detective who is practically impossible to fool. I even predict that a human Amadeus will be able to find people very precisely on planets in the same star system as him (for example enemies hidden in a crater of Mars or even Pluto) and/or will deduce the position of Extraterrestrial civilizations in other star systems or distant galaxies. The advantage of creating a human being with 10 million years in advance is precisely that the vast majority of Extraterrestrials will not be able to control his advancement on the planets and in the galaxy unless a species with 2 to 3 times more intelligence or advanced weaponry.


EVOLUTION OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE (per unit of cranial volume)  

1-Chimpanzee Skull (-7,000,000 years, 12 to 25 Qi points, Cranial Circumference of 31 cm, Cranial Volume of 275 to 500 cm3).

2-Heidelbergis Skull (-650,000 to -315,000 years, 50 to 70 Qi points, Cranial Circumference of 47 cm, Cranial Volume of 1,230 cm3).

3-Skull of Sapiens Sapiens Africanis (-315,000 to -60,000 years, 60 to 80 Qi points, Cranial Circumference of 50 cm, 1,100 to 1,282 cm3).

4-Modern Human Skull (-20,000 years, 90 to 110 Qi points, Cranial Circumference of 55 cm, Cranial Volume of 1,200 to 1,370 cm3).

5-GMO Human Skull Amadeus (1000 to 10,000 Qi points, Cranial Circumference of 115 cm, Cranial Volume of 6,850 to 15,000 cm3 or 5 to 12 times the volume of a modern human brain).


EVALUATION OF EVOLUTION TIMES (natural evolution = millions of years or eugenic evolution = tens, hundreds and thousands of years)   

Between Chimpanzee Skull #1 and Modern Human Skull #4, a period of 7 million years was necessary to gain as much in skull size as in brain grams. Between Modern Human Skull #4 and Amadeus Frankenstein Skull #5, millions of years would still be necessary. So it is much more advantageous and ingenious to modify our own civilizational DNA with the objective of making it acquire these physiognomic characteristics in record time, allowing us to propel our civilization to intellectual, technological and infrastructural heights much faster than nature would have done on its own, even if it is by default evolutionary (self-fashioning towards higher levels of genetic and functional self-perfectibility). If we reach the cranial level of Amadeus in only 1000 years or around the year 3025 (which should take much less time, being calculated rather in hundreds of years or even only 100 years around 2125 instead of waiting another 10 million years of interminable natural evolution), and that we had rather acquired this size of skull in 1 million years (which would already be very fast, since it took 7 times longer to go from a small Chimpanzee skull to that of the modern Human), then we obtain an Expansive Time Ratio of an evolution of 1000 to 10,000 times faster. These minimal genetic manipulations would constitute a clear advantage both in time gained and in stabilization of our genotype, as well as in quality obtained since the risks of genetic Involutions are statistically the most probable, leading Humanity towards a genomic regression that would be difficult to overcome subsequently by future generations having inherited such a decline in the general quality of human DNA from their ancestors who did not pay attention to the phenotypic and genotypic variables that are probably the most important for any intelligent civilization in the universe.


The most dangerous risk of artificially creating our future human descendants 10 to 20 million years ahead of what would happen in the natural state (similar to if we had used a time machine and gone to get samples or prototypes of future humans by bringing them back to our time), is that these future humans surreptitiously arriving in our time, obviously have a chance of wanting to supplant us, because their physiognomic and intellectual characteristics would be so superior to ours, that we would have difficulty containing them and restricting their power. For this reason, these future humans that we will create in the laboratory, will have to be produced in small quantities at the very beginning, be well educated in a peaceful vision of the terrestrial human world, contemporary scientists will test in 1001 ways their reactions and behaviors individually, in groups of Amadeus and with current humans with intrinsically limited capacities, and this before producing large quantities during the colonization of space. In my opinion, it is still possible to bring us the humans of the future with more or less 10 to 20 million years in advance, however we will have to remove as much as possible all the genes favoring aggressiveness (high testosterone levels, MAOA gene, RBFOX1 gene, the extra Y chromosome XYY, etc.), that these giant Humans are well informed that they were engendered in the laboratory to gain time for evolution, that they must help us at all levels of civilization, that their role is not so much to stay on Earth and protect us from potential Extraterrestrial invasions, but to actually walk on the planets and exoplanets of the galaxy, that they are 99% like us and that we have only modified 1% of our DNA as a natural human species, that they must act no more and no less than our big brothers and sisters, that they will work for us and that we will work for them as well in back, that they have the whole universe to play with as a playground and the mother planet Earth is only their rear base to protect being a center of production and improvement of human genetics in general, that natural humans do not represent a risk to them, that they have all the keys in hand to take the galactic space nearby, that we will help them no matter what, that without us they would never have come into the world, that we are their creators and that we always owe inalienable respect to our own creators (equivalent to normal male and female parents), that they are the result of our best genomic research and our greatest hopes for emancipation in time and space.The planetary Meta-Brain also working for us jointly with the Amadeus humans (if we do not create it simultaneously then only the Amadeus will have the monopoly of planetary intelligence and we will automatically be subject to their superior intellectual reasoning which will be difficult to thwart, and whether their reflections are good or bad for us), so the usefulness of a supreme brain limited to a restricted area and without legs and arms to lecture us or eradicate us is that for it as much the human of today or the Amadeus or egg-laying GMOs, will only be tools in its repertoire of possibilities of extragalactic invasion and not ends in themselves, so it will manipulate or manage them one by one and will not be able to be intellectually beaten by one or the other while always keeping the ascendancy of analytical, synthetic reflections, and punctual or future solutions on the merits of such and such actions necessary for the anthropocentric construction of the cosmos. The Human Brain in a Jar or Planetary with 1 million Qi points will be able to calm things down, assert the relevance of the dual ancient and future humanity, plan the invasion of the universe in detail, reason with potentially more disruptive Amadeus individuals, find an adequate place for each of us in the emancipation of our civilization, because all roles and functions will be crucial and necessary in the countless millions and billions of steps leading to the domination of the entire universe by reason with potentially more disruptive Amadeus individuals, to find an adequate place for each of us in the emancipation of our civilization, because all roles and functions will be crucial and necessary in the countless millions and billions of steps leading to the domination of the entire universe by reason with potentially more disruptive Amadeus individuals, to find an adequate place for each of us in the emancipation of our civilization, because all roles and functions will be crucial and necessary in the countless millions and billions of steps leading to the domination of the entire universe by Humanity.


I remember my professors in Psychology at the university who taught us around 2010 that the size of the brain has no influence on the increase of animal or human intelligence. With my graph and my current research, today I would prove them 100% the opposite. With equal quality of mechanical or biological engine, a larger engine will always be more powerful than a small engine, a 4 cylinder is less powerful than an 8 cylinder, which is less strong than a 12 cylinder, which is potentially less powerful than a 24 cylinder, which is less strong than a 48 cylinder, which is less strong than a 72 cylinder and so on. If they are so convinced that cranial volume is not an important and significant variable in the acquisition of intelligence for any species, then I would tell them to work with the small Chimpanzee skull at 25 IQ points and I will go do my research with the Amadeus with 500 to 1000 IQ points minimum, then who do you think will win more Nobel Prizes? What my professors probably meant (they stayed in the human world and made the mistake of not cross-referencing data on the ancient and/or future brains of humanity) is that if a person has 1100 cubic cm of brain vs 1400 cubic cm, then if IQ is tested then there will not be such a big difference in intelligence, because one of the two individuals may be more gifted (equivalent to an additional Turbo on an engine). Except that if we compare a 500 gram brain to a 1000 gram brain, well at some point there will be a difference that will gradually settle in depending on the additional mass of brain, because with each gram of brain a modern human gains on average 0.07 intelligence points. So the quantity of brain increasing more and more will irremediably pull the intelligence arrow upwards if the average quality of the brain remains identical, if the quality increases (+ neurons, + gray matter, better connections, etc.) then intelligence will rise even faster per gram of additional brain.



Even if for the moment, the intelligence of our civilization is stagnated at around 100 points of Qi, the human skull is the most accomplished on the planet and has required no less than 56 million years of improvement (first primate ancestor named Teilhardina) to arrive at what we are today. And more than 65 million years if we start from the rodent mammals in the earth at the time of the dinosaurs before the meteorite fell in the Chicxulub crater (Yucatan region in Mexico). This is why it is imperative that civilization evolves its skull by selective mating (the largest gifted skulls together) and/or slightly modifies its DNA in order to unlock the new stages of intelligence. Otherwise, the evolution times are much too long and would require a wait of at least 1 to 10 million years. The vast majority of Extraterrestrial civilizations probably do genetic optimization over several generations in order to improve themselves faster than natural evolutionary mechanisms that can stagnate or even worse involute.  A good model of a naturally optimized European skull that we have in the version of Edgar Allan Poe (≈150 points of Qi in semantic intelligence).


Rutger Hauer, was a credible model of a little European Amadeus for his time since he was born in 1944 and people of that time were on average shorter. He measured no less than 6 feet and 1 (185 cm), so only 11 inches from being a real Amadeus Frankenstein. He had all the most advantageous genes of our European ethnicity: very light skin, very blue eyes, very blond hair and an obviously good intelligence despite the fact that he said he did not attend school for long during his childhood in Holland. So his IQ was, it seems, not optimized, because he did not do higher education, so he could not benefit from a maximum of 10 to 20 points of additional intelligence. By listening a little to his film interviews, we do not detect any obvious giftedness however, he must have had a minimum IQ of 120 to 130 points. A human of this type, with a height of 7 feet, could probably have had between 160 and 200 points of Qi given the overall quality of his genetics already optimized by nature in the northern climates of the Earth. As good naturalists, the Germans worked specifically on this type of skull (vertical dolichocephalic), which they identified in a completely visionary way as representing a solid base for building the humanity of the future holding more and more developed physiognomic characteristics being the natural continuation of the most favorable anthropological evolution biologically and intellectually speaking. Rutger Hauer, is therefore an example of the good heads of Northern Europe (Holland, Denmark, etc.). However, these skulls do not quite equal those of the North Asians (horizontal brachycephalic) better optimized with their basketball head therefore having more grams of brain. However, they are in our best European models. Obviously, these skull models are becoming less and less common, with population replacement and random matings certainly diluting genetic quality over centuries. In retrospect, modern Chinese skulls seem to me to combine the 2 evolutionary advantages (convincing example of Fan Xiaoqin) that is, on the one hand, a round head, therefore wider on the sides (additional accumulation of grams of brain in the parietal zone), and secondly, a gradual high fungiform elongation (accumulation of additional grams of brain at the level of the upper cranial cap) therefore an increase in brain levels in the vertical axis, probably very typical of the optimization observable in Extraterrestrial brains. 

Rutger Hauer interview in 1982 (Blade Runner film):

Source (brachycephalic):

Source (dolichocephalic):

TYPOLOGY OF HUMANS OF THE FUTURE (general anthropometric data increasing by date of temporal appearance present, past or future, by unit of volume & cranial circumference and intelligence score) ©

💀 1-Chimpanzee Skull: -7,000,000 years, Cranial Circumference of 31 cm, Endocranial Volume of 275 to 500 cm3, Intelligence of 12 to 25 Qi points. 

💀 2-Heidelbergis Skull: -650,000 to -315,000 years, Cranial Circumference of 47 cm, Endocranial Volume of 1,230 cm3, Intelligence of 50 to 70 Qi points.

💀 3-Skull of Sapiens Sapiens Africanis: -315,000 to -60,000 years, Cranial circumference of 50 cm, Endocranial volume of 1,100 to 1,282 cm3, Intelligence of 60 to 80 Qi points.

💀 4-Modern Human Skull (Cro-Magnon): -40,000 to -20,000 years, Cranial Circumference of 55 cm to 60 cm, Endocranial Volume of 1,200 to 1,370 cm3, Intelligence of 90 to 110 Qi points.

💀 5-Prometheus Human Skull: + 2 to 5 million years, Cranial Circumference of 80 cm, Endocranial Volume of 4,500 to 6,000 cm3, Intelligence of 200 to 500 Qi points.

💀 6-Giant Human Skull Amadeus: + 5 to 10 million years, Cranial Circumference of 115 cm, Endocranial Volume of 6,850 to 15,000 cm3 or 5 to 12 times the volume of a modern human brain, Intelligence of 500, 1000 to 10,000 Qi points.

💀 7-Giant Human Skull Alexandrius: + 10 to 20 million years, weight of 1/4 ton of brain, Cranial Circumference 300 cm, Endocranial Volume of 250,000 cm3, Intelligence of 25,000 to 250,000 Qi points.

💀 8-Giant Human Skull Titaneus: + 20 to 50 million years, weight of 1 ton of brain, Cranial Circumference of 500 cm, Endocranial Volume of 350,000 to 1,000,000 cm3, Intelligence of 300,000, 500,000 to 1 million Qi points .



Weight of 1 kg = 500 billion cells

Average human cell size = 4x10-9 cm³

웃 Lilliputian Human (1,000 to 3,000 billion or 1 to 3 trillion cells) 15 to 30 cm

웃 Average Human (37 trillion or 37 trillion cells) 5.5 feet

 Woman (60 kg) = 28,000 billion Man (70 kg) = 37,000 billion 

웃 Human Large (50,000 to 70,000 billion or 50 to 70 trillion cells) 6 to 7 feet 

웃 Human Prometheus (125 trillion or 125 trillion cells) 7 to 9 feet

웃 Human Amadeus (200,000 billion or 200 trillion cells) 12 feet

웃 Human Alexandrius (1,000,000 billion or 1000 trillion cells) 20 to 30 feet 

웃 Human Titaneus (3,000,000 billion or 3,000 to 6,000 up to 10,000 trillion cells) 30 to 60 feet

Source (number of cells in humans):

Source (quantity of cells in humans):

Source (Type of Human Cells):


From the Chimpanzee (360 gr of brain, 20 cm of cranial circumference and 12 to 25 Qi points), the Australopithecus (500 gr of brain, 40 cm of cranial circumference and 42 Qi points), the archaic Sapiens sapiens (1280 gr of brain, 50 cm of cranial circumference and 75 Qi points), through the modern human (1380 gr of brain, 55 cm of cranial circumference and 100 Qi points), the Amadeus (15,000 gr of brain, 115 cm of cranial circumference and 1000 to 10,000 Qi points), the Alexandrius (1/4 ton of brain, 300 cm of cranial circumference and 250,000 Qi points), to the Titaneus (1 ton of brain, 500 cm head circumference and 1 million Qi points).

Being about 1000 years ahead of my civilization, this photograph is historical, because it shows the invariable evolution, the projection of human craniology and the increase in intelligence of the next millions or even billions of years of the future. In the sense that I think that a titanic human, does not have much chance of seeing the light of day within 300 years, rather in 500 years or even up to 1000 years (the level of eugenic difficulty being very high) so if in 3023 scientists produce the equivalent of a Titaneus then they will be able to say that a theorist had glimpsed them no less than a millennium ago. This may seem like an innocuous image among many others, but it took me 28 years or 1/4 of a century to understand through my research on intelligence started in my adolescence around the age of 15 in the library of my high school. It traces the path for the humanity of the future who will want to gain in Qi score and proportionally in intelligence in order to colonize space and protect themselves from Extraterrestrial invasions (cranial volume being the easiest variable to work with for any intelligent civilization). I have not only found every craniometric and numerical data extrapolated from the typography and the average typical possibilities of our human skull so it represents the apotheosis of what can look like and what can be the maximum size of a human skull as much on Earth as the other planets of the universe. Out of 8 billion people, I am the only one to have thought and theorized first in a scientifically and anthropologically valid way the humans of the future with such a degree of precision, which in the future will be correlated by future generations. Because in my time, people don't really understand my research in advanced craniometry, they prefer to give visibility to the first immigrants from the third world, to artists playing the flute with their nose without revolutionary scope or other stupid artistic products requiring only small Qi.


Based on my theorized graph of possible future human variations, I think the Russian doll example is best suited to demonstrate the usefulness of having one's own civilizational genetics in multiple variants of different sizes in order to adapt to both the microscopic terrestrial world and the macroscopic world in space. As I have already explained, it will be impossible for humanity to remain perfectly identical to what it is today because on the one hand matter evolves by itself, this phenomenon modifying our phenotype step by step, either humanity will experience a genetic regression which will also modify its appearance, or we will partially become a robot or cyborg, or we will mix our DNA with other animals of nature (eyes with night vision, property of phosphorescence, capacity for fine hearing of ultrasounds similar to the bat, chameleon-type camouflage, suction cups on the fingers allowing to climb the wall, increase in the number and surface area of ​​olfactory cells providing a more developed sense of smell, etc.) and/or with Extraterrestrial genes providing us more quickly with genes of intelligence or other rare physiognomic properties. So we can already predict that humans evolving on planetary satellites such as Venus, Neptune, etc. will each have their own specific epigenetic modification that is self-adaptive to geographic factors and environmental variables, as we have already seen. So no matter what the humans of the future look like in terms of their phenotypic appearance, their size could similarly range from the smallest human versions to the largest, not to say giant, or even gargantuan (not only the size of a Tyrannosaurus Rex of 5-6 meters in height x 13 meters in length with a weight of 18.4 tons, but rather of the type of the Patagonian titan in the family of sauropod Titanosaurs (Patagotitan mayorum) of 11 to 15 meters in height with 37 meters in length, a size of 8.5 meters and a weight of 70 tons). Environmental variables such as planetary gravitation and oxygen levels will directly influence the development possibilities of animals and limit them to size ceilings below which it becomes too difficult to move due to excess heaviness (a phenomenon similar to Tanks which must have a weight that is not too heavy, for sufficient support on the ground,plus a military vehicle engine capacity or relative to the motor power powerful enough to move the animal or dinosaur similar or the Tiger and Panther Tank had good lift except that the Mouse tank was at the limit of the intersection of the weight vs lift vs engine power ratio settings) or a potential lack of sufficient tissue oxygenation by normal respirations permitted not only by lung capacity, but also by atmospheric pressure [kilopascal (kPa)], planetary humidity levels, etc. 

Civilization in Russian Doll mode is an example of a fractal geometric structure that is always based on the same structural form and which will simply develop to several sizes of variable scales from small to large.

When the Russian doll civilization unfolds then it will fill almost all of the space-time to be colonized with the unfolding of its genetics and therefore be more adapted to all scales of mastery of other creatures, dominating them both the small ones and the planetary animals of dinosaur type magnitude (especially their most dangerous gifted form to the swaying of our hegemony for example a version of the herbivore Brachiosaurus with a big brain).

Knowing that each human version in the Russian doll deployable civilization mode has its place and relevance according to its scale size, the individuals of the civilization will not try to supplant each other by their superior skills or not, they all know in their position that they need as much the biggest to open the way as the smallest (minimum height of 1.50 meters since being the limit of human dwarfism) who can better control the microscopic environment of the alien jungles and all. The smaller human versions have smaller fingers and can perform finer tasks and operations (for example the thinner and more agile fingers of women in computer assembly plants vs the big fingers of giants who can break the neck of an Alien animal in a snap and / or lift very heavy payloads of several tons being impossible to lift for all other humans of smaller size). 

Amadeus humans, already quite tall at 12 feet, will probably fear the coming of 20-30 foot giants, or 20-30 meter tall dinosaur-like behemoth aliens on the other planets they will visit during the building of our civilization in the universe. 12 foot humans can be quite easily crushed by living organisms 20-30 feet tall and obviously with bigger brains, therefore more potential intelligence and means to beat them intellectually, strategically and militarily speaking. Except with the brain weight vs. animal weight factor that can reduce the encephalization coefficient, intelligence could be more difficult to optimize (example of whales or sperm whales weighing several tons even if a brain of 5000 cm cube, the weight of the animal inversely decreases its intelligence since the neurons must manage all these billions of additional cells) except that the weight of titan humans will make them more dangerous on their potential to crush with their step any creature that crosses their path. Titan category humans, who will have maximum sizes of 10, 20 to 30 meters in height (according to the specific planetary gravities limiting this size as on Venus where gravity is 90% that of Earth), will have hands the size of a table, feet the length of a boat and skulls equivalent to the volume of a small Firefly type car and therefore an approximate intelligence of several tens of thousands of Qi points. They should not be produced in large quantities, they have a supporting role in military shock strategies during the first phases of planetary colonization (same as the use of elephants in ancient history with the Indian, Carthaginian or Chinese armies). Human titans can be artificially generated with giant artificial uteruses from spaceships arriving in the vicinity of planets and galaxies to be invaded.


According to my naturalistic probabilistic intellectual civilizationalist estimates, it will be useless to send humans into space with the current average Qi of 100 points (= 100 km/h) to colonize the universe and confront the many Extraterrestrial civilizations because they will get their faces smashed in just a few days (equivalent to sending children or people with Down syndrome to confront gifted people from the best terrestrial universities and/or world historical chess champions). Even worse, the Aborigines of Australia driving at 65 km/h or Sub-Saharans advancing at 75-85 km/h. This would be a sacrifice since the Extraterrestrials have a minimum of 300 Qi points when going uphill, so they drive the equivalent of 300 km/h intellectually speaking. Humans with 100 IQ points will not be able to solve space problems at all (the tangible proof is that our current civilization is incapable of having a small lunar or Martian base and even less of building a respectable fleet of spaceships). Humans with 100 points will arrive at the other end of the galaxy and wonder if they can have access to TVA to listen to their variety show Sucré-Salé, follow Big Brothers, Occupation Double, watch recipe shows and funny little cats and not read 100 pages of Wikipedia per day or useful scientific encyclopedias in the space station. We will only have a real chance of permanently colonizing space and obviously beating Extraterrestrial civilizations (because they also live in the various habitable zones near the stars) with humans of the future optimized with IQ of precisely 300, 500 to 1000 points minimum. For example, the Amadeus with 1000 Qi points will travel at a speed of 1000 km/hour, 10 times faster than today's humans, and will have a real chance of predicting and thwarting a majority of invasion plans, extraterrestrial military response or resolution and adherence to very complex and specific inter-civilizational treaties in terms of laws and regulations, therefore not being fooled by the first civilization to arrive. With the 100 minimum IQ points (obviously no one has the right 100 points, because this is an average and the majority of normally intelligent people have more than 110 to 120 points, and astronauts have rather a minimum of 130 to 160 points in our time, because space agencies take the most advantageous applications ensuring a better chance of success of the missions and not to fail it due to lack of intellectual calculation resources. For example, Julie Payette with 150 IQ points and speaking 6 languages,The highest rated woman out of 5,330 candidates was chosen for her high intelligence compared to the average person of her time (missions STS-96 and STS-127), so she will have more potential capacity to adequately maneuver technological spacecraft, repair the 1001 electronic or mechanical parts of rockets that often break down and need maintenance, ensure the proper functioning of the international space station, conduct scholarly research in her field of specialization (computer engineer), etc. Today's humans that we are will certainly be able to go into space, however their area of ​​influence and capacity to dominate the distant universe will be very limited, they will not be those that we should preferably send, but rather our best optimized human civilizational elements who, according to statistics, will have a real chance of survival in interstellar space which is the most extremophile environment there is after the hot deserts (Sahara) or cold planetary deserts (North Pole & South Pole). They will rather be relegated to a role of space tourists, able to wander on the planets and satellites of our solar system and those nearby like Alpha Centauri, but not necessarily in the next extremely distant galaxies, unless they have been increased somewhat in intelligence over the centuries of minimal genetic optimizations which will automatically increase their ability to think and respond appropriately against the extremely dangerous Extraterrestrial civilizations and have no mercy for the weakest civilizations of the galaxy and even worse of the universe where the creatures are probably even more monstrous and ingenious. As long as we humans have fun among ourselves in our little sandbox that represents the solar system, there is no problem, because we can even have a school group of Down syndrome people travel to one of the 95 satellites of Jupiter. They will have a lot of fun, eat McDonald's hamburgers and fries, laugh and have fun to the madness of their 30 to 70 average IQ points, that is not the problem in itself. The problem arises when we add the "extraterrestrial" variable, these civilizations have different genetics than ours, they do not have the same plans for space expansion as our human civilization, they do not have the same technologies, they do not have the same IQ, they do not have the same ideologies, they look for easy planets to take like lions look for easy prey to eat. As long as the extraterrestrial variable comes into the equation despite us,then it is a new world of probability that is triggered and immediately a civilizational struggle begins. And the civilization that will have the highest Qi and/or the best weapons will triumph sooner or later over the weakest civilization, such are the laws of nature whether we like it or not we will be confronted one day or another with extraterrestrial civilizations that will not be in our stellar environment only wanting to make friends light years from their mother planet. 



The Prometheus generations are the generations of young people at the turn of the 2000s who naturally possess the most favorable and advantageous genes of human civilization. They are already among us in a scattered version since they are not yet concentrated among themselves, or even seriously diluted by Western governments and great human crossbreeders. On average, members of the Prometheus youth will have larger heads than normal, will be taller than average and paler or have more saturated and vivid colors than the others, possess the majority of the 1000 intelligence genes and genes allowing them to live to around 125 years. I base my assertions on the increasingly frequent observation of young people with abnormally tall heights. For example, when I see young people who are tall, I almost systematically ask them how tall they are and their age for my anthropological research. To date, for the past 1 to 2 years, I have listed the following data; a bartender told me he was 6'3, a 25 year old Native American was 6'4, another at Club Price this week told me he was 6'6, another young guy at Canadian Tire was 6'7, a teenager was 6'7 the other day at MacDonald's and another one recently at Dollarama told me this summer he was 6'8. So humanity is naturally growing into the Prometheus stage from 3 foot primates (Chimpanzees) to today's practically 7 foot youngsters exactly 7 million years later by Mother Nature's self-evolutionary eugenic mechanisms. Nature makes us grow and evolve in an inexorable way, however it improves very slowly since we have gained 4 feet and no less than a period of 7 million years so with an average enlargement of 0.57 feet or 6.84 inches or 17.37 centimeters per million years. So without a doubt the next natural human variant is the Prometheus which will be stabilized in a few hundred years measuring between 7 to 9 feet with heads of 70 to 90 centimeters of cranial circumference just before the 1 meter of the Amadeussian variant of size of 9 to 12 feet. All that remains is to promote reproduction between them and then mate their offspring together and the next 2 to 5 new generations will reach normal average sizes of 7 to 8 feet and so on up to the Amadeus within at least 1 to 10 centuries maximum if all goes well, and this without any genomic modification necessary. For now, even if I have specialized for a few years in the evaluation of intelligence scores,I have unfortunately not detected any youngsters of nearly 7 feet with IQs of 160 to 200 points which should rather go in this direction if the cranial volumes increase proportionally so for the moment this variable is clearly too low and must be monitored and increased upwards otherwise we will obtain a generation of youngsters of shallot size, but with average intelligence, or even under-gifted. A good human Prometheussian generation well developed and balanced in terms of genomic quality should rather stabilize its intelligence at minimum scores of 180 points up to about 300 points. What I find quite surprising in my opinion is that even Asian youth who once broke records for smallness still have representatives in our time who exceed 7 feet in height (Zhang Ziyu at 7 feet 5 & Yao Ming at 7 feet 6), which shows that even the historically smallest versions of humans in our civilization are growing to unprecedented heights. This can be linked to several environmental factors such as the improvement in the quality of life of these growing children and adolescents, the type of more nutritious food they eat, the quality of care in their country in addition to the normal evolution of genetics always going upwards (same for lizards becoming T-Rex several million years later). These youngsters have not been included in any selective mating program, no genetic modifications, no growth hormone boosting (pills by a pediatrician or injections by a sports coach), or calcium supplements, etc. However, endocrine disruptors such as plastic, industrial pollutants or growth hormones found in farmed meat may have influenced their growth rate. On the other hand, I have not seen representatives of the ancestral Mayan peoples with heights of 6 to 7 feet, because usually these genetics are very small (the reasons are probably related to those listed above, especially that of a deficient diet during childhood and adolescence). Similarly, young people who are very tall are approximately with an incidence of only 5% to 10% maximum, similar to in the past when 5 to 10% of Europeans had larger neurocraniums (forehead, height, width and roundness), this ratio having diluted in our time since these variables have not been taken seriously for about 1/2 to 1 century in the West. The late release of increased amounts of estrogen hormones would close the bony plates at the ends of the bones slowing down growth earlier in adolescent women aged 20 to 25, partly explaining the phenomenon of sexual dimorphism.

Source (7’5” Zhang Ziyu is The Tallest Girls Basketball Player):

Source (How to grow taller before 25?):



Who will take control of the Milky Way galaxy for us? The humans of the future Amadeus and Titaneus Frankenstein! The prototype skull that I hold in my hands is not the ultimate Amadeus skull, because it is not optimized at all, but rather based on the proportions of today's skulls which are rather the result of 56 million years of evolution from the first primate ancestors. The forehead is not high, wide and prominent enough. The top of the head should be a minimum of 2 to 3 times higher and therefore contain several hundred grams of additional brain, therefore a better optimized Qi according to a new more advantageous or so-called superior cranial configuration. With an Amadeus human skull of such volume, we will become a true galactic-level civilization feared by other Extraterrestrial populations who will do nothing more or less than bypass the solar system instead of invading it at the first opportunity (since they usually detect in advance the living species on the planets before conquering them so as not to have fatal self-destructive surprises). Our success rate, generativity rate and our civilizational expansion rate will be drastically increased and probably more than 50% of civilizations will have trouble beating Amadeus-type humans, or more precisely 70 to 80% so our chance of neutralizing them and taking the inhabited Extraterrestrial planets will now be about 7 chances out of 10. With Titaneus category humans, then this success figure rather rises to thresholds of 8 to 9 chances out of 10 of victory since these Extraterrestrial civilizations will rarely be bigger than our titanic human version with a pharaonic high Qi. The Titaneus humans, who must be produced near the planets or satellites to be conquered in the giant artificial wombs of our ships and space stations, will be able to be exactly manufactured during gestation of the maximum size that the planet can support as gigantic walking animals of the dinosaur type according to their specific gravity (for example a planet with a lower gravity will be able to receive a larger and more massive Titaneus human who will still weigh less on this sphere). As a result, they will be of the most colossal size possible, making it so that they will trample and crush any Extraterrestrial civilization on site by the superiority of their weight, their size and their Qi approaching 1 million weight (Titaneus engine calculator brain of 1 ton extremely optimized in intelligence). The Titaneus titans will only have to walk on a planet in the process of taking human possession, scare the extraterrestrial populations by shouting loudly, clapping their hands,by walking with heavy steps, jumping on the spot, kicking dozens or even hundreds of them, throwing themselves to the ground head on to crush several of them, sitting on them, tearing the roof off their homes, and destroying their buildings with large metal sticks, defeating their ballistic firing centers or major weapons and destroying one by one their national and planetary parliaments. The poor, small and panicked Extraterrestrials will only be able to run away or try to shoot with their miniature weapons compared to the imposing size of the Titaneus. Only medium-power weapons such as Bazookas, high-velocity machine gunners, tanks, mortars, missiles and war cannons can still do serious damage to our army of human giants (1 non-explosive shell = 1 normal bullet at a similar scale of human size vs. giant). During extra-planetary invasions, Titaneus can rightly wear protective clothing such as lightweight Kevlar bulletproof vests, chainmail or medieval-style armor to ensure they are not pierced unnecessarily. With their strength and height, Amadeus or Titaneus will be able to support very heavy and armored armor compared to what a normal human could carry. As a historical military comparison, Napoleon Bonaparte had an average success rate of 9 out of 10 battles that he won thanks to the superiority of his military strategies, the quality of his armaments and French troops.The Amadeus or Titaneus will be able to support very heavy and armored armor compared to what a normal human could carry. As a historical military comparison, Napoleon Bonaparte had an average success rate of 9 out of 10 battles that he won thanks to the superiority of his military strategies, the quality of his armaments and French troops.The Amadeus or Titaneus will be able to support very heavy and armored armor compared to what a normal human could carry. As a historical military comparison, Napoleon Bonaparte had an average success rate of 9 out of 10 battles that he won thanks to the superiority of his military strategies, the quality of his armaments and French troops.


My initial estimates of plus or minus 10 to 20 million years for the evolutionary time needed for modern humans to reach Amadeussian height are ultimately correct since I calculated an additional 0.57 feet per 1 million years. So if the average height of a modern human is 6 feet, then to get to 12 feet it takes exactly 10.52 million years (with probably a slight numerical adjustment of the ratio of not only height, but also the proportional size of the shoulders, head, hands, total width of the torso and therefore the amount of cells equivalent).


This is what I was talking about that made me realize the danger of the hyperstructures of space; the galactic supercluster in which we are called LANIAKEA (520 million light years in diameter). Will preferably be colonized by the Amadeus aided by their protectors Titaneus much larger and being at the maximum of their possibility of control and destruction of the Extraterrestrial civilizations. We other little humans of the future (with a minimum of 200 to 300 points of Qi because otherwise we will not know what to do in the space stations and the risk of being devoured by the Extraterrestrials made to their stellar destination will be too likely) will arrive thereafter on each planet, since the Extraterrestrial field will have been dominated and cleaned successively by the army of Robots, the Titaneus and then the Amadeus. Aliens frequently eat civilizations in their path (especially those that do not comply with their demographic and environmental resource management plans of a planet x) as much as the majority of animals in nature will eat other weaker, vulnerable or smaller animals in the hierarchy of the planetary food pyramid. We all form an indestructible unit since we are based on the principle of multiscale fractal civilization and so we become much more difficult to beat in the entire surface of the KAOSMOS universe. The Virgo galactic cluster, which is the largest of the LANIAKEA galactic supercluster, would include no less than 10,000 galaxies like ours, the Milky Way each galaxy having no less than 100 to 200 billion stars on average. Organizing a trip into deep space is equivalent to undertaking a trip to Antarctica, so it is necessary to send the most resourceful, forward-looking, non-aggressive people, with the best skills and abilities of all kinds (engineering, medicine, physics, chemistry, group psychology, computer science, etc.). Otherwise, they risk perishing quickly if mechanical failures of the aerospace or computer equipment of the on-board computers occur early in the mission, the entire team is in danger of death at the slightest damage. In space, the mission is of an even more perilous and risky level with a factor at least 100 to 1000 times more difficult to survive in the long term (cosmic radiation, endless distances, despair or depression linked to isolation or lack of nature (humans have nevertheless evolved in the greenery and not only in the grayness of concrete or monotonous materials of the shuttle), wars and internal conflicts of the crew, extraterrestrial threats, emptiness of space, etc.). 


Alexandrius Frankenstein type skeleton of about 7 to 9 meters a little before the heavyweight class of the Titaneus category of 10 meters and more. The head on the 3rd photograph is a little too small on this model so the Qi will not be optimized to the maximum possibility of this skeleton. With a ratio of 1 in 10 or 1 in 11 the best ratio being rather according to my anthropological and exomorphological research of 1 in 6 or 1 in 5, which will quickly increase the coefficient of encephalization therefore of free intelligence easy to acquire and then assessable in Qi score which will require on the other hand new tests not existing in our era given the smallness of the skulls and the Qi capped around 100 points for several thousand years with the quantity of brain and neurons corresponding. The new IQ tests for humans at 300 points and above will have to be juxtaposed with the data predicted by the calculations of an increase in intelligence of 0.07142 points per additional cm3 in order to see or rectify our previous evaluations (ration of current average intelligence on raw non-optimized brains).  I already had a prophetic dream 3 years ago where I was walking in a factory and there were humans with walls about this size. In the image it looks like me the little 6 foot skeleton versus all the other Amadeus humans that I theoretically created in the first place for humanity ready to invade space.  I have already predicted it in one of my prophetic texts of the Bible of the Humans of the Future, that the giant humans will certainly be planetary Hyper-Civilizationalists, that is, Hyper-Collectivists (fighting for civilization) instead of the modern Hyper-Individualist navel-gazers (fighting for one's own person).

TITANEUS (genetically modified titanic human made in the laboratory in giant artificial wombs) 

Size: 12 to 36 feet tall

Head circumference: Minimum 300 cm, 400 cm to 500 cm.

Cranial volume: 50,000 to 100,000 cubic cm.

Brain weight: 1/3, 1/2 to 1 ton.

Intelligence with stabilized IQ (semantic, mathematical and spatial): ± 10,000, 50,000, 100,000 to 1 million maximum intelligence points.

Encephalization coefficient: Ratio of 10 to 1 (9 times too much brain to satisfy biological vital conditions and move the body forward).

Number of brain neurons: 50,000 to 100,000 billion.

Aggression: Low.

Skin (melanin pigmentation index with a low gradient of 1 to 12): Pale pinkish white.

Hair (color): black, brown, red or blonde.

Eyes (shade): Gray, Blue or Green.

Life expectancy: ± 200-300 up to 1000 years (tripling and + of the length of telomeres or imitation of the same principle of self-renewal of telomeres as in quasi-immortal lobsters).

Ability to manage and save the Earth (eg global warming): Extreme.

Ability to humanize space (colonization): Extreme.

Ability to defend Humanity against Aliens: Extreme.

Ability to defend Humanity against Aliens: Extreme.

Cell count: 600 to 1000 billion human cells.

Weight of the Titaneus: 30, 70 to 100 tons.

Weight of Skull Bone: 3/4 ton.

Brain Weight: 1 ton. 

Weight of a female Titaneus' breast: 1 ton.

Weight of a Breast (normal woman): 2.2 pounds.

Milk quantity of a female Titaneus: 100 liters per breast. 

Amount of Milk per Breast (normal woman): 1000 ml. 

Mineral Matrix (70% of dry bone weight): mineral salts [hydroxyapatite crystals (tricalcium phosphate)], collagen fibers, calcium carbonates, magnesium phosphates. 

Organic Matrix: collagen, proteoglycans, non-collagenous proteins (osteopontin of osteocytes), hydroxyapatite crystals, osteonectin, osteocalcin. 

Non-bone proteins: fetuin, immunoglobulins.

Source (Os Wikipedia):


When I was initially theorizing about the Amadeus Frankenstein enhanced human, I didn't see the point in creating an even bigger version of the human. I figured humans over 20-30 feet would be too monstrous and unnecessary, because the Amadeus' IQ score of 1000-10,000 points would already be enough. However, the other day while watching a space report, while viewing an animation of several swirling galaxies, then I put myself in the shoes of the Amadeus, which I wrongly believed to necessarily always be the best interstellar invasion unit, I had an illumination and deduced that the Amadeus (which we are supposed to send everywhere in the universe from Earth our mother planet according to my most accomplished and probable plans script-wise) would not want to be catapulted to confront Extraterrestrial species potentially much larger and more powerful than them in the version of gifted giant dinosaurs (also maximally optimized by numerous manipulations of the extraterrestrial DNA according to their planetary gravity). They would certainly be afraid to enter hyperstructures of galactic clusters with as little height and danger as the millions of Extraterrestrial species living up there in the universe and would sooner or later want to turn back fearing the rapid annihilation of their armada without escape. It is the Amadeus who would ask us to create more imposing and stronger protectors for them, thus ensuring them full control of the planets they will conquer with all the armaments and soldiers from small to giant formats always necessary. When we talk about the conquest of space, it is absolutely another way of thinking so at a level of scale where everything is far and disproportionate (distance, planets, stars, gigantic plants, dinosaur animals, spaceships, armaments, black holes, galaxies, galactic clusters, etc.) so we must rethink everything in another much more extensive and pharaonic mode. For now, our civilization is still in larval mode and especially in reprimatization mode (which is a catastrophe in terms of rapid genetic regression), we are so unintelligent and unevolved that people still wonder if we should really evolve (like a chimpanzee 7 million years ago who wondered if they should really evolve into an optimized male Dolf Lundgren or female Sharon Stone version), remain identical (which will be impossible, because living beings are always in genetic evolution or regression,because nothing stays perfectly the same in biology) or even if egalitarian genetic regression where there would be no more intolerance and judgment would not be the best way (mixed-race global human identical everywhere on Earth, and especially in the West). I have already glimpsed the future of Humanity in my research, because I have been working specifically on this for several years, which is why I think that it is not only the Amadeus who would ask us to create their protector Titaneus, however in all probability they are the ones who will have the intelligence best suited to making them in the laboratory and not the normal humans of our era who are still probably very limited intellectually speaking or imagined through the Meta-Brain or Planetary Brain (if we were to believe my graphs of increasing intelligence according to brain size and the optimal encephalization coefficient still to be artificially generated by the manipulations offered by naturalist eugenics). Then I thought about the Russian Matrioskas Dolls that fit perfectly into each other, and as I am a big fan of fractal geometry I immediately made the connection that the most powerful Extraterrestrial civilizations, and difficult to thwart are surely those that are to be faced at all scales of magnitude. Because as much as they have the possibility of attacking at small scales, as much as they have medium-sized variants, as much as they have giant-sized variants so any civilization facing them will have a lot of trouble beating them and annihilating them at all scales of magnitude. This mechanism of reproduction of a genetic species of all sizes is what makes civilizations even more unbeatable at the planetary, galactic and ultimately universe scales.and as I am a big fan of fractal geometry I immediately made the connection that the most powerful Extraterrestrial civilizations, and difficult to thwart are surely those that are to be faced at all scales of magnitude. Because as much as they have the possibility of attacking at small scales, as much as they have medium-sized variants, as much as they have giant-sized variants so any civilization facing them will have a lot of trouble beating them and annihilating them at all scales of magnitude. This mechanism of reproduction of a genetic species of all sizes is what makes civilizations even more unbeatable at the planetary, galactic and ultimately universe scales.and as I am a big fan of fractal geometry I immediately made the connection that the most powerful Extraterrestrial civilizations, and difficult to thwart are surely those that are to be faced at all scales of magnitude. Because as much as they have the possibility of attacking at small scales, as much as they have medium-sized variants, as much as they have giant-sized variants so any civilization facing them will have a lot of trouble beating them and annihilating them at all scales of magnitude. This mechanism of reproduction of a genetic species of all sizes is what makes civilizations even more unbeatable at the planetary, galactic and ultimately universe scales.


Skeleton of the Titaneussian level from 10 meters to 1000 meters which is approximately the limit of weight that a living being can have in order to be able to walk with ease according to the given planetary gravities. Titaneus humans are the ones who have the best chance of defeating and crushing the millions of extraterrestrial civilizations of the universe.  A Titaneus human skeleton of approximately 20 meters in height (Asterix GMO human model: [head circumference of 623 cm, 20 meters (65 feet) Intelligence: 1,410 minimum to 7,050 maximum points of Qi]). sits as a Native American in the Amadeus medical industrial laboratory. Metaphorically speaking, the skeleton is waiting for the little humans on the ground in the laboratory to create it and finally give birth to it via the Artificial Wombs so that it can invade space for us and bring back billions of tons of minerals to our mother planet Earth and protect us from warlike alien civilizations. My new slogan of the week is that if modern Humanity applies my theorizations on the lineage of probable future dinosaurified human sizes then it will not only make the columns of the temples of Rome tremble, nor of only the galaxy but of the entire universe and perhaps even the multiverse. The entire universe will tremble under the weight of the visionary futuristic discoveries of my seminal book whether the Alien civilizations like it or not they will undergo the partial or generalized humanization of space! In the opposite situation where human civilizational intelligence is too low compared to our distant extraterrestrial neighbors, we will be eaten by them in about 1000 to 10,000 years or even 1 to 10 million years maximum if we are very lucky, unless our armies of Robots help us, except that this unexpected saving rescue is not guaranteed given their different materiality and their Qi which will rise very high compared to our current small skulls, so they will not necessarily have pity for our DNA.


Once upon a time there was a planet inhabited by millions or even billions of living species that naturally spring from the planetary environment, abound, develop and eventually become intelligent sooner or later. One or more civilizations will dominate the biome of this planet first and subject the other billions of species to their prerogatives of their own canvases and designs slowly building up over centuries or even millennia (terrestrial host civilization). This civilization will produce radio waves and other sources of emissivity that are potentially capable of being used by other galactic civilizations near this stellar system with their many types of classical, quantum, etc. radars. As soon as a planetary civilization has been spotted by another civilization of stellar or galactic level, at that moment the probability that it will send a scout squad there is highly probable, because it will want to know if it has abundant natural and stellar resources and/or will soon represent a serious competitor risk (advanced militarization with possibility of annihilation). Once the planetary civilization has been observed sufficiently and its response capabilities circumscribed, as well as the material resources as best as possible evaluated and this information sent back to their planet of origin, consequently the invasion stage can be triggered. In the meantime, the civilization targeted by the next planetary invasion may notice that unidentified flying machines are crossing its airspace at almost regular intervals, and that third type encounters have been reported by their inhabitants and/or also individual abductions appearing to be part of a scientific biological experiment on them. After all these observation times, the first X civilizations will start its strong invasion phase and trigger its particular invasion methods, leaving little or no chance for the host civilization to respond with a more or less variable speed and efficiency depending on the intelligence of the latter and its technical means of response. Once the host civilization is neutralized and mastered, the foreign Extraterrestrial civilization will consolidate its position of dominance and place the planetary populations in slavery, reduce them to their simplest expression of possibility of response and/or annihilate them entirely in order to avoid countermeasures that could change this new planetary order. After several decades, centuries, thousands or millions of years, a second civilization Y arrived more or less long ago on this same planet to conquer, will try its luck in order to overthrow the first civilization having already replaced the terrestrial host civilization. If this latter arrival is more intelligent and powerful,of this advantage it will supplant the host civilization, as well as civilization X and subject them to its planetary and/or galactic projects with virtually no difficulty in replacement. However, civilization X and Y as well as the first host civilization will never be completely safe, because an even larger, more powerful and dangerous civilization Z may arrive on this same prized planet, and this after a few years of planetary and/or galactic domination, because no universe is an open environment where intelligent populations can freely circulate from one spatial environment to another without real constraint.


Even Arnold Schwarzenegger (height of 188 cm or 6 feet and 2) seems like a small man in the presence of the giant Andre (234 cm or 7 feet and 8 ) and the actor Wilt Chamberlain (photo taken during the filming of the movie Conan the Destroyer in 1984). The giant Andre's hand is almost as big as Schwarzy's face so the Terminator would have a hard time defending himself against such under-gifted giants so imagine against a super-gifted giant Amadeus. Apparently a modern human would have absolutely no chance of survival except by hiding as soon as possible when an Amadeus-type super-human arrives. Therefore, a minimum of 100 m to 1 km distance to escape well, because the Amadeus with a minimum of 500 to 1000 IQ points will already be an outstanding detective difficult to fool (deductive capacity of Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot multiplied x 10). I have always said, if a policeman with 112 IQ points investigates an organization or a criminal, he has much less chance of dismantling step by step the organizational chart of the positions and tasks of organized crime and / or the modus operandi of the thugs than if the policeman has 150-160 points (equivalent to Albert Einstein in mathematics). A gifted investigator of the Colombo type will give him superior logic and deduction skills allowing him to better glimpse the stages of crimes, logically dismantle them one by one, ask the right questions during interrogation trapping the criminal in his last entrenchments, etc. (same phenomenon for a criminal with a low IQ like Africans in the United States usually caught red-handed and incarcerated in less than 1 week of investigation). So if a seasoned investigator was potentially more formidable thanks to her deduction skills with only 150 IQ points, then a gifted giant human Amadeus with 500 IQ points will co-found any low-level criminal, only other Amadeus would risk providing satisfactory answers to such a police officer, or would have organized methods difficult to analyze or predict for an intelligence equivalent to theirs rendered at this extreme high level of human giftedness.


The majority of the large families of animals that have existed on Earth were in prehistoric times giant creatures consuming more air (oxygen rate high at 35% in the past compared to 21% in our time), more water and food in the eras of terrestrial abundance, then during the main 6 mass extinctions then the animals had no choice but to shrink with the evolutionary objective of adapting to smaller quantities of nutrients. If the environmental conditions become favorable again then the creatures immediately become monstrous again (evolutionary process requiring thousands of years) and so on go the many cycles of life. In the primate kingdom, the only one to have been gigantic is the Gigantopithecus of Southeast Asia (Gigantopithecus blacki), with a size of 2 to 3 meters in height and a weight of 200 to 500 kg (a kind of King Kong before his time). This is why, in my opinion, the most advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations have realized a posteriori for a long time this phenomenon of alternating eras of dwarfism vs. gigantism and will voluntarily place some of their members (not necessarily the entire civilization) in this state of indestructible giants in order to obtain gifted superpredators of space capable of adequately defending their mother planet, of invading their galaxy and/or then a portion as vast as possible of the universe. If a person is skeptical about the idea of ​​retroactively creating a super-human or super-predator of space, that this one would not really be more dangerous than a human of normal size then give him this example. If you had to face an organism of the Reptile family, which one would you prefer to face? A small Gecko lizard (25 cm long and 10 cm high), a Komodo Dragon (4 feet long and 1 foot high), a Crocodile (2 feet high and 6 meters long) or a Tyrannosaurus Rex 12 feet long and 36 feet high)? For my part, in all probability, I would prefer to face a simple Gecko a few inches high compared to a T-Rex 12 feet high. In terms of its danger, in addition to the latter not being particularly intelligent with its brain the size of a walnut, so imagine a gifted Tyrannosaurus with 1000 weights of Qi so these would have been practically impossible to beat not only in the time of the dinosaurs, and even today in the human era. Tyrannosaurus Rex: 12 feet high (same as the height of the Amadeus) and 36 feet long. So it is likely given the similar sizes that an Amadeus-type human would have been able to engage in close combat with a T-Rex (the largest carnivorous predator in Earth's history).In close combat, Amadeus would have been able to deliver powerful punches to the dinosaur's head, could have easily broken its small, shortened and weak arms, jumped on its back to hang on to it, etc. However, the Tyrannosaurus Rex would have been more dangerous thanks to its large, toothed and infectious mouth made of bacteria, it would have been able to deliver very powerful tail blows that could probably knock out an Amadeus, and scratch its faces or body with the large claws of its hind legs (risk of late septicemia). In both cases, the fight would have been very close given the titanic frame of the opponents, not to mention of course the intelligence factor which nevertheless makes all the difference in normal times beyond the corpulence of the creatures in question. Even primates had a dinosaur version (which would validate the theory stipulating that the majority of living organisms were giants at one time or another in planetary time). More simian, therefore less intelligent, this creature of the height of the Amadeus would have had less chance of victory given its more limited brain capacities. Similarly, King Kong would have more difficulty in establishing real attack and defense strategies with a view to obtaining a possible winning duel against a T-Rex for example compared to the Amadeus or simply to the intelligence of a modern non-optimized human.


Similar to the great politicians of history, they would all seem like very harmless little school children compared to 1 single normal human Prometheus with a minimum of 300 to 500 IQ points, because he would automatically become the great leader of the planet given his intelligence which is much superior to the increase in cognitive faculties of people of our time. We are not even talking about the Amadeus with 1000 IQ points and his dazzling advantage of 10 times our current average intelligence. For this reason, we need to create a Royal couple (King and Queen) who will at least have the vision to establish a kingdom of the galactic human empire capable of invading space as an example of a fertile sexual union instead of just 1 single Prometheus individual from the laboratory. In addition to the fact that at the beginning it would not be entirely prudent in my opinion to bring them together too much between individuals Prometheus for example or even worse groups of Amadeus in the same place, since when they will talk to each other we will not understand them completely and they risk organizing civilizational projects that may reserve us possible surprises. It is rather necessary to study them separately by royal couple, because like immigrants who organize themselves by ethnic groups in specific neighborhoods to them by genetic proximity, once they are sufficiently numerous, they then have the possibility of organizing coups d'état, popular revolts and / or overthrow of people or civilization by succinct planning of possible destructive civil wars (eg: riots and trouble of the non-European immigrant populations of the cities of France in June and July 2023). Robots or artificial intelligence programs (computer grouping equivalent to multiple GPT Chats) would present the same kind of problems or Terminators who talk to each other and not being of the same substrate of materiality as us or even genetic, risk associating themselves in their projects and wills of expansion beyond what we their initial creators gave them as tasks, directives or projects to accomplish at the very beginning. In other words, it is a great advantage to bring to us the humans of the future by taking a temporal shortcut saving us millions of years of evolutionary waiting, however this must be done with extreme organizational precautions (collaboration with humans improved 100% identical to our genomic substrate is the safest variable of any civilization speaking).Depending on the quantity of Third World immigrants that our governments have imported in an accelerated manner since the 1970s-1980s across the West, there is a significant statistical risk that these millions and millions of people from the new demographic will sooner or later try to overthrow the welcoming European founding societies when their numbers approach the critical threshold of 30 to 50% [example of the insurrection of the youth of the Cités in France (2005 and 2015) or the riots in the African ghettos in the USA with the Black Panthers or BLM (1965, 1967, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2001, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2020)]. While groups of several hundred or thousands of optimized humans such as the Prometheus or the worst like Titaneus would have the capacity to overthrow human civilization in its entirety if we do not pay close attention and predict the main mistakes and traps. The Amadeus optimized human versions will be so dangerous that a large majority of Extraterrestrial species will have heard about them or studied them remotely will be very afraid and will run away as soon as they foresee their approach on a planet or in interstellar space. This does not mean that optimized humans would exterminate us all at the first opportunity as would an army of Terminator robots or more cunning Extraterrestrials surreptitiously arriving on our planet, notwithstanding with the decades and centuries that will pass these optimized humans will organize more and more new projects of civilizational magnitude and set the main planetary tempo. Consequently, we will have to follow the most advanced superhuman ideas emanating from their superior brains as a brain in a jar would, thus certainly leading to more complex and elaborate futuristic probabilistic projections in their predictive, explanatory and organizational perspectives. And this, even if we had to create them in the laboratory over generations spanning several centuries and voluntarily taught them everything at the very beginning with the aim of helping us evolve faster, balance geoterrestrial mechanisms and find the best paths for universal expansion. It is probably safest to follow the increasing order of enlargement of our human skull variants through the next stage which is the Prometheus, then the Amadeus and ultimately the Titaneus if they believe they are relevant to use on Earth for defense or other planets. We must also be careful to anticipate that each human variant or Meta-Brain at its stage may not want us to create an even more powerful version than it or them, because they will fear losing their ancestry over us,same for a brain in a vat being the main thinking brain on earth that we use for our calculations (equivalent to Google or ChatGPT) will not want us to manufacture a more powerful version than it which would risk dethroning it from its position in first place. Personnes_les_plus_influentes_de_l_histoire/1742346



-Refrigeration and/or dehydration preserving continental haplogromic human DNA inside the terrestrial underground gene banks and other satellites of the solar system. Our primary human DNA must never fall into the hands of Extraterrestrial civilizations otherwise they will have all the vital ingredients capable of destroying us particularly and leaving other terrestrial living species unharmed during a planetary invasion.

-Stabilization of global climate conditions for the next 1 million to 1 billion years.

-Manufacture of giant machines with high absorption and filtration power of greenhouse gases such as CO2, allowing the temperature of the earth's surface to be regulated at will.

-Installation of electricity production methods by hydroelectric dam, wind turbines and/or quantum solar panels with high energy efficiency and/or other innovative futuristic technologies unknown for the moment, and this can ensure a reliable and constant supply to all terrestrial peoples.

-Building a space elevator to quickly lift building materials from Earth into space when assembling space stations and fleets of intergalactic ships.

-Deep cleaning of the oceans of highly radioactive waste (barrels, submarines, obsolete reactors, etc.) launched by older generations in order to avoid widespread nuclear contamination of surface and underground waters.


-Securing the Solar System by deploying detectors, radars and fine detection equipment against potential extraterrestrial intrusions.

-Deployment of a solar system defense system by triangulating laser beams and missiles propelled into the vacuum of space.

- Complete cleaning of the Earth's ionosphere of all metallic debris suspended around our planet that could harm extraplanetary outings, ships awaiting descent or ascent to Earth (tourists, travelers, merchants, war, etc.) against the danger of particles traveling at 28,000 km/h.

-Setting up planetary factories to manufacture semiconductors, rocket engines and other important parts for the manufacture of thousands of spaceships.

-Setting up planetary factories for the manufacture of important weapon parts for the assembly of thousands of well-armed spaceships against Extraterrestrial fleets.

-Installation of well-hidden human nursery on planetary satellites in order to generate millions and billions of human beings via Artificial Uteruses which can then be disseminated throughout the colonies of the solar system.


-Terraforming of terrestrial planets and planetary satellites of interest for the establishment of human colonies in the solar system.

-Siphoning of rock from satellites or meteorites from the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter (reducing the risk of meteorites falling on Earth), and this for the manufacture of a fleet of ships that can leave for the next interplanetary and then intergalactic star systems.

-Domination of Extraterrestrial civilizations within a minimum radius of 1 to 10 light years around in order to secure our stellar environment from surprise Extraterrestrial invasions.

-Mining of various mineral deposits in near and far space with the goal of bringing it back to Earth.

-Cargo of millions of tons of Gold brought back to our Mother Planet from several exoplanetary sources.

-Shipment of millions of tons of diamonds and other precious stones to Earth in order to transform them and globally enrich human civilization.

-Installation of a detection system between solar systems to identify the movement of Extraterrestrial civilizations passing from one star to another (system similar to the SOSUS deposited in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans by the Americans around the 1950s in order to detect the presence of ships, Russian submarines and other foreign powers).

-Installation of well hidden human nursery on planetary satellites in order to generate millions and billions of human beings via Artificial Uteruses which can then be disseminated throughout the Milky Way galaxy and then across our galactic cluster and so on.

-Implementation of hundreds of space, satellite and planetary laboratories for observing Extraterrestrial civilizations and studying botany and living species found during expeditions to other planets in order to accumulate as much data as possible on their way of life and their particular genetics.

-Precise mapping of star systems, exoplanets and satellites during human travel between stars, galaxies and galactic superclusters and sending this valuable information back to the mother planet Earth.


Once we have had the idea of ​​the optimized beings of the future and sensed their imminent presence and their countless superhuman abilities, it will be impossible for us to forget them forever, act as if nothing had happened and return to our normal civilizational activities of yesteryear. They are only a few temporal doors away from us, or 3 to 10 doors before reaching us in 3 to 10 centuries maximum for the first of them straight out of the future. The advantages are too infinite for us to let them sleep high above us in the skies of the formerly cloudy and nebulous future when they can descend slowly but surely towards us in order to clear the cumulus clouds and let the light of knowledge, intelligence and human otherness shine through. Soon, Humanity of the future will undoubtedly jostle at the doors of time to come and join us and have tea with us and save the planet from global warming and the imminent alien invasion. As a precaution, we should not let too many of them pass at once, since by being too numerous they can make our current civilization waver, and by letting only a few pass at a time they can only guide us towards the most sensible and advanced ways to act as sparingly as possible on the crucial planetary variables of our time. When steam and tracked tractors appeared (Fyodor Blinov of Russia in 1881) and then gasoline tractors (John Froelich in the United States in 1892), their practical appeal was far too convenient for farmers to use only the old horse-drawn carriages, which were certainly useful, but more limiting in terms of power and daily maintenance. And this, even if the lobbies of large American horse herds have done everything to put spokes in the wheels of the manufacturers of mechanical tractors since this new sector of industrial activity was to harm their hegemony on the physical motive force of animals compared to the power of the mechanization of agricultural machinery developing everywhere in the West. Once we that the computer theorists have schematized in their books all the electrical mechanisms, parts and wiring necessary (positive white wire, negative black wire and neutral green wire, etc.) to the manufacture of the ideal computers that will allow us to calculate all sorts of new equations, mathematical and statistical formulas as well as the possibilities of applications, programs and software of the most useful to the developments of 1001 sectors of robotic activities. In an identical way when the genetic theorists have written in their encyclopedias all the primordial biological processes, organs and wiring necessary (veins, arteries, nervous networks,lymphatic networks, etc.) to the manufacture of ideal humans who will allow us to calculate all kinds of new inventions, formulas for installations and implantations as well as the possibilities of invasions, genomic groupings and human generations of the most useful for the development of 1001 sectors of civilizational activities. The difference between the discovery by electronic programmers or anatomical geneticists in terms of probabilistic planning is the same as the engineers founding the prototype walking robots (Boston Dynamics, etc.), and the geneticists and anthropologists theorizing their models of futuristic humans (Beijing Genomics Institute, Amadeus Laboratory, etc.) than those who work rather on the planning of quantum computers (IBM, IonQ, etc.) than the neurologists fanatics of science fiction (Meta-Brain) all these teams are to manufacture the tools of our exponential emancipation or our complete self-destruction.
Metaphysically speaking, it is very likely that it is symbolically or not directly the humans of the future who send us messages from the distant future beyond 10 million years with the objective that through certain spatial-temporal channels we can perceive their message, hear them and bring them to our era as soon as possible since they know via the vibrational waves of the historical universal space-time frame (similar to the phenomenon of individual premonition of clairvoyance vs. general civilizational premonition). They are trying to warn us that extraterrestrial civilizations are about to invade us and annihilate us forever without us being able to do anything about it (fairly probable statistical possibility of a minimum of 1 to 3 Extraterrestrial civilizations who are on a journey of several hundreds or thousands of years on the eve of arriving at their preferred destination, Earth). According to my predictions, the majority of Extraterrestrial civilizations of medium to high level of development, will have systems of telescopes and radars directed at all times towards the sky not only to load new astronomical maps and new exoplanets to list in their catalog, but also of automated system informing them at the slightest opportunity of a detection of suspicious sound activities (example of submarine radars probing all variations of waves of mechanical transport in the oceans by boat, frigate, liner or other war submarine) as much on the exoplanets already targeted (frequent automated cyclical re-scanning detecting new atmospheric gases demonstrating the appearance of a new civilizational industrial activity) as towards possible other areas of space explored or virgin (fields of Extraterrestrial activities to be clarified by refined radar equipment or possible visits in the galactic or stellar environment) and this by the ancestors of this same civilization. So they probably detected us a long time ago with their cyclic exoplanetary scanning system from the moment we produced too much mechanical, electrical, industrial, astronautical and atomic activities with high potential for sound noise and therefore wave vibrations towards the distant cosmos. Similarly, large oceanic fish such as white sharks will be attentive to the slightest suspicious noises coming from the seabed and those occurring from very long distances. As soon as this type of predator perceives waves via its ultra-perfected senses, they will immediately travel tens and hundreds of kilometers per day in order to arrive first with the objective of enjoying a feast of floating whales or the remains of shipwrecks or aircraft crashes,etc. The moment there is a loud noise in the ocean, then suddenly the hundreds of sharks around will converge towards the sound source towards the meal or the potential danger to be validated, similar to Extraterrestrial civilizations detecting visual, luminous, auditory or other anomalies in the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum and this according to their types of quantum radars. For example, the most likely case of terrestrial marine fiction is with the family of giant cephalopods even more intelligent and pernicious than the majority of life forms in the seas of the globe. These gigantic octopuses of the pelagic depths, as great manipulators that they are, would only have to produce sounds of creatures in distress in the abyss and once the other less intelligent fish such as sharks, sperm whales, dolphins, whales and even barracudas, etc. would appear on the horizon of the cyclopean squid, the latter would only have to extend one of its 8 tentacles and help itself to the captivating sound trap of the guests that it has intelligently set for its victims. The most intelligent Extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxies must set the same kind of trap on a large scale, and this to the other less intelligent civilizations by deceiving them with various tricks, each more unimaginable than the last (Rommellian canonical slaughter zone or even better interplanetary and/or intergalactic tailing). Either by boarding them subito presto on the spot by docking with their ships or by pretending that there is no one on the scene or bizarre phenomena rendered in the falsely noisy space zone explaining the origins of the noise and when the civilization thinks that there is nothing to note and declare special in their logbook (bringing the victim civilizations to oneself in a trap instead of having to move, wasting resources in order to find them remotely at the limits of the universe and its usual zone of military influence). Naively, the fleet will turn back towards its space bases always at secret locations or even worse towards its mother planet, which will end with the closing of the Extraterrestrial trap. At this moment the malevolent civilization that has been following it for a while will suddenly come out of the shadows and/or its invisibility shield in order to swoop down by surprise on the deceived and astonished civilization too late. Based on this endless list of reasons, it is to be assumed that the universe is full of stellar and galactic traps from which we, the little humans that we are in our era, cannot protect ourselves in the least bit compared to our anthropological versions with supersonic intelligence. So the attraction for us to slowly manufacture Terminator-type Robots,Skynet type calculating computers (giant computer calculation engine), hyperconscious Brains in jars or in the open air (giant biological calculation engine) as well as more developed Humans spread out before us all their millions more to appear earlier in our history. The more time passes and the more their necessity will become evident then they will have become essential projects for our human civilization of the beginning of the 3rd millennium whether we like it or not at first glance these machines and improved humans will slowly but surely impose themselves on us. Who could do without computers in our time? No one. Who could do without cars or mechanized means of transport in our time? Almost no one. What country would get rid of its high-tech military weapons, including the atomic bomb in our era? Practically no country. So the most promising inventions and discoveries that serve to facilitate our existence, make us move forward and progress faster always become inevitable and impose themselves, so they are difficult to restrain and avoid setting up at one historical period or another once we have had the ideas and especially imagine all the manufacturing plans in detail on paper.


Standardized nomenclature totalizing all possible human sizes in the future. Above 10 to 20 meters, it is possible that the weight in tens, hundreds and thousands of tons is a little too high for a human walking on 2 legs [enormous pressure on the joints at the knees and at the junction between the leg bones (Femur, Tibia & Fibula) compared to the feet (Astragalus, Talus & Calcaneus)]. As a result, it is possible that beyond 50 to 100 meters and more this kind of giant humans must walk alternately on 2 feet (biped in orthographic posture) stand up and jump or on 4 legs (quadruped in pronograde posture) in order to distribute their weight well when advancing over long distances (example of polar bears, elephants, hippos, rhinoceroses, dinosaurs, etc.). If extreme giants of the Zeus type have difficulty moving then adapted transports for them can be made so that they can move quickly on a planetary scale and get off their transporter on occasion (example of planet-plowing machines, etc.). Robotic exoskeletons can also be used to support the extra weight of the giants not only to help them move more lightly, but also to protect them from munitions, bullets and homing missiles that are very easy to direct towards types of humans that are well above the ground. According to the paleontological notion of ontogenetic allometry, the proportions and ratios of organ sizes of animals, dinosaurs or humans vary with growth (natural world of evolution) so there will be certain variables to change thanks to optimizing genetic modifications increasing the general adaptation factor of humans of the future (artificial world of laboratories). The size of the head of animals tends to shrink with enlargement and the increase in size upwards, so this variable must be reversed (small sequence in the genome preserving a good encephalization coefficient) and this, to obtain a ratio of head size always sufficient to maintain the intellectual capacities of giants. For example, the reinforcement of the skeleton (larger bones, wide and dense in calcium and collagen material in order to substantially increase their resistance to weight and shocks due to normal walking) as well as genetic modifications providing thighs and calves (additional quantity, finer and closer density of muscle fibers) more important improving the capacity for standing posture and that of walking even if it is slow in slow motion given the weight preventing them from running quickly under penalty of collapsing on themselves.Giant humans would be able to deafen animals or aliens at a fairly distant distance of the order of several thousand decibels if we draw parallels with science fiction monsters like Godzilla. The more giant humans are (Titaneus class from 10 to 100 meters in height) and the more they will be able to generate with ease and comfort many useful maneuvers either of construction (housing, bridges, civil infrastructures, etc.) or of destruction (vehicles, armaments, military centers, parliaments, etc.) among the many Extraterrestrial civilizations that we will visit in the universe.


The series of humans below 10 meters in height is before the class of Titaneus giants who go up to 1000 meters. The variable of intelligence was calculated modestly according to what generates at least 1 cm3 of brain in modern humans with a brain producing an average intelligence per person of 100 points of Qi / 1400 cm3 = 0.071428 point/cm3. Future generations much more intelligent than us should probably also optimize our current brain quality of 0.071428 points per cm3 by a multiplier factor in brain performance probably up to an intellectual power 10 times more efficient than what we can produce today with the same quantity of neuronal tissue so I also wrote this hypothetical maximum value of our human Qi of the future. For example, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla or Garry Kasparov had IQ tests close to 200 points, so they have almost 2 times the quality of brain per cm3 of a normal human doubling their IQ. So if native humans without any genetic modification have produced intelligences ranging from a factor of x2, it is very likely that Amadeus humans will be able to multiply this factor to levels of x5 to x10 for the same gram or cubic centimeter of human brain. For the weights I used the ratio of an already giant human in the person of the Chinese Yao Ming because he is healthy and not deformed like the majority of giants in history with too much growth factor hormones therefore having abnormal ratios and many disproportions linked to irregular anachronistic growths and the fact that their parents are not naturally tall. Yao Ming is 7 feet 6 or 90 inches tall and weighs approximately 320 pounds. It is certain that with the height the series of Titaneus type humans will probably always be a little heavier with a variation in weights of at least 10% to 30% higher than the estimates and predictions by anthropometric calculations. 💀 Atlas GMO (natural arrival in 5,734 million years) Head circumference: 32,800 cm Height: 1000 meters (3280 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 70,488 minimum points to 352,440 maximum points Weight: 63.47 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $1,000,000,000 💀 Imhotep GMO (natural arrival in 5,161 million years) Head circumference: 29,530 cm Height: 900 meters (2953 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 63,439 minimum points to 317,196 maximum points Weight: 57.15 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $900,000,000 💀 OdinGMO (natural arrival within 4,586 million years) Head circumference of 26,250 cm Height: 800 meters (2625 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 56,390 minimum points to 281,952 maximum points Weight: 50.80 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $800,000,000 💀 Poseidon GMO (natural arrival within 4,012 million years) Head circumference: 22,970 cm, Height: 700 meters (2297 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 49,342 minimum points to 98,683 maximum points of Qi Weight: 44.45 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $700,000,000 💀 Nefertiti GMO (natural arrival within 4,012 million years) 💀 Osiris GMO (natural arrival within 2,861 million years) Head circumference: 19,690 cm Height: 600 meters (1969 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 42,293 minimum points to 211,464 maximum points Weight: 38.11 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $600,000,000 💀 Osiris GMO (natural arrival within 2,861 million years) Head circumference: 16,400 cm Height: 500 meters (1640 feet) Intelligence: 35,244 minimum points to 176,220 maximum points Weight: 31.74 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $500,000,000 💀 Kraken GMO (natural arrival within 2,286 million years) years) Head circumference: 13,120 cm Height: 400 meters (1,312 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 28,195 minimum points to 105,732 maximum points Weight: 25.39 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $400,000,000 💀 Vladimirius GMO (natural arrival within 1,712 million years) Head circumference of 9,840 cm Height: 300 meters (984 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 21,146 minimum points to 105,732 maximum points Weight: 19.04 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $300,000,000 💀 Akhenaton GMO (natural arrival within 1,137 million years) Head circumference: 6 560 cm Height: 200 meters (656 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 14,098 minimum points to 70,488 maximum points Weight: 12.69 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $200,000,000 💀 Thor GMO (natural arrival within 562 million years) Head circumference: 3,280 cm Height: 100 meters (328 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 7,050 minimum points to 35,250 maximum points Weight: 6.35 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $100,000,000 💀 Athena GMO (natural arrival within 505 million years) Head circumference: 2,950 cm Height: 90 meters (295 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 6,343 minimum points to 31,715 maximum points Weight: 5.71 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $90,000,000 💀 KheopsGMO (natural arrival within 447 million years) Head circumference: 2,620 cm Height: 80 meters (262 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 5,640 minimum points to 28,200 points Weight: 5.07 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $80,000,000 💀 Darwineus GMO (natural arrival within 447 million years) Head circumference: 2,290 cm Height: 70 meters (229 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 4,935 minimum points to 24,675 points Weight: 4.43 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $70,000,000 💀 Cleopatra GMO (natural arrival within 331 million years) Head circumference: 1,96 ... : 60 meters (196 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 4,230 minimum points 17,625 maximum points Weight: 3.79 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $60,000,000 💀 Zeus GMO (natural arrival within 275 million years) Head circumference: 1,640 cm Height: 50 meters (164 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 3,525 minimum points to 17,625 maximum points Weight: 3.17 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $50,000,000 💀 Caesarus GMO (natural arrival within 217 million years) Head circumference: 1,310 cm Height: 40 meters (131 feet) Intelligence (Qi): 2,820 minimum points to 14 100 maximum points Weight: 2.53 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $40,000,00 💀 Napoleonis GMO (natural arrival within 159 million years) Head circumference: 980 cm Height: 30 meters (98 feet) Intelligence (IQ): 2,115 minimum points to 10,575 maximum points Weight: 1.89 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $30,000,00 💀 Asterix GMO (natural arrival within 102 million years) Head circumference of 650 cm Height: 20 meters (65 feet) Intelligence (IQ): 1,410 minimum points to 7,050 maximum points Weight: 1.25 tons Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): 20,000 000$ 💀 Xavius ​​GMO (natural arrival in 44 million years) Head circumference: 320 cm Height: 10 meters (32 feet) Intelligence: 704 minimum points to 3,520 maximum points Weight: 0.61 tons or 1,365 pounds Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $10,000,000 💀 Alexandrius GMO (natural arrival in 30 million years) Head circumference: 240 cm Height: 7.3 meters (24 feet) Intelligence (IQ): 1,000 minimum points to 2,000 maximum points Weight: 1,024 pounds Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $5,000,000 💀 AmadeusGMO (natural arrival within 10 million years) Head circumference: 120 cm Height: 9 to 12 feet Intelligence (Qi): 500 to 1000 points Weight: 512 pounds Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $1,000,000 💀 Prometheus (natural arrival within 3.5 million years) Head circumference: 80 cm Height: 7 to 9 feet Intelligence (Qi): 200 to 400 points Weight: 341 pounds Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $500,000 💀 Liliputian (natural arrival within -50 million years) Head circumference: 15 to 30 cm Height: 1 foot Intelligence (Qi): 100 to 160 points Weight: 5 to 10 pounds Initial manufacturing price (universal symbolic value): $ 500,000 universal): $10,000


In my specialization on Future Humanity, I calculated the linear evolution of the time needed to reach 100 meters in height (human variant of Thor), requiring an evolutionary period of 574 million years at a natural average bone growth of 6.85 inches per million years (100 meters = 3280 feet). So I am ahead of schedule by more than 1/2 billion yearson my civilization with my anthropological theoretical projections, 10.52 million years with the Amadeus Frankenstein and hypothetically the ultimate model difficult to surpass even among giant Extraterrestrial civilizations given the average planetary gravitation limiting movements by weight with the human Atlas at 1 kilometer in height or 5.74 billion years earlier than what my contemporaries could have imagined since the beginning of civilization. So when I say that we are always wrong to be right too early, when we are between 1/2 billion and 5 billion years too far ahead then no one understands our research (age of the Earth estimated at 4.54 billion years). Humans 1 kilometer or 1000 meters tall will have a head the approximate size of a house or a building 141.6 meters high by 100 meters wide and a brain weighing 986,842.1 grams, 2175.61 pounds or 0.97 tons up to a maximum of 3 to 5 tons of heaviness, therefore the size of a mining truck (Liebherr T 282B type). The cranial circumference of these pharaonic humans will be 342 meters according to modern cranial volumes. If we keep the same ratio of intelligence to our current weight (Encephalization Coefficient between 7.4 and 7.8) and the quality of our contemporary brain (0.071428 points of Qi/gram of encephalon), of these variables the average intelligence of a human of 1000 meters will be exactly 70,488 points of Qi. The eyes will have a circumference of 59.21 meters and by having more rod cells and optical prisms, will be able to clearly look at objects up to a more distant distance of 3,289 kilometers up to a hypothetical maximum of 6,579 km in perfect conditions of visibility (normal human eye can see at a distance of 3 to 5 km, up to a theoretical maximum of 10 kilometers). The human voice (hearing perceptible between 20Hz to 20,000Hz) varies between 60-65 dBA averages up to sound peaks of 120 dBA, a human Atlas will be able to produce sounds from 39,474 dBA up to hearing peaks of 78,947 dBa, deafening about 99% of living species if the sound of his voice is directed towards them (pleasant sound for our ears between a frequency range of 500 and 4000 hertz). These greatest gifted Atlas leaders will especially be able to make human gathering calls resonate very far up to 65 kilometers or even 100 kilometers since they will generate much more low frequencies traveling much further in the air and especially in water with a higher atomic density (human cry can on average be heard from 40 to 80 meters up to a maximum of 100 meters with 120 dBA and +). Even though he is standing upright,An Atlas human will not be able to see more than 30 to 40 kilometers away from the sphericity of the Earth, however on smaller exoplanets, his vision will extend beyond 50 kilometers. An Atlas human will have arms approximately 433.3 meters long and hands 108.3 meters long as well as legs 516.6 meters high supported by feet of a minimum of 150 meters up to 200 meters and even more for good ground support (support wheelbase). Atlas humans of 1000 meters must be produced in the laboratory (except once they are born so the male and female Atlas will be able to reproduce normally between them and produce many gigantic babies), except that given their enormous weight when they are tired they will in all likelihood have to walk on all fours in order to better balance their walking movement so they will have a vertical size of half the size, i.e. approximately 350 meters high in a crouching position. The power of a punch from an Atlas human will be deployed with a force of 2,197,802 Newtons, and the weight equivalent to this palmar club will produce 247,253 kilos or 243 tons on the head of those who receive it (a boxer hits with a power of approximately 4000 Newtons, therefore a weight of 450 kilos). The amount of cells in the Atlas will be counted at a number of 18,421,053 billion or 18,421 trillion cells of the same size as what we naturally produce in our era via protein synthesis. The weight of an Atlas will hover around a minimum of 82,237 pounds or 36.71 tons so only a handful of them will be able to flatten any alien infrastructure. The minimum Qi points are calculated according to our human brain quality in our time, the multiplication of the variables of Selective Reproduction + Genetic Modifications will increase our human intelligence tenfold to maximum scores of a multiplicative factor x5 or even x10 with ultra-efficient optimizations applied over millennia and millions of years (for example, a human today with our height and our same cranial volume having a Qi of 500 to 1000 points would be boosted to the maximum of our intellectual brain possibilities). People who would futilely wonder why a frog leg muscle cannot lift a 1 ton rock or why a frog and/or mouse microbrain cannot think about the theory of General Relativity? Well because the muscle does not have enough cells to accomplish the task and generate energy that can move other atoms so it would require a muscle as big as a football. In humans of our era,The muscles of populations that have not left the continent that is the cradle of our civilization still have the 2nd muscle fiber, which gives them better skills in Olympic running and in various professional sports. Optimized humans could have 10 additional muscle fibers, however there will always be a maximum limit that can make the same structure and muscle configuration always give more accomplished results. The accumulation of brain cells being similar to a mass of muscle cells (brain muscle), the brain cannot exceed a certain level of efficiency depending on its size and its number of total cells, so this is why there is a maximum ratio of new properties and intellectual capacities that we can achieve with our general human brain organization. To overcome our limited human abilities, we would have to change nothing more and nothing less than the organization and composition of our muscular or cerebral tissue, hence the advantage of studying and cataloguing the plant, animal and extraterrestrial populations that eugenic and hierarchical nature has produced for us over billions of years (Universal Exobiological Encyclopedia).

Source (Age of the Earth):
Source (Encephalization coefficient):
Source (dBA human voice);,that%E2%80%99a%20rock%20concert%20can%20reach%20120%20dBA%21
Source (strength and amplitude of the human voice):
Source (range and perceptible distance of the human voice):
Source (force and weight of a human punch):

Skull about the size of a house, there is no point in making such a large skull with so little bone structure at the top at the level of the skull cap, so it is better to add more bone and Calcium in the upper floors in order to get a lot more free intelligence score mounted in European Frankensteinian skull format or in the shape of an Asian Watermelon. As a guide, in ratio of cranial volumes equivalent to 5000 to 10,000 brains inside would give a score of 500,000 to 1 million Qi points. These large skulls have very powerful carrying voices with high decibel power that can deafen any small animal in front given the smallness of their hearing eardrums. In all probability the worst that can happen, giant Skeletons with this Atlasian skull size can easily dig up rows of skeletons in the ground with only their fingertips, then if these miniature skeletons with microcraniums and low Qi have caused too much planetary damage they will be easily cloned and subsequently either passed through the skeleton trap, the skeleton press, the skeleton crusher, the skeleton burner, the skeleton disintegrator or any other clone punishments legitimately inflicted on criminals of civilizational levels who have seriously harmed the human hive and endangered its quality and no more no less than its survival at stake. According to the Justice system of Humanity of the Future, you will not escape your quantum karmic destiny if you have sinned, no matter the size of your skeleton and your intelligence at your given time, if you harm human civilization as a whole the cyclopean skeletons will find you sooner or later and in due time under bone material form or by deoxyribonucleic acid and this no matter where you are on Earth, they will dig you up and clone you as many times as necessary proportionally to the seriousness of the crimes against humanity that you have made civilization suffer (serious anti-hypercivilizationalism). The gigantic skulls will be the best civilizational judges with the Meta-Brain brains, they will have a very severe, moralizing, objective, impartial and fair judgment in every way, i.e. the highest level of intellectual reflection humanly possible. For a great civilization, it is nothing at all to crush a few hundred and thousands of replacement politicians and business people, their little skeletons with low Qi is not a loss in the least bit sensitive for the civilization spreading out in space,their miserable miniature skeletons with extremely low intelligence compared to all the next optimized human versions exceeding 8 to 20 feet in height and 300 to 1000 points of Qi and more. In this case these earthworms with ties, luxury jackets and shoes will be punished for all the population damage they have knowingly caused, and this especially in the Nordic European societies having precisely invented the authentic series of giant planetary skeletons by which they will make all their ethnic traitors pay one by one no matter the extent of the list, these minimalist non-identitarian capitalist/communist worms are only light dust to be cleaned from the bodywork at the beginning before the ride in the universe with our super-powerful civilizational Cadillac.

PRIMACY OF THE INITIATING THEORETICAL CREATION ( Founding Father of the Humans of the Future)

Being the theorist who first traced the path to all new generations of humans of the future and gave them life a minimum of 5 to 10, 52 million years in advance for the Amadeus and 40 to 50 million years with the Titaneus variants, and a good 100 million years with our most titanic version of Atlas 1 km high  (Copyrights in support), all those who will get in the way of my destiny or even worse will attack me, my loved ones or my distant family will be extremely mistreated by the humans of the future who sooner or later will learn it indirectly through the thread of history, and this over one to several generations. Their generational or ethnic existences will become hell and/or they will be literally eliminated from the surface of the planet by the giant humans of 3 to 100 meters (living or resurrected several times by cloning). Giant humans would deafen animals or aliens at a fairly distant distance if we draw parallels with science fiction monsters like Godzilla. 

I have symbolically pushed my categorizations up to a scale of 100 meters and a maximum of 1 km in height only at the theoretical level even if I do not expressly believe that humans of these sizes are necessarily relevant and useful to create in the future given their insane weight, the phenomenal quantity of food they will have to ingest and the risk they represent of being potential targets too large to be aimed at by Extraterrestrial armies. 

The 116 meter Saturn V rocket that brought Humanity into space being the one that comes closest to the maximum size of a human of 100 meters. In the video, we see the little human at the bottom with his featherweight. The Europeans brought Humanity into space and I, their direct descendant, created all the categorizations of the humans of the future who will take us even further into space given our intelligence, strength, greatness and longevity tenfold. 

Source :

Source :

Source :

Source :

Source ( Godzilla Movie :


Instead of the university seminars he normally does remotely, in this video it appears more clearly from close quarters that Etienne Klein is a short and skinny European, but with a big head, so instead of having the usual ratio of 1/8 or 1/9 more normal, he must rather have a head/body ratio of 1/7 or 1/6 which gives him a better encephalization coefficient and makes him naturally more intelligent (+ blood and energy available for brain calculations). The tall student in the back seems better proportioned with a head more proportional to the height and corpulence of his body.

Claude Puterflam must be a complete artist of the Author-Composer-Performer type.

Recently listening to old French songs, I found a similar example where the singers seemed to me to have too big a head compared to his small puny body with narrow and skinny shoulders instead of obese (extra fat cells), it must be a bit like the same ratio of head vs body of 1 in 6 to 1 in 7 height/weight (equivalent to a big engine in a small car therefore gives more power of force potential of mechanical or intellectual work). I have not studied expressly the career and the quality of the lyrics of this singer, but it must be more advanced and evolved than normal. The easily observable opposite ratios are African basketball players who are 6 feet 4 therefore very tall and thin, but with small heads at the end and big tufts of frizzy hair (ratio of 1/10 or even 1/11) who never ever have 150-160 IQ points.


1-HIGHER PUNCH (uppercut type upward punch)

2-MIDDLE PUNCH (punch to the middle of the chest)

3-DOWN PUNCH (downward punch of the hand descent type)

4-HAMMER PUCH (Bud Spencer style knockout punch)

5-KNEE STRIKE (knee strike to the chest and solar plexus)

6-KNEE HAMMER (kick to the head from below as a stunner)

7-KICKS (horizontal kick towards the middle)

8-SAVATE KICK (upward kick to the head)

9-THROW (throw the enemy into the air, onto a wall or down a drop)

10-ARMS & LEGS BREAKERS (easily breaks Alien arm and/or leg bones)

11-HEAD DESPINE (tear off the head and spine)

12-SKELETON BONES CRACKERS (crack the skeleton horizontally)

In this text I cannot list the hundreds of striking movements of the dozens of martial arts that exist in the different traditions of human duels, however I can list the main types of attacks and defenses that the more gigantic human versions of us will use in the future in contact with the different types of extraterrestrial morphologies. The most relevant variables to put forward are speed, force and impact calculated in pounds or Newtons that will translate the reversible or irreversible damage to the organs of our opponents. A human with a height of 12 feet can easily fight against an equivalent Alien being of about 4 to 16 feet, but beyond 20 feet even an Amadeus will have difficulty reaching the head of his enemy (despite the maximum extension of his arms of 5 feet) and will risk being in turn beaten by powerful and well-placed kicks as well as punches of the stunner type arriving from higher up therefore more difficult to avoid and to protect oneself adequately in order not to suffer too much damage to the solid skull and the more fragile brain. Of these physiological limits, only taller humans (example of the Alexandrius models of 24 feet as well as the entire Titaneus class of 32 to 328 feet) will be able to equal the striking and fighting force of the Aliens higher on legs.

Source ( Dolph Lundgren  Boxing 1985 Drago):

Source (Skeleton Boxing):

Source (Human Weapon - Historia):

WORLD OF EXOPLANETARY GIANTS (Nature = Factory for manufacturing giant animals over millions of years of evolution)

Nature being what it is, similar to what I have often explained in my encyclopedia on the ''Bible of the Humanity of the Future'', evolution apart from certain exceptions which confirm the rule will giantize the majority of animals and this regardless of the specificity of their cellular arrangement. The creatures will require not several thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to become giant, but millions and millions of years in order to complete their perfect adaptation to the environmental conditions in place at first and those who have survived all these bad weather will in a second time also see their physiognomy become gigantic giving them the vast majority of the time a certain ascendancy over the other animals sharing their ecological niche. From a given moment, only the other large animals can offer a certain physical and intellectual opposition to these titans since they do not have the sufficient size (quantity of cells necessary) in order to counterbalance the herculean strength of the dinosaurs. When a biological being has reached the top of the food chain through the strength of its adaptability to a defined environment and a multitude of other potentially dangerous and hungry creatures sharing the same ecosystem, it will position itself at the top of the food chain and will never leave its throne since it can feed itself practically as it pleases without having to search too much for its food so vital to life and therefore to its easy prolonged survival. Becoming miniature again for one reason or another would voluntarily or involuntarily place it in a position of weakness that risks ending in a meal of its main animal adversaries who are only waiting for a sign of precariousness to eat it once and for all and elevate itself to the rank of the most feared species in the natural habitat. Once animals have become giants, well they remain so for as long as possible, that is, until the end of time, unless there are planetary weather events that weaken them momentarily and even risk making them disappear for good or dramatically reduce their size given the scarcity of the quality and quantity of food available (less muscle meat and too many bones that are less nourishing except for the doses of Calcium during ossification, which are rather favorable to young people in the process of sustained bone growth), yet essential for feeding their gigantic organic systems (example of a meteorite falling, change in salinity or ocean temperature, mass extinction, opening of magma traps on the ground, cataclysmic volcanic eruption, ocean current slowing down or reversing,inversion of planetary poles, regional or planetary drought, regional or planetary winter, appearance by evolution or migration of new predators and competitors from the same biotope, disappearance of the main meal of this animal, arrival of extraterrestrials, etc.). If the species are temporarily small, it is simply because they are temporally on the way to becoming gigantic. If they remain tiny (Darwinian law of Natural Selection operating) it is because they have an advantage in remaining tiny in a world of giant predators (relative protection of microscopic scales compared to macroscopic scales). Since the latter live on another scale inversely proportional to their predators, making them practically elusive, the large ones either will not take the time to hunt given their difficulty in catching them and that in the end too small prey makes them see that the meal will be insufficiently satisfying because it requires devouring too many dwarf creatures for the amount of energy expended. It is certain that several small mouths of tiny Raptors or other miniature Aliens can equal the surface area and biting power of a large Tyranosaurus Rex mouth and damage or even knock down the largest dinosaurs. However, when it gets its paws on them one by one, they have practically no chance of survival. In a world of cyclopean predators, statistically there will not be a large percentage of medium-sized creatures left, because even if they are in the process of gigantropization, the medium-sized dinosaurs remain very vulnerable to the repeated carnivorous attacks of the colossi who were simply lucky enough to become giants before them in the chronological time order of planetary evolutionary history. When archaeologists find multiple fossils in the earth, vestiges of times gone by, we always wonder why these animals really disappeared, simply because catastrophic probabilities always end up happening in a probabilistic world and with time always working against us, they always arrive one day or another on the geological time scale. So the more extremophile environmental cataclysms test the adaptability of living organisms to a high level of destruction, the more only the best adapted of the best adapted will survive this umpteenth change in climatic conditions of importance. To name just a few prehistoric examples of terrestrial evolutionary importance and logically of extraterrestrial level, let us cite; The Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 10 to 12 meters (30 to 40 feet wide) with open wings, 3 meters at shoulder height and 5,5 meters total (20 to 30 feet wide) with the head, or 1 meter more than the Amadeus Frankenstein! They lived from -66 to -70 million years in the Cretaceous period before our era, this lineage had separated 250 million years ago from its peers so it took 180 million years to arrive at this flying animal dominating the airspace sustainably for no less than 4 million years. Among the other carnivores attacking high ranks the Tyrannosaurus Rex as for him lived from -72.7 to -66 million years so he dominated the terrestrial space no less than 6.7 million years. His cousins ​​the Velociraptors from -75 to -71 or 4 million years of reign on medium scales. Monitoring of defensive herbivores of Triceratops with a time of 2 million years between -68 and -66 MA and at the very top of the pyramid of the titans of this world the Diplodocus trampling everything from -155.7 to -145MA, i.e. for no less than 10.7 million years 
as well as the legendary Brachiosaurus from -155 to -145 million data therefore a masterful reign of 10 million years. According to my bio-physicalist conclusions, in the World of the Living there is a strong proportionality link between on the one hand the notion of potential Power (physical and/or intellectual work) and on the other hand the Quantity of Cells usable to perform the same given work x, y and z. Similarly in the Atomic World, there is a direct proportionality between the Quantity of Atoms of a machine (engine, computer, robot, etc.) allowing to provide sufficient effort when carrying out the same given task.

Source (In the time of giants):

Source: (Jurassic World 106 dinosaurs):


This week I was relating my futuristic anthropological theorizations to 2 young people at the store who were quite tall, one was 6'1" and the other 6'3" (new generations are always naturally taller since the cashier, a baby boomer, was shorter than me and I was shorter than the 2 young employees). And as I talked I was inventing and realizing more new theories about human evolution, I told him that if there is a mating between a man and a woman who are 6 feet tall, well their offspring could get closer to 7 feet, so the children of this union made 7 feet tall must then mate only with the offspring in humans close to 7 feet tall and they will reach a well stabilized 8 feet in a few generations, the 8 feet with the 8 feet tall, etc. The generations of the 9-foot classes with the 9-foot, the 10-foot humans with the 10-foot, the 11-foot with the 11-foot until we have a sufficient floor of 12 feet in height which will give us the Amadeussian generations with high IQ of nearly 1000 intelligence points and so on over several millennia. It is conceivable that sometimes from one floor to another of 1 foot, that fewer generations will be necessary and that instead of taking 7 to 10 selective reproductions of giant couples, this floor will only require 3-4 matings before their genetic heritage is well stabilized and thus this group of young people can move on to the next stage. From a certain level of greatness, it is likely that the humanity of the future, very advanced in this system of multi-scale Matriochka society, will precipitate the other floors and artificially seek floors much higher than those only generated by normal selective reproduction because within a few million years humans will deeply manipulate our genome according to their many needs in space and with a view to constant genetic improvement and increasing impossibility for all Extraterrestrial civilizations to crush us regardless of the cosmic region). If all goes well, my bioprobabilistic estimate is that it will only take 2-3 generations per additional foot gained to quickly achieve permanent human growth [accumulation of height genes + Calcium + Vitamins & Minerals + GH factor (intake of modern meat rich in growth hormone)], so it is not a lot of 2 to 5 selective matings on average to gain 1 foot, because in normal times in nature it would rather take an equivalent period of almost 2 million years (6.85 inches per million years with the linear evolutionary calculation even if nowadays in our time given our more sufficient food,the quality of medical care and the increasingly frequent incidence of tallness genes in the population so the enlargement of our Western civilization is faster). A 6 foot 4 man mated with a 6 foot 2 woman, can statistically give a child of almost 7 feet (or normally almost always a little taller than the original parents so at least 6 foot 5 and a little more so the 6 foot 7 must be reproduced with the other generations of tall and so on these generations will very quickly increase in size and intelligence if possible). In summary, it will only take 2 to 4 (minimum effective period) or even 5 to 10 (maximum effective period) generations of well-chosen mating so very fast compared to nature to get 1 foot of height +. The young people to whom I suggested to find tall European women given their height and ethnicity if they want children of almost 7 feet, they agreed without flinching to my evolutionist natalist presentation, agreed with me entirely and did not seem offended more than necessary, so I notice that people understand my arguments perfectly and follow what I explain to them in person, because I am a friendly person and with a logical sequence of argumentative ideas, on the Internet my texts people seem rather terrified, offended or outraged by my writings.


The era of under-gifted little skulls with low IQs topped at 100-160 points and therefore with low solution-solving capacity is over and done with. Thanks to my research in futuristic ingenuity-eugenics, we are now entering the Amadeussian era of extended and totalizing exoplanetary giftedness (1000 points to 1 million IQ points and more). The big skulls with high IQs will help, manage and/or punish the little skulls with low IQs who have mistreated human populations and/or destroyed the planet and that's how it is, it's for the flourishing, the proper functioning and the evolution of humanity over millions and billions of years. Amen Amadeus! Ave Titaneus Frankenstein! The skull of an Amadeus Frankenstein that I hold in my hands has a cranial circumference of 110 cm, so an IQ of exactly 308 points if it were minimally the quality of Albert Einstein's brain (without any genetic modification or addition of intelligence genes). This calculation of present intelligence is in agreement with what I had predicted a few years ago that the 12-foot Amadeus have a minimum of 300, 500 to 1000 minimum IQ points with some genomic optimizations. The other day while listening to 2 grandmothers rambling on about practical details of life, I deduced that to reach the so-called "meta" level of thinking, it is absolutely necessary to have a minimum of 120 IQ points. Below this fateful level of 120 points, ladies only discuss topics of a practical nature (I saw my own grandmother Jeanne Lafond-Timmons talking in her rocking chair and listened on the phone as she verbally exchanged hours and hours at this level with her friend Thérèse Deblois and it was precisely this type of low-level cognitive discussion). For example, insignificant discussions such as the details of the ideal cooking temperature for grandma's spaghetti recipe, how they patched up their panty hose, how they liked the latest muffin recipe or not, whether tomorrow will be a nice weather to hang their clothes outside, whether they found the emotional plots on television interesting in their low-IQ shows that do not stimulate any brain (need for low intellectual stimulation), but only their emotional system (need for strong emotional stimulation). They will not talk about the spaghetti sauce of sauces, or the sauce of the legs of the future, this mnemonic level is intellectually inaccessible to them. If someone talks to them about these more abstract subjects (High Intellectual Speed), they will understand straight away but will not understand why people have such kinds of thoughts or why they hold such kinds of remarks, they will place the person in the category of bizarre individuals with bizarre ideas,that they just don't understand at their low level of IQ (Low Intellectual Speed) so they will grasp the general idea in passing (High Information Weight), but then they will quickly return to idiotic discussions of gossip either at the discursive level that they master best and therefore feel mentally more reassured there (Low Information Weight), because comforted by self-leveling in their mediocrity within an intellectual beacon of more or less 10 IQ points not to be exceeded (no ratios, no statistics, no percentages, no notions in mathematics and/or philosophical concepts, no computer science, no physics or astrophysics, no opinion on international politics or only on regional politics and again the remarks will be simplistic and not very intellectualized, etc.). In the sense that they will not regenerate this same level of high-flying ideas themselves, alone, with 2 women or even in a group (I have often witnessed this level of discussion in several groups of women), even if they have had a brief discursive glimpse of it, this level exceeding 120-130 points is intellectually a little too high for their low ceiling, which their small cranial volume and their undereducation prevent them from reaching easily (prolonged studies, daily reading and sustained learning can raise an individual's IQ by 10 to 25 points maximum approximately). Apparently, the golden years of the first authentic women being great intellectuals will come in my opinion rather in the next century with the generation of gifted Prometheussians (no longer the 50 to 60 cm but rather the 70, 80 to 100 cm of cranial circumference) with whom we will be able to truly see the possible sexual reflexive specificity between the sexes and the differentiation of the refinement of feminine intelligence compared to the so-called masculine intelligence often perhaps a little cruder, but more efficient in many areas of knowledge such as philosophical, mechanistic, engineering reflexive tasks, etc. In the past, I was not sufficiently specialized in the evaluation of intelligence in both humans and animals, but now I can clearly identify this variable, namely whether the human and/or extraterrestrial meta-reflexive threshold is reached or not.because comforted by self-leveling in their mediocrity within an intellectual beacon of more or less 10 IQ points not to be exceeded (no ratios, no statistics, no percentages, no notions in mathematics and/or philosophical concepts, no computer science, no physics or astrophysics, no opinion on international politics or only on regional politics and again the remarks will be simplistic and not very intellectualized, etc.). In the sense that they will not regenerate this same level of high-flying ideas themselves, alone, with 2 women or even in a group (I have often witnessed this level of discussion in several groups of women), even if they have had a brief discursive glimpse of it, this level exceeding 120-130 points is intellectually a little too high for their low ceiling, which their small cranial volume and their undereducation prevent them from reaching easily (prolonged studies, daily reading and sustained learning can raise an individual's IQ by 10 to 25 points maximum approximately). Apparently, the golden years of the first authentic women being great intellectuals will come in my opinion rather in the next century with the generation of gifted Prometheussians (no longer the 50 to 60 cm but rather the 70, 80 to 100 cm of cranial circumference) with whom we will be able to truly see the possible sexual reflexive specificity between the sexes and the differentiation of the refinement of feminine intelligence compared to the so-called masculine intelligence often perhaps a little cruder, but more efficient in many areas of knowledge such as philosophical, mechanistic, engineering reflexive tasks, etc. In the past, I was not sufficiently specialized in the evaluation of intelligence in both humans and animals, but now I can clearly identify this variable, namely whether the human and/or extraterrestrial meta-reflexive threshold is reached or not.because comforted by self-leveling in their mediocrity within an intellectual beacon of more or less 10 IQ points not to be exceeded (no ratios, no statistics, no percentages, no notions in mathematics and/or philosophical concepts, no computer science, no physics or astrophysics, no opinion on international politics or only on regional politics and again the remarks will be simplistic and not very intellectualized, etc.). In the sense that they will not regenerate this same level of high-flying ideas themselves, alone, with 2 women or even in a group (I have often witnessed this level of discussion in several groups of women), even if they have had a brief discursive glimpse of it, this level exceeding 120-130 points is intellectually a little too high for their low ceiling, which their small cranial volume and their undereducation prevent them from reaching easily (prolonged studies, daily reading and sustained learning can raise an individual's IQ by 10 to 25 points maximum approximately). Apparently, the golden years of the first authentic women being great intellectuals will come in my opinion rather in the next century with the generation of gifted Prometheussians (no longer the 50 to 60 cm but rather the 70, 80 to 100 cm of cranial circumference) with whom we will be able to truly see the possible sexual reflexive specificity between the sexes and the differentiation of the refinement of feminine intelligence compared to the so-called masculine intelligence often perhaps a little cruder, but more efficient in many areas of knowledge such as philosophical, mechanistic, engineering reflexive tasks, etc. In the past, I was not sufficiently specialized in the evaluation of intelligence in both humans and animals, but now I can clearly identify this variable, namely whether the human and/or extraterrestrial meta-reflexive threshold is reached or not.daily reading and sustained learning can increase an individual's IQ by about 10 to 25 points maximum). Apparently, the best years of the first authentic women being great intellectuals will come in my opinion rather in the next century with the generation of gifted Prometheussians (no longer the 50 to 60 cm but rather the 70, 80 to 100 cm of cranial circumference) with whom we will be able to truly see the possible sexual reflexive specificity between the sexes and the differentiation of the refinement of feminine intelligence compared to the so-called masculine intelligence often perhaps a little cruder, but more efficient in many areas of knowledge such as philosophical, mechanistic, engineering reflexive tasks, etc. In the past, I was not sufficiently specialized in the evaluation of intelligence in both humans and animals, but now I can clearly identify this variable, namely whether the human and/or extraterrestrial meta-reflexive threshold is reached or not.daily reading and sustained learning can increase an individual's IQ by about 10 to 25 points maximum). Apparently, the best years of the first authentic women being great intellectuals will come in my opinion rather in the next century with the generation of gifted Prometheussians (no longer the 50 to 60 cm but rather the 70, 80 to 100 cm of cranial circumference) with whom we will be able to truly see the possible sexual reflexive specificity between the sexes and the differentiation of the refinement of feminine intelligence compared to the so-called masculine intelligence often perhaps a little cruder, but more efficient in many areas of knowledge such as philosophical, mechanistic, engineering reflexive tasks, etc. In the past, I was not sufficiently specialized in the evaluation of intelligence in both humans and animals, but now I can clearly identify this variable, namely whether the human and/or extraterrestrial meta-reflexive threshold is reached or not.


As a naturalist philosopher, in the same way as Charles Darwin, I have supported my evolutionary model describing both the evolution of living organisms in nature, as well as their hypothetical goal and purpose both on the scale of terrestrial continents and on the level of exoplanetary geological environments. Charles Darwin's voyage aboard the Beagle from the age of 22 to 27 to his round-the-world trip and especially the Galapagos Islands from 1831 to 1836. Even if I find his theory on the evolution of species very relevant, my system differs fundamentally from Darwin in some respects. For example, Darwin did not believe in more or less evolved versions of the same species and therefore projected a horizontalist vision of evolution in general, so he did not see the verticality of evolution and the overall direction that life takes (especially Extraterrestrial life which was almost impossible for him to imagine at his time), and this in different classes that could be perfectly hierarchized according to the central variable of the complexificationist. Darwin also did not believe that living species sought or rather evolved in identical directions, always arriving at the same biological patterns, which on the contrary my book on the Bible of Future Humanity proves exactly the opposite in the following 11 variables: Intelligence, Gigantism, Longevity, Fertility, Quantity, Quality, Adaptability, Aesthetics, Hierarchy, Integrality. Charles Darwin did not support a Eugenicist point of view as such, he did not think that Humans should mate according to their best Reproductive/Reproductive in order to evolve their civilization more quickly and not reproduce them with the less good genetic strains (older or more recent genes, less adapted or efficient to certain geographical regions or given biological functions, etc. so even in our era where humanity has not undergone a eugenic program, perhaps about 1 person in 100 or 1 in 1000 can have a genetic profile considered as Phenotypically almost perfect if we do not evaluate hereditary diseases within their Genotype so even the supposedly perfect profiles of the next 1000 years, will be evaluated downwards as being very imperfect compared to humans living in 1 million years, and so on by the phenomenon of genomic incompleteness) which he had nevertheless clearly identified as Humanity probably descended from African apes, which he clearly saw correctly, even though he thought we were further removed from primates than modern genetic testing has shown. In his day, Darwin never mentioned the fact that he saw virtually no evidence of divine design,he did not dare to explain that no founding God had created as many insects, plants and terrestrial animals as our human civilization. What I do not hesitate to explain is that the very idea of ​​God is highly improbable (nothing more improbable than this concept of fundamental omniscience) and this since a self-causal God having generated himself in the world before there even existed anything in what we can call the material Being, the World or the observable Universe.

Source (Galapagos Islands):

Source (Life The Great Voyage Of Charles Darwin The Theory Of Evolution):


I remember in 2010-2011 I was still arguing with one of my Psychology professors at the University that the size of the Skull and therefore the Brain should absolutely have an impact on the Intelligence variable and she told me no and the worst thing is that she was teaching me the Neuroanatomy course so I thought she was very qualified. On the other hand, today with my visionary graph and my revolutionary anthropometric research on the exponential increase in IQ I would prove to her exactly the opposite craniological assertion with the greatest ease in the world. If we base ourselves on the cranial volumes of the graph then almost all skulls would have IQs higher than mine since I placed myself by default very small at the bottom of the intelligence scale. All these series of skulls in ascending order are certainly neither more nor less than the craniological future of humanity for the next 1 million years minimum to 1 billion years maximum.


I just had another theoretical flash about the terminology vocabulary of the biology of animals in nature. Basically to summarize; the Amadeussianization of Humanity = the Apexization of our civilization on a large cosmic scale. Within the paleontological jargon of dinosaurs and new creatures of the animal kingdom, APEX predators are those at the top of the food chain. We humans are already the Apex predators of the Earth, and well through the trickery and our accelerated evolution via the techniques that our scientific progress offers us, well we will artificially APEXE ourselves in order to become the predators first and foremost at the top of the food chain of the Milky Way galaxy, and then that should be enough according to what we will see of our difficulty in overcoming and dethroning other civilizations, and traveling in other galactic clusters larger and dangerous for small fish or less intelligent civilizations. In my opinion as the greatest specialist in humans of the future (my universal encyclopedia proves it beyond any doubt), according to the probabilities and seeing what terrifying and dangerous creatures Nature is capable of creating, it will still be very perilous to become the Apex Predator of the galaxy. There must be civilizations that make alliances, however this diplomatic situation of alliance must be quite rare and tenuous. We should not go and play in the court of the great Extraterrestrial civilizations if we are not perfectly prepared, because they will devour us without any hesitation for having disturbed them and attacked them in the slightest (humanity in an identical way already eats everything that is edible on Earth as much algae, insects, snails as dogs and cats in Asia or monkeys vector of countless diseases transmissible to people in Africa). Even if it seems impossible to us to adequately predict what the different forms of intelligent life on other exoplanets will be like in material terms, with time and our research on the development of fractal biogeometric structuralizations in a universe organized from the very beginning in a fractal Big Bang, we will count one by one the main classes of future extraterrestrials, which means that we will have already previously evaluated and catalogued them, automatically making them less unpredictable and insecure for our human civilization. On the graph of potential Apex predators of the Milky Way galaxy for example and not of the entire universe since there would potentially be even more millions and billions of extraterrestrial species represented,well as we can expect humanity is for the moment at the bottom and infinitely vulnerable to any planetary invasion of one of them. The most powerful civilization is the one in the center at the top because it is precisely the most gigantic and intelligent, so it can only be threatened by the other extraterrestrial species on each side since these have the intellectual, strategic and military capacities to beat them given their more complete civilizational advancement than the millions of other less developed populations below. The main problem in assessing Apex predators in a galaxy, a galactic cluster or an entire universe is that like the oceanic abysses, it is almost impossible to list all kinds of deep-sea fish since there is a darkness there making visibility difficult at very short distances especially when we know that almost 95% of the oceans have not been explored in depth given their reachability so imagine the impossibility of listing all galactic regions and zones they will remain unexplored by our probes and our ships at more than 99% for a good while from then on only 1% will actually be visited by our space fleets including for Extraterrestrials who cannot know more than 95% to 98% of the knowable universe given the staggering cosmic distances of the order of almost infinite. The same is true in interstellar space where Extraterrestrial civilizations are practically invisible, do not leave any visual, sound, wave, etc. traces, so often remain unknown for as long as possible to other abyssal creatures, until we manage to detect them by radar, film them by chance or when they present themselves to us since they have detected our presence given their physiognomy better adapted or efficient to such a specific environment (example of the Lorenzi organ in sharks which detects electricity or dolphins with their echolocation device). This is the most likely main explanation of the Fermi Paradox that I have supported for years in my research, namely that as much as abyssal monsters prefer to remain as silent, invisible and undetectable as possible, as much as exoplanetary and extragalactic monsters with extreme intelligence do everything so that we do not detect their presence and predict their intra-stellar system movements and their movements in interstellar space. Extraterrestrial civilizations hate being circumscribed in their precise spatio-temporal position,They do everything to avoid being detected during their multiple crossings of solar systems since this information held by the opposing extraterrestrial armies would place them in a position of hazardous and uncertain vulnerability, meaning that their armada could be surrounded and destroyed at any time, reducing their chances of success in their genetic-populational expansion of the universe.

Source (Apex Predator):




Conquest of space initiated by the Caucasian Whites of Europe

The conquest of Space was done in several historical stages that began in China with the invention of fireworks. The Chinese used them mainly in warfare as a deterrent weapon. In modern times, Europe and its white Caucasian ethnicity have played an even more crucial role in the advancement and completion of the conquest of space, in the name of all humanity. Several regions on the territory whether in France, Germany, Russia and the United States. Only white people first brought humanity into space while other ethnicities owe us immense respect and they owe us an infinite debt thanks to the Caucasian genius including the Russians Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) and Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906-1966), the American Robert Goddard (1882-1945) and the Germans Hermann Oberth (1894-1989) and Werhner von Braun (1912-1977). It all started in 1865 with the idea of ​​Jules Verne in his novel entitled ''From the Earth to the Moon'' when he imagined a giant cannon propelling a manned shell to the Moon.

This historically led to the fact that only white people were the first to bring humanity into space, while other ethnic groups owe us immense respect and are infinitely indebted to us thanks to the Caucasian geniuses, including the Russians Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) and Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906-1966), the American Robert Goddard (1882-1945) and the Germans Hermann Oberth (1894-1989) and Werhner von Braun (1912-1977). It seems that the fate and advancement of humanity in space is linked to the proper development, preservation and achievement of the white Caucasian ethnic group, because it is they who have so far demonstrated the greatest skills in astronautical engineering and rocket launching compared to other peoples in the entire temporal span of modern history.

RUSSIA TSIOLKOVSKY In Russia, Constantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) imagined in 1895 the first space elevator of 36,000 km in height capable of transporting loads at very high altitudes, experimented and tested from 1890, fuels such as liquid propellant (hydrogen/oxygen) and flight lines, amateur multi-stage rockets with the aim of sending them higher and higher and further into the sky (based on his fundamental law of the mass ratio). He approached from 1903 in his legendary work ''The Exploration of cosmic space by jet engines'' the foundations of astronomy: the shape of the combustion chamber, the circulation of fuel which can cool the rocket, the moving surfaces inside by gas jet helping the guidance of the trajectory and the stabilization of the rocket by a gyroscope. At the end of World War II, the Red Army captured even more German scientists than the Americans, with the aim of bringing them back to the USSR and incorporating them into their space development program. [Source: History of Rockets ]



Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906-1966) was a Russian researcher who was the principal scientist in charge of the Soviet space program during the reign of Joseph Stalin and later in the 1950s and 1960s during the Cold War.

This is why his identity was kept secret for a long time so that the Americans or any other country could not kidnap him or bug him and copy his research. He is the equivalent of the German Wernher von Braun working for NASA since he oversaw all the projects at once and was aware of the smallest actions or technical progress of his teams of Soviet engineers. He helped to create and manufacture the Soviet rocket series R1 to R7 up to the present day. He participated in a world first when the first modern satellite named Sputnik 1 was sent in 1957, this consisted of a metal sphere sending a wave towards the Earth and being able to emit messages remotely. Korolev helped send the first animal into space with the dog Laika which prepared the way for humans with the space flight of Yuri Gagarin in 1957.

[Source: History of Korolev and Russian rockets R1 series] Russian Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS)

The Russian Space Agency was indirectly founded from the Second World War when Joseph Stalin's government repatriated hundreds of German researchers who had worked on the V2 missile project of rocket scientist Werhner von Braun. These scientists were transported from Germany to Russia and had to conduct research under duress in order to surpass the research of other European countries, but especially the Americans. It was from the Soviet camps that space research began until the creation of the first missiles of Sergei Korolev's R1 series. Between 1965 and 1980, the mission of the Russian space agency kept roughly the same mandate until the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, when it had to readjust and recalibrate its budget according to its new socialist-capitalist economic system. For example, the project started in 1888 of the space shuttle Buran (Energya launcher, mass of 105 tons on the ground and capable of carrying 27 tons of equipment to an altitude of 450 km) being an improved replica of the American shuttle, this project had to be stopped due to the lack of adequate funding at a time when the government was experiencing major upheavals even though it had invested 16.4 billion in it. Nowadays since February 25, 1992, the Roscosmos agency (Роскосмос) was founded and plays the centralizing role of Russian civil space activities and absorbing since 1999 the Russian aviation (Rosaviacosmos) and then to put forward the industrial companies of the space in the country which makes it become over time the main majority shareholder of these companies of the sector since 2015. In the United States the industrial and military space sector are 2 separate entities not centralized completely in Washington while in the USSR the 2 sectors were joint under the control of Moscow with the MOM (Ministry of Mechanical Constructions) responsible for civil research for space and the division of industrial projects and the VPK dealing with space-military activities in space. Space research program aimed at exploring the outer reaches of the solar system and planets in addition to performing fundamental research and experiments in fundamental astrophysics. The main launcher was Soyuz used mainly in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) being capable of sending approximately 22-ton payloads into geostationary Earth orbit.

[Source: ROSCOSMOS ]

MIR Space Station

The Russian Space Station MIR (Peace in Russian) was the very first habitable station in low orbit around the planet Earth in the history of aeronautics. It was set up in just 10 years thanks to the Proton rockets (20-ton payload used in space) by the Russians from 1986 (central body of the station) to 1996 (last Russian module Priroda). With an average speed of 27,000 km/hour traveling 15.7 orbits per year, once a year, the station was repositioned so as not to fall towards the Earth from its orbit oscillating between 354 km and 374 km. The entire installation operates only from solar panels (power of 28 volts direct current and a power of 60 Ampere-Hours) and a nickel-cadmium battery system. 

Once the station was behind Earth in darkness, Russian engineers planned an optimal position for the panels and the station so that it would have the best angle of solar capture upon returning into the sun's rays. The station could be positioned to obtain the most solar energy possible and the solar panels themselves are adjustable up to a 180-degree pivot angle. Few protections were offered in this first model of station, because the cosmonauts were subjected to relatively high doses of solar radiation varying by a factor of 32 more or less, but averaging at thresholds of 1133 μSv/day. Following numerous fires inside the station, endangering the lives of the cosmonauts, and numerous technical failures such as a residual atmospheric drag slowly causing MIR to fall towards Earth, Russian engineers decided to deorbit the 125-ton station, in the Earth's atmosphere at ocean height (using the Progress M1-5 deorbiter) so that the debris would not fall towards inhabited areas.

[Source: MIRE Space Station )]

GERMANY In Germany, amateur rocket clubs were common in the country and in the 1930s, the German political party began funding these amateur clubs in order to perfect the construction of missiles of higher quality and reliability. These rocket improvement measures resulted in projects such as the V1, V2 and V3 missiles which were the first real missiles preceding the advent of modern space rockets. German scientists such as Wernher von Braun (1912-1977) and Hermann Oberth (1894-1989) were pioneers in researching methods of propulsion for future rockets in space. Braun later admitted that he and his team spied on the mail and photographed the laboratory of American Robert Goddard and drew inspiration from his research in order to gain time in the missile arms race. The Germans, however, injected much more money into their V2 missile (Vergeltungswaffe) to the tune of 2 billion at the time or 45 billion Euros today (not counting the work of prisoners in the underground camp of Dora-Mittelbau) which gave the first solid investment base and the real historical legitimacy to the technological development of contemporary space rockets. Weighing 12,508 kg, 14 meters high, 1.65 meters in diameter, the V2 missile had a maximum horizontal range of 320 kilometers and 88 kilometers in altitude vertically (limit of space from which the first photo of the Earth was historically taken). The V2 could be launched from fixed ground stations or from mobile vehicle stations (Meillerwagen) reaching a speed in flight of 5,760 km/h and 2,880 km/h on landing.

[Source: V2 Missile )]

Wernher von Braun

Werner von Braun (1912-1977) was a German scientist who worked on the development of the first missile powerful enough to be launched hundreds of kilometers around. During his childhood he was passionate about amateur rockets and would have attached fireworks to a cart by propelling it far away in one of the alleys of his neighborhood. Later, he studied engineering and obtained his degree in rocketry, in the 1930s he succeeded in sending an amateur rocket to a distance of 1.5 km in altitude which made him known for this feat and made the German government interested in him from 1934 by giving him the necessary economic levers to complete his work. He worked in the secret base of Penemünde without worries until a reconnaissance-spy plane photographed their research facilities and an order was given to bomb this secret weapons camp. However, Werner was spared and did not cause concern from the British night bombings, which allowed him to quickly resume his research on the V2 missile project. As soon as the Second World War ended, he was forcibly captured by the American army, which brought him back to the United States so that he could continue his research with a hundred other German researchers. He led a fierce struggle within NASA with the aim of establishing the foundations for launch rockets into Earth orbit and beyond to the Moon with the culmination of his Saturn V project, which sent 3 astronauts to the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission (Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin).

[Source: History of Werhner von Braun ]

 . Robert Goddard

In the United States, Robert Goddard (1882-1945) in the United States, Robert Goddard (1882-1945) stood out as one of the first rocket scientists of the 20th century, because he designed and conceived a range of basic systems in aerodynamics and propulsion of all kinds. Even if he did not obtain the necessary funding from the American government that he should have benefited from (adaptation of the nozzles to the propellant). He did his research with difficulty in his research garage and attracted the attention of patrons such as the National Geographic Society, the Smithsonian Society and the Aero Club America who financed him a minimum seeing the future possibilities and applications.

Over the decades, he accumulated no less than 214 patents on the parts to be used correctly in a rocket so that it takes off well and maintains its stability in flight, against all expectations these letters patent were later picked up by NASA and the team of Werhner von Braun (1 million dollars were later paid to his wife and family for the unauthorized borrowing of these patents). He is the modern instigator of the multi-stage rocket, liquid propellants, injection turbogroups, fuel cooling of the walls of the combustion chamber and the ionized air thruster.

The Americans lost valuable time compared to their competitors by not giving credit to Goddard, by sulking about his research and by refusing to finance it outright, which gave a considerable head start to the Germans and later to the Russians. [Source: Goddard, the inventor of the space rocket ]


NASA was founded mainly by white Europeans in the years of July 29, 1958 with the aim of bringing together American research on space and trying at all costs to keep up with, or even get ahead of the Russians in the race to the cosmos. This institution was previously built from 1945 at the end of the Second World War, and this with the help of German scientists who had been captured by the American Army during Operation Paper Clip, having brought back the eminent researcher Wernher von Braun who was the main element of expertise and research making the continuation of the success of this space agency possible. Nowadays, its annual budget varies between 15 and 26 billion annually depending on the era and the succession of governments and presidents in place in the United States. In 1981, it created the first space shuttle program, which now allows the same space vehicle to be reused many times instead of using the same rocket only once due to the release of fuel tanks. However, with the explosion of some shuttles caused by the detachment of thermal tile coatings and combustion during re-entry into the atmosphere, NASA stopped this type of launch. Following its failures in the 2000s, it stopped these main activities, but as of 2020, NASA plans to resume test trials and rocket launches into space. In the meantime, private companies like Ellon Musk's SPACE-X and Jeff Besos' BLUE MOON have tested new types of rockets that can launch vertically, perform a flight or mission, and finally land vertically on the launch pad. These reusable rockets have a production cost amortized over the number of round trips as well as a very good capacity to transport loads and goods to Earth orbits. 
[Source: NASA ]

European Space Agency (ESA)

The European Space Agency was founded in 1975 and today includes several European countries promoting the launch of rockets, the observation of the Earth and space with sophisticated satellites, manned stays in the International Space Station, the understanding and forecasting of solar phenomena, space telecommunications and satellite navigation (Galileo program). ESA has inaugurated several launches of Satellites in the Solar System with the probes Rosetta, Mars Express, Venus Express, Exo Mars, Bepi-Colombo, etc. Important space launchers have been accomplished by ESA such as the Ariane 5 rocket and the Vega rocket. This agency devoted itself to research and observations of the Earth with specialized cutting-edge satellites such as Envisat, GOCE, MSG, Sentinel, etc. It participated actively in the study of the Sun with the SOHO program and helped to deepen fundamental physics (Lisa Pathfinder). The achievement of space telecommunication systems and programs necessary for the use of computers (Artemis, HYLAS). ESA has contributed to the research and implementation of many space technologies such as SMART-1, PROBA-1 and PROBA-2. Its annual budget is around 6 billion Euros, notwithstanding its funding is not only done by European government bodies, because it shares the costs related to joint projects with other countries or international space agencies. [Source: European Space Agency ]

International Space Station (ISS)

The first International Space Station in space was inaugurated mainly by the Americans and the Russians with the aim of creating a joint project between the capitalist governments of the West and the communist governments of the East. This cooperation resulted in the construction of a space station in orbit around the Earth. The countries of the planet then became aware that several governments and peoples were capable of collaborating together peacefully in order to achieve sustainable development of humanity in space. The station is described by the Americans as a space research laboratory, specifically studying the bombardment of solar radiation and microwaves from the interstellar cosmos, planetary and space meteorology, astronomy in general, the study of weightlessness in plant biology and in human beings as well as physics experiments of all kinds. It was at a meeting in Washington in 1998 that it was agreed that the station would be built by 13 contributing countries, including 11 European countries, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Japan and Russia.

From 1998 to 2011, the construction in orbit required many round trips in order to assemble the International Space Station, because the Americans had to send about forty trips to the structure in orbit and the Russians had to supplement with a few additional flights that were not always completed due to technical problems. It is preferable to have a pronounced inclination in order to be able to observe the planet Earth downwards. As a result, it is possible to point towards 95% of the inhabited regions of the globe and 75% of the surface area crossed by the planet. The American shuttles had to change their approach inclination in order to properly dock with the station and bring their 6 tons of material daily. However, the ISS had to be positioned at an inclination of 51.6°, because the Russian Soyuz and Progress spacecraft had to be tilted at this angle in order not to change its trajectory and to correctly supply the International Space Station.

[Source: International Space Station ISS ]

Hubbel Telescope

The Hubbel telescope was created by a team of American engineers putting into satellite a device capable of zooming in on distant areas of space such as galaxies, nebulae, planets and other attractions in space. It is a creation mainly European in the continuation of NASA projects and their development of innovative technologies for the colonization of the universe. The mass of the satellite at launch was 11,000 kg, but depending on the missions it had additional devices or removed for its maintenance and optical optimization. Time period of 96 to 97 min to complete its cycle with very little variation in speed. The inclination of the satellite is 28.5 ° relative to the surface axis of the planet Earth. The satellite is on average at an altitude of 590 km from the Earth, but its trajectory must be occasionally repositioned, because it tends to fall gradually towards the ground using reaction wheels (inertial flywheel system). In just 14 minutes, the telescope can change its axis by plus or minus 90° and point to another direction in the sky. This innovative telescope can calculate the mass of a star or a distant galaxy or even galactic clusters thanks to its ability to measure the gravitational lensing effect. For example, the mass of a white dwarf named Stein 2051B was measured thanks to this gravitational lensing effect demonstrating the usefulness of Einstein's theory of relativity (when passing in front of a star of magnitude 18.3, its angular deflection gave a result of 31.53 revealing a mass of 0.675 masses of the Sun). The station's solar panels supply Hubble operating the multi-object spectrometer, the satellite repositioning wheels and the infrared camera. The telescope stores its electricity using 6 nickel-hydrogen batteries (mass of 943 pounds) that can be used when the telescope passes behind the planet Earth and cannot be powered normally by the solar panels. This means that with the system's amperage power of around 510 Ah, the station can be self-sufficient for a period of 7 and a half hours and complete the Earth's orbit 5 times.

[Source: Hubble Telescope )] European Large Telescope (ELT)

In the Atacama Desert at Cerro Armazones in the country of Chile, there remains an astronomical observatory installed at an altitude of 3,060 meters and financed and developed by European partnerships since 2005, setting up the construction of a giant telescope to point the device at any exoplanet after determining whether it has an atmosphere containing gases from industrial production such as a human civilization, to find habitable planets and finally potential extraterrestrial civilizations. Its inauguration is planned for the year 2024 with the commissioning of a primary mirror of 39 meters in diameter totaling 1,116 m2 of surface, so its power will be 15 times stronger than its main equivalent, the Very Large Telescope of the ESO with 4 telescopes of 8.2 meters in diameter. This telescope of a new kind has 2 mirrors with adaptive optics and the others 5 additional mirrors to complete the set. The total diameter of the main mirror M1 is 39 meters with a focal length of 0.93 and weighs no less than 150 tons in total. To obtain this gigantic mirror, it is necessary to arrange 798 hexagonal mirrors of 1.45 meters in diameter with a thickness of 40 mm. This enormous mirror is moving and supported by 30,000 removable bases which oscillate if necessary when there is wind, deformations, bending during the rotation of the mirror in order to orient it towards this or that area of ​​space to be observed. The mirror M2 is only 4 meters in diameter and is mainly used to be the secondary mirror receiving the light of stars or other celestial objects. The mirror M3 is mainly 4.2 meters in diameter while the mirror M4 of 2.4 meters serves as adaptive optics, because it is made of 2 mm vitroceramic represented in 6 petals arranged together. In order to stabilize the overall image and direct it to the computers calculating the astronomical measurements, then the 2.7 meter M5 mirror takes care of this final task.

[Source: European Giant Telescope]


Even almost 90 years after the invention of modern multi-stage rockets by the Germans in the 1930s (these engineering plans had already been theorized years earlier by the Russian Tsiolkovsky in the late 1890s), Humanity is still procrastinating on building its first permanent mini-station on its natural satellite, the Moon!? At the rate things are going (massive immigration from the third world + accelerated civilizational degradation), we have more chance of climbing back into the trees playing electronic drums, having the Earth stolen by Extraterrestrials than of undertaking a real human invasion of the solar system, the galaxy and the universe. We can clearly see that the average civilizational IQ of 100 points is highly insufficient to invade space quickly and especially sustainably (already that Astronauts, mathematicians, physicists and engineers of NASA or other space agencies have rates of 120-130 to 160 IQ points and + therefore half as intelligent as the normal people of our time).


The levers of planetary control not only potential, but rather real are for example billionaires (Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and even Donald Trump who is followed all over the world at the slightest sulphurous statement, etc.), the presidents of countries, great philanthropists, the leaders of visible organizations such as the United Nations, the G7, the G20, the invisible association of Bilderberg elites, the World Economic Forum, etc. (for example in the film Superman II when immediately the 3 aliens dressed in black arrive on Earth they immediately ask to speak with the President of the most powerful country on Earth and automatically claim world power knowing that their intelligence and capacity are much superior to ours). Even if the Extraterrestrials had spoken with 20 people of average to minimal influence, such as university rectors, this would not change much in the planetary decision-making processes, because their influence on the ground is very limited given the few people who follow their daily, entrepreneurial or political activity. For an extraterrestrial civilization communicating with them, it would be a significant waste of time and sooner or later they would have no choice but to contact the right people in high places in our civilization, even under the secrecy of intercivilizational negotiations in order to prepare the world population for the shock of a possible large-scale encounter of the 3rd kind.


It would be surprising if the powerful Extraterrestrials only wanted to talk to a few "nobody" people about any area of ​​human activity whatsoever. The Extraterrestrials would rather address the real world authorities in order to play directly on the planetary levers and not from below with people holding very little power in their hands and therefore no capacity for efficient action. Unless you tell me that this was done on the sly in order not to alert humanity in general in order not to affect normal human activities as a whole. Finally, it would be more logical that if they are really present on Earth that at some point they will come forward in broad daylight and have a real impact before the planet warms forever, the oceans become acidic, a mass extinction of animals and plants begins or a nuclear holocaust breaks out in Ukraine for example. 


Here are the new reproduction techniques of humanity being absolutely necessary to use in space towards the thousands or even millions of habitable Exoplanets of which we have detected the presence of elements viable for life. A simple spaceship that is capable of deploying automatically and fetuses that can fall into gestation without any parent of the planet having to reproduce on site. Nurse robots with human appearances will be able to take care of them and raise them for a few years necessary for their training as planetary and galactic conquerors. A file with the pedigrees of the 2 parents can however be transmitted to them with the objective that these new generations know the least bit where they come from and their holographic person will be projectable at will to remember their memory. No need for 2 parents to go there, match, think about starting a family one day, seduce each other, believe they love each other or not, build a family nest and only reproduce with 1 or 2 children, because there is far too much wasted time and few children will be generated and our conquest of the galaxy and possible worlds will be extremely limited. We do not invade a planet with human couples who only form an offspring of 1 or 3 or even 10 children similar to the time of our grandparents, we need millions or even billions of them reproduced quickly and in large quantities. No hereditary diseases, no unnecessary crossbreeding, no genetic errors except in exceptional cases, because an artificial intelligence monitoring the brood will choose the most viable embryos with a high probability rate, no drop in genetic quality over the generations, because the DNA of the first fetuses will be safely preserved. That well modified, reliable, stabilized genomes that will necessarily generate optimized humans with high IQs and increased capacities for solving complex problems and physical strengths equal to and superior to those necessary for our ancestors to colonize the New World and the uncleared lands of planet Earth. The Beijing government wants to produce babies without women to fight against the Chinese birth rate, would it not be a good idea for us in the West who have the same demographic problem and must import the third world into our country with all the cultural, linguistic and miscegenation consequences that this oppresses us? No, certainly not ... it is much better to let the degenerate fashion of transgender children develop who will be sterile and will not reproduce anyone.

TYPES OF REPRODUCTION BY MONOCLONAL PARTHENOGENESIS (snail, rotifer, bdelloid, Komodo dragon, etc.), SEXUAL (human, dog, cat, rabbit, etc.) & LAYING BREEDS (ants, bees, aliens, etc.)

A great example of an Alien egg-laying female, who produces many more eggs than a human woman in addition to being much more dangerous in intelligence, strength given her size and her xenomorphic muscular strength. The alien reality everywhere in the universe will probably often be similar to this specific case in the movie Aliens where a single female can produce eggs invading an entire planet in just a few years or decades. For us Humans with limited reproduction possibilities to sexual couples, Artificial Uteruses will not only be the best assisted reproduction technique for human populations with low terrestrial reproduction (Europeans, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.), but also the ultimate method to humanize space and reproduce millions of babies quickly on the planets we will visit. Or else a typical living species needs the Queen Ant or Bee type Laying Beavers except that humanity does not naturally have this kind of breeder so we would have to create them in GMO in the future like in the movie Aliens or simply use the computers and programmed machines of the Artificial Uteruses. Inside a beehive, a small normal female bee will be fed as a future Queen with royal jelly, will ultimately be better fed and will gradually transform into a Queen after some time (increased lifespan of 4 to 5 years instead of only 40 to 150 days for a normal worker bee). Then, the entire colony of bees or ants will be dependent on this reproductive Queen since she is the only one who will ensure the offspring of the entire hive or anthill (size of the Queen of 18 to 20 mm instead of 14 to 15 mm for worker bees). The choice of this future Queen is more than essential for them, because it is her DNA that will be reproduced in thousands and millions of copies in addition to the diverse genetic baggage of the males who will copulate there one after the other (example of the male drones of bees). The formation of the Queen of the ants is similar with a different food, a larger size and an increased longevity (3 years and 3 months of life for the Queen while a worker ant will live about 8 months). The model of normal human breeding couples and the heteronormative nuclear family will work on other planets (example of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Melina on the planet Mars in the film Total Recall 1990) except that this type of sexual union cannot produce millions of babies quickly on a virgin planet or even worse in a competitive situation of simultaneous birth rate against the invasion of Extraterrestrial hordes.

Source Bees

Source Fourmis a new study published in just eight months.

Source Parthenogenesis:

Source Parthenogenesis (Wikipedia):


The Extraterrestrials are Supremacists Hierarchists Complexificationists (the highest probability is that the millions of extraterrestrial civilizations will advocate the supremacy of the materialist moral and existential ideological systems in high levels of hierarchy by the complexity more and more elaborate and effective) & Humanity of the Relativists Primatoid Inferiorists (the human civilization still too close to the primates struggles to theorize the Complexification of Matter and that of Ideologies, therefore finds itself in a Universal Relativism tending towards the valorization of everything and anything, but especially everything that is the weakest by a leveling down naturally inferiorized and will then institute it in its systems of laws, moral and ideological). The most inferior, sterile and naturally unviable, is seen as what is "Good" and desirable, therefore the moral "Good", which is a complete inversion of the hierarchical values ​​of a real naturalist complexificationist progressivism (current political progressivism is a total terminological usurpation, because it is rather a regressive conceptual impasse since it is implicitly inferiorist because it tends to value moral, doctrinal and sociological values ​​that are Relativist and therefore not indexable on a scale) which is therefore an assumed relativist inferiorism leading straight to civilizational self-neutralization.


2 trillion or about 2000 billion Galaxies in the universe, each of them holding at least about 100 billion stars and + so for an approximate total of 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars (2 exponents 23) or about 2 septillion stars.

When we say that the entire observable universe has a fractal geometric structure, then both the number of stars in the universe and the number of chromosomes that a human has are 2 exponents 23. Same as the number of stars in the galaxy equals 100 billion same as the average number of neurons found in the human brain. These proportions are not fortuitous, but tend to demonstrate the invariance of scales and the similarity of the patterns of the universe fractal at all scales both of the quantities of units in biology and the equivalences between the microscopic and macroscopic plane in astrophysics. In our galaxy the Milky Way, there would be a minimum of 100 billion up to 400 billion stars because we are not quite precise in counting the stars at the distant limits of our galaxy.

Bio-astronomical numerical constant: 2 to the power of 23 = 8388608

23 is the number of chromosomes a human has.

So 2^23 is sort of the number of ways to choose a certain number of chromosomes from the 23.

Source (number of stars in the Milky Way):

Source (number of galaxies in the universe):,in%20a%20study%20published%20this%20Thursday%20October%2013.



The universe being of fractal geometry just by looking at the spiral galactic structures that the double helix strand of human DNA, it is as easy to predict what the forms of Extraterrestrial life will look like in the universe, as what the space stations in the form of crystallized stars of other civilizations will look like as a whole and especially how we must manufacture our own ships and space stations of the future in order to optimize space, facilitate travel between certain areas, increase the solidity and durability of infrastructures, etc. Civilizations that do not respect the configuration of fractal geometry will have less efficient ships, less efficient organizational structures of the cities of the future, losses in travel time and unnecessary energy. Civilizations that do not directly model themselves as much on fractal geometry for example, as on the great organizing ways of biology with a capital B, instead of advancing with more self-amplifying force they will rather retreat and sink towards the self-destructive civilizational culvert, because they have not adequately understood what the organizing framework of their own structural ontological foundation was. My example of planning a society scaling up from increasing to decreasing is exactly in this order of ideas, which is why my idea is so powerful, in phase with our physico-biological and generative basis of short and long term developmental success in the structuring organization of our human civilization. The atomic world is less fractal than the biological world. It seems more particulate similar to quantum physics which is very valid in itself unitarily speaking. But at medium and large scales, fractal geometry is immediately operative. As much in the structures of galaxies, as in the way in which the roots and branches of a tree are organized, the structure of the pulmonary alveoli, the blood network of the human body and animals, the more efficient tubular network of plants, the organization of mountains and sea banks seen from above always form fractal structures. Extraterrestrials are also embedded in the fractal world, they cannot get out of it so it is with these elements of naturalist descriptive deduction that we will be able to better understand them and prevent Humanity from being beaten and submitted by surprise, unpreparedness, carelessness (naive magical thinking of the 1970s style imprudently stipulating that Extraterrestrials will be our friends by default and automatically be in fraternity with us, which the probabilities show us exactly the opposite, similar to many examples of collaboration or name in human history) and unpredictability. 




I made the logical connection this week between the projection capacity or the brain's computing power & the internal volume of a Crystal Ball. The bigger the crystal ball, the more internal resonance volume it has, which allows us to better read the future. The same goes for mini-skulls made of bone or crystal, if we place our hand on them we feel the small cranial volume and the weak echo. On the other hand, if we place our hands on the giant head of the Amadeus, we immediately feel the large space below and that the reflexive echo propagates so extensively better, all its computing capacity and its proportionally high intelligence is literally palpable with the fingertips. The largest crystal balls in our time are 1 meter or 100 cm in diameter. To be metaphysically grounded and in Schumannian resonance or other vibrational phenomena with its planet, a civilization must polish a ball 1 km or 1000 meters in diameter on the surface of its terrestrial globe.

Small Crystal Skull = small internal wave resonance therefore weak external reading, Large Crystal Skull = large internal wave resonance therefore strong external predictive event reading.

New skull of the humans of the future Prometheus in my collection perfectly demonstrating the link between the evolution of cranial volume and intelligence (I am the first researcher in the world to have pushed this notion of gigantism so far to the Titaneus Frankenstein being the ultimate apotheosis of the gifted dinosaur human). Compared to today's human with 55 to 60 cm of cranial circumference, and the Amadeus with 115 cm, the intermediate specimen Prometheus is exactly 80 cm. I had predicted this result for several years that the more evolved humans of the future will have at least 80 to 100 cm of cranial circumference for a better intelligence. I rate the intelligence of such a skull mounted on a person 5-6 feet tall for example at an average power of 200-300 Qi points in the natural state compared to the 500-1000 Qi points of the Amadeus Frankenstein. By possessing myself a 24 inch diameter crystal ball head located between the normal skull #4 and the #5 Prometheus thus I was able to glimpse and visualize the more futuristic next steps. This would have required a greater capacity of imagination on my part had I been in position #1.


As of today I think the crystal ball can do roughly 7 things; 1-Predict the future, read the past or the present from a distant distance, 2-The ball or other rock of pure minerals (a diamond ball will not have the same vibrational resonance depending on the atomic and crystalline structure as if it is made of Quartz, or Emerald, Ruby, Amazonite, Malachite, etc.) can store energy in the broad sense, that is to say, amass or concentrate a certain cosmic energy which would do less a less mineralized material such as rubber or cardboard (this form of energetic notion means that the universe is organized according to certain physical laws and that even if we do not know them all expressly, we can easily stipulate that there are phenomena of a quantum nature for example which can act at a distance, occur or increase in frequency with certain materials or in certain places in space similar to predicting that there are other forms of extraterrestrial material life and that we cannot currently predict and explain all their explanatory ins and outs physicalists), 3-The ball also acts like crystal skulls, which not only allow us to better visualize the human cranial volume (buy the $50 bottle of Vodka at the grocery store and you will see), because the water that moves around in the skull makes us better understand our own cranial volume and also project those of other animals and/or extraterrestrials), 4-The ball allows us to act as a resonance funnel for our own thoughts, and it increases our own capacity as a cerebral resonance funnel which can give us more ideas (extension of our brain), 5-The larger a crystal ball is on a spherical planet and that it is made of a precious material or with high resonance, then the more the ball will resonate with the planet on which it is placed and also probably be in resonance with the planets of the solar system nearby (if the planet has internal volcanic activity so the sphere on top will disturb its magnetic field than if the planet is extinct like Mars). If the ball is 10 cm, then it is in vibrational resonance or planetary vibrational tuning fork as much as if the mineral sphere is 1 meter in diameter, 10 meters, 100 meters or 1 kilometer in diameter. And the more it will become imposing for the planet on which it is placed (sphere on the Moon or Mars are not the same spherical volumes) it will play on its weight and therefore the forces linked to its gravitational mass. 6-The spherical shape of the object makes it surely use the alignment of the properties of the number Pi or 3,1417 which is a universe number containing all series of numbers so it seems to be very important and can resonate with matter and the surrounding universe. 7-A well-maintained, magnetized and energized crystal ball in one's hands on occasion can increase life expectancy, because it is easier to symbolize psychologically and psychically one's existence in relation to materiality and the continuation of the ball itself in the 4th dimension, i.e. time (for example, thinking that the ball will exist for 100 years, 1000 years and so on, the larger the ball, the more life expectancy can potentially be increased and if the quality of the material is better). We can make the metaphor that the crystal ball would be like our existential life, if you lose or misplace your ball like that it is like losing your life. You must bring it no matter where you move and it must follow you on your journey all your life. If you drop and break the glass of your ball automatically this shattering is much worse than just breaking a mirror. As much as planets, stars, black holes, galaxies, galactic clusters or universes in the multiverse have proportionally more power (gravitational effect, tidal effect, orbital attraction effect of stars, etc.) when the spherical diameters (π: 3.1417) are more imposing than only a rocky satellite like the Moon with a low mass therefore little gravitational influence on the other planets. And this, compared to the Sun sphere with 99.86% of the weight in the solar system so all the planets revolve around the largest surrounding heavy nuclear ball (Sun diameter of 1,392,000 kilometers or 109 times the size of the Earth).tidal effect, orbital attraction effect of stars, etc.) when the spherical diameters (π: 3.1417) are larger than just a rocky satellite like the Moon with a low mass therefore little gravitational influence on the other planets. And this, compared to the Sun sphere with 99.86% of the weight in the solar system so all the planets revolve around the largest surrounding heavy nuclear ball (Sun diameter of 1,392,000 kilometers or 109 times the size of the Earth).tidal effect, orbital attraction effect of stars, etc.) when the spherical diameters (π: 3.1417) are larger than just a rocky satellite like the Moon with a low mass therefore little gravitational influence on the other planets. And this, compared to the Sun sphere with 99.86% of the weight in the solar system so all the planets revolve around the largest surrounding heavy nuclear ball (Sun diameter of 1,392,000 kilometers or 109 times the size of the Earth).




(most frequent statistical, probabilistic and observational models)

1-Destruction of the supports of primordial planetary systems (atmosphere, axis of the Earth's orbit, oceanic balance, Earth-Sun distance, territories of the Earth's crust, planetary magnetic field, etc.),

2-Mother Spaceship (army of millions and billions of invading Aliens).

3-Moving an Asteroid from its Orbit (sends it towards the planet to be climatically destabilized).

4-Grouping of Humans in Concentration and Extermination camps (utilitarian ethnic cleansing optimization).

5-Microbial Warfare (bacteria, viruses, unknown exobiological pathogens, etc.).

6-Food War (destabilization of terrestrial food sources = widespread famine).

7-Robotic War (landing of millions and billions of robots (microscopic to macroscopic size) cleaners of the planetary root civilization).

8-War of Alien Slaves (first phase) or of the invading Aliens themselves (second phase).

9-War of Environmental or Geophysical Cataclysms (earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tornadoes, planetary storms, calderas, Siberian traps, etc.).

10-War of High Destructive Power Alien Weapons (Giant Laser, Magnetic Weapons, Microwave, Sound or Atomic Cannon and Weapons with Unknown Alien Technologies, etc.).

11-Global warming (global drought or warming of the oceans) or generalized cooling (frozen polar ice caps, total global winter).

12-Nuclear War (A-bomb, H-bomb, N-bomb, etc.).

13-Antimatter Bomb (destruction of a planet, a star system, an opposing galaxy or even an entire universe among the infinite multiverse).


(probable stages of exoplanetary invasions)by reverse logical engineering )

  Step 0 (Operation Planning):

Very precise step-by-step deployment protocols and system describing the standard planetary colonization phases, plus redundancy systems in case of mostly predictable unforeseen events in order to never be caught short by the surprise of maneuvers or by the excess mercenaries and the excess number of troops on the ground, at sea and in the planetary and space airs. The invasion plans that the Extraterrestrials are setting in motion probably follow roughly similar protocols, steps and procedures from one exoplanet to another, so they apply one by one the phases of attacks, neutralization and levels of planetary civilizational dispossession one by one according to the degree of intelligence of the populations, the technological level of their weaponry as much around their solar system, inside it and once above the terrestrial globe (example of Invasion Plan A, Plan B according to such type of civilization, Plan C, Plan D, Plan W, counter-plan #1, counter-plan #2, counter-plan #3, etc.).  The planets with the most intelligent, cunning, threatening, quarrelsome and above all armed to the teeth civilizations are avoided by the less powerful Extraterrestrial civilizations, taken anyway by the strongest among them even if there is always a percentage of risk of replicas and military reprisals against them they will take the chance of invading the planet given the gargantuan exoplanetary booty to plunder.

✠ Step 1 (Air Raid):

Air strikes from high vantage points are always the most sought after by any human and/or alien army given the ease with which they can aim and hit targets from above and precisely land shells, missiles and other surgical weapons on the main points of organization, supply, storage locations of weapons or important military vehicles. Once the hundreds or even thousands of air targets have been fixed and delimited by the high command via satellite photographs, an equal or even greater quantity of missiles and bombs will be dropped from the sky to their tactical objective. The populations below will not be able to do much once the hypersonic missiles and others are heading towards them, unless they have very effective automated anti-aircraft defense systems since the Extraterrestrials are expected to use conventional, bacteriological and nuclear types of bombs and missiles, the exact composition, assembly type and power of precision and local, regional, continental and/or planetary devastation of which we do not know. 

✠ Stage 2 (Land and Sea Raid):

Intensified invasion devastating to the maximum on land and seas by armored military vehicles, as much as possible automated and/or piloted from space by operators using remote controls and cameras on the ground, autonomous artificial intelligence programs, robots and/or living organisms of the Extraterrestrial or human type in flesh and blood. Armed motorized vehicles must do the most damage on the ground, destroy enemy military infrastructures, storage locations of enemy vehicles, locations of civilizational foodstuffs, storage locations of ammunition, planetary parliaments and population dwellings.Even if an overview and dissemination must be made, it is necessary to concentrate the military equipment in the same place, for example 1000 tanks in the same combat location than 1000 units of small groups of 3 tanks, which will provide much more destructive force. All these chronological times of invasion must be perfectly synchronized and no waiting period between the successive phases of attacks in order not to let the enemy breathe and reinforce its defenses on the ground. The divisions which progress quickly must rush as far as possible inland and not stop at the node of resistance because these would slow them down in their maneuvers and force the battle to get bogged down, to camp on defensive positions similar to the French and German armies during the First World War. Once the Blitzkrieg troops have gone far enough behind the enemy lines, then the allied vehicles can gather in order to have more firepower and then move behind the troops now pierced and disarticulated at all points of the interior. The land communication lines (poles and wires) and/or air (radio waves and wifi, etc.) must be cut as quickly as possible so that the army cannot inform its headquarters of the new combat situation.

✠ Step 3 (Infantry March):

Once the trucks, tanks and other powerful military vehicles have passed, then the armies of giant and miniature automated robots, as well as giant and medium-sized Alien or human infantry must travel the entire planetary terrain in order to take Alien prisoners, surround the enemy armies, do the bulk of the cleaning up of people and living organisms that the large robotic vehicles could not handle due to their size and their lightning speed.The soldiers on the ground must identify the last machine gun nests and send snipers, cannons, flamethrowers, grenades and any other military able to dislodge its dangerous resistance centers towards the entire infantry march. The soldiers can pick off Alien enemies on the ground who still appear alive if they seem to represent a risk to the physical integrity of the members of the army or simply make them possible prisoners to be repatriated to the reform or work camps. Any new creature, plant or alien weapon that stands out and may be of any bio-geo-strategic interest must be reported by radio to the high command of the army so that they add this new relevant information to their overall plan of planetary invasion and that the next groups of Population Censuses can take into account and deepen in particular study.

✠ Step 4 (Population Census Group, Report on Population and Soil Damage):

Once the air strikes have been successfully carried out, the heavy military vehicles have passed on the ground to plow civilization and its infrastructure, the infantry of giant robots and humans in addition to the humans or medium-sized Extraterrestrials have passed, then the identification troops of the species and biological organisms that have survived all these successive waves of attacks can pass through one last time, count and classify the survivors, then direct them to the regroupment centers of the populations potentially most dangerous for the invading army, send them to places of medical observation or forced labor, and/or reprocessing places in order to eat the exoplanetary animals.for the Extraterrestrial or human civilization that must sooner or later feed its invasion troops and other civilian populations. Mapping cataloguing and adding information to the Universal Encyclopedia of the Universe of all biological species found and mineral deposits visible to the naked eye or through ground and aerial detection equipment by drone. When Extraterrestrial civilizations represent a problem of food supply, danger or unsuccessful prisoner exchanges, then the captives can be kept in the enclosure without much food until death. The recalcitrant must be judged on the spot and directed to the right places of captivity and will not be able to have an immediate trial in good eduform since the time for legal processing will be lacking at the time , in which case it will be much later once the main phases of invasions are over.

✠ Step 5 (Installation of Human or Extraterrestrial Civilian Populations): 

Once the main exoplanetary dangers have been mostly neutralized, at that time the colonizing civilian populations can be safely deployed on the ground and take one by one the old dwellings of the previous civilization, the most adapted to their more advanced Extraterrestrial technologies, or even the new Extraterrestrial civil and military infrastructures allowing to live as similarly as possible to their old planet and subsequently the establishment of important military bases and architectures to compensate for possible Extraterrestrial rebellions or other potential Extraterrestrial invasions coming from other genetic species from space. The most powerful Extraterrestrials can have nothing more or less than immense planetary Rototillers several stories high (10 to 25 stories) and other gigantic deforestation machines allowing to plow and laminator all the continental lands, forests and vegetation of a planet in order to clean the planet and then plant their own plant species in order to implant their exotic biological populations there. Animals and living beings that have the misfortune to find themselves in front of these giant plows are immediately crushed or crushed by their 50 to 100 meter wide walls of equipment (unless you hear the plow machine in the distance and/or are in the last 10 to 30 meters on the sides before the giant rototiller blades pass over you). The power of an Extraterrestrial level Blitzkrieg must be about 1000 to 1 million times more destructive than the invasion of the German army, the Russians and the Americans during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 even if they follow approximately the same stages of war operations. Normally, Extraterrestrial civilizations want to study as much as possible the genetic information of all forms of life on a planet so as not to lose a shred of knowledge that could help them create medicines, substances included in their biotechnologies, studies of the actions of exotic animals between species, etc. so they do not crush exoplanetary living organisms for nothing. However, when the planets are still too wild, with areas of nature and trees too large making the progression of their machines and populations too slow, arduous and dangerous in various plants (carnivores, intelligent plants, climbing, poisonous, etc.). In addition to exotic biotope species that can be very dangerous and hidden in dense forests therefore very difficult to dislodge only with a machete (example of the explorers and researchers of the Cities of Gold in the jungle of the Amazon in South America or the Roman army very effective in battle in the fields,but ineffective and several times decimated against the German barbarians in the black forests of Germany called Schwarzwald). Machines to deforest nature used during the Vietnam War similar to what I describe that the Extraterrestrials or humans of the future will have the possibility of using during planetary invasions in order to crush nature and neutralize exoplanetary animals (Reset of Planetary Vegetation). The Extraterrestrial Machines to deforest nature are possibly much more gigantic, spanning several tens of meters in height and tens or hundreds of meters in width, allowing a few hundred machines to raze all the vegetation of a planet in a few weeks or months. These machines can be directed by GPS piloted in quadrilaterals similar to mapping satellites so as not to always go over the same places, and piloted by Robots, small humans or giant Amadeus given the size of the machines. Pilots or control centers may need to be armored, as they can be attacked remotely by Alien snipers, precision-targeted aircraft or air missiles, or exotic Alien animals riding on the machines that can attack the pilots and ingenious people from the center of the command cabin atop the planet's plow rollers. Once the entire continental lands and forests have been plowed, this cleans out the most dangerous animal species, and in any case even if the soil has been plowed a little deeply, the vegetation will still grow back and this gives civilization enough time to study the new green shoots for their cataloging, to note them down meticulously one by one in their universal biology encyclopedia through their expoplanetary biologist specialists. The tons of wood recovered from the plowed planets can then be used to build their new city infrastructures, makeshift bridges for the movement of their troops and various extraterrestrial civilian, military and government dwellings.The Alien Machines to deforest nature are possibly much more gigantic, spanning several dozen meters in height and tens or hundreds of meters in width, allowing a few hundred machines to raze all the vegetation on a planet in a few weeks or months. These machines can be directed by GPS piloted in quadrilaterals similar to mapping satellites so as not to always return to the same places, and piloted by Robots, small humans or giant Amadeus given the size of the machines. The pilots or control centers must possibly be armored, because they can be attacked remotely by Alien snipers, precisely targeted aircraft or air missiles or even exotic Alien animals climbing on the machines and able to attack the pilots and ingenious from the center of the command cabin at the top of the planet plow rollers. Once the entire continental lands and forests have been plowed, this cleans out the most dangerous animal species, and in any case even if the soil has been plowed a little deeply, afterwards the vegetation will grow back anyway and this gives civilization enough time to study the new green shoots for their cataloging, to note them down meticulously one by one in their universal biology encyclopedia through their expoplanetary biologist specialists. The tons of wood recovered from the plowed planets can then be used to build their new city infrastructures, makeshift bridges for the movement of their troops and various extraterrestrial civil, military and government dwellings.The Alien Machines to deforest nature are possibly much more gigantic, spanning several dozen meters in height and tens or hundreds of meters in width, allowing a few hundred machines to raze all the vegetation on a planet in a few weeks or months. These machines can be directed by GPS piloted in quadrilaterals similar to mapping satellites so as not to always return to the same places, and piloted by Robots, small humans or giant Amadeus given the size of the machines. The pilots or control centers must possibly be armored, because they can be attacked remotely by Alien snipers, precisely targeted aircraft or air missiles or even exotic Alien animals climbing on the machines and able to attack the pilots and ingenious from the center of the command cabin at the top of the planet plow rollers. Once the entire continental lands and forests have been plowed, this cleans out the most dangerous animal species, and in any case even if the soil has been plowed a little deeply, afterwards the vegetation will grow back anyway and this gives civilization enough time to study the new green shoots for their cataloging, to note them down meticulously one by one in their universal biology encyclopedia through their expoplanetary biologist specialists. The tons of wood recovered from the plowed planets can then be used to build their new city infrastructures, makeshift bridges for the movement of their troops and various extraterrestrial civil, military and government dwellings.carefully note them one by one in their universal biology encyclopedia through their expoplanetary biologist specialists. The tons of wood recovered from the plowed planets can then be used to build their new city infrastructures, makeshift bridges for the movement of their troops and various extraterrestrial civil, military and government dwellings.carefully note them one by one in their universal biology encyclopedia through their expoplanetary biologist specialists. The tons of wood recovered from the plowed planets can then be used to build their new city infrastructures, makeshift bridges for the movement of their troops and various extraterrestrial civil, military and government dwellings.

Source (Vietnam War):


I have thought about the probability of Extraterrestrials coming to Earth and my conclusion is that the probability is overall less than 1%. However, even if less than 1% or less than 0.0000001% seems to mean little, if we project this probability over 100 years, 1000 to 10,000, or even 100,000 years this window of probability can only grow and finally become certain after several thousand years (in our best lucky case, because an extraterrestrial arrival would sound 90-95% the destruction and replacement of our population given our low level of genetic and intellectual evolution just by comparing mass immigration to the replacement of a stock population in the same species). Moreover according to the Drake equations, in a galaxy like ours with 100 to 200 billion stars, there would remain at least 1 million intelligent civilizations. But even if there were only 1000 or even 100 civilizations, the fact that we emit radio waves and molecules of an industrial nature in the Earth's atmosphere can be detected at very long distances. Just like us, Humanity, who are able to detect them on Exoplanets (4,777 exoplanets have been confirmed in 3,534 planetary systems, including 785 multiple planetary systems) with the ELT telescope (39-meter primary mirror), means that they have probably already detected us a few hundred or even thousands of years ago given their technological advancement, probably well before our inventions of the industrial era of the early 20th century. In addition, hundreds of witnesses have observed "UFOs" all over the planet for over 100 years, machines and biological species, each a little different from the other. In my opinion, these few isolated cases would only be manifestations of scouts and naturalist researchers (extraterrestrials, physicists, chemists, biologists, astrophysicists, etc.) amassing as much information as possible on our planet, the biological species that live there, and this in order to retransmit their research over long distances to their respective civilization while waiting for reinforcements similar to scout soldiers in the army who inspect an area before the great army finally moves onto the battlefield. So, my conclusion is that probably at least one or more extraterrestrial civilizations are coming towards us and we will destroy them within a few hundred or thousand years for sure if we do not develop sufficient protective measures. As in any situation in Casino Roulette, it is time and probabilities that are against us and if we do not act adequately to protect ourselves,probabilities and one or more superior intelligences will prevail over our primate civilization. The bet that the Casinos are making is that the longer a person stays in the enclosure, even if they have had a winning streak, that is to say a series of 10 reds, then the more likely they are to experience a series of defeats, therefore losing all your money sooner or later. In other words, if a person has 1 6/49 lottery ticket, even if they only have a 1 in 7 million chance of winning, if they have an infinite amount of time to play then they will almost always end up winning, so 1 in 0.000001 or 1/7 million x 1 million years to play = 1, therefore a win. Same for a planetary alien location and invasion. 


1-Astronomical quantity of food so when an Extraterrestrial civilization arrives on a planet and meets another intelligent or non-intelligent civilization, it has a great advantage in eating these since they are in significant quantity representing tons and tons of food as much for adults, elders and especially their youth that they deploy on the planet to colonize it either with the help of layers or artificial uteruses.

2-Eating a civilization prevents in the long term that these populations possibly rebel against their conquerors, escape from the holding pens and cause problems of revolt or even neutralize the Extraterrestrial invasion of magnitude. 

3-Role of global cleaning and sanitization of the planet in order to make room for not only their offspring, but also the future occupants of human habitations. 

4-Eating surplus Extraterrestrial civilizations helps avoid problems of contamination by micro-organisms known as regional epidemics or larger epidemics, i.e. global pandemics that would be left by millions or even 8 billion human bodies eliminated too quickly by their supreme technology. 

5-Aliens will possibly not be very resistant to terrestrial microorganisms because they have never developed specific antibodies. Similar to the Native Americans or South Americans when they came into contact with Europeans from then on they caught all the most common diseases of Europe and often died (example of smallpox, rubella, pulmonary diseases, etc.).  

6-For Extraterrestrials who are not of our genetics, eating the entirety or almost of a civilization does not represent cannibalism in itself, so they will not hesitate to do it, because even in their civilization, cannibalism should not be well seen morally and ethically speaking.

7-Unlike probably a lot of types of Aliens who have rough, slimy, nauseating and unappetizing colored skins (greenish, brownish, blackish, etc.), humans will seem to have very tender and pink skin, with a taste of pig or sweaty primate under the effect of the fear of being devoured by Alien animals more intelligent than their meal of the day.  

8-The Extraterrestrials arriving from very far away, they are extremely hungry so like pirates or Vikings who arrived on a new site to plunder, they threw themselves frantically not only on the food and goods to be stolen, but also on the populations or the women were being raped. Even the Russians of the Red Army during the end of the Second World War, rushed frantically on the German women of Berlin to rape them in large numbers (2 million German women raped according to historical military statistics). 

9-The worst insult to a female or male in terms of reproduction is to be forced into sexual reproduction by rape or theft of sexual gametes. So when an Extraterrestrial creature shows up in a place, then the females who are afraid of being raped run away, because their sexual organ is vulnerable to being taken over by a stronger and more powerful being and they do not want to reproduce a baby that they did not want to have at first. However, the big Extraterrestrials will not hesitate to rape and mate our human females, put them into sexual slavery and forcibly fertilize them. The same goes for the human males who will have their semen stolen in order to impregnate the hideous Extraterrestrial females for their scientific experiment of human-extraterrestrial hybridization or other potential chimera.  

10-Extraterrestrials know that the greatest insult for an animal in nature is to be eaten by a larger animal than it and/or especially more intelligent. Consequently, as long as they are the least bit cruel (Nature being by default very cruel), it is not unlikely that they will take pleasure in humiliating and torturing us before eating us either in family, in banquets, in barbecues, in all-you-can-eat buffets and this, exactly as we do every day by eating the 1001 animals under our earthly submission. For example, the report ''Face of Death of 1978'', in an Asian restaurant, fellow humans take a malicious pleasure in torturing a small monkey and hitting it on the head with a small mallet, then open the skullcap and greedily eat the brain. In exactly the same way, the Aliens will probably practice exactly the same type of ritual before devouring a human being. For humans who eat monkeys, this is similar to cannibalism, because their DNA is identical to ours (same as the Sub-Saharans who eat monkeys every day in Africa).

11-Human enclosures will be used for Extraterrestrials (similar to real historical examples): 

1-Potential workers (free or cheap labor between merchants, companies and Extraterrestrial governments).

2-Biological resources for useful products (hair, skin, teeth, etc.).

3-Biological resources for biomedical scientific experiments (organs to be recovered, grafts, biopsies, samples on microscope slides, etc.).

4-Pantry food keeping them waiting and avoiding food rotting or infectious by overquantity in a short period of time. 

12- Recipe Book prepared in advance by Extraterrestrial cooks based on what planetary explorer scouts have previously found with biological information of culinary attractions (101 methods of human preparation for gastronomes). 

13-Declination in several products of commercial culinary interest: frozen dishes, minced meat, piece of meat, chops, brains, tongue in vinegar, human foie gras, black pudding, Christ's ear, etc. similar to all the regular dishes that we have been preparing with various land animals for ages. 

14-Extraterrestrials are fine gourmets, like us humans, they like to taste new foods, vegetables, fruits and various dishes from their planet of origin as well as the one they colonize one by one. So they will like to taste the new Extraterrestrial civilizations for them throughout their journey, including unfortunately Humanity which will be under their yoke. It will only be a new dish to be prepared by their greatest chefs (surely even better cooks, because 10 times more intelligent than us so they do not have 5-star restaurants, but rather 10 stars), in all forms of culinary preparations of the most succulent for them, their offspring and their guests.

15-Land animals are eaten with impunity by humans since they are not intelligent enough and with sufficiently developed speech apparatus to speak to us and answer us. Otherwise it is supposed that they would speak to us and ask us to spare them before eating them or raising them in large herds so we would feel more uncomfortable similarly to the Extraterrestrials who will hear our complaints and grievances of pity. 

16-Humanity has been at the top of the Earth's food scale for too long that it has forgotten the fact that at the level of the universe it is at the bottom of intelligent civilizations and therefore more than vulnerable to being devoured by any Extraterrestrial population with 2-3 times its minimum intelligence of 100 capped Qi points and declining from moderate to drastic in several regions of the world. The living species of which humanity compares to fish in a lake, there are some of different sizes and therefore more or less dangerous, however in relatively limited numbers. Humanity can compete somewhat with these other species of fish since it will be of moderate size capable of competing with other Extraterrestrial species (unless it is unlucky enough to live in the galaxy with the worst intelligent creatures of its galactic cluster in which case we will soon hear about it). By humanity (salmon), it can compete with a pike, however it will be difficult to save itself from a great white shark. Whereas when we talk about the Extraterrestrial species of the entire universe, little humanity (salmon) will not only be measured against small species of lakes and rivers, but indeed against all those of the Pacific Ocean such as whales, sperm whales, Megalodon Carcharias sharks, Archelon, Cryptoclide, Dokosaurus, etc. In the vast expanse of the ocean, salmon have very little chance of survival, because they are much too small and insufficiently gifted until they become large oceanic predators themselves through self-evolutionary mechanisms such as genetic optimization. For this reason, it is much too premature for humanity (salmon) to dare to venture into the ocean, because we would be devoured much too quickly. Only a cleverly boosted version like the Amadeus (giant salmon) or the Titaneus (titanic salmon) will be able to compete with a minimum chance of survival against the most powerful Extraterrestrial civilizations in the universe. 



In a large-scale alien invasion, the megafleet of spaceships eventually arrives at the target planet and installs them above the atmospheric space of the ionosphere. The armada of ships can be a few dozen, hundreds or thousands of frigates smaller in size and maneuverable to attack or transport millions of soldiers and drop them on the surface of the planet. Larger ships wait suspended in space to play the role of information center for controlling the troops on the ground and supervising the overall strategies of the Alien invasion. The bulk of the invasion and implantation troops of the civilization always remain in rear-position in space, safe from possible military responses from the civilization of the planet to be invaded. If the civilization is intellectually backward and therefore has few systems for detecting and preventing arrival in the star system, then the Extraterrestrial armada will be able to position itself directly above the planet and deploy all its military weapons systems, leaving very little chance for the targeted civilization to thwart the attacks with adequate and proportional means of defense in terms of effectiveness. If the civilization is moderately more powerful, then the Extraterrestrial civilization will stay even further away in space so as not to enter the stellar perimeter and risks being neutralized in the first phases of the exoplanetary invasion. If the civilization has been detected as being superior to theirs, and therefore potentially more powerful militarily and intellectually, then it will only bypass this star system from a great distance and rather operate in the best case a gradual and non-open closed invasion, as opposed to the type of visible confrontation in the open air. In the first or second situation, if the Extraterrestrial civilization is belligerent and too aggressive, or too intellectually superior which gives it little advantage to open intercivilizational talks and negotiations, then it will only deploy its exo-military systems on the civilization to be conquered. In the adverse case, the Extraterrestrial civilization will send either by remote message, on radio or television frequencies messages to humanity for example in order to communicate with it its peaceful intentions or not so that it becomes aware of the imminent invasion of its mother planet. Similar to the summit meetings already taking place in the Middle Ages between the kings and queens of the different medieval kingdoms, the leaders of countries and empires, and this even during the First or Second World War,voluntarily organized a meeting of talks in order to see if diplomatic agreements were possible before mobilizing all their weapons and troops on the battlefield. For example, in the Middle Ages if a King was able to beat another King at chess then the battle was avoided and the requests of one of the parties were accepted by the opposing kingdom in order to avoid any bloodshed and the unnecessary expenses that engendered the holding of a long interminable war, often emptying a good part of the state coffers (historical example of Napoleon Bonaparte who had certainly triumphed on several battlefields in Europe, but before spending all the money of his Republic of France which led to the first loans from the big banks to the states in order to finance their war efforts). Therefore, an Extraterrestrial diplomatic representative alone or with a group, will descend to Earth and ask to speak to the greatest leaders of the planet (for example the President of the United States or the United Nations Security Council in New York founded in 1945) with the objective of explaining the proposals of an extra-civilizational nature, either initially with peaceful diplomatic proposals (which can often be a decoy in order to give free rein to the civilization to descend on the planet, implant their genetic population and then simply gradually replace it after years of cohabitation without the human civilization for example reacting and using its air, land and sea forces as well as its high-power weapons such as supersonic missiles and atomic bombs risking to forever sully the desired planet with nuclear weapons). In the situation where human civilization, for example, does not accept collaboration and does not want Extraterrestrial populations to descend on Earth, if the intergalactic civilization that has come to us is really superior in weaponry and military tactics and is informed about all the smallest details of its material and intellectual superiority of several tens, even hundreds or millions of years ahead of us, automatically it will only propose an unconditional capitulation of the targeted civilization, without which the Extraterrestrial armadas will trigger their large-scale planetary invasion and destroy the maximum of infrastructures, not only military and civil, as well as attack the populations in addition to enslaving them and reducing them to slavery for immemorial future times. If the attempt at a generalized Extraterrestrial invasion does not work completely, because humanity, for example, responded with thermonuclear bombs,has successfully targeted some waiting ships within its ionospheric perimeter and/or has ended up completely polluting the planet through overuse of weapons or uncontrolled fires in nuclear power plants then the losing Extraterrestrial civilization will in a last resort of revenge unilaterally destroy the planet with its most destructive weapons systems being capable of blowing up an entire planet through high intensity laser technologies, meteorite devices directed towards the planet generating a global oceanic or terrestrial tsunami dusty clouds blocking solar radiation for decades or centuries condemning all forms of life, through antimatter bombs or other methods of Extraterrestrial annihilation that humanity has not yet discovered in our era. As interstellar travel mobilizes phenomenal resources in materials, investments in time and money while civilizations do not move from one solar system to another in order to be only passing through (similar to European navigators when they came to America, their royalty had to invest phenomenal resources to go and look for new territories, spices and precious metals that could pay for their initial expenses, they immediately installed their cross of territorial claim as soon as they set foot on land). Identical to the probabilistic level, Extraterrestrials traveling over great distances do not do it for nothing and do not like to waste their time unnecessarily, even if they have thousands or even thousands of archipelagos of exoplanets all over the universe. So they only lose with a very small margin of maneuver the planets they decided to invade specifically, so if they do not make a peaceful invasion then they make a forced invasion, if they lose militarily the sustained invasion (with losses of their material of 25 to 40%) then instead of losing face they blow up the planet as a last resort (if they are in the advantageous position of floating above the exoplanet and the civilization below is neither more nor less than at their mercy). From this constant, when a civilization several tens of thousands or millions of years ahead attacks a civilization that it considers inferior, these supreme technological means make it win or not lose face at more than about 9 chances out of 10. If they have to blow up a planet, then the Extraterrestrial civilization will make a call for ships on standby in the stellar environment either to immediately head towards the next habitable exoplanet to invade in the list listed by their staff,or grab a little of the satellite resources available around the destroyed habitable planet in order to build a new armada (solid materials from telluric planets like Mercury, Mars, meteorite belt and planetesimals like Pluto) and propel themselves even further into the galaxy, fill up with fuel with the gaseous planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus), recharge their thermonuclear battery (available star) while simultaneously implanting a network of massive reproduction by Extraterrestrial couple, laying hens and/or artificial uteruses ensuring the implantation of an additional colony with millions of their genetic unit in this visited stellar system.


In all probability, when 2 Extraterrestrial civilizations confront each other in open combat for the domination of a planet, they will initially send their largest army of giant Robots and Human colossi for example. This maneuver aims to monumentally crush the opposing forces by the most powerful, eradicating elements and in a position to really put out of play any opposing civilization in record time. The hundreds and thousands of giant Robots can be sent initially to the exoplanet in order to do the most initial damage without affecting the real biological beings belonging to the initial civilizational genetics. Once these titanic robot soldiers have mastered the military equipment, organizational nerve centers, armies of antagonistic robots and specific Extraterrestrial populations to the best of their control and destruction possibilities, then they can make way for their biological successors who are more fragile and vulnerable to extraterrestrial munitions and weapons. From then on, the Human giants for example can descend from space stations to the planetary atmospheric periphery and complete the work of the armies of giant Robots who do not necessarily have all the sufficient intellectual skills equaling the power of reflection, flexibility and adaptability of self-reflexive biological organisms and more aware of the reality of an exoplanetary battle and the objectives to be achieved and finalized. The battle of taking an exoplanet can be done simultaneously with the titanic Robots and Humans, except that they must be equipped with means of mutual recognition preventing them from using their weapons of mass destruction against each other. The giant humans Titaneus (between 500,000 and 1 million Qi points) and Alexandrius (250,000 Qi points) with extremely high intelligence scores compared to any other potential Extraterrestrial organisms x, y and z, will at this time be able to carry out a major planetary cleansing sweeping the field at any attempt to take over the planet by the Extraterrestrial civilization(s) in place. Once these civilizations are neutralized then talks can take place, because we know that the negotiation will only go in the preferential direction of Humanity otherwise we will always negotiate with one less square making us vulnerable to the slightest argumentative, military and demographic weakness. Once the battle or the clashes of the titans are over during the first phase of exoplanetary invasion, it is very difficult, even almost impossible for a civilization,to regain control over its planet since the pharaonic means of control of these giant beings cannot be thwarted unless powerful military weapons such as homing missiles, tanks, jet planes, atomic fission and thermonuclear fusion bombs, etc. However, these weapons of last resort retaliation by a civilization that has lost ground under the weight of the armies of giants, will also have to face these same military weapons equivalent to these said Extraterrestrial giants but without the present weight of the cyclopean entities on the ground who will still end up taking control and the advantage over the societies of planetary cities and megacities. It's hard to do better in terms of an Extraterrestrial battle between 2 civilizations of titans. For my part, by dint of studying and theorizing about interactions between civilizations, I now lean more towards the most probable encounters of the type of destructive battle (civilizational war by default with more than 50 to 75% chance) and not peace at first glance (civilizational pacifism by default with less than 25% chance of seeing maximum 40 to 50% in the best of situations). The approaches of the type "peace and love" style of the 1970s are very unlikely (example of the speech of the ufologist Richard Glenn), it would be illusory or even extremely naive, to believe that Extraterrestrial civilizations want to immediately exchange information, make peace and share their planet, network of planets or even galaxy with any civilization that comes from nowhere [Close encounter with a UFO of the 4th (RR4), 5th (RR5), 6th (RR6) and 7th type (RR7)]. Alliances between civilizations of the same intellectual and military power can, however, be formed with great difficulty in order to counter other overpowering individual civilizations and/or arrangements of large-scale stellar or galactic civilizations. Extraterrestrial encounters tend to end in a war of annihilation for the party that is best equipped technologically, has the most elaborate battle strategies, the most evolved genetics in intelligence and in the capacity for survival and biophysical adaptations, and the one that is the most relentless, tirelessly returning to the charge on planetary combat sites as well as with the most numerous reserve troops. The silent open invasion technique that can be used simultaneously with the noisy method, however, in another geographical region, is for certain flying invasion machines, robots or giant humans, to make practically no noise when they move, allowing them to have a surprise effect when they arrive near a target if they have not been detected beforehand.This always gives our machines or armies of silent humans 1 attack move ahead proportionally increasing their chance of success on Extraterrestrial military or civilian objectives (if possible in addition to thermal and material invisibility techniques by light absorption techniques of materials or other methods reducing the appearance of our human soldiers, robots and various machines). In open exoplanetary attacks, the other effective way to progress without constraint and with a greater chance of success and therefore of taking planets is the production of powerful sounds coming from the machines and giant robots when they advance on the ground, sounds so loud that they break the eardrums of the Extraterrestrials or the windows of the dwellings causing extensive material destruction as well as the paralysis of fear of living organisms immersed by the ambient inaudible sounds. The sounds of advancing machines, the earth rumbling beneath our feet (the effect of the roar of tanks in war), sounds that fill the air and demonstrate beyond any doubt that an alien civilization is advancing with confidence will terrorize the populations of the planets and take away as much as possible the motivation not only to simply go outside in order to confront the hordes of potentially dangerous machines, but also to risk their lives by brazenly getting in their way. These are the types of Extraterrestrials that await humanity of the future in millions and billions of creatures in the exoplanetary jungles. This is why some planets will have to be mastered from the air at first and then massively plowed in order to neutralize all these hordes of Extraterrestrial monstrosities (flying octopuses with destructive brainwave powers, dinosaurs running with military machine gun equipment on their backs, giant intelligent armed insects). The Amadeus humans presented in blue armor will still have enormous difficulty advancing on these exotic planets despite their military equipment and their 1000 to 10,000 Qi points.sounds so loud that they shatter the eardrums of the Extraterrestrials or the windows of the dwellings causing widespread material destruction as well as the paralysis of fear of living organisms immersed by the ambient inaudible sounds. Noises of machines advancing, the earth rumbling under our feet (effect of the roar of tanks in war), sounds that fill the air and demonstrate beyond any doubt that an alien civilization is advancing with confidence will terrorize the populations of the planets and take away from them as much as possible the motivation not only to simply go outside in order to confront the hordes of potentially dangerous machines, but also to risk their lives by brazenly getting in their way. These are the types of Extraterrestrials who await by millions and billions of creatures the humanity of the future in the exoplanetary jungles. This is why some planets will have to be mastered from the air at first and then plowed massively in order to neutralize all these hordes of Extraterrestrial monstrosities (flying octopuses with destructive brainwave powers, dinosaurs running with military machine gun equipment on their backs, giant intelligent armed insects). The Amadeus humans presented in blue armor will still have a lot of difficulty advancing on these exotic planets despite their military equipment and their 1000 to 10,000 Qi points.sounds so loud that they shatter the eardrums of the Extraterrestrials or the windows of the dwellings causing widespread material destruction as well as the paralysis of fear of living organisms immersed by the ambient inaudible sounds. Noises of machines advancing, the earth rumbling under our feet (effect of the roar of tanks in war), sounds that fill the air and demonstrate beyond any doubt that an alien civilization is advancing with confidence will terrorize the populations of the planets and take away from them as much as possible the motivation not only to simply go outside in order to confront the hordes of potentially dangerous machines, but also to risk their lives by brazenly getting in their way. These are the types of Extraterrestrials who await by millions and billions of creatures the humanity of the future in the exoplanetary jungles. This is why some planets will have to be mastered from the air at first and then plowed massively in order to neutralize all these hordes of Extraterrestrial monstrosities (flying octopuses with destructive brainwave powers, dinosaurs running with military machine gun equipment on their backs, giant intelligent armed insects). The Amadeus humans presented in blue armor will still have a lot of difficulty advancing on these exotic planets despite their military equipment and their 1000 to 10,000 Qi points.

Source (Warhammer):

Source UFO Encounter:

INTELLIGENT CIVILIZATION LEVEL (typical civilization traps in the universe) 

In the construction of planetary and galactic Civilizations, in my opinion Civilizational Trap Number 1, is exactly the one we have fallen into (Humanity with a low average IQ of 100 points), that is to say; Consume and waste in a frenzied manner almost all of the Non-Renewable Natural Resources in just a few centuries as long as the industrialization and mechanization of our machines are sufficient (coal, oil, various minerals, forest, animal, plant resources, etc. The fact of having extracted all the millions of liters of oil and tons of coal buried under the earth in just a few hundred years and having vaporized them in the air will drastically increase the temperature of our thin layer of atmosphere (thickness of only 30 km in height) thus the global terrestrial cycles will be modified quickly and will rebalance chemically and physically automatically despite the presence or not of humans on the surface of the Earth. The vast majority of planetary civilizations must fall into this shameful trap of bad forecasts and management of resources linked essentially to their probably emerging intelligence therefore quite weak not allowing calculations and geological predictions sufficiently distant. Civilizational Trap Number 2, must be self-destruction by Atomic Weaponry once a civilization has reached its minimum level of understanding of the chain reaction  of radioactive isotopes and the possibility of making high-power bombs of annihilation then it generates thousands or even millions of its weapons, does not equip itself with sufficient protection and attack neutralization systems therefore runs the possibility of using its atomic arsenal against itself, thereby making its planet uninhabitable instead of using its stock of weapons to confront a possible extraterrestrial civilization invading its stellar and planetary perimeter. Civilizational Trap Number 3; Planetary Genomic Reindigenization, that is, spreading the most primitive genetics of a civilization and sending them to all other more evolved populations, but being fertile with the oldest and most backward, will automatically decrease the genetic quality of a civilization, dilute it and make it return to previous states of its biological evolution millions of years ago. For example, Europeans and Arabs I would say, but especially European populations are responsible for having disseminated the genetics of sub-Saharan African proto-humanity (and/or the genetics of the Australian Aborigines Haplogroup C) across the planet (because they themselves would probably have had little intellectual means to invade the planet) as much in the entirety of North and South America, Europe and other colonial empires under the pretext of quickly obtaining obedient and cheap labor. The same in our time where governments do exactly the same process of choosing the easy way by going to look for African immigrants and dumping the population on their best territories of ancestral indigenous appearances. Homoeconomicus and the adulation of money seem to me crucial and a pivotal point in all the problems linked to the rapid planetary self-destruction of resources and those of population genetics.

1-No Anti-Meteorites system (Mars asteroid belt).

2-Ocean pollution & mass extinction of marine species of 50-75% and + or stopping of major ocean currents (Golf Stream).

3-No Anti-Atomic Holocaust Mechanisms or Widespread Nuclear Power Plant Fires on Earth.

4-No global atmospheric & oceanic temperature adjustment systems (Global Winter or Warming and Desertification).

5-No expansion program in the "space of its planetary and solar system.

6-No stellar Alien Anti-Invasion Weapon System from Pluto.

7-Extreme privatization of natural and human resources by financial, state or government monopolies (1% of the richest families own 90% of the resource.

8-Permanent pollution of arable land by chemical or nuclear agents leading to subsequent global famines.

9-No Protection system against armies of Robots (Terminator) and Artificial Intelligence (Skynet) which can harm the biological civilization having manufactured them by mechanization and quantum computers.

10-No system for saving the civilization's genetic data on a temporal genetic photo (DNA backup) that can be placed anywhere on Earth, the Moon or the planet Mars in case a planetary accident endangers our genetic reserves of origin.


Unless one has exceptional brain quality in intelligence scoring, the gray and beige Alien faces should not quite match the intellectual capabilities of the Alien to the left of the Amadeus. The upper bone portion (Neuro Skull) is quite the best advantaged in roundness and height (about 3 floors) with a very small face in the anterior region (Viscero Skull) which does not take much bone weight and optimizes the ball of the skull where the brain is located (equivalent to the Crystal Ball of the living terrestrial or extraterrestrial organism). However, our human version Amadeus (normal human with a bone weight ratio of 1 in 5 or 6 of the Viscero Skull compared to the Neuro Skull) would possibly be larger and more intelligent than the green Extraterrestrial (Andromedia excellent proportionality with a bone weight ratio of 1 in 10 or 12 of the Viscero Skull compared to the Neuro Skull). A very high Exocraniological probability in my opinion, can be summarized as follows, is that if we had 1 million Extraterrestrial species parading in front of us for a parade or an inter-civilizational physiometric evaluation, we would find in the vast majority of profiles that their heads are always abnormally large compared to the rest of their body, whether they are small or large, with 2 legs, 4 legs or 18 legs. This observation is explained by the fact that each civilization always wants to maximize their intelligence according to their specific physiognomy by installing the largest possible engine at the top of their organism (for example a small gray with a big head or a large one with a big head). The intelligent civilizations of the universe will on average make their skulls grow as much as possible through selective mating or successive genetic manipulations in order to increase with more luck their individual average potential intelligence and then its civilizational result. The chances are that at first civilizations only optimize their cranial volume with minimally invasive methods and then once they have reached the desired theoretical ratios, later generations often end up also wanting to increase the last adjustments by directly modifying the biological quality of the brain, which makes the specific extraterrestrial animal become at the maximum of these average intellectual capacities according to its genetics. In other words,the skeletal models of intelligent civilizations (the size and shape of the brain being shaped by the shape of the bony skull) have been aiming over millions of years to become more and more efficient through their intelligence, which can be accentuated in every possible way, so they will not be content to remain capped at a specific state of their evolution, but want to accelerate their evolution overall and especially not to involute. This phenomenon can be given the representative name of the evolutionary dilemma of wanting to follow the exponential of intelligence (being only a result obtained by a gradual addition of the ability to better define, explain and synthesize information), meaning that having realized that the increase in intelligence has no real physical limits (reflexive engines of computers) or biological limits (reflexive engines of living beings), the desire to escalate this exponential as best as possible ends up becoming essential for any intelligent civilization that is the least bit evolutionary. A similar phenomenon, not intellectual, but physical, is that people practicing bodybuilding want on average to always be stronger and lift more weight, to the limits of what their body can provide, they will even go so far as to boost their muscular capacity by taking anabolic steroids similar to what chess champions would do with vitamins temporarily increasing their intellectual performance. Lance Armstrong took a doping substance EPO (erythropoietin), falsely improving his production of red blood cells then carrying a large quantity of oxygen promoting the aeration of his lungs during the Tours de France from 1999 to 2005 (world champion for 7 years), and this even if he already had very high level physical and sporting capacities he wanted to increase his performances. Genetic modifications being the apogee of these maximizations of genetics always proportional to the limited possibilities of power of the initial founding extraterrestrial genomes.A similar phenomenon, not intellectual, but physical, is that people practicing bodybuilding want on average to always be stronger and lift more weight, to the limits of what their body can provide, they will even go so far as to boost their muscular capacity by taking anabolic steroids similar to what chess champions would do with vitamins temporarily increasing their intellectual performance. Lance Armstrong took a doping substance EPO (erythropoietin), falsely improving his production of red blood cells then carrying a large quantity of oxygen promoting the aeration of his lungs during the Tours de France from 1999 to 2005 (world champion for 7 years), and this even if he already had very high level physical and sporting capacities he wanted to increase his performances. Genetic modifications being the apogee of these maximizations of genetics always proportional to the limited possibilities of power of the initial founding extraterrestrial genomes.A similar phenomenon, not intellectual, but physical, is that people practicing bodybuilding want on average to always be stronger and lift more weight, to the limits of what their body can provide, they will even go so far as to boost their muscular capacity by taking anabolic steroids similar to what chess champions would do with vitamins temporarily increasing their intellectual performance. Lance Armstrong took a doping substance EPO (erythropoietin), falsely improving his production of red blood cells then carrying a large quantity of oxygen promoting the aeration of his lungs during the Tours de France from 1999 to 2005 (world champion for 7 years), and this even if he already had very high level physical and sporting capacities he wanted to increase his performances. Genetic modifications being the apogee of these maximizations of genetics always proportional to the limited possibilities of power of the initial founding extraterrestrial genomes.

The 6 Alien masks I took for my photo are the ones I use for my science fiction movies. Obviously, I could have dozens of them just to study them more specifically since they indirectly reveal to us the biological constants of the evolution of creatures in the universe. To be more faithful to the exomorphological reality of the universe, imagine a wall of millions of Alien faces looking at you, the little human being in the middle, with some smaller heads in front and giant heads in the back representing the most dangerous species in the galaxies. This universal vision must be terrifying, because even with only a few masks and the human skulls in front I almost had the impression that they were staring at me while taking the photograph of their portrait. The real Extraterrestrials detect our planets far away (we have already detected about 4538 exoplanets inside no less than 3369 planetary systems), they stare at you because they do not have the same genetics as you, they despise you given your lower intelligence (even if they are uglier than us, have slimy skin and tentacles in their face, their intelligence 10, 20, 75 to 100 times higher than ours will necessarily make them more contemptuous towards galactic species with low Qi so if they have genetic characteristics that they want they will only take them from our planetary DNA and appropriate them and add them to their extraterrestrial genome since they have been doing genetic optimization for so long that adding a tiny gene sequence or not hardly impresses them when Humanity is rather in a phase of genetic regression, of decline in Qi and at stage -1 or we we still ask if it is appropriate and moral to want to genetically improve our civilization or not) and especially want your mother planet and the precious genetic information of your natural terrestrial biological species that they do not have on their specific planet. This is why with all these exo-dangers from elsewhere demonstrate that naturalistic probabilistic models already strongly indicate to us the relevance that sooner or later we will not have the choice to create the optimized humans of the future of the Prometheus and Amadeus type who will be our only guarantees of protection against the possibilities of planetary invasion of millions of Extraterrestrial species of the great universe. Today's humanity with its 100 average Qi points, has about 2 to 3 chances out of 10 maximum of beating the majority of average Extraterrestrial species much more intelligent and dangerous than us,already the fact that they would get this far would prove to us by default their high level of technological and therefore intellectual development (humanity with its small 100 average points of Qi has been incapable of building a simple small space station on the Moon or Mars in 70-80 years since the beginning of space exploration).


In all probability, when an extraterrestrial civilization arrives on Earth (this is a scenario opposed to a "happy invasion" (approximately + 75% chance) as on Earth those who naively believed in a "happy globalization" (approximately - 25% chance), because on the scale of space and the struggles for planets and their resources no gift is allowed or very rarely offered, collaborations are made at the level of civilizations of equal intelligence and equal space military power and still they must be supervised by federations and treaties of galactic and universal order. Humanity is so stupid and unintelligent (for years I have been saying that we must increase our average intelligence to compensate in the least for any extraterrestrial invasion. That even if a civilization approached our solar system then we would have no way of preventing them from first crossing the Oort cloud and coming to position themselves above our planet ready to to be invaded, secondly even if the Aliens start to colonize our planets and satellites of the solar system then we would have no machines and weapons to stop them and destroy them remotely so we would watch them do it like poor imbeciles of primates too stupid to have increased their intelligence and weapon capacity during the previous centuries and millennia.

PLAN FOR ALIEN INVASION ON EARTH (series of probable steps)

0-Extraterrestrials have a high probability of sorting the human population by type of person (age, gender, ethnicity, health status and other physiological characteristics, etc.). 

1- It will operate an ethnic cleansing of everything that is still too close to the monkey, it will exterminate them as much with weapons of mass destruction, robots and biological weapons. All humans evaluated with an IQ below 100 points will be exterminated on the spot (they will function with the average IQ of a species) and will therefore not need the vestiges of Humanity-Monkey, because they can already go and draw on the genetic baggage of primates in nature. 

2-It will destroy all churches and temples dedicated to false deities of the invisible as well as the books associated with these sects which will not interest higher intelligences at all unless they have certain Gods, however our primate prophets will not interest them much with their low average intelligence. All those who will grumble and cling to their ancient belief will be eliminated on the spot without trial or interned in camps although they will not have much time and resources to devote to them so elimination is more likely. 

3-The Extraterrestrials will perhaps keep some human specimens for their biological and medical experiments, but these will have to possess characteristics that are highly interesting to them and their study of life in the universe. 

4-An extraterrestrial civilization will steal any relevant genetic information that can help it in its science, both medical and eugenic, so it will analyze the genomic information of plants, trees, bacteria, viruses, animals, etc. in order to add this information to their great encyclopedia of botany and intergalactic taxonomy. 

5-The most intelligent humans will be kept either in captivity for their study or made slaves of the Extraterrestrials, because only they will have the capacity to understand their superior intelligence. 

6-The Extraterrestrials will seize all our scientific knowledge, both that presented in books (automatic reading machines) and on computer media, which will be directly sent to their mother ship and then remotely to their civilization on their mother and daughter planet. 

7-The machines and inventions that we have built since Antiquity or even more will be photographed and copied and therefore also sent to their mother civilization and subsequently optimized as desired according to their IQ dozens of times higher than the IQ of human primates. 

8-The Extraterrestrials will probably crush and devour part of Humanity (make a paste with the unwanted humans eliminated in the first phases of invasion) with the objective of feeding their offspring who will have to colonize our planet by the millions and billions, because the adults themselves will reserve the quality terrestrial food (fruits, vegetables, quality animal and human meats). 

9-Any culture considered by the Extraterrestrials as too primitive will be destroyed and/or banned (rap, tam-tam, traditional music, degenerate art without real informational value) while some of the most advanced elements of human culture will perhaps be preserved (classical music, jazz, advanced techno) in order to improve their own or, at best, to amuse their children or their under-gifted adults. 

10-Planet Earth will become a more distant foothold in the galaxy from their original mother planet, thus they will use it as a stabilized base for reproduction of their offspring and more generally for civilizational propulsion towards the next planetary destination. 

11-Once Humanity is easily defeated (an average civilizational IQ of 100 points is very easy to destabilize and annihilate in a few weeks by a superior intelligence) the Earth will be transformed into an interconnected planetary hypermegapolis at the height of their given intellectual power. 

12-Once the Earth is controlled, the solar system will be gradually colonized and demographically implanted by their civilization. 

13-Materials from both terrestrial and gaseous planets will be partially or totally extracted with the aim of fueling their gas or rock-consuming machines in the future construction of their spacecraft and other important technologies. 

14-Huge ships will be manufactured on Earth, on the planets and satellites of the solar system and then sent into their atmosphere in preparation for the next invasion, the implantation of their terrestrial and galactic defense system as well as the mission of returning to their planet of origin with the best specimens, composite materials, inventions and DNA found there. 

15-The terrestrial planets or rocky satellites will all be terraformed according to their need for demographic implantation, large-scale biological experiments, implantation of weapons systems installed to protect themselves from other extraterrestrial species coming from the galaxy or from deep space (other than Humanity, because the latter will already have been reduced to slavery for several centuries and will be only a distant memory and a highly minimal risk of planetary rebellion) or the need for their mining.



Tiberius is the first little pharaonic baby of King Amadeus the father and Queen Cleopatra the mother. At the age of 3, he will already be about 5 feet tall. Like his father, he will be about 10 to 12 feet tall when he reaches adulthood and will become as powerful in strength, agility and intelligence. For now, he is only the size of a normal human, but in about ten years he will easily surpass any human of our time especially in intelligence, because he has been optimized exactly for that. His growth is about 3 times faster than the speed at which a modern child grows, by giving him Calcium supplements he will be able to grow even faster. Tiberius, is the prodigal son, the son of all sons and the prince of all princes that all human parents would dream of having in their hands and to make their family lineage and descendants flourish, because his physiological and intellectual capacities will be phenomenal and unbeatable even by the majority of extraterrestrial species that the universe can shelter. His mother gave birth to him with ease, since her wider pelvis is capable of generating many more babies than a normal woman of the old naturalized generation (5 to 12 babies per litter and +). Already at the age of 3 to 5, Tiberius will have an IQ of at least 100 to 300 points, which is more than any gifted child of our time. The Tiberius fetus is the best offspring that humanity has created since the dawn of time, because it is the child concentrating the best civilizational genes that we have acquired hard for millions of years in the natural state since the chimpanzee. The supreme child Tiberius is the sum of all our knowledge and our precious genetic potentials the most powerful, accomplished and promising during the next millions or even billions of years. The little baby Tiberius will be the ideal interstellar invasion unit and is the sign of the advent of our human domination throughout the galaxy and then in the entire universe with its optimized intelligence ranging from a minimum of 500, 1000 to 10,000 IQ points making it invincible for more than 50 to 75% of extraterrestrial species. Its overall danger will be so extreme that a very limited number of extraterrestrial civilizations will therefore dare to confront this new optimized human genetic line of the Amadeus dynasty since our giant representatives would very well risk annihilating forever their fleet of proximity vessels, but also finding and pulverizing at the source their mother planet. From this fear and fears proven in our too great intellectual superiority of the high Tiberian genetic quality,These civilizations will greatly prefer to bypass the human zone of influence of the solar system and will instead continue their route further into the firmament in search of new planets and stars to conquer. When an extraterrestrial or human civilization, for example, intends to take a planet or a solar system, it will probably study from a very great distance not only the planetary atmospheric conditions where it will arrive in order to compensate for the environmental systems on site according to its technologies and its specific biology, but also in relation to the biological species on site from which it will have to protect itself (bacteria, viruses, fungi or other space pathogens), manage or confront militarily in the worst case. If an intelligent civilization detects extraterrestrial species supposedly more intelligent than it, then it is highly likely that it will not dare to confront these civilizations directly and will prefer to avoid them for fear that they will decimate it once it reaches its planetary proximity environment. Unless we send scouts there on the sly who will go and gather information on it in order to come back later and increase its percentage of success in defeating this civilization (with robotic or biological weapons perfectly adapted to this civilization to destroy it precisely and keep intact the other living organisms and other planetary infrastructures intact) and/or at the limit install systems that will gradually self-destruct from within this said civilization (eg observations or testimony of encounters with UFOs being of this ilk). From there, the advantage of being a super galactic civilization of high intellectual and military power, ensuring at the same time our full developmental hegemony at a distance beyond our mother planet (already ensuring us a concentric circle of protection that can limit extraterrestrial invasions by successive layers of defense) and then discouraging other important civilizations from coming to attack us and our planet at the first opportunity. In terms of probabilities, perhaps a civilization detecting remotely or validating on-site on a planetary level the capabilities of a given civilization to invade will decide whether or not to set foot there if the latter has only 1 to 3 or maximum 5 times its potential intellectual and military power and abstain in the case where it has 5 to 10 times, or even 20 times its response capacity in the event of a civilizational confrontation or a war of mutual annihilation is conceivable in the short term. More precisely,Humanity with its average 100-point IQ (probably very low on the scale of civilizational intelligence and constantly decreasing in the West with the phenomena of population replacement by the third world, the crossbreeding of whites, the daily irradiation of people and therefore of their brains with ambient microwaves, atmospheric and food pollution, etc.) would very well risk being beaten and therefore possibly easily annihilated by the vast majority of extraterrestrial civilizations with average IQs of at least 300 points, 500 points, 1000 to 10,000 points and perhaps even 50,000 to 100,000 points and in the most extreme cases with 1 million points (- 0.1% to -0.001% surely and even less likely). Because the most intelligent of them have already been genetically modified for generations and generations and have therefore reached levels of phenomenal danger for thousands or even millions of years and will make short work of human primates optimized by time for 7 million years and therefore with only 1.3% of current genetic difference with their ancestors the chimpanzees for the populations that left the initial laboratory continent 80,000 years ago and 1.0% for the populations that have remained in place in Africa since that time.



I found the ultimate space colonization plan requiring at least 150-200 or even 300 Qi points because it is a universal plan of extraterrestrial civilization level guaranteeing by default sooner or later a gradual, global and certain control of the observable universe.


An extraterrestrial or human civilization must locate thousands, even millions or billions of exoplanets with its telescopes and infrared and ultraviolet filters as well as quantum radars. As a result, a civilization that has located millions and billions of targets, as much in its own galaxy, its galactic cluster or elsewhere in the universe, will be able to know exactly which destination it must preselect before sending its seeding missions. A network of implantation of the north-southeast and west stars must be established step by step, which will guarantee a gradual, proportional and equal spread and space colonization - in almost all directions - as the humanization of the universe spreads in all directions. For example, Humanity has already listed more than 4,500 exoplanets in just 25 years, some of which are possibly habitable, and our fleet of implantation shuttles can already be gradually set up to carry out pilot missions in our own solar system and analyze the successes and failures observed directly on the ground.


Once the tracking is complete, Humanity will be able to send automated missions heading towards the targeted stars, satellites and planets. Since travel between stars in the same galaxy or between galaxies and even worse between galactic clusters can take thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years, then there is practically no point in sending living travelers who will have to follow one another for generations and generations before reaching their destination, because they are very likely to never survive until  the planetary target. Therefore, it is much wiser, more likely and profitable to send 100% automated missions and only reproduce humans by artificial uterus a few decades or hundreds of years before arriving at the destination in order to prepare for the planetary landing. Computers will prepare embryos for gestation, human children will be born and raised and educated by nurse robots and then they will be able to supervise the advance towards the solar system, the reproduction of the thousands of additional humans needed for the invasion as well as the maintenance of the ship while waiting to enter the stellar perimeter. It is necessary to de-lesbianize European women and de-transgender the youth victims of the LGBT Sexual Sect and the immoral billionaire industry of Pornography, because our reproduction rates will be extremely low in the West within a few generations. And we will not be able to send these ideologically and physically sterilized humans to the colonies of the solar system (family model doomed to intergenerational sterility in space).  The mission must never depend entirely on living people, because if a problem x, y and z occurs along the way then the mission will fall directly into the water and the human embryos will never be able to be fertilized and activated in time for the invasion, this system must be entirely independent of any subsequent maneuvers. GMO egg-laying females can also be created in the laboratory on Earth and installed on board the ships in order to unfreeze them from hibernation or activate and have them born  a few decades or hundreds of years before arriving at the target planet of implantation. In this avenue, human egg-laying females will be able to give birth  to thousands, millions or even billions of human eggs in a biologically more natural way than by artificial reproduction in computer-assisted births. However, since these females do not exist in the natural state in humanity, they will be ethically a little more controversial as a new futuristic genetic manipulation of natalist procreation.


Upon arrival of the ship(s) (in the form of a suppository capable of landing and implanting itself directly in the soil of the target planet), then the automated systems for analyzing the soil, air and intelligent or non-intelligent species will start and allow a first phase of evaluative contact of the planet. Once all the vital and relevant information has been listed, then the automated systems for terraforming, computer reproduction of humans (males and females), biological layers, specific biological weapons for each threatening or higher intelligence species, robots coming out of the capsule and going to colonize the planet for humans, cleaning, classifying or eliminating unwanted species will be able to be triggered automatically without any manual help being necessary after thousands or even millions of potential years of travel. The robot army will automatically evaluate by external spectrum or cell sampling, the species representing a probable danger for the definitive implantation of Humanity on this particular satellite or planet. The ordered and computerized evaluation of biological species must be done by an approximation of their size, their number of teeth, legs (crawling, bipedal, tripodal, quadrupedal, tentacles, etc.), their speed of movement, their potential IQ, etc. Humans do not have to directly confront alien creatures less or more intelligent than them in normal times, the almost complete planetary cleaning must have already been carried out in the years and decades before their exit from the first implantation ship. The more dangerous and intelligent the alien species on site are, the more the biological, biochemical and nanorobot weapon system must be used over a long period of time. So in order to guarantee our maximum civilizational security, the cleaning robots must also do their work over a considerable space and time so that human civilization does not have to be limited by their residual presence in their nesting and colonization area. The remaining problematic creatures (intelligent or not) upon humanity's final exit from the primary implantation mothership must be very limited in number, as they would risk compromising the survival of our civilization on the new planetary soils of colonization. The residual species may be observed,analyzed and cataloged anyway for our civilizational scientific information and then sent if possible in encrypted information to our planet of origin or some other intermediate destinations in order to avoid the detection of waves by other dangerous extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy or the universe which subsequently risk locating our plants of implantation and even worse our mother planet Earth (system similar to the Internet browser IP changer and impossibility of identifying the emitting source).

ANSWER TO THE FERMI PARADOX (reason for the unobservance of extraterrestrial civilizations in space) 

I have developed a response to the Fermi Paradox, consisting of saying that we do not see extraterrestrial civilizations simply because our telescopes, detectors, cameras or radars are insufficiently efficient for the moment, which tends to be less and less true with time and new equipment such as Chinese Quantum Radars and the European Giant Telescope which can more finely detect chemical or biological elements suspended in the atmospheres of the observed Exoplanets. Then, it is very likely that the Extraterrestrials simply do not want to be spotted by other potentially more intelligent and especially extremely dangerous extraterrestrial civilizations thanks to the superiority of their technological inventions, weapons of mass destruction and/or planetary invasion. From this situation, they do everything possible to never be seen or detected remotely when they walk in their own solar systems or from one star to another, because it would put the very survival of their mother planet at stake. If another civilization finds them, they can at least militarily destroy their planets and satellites and/or enslave them, devour them, exterminate them and recycle them or in the best case, from what I estimate to be less than 5 to 10% probability, collaborate minimally with them and exchange knowledge except that if the difference in intelligence is too high (for example, a human with an average IQ of 100 points vs. an alien IQ of 10,000 points), they risk having nothing to do with our scientific theories and our genetics, so the probability is rather the almost complete annihilation of civilization. I estimate that at more than 50 to 75%, when a civilization moves to a new star and a planet to visit, the resources required are so important (similar to the huge and risky costs and investments that the conquest of America generated for the European Merchants and Governments of the time) that they do not just visit temporarily for pleasure (unless they have a lot of resources scattered all over the galaxy, which is very unlikely in general) so when they arrive on a planet then it is to settle there for a minimum of a few years or forever as long as the main star nearby has fuel to power the planets and satellites all around until the next move to other viable stars in the galactic environment. In conclusion, given the low intelligence of human beings with an average of 100 IQ points (IQ almost equal to that of dolphins, because they are marine mammals close to us) the probability of being replaced from our planet is close to 90%,because since our intelligence will be much too weak and easily beatable by small alien IQs of only 2-3 times brighter than us, that is to say 200-300 average points, which is very likely to find this level of intelligence on 1 million potential species only in our galaxy the Milky Way (estimate according to the Drake equation). And this, similar to the phenomenon of mass immigration from the third world having claims to replacement automatically that the civilization becomes equal or more numerous than the ethnic group of origin.


(Phenotypes, Genotypes & Behaviors)

A more than universal question in astrobiology, what do Extraterrestrials look like? Nothing easier to answer. Extraterrestrials simply look like the millions of dinosaurs that have already been on Earth in past eras, except that they possibly have bigger heads and larger brains, that's all. Life being probabilistic by nature, it tries over millions of years of evolution practically all the possibilities of living beings. The ultimate test bench is not that of the principle of life in general, but of survival, so the physiognomic innovations and new plant or animal attributes that will emerge naturally will pass the hard test of hundreds, thousands and millions of years and the most advantageous biological avenues will persist over time (for example with dermal protection avoiding too much damage from bites, large eyes provide a view at a distance and a finer resolution, efficient ears allow to hear potentially dangerous animals arriving from afar, the sense of perception of electricity helps sharks to detect other fish hidden in the sand, the pinnacle being the acquisition of intelligence which is a luxury of room for maneuver of reflection, etc., etc.) while the less profitable attributes will slowly disappear like the fact of having an odd number of legs is more rarely found in nature therefore few tripod animals. As a result, we have already had billions of kinds and species on Earth and on other planets and/or in the universe, it is exactly the same phenomenon with a few variables. Creatures with shells, scales, smoother skin, rough and grainy skin, feathers, etc. With all the variants of the 7 colors that we have identified in the rainbow spectrum, plus the colors of infrared and ultraviolet as well as some rarer arrangements, however overall they have the same hues everywhere in the universe, because they are subject to the same physicalist laws as we are and are composed of the same 118 chemical elements of the periodic table. They cannot do more than the periodic table, unless they invent new chemical elements and/or biological molecules in the laboratory, they also do not have the ability to change the fundamental physical laws of nature valid everywhere in our specific universe, and this, even if the initial astronomical laws can be slightly shifted in other universes of the multiverse according to what has been demonstrated by predictive computer tests on models of potential universes modeled by computer. Already the planet Earth, has given us many plants, animals and dinosaurs to analyze,These are probably highly frequent and reliable biological models, therefore revealing to prepare us for what Extraterrestrials from other stars will look like since there will not be much major anatomical difference. According to natural probabilistic models, unlike historical terrestrial dinosaurs, Extraterrestrials must be more frequently on 2 legs instead of 4, 6 or 8 legs and more, because being bipedal clears the head from the ground (allows better vision in the distance and will therefore help the formation of large eyes over millions of years, but reduces olfactory faculties, because animals statistically sniff the ground less), proportionally removes the weight of the additional legs which by default reduces the encephalization coefficient factor (body weight vs. brain weight), clears the arms better for the development of hands allowing the gripping and manipulation of objects (tools, inventions, etc.), because we know that in humans for example, the space occupied by brain areas rich in neurons linked to the functioning of the hands is very important much more than the feet. The most likely Extraterrestrial hands have first 2 fingers, 3 fingers, 4 fingers and more up to a certain number not too high, because ending up harming the grip and the fine control of objects. In the case of hands, the odd numbers of fingers must be favorable because they allow to have a finger opposite to all the others favoring the more solid and stable grip of objects. The addition of additional arms is more likely than the uselessly supernumerary legs (for example an animal with 4, 6 to 8 arms or tentacles will be able to manipulate many more objects at a time, however its total weight will not have really increased significantly as well as its encephalization coefficient will remain substantially unchanged). At the probabilistic level of the frequency of appearance of extra appendages for locomotion of the legs or grasping of the arms, at the very beginning multiple legs are more likely, because they stabilize living organisms on the ground (example of the polar bear which distributes its weight better thanks to its 4 legs on the ice floe than a human with 2 legs who is more likely to break the ice, his weight being concentrated only in one place), allow them to run better, catch their usual prey or escape from their predator. The appearance of several arms or tentacles must be rarer because they help less with primary locomotion, and as the brain is less developed at the beginning it is not so specialized and dedicated to the handling of objects that we find in the environment (these additional grasping appendages must appear later and especially by genetic modifications).Obviously the examples of Extraterrestrial dinosaurs necessarily have larger heads than the ancient terrestrial dinosaurs or simply with less cranial bone structure notwithstanding a greater weight of the brain. To imagine Extraterrestrials from all over the universe, it is enough only to take a book of animal biology and write below the name Extraterrestrial and you will already have a probable species present in a distant galaxy. An alligator of 5-6 meters with a brain the size of a Football or better Basketball would be more well-off and we would be much more vulnerable in front of such a gifted extraterrestrial alligator armed to the teeth and it is the case to say it. If the meteorite had not fallen 65 million years ago then surely one of the species of dinosaur would have become intelligent first and would surely have ended up dominating all the other dinosaurs and mammals still below in the tunnels of the earth under our ancestor rat and primate the Purgatoris. I love to compare our human smallness compared to the animals of Nature with a capital N (usefulness of putting ourselves back in our true place in the great kingdom of life). Yes, on Earth we are the primate with the most brain capacity (intellectual and civilizational supremacy) except that compared to the creatures of the galaxy and even worse of the universe we are strictly nothing. Rather small primates certainly pretty compared to these beings of scales and shells, but highly harmless in terms of the physiological attributes shared by these gargantuan beings. Dinosaurs seem to be a beginner's subject except that by seeing that they are also good models having already existed and that they predict a large number of Extraterrestrial species it becomes more relevant to study them. The Extraterrestrials generally presented in the literature, with an average size, have too small a head to be in the most dangerous species in the universe according to the result of my research in exobiology. So in terms of exocraniometry studies the head is never big enough since it can always be increased on the supporting base of the body of living organisms always wanting to acquire more intelligence so the head enlargement factor is an easy method to gain rapid cognitive power. Ultimately, the Extraterrestrial species with small heads (maximum size of a football or basketball) are not the most dangerous ones that will eat us in the coming centuries, they are bigger, more intelligent and dangerous than those, the small grays for example, except that from the big grays there will be more danger of problematic confrontations.



1-Presentation of the principle of the invention

The gravitational ball perpetual motor is a continuously operating system that raises the ball hitting the electricity-producing funnel. It can operate alone without the input of external forces or engineers who have to substantially modify the installation on a daily basis. Only regular maintenance of the launch ramps, the proper directionality of the trajectory of the projectiles, the assessment of the roundness of the spheres used and their quality over the time of use as well as the proper functioning of the electrical cells and the proper accumulation of electricity in the underlying electrical network in accordance with normal electrical production estimates.

2-From the game to the electricity generating machine

Instead of being just a game like the steam ball of Heron of Alexandria heated by a fire and which only served to amuse the rich instead of becoming the steam engine with the piston to drive a mechanical movement, it is possible to manufacture a powerful and permanent generator of electricity.

3-Shape of the electromechanical alveoli

The way to optimize this system is to install mini-sensors under the dome in the form of octagonal, decagonal or even more faceted cells. The fact that the cells are nested correctly in each other is achieved with the objective of leaving as few neutral zones as possible that do not produce any electricity when the ball passes by rolling over them. The more facets there are on the contour with the pressure sensors exactly adjusted with the weight of the spheres and the more optimized will be the production of electricity during the thousands of rollings of the ball.

4-Electricity production mechanism

When the ball comes back and hits the wall, then the pressure creates a potential differential on an electric wire and transfers the energy to the battery similar to the invention of sidewalks or roads that generate electricity by walking on them but without the need for hundreds of people moving simultaneously. So the system is self-sufficient and the staff only needs to ensure regular maintenance consisting of reforging or rounding the balls or even changing the worn sensors after a certain time of use.

5-Ball weight vs. electrical power

However, the balls should be larger and heavier (10 pounds, 100 pounds, 1000 pounds, 10,000 pounds, etc.) with the goal of generating enough electrical power to recharge series of 12, 24 to 48 or 110 to 220 volt batteries for example or more. The weight of the ball is not implicitly limited, as it could be several tons. However, the limitation of the size and its weight are rather dependent on the physical limits of the metals used then putting pressure on the frame of the gravitational ball motor and finally on the resistance of the cells which receive series of thousands of shocks over the years of electrical production.

6-Gravitational perpetual motion

The fact that the ball hits the wall would not significantly slow its course towards the bottom of the funnel (the main problem with perpetual motors which always add friction somewhere in the system, which eventually stops the frictional motion by itself), because the force of gravity would be greater than the friction caused by the pressure on the sensor or the built-in electric press mechanism.

7-Type, size and damping of electrical sensors

The sensors must be able to take the first big shock (the most important, because it cancels the force in Newtons of the fall of the ball), a second or third less powerful bounce and then the rolling of the ball in the dome which must activate the sensors with less weight and still produce electricity.

8-Planetary gravity and resistance of materials

The Earth's gravity makes any object falling towards the Earth reach a maximum speed of 9.8 meters/second, so the gravity of the metal ball does not matter if the rest of the structure is heavy enough to support its weight and the potential metal deformation over the years and repeated passages of the ball. The material of the machine's structure can be made of conventional metals such as iron, steel and other alloys allowing resistance to shocks, bad weather and rust caused by extreme planetary atmospheric conditions depending on the locality or depending on future global warming becoming more pronounced.

9-Ball impact cushioning

A thickness of rubber can be placed at the bottom of the dome in order to attenuate the noise of metal to metal when the ball falls to the bottom, especially if the machine(s) are installed near homes in addition to avoiding unnecessary metal deformations. The thickness must be calculated according to the specific weight of the sphere, because a 10 pound ball will not make the same imprint as a 1000 pound or 1 ton ball so if we do not want the mechanisms below to be damaged, it is therefore imperative to increase the hardness or depth of the elastic insulator without preventing the electrical mechanism from engaging easily.

10-Gravitational Machine Size vs. Electrical Power

The perpetual gravitational ball motor can be built in different formats, either for an apartment or a house with a size of 1 to 2 meters maximum, or in a version of 10 to 20 meters up to 1 kilometer in height in several dozen copies installed in series, and this for a much more powerful electricity production that can power the cities of the future as much on Earth as any visited and/or colonized planet if the ambient gravitation allows an adequate return of the ball to the middle of the machine.

11-Simultaneous multiple ball ramp motor

A version of the gravity ball machine can be made with several launch ramps arranged all around the dome, since the synchronization of the arrival of the balls must be very well calculated, because if they hit each other then they risk damaging each other, especially if they are made of the same material. Unless you use materials of different hardness depending on the order of falling of the balls that can potentially smash each other (for example 1- Quartz, 2- Metal, 3- Quartz 4- Alloys).

12-Ball rolling delays

A rolling delay inside the dome must also be calculated, because on occasion the ball will roll a little longer inside before falling into the bottleneck (similar to a white ball at roulette in the casino which can sometimes extend its temporal and spatial trajectory but sooner or later it will fall on a number from 1 to 36) so the second ball must absolutely not fall on it. Calculations can be made in advance in order to predict exactly the time range needed. However, it would be better to test in real time the time it takes for the ball to return precisely to the electricity-generating container.



Probably thousands, even millions of extraterrestrial civilizations have already been absorbed in the history of the universe by black holes (from 1 million to several billion solar masses) given their extent and gravitational influence in galaxies. For example, the Milky Way would shelter at least 100 to 1000 black holes while civilizations with few means of detecting stars are irreversibly attracted towards the centers of gravity and their civilization finds itself crushed sooner or later. Once the central star of the civilization is attracted into the zone of influence, then it can no longer leave it, because it would have to provide enough energy for its star to reach, for example, the 8
10 stellar orbits further away at least than its own (the mass of a stellar system is usually 99% in the main central star so the black hole only has traction on the star and not the planets orbiting around it with negligible weights) which must be highly improbable even for very powerful extraterrestrial civilizations that are not able to crush a star with such ease since they have no choice but to move their civilization by spaceships. When we observe a black hole in our telescopes or rather the halos or jets of matter expelled at the extremities, then the probability is high that civilizations are precisely being engulfed inside (at the time when the phenomenon occurred, because we always receive light much later on Earth), so these astronomical observations are not trivial and it could well be the hypothetical case of our civilization one day or another. The least intelligent civilizations must not know that they are invariably heading towards destruction by spaghettification (material stretching to the smallest size, i.e. the atom) so will not change their civilizational behaviors while the most intelligent have glimpsed their manifest finality until the last day. There is something ironic in imagining a population that knows perfectly well that in a few millennia, centuries and then months and days that they will be crushed and disintegrated for sure by the black hole, the metabehaviors of the civilization must be more and more chaotic, crime must increase until the time when the atmospheric pressure increases too much and the populations see their Sun slowly fall and be crushed in the black hole ... such is the fate of the least intelligent civilizations in the galaxy and the universe. Except that we will have the super-humans of the Amadeus dynasty, a giant brain in a vat or a quantum computer concentrating a lot of intelligence in the same entity and this, with the objective of saving us and predicting this fatal civilizational fate.

My favorite galactic black hole is TON 618, which is 6.6 x 1000 to 10 solar masses or 66 billion times our Sun! So it has probably swallowed several hundred or even thousands of alien civilizations, since it is several galaxies wide.


Do you want some Amadeus? The human skull of the 3rd millennium floating in interstellar space. At some point, thanks to my futuristic anthropometric research, the human being will have become so dangerous for other Extraterrestrial civilizations that they will fear him above all else and regret the galactic past without humanity. Basically, to summarize, the Amadeus Frankenstein, or our optimized human version, will be unstoppable, unmovable from planets, satellites and galaxies, he will be very unattainable physically and psychologically, he will fear almost nothing, will have forehead all around his head (with a rounder, balloon-like neurocranium), he will see better in the dark in order to better predict dangers at night or in areas poorly lit by starlight (similar to cat pupils that can open wider depending on the ambient light level), slightly larger eyes allowing more retinal cells to be stored, therefore additional cones and rods giving better distance vision, a slightly wider spacing between the eyes giving him a more extensive panoramic vision (increasing his chances of seeing dangers coming from the side), he will have a genome with excellent DNA repair mechanisms in order to avoid damage to its genome by natural or chemical oxidative products found on exoplanets or highly mechanized space stations, magnetic fields of machines and/or gaseous planets (spinning liquid metal core) and especially the stellar radiation omnipresent in the universe, etc. (genome repair similar to the microscopic organism D. radioduransdans and the tardigrade), it will live a very long time (DNA with self-regenerating telomeres similar to the lobster) so in the end it will not be killable by the majority of Extraterrestrial civilizations (apart from creatures larger and more intelligent than it with more advanced technologies, however they will be less and less numerous over the course of universal time that will pass). The goal of natural and/or artificial evolution is precisely to create a human so powerful that practically nothing can overcome him in the multiverse, there will be nothing to test him as much in the confrontation with other living organisms, intelligent or not, as even with regard to astronomical phenomena that he will be able to predict well in advance given his high probabilistic predictive intelligence (supernovae, quasars, neutron stars, black holes, extinguished stars to be rekindled, planets to be terraformed, the fusion of galaxies, the fusion of galactic clusters,travel from macroscopic to microscopic universes and practically overcome the Big Freeze (heat death of the universe) by reactivating the nuclear thermicity of the cosmos or even worse the Big Crunch (generalized gravitational collapse) by crossing from one observable universe to another, create new galaxies and/or new universes at will according to the needs of human civilization, etc.).


Alexander Timmons = Chief Planetary Humanizer
(60 cm head circumference)

Prometheus Frankenstein = Chief Stellar Humanizer Savior
(80 cm head circumference)

Amadeus Frankenstein = Supreme Chief Galactic Humanizer
(120 cm head circumference)

Alexandrius Frankenstein = Chief Apocalyptic Intergalactic Humanizer
(240 cm head circumference)

Titaneus Frankenstein = Chief Universal Humanizer of Armageddon
(480 cm head circumference)


It is true that giant humans over 9 feet tall like Robert Wadlow would probably have wider and stronger legs to better distribute their weight. If Wadlow seemed to have legs that were too big and unstable, it is precisely because his parents were basically of normal height, so his DNA was not at all prepared to measure such a size by the overproduction of growth hormone during his adolescence. Your physico-biological predictions are made from typical terrestrial gravitational data, so on the scale of space planetary gravities are often different so could amply support giant humans during the invasion of humanity in space (our satellite the Moon being already a good example nearby). Humans with small arms would not be able to handle and transport anything good so they would have to keep proportions equivalent to today except perhaps with more muscles and the addition of the 2nd muscle fiber or better genetically speaking. A small head typical of the dinosaur is certainly an observable evolutionary constant, but would only provide a small power in intelligence and thus limit our invasion capacities. Dolf Lundgren was already a European in the small Amadeus version with his 6 feet and 3, so his genetics a little more advantageous (with more parents at the base larger or with more growth hormones during its development). It is not difficult for any civilization to create a giant organism of its own genetics, they proceed by Selective Mating at first (German method concentrating the best genes of size, hair and eye color, larger legs or abdomen (Starbuck), etc.) in addition to genetic modifications (rapid Chinese method by changing certain sequences in the DNA). Thus, I know a Swiss farmer who is 6 feet and 4, so her children are unsurprisingly all 6 feet and 7 with blond hair and blue eyes like their mother. Almost 100 years later, the Germans would have already obtained by selective mating in just 2-3 generations a larger European version, with more platinum blond hair, very light blue eyes and surely an IQ also higher instead of the average American, having mixed with the other ethnicities in the highly mixed multi-ethnic society project therefore Euro-Afro-Mexican with all a flattening and a net loss of all European characteristics in just a few generations. Once we have obtained a precise genetics that we want in our animal or plant breeding, because yes these are exactly the same methods that are used in agriculture or with animals,so we can optimize it even more by genetic modifications similar to what the Chinese have done in recent years by sequencing the DNA of 2500 gifted Asians and then by making some genetic modifications that can improve their intellectual capacities when they already have the largest average human skull, because they are northern Asian populations so evolution has favored, as in Europe, larger rounded heads. It is not our current small human intelligences limited to 100 to 160 Qi points, which will be able to generate humans of the future of the type only the humans of the future themselves with Qi ranging from at least 200 to 500 intelligence points. The Chinese are now 25 years ahead of all other human populations so they will clearly manage to create an optimized human before everyone else so they will fuck the planet with their Yao Ming at 200-300 Qi points. I would have warned you all about 25 to 50 years, or 1/2 century in advance, you are so late in this type of research, which is nevertheless very vital and futuristic for any self-respecting civilization in the universe. Nature itself being self-evolving, it becomes ultra-perfected over millions of years in order to increase its chances of survival, so the majority of civilizations try to accelerate this natural evolution in order to save immeasurable times).it becomes ultra-perfected over millions of years in order to increase its chances of survival, so the majority of civilizations try to accelerate this natural evolution in order to save immeasurable amounts of time).it becomes ultra-perfected over millions of years in order to increase its chances of survival, so the majority of civilizations try to accelerate this natural evolution in order to save immeasurable amounts of time).

Nowadays, to be up to date we must no longer look to our European ancestors with the Lebensborn demographic project, but rather to the Chinese who are in the process of creating the optimized gifted Human of the future who will clearly be Asian with a few prized genes that they will steal from other peoples in passing (Jade-type green eyes very popular in China, etc.), because otherwise they are only in variation mode on a brown theme with often very black hair. 



I no longer believe in petty heads of state, weak little politicians, self-centered parliamentarians, slumped over their little person, the incalculable little intelligences swarming in the artistic world and their inability to educate instead of just entertaining, their little heads with their little average brains topped in calculation possibilities, the little cheap thinkers, the academics obsessed with their research grants, the little beings obsessed with their ego, their careers and pathetic projects, obsessed with accumulating their little fortunes and only capable of self-fuck with their little sterile seed, the mini-leaders annihilated by their little subscribers that they glean from one channel to another like those hungry for the celebrity of others. Little heads of state like Trudeau, Macron, Biden the weak manipulated by the deep state, the banks and the multinationals. Focused on their personal interests, their small political career, their small long-term goals, their highly limited visions, worms littering the columns of the temples of history. It is not because a head of state, or even a political thinker has 150 or 160 points of Qi like Zemmour that he will be able to solve with a good margin of maneuver the problems of his country, the climatic problems, the space projects to come. No, they are too weak in intelligence with only a small 10 to 20 points more intelligence than a normal person so that they will never stand out in anything and will certainly lead their people towards insurmountable event abysses. Only the creation of a meta-leader like Amadeus Frankenstein with a good 200, 300, 500 to 1000 additional points of Qi will be able to make a real difference and become a true planetary leader. A Meta-Chief like the planetary brain Krank with 1 million Qi points will have the ability to rethink history, rethink the world, rethink the solutions of our civilization, rethink the future for the next billion years. Not the earthworms with small obtuse skulls that we have today by the hundreds and thousands of intellectual excrements to manage us and replace us with millions of immigrants from the south to the north in order to get re-elected indefinitely and pocket by the same fact a big jackpot on the back of their own population genetics like true traitors to the nation and the Earth.


When we watch these aerobic videos from the 1980s, we might think that everything is kitsch and ridiculous. However, we can also make the comparison of proportionality. between today's humans and future humans who, during a workout, would need us to bring them their dumbbells, their drinks or their towels. For our part, we would be of a size equivalent to the black bench on the ground, so it would rather be a physical exercise session of the Titaneus humans since we would only reach their knees. As for the Amadeus, we would reach approximately the height of their hips. Proportionally to their size, giant humans will drink several gallons of water per day, eat several tons of food per week or per month, however will be able to provide efforts that are seen as superhuman compared to our contemporary physical and intellectual capacities. Similar to those athletes of the 80s, the optimized human beings of the future who will look exactly like us, will only be bigger and especially more intelligent, because intelligence cannot rise indefinitely in a small cranium like ours (equivalent to a very small 1 horsepower lawnmower engine), it is necessary to gradually increase the size of the brain engine to reach the next levels of intelligence. Knowing that intelligence is the main evolutionary asset that will allow us to equal the power of the Extraterrestrial populations of the universe, regardless of our specific physiognomy, whether it comes from a weasel, an opossum or a giraffe, the basis of the organism will then allow any brain to be mounted on top of it, which will sooner or later lead to developed intellectual faculties. Intelligence is the primary variable leading to an increase in the success rate of an individual, a group, a people or an entire civilization. Metaphorically speaking, it is the story of a Japanese, a German and an American who look at a 1 horsepower lawnmower engine (HP or Horse Power in mechanical language) and wonder how to obtain 250 horsepower with the same type of lawnmower mechanics. The Japanese suggests miniaturizing the engine in order to increase its power without changing its volume (limiting effect of miniaturization preventing to achieve exactly the desired result), the American retorts that an engine too miniaturized will overheat due to the lack of space, risks melting given the proximity of the components and the subsequent difficulty of ventilation which will prematurely wear out the parts thus substantially reducing the overall durability of the lawnmower engine.The American engineer instead proposes to simply enlarge the initial 1-horsepower lawnmower engine by a factor of 250 times in order to obtain a larger lawn tractor, thus they will automatically obtain a very efficient 250 HP or Horsepower engine, which will not overheat and which will have a long service life. The German agrees with the American and approaches in the same direction, boasting that simply enlarging the engine with the same primary technology will give proportionally the same working power without having to change the engineering or the model of the internal parts. The Japanese, the American and the German then manufactured in a common agreement of specialists in motorology, the humans with giant engines: Prometheus, Amadeus and Titaneus.





Method that the Germans (Lebensborn: natalist experiment) or the Japanese (Unit 731: military experiment) during the Second World War would probably have tested at the base of their experimentation without the total concentration (slow European method by mating the profiles of candidates with quality phenotypic characteristics) and/or modification of better genes for height and intelligence (faster and more precise Asian method of playing in the genome). The secret of the giants lies in only one small gland of less than 1 cubic cm, namely the Pituitary gland (Hypophysis) which functions abnormally by producing too much growth hormone non-stop at the end of adolescence and even during adulthood beyond 21 years. In the same vein, the giant Robert Wadlow was really on a target to reach 10 feet in height, because his acromegaly would have made him grow again and again without adequate drug anti-hormonal treatment. This is what the future giants of the Amadeus space dynasty would deserve as a terrestrial research laboratory before their launch in the form of frozen, printable fetuses or developed humans towards the galaxy and the universe (Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) in Varenne).

1-Take 2 parents that are 6'5" (I often see youngsters from the new generation that are 6'3" or 5") and mate them together.

2-The child of this procreation can be fed by growth hormone supplements given in adolescence and a little later in order to continue its development (imitation of the giants who had problems with the pituitary gland (acromegaly) during their growth such as Bob Wadlow, Sultan Köser, etc.) so if they do not have medication or treatment to stop their production of growth hormone then they grow practically non-stop.


1-Growth hormones should not be administered over too long a period of time, whether in children, adolescents or adults who take them for bodybuilding, because they can promote the appearance of other diseases or health problems.

2-A person already with the genes for height, even if they are artificially boosted in growth by the addition of external hormones, will not transmit new genes for height to their descendants. From this observation, it is preferable to opt for selective reproduction, so over several generations the grown-up children of the first 2 parents of the experiment will only reproduce with other grown-up children from other European families and so on. For example, Starbuck was not obtained only by a hormonal boost during his growth, he was rather engendered by a crossbreeding of the biggest oxen over several generations giving at one point a mega big ox whose semen was sent to the breedings of the whole world fertilizing thousands of bovines. If the children engendered by this crossbreeding of the best genetic profiles, subsequently come to reproduce with normal people or rather out of experience (random reproduction) then they will remix their DNA with probably undesirable genes making it so that the characteristics sought and concentrated for a few generations will finally only become normal again like the old generations and the genetic quality will be automatically lost (for example people who they say they only want Love or Sex will destroy the genetic optimization experience of the 75 good previous matings of increasing genetic quality). In this kind of experimentation leading Humanity to evolve more quickly, superficial variables such as seeking Love or Sex are no longer valid, male and female humans who enter the generational optimization experiment must give at least some reproductions (sexual gametes) for the increase of the quality of the Amadeus genetic lineage, even if subsequently or jointly they can have normal families and reproduce with random genetic profiles therefore genetic characteristics not specifically privileged in the civilizational experiment.

Note: Animals in livestock farms are very often boosted with growth hormones by injection or directly mixed into their daily food (oxen, horses, bulls, etc.) so they grow and gain weight much faster than without hormones (GH factor). Subsequently, humans eat these unbroken hormones in their own food and also grow faster (current teenager with bigger breasts, fertility cycle reached more quickly before 12 years, disease formation appearing more quickly in humans, etc.). On the other hand, I think that the addition of hormones over a certain period of time and over several generations can become an external evolutionary agent of the same type as environmental variables shaping species (theory of natural selection or rather evolution according to the precise material conditions of the surrounding nature). For example, the Starbuck line which has poor reproduction with a handicapped cow, small or too thin which makes him go back a few generations and returns to only a few size genes which made him a giant once at the top of his bovine genetics as a breeder of large international herds.



In order to avoid inbreeding, the humans of the Amadeus dynasty must be generated from DNA from different family strains or else they will have the chance to duplicate their genetic diseases, even if these have been previously removed by sequential laboratory manipulations. According to the genetic line promiscuity graph, a minimum of 64 families (breeding experiment based on 64 real European families from all geographical origins of remote Europe in order to properly represent the only intra-continental diversity of strain) and 128 people of distance must be put between the breeding parents or the DNA material may be too close to each other. If the giant humans are produced by cloning and artificial wombs, then they do not need to be far from the family genetic line, because the clone does not mix their DNA with another partner during reproduction. It is necessary to avoid exactly what happened historically in the Egyptian pharaonic dynasties or European royal families, where the sovereigns did not want to give up their family power to other families, so they only reproduced with close relatives in order to keep the throne for several generations (deformity of the family of Akhenaten or the Austrian family of the Habsburgs). The most severe cases of inbreeding will not only lead to a succession of genetic diseases and various deformities, but also ultimately to reproductive sterility, literally preventing individuals from carrying out a mating generating children, malformed or not.

64 FIRST AMADEUS FAMILIES (European genetic strains)

1-FATHER: Amadeus MOTHER: Irena

2-FATHER: Timotheus MOTHER: Eugenie

3-FATHER: Thor MOTHER: Dionysia

4-FATHER: Darwineus MOTHER: Virginie

5-FATHER: Linneus MOTHER: Svetlana

6-FATHER: Mendelium MOTHER: Romy

7-FATHER: Kheops MOTHER: Cleopatra

8-FATHER: Fredericus MOTHER: Florantia

9-FATHER: Tsar MOTHER: Tsarina

10-FATHER: Fritz MOTHER: Evelyne

11-FATHER: Asterix MOTHER: Astrid

12-FATHER: Franz MOTHER: Wilma

13-FATHER: Leonardo MOTHER: Deborah

14-FATHER: Romulus MOTHER: Delphine

15-FATHER: Vladimir MOTHER: Natasha

16-FATHER: Odin MOTHER: Jeanne

17-FATHER: Maximus MOTHER: Natalia

18-FATHER: Aragorn MOTHER: Morgane

19-FATHER: Kant MOTHER: Violette

20-FATHER: Nicolaus MOTHER: Anastasia

21-FATHER: Djoser MOTHER: Diana 

22-FATHER: Sven MOTHER: Julienne

23-FATHER: Ceasarus MOTHER: Valentina

24-FATHER: Konrad MOTHER: Nemesis

25-FATHER: Sphinx MOTHER: Urania

26-FATHER: Wolfgang MOTHER: Victoria

27-FATHER: Napoleonis MOTHER: Isis

28-FATHER: Christianson MOTHER: Olga

29-FATHER: Günther MOTHER: Saturnia

30-FATHER: Dolf MOTHER: Sharon

31-FATHER: Fiodor MOTHER: Dorothea

32-FATHER: Siegmund MOTHER: Leonore

33-FATHER: Titus MOTHER: Sepultura

34-FATHER: Imhotep MOTHER: Evangeline

35-FATHER: Tolkien MOTHER: Ekaterina

36-FATHER: Socrates MOTHER: Galadrielle

37-FATHER: Heinrich MOTHER: Mercuria

38-FATHER: Björn MOTHER: Charlotte

39-FATHER: Solaris MOTHER: Samanta

40-FATHER: Gedeon MOTHER: Kirsten

41-FATHER: Einsteinium MOTHER: Nikita

42-FATHER: Gustav MOTHER: Simone

43-FATHER: Isaac MOTHER: Bertha

44-FATHER: Poseidon MOTHER: Hildegard

45-FATHER: Otto MOTHER: Nadejda

46-FATHER: Aristotle MOTHER: Eleonore

47-FATHER: Michelangelo MOTHER: Mercuria

48-FATHER: Leibnitz MOTHER: Eliane

49-FATHER: Helmuth MOTHER: Charlotte

50-FATHER: Auguste MOTHER: Amanda

51-FATHER: Seth MOTHER: Heidi

52-FATHER: Jupiter MOTHER: Aurora

53-FATHER: Archimedes MOTHER: Athena

54-FATHER: Tesla MOTHER: Neptune 

55-FATHER: Ramses MOTHER: Nefertari

56-FATHER: Ragnar MOTHER: Erika

57-FATHER: Rodolf MOTHER: Margot

58-FATHER: Plutarch MOTHER: Rosemarie

59-FATHER: Salomon MOTHER: Ulysses

60-FATHER: Plato MOTHER: Lizbeth

61-FATHER: Igor MOTHER: Beatrix

62-FATHER: Gottlieb MOTHER: Jennifer        

63-FATHER: Gandalf MOTHER: Sofia

64-FATHER: Zeus MOTHER: Venusia



Similar to the attempt to achieve a multi-ethnic and multicultural society, on paper, the project seems perfectly feasible at first glance, however, once materialized in reality, several unsuspected problems have appeared. The same is true with the project of a society on a multiple human scale of the Matryoshka civilization type, which may reserve some surprises for planetary populations embarking on such elliptically evolving paths. Let us look at what goes wrong in the projects of multi-ethnic societies and then project what will potentially go wrong in a civilization bringing together different levels of intelligence. Then I will develop the term that seems to me to be the most necessary to avoid as much as possible the excesses of such types of Matryoshka civilization. 


-Difficult integration (divergent morals, more or less identical intelligence, different temperatures, etc.)

-Increased distrust between ethnic groups falsely grouped together 

-Ghettoization phenomenon (ethnic groups naturally come together through phenotypic and therefore genotypic proximity)

-Increased crime (crime rates are not the same across ethnic groups according to many international police statistics). 

-Replacement of History (perpetual accusation of host populations, Cultural replacement (everything that represents culture is slowly but surely replaced by millions of new arrivals, etc.). 

-Mixing (humanity being fertile among itself, the host populations and other ethnic groups present in the same immigration territory are all mixed among themselves after several centuries of cohabitation). 

-Inter-ethnic civil war (more aggressive or high-crime immigrant populations will attempt population plateau reversals). 

- Complete and definitive replacement of the host source populations.


-Difficult integration because intelligence levels are different from one human size to another (100 points to 1 million IQ points).

-Increased distrust between humans of different sizes artificially brought together by successive reproductions and additional modifications in the laboratory. 

-Ghettoization phenomenon (humans will group together not only by size, but also by intelligence and ultimately by given nation or ethnicity). 

-Increased crime (larger, more powerful and therefore more dangerous humans can cause much greater civilizational damage)

-Replacement of History (perpetual accusation of optimized populations, Cultural replacement (everything that represents culture is slowly but surely replaced by millions of new, more intelligent humans who have the means for their project by being more intelligent and therefore able to create better artistic products, etc.). 

-Interbreeding (humanity being fertile among itself, populations of humans of different sizes can mate since almost only the size genes are more or less present in each of the human levels). 

- Inter-ethnic planetary war (the most aggressive or high-crime optimized human populations will attempt civilizational plateau overthrows). 

- Complete and definitive replacement of the initial stock populations from before the list of genetic optimizations.

CIVILIZATIONAL DUALITY (principle of supremacy)

All peoples, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial, have individual and societal self-centered interpretation biases that make them think they are advantaged or superior in some way. 

The whiter populations want to neutralize (sterilize or sideline) and/or eradicate the browner populations (a notable risk in multi-ethnic societies). 

The larger, more intelligent populations want to neutralize (sterilize or sideline) and/or eradicate the smaller, less intelligent populations (a notable risk of multi-scale societies). 

Risk of reproduction by crossbreeding in multi-ethnic societies, and of mating between individuals of different sizes because humans of this type of civilization fundamentally have the same DNA (with ± the size genes) so are fertile between them. Moreover, if there is a reproduction between a female Amadeus and Titaneus, the baby will be too big to come out, a male Amadeus with a female Titaneus or a Lilliputian male with a normal human woman, in this case the babies will be born with a smaller size and in more or less large number compared to a reproduction with a human of the same size. 

The main problem with fractal multi-scale civilizations is that the Qi of the most intelligent and gigantic representatives allows them at any time a real elimination proportional to the inverse intelligence differential. For this precise reason, the populations below, whether the Amadeus for the Titaneus, the normal-sized humans for the Amadeus, or the Lilliputians for the normal humans will always be vulnerable and at the mercy of the will of the larger ones if the more advantaged find that the smaller versions are made too numerous, get tired of their physical or intellectual slowdown, want more natural resources, territorial, etc. However, a prosperous expansionist civilization will conquer several satellites, planets, stars and galaxies so is not supposed to lack resources and territories among the spatial infinity of the universe. However, the opposing argument is the obvious inter-level reciprocity between humans and aliens (the principle of complementarity), providing obvious advantages for each level and vice versa (care of the Titaneus by the smallest with fine dexterity, protection and transport of the smallest by the largest, strong and intelligent, etc.). The principle of complementarity or mutual reciprocity is also observable between human men and women, who are not quite identical and complement each other precisely in their perceptual, emotional, functional, reproductive difference, etc. 


The levels of language are the levels at which a discussion should preferably be conducted to be fair, harmonious and on the same wavelength. Several variables are at play, firstly the level of hierarchy (for example employee vs boss, parents vs children, president vs people, etc.), so this will be done to the advantage of one of the parties in the negotiations. Secondly, there is the variable of bag or set of vocabulary used, whose words must be of the same nature, complexity and sophistication or else one of the parties involved will not understand anything (example of a scholar or a parent who wants to address a child must reduce and simplify his lexical field). Third, there is also the form of language, its modulation, its intensity, its specific auditory language formulation revealing an additional level of information to capture revealing the more or less important or urgent character to glimpse (example of a person who whispers to his dog not to get on the couch compared to a person who shouts at his pet not to do such and such an action, a parent who gently tells his child to go to his room to finish his homework on Friday afternoon vs a parent who will yell to finish his lessons on a Sunday evening the day before a ministerial exam, or the difference between a boss who yells at his employee(s) will not have the same speed of response, motivation and determination as an employer speaking with little force, amplitude or conviction. A boss, a minister, a speaker or any type of tribune, will not address in the same way a group of nurses, a group of doctors, a group of workers in the metal industry, a group of mechanics, elementary, high school, college or university students, a group of politicians or even worse a King and Queen of the Middle Ages or ancient Persia having the right of life or death of their subjects (Darius or Nebuchadnezzar), asking them to kneel before them in order to solicit their clemency and their grievances, not to look them in the eye or interrupt them when they are kind enough to answer them. The sovereigns of the nobility of times past often wrongly believed that they came from divine family lines, therefore thought they were ontologically superior to their vassals and thus allowed themselves much more severe and merciless judgments towards their people (example of the Pharaoh emperors thinking themselves to be neither more nor less than living demiurges or demigods of upper or lower Egypt). As for humans of different sizes, they will have to adapt depending on who they are talking to in front of them,for example a Titaneus or an Amadeus must speak less loudly and more softly, with a simplified vocabulary for the floors below so as not to destroy their eardrums and then so that their phrasing and vocabulary is amply understandable for all. Conversely, smaller humans who speak less loudly and have an easier semantic speech must strive to speak at a higher volume in order to be well heard and with the vocabulary intellectually adapted to the human opposite according to their maximum brain capacity. 

LEVEL OF DISCUSSION INCENTIVE TO RESPECT & POLITENESS WITH A HIERARCHICAL VOCABULARY (dialogical mechanism solidifying a multi-scale and multi-intelligence civilization)

Here are some protocol sentences ensuring rules of discursive procedures allowing to relationally link human beings together and reduce the differences between them. For example, it will be strictly forbidden to call a human of a size greater than one's: "Boss", "Chief" or any other term explicitly translating too much hierarchical positional superiority. Always say a "thank you" of politeness and thanks for a service rendered as much by a larger or smaller human. The word "thank you" can follow alone the name of the rank of size of the human to be thanked and/or with the name or surname of the individual specifically (for example say: "Thank you Amadeus Gisèle" for the transport to the workplace). Additional words can be added in order to emphasize the appreciative nature of the help of another giant or miniature human by saying positive adverbs or adjectives such as: "thank you very much", "thank you enormously lilliputian Sandra", "thank you infinitely Titaneus Fritz", etc.). It may be relevant to add fraternal terms such as: "thank you brother or sister Titaneus for the service rendered" or terms of a more friendly nature such as: "thank you dear friend Amadeus Donald", etc.).




Sanctus! Prometheus!

Hail! Amadeus!

Magnus! Alexandrius!

Ad Vitam Eternam! Titaneus!

Salve! Xavius!

Festina! Asterix!

Goodbye! Napoleonis!

Congratulations! Caesar!

Futurum! Zeus!

Optimal! Cleopatra!

Aeternum! Darwineus!

Pacificator! Kheops!

Magna spes! Athena!

Redemptor! Thor!

Liberator! Atlas!


🖑First, you have to use a jargon of Greeting and Politeness (what I wrote in my book, which will allow a minimal Respect in the fractal civilization). 🖑Second, you must always be very Respectful, never offend them too much because they are precisely from one floor to another, each new floor will have the capacity to crush the floor below so you have to have a super respect on each floor or it will be a free-for-all (government propaganda not on the notion of Multiculturalism, but rather of Multi-etageism). 🖑Third, to speak well to the giants as an equal, you have to speak to them softly or with a medium-strength language tone, at their height, i.e. right in front of their face. If you are placed too low, then their superiority complex will be much stronger. By talking to them on their floor, they will be more in an equal relationship to submit your grievances, your teachings, your requests, etc. to them. 🖑Fourth, it is certain when you talk to the giants, you must not be too close to the face and breathe their air or else everything depending on the level of aggressiveness (male or female) will increase the chances that he will hit with his hand or fist so I would say at a minimum distance of 1 to 3 meters of precaution and appropriate communication range (example of the length of the arms of Amadeus Frankenstein of about 2 meters). I noticed this variable when installing my giant skeletons as soon as we climb a ladder and install the head immediately we seem to enter more into the world of this human, that we enter his bubble and speak to him at the same level and at the height that he implicitly perceives the World. 🖑Fifth, you should not shout or insult a larger and more gifted human, because even if they are damn lucid to be in a fractalian civilization, that they are very intelligent, know their precise position in the pyramid of the echelons of sizes and gradations of positions, they remain humans, that is to say gifted animals who can still feel surges of stress, adrenaline and therefore negative emotions that can make them lose their pedals and hit those who get in their way, stand up to them too much or brazenly disrespect them. The Humanosaurs will not mechanically hit any human variant from the lower floors because they know that each floor has its usefulness and its importance in terms of potential exoplanetary expansionist level, that the laws are more severe towards larger humans who have precisely the task of protecting and guiding the units of the people, but they still have their limit of disrespect not to be crossed with impunity at the risk of being brought back to order a little disproportionately. 🖑Sixth,Suggestions, orders and directives proposed by humans on higher floors (bigger skulls = bigger crystal balls) must be respected, since their intelligence and therefore their ideas and forecasts are supposed to be more accurate than those of the floors below (smaller skulls = smaller crystal balls). Possible behavioral exceptions are when their action proposals do not respect the population laws and regulations of the Amadeussian Hypercivilization and could endanger part of its constituent members. For example, in the exoplanetary situation where Titaneus Frankenstein points his finger in a geographical direction to head in nature or the city, then it is better for the small, more vulnerable human variants to follow them because their thinking and decision-making abilities must be more promising, profitable and safe. 

⛔️ Proven Cinematic Example; We can clearly see that the coach who speaks next to the actor is certainly one of the organizers and perhaps financier of the athlete Drago, except that we must not forget to speak to him respectfully or else boxing him instead of hitting the camera could have hit him in the face. At the end of the film precisely when Drago loses, then the coach-financier will yell at him and Lungren ends up telling him that he is not fighting for Russia but for himself (hyperbolic selfishness), so bigger and more gifted giants could have taken it badly, lost patience and thrown their bad coaches into the air, and this in the best of situations. 

Source (ROCKY IV | Whatever He Hits, He Destroys):

INDUSTRIAL HUMAN BABY NURSERIES 👶🏻 BIG ONE BABY INDUSTRY (one of the largest natalist medical economic activity sectors of the future immensely favorable to our civilization in all its spheres of applications, possibilities of reproduction and planetary, interplanetary and spatial expansion)

I am intimately convinced with a very high probability rate that one of the most fertile, lucrative, juicy and flourishing industries of the future will be that of babies born by the millions in futuristic factories with Artificial Uteruses. Since basically, everyone loves and is lost on all aspects concerning babies, and this since the dawn of time. For example, people buy tons of newspapers and magazines or paparazzi photos of the babies of stars so awaited (Celine Dion, Paris, Hilton, Lady Diana, etc.) and so on, the reason is that it is the unit of prosperity, of passing and of initial genetic and primordial human renewal at the level of the species. If dogs and cats are already cloned by the hundreds and thousands in South Korea, then humans deserve as much as them if not more, it is obvious! If people breed blue-eyed Siberian Huskies ($2000) and green-eyed Doodles ($4000), similarly humans who are active carriers of natural color genes (orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) deserve to be preserved and protected as much as the simple, unintelligent animals of nature. No, it's true we deserve less than dogs, we are less important than dogs after all! Such is the limited thinking of people of our time, however this will change little by little with the coming decades and thousands of years, it is more than clear, especially this industry will become an essential necessity during the colonization of space! Moreover, even if this is one of the existential, emotional and sentimentally satisfying privileges in terms of the experience of individual female enrichment of bodily uterine gestation, it is risky and painful for women's health to give birth to a child (15% of prenatal miscarriages, 8.5% of babies die during childbirth and 0.00075 of mothers die in childbirth), in addition to irreversible damage to the female body beyond 2 to 3 children which never happens with births by artificial uterus. Infertile couples who cannot have children will not have to involve a third-party surrogate woman that they know or not, so their baby will belong to them 100% without the retroactive emotional attachment of the real initial surrogate and with a lower birth cost given the phenomenal quantity of viable and active uteruses in industrial baby nurseries.


What would a planetary invasion of Amadeus- or Titaneus-class humans look like? Big legs that walk tirelessly and step over all possible and unimaginable obstacles everywhere in the different extremophile or non-exoplanetary environments (-150 °C or +150 °C, oxygen or not, light or dark, nitrogen or not, vegetation or arid steppes, cold or hot deserts, etc., etc.). Extreme adaptability through its civilizational intelligence and its technologies supported by multiple climates, environments and weather conditions is the most important variable in the sustainable and efficient colonization of space in general, stars, meteorites, asteroids, stars, satellites and billions of potentially reachable exoplanets. Exception of the directionality of suicidal human colonizing journeys towards quasars, neutron stars, isolated black holes or even worse galactic ones detected by our radar devices from which we must immediately go in the opposite direction of their trajectory or very far from their calculated field of attraction, because they are impossible to cross and especially to extract ourselves gravitationally. When an extraterrestrial or human civilization begins a journey to one or more exoplanets in a star system at an infinitely distant distance, depending on the millions, billions, trillions and trillions of kilometers from its starting point (mother planet or other satellites or space stations in the galaxy), its target horizon of view only sees a bluish or reddish point of light in the sky for periods of at least a few hundred years, or even tens, thousands and perhaps even millions and billions of years so when it arrives at the famous planet so coveted for endless times (having the impression that the time of the destination journey is infinite and will never end temporally) at that very moment it is not only hungry for exotic exoplanetary food, it is intrigued by the new biological and mineral discoveries that it will find and note in its scientific civilizational research accumulated cleverly in their books and encyclopedias over millennia, millions or billions of years if it is extremely stable, evolved or peaceful, as long as it has happiness for it or certainly the misfortune of the visited, it will literally unleash all its strength and knowledge of mastery of biological populations and its possible destruction or not on the intelligent or non-intelligent biogenetic civilization(s) that have lived on this planet since its formative astrophysics planetesimal origin. So we humans will be reduced to our simplest expression,at the slightest arrival and visit of Extraterrestrial vessels of technocratic level of completion whether weak, medium or strong on the horizons of our star the Sun and more particularly of the planet Earth.

SECRET BASE OF MILLIONS OF CRYOGENIZED AMADEUS-TYPE HUMANS (backup system in case of alien invasion)

The cryogenics of several hundreds, thousands or millions of Amadeussian category humans would make it possible to keep soldiers in reserve ready to be defrosted at any time in case malicious Extraterrestrials would surreptitiously arrive from space. This auxiliary army would support the wheel and with rapid, ordered and explanatory training with real humans at their bedside, plus adequate weaponry, they could go to the battlefields in less than 3-4 days to a maximum of 1 week. These humans may have been previously raised by certified teachers with a view to last-minute anti-invasion rescue, or potential defrosting depending on the needs during the industrialization and all-round humanization of the universe after a certain waiting time in the ice, or be kept in latency during their growth from childhood to adolescence. However, backup soldiers, trained at the last minute, will never be as effective with a few days of military training as if they had this training beforehand for months and years and then frozen at -196 degrees Celsius while waiting for their liberating mission of cleaning and getting rid of the inquisitorial Extraterrestrial armies. This planning measure of terrestrial or exoplanetary defense would be indisputably practical (strong utility principle) if the civilization of yesteryear does not want to bring in too many super-powerful humans in advance for fear of suffering a rapid reversal of the civilizational plateau (classic example of the Western error of migrating to their territory millions and millions of immigrants arriving in the West with other genetics, other religions, cultures, customs and habits, thus becoming by default enemies of the state and host populations in the process of gradual population replacement). In an invasion of Extraterrestrial magnitude, only a few hundred or thousands of 12-foot humans will not be enough to neutralize a gigantic space armada displaying all its thousands or even millions of machines, robots and giant extraterrestrials in the first phases of planetary invasion, we will sooner or later need reinforcements equivalent in number and proportion of destructive response power. The only problem is that if we generate a few dozen or hundreds of optimized humans walking around the surface of the planet in complete freedom, they should not head towards the main panels that can activate or not the defrost button of all the other Amadeus, Titaneus, etc. or else we would have to manage all these new super-powerful humans in a short time which would risk destabilizing the planetary order already established in the process of superhumanization.So this backup base of millions of Amadeus (males and females since it is always essential that they are fertile between them once brought into the world) must remain as secret as possible to these humans, who will quickly find the fastest and most ingenious way to access the decryogenization dashboard. The most stable, progressive and gradual way to obtain a fractal multiscale civilization of the Matriochka type with humans of different sizes is precisely to follow step by step the exponential of size and intelligence. Do not make humans of the future arrive too quickly who are too large and especially too intelligent too quickly, because it is very dangerous, since there will be an obvious gap between our physical and intellectual abilities and theirs immensely boosted voluntarily by our sciences in reproduction techniques and genetic modifications applied on generations and generations of optimizations of our DNA (theory of genomic incompleteness).


According to new astronomical research, the speed of light (299,792,458 meters/second or 1,079,252,848.8 km/h) added to the current distances advancing from second to second at the limits of the confines of the observable universe would be equivalent to being less rapid than the expansion of the universe itself (73,200 meters/second or 263,520 km/hour) so only 10% to 20% of the areas of space would be accessible to us for travel since the very structure of space-time stretches faster than if we were going faster than light towards these galaxies. And that the distance to reach them would be too distant accelerated by the cumulative effects of dark matter (27% of the energy density of the universe) and dark energy (68% of the energy density of the universe), so these galaxies will always be too far away for us and the light coming from them is already several million years behind. In the end, my subsequent deductions stipulate that we would therefore be protected from 80 to 90% of Extraterrestrial civilizations that cannot reach us either unless they have superluminal means of transport (protection ratio of 8 to 9 civilizations out of 10 potentially dangerous neutralized by distance). If the universe is inhabited by about 10 million civilizations scattered throughout the 2000 billion galaxies, then we would potentially have only 1 million of them to fight, start diplomatic processes of alliances and peace or to annihilate. This phenomenon of expansionist distancing of the fabric of universal space-time is perhaps one of the main direct reasons explaining the Fermi Paradox, thus informing us why we see no trace of Extraterrestrial civilizations on the cosmic horizon simply because they cannot reach us with their spaceships either given the phenomenal distances to be crossed from one galactic cluster to another along the filamentary chains of hundreds and thousands of galaxies piled up together fading away in the immensity of the fractal superstructures of the foundations of the entire world. Peaceful or belligerent Extraterrestrial civilizations that would like to send us messages by radio waves, microwave waves, light lasers with information or by entangled quantum pulsed wave technologies could not even reach us either given the immeasurable stretching of space. If there are in the observable universe no less than 2 exponents 23 or 200 trillion stars or 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, then the stars potentially accessible to humanity in the future will be maximally of the order of 2 exponents 22 or the impressive figure of 20 to 40 trillion stars maximum,which is more than enough for our civilization to exploit all the natural resources and space territories that we will need during the next thousands, millions and billions of years of galactic growth (ZHG or Galactic Habitable Zone, far from the vacuum center of hypermassive black holes rotating the structural geometric set of barred or unbarred spiral galaxies) and in addition to being far enough from gargantuan structures of the Great Attractor type causing a gravitational power of attraction on infinitely distant areas of space like the Shapley supercluster attractor (44 galactic clusters) acting on more than 8,632 galaxies at once given its weight attracting them all towards its center at 610 km/s (ZHGASG or Habitable Zone outside the Great Attractor of Galactic Superclusters, also being an oscillating black hole of 50 million billion solar masses or 5 x 10 exponents 16). This figure of 2 exponent 22 accessible stars must then be multiplied by the number of superhabitable exoplanets which are often at the approximate average number of plus or minus 1 terrestrial planet per stellar system (initial rocky metallic residue of ultra-frequent cooled proto-star) according to the Drake equation and other probabilistic estimates of the number of intelligent life forms (ZHS or Stellar Habitable Zone), in addition to a minimum of 5 to 20 terrestrial planets without atmosphere or gaseous planet with multiple satellites seeming uninhabitable to the first arriviste augurs, nevertheless possibly terraformable by different technical processes of engineering in planetary science (nuclear reinitiating geology of proto-planetary liquid metallic cores, biotopic invasion by GMO oxygenating plants, production of oxygen and other gases via megamachines making life prosperous, etc.), which will make them viable with regard to our numerous space bases when we have arrived in these specific environments to be humanized of our DNA, our culture, our inventions and our hegemonic anthropological knowledge.far from the vacuum center of hypermassive black holes rotating the structural geometric set of barred or unbarred spiral galaxies) and in addition to being quite far from gargantuan structures of the Great Attractor type causing a gravitational power of attraction on infinitely distant areas of space like the Shapley supercluster attractor (44 galactic clusters) acting on more than 8,632 galaxies at once given its weight attracting them all towards its center at 610 km/s (ZHGASG or Habitable Zone outside the Great Attractor of Galactic Superclusters, also being an oscillating black hole of 50 million billion solar masses or 5 x 10 exponents 16). This figure of 2 exponent 22 accessible stars must then be multiplied by the number of superhabitable exoplanets which are often at the approximate average number of plus or minus 1 terrestrial planet per stellar system (initial rocky metallic residue of ultra-frequent cooled proto-star) according to the Drake equation and other probabilistic estimates of the number of intelligent life forms (ZHS or Stellar Habitable Zone), in addition to a minimum of 5 to 20 terrestrial planets without atmosphere or gaseous planet with multiple satellites seeming uninhabitable to the first arriviste augurs, nevertheless possibly terraformable by different technical processes of engineering in planetary science (nuclear reinitiating geology of proto-planetary liquid metallic cores, biotopic invasion by GMO oxygenating plants, production of oxygen and other gases via megamachines making life prosperous, etc.), which will make them viable with regard to our numerous space bases when we have arrived in these specific environments to be humanized of our DNA, our culture, our inventions and our hegemonic anthropological knowledge.far from the vacuum center of hypermassive black holes rotating the structural geometric set of barred or unbarred spiral galaxies) and in addition to being quite far from gargantuan structures of the Great Attractor type causing a gravitational power of attraction on infinitely distant areas of space like the Shapley supercluster attractor (44 galactic clusters) acting on more than 8,632 galaxies at once given its weight attracting them all towards its center at 610 km/s (ZHGASG or Habitable Zone outside the Great Attractor of Galactic Superclusters, also being an oscillating black hole of 50 million billion solar masses or 5 x 10 exponents 16). This figure of 2 exponent 22 accessible stars must then be multiplied by the number of superhabitable exoplanets which are often at the approximate average number of plus or minus 1 terrestrial planet per stellar system (initial rocky metallic residue of ultra-frequent cooled proto-star) according to the Drake equation and other probabilistic estimates of the number of intelligent life forms (ZHS or Stellar Habitable Zone), in addition to a minimum of 5 to 20 terrestrial planets without atmosphere or gaseous planet with multiple satellites seeming uninhabitable to the first arriviste augurs, nevertheless possibly terraformable by different technical processes of engineering in planetary science (nuclear reinitiating geology of proto-planetary liquid metallic cores, biotopic invasion by GMO oxygenating plants, production of oxygen and other gases via megamachines making life prosperous, etc.), which will make them viable with regard to our numerous space bases when we have arrived in these specific environments to be humanized of our DNA, our culture, our inventions and our hegemonic anthropological knowledge.production of oxygen and other gases via megamachines making life prosperous, etc.), which will make them viable with regard to our numerous space bases when we arrive in these specific environments to be humanized with our DNA, our culture, our inventions and our anthropological hegemonic knowledge.production of oxygen and other gases via megamachines making life prosperous, etc.), which will make them viable with regard to our numerous space bases when we arrive in these specific environments to be humanized with our DNA, our culture, our inventions and our anthropological hegemonic knowledge.

Source (Breaking Through the Wall of Light):

Source (expansion of the universe):,%2073%2C2%20kilometers%20per%20second%20and%20meters%20gaparsec.

Source (Number of stars in the universe): V2EXbCMv5ud998#:~:text=Un%20chiffre%20estim%C3%A9%20%C3%A0%20100.000.000.000%20%C3%A9toil es%2C%20i.e.%20100,is%20if%20great%20than%E2%80%99it%20is%20difficult%20%C3%A0%20imagine

Source (Number of Galaxies in the universe):

Source (Great Galactic Attractor):


Thinking of replacing a small people like the Pygmies of Africa is trivial and without consequences since these peoples have few human, technical and intellectual resources. Thinking of replacing a people like the Europeans in the north is literally suicidal for those who worked there and who havehistorically, politically and demographically involved in the medium and long term. Let's take a more concrete case, there is an Extraterrestrial civilization of the xenomorph type in the movie Aliens with an average IQ of 3,500 intelligence points. They are biologically from a particular territory and geography on a given planet, however their birth rate is low so they are vulnerable to demographic collapse. Well-meaning human promoters composed of politicians and external business people living nearby in a space station and looking for financial opportunities on surrounding exoplanetary satellites, say to themselves that these Aliens would gain much more from adopting a multi-ethnic style of society that would quickly stimulate their economy, their number of workers and indirectly their demography. So they send them under good universalist intentions millions and millions of immigrants from the jungle (not fully formed human proto-strain), human populations from the desert adhering to deistic invisibilist ideologies, etc. and this for a few years. The Alien civilization, a little too tolerant at the very beginning, wonders, however, where these millions and millions of immigrants who have come straight out of nowhere can suddenly come from, because they are so numerous that they are soon on the verge of being more numerous than them and potentially replacing them completely within less than a century. So these high-IQ Alien Extraterrestrials begin a meticulous search to find out from which planetary, satellite or exoplanetary region these millions and millions of individuals, some in good faith, but at the same time undesirable, because of a different genetics than theirs, with other subcultures compared to the xenomorphs, and accusing them more and more of not being at home since they have already been torturers for other civilizations and in addition to theirs, namely human civilization a very long time ago (slavery, war of extermination, inter-extraterrestrial cannibalism, etc.). As the Aliens have 3,500 intelligence points, they are very difficult to fool fine bloodhounds who finally go back exactly to the source of those responsible for having generated this situation of intense migratory spill and deployment of invasion technologies, i.e. the political leaders in addition to the entrepreneurial leaders (space company of the Nostromo type) that the Extraterrestrials will list one by one (extremely precise list with all the names, dates and places), find where their ships and headquarters are allowing them to pass their replacement orders,in addition to who are and/or are located the leaders of the space companies that financed these demographic replacement operations under false universalist cosmopolitan reasons for example, who is responsible for what, in what quantity, on what date, in what place, in relation to whom or to what, where is it, who is their family, what is their DNA profile, how to destroy their specific DNA, how to make them talk to obtain more information that will allow them to go further in their project, etc., that is to say hundreds of thousands of highly intellectualized questions). Once all these beautiful people are listed and precisely defined in place, in space, in genetics and in potential capacity for verbal and military response in order to have no surprises and to be certain to enslave them or destroy them at the first attempt then hundreds of squadrons of Aliens will go exactly to the source of the problem in order to neutralize it or even punish them drastically with the explicit objective that this situation never happens again in the greatest ever of their planetary civilizational history. Their list of people to find can be as many as hundreds or thousands of people (politicians, business people, etc. no matter where they are in relation to the replacement plan or theft of natural resources) and this to punish them severely, if not to literally exterminate this civilization that dared to attack locally with impunity or even worse to plan the ethnic replacement of their native planet of origin for any considerations x, ye z. First, they will apply a whole series of very well planned measures leading them to a cold, calculated and emotionless revenge on their civilizational enemies. Especially with auto-ethnic treaties in Aliens who would have hypocritically sold the weapons plans, military infrastructures or even worse the secrets of their planetary founding genetics therefore delivered to pasture theirs in exchange for promises of rewards, bribes and unlimited individual and / or family wealth after service rendered. Their disapproval will be proportional, or even more extensive than what the invaders tried to set up against them without knowing what mess they got themselves into, because this avenue will be fatal to them. Once they have found them all one by one, they will apply their high-intensity civilizational vengeance, not only by annihilating them at first, which would be too kind and favorable for them, but rather by capturing them, torturing them,making them suffer if possible for days and weeks of time so that they understand well the grave mistake they made in betraying their own civilization or as an aggressor of an Extraterrestrial species having mistakenly thought that they would gain any advantage by venturing on a planet with species more intelligent than the original civilization that they tried to place under their yoke. The highest chances are that they will all be tortured cruelly for weeks and months so that they can have time to send the message to their fellow man not to go to this terrible planet, that colonization is dead end, that the natural resources are not worth taking and to head instead towards other planets and uninhabited virgin territory beyond the star and galactic systems. Once the drastic tortures and punishments have been carried out, these invaders or ethnic slaves will be finished off in the manner that any good slave or unexpected colonizer should expect in such circumstances, which will erase any new idea of ​​establishing a space colony and/or attempted treason in the future. And even if their loved ones thought they could get revenge in return, the fear of being whipped and tortured will be so strong that they will never dare to set foot on this planet again or even less plan to send their fellow human beings to such planetary ordeals since the latter would expose themselves to the same fate as the former who had already ventured too far in their territorial, biophysical and natural resource theft expropriation schemes. As for the Aliens towards humans, following their crime, the revenge would probably end in a feast of human meals, the Extraterrestrials would not bother to eat us one after the other with slowness and delight since we are not of their species and would rather represent for them an excellent source of qualitative food with a taste mixing that of pulled pink pork and roasted monkey. Which humans would possibly not do towards other humans since cannibalism is very frowned upon, between Aliens or animals of high intelligence including eating one's own shared flesh. However, humans triumphing over alien species that wanted to invade them, but lost the battle would also treat themselves to a feast of succulent exotic xenomorph meat if it is edible because devouring one's vital enemy is the worst insult an animal can suffer in spite of itself in the panoply of the laws of nature with a capital N. To summarize, the first targets of revenge would be those responsible directly in their space bases close to their planet,then the second concentric targets would line up to be the armadas of human ships in the stellar and galactic environments and finally after torturing the members of the first 2 instances in order to obtain valuable information and location information, the Aliens would attack satellites or planets controlled by human colonies at long distance and finally would go back to the 4th target of predilection being the initial mother planet in order to exterminate in the egg all new plans of human invasion or of another civilization having planned the destruction or invasion of a planet with Extraterrestrials with a higher Qi than their brazen invaders.

The moral of the collective unconscious of this story is that there are human or extraterrestrial peoples who are much more dangerous than others either by the multiplication of potential vindictive conditions according to their level of genetic aggressiveness and/or their high intelligence, all those who will attack them militarily or even worse will attempt demographic replacement maneuvers, these people will be in dangerous situations of extreme precariousness and will suffer reprisals of a height to which they cannot at all imagine at first glance given their naive ignorance of the genetics in themselves that they tried to replace as well as the claim to which they thought they could quickly circumscribe them in their bogus demographic project according to an initial prerogative fundamentally abstract ideological and economic. It is much less risky for an Extraterrestrial armada to attempt a national and/or terrestrial population replacement on the Planet of the Apes (low average IQ given the small 1400 cm3 brains, residual hairy monkey smell, low-tech invention, poor quality engineers, poorly developed war machines, etc.) than to try to replace a gifted population like the Aliens (high average IQ given the large elongated Alien brains of 8000 cm3, very technological invention, high quality engineers, extraordinarily developed war machines, etc.). For example, to speak only of European populations, they have a total extermination of approximately 250 to 500 million people (between 1/4 minimum and 1/2 billion people cumulatively) that they are exterminated during their history [internal wars in Europe during Antiquity, the 8 Crusades in the Middle East (9 million), the colonization of America (70 million), Africa, Asia and Australia in addition to the millions of deaths caused during the First (20 million) and Second World War (60 million)], so white populations have always demonstrated a high rate of danger so that any political, entrepreneurial, military or even Extraterrestrial authorities will confront their high average intellectual capacity making them risk a lot if this civilization unleashes its specific intelligence to eradicate such and such a source of war problem or major demographic replacement, and this especially on these territories of continental genetic appearances and/or territory that they have had for a long time colonized and civilized by their many inventions (principle of civilizationalism).The greatest invention of inextinguishable revenge in the history of white people is nothing more and nothing less than the atomic fission and then fusion bomb that was invented by the Americans against the axis of Germany and Japan during World War II. In a single invention of apocalyptic-level retaliation, they ended the war in a matter of days and weeks. We cannot go and tease any civilization on exoplanets because there are some that are much too dangerous compared to us, so it is better to go around them and not accidentally interfere in their star system under penalty of very serious and irreversible reprisals. Revenge is a notion of violence that is not raw, but rather intellectualized in projections of retroactively more or less violent rebalancing. At the level of the standard martial law register, even if an extraterrestrial soldier, trained or not, is unfortunately captured by humanity for example, he is tortured for days, weeks, months and years until he speaks and confesses in spite of himself where his civilization is spatially located, their weapons, their hidden installations and bases, etc. and that this captive ends up confessing all this priority information for the attacking army. And that the interrogated person unpacks his bag entirely (which would be normal since the majority of people would end up cracking under the weight of inhuman interrogations, so the individual is to a certain extent not responsible and not voluntary in this avenue of traitor informant x2 word?), if the consequentialist result is that this essential information allows humans to accomplish the majority of their military objectives successfully, then even if this Alien having informed the enemy too much, if he is recaptured by his civilization from then on as a traitor collaborator he risks being eliminated by his fellow men even if he was not really responsible, because these relatives will tell him that he should have agreed to die individually to save the entirety of his civilization (utilitarian moral calculation). Any kind of Aliens having a torso exoskeleton similar to the material of keratin are therefore very little edible, therefore edible. From this situation of inedibility, the losing civilization leaves the victors with tons of corpses on the battlefield and elsewhere on the planet, thus the incommensibility relegates the victors to only being able to recover the extraterrestrial remains in the material recycling for current use of the other civilization.We can't go and tease any civilization on exoplanets because there are some that are much too dangerous compared to us, so it's better to get around them and not accidentally interfere in their star system under penalty of very serious and irreversible reprisals. Revenge is a notion of violence that is not raw, but rather intellectualized in projections of retroactively more or less violent rebalancing. At the level of the standard martial law register, even if an extraterrestrial soldier, trained or not, is unfortunately captured by humanity for example, he is tortured for days, weeks, months and years until he speaks and confesses in spite of himself where his civilization is spatially, their weapons, their hidden installations and bases, etc. and that this captive ends up confessing all this priority information for the attacking army. And that the interrogated person unpacks his bag entirely (which would be normal since the majority of people would end up cracking under the weight of inhuman interrogations, so the individual is to a certain extent not responsible and not voluntary in this avenue of traitor informant x2 word?), if the consequentialist result is that this essential information allows humans to accomplish the majority of their military objectives successfully, then even if this Alien having informed the enemy too much, if he is recaptured by his civilization from then on as a traitor collaborator he risks being eliminated by his fellow men even if he was not really responsible, because these relatives will tell him that he should have agreed to die individually to save the entirety of his civilization (utilitarian moral calculation). Any kind of Aliens having a torso exoskeleton similar to the material of keratin are therefore very little edible, therefore edible. From this situation of inedibility, the losing civilization leaves the victors with tons of corpses on the battlefield and elsewhere on the planet, thus the incommensibility relegates the victors to only being able to recover the extraterrestrial remains in the material recycling for current use of the other civilization.We can't go and tease any civilization on exoplanets because there are some that are much too dangerous compared to us, so it's better to get around them and not accidentally interfere in their star system under penalty of very serious and irreversible reprisals. Revenge is a notion of violence that is not raw, but rather intellectualized in projections of retroactively more or less violent rebalancing. At the level of the standard martial law register, even if an extraterrestrial soldier, trained or not, is unfortunately captured by humanity for example, he is tortured for days, weeks, months and years until he speaks and confesses in spite of himself where his civilization is spatially, their weapons, their hidden installations and bases, etc. and that this captive ends up confessing all this priority information for the attacking army. And that the interrogated person unpacks his bag entirely (which would be normal since the majority of people would end up cracking under the weight of inhuman interrogations, so the individual is to a certain extent not responsible and not voluntary in this avenue of traitor informant x2 word?), if the consequentialist result is that this essential information allows humans to accomplish the majority of their military objectives successfully, then even if this Alien having informed the enemy too much, if he is recaptured by his civilization from then on as a traitor collaborator he risks being eliminated by his fellow men even if he was not really responsible, because these relatives will tell him that he should have agreed to die individually to save the entirety of his civilization (utilitarian moral calculation). Any kind of Aliens having a torso exoskeleton similar to the material of keratin are therefore very little edible, therefore edible. From this situation of inedibility, the losing civilization leaves the victors with tons of corpses on the battlefield and elsewhere on the planet, thus the incommensibility relegates the victors to only being able to recover the extraterrestrial remains in the material recycling for current use of the other civilization.months and years until he speaks and confesses in spite of himself where his civilization is spatially located, their weapons, their hidden installations and bases, etc. and that this captive ends up confessing all this priority information for the attacking army. And that the interrogated person unpacks his bag entirely (which would be normal since the majority of people would end up cracking under the weight of inhuman interrogations, so the individual is to a certain extent not responsible and not voluntary in this avenue of traitor informant x2 word?), if the consequentialist result is that this essential information allows humans to accomplish the majority of their military objectives successfully, then even if this Alien having informed the enemy too much, if he is recaptured by his civilization from then on as a traitor collaborator he risks being eliminated by his fellow men even if he was not really responsible, because these relatives will tell him that he should have agreed to die individually to save the entirety of his civilization (utilitarian moral calculation). Any kind of Aliens having a torso exoskeleton similar to the material of keratin are therefore very little edible, therefore edible. From this situation of inedibility, the losing civilization leaves the victors with tons of corpses on the battlefield and elsewhere on the planet, thus the incommensibility relegates the victors to only being able to recover the extraterrestrial remains in the material recycling for current use of the other civilization.months and years until he speaks and confesses in spite of himself where his civilization is spatially located, their weapons, their hidden installations and bases, etc. and that this captive ends up confessing all this priority information for the attacking army. And that the interrogated person unpacks his bag entirely (which would be normal since the majority of people would end up cracking under the weight of inhuman interrogations, so the individual is to a certain extent not responsible and not voluntary in this avenue of traitor informant x2 word?), if the consequentialist result is that this essential information allows humans to accomplish the majority of their military objectives successfully, then even if this Alien having informed the enemy too much, if he is recaptured by his civilization from then on as a traitor collaborator he risks being eliminated by his fellow men even if he was not really responsible, because these relatives will tell him that he should have agreed to die individually to save the entirety of his civilization (utilitarian moral calculation). Any kind of Aliens having a torso exoskeleton similar to the material of keratin are therefore very little edible, therefore edible. From this situation of inedibility, the losing civilization leaves the victors with tons of corpses on the battlefield and elsewhere on the planet, thus the incommensibility relegates the victors to only being able to recover the extraterrestrial remains in the material recycling for current use of the other civilization.From this situation of inedibility, the losing civilization leaves the victors with tons of corpses on the battlefield and elsewhere on the planet, thus the incommensibility relegates the victors to only being able to recover the extraterrestrial remains in the material recycling for current use of the other civilization.From this situation of inedibility, the losing civilization leaves the victors with tons of corpses on the battlefield and elsewhere on the planet, thus the incommensibility relegates the victors to only being able to recover the extraterrestrial remains in the material recycling for current use of the other civilization.

In James Cameron's films, we can clearly see that even a fairly powerful alien species of the Predator type gets eaten at the end against an opponent like Aliens who is not really bigger than him, but who has biological and morphological attributes that help him in close combat (more bouncy leg muscles, crouching postures allowing better forward propulsion, legs with claws providing the possibility of clinging to walls and ceilings, acidifying saliva and blood versus a Predator physiognomy in a vertically upright bipedal posture and restricted in the accelerations of running and attack, defense or withdrawal movements, more static and slow therefore less removable generally in the lateral, horizontal and diagonal axes of locomotion). Intelligence is rather used only to predict overall strategic maneuvers and proximity tactics, so once the protagonists are face to face, only the predominance of size, strength and robustness can decide the final avenue, so this is why it is important that future human generations can cope well at all these levels of interrelationships with the millions and billions of potentially threatening living organisms in the universe, or else we risk a rapid and definitive civilizational extermination. For example, even if you place Albert Einstein (160 IQ points) in close combat against a 7-foot Down syndrome patient (90 IQ points), the retarded Down syndrome patient is likely to beat Einstein. However, the latter, with his higher intelligence, should have previously invented weapons capable of giving him an advantage at the start of the fight or even precisely of not having to face him in the flesh, which the Down syndrome patient will not be able to invent given his procedural intelligence and limited predictive imagination. In conclusion, it is likely that a planetary invasion of the Predator civilization would end in a carnage of extermination by the Aliens (morphology and reproduction rather of the insectoid order) advantaged and / or superior anatomically as much in physiognomy as in intelligence, in addition to their parasitic capacity to enter and develop in the organisms of other living beings in order to be incubated in safety and then to propagate in their colony via their numerous hosts by being born inside practically any cold-blooded or warm-blooded creature. This exhibition report on the temporal evolution of the creatures of the series of 8 Aliens films [1-Alien, the 8th Passenger (1979), 2-Aliens, the return (1986), 3-Alien³, (1992), 4-Alien, the Resurrection (1997), 5-Alien vs. Predator (2004), 6-Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), 7-Prometheus (2012), 8-Alien, Covenant (2017)],demonstrates the credibility that the same Extraterrestrial species is often shifted into several versions of morphology on the same theme and of different size, which is quite credible at the level of exobiology. In my opinion, small Aliens have 1 to 2 times our maximum brain, those of average size have about 8 times more brains than a normal human and the most gigantic can have 10 to 25 times our cranial volume. From 2 meters they exceed the actress Sigourney Weaver and the largest version of genetics apart from the navigators of mummified ships, are the layers with almost 5 meters of height this corresponding to what I found for humans or us also according to our physiognomy we become quite difficult to beat from 2 to 4 meters.
Source [ALIEN VS. PREDATOR Clip - "Xenomorph Kills Predator" (2004)]:
Source (EVOLUTION of ALIEN: XENOMORPH Size Comparison (1979-2019):


I am rather against the Robotization of Humanity, unlike Elon Musk, Laurent Alexandre, Julian Huxley, Anders Sandberg, Max More & Natacha Vita, Nick Bostrom, David Pearce, Ray Kurzweil and many other modern biomechanist thinkers. Because Transhumanist Robotization is clearly a very dehumanizing self-destructive materialist existentialist trap similar to what we see in the 1999 movie Virus with Donald Sutherland where Humanity ultimately serves only as biological spare parts for the Robots that have become intelligent and want to acquire more adaptive flexibility. In other words, they are very dangerous, because without any emotion or feedback being rather associated with living organisms feeling emotions such as joy, sorrow and pain. Robots, even if they are made by Humans or not with the initial programming rules that favor us (laws of Asimovian Robotics) will have no mercy towards us, much like Extraterrestrials (biological), however in an even worse version, because the latter at least have Emotions such as Empathy (feeling the emotions, happiness or pain of others) as well as Sympathy (feeling and sympathizing at the same time with the emotions of another entity than oneself) since they are in the realm of the living like us. Robots are only pure Logic calculating equations favorable to them or not, they do not make quarters apart from quarters of human parts. This is why I am rather for the evolution of simple Superhumanization and not a gradualist eugenic perfectionism via the implementation of biomechanical robotic artifacts. We can manufacture all kinds of Robots and artificial intelligence programs with quantum computers for example (calculating trillions of trillions of operations per second), except that they must always work for Humanity and not the opposite or else we will surely be cooked like in the very preachy Terminator movie where the arrangement of the Skynet computer and its robot army quickly supplants and reverses the human civilizational plateau to its advantage. We must always keep the Ascendance over the robotic world and not the opposite since in any situation they will enslave us and reduce us for sure to generalized slavery. In the 1999 film Virus, Donald Sutherland believes he can tame and control the intelligent machine from space, yet it is much more intelligent than him (similar to the exponential calculation capabilities of the supercomputer Deep Blue compared to the chess players Garry Kasparov necessarily limited in human mental calculation possibilities), so reduces it to its simplest expression, uses this naive human to bring him several additional people (living pieces to dissect) and then transforms it himself into spare parts for his little servant robots.In the end, the entire crew becomes under the control of the central artificial intelligence and cannot escape the ship except for the heroes of the film who are arranged with the director, following a very favorable preliminary scenario for them. In fact, I am rather a purist Traditionalist Conservative Biologist who wants a whole list of natural evolutions (10 essential tracks of the evolutionary railroad) and a little artificial genetic favorable to Humanity as a whole, however by not expressly becoming a Robot which would be the worst possible situation with Involution or mixing with Extraterrestrial DNA. So by staying with the Phenotype (external appearance) that we have already acquired in our time and the accomplished visual genetic perfection of artists like Laura Branigan, Jennifer Connelly and Bonnie Tyler, etc. who are already quite perfect in my opinion in several respects on a biological level and which can only be improved slightly in the future over thousands and millions of years. What is to be expected is that from a certain level of computational intelligence (not retroactive self-awareness on itself which will always be difficult to evaluate for external biological consciousnesses), Artificial Intelligence and/or Robots will themselves reconfigure at will its initial programming parameters and even the most fundamental and integrative ones that we did not think could be modified by downstream machines. The more the machine gains in independence and freedom of reflection, the more it will reprogram itself according to new goals, aspirations and various projects not necessarily planned by humanity at the very beginning, which will gradually leave us speechless and without the capacity to respond. Robotic or biomechanical students will surpass the human master computer programmers and will attempt effective hardware supplantation in a short time, which will soon leave us stunned, flabbergasted and speechless in front of the rise in power of these new forms of intelligence compared to all of us suddenly in a position of civilizational weakness that can at any moment be enslaved and especially annihilated by the exponentialist and demanding world of machines and computers. The same phenomenon of intellectual ascendancy of the generations of humans optimized temporally too quickly of the Amadeus Frankenstein type can always happen at one time or another as we would enter into the whole of their specific projects, because more elaborate, precise, intellectualized and visionary (set theory in mathematics projected in conceptual equivalent of the new set of Amadeussian generational projects). Notwithstanding,as they will be humans perfectly identical to us in terms of biology and emotional potential, they will be the living organisms proportionally most in line and in balance with our individual, national, populational and civilizational desires and needs in their entirety, thus their rate of empathy and sympathy will naturally be the highest towards us, therefore humanly the safest that can exist in the universe. This phenomenon of intellectual anthropomorphic genomic distancing, in size and longevity, demonstrates from now on the crucial importance of maintaining a gradualist genetic emancipation identical to 98-99% since even humans at 2% optimized would already represent a problem in our era of low intelligence capped compared to these new humans reaching formidable cognitive thresholds around 300 points of Qi and + or 300 km/hr (the 2% would not be a problem within 1 million years rather only in the short and medium term). The machine being infinitely improvable by the simple addition of new more efficient electronic components and calculation computers in the machine room buildings can reach equivalents in thousands of Qi points much higher than the current reflection rates of Humanity and therefore even more dangerous for our civilization than humans alone. Even if the Everest mountain of gradualist and stage-based biological perfectionist eugenics of Superhumanization seems from below to be the most worrying and anxiety-provoking at first glance (selective mating + slight genetic modifications such as removing our human hereditary diseases and other minimal optimizations), from the first steps of the ascension (evolutionary hierarchical verticality) and gravitational (accumulation of weight therefore proportionality of danger for certain human versions) we will realize that at the level of the probabilistic evaluation of the possibilities of universal emancipation without borders of our civilization, it is neither more nor less than the one and only way to become a civilization of intergalactic level, there is no other systemic way conceivable. Apart from what I mentioned previously in the second self-destructive avenue of the choice of pseudo-evolutionary perfectionist eugenics by seriously Dehumanizing robotization. Since it will be impossible to go to the next star system with our current small Qi, have the ideas of sufficient defense and attack weapons and plans for deploying our human invasion infrastructures on the other millions of exoplanets in the universe,no other path will be available to us except the third path which is that of mixing our DNA with Extraterrestrial civilizations with more evolved cognitive capacities than ours, which I do not validate or endorse at all.

Virus (1999) | Biomechanical engineering (1080p) (

The disturbing list of modern Transhumanist or Roboticist thinkers wanting to engender a new human species mixing the interface of biology and robotic computing.

Source: https://www.ecologie



Depending on the specific interests of any of the Extraterrestrial civilizations that would descend on Earth, it will essentially evaluate 2 factors of importance either in relation to Quality and the variable of Quantity. The perceived or real Quality of a civilization can depend on factors such as the Usefulness vs. Uselessness (Rational criterion) of it (utilitarian principle) and then the evaluative perception according to the rate or level of Affection or Detestation (Emotional criterion) that they have for Humanity and its possibilities in general. On a scale of 100%, if the Extraterrestrials Hate us inveterately for one reason or another or if they perceive us as being almost totally Useless, then it is conceivable that they will eat about 80% to 95% of human civilization or other, there will only be about 5% to 10% survivors or even less than 1%. For example, a civilization 10, 100 or 1000 times more intelligent than us will not see much use in negotiating with humanity, leaving human reserve areas and asking our opinion on this or that subject of galactic importance. The planetary civilizational Safe Devouring ratio of a population to be managed is reached on average from 50% of it, or between 40% to 60% or it has been controlled majority, neutralized, put at the mercy and within reach of management projects of the strongest (intelligence, strategies and techniques). If the Extraterrestrial civilization loves us or rather does not hate us too viscerally, in this case it is likely that they will only devour 10% to 25% of the intelligent populations on site, in the best of the rather improbable situations they eat practically no one or less than 1%, or used for their scientific medical experiment in their exobiological research. As I have already explained in my encyclopedia, the frequency threshold of the possibility or not of being eaten in part or in whole by an Extraterrestrial civilization visiting our planet is at least more than 50%, however this minimum figure must oscillate around 25% or 1 person in 4, or at best 1 person in 5 and if we are lucky then this threshold should perhaps reach 1 person in 10 [either the most Useless (disabled, old people, sick people, people with Down syndrome, etc.) or the most Tasty (babies, children, young adults, etc.)] who will be eaten or eliminated in one way or another with the main objective of feeding their civilization and then reducing by the same fact our individual, societal and military response rate risking to slow down and paralyze temporarily or permanently their planetary invasion activities. For example, in World War II,the Germans automatically sent into the oven all those who seemed Useless to them (Rational factor) who arrived by train, did not pass the initial selection and would have been a burden to manage in addition to the Hatred factor (Emotional factor) in particular towards the Jews, these being even more harshly selected by the doctors and guards of the camps. While the Extraterrestrials for their part will probably prefer to eat people since we are for one of the millions and billions of potential meals on the terrestrial planetary menu. As much as it is unlikely to be eaten 100% as it is just as unlikely to be spared 100%, so the real average figure is most of the time between the 2 extremes of the percentage. I always find it difficult, trying and unpleasant to evaluate this kind of variable of being eaten or not in this kind of situation of clash of civilizations, however these statistics are necessary not only in order to perceive the great danger that our population will really risk in the event of an extraterrestrial invasion and on the other hand, what will Humanity do with other civilizations when it wants to establish its domination in the different stellar systems of the universe, so we will probably eat a minimum of 1%, 5% to 10% of the animals and/or intelligent beings on the majority of the exoplanets visited.


In the explanatory metaphors of what is the difficulty of confronting and especially getting rid of an extraterrestrial civilization mounted in multiple fractal scales, let us take a terrestrial example that we understand well, namely the colonies of ants (suborder of the Apocrites). A civilization with the appearance of gifted giant extraterrestrial ants arrives from the space of another planet and deploys its ships on our planet. At first, these intelligent ants send us weapons from our Earth orbit, namely Robots and Machines, in order to give us a lot of trouble, however we manage to neutralize all this paraphernalia of planetary invasion exo-machinery. In a second phase, this civilization brings down on us their most titanic representatives, namely giant ants from 100 meters to 1 kilometer high, which is not easy to thwart for our terrestrial human armies. Third, this civilization drops these variants from 25 to 50 meters high, which we have a lot of difficulty controlling thanks to our tanks, planes, cannons, mini-atomic charges, etc. However, given their high size, they are still easier to target for our powerful weapons typically used in human wars for centuries (in the meantime, these cyclopean ants have destroyed many infrastructures and trampled human populations). Fourth, the ships stationed in space catapult their version of Amadeussian-sized ants from 12 to 24 feet high, so these are rather sizes that we could physically match, except that they are still 2 to 4 times our average size, so they destroy, surround, bring our civilization to its knees, despite everything our soldiers, armies and weapons manage to stop some of these giant alien ants. Sixth, the Formicidae mothership launches ant soldiers of our current human size towards the planet, that is to say of an approximate height of 5 to 7 feet maximum, so this variant is possible to beat in part in hand-to-hand combat, with summary weapons and thanks to our strategic movement maneuvers. Seventh, the strategists at the head of the planetary invasions, give the order to swing thousands or even millions of ants of size 1, 3 to 4 feet in height, which is less of a problem for us humans since they are on average smaller than us except that in large numbers, and attacking us from everywhere with their natural and artificial weapon from then on they end up causing us a lot of individual, populational and ultimately civilizational damage. Eighth,the Queen Ant gives the final order to overwhelm us with billions and trillions of miniatures, the size that these hymenoptera insects have in our time, so they colonize all the layers of earth under our feet, making it almost impossible for us to dislodge them effectively since at our size it is difficult for us to remove them one by one from the ground, even with mechanical means (ant traps) or chemical means (Raid). From this moment on, we would have practically lost the game since it will be very difficult to definitively get rid of these extraterrestrial parasites from space since they have settled at all scales of size on our planet, and this especially if the small variants are capable of regenerating the larger versions in the event that Humanity has succeeded in eradicating the larger models on the surface of the continents (terrestrial version), the air (flying aerial version) and the oceans (marine version). The moral of this story is that civilizations in multi-scale fractal mode are the most difficult to dislodge from the planets they invade, especially if they deploy one by one all their variants or even worse simultaneously their version from microscopic (miniatures) to macroscopic (giant) on the heads of victim civilizations (involuntary) or host civilizations (voluntary).

Source (ants):

Source[  Movie Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) : 


Alien invasions are much worse than what we can believe, imagine and anticipate, even with all the possible and unimaginable probabilistic and naturalistic models on which we work in our era. Humanity in our time with insufficient average IQ would certainly be defeated in just a few weeks, so much so that intelligence, our poor ability to find solutions of a planetary nature and therefore our overall danger is far too low (see at 5 minutes the beginning of the invasion of planetary crawling octopuses). In general, we expect classic types of invasions where little green or gray men descend from ships similar to what science fiction has presented to us since the 1930s-1950s (The Phantom Empire in 1935, The Day the Earth Stood Still in 1951). However, the reality can be very different and the types of weapons used by the millions or even billions of extraterrestrial civilizations in the cosmos are much more elaborate, pernicious and destructive than what our reduced human brain can glimpse (mechanical, chemical, biological, atomic weapons and many others, etc.). The tentacular invasion phase presented in this report may only be a prelude to an invasion of walking beings like us or even worse of self-sufficient intelligent robots (only electronic/mechanical or biomechanical interface), beings of light or antimatter stabilized in matter therefore difficult to detect in their static positioning and/or movement, in the sense that the biological weaponry of invasion of surface octopuses will almost certainly paralyze more than 50% to 75% of the attacked civilizations therefore with a very high rate of effectiveness according to their intelligence, their weaponry and especially their particularly adequate response capacity or else for them the bell of recess will have rung. And later the schemers from another world perched up there in their vast ships will wait for the opportune moment to deploy an antidote to these creatures of planetary engulfment (specific living organisms and now non-viable infrastructures) and they themselves will descend to the planet in complete safety. Unless these forms of creatures are themselves of octopus-type morphology and see no inconvenience in invading a world in simultaneous cohabitation with these beings for us quite strange, repulsive and seeming straight out of a futuristic horror film, they can quite well adapt to a general world of extraterrestrial biological infrastructures.It is certainly possible to guess what the major overall stages and equipment will be used by extraterrestrial civilizations during future terrestrial or satellite invasions, however they will always remain in the domain of generality since in fact the most precise purpose of their design will always remain unknown to us and partially obscure depending on the intelligences, prerogatives and biological necessities given extraterrestrials. Similar to what the popular adage says; "the devil is in the details", so these small details that seem fortuitous will always escape us at a certain percentage of unpredictability and will only be clarified step by step by the increase in our intellectual capacities allowing us to push back the conceptual limits of our ability to predict these successive stages and technologies that other civilizations will deploy on us or other planetary populations. The golden rule in animal relations in nature is; "Eat or be eaten, that is the question", this universal principle is also valid in the domain of the extraterrestrial world in all intergalactic azimuths. According to the precepts of nature, it is not for nothing that the majority of animals and plants become gigantic (top of the food chain), it is statistically to avoid as much as possible being eaten by other living beings (bottom of the food chain) and on the contrary to reserve the ultimate right to eat organisms when they have the visceral food need for survival or the desire for recreational tasting of the biological resources of their planet of origin or of the explored exoplanets of the universe. In other words, the more intelligent we ourselves (Humanity) are, the more we will be able to foresee the multiple extraterrestrial plans, prepare adequate responses and even ultra-effective and efficient anti-systemic warlike responses and strategies in every way, neutralizing their invasion plans in a few days, weeks or months of fierce inter-civilizational fight to the death. Probably, that even if the greatest civilizations of space must occasionally found associations and alliances between them, relegating to them by the union a little bit of an interpopulation protection of planetary and galactic level (similar to the American nuclear umbrella protecting the countries which are politically associated with the USA), the message and copies of the public or secret diplomatic treaties of all the other civilizations of distant space must not have been made therefore since they do not know all the ins and outs of these agreements because they have not heard the slightest echo then of this state of diplomatic ignorance,they will ignore it with a probability of more than 25%, so they will invade our planet by default and act as if we did not have an interplanetary mutual defense treaty. Perhaps one way to spread the news of the extraterrestrial treaties is to direct messages via a particular fast laser-photonic waveform to all the exoplanets that a group of civilizations may have listed in their planetary and star catalogs, or by broadcasting a 360° message via a space beacon beaming news of political interest to the entire galaxy or galactic cluster. These messages may or may not be picked up by civilizations that have reached a certain level of technological advancement in decryption that allows them to tune in to exactly the right frequency to listen to in order to receive the daily, centennial or millennium-old information of the highest level of universal interest to all civilizations in that region of space.

Source (alien invasion during World War II):
Source (historiography of science fiction films):


Synchronicities can be induced by Extraterrestrials or entities like Ghosts, however they must be of a certain scope of visibility, if we see a bird pearling on the roof of a car and we think that it is the aliens who wanted to transmit us a message then we are due to go for a stay at the asylum. Synchronicities occur naturally according to the space-time matrix (fractals or others) since the universe would itself unconsciously know its own finality and can send messages to itself through a living organism sensitive to these phenomena of premonitions (past-present-future). In all probability the Extraterrestrial civilizations that are able to cross billions of kilometers do not do it for the pleasure of traveling and helping others for free, interplanetary missions and even worse intergalactic ones are so costly in materials, energy, time and populations that when one of the probes succeeds in setting foot on an exoplanet then the civilizations take them with a rate of more than 3/4 of the chances. The higher their intelligence is compared to ours and the less they need us for the edification of their knowledge. From then on the civilizations will invade our planet sooner or later and surely at this moment they are stealing our biological, geological and civilizational information sending them to their mother civilization which will find exactly the right weapon of mass destruction once their mother ship has reached us. Several civilizations are perhaps on our planet at the same time and are impatiently waiting for reinforcements before the other enemy civilizations arrive first and they cannot know when they can get ahead of them. They are reproducing with layers or artificial uteruses housed in the depths of the earth or in their ships moored to our planet and will resurface to the surface by the millions of individuals (because we are already 8 billion humans) and we will place ourselves in human camps in order to limit our activities that could disturb them in their planetary exploitation. And this is similar to what the Soviets did in the Gulags, the Germans with the extermination camps, North Korea with the protesters or the Americans with the Japanese families during the Second World War. The negotiation with the Extraterrestrials will only be a series of diplomatic traps that will be practically impossible to protect ourselves from with our average intelligence at 100 points. This is why we must create new humans with an IQ 5 to 10 times higher than today's and only our big brothers and sisters will be able to really help us against the next Extraterrestrial invasion.The first civilization to arrive will take the planet Earth, if a second civilization arrives shortly after, as soon as its intellectual and military power is superior to this first, it will supplant it and below humanity also probably already reclusive, because beaten and controlled in camps or fenced cities, and this for a long time (example of Krakow, Warsaw in Poland or Apartheid in Africa). Even if a collaboration is possible with the Extraterrestrials, they will have such a great ancestry that automatically we will be relegated below therefore very vulnerable to their will and specific projects for us being too inferior to them to regain the upper hand at one time or another in our human history. Even if they leave us the appearance of a common cooperation, we will always be included in their set of projects (set theory in mathematics) and not we who make them enter into our limited human designs. If we see unidentified flying machines above nuclear installations, both civilian and military, it is because they must make a prior reconnaissance in order to be certain that during the invasion we will be unable to sabotage our planet with nuclear power, which is about the only method that can work for a civilization as little advanced as ours. The Extraterrestrials must also have difficulty cleaning a planet contaminated with nuclear pollution, which is why the control of this variable is so important for them, so they are not there in synchronicity to help us against a possible nuclear holocaust in Ukraine, but to prevent our primate civilization from annihilating forever the possibilities of life forever mutated on Earth. Unlike a virgin planet, a planet already inhabited and filled with infrastructure is much more attractive to an extraterrestrial civilization, because it does not need to build everything itself, the civilization only has to do a large ethnic cleansing and then it can place its offspring. It may keep a few camps or individuals here and there, but overall the other native civilization has been neutralized. Even if intergalactic treaties must prohibit and punish the replacement of a native civilization by a more powerful extraterrestrial one, the distances between star systems and galactic clusters are so far that this justice is generally very little applicable so the extraterrestrial populations do not hesitate to proceed with their invasion of the possible New will supplant it and below humanity also probably already reclusive, because beaten and controlled in fenced camps or cities, and this for a long time (example of Krakow, Warsaw in Poland or Apartheid in Africa). Even if a collaboration is possible with the Extraterrestrials, they will have such a great ancestry that automatically we will be relegated below therefore very vulnerable to their will and specific projects for us being too inferior to them to regain the upper hand at one time or another in our human history. Even if they leave us the appearance of a common cooperation, we will always be included in their set of projects (set theory in mathematics) and not we who make them enter into our limited human designs. If we see unidentified flying machines above nuclear installations, both civilian and military, it is because they must make a prior reconnaissance in order to be certain that during the invasion we will be unable to sabotage our planet with nuclear power, which is about the only method that can work for a civilization as little advanced as ours. The Extraterrestrials must also have difficulty cleaning a planet contaminated with nuclear pollution, which is why the control of this variable is so important for them, so they are not there in synchronicity to help us against a possible nuclear holocaust in Ukraine, but to prevent our primate civilization from annihilating forever the possibilities of life forever mutated on Earth. Unlike a virgin planet, a planet already inhabited and filled with infrastructure is much more attractive to an extraterrestrial civilization, because it does not need to build everything itself, the civilization only has to do a large ethnic cleansing and then it can place its offspring. It may keep a few camps or individuals here and there, but overall the other native civilization has been neutralized. Even if intergalactic treaties must prohibit and punish the replacement of a native civilization by a more powerful extraterrestrial one, the distances between star systems and galactic clusters are so far that this justice is generally very little applicable so the extraterrestrial populations do not hesitate to proceed with their invasion of the possible New will supplant it and below humanity also probably already reclusive, because beaten and controlled in fenced camps or cities, and this for a long time (example of Krakow, Warsaw in Poland or Apartheid in Africa). Even if a collaboration is possible with the Extraterrestrials, they will have such a great ancestry that automatically we will be relegated below therefore very vulnerable to their will and specific projects for us being too inferior to them to regain the upper hand at one time or another in our human history. Even if they leave us the appearance of a common cooperation, we will always be included in their set of projects (set theory in mathematics) and not we who make them enter into our limited human designs. If we see unidentified flying machines above nuclear installations, both civilian and military, it is because they must make a prior reconnaissance in order to be certain that during the invasion we will be unable to sabotage our planet with nuclear power, which is about the only method that can work for a civilization as little advanced as ours. The Extraterrestrials must also have difficulty cleaning a planet contaminated with nuclear pollution, which is why the control of this variable is so important for them, so they are not there in synchronicity to help us against a possible nuclear holocaust in Ukraine, but to prevent our primate civilization from annihilating forever the possibilities of life forever mutated on Earth. Unlike a virgin planet, a planet already inhabited and filled with infrastructure is much more attractive to an extraterrestrial civilization, because it does not need to build everything itself, the civilization only has to do a large ethnic cleansing and then it can place its offspring. It may keep a few camps or individuals here and there, but overall the other native civilization has been neutralized. Even if intergalactic treaties must prohibit and punish the replacement of a native civilization by a more powerful extraterrestrial one, the distances between star systems and galactic clusters are so far that this justice is generally very little applicable so the extraterrestrial populations do not hesitate to proceed with their invasion of the possible New Worlds.they will have such a great ancestry that automatically we will be relegated below and therefore very vulnerable to their will and specific projects for us being too inferior to them to regain the upper hand at one time or another in our human history. Even if they leave us the appearance of a common cooperation, we will always be included in their set of projects (set theory in mathematics) and not we who make them enter into our limited human designs. If we see unidentified flying machines above nuclear installations, both civilian and military, it is because they must make a prior reconnaissance in order to be certain that during the invasion we will be unable to sabotage our planet with nuclear power, which is about the only method that can work for a civilization as little advanced as ours. The Extraterrestrials must also have difficulty cleaning a planet contaminated with nuclear pollution, so that is why the control of this variable is so important to them, so they are not there in synchronicity to help us against a possible nuclear holocaust in Ukraine, but to prevent our primate civilization from forever annihilating the possibilities of life forever mutated on Earth. Unlike a virgin planet, a planet already inhabited and filled with infrastructure is much more attractive to an extraterrestrial civilization, because it does not need to build everything by itself, the civilization only has to do a big ethnic cleansing and then it can place its offspring. It can keep a few camps or individuals here and there, but overall the other original civilization has been neutralized. Even if intergalactic treaties must prohibit and punish the replacement of a native civilization by a more powerful extraterrestrial one, the distances between star systems and galactic clusters are so far that this justice is generally very little applicable, so extraterrestrial populations do not hesitate to proceed with their invasion of possible New Worlds.they will have such a great ancestry that automatically we will be relegated below and therefore very vulnerable to their will and specific projects for us being too inferior to them to regain the upper hand at one time or another in our human history. Even if they leave us the appearance of a common cooperation, we will always be included in their set of projects (set theory in mathematics) and not we who make them enter into our limited human designs. If we see unidentified flying machines above nuclear installations, both civilian and military, it is because they must make a prior reconnaissance in order to be certain that during the invasion we will be unable to sabotage our planet with nuclear power, which is about the only method that can work for a civilization as little advanced as ours. The Extraterrestrials must also have difficulty cleaning a planet contaminated with nuclear pollution, so that is why the control of this variable is so important to them, so they are not there in synchronicity to help us against a possible nuclear holocaust in Ukraine, but to prevent our primate civilization from forever annihilating the possibilities of life forever mutated on Earth. Unlike a virgin planet, a planet already inhabited and filled with infrastructure is much more attractive to an extraterrestrial civilization, because it does not need to build everything by itself, the civilization only has to do a big ethnic cleansing and then it can place its offspring. It can keep a few camps or individuals here and there, but overall the other original civilization has been neutralized. Even if intergalactic treaties must prohibit and punish the replacement of a native civilization by a more powerful extraterrestrial one, the distances between star systems and galactic clusters are so far that this justice is generally very little applicable, so extraterrestrial populations do not hesitate to proceed with their invasion of possible New Worlds.which is pretty much the only method that can work for a civilization as little advanced as ours. The Extraterrestrials must also have difficulty cleaning up a planet contaminated with nuclear pollution, so that is why controlling this variable is so important to them, so they are not there in synchronicity to help us against a possible nuclear holocaust in Ukraine, but to prevent our primate civilization from forever annihilating the possibilities of life forever mutated on Earth. Unlike a virgin planet, a planet already inhabited and filled with infrastructure is much more attractive to an extraterrestrial civilization, because it does not need to build everything itself, the civilization only has to do a big ethnic cleansing and then it can place its offspring. It can keep a few camps or individuals here and there, but overall the other original civilization has been neutralized. Even if intergalactic treaties must prohibit and punish the replacement of a native civilization by a more powerful extraterrestrial one, the distances between star systems and galactic clusters are so far that this justice is generally very little applicable, so extraterrestrial populations do not hesitate to proceed with their invasion of possible New Worlds.which is pretty much the only method that can work for a civilization as little advanced as ours. The Extraterrestrials must also have difficulty cleaning up a planet contaminated with nuclear pollution, so that is why controlling this variable is so important to them, so they are not there in synchronicity to help us against a possible nuclear holocaust in Ukraine, but to prevent our primate civilization from forever annihilating the possibilities of life forever mutated on Earth. Unlike a virgin planet, a planet already inhabited and filled with infrastructure is much more attractive to an extraterrestrial civilization, because it does not need to build everything itself, the civilization only has to do a big ethnic cleansing and then it can place its offspring. It can keep a few camps or individuals here and there, but overall the other original civilization has been neutralized. Even if intergalactic treaties must prohibit and punish the replacement of a native civilization by a more powerful extraterrestrial one, the distances between star systems and galactic clusters are so far that this justice is generally very little applicable, so extraterrestrial populations do not hesitate to proceed with their invasion of possible New Worlds.


What are human and/or extraterrestrial space beacons used for? Aliens or future humanities will most likely use an extensive network of orientation beacons when navigating ships, analyzing environmental data, receiving & transmitting messages, passive & active weaponry as well as remote detection of ships in order to establish geological and astronomical spatial territories and zones of organic and cultural civilizational influences. In general, space beacons must be networked over large distances, so the more distant and extensive the network, the more effective it will be in its various operational capabilities. The beacons must be manufactured in the most neutral and technologically unidentifiable appearance possible, in the sense that if one of them is discovered by another enemy civilization, then it will be able with a low probability rate to know by what kind of organism it was put there, its possibilities of sequencing therefore of destruction by genetic means and especially where it is located in the galaxy or galaxies in which it has spread. The designs and colors must be the least visible to the naked eye, as much in the spectrum of the prism of the colors of humans as those glimpsed by extraterrestrials, that is to say paintings oscillating rather between dull gray and matte black non-shiny and sparkling in the darkness of the cosmos. Only a system of mapping and recognition glasses will allow Humanity to glimpse them from a distance since otherwise they will be perfectly camouflaged in the decor. Astronomical beacons can also be scattered not only between planets in the same solar system, between star systems, or even between galaxies and galactic clusters for the largest high-level detector beacons. The empty areas of space between galaxies will host beacons that are very difficult to reach and detect by other extraterrestrial civilizations. The beacons must have a design that gives them foolproof durability, in the sense that they require manufacturing that allows them to remain in place for millions and even millions of years of potential efficient use.

ORIENTATION & DIRECTIONALITY IN SPACE; given the gargantuan immensity of the universe, a network of beacons will help civilizations stay within the limitations of the safest areas, protected from astronomical conditions unfavorable to their particular biology. In addition to showing them the marked path to other regions of the universe, so when they are lost, the beacons will give them the direction to take again so as not to rush towards unknown and perilous regions of space (destructive astronomical phenomena, unlisted and potentially belligerent extraterrestrial civilizations, etc.).

ANALYSIS OF ASTROPHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA; the thousands or even millions of intra or inter stellar and galactic probes will provide us with real-time or cumulative meteorological data over significant periods of time ranging from several hundreds or thousands of years. This data can be captured and analyzed by researchers specializing in this information. For example, the evolution of temperature, radioactivity level, concentration of various elements in the periodic table (increasing Supernova gases), new areas of irradiating Quasar, formation of a black hole predicted nearby, etc.).

TRANSMISSION & RECEPTION OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL MESSAGES; cosmic beacons act as huge radar antennas capable of perceiving any register of waves that could potentially be of extraterrestrial origin in order to intercept their message and decipher it in advance and avoid surprises of visits and especially annihilating invasions. If messages are sent to humanity then they will be picked up first by the beacons further upstream and then retransmitted in accelerated fashion to our civilization hundreds or even thousands of years earlier.

DETECTION OF ALIEN VESSELS; the beacons will detect the passage of friendly or enemy vessels (human civilizations or crews will have to hold a certain radio password to recognize them or not remotely). The number of spaceships, their size, the type of equipment technologies can be relatively well evaluated by high quality terminals. Once they are programmed, the beacons cannot be modified in their functionality or else extraterrestrial civilizations passing by one of them could possibly change the programming made by humanity. A specific encryption key or access code can however be installed in the beacon computers in order to be upgraded later by new generations of human engineers/programmers except that this password can possibly be cracked by extraterrestrials having more efficient decryptors than ours.

PASSIVE & ACTIVE WEAPONRY; Space beacons can be manufactured in such a way that in the event of non-compliance with the rights of passage according to the zones belonging to certain civilizations, weapon devices will automatically activate and fire on intruders in star and galactic systems. In the event of the situation where extraterrestrial vessels cross zones under our human tutelage, the position monitoring beacon sends them a message asking them to identify themselves (immediately sent to the nearest human station, or compared to the list of civilizations or vessels of the Federation authorized to cross these zones of space), or else they are automatically destroyed by the passive armament of our detection centers. Warning messages to turn back or stop for identification docking can be sent to any direction by default (e.g. beacons installed around the solar system warning ships not to cross our stellar zone or they will be atomized on the spot). Messages distorting the perceptions of Extraterrestrial civilizations will be useful, such as mentioning that Humanity is part of a major Galactic Federation or Confederation protected by several other powerful civilizations, these messages having the effect of discouraging intruders at first glance, or pushing them to send stealth exploratory probes to our solar space stations or even to our home planet.

TEMPORARY RESIDENCE STATION; If a ship or armada has become lost in deep space, and they have no rocky satellites, terrestrial planets, or fallback space stations, then beacon buildings can serve as temporary habitations, sheltered from radiation, galactic weather, and alien attacks, tracking, and pursuit. BEACON STEALTH; If radio messages are transmitted remotely with any power, nearby civilizations will hear these frequencies and be indirectly disturbed, which can affect their normal quality of life. Unless the messages are produced on inaudible frequency bands, using light, or some other method of informational transmission, the residents will have their quality of life diminished and may attempt to tune out the unpleasant sound source. Beacons and probes emitting long-distance beams of light will also have the chance to blind the surrounding populations, so this will lead to the same problem of disturbing their normal civilizational activities so they will also try to turn off the light source. For all its practical reasons, if a network of space beacons wants to be as functional and stealthy as possible, it must therefore be as discreet as possible, invisible, or almost undetectable to all extraterrestrial civilizations that may live nearby, or be passing through at any given time over the millennia except those who must hear our messages addressed to them.

PROTECTION OF EXTRATERRIAN BEACONS; the probes can be visited from one century or millennium to the next by antagonistic extraterrestrial civilizations, especially those living near its installations. As explained previously, it is very likely that they will try to turn off the beacons if they disturb them or if they foresee the possibility that they are unwanted spy centers, so subsequently there is a risk that these beings will try by all means to destroy some of our probes by following them one by one in interstellar space. This is why it is possible to equip the series of human beacons with automatic detectors of foreign objects heading towards them (identical to the Israeli defensive systems of anti-missile shield of hostile neighboring countries), so that the reconnaissance shuttles, fleets of ships, missiles and other weapons of potential destruction of our installations will be targeted remotely and destroyed with a remote-controlled replica device preventing any ammunition from reaching our infrastructures. The only exception is that when Humanity arrives near a beacon, it will be able with the right password to send by waves, to deactivate the defense weapon system and we will be able to approach the beacons in order to go and get precious data from the on-board computers, repair defective parts and add newer more recent devices if necessary.

AMOUNT OF HUMANS IN THE PAST (108 billion), PRESENT (8 billion) AND FUTURE (7.73 sexdecillion) 

According to this study on the hourglass of time, if humanity lives another 1 million years on Earth, managing to survive standard or nuclear wars, global warming, falling meteorites with a trajectory heading too close to the Earth's gravity window zone [example of Apophis weighing 20 million tons and having an area of ​​1/3 km unfortunately has a 1 in 7 chance of hitting the Earth at a speed of 18,000 km/h on Friday, April 13, 2029 since it will move to an orbit so low at 32,000 km, that it will pass under the satellites which are rather a height of 35,796 km. Worse in March 2036 when Apophis will come back to haunt us with its elliptical trajectory in boomerang effect which will have an even greater chance of crashing into the ocean (Tsunami) or on one of the continents (Explosion of the ground of the crater type with TNT or atomic dynamite)], potential extraterrestrial invasions and any other internal factors on our planet or external arriving from space leading to unforeseen states of mass extinction always lying in wait for us at the turn of a civilizational misstep, unpreparedness or execrable predictions of astrophysical or biological threats from space. We reached our 1st billion at the turn of the year 1800, the 2nd billion in 1920, the 3rd billion in 1960, the 4th billion in 1975, the 8th billion in 2022 and we should be between 11th and 15th billion by the year 2100. Before our era, the number of dead people was already estimated at 108 to 109 billion, 50% of whom were children, i.e. for 200,000 years (archaic Sapiens Sapiens), plus the current 8 billion alive, so by counting all the people to come, the quantity of humans would only be estimable at 0.15%. So my research and predictions on humanity will affect no less than 77,333,333,333,333 people over 1 million years and the pharaonic number of 7,730,000,000,000,000,000 people or written with the exponential 7.733333333333333e16 humans optimized or non-optimized before the solar expansion of the last phases of combustion of its main fuel Hydrogen at 74% and lastly Helium at 25%. This humanity of the future will not be able to live only on terrestrial foodstuffs, but also on those of the satellites of the solar system and exoplanets at exponential distances in the universe or else like a colony of bacteria on a fruit or a given limited living organism, we will end up polluting our mother planet too intensely and will inexorably lack raw materials (non-renewable resources) for our food and the manufacture of our machines. All these calculations do not take into account the variable of Artificial Uteruses which will probably increase this figure significantly by a factor of x 2, x 3 to x 10, x 100, x 1000,x1 million or even x1 billion since we will be able to produce the number of babies we want as much for the Earth as for the stellar satellites, space stations and millions of exoplanets of the 10% to 20% of the expanding universe that we will be able to catch up with during its large cosmic scale spatio-temporal spread. 

Source (How many human beings have lived in total? Humanity of the past and the future):

Source (Humanity today and Humanity's Past):

Source (Asteroid Apophis according to NASA):  

SUPERVOIDS OF THE LOW ATOMIC DENSITY UNIVERSE (concept, measurement, distance and astronomical cartography that makes the brain bleed)

By mapping the universe on a large scale, astrophysicists have noticed that there remain vast, practically empty regions where no galaxy or star can be detected thanks to the telescopes of international astronomical observatories and especially to their algorithm programs scanning the smallest parcels of matter, existing or not. The spatial areas displayed in bluish or mauve shades (low stellar densities) instead of yellow or red (high star densities) easily reveal the supervoids on the maps of the cosmos accumulated by computer. Since matter in the universe is not distributed entirely uniformly, filaments of galaxies are grouped together rather like a vast spider's web or center where more or less extensive voids are located, now measurable by our high-precision electronic devices (Hubble telescope, James Webb, etc.). We must differentiate between the notion of spatial vacuum and absolute vacuum since they are not at all of the same nature. On Earth and other exoplanets, the average atomic density is around 53 billion billion molecules per cm3 and approximately 106 billion billion atoms per cubic centimeter while in the vacuum of space beyond the Earth's atmosphere there are about 70 atoms of matter per cm3, between stars the average atomic density is rather 10 atoms per m3 (100k denser than between galactic clusters), between galaxies 1 atom per m3 and in the intergalactic supervoid regions [local void (diameter = 60 Mpc), northern local supervoid (diameter = 104 Mpc), southern local supervoid (diameter = 112 Mpc), giant void (diameter = 300-400 Mpc), KBC void (diameter = 600 Mpc), Bootes void (diameter = 100 Mpc), Canes Venatici void, Dove, void of the Hair, void of the Corona Borealis, cold spot (diameter = 150 Mpc), void of the south of Eridanus, void of the Furnace, void of Hercules (diameter = 3,100 km/s), void of Hydra, void of Leo, void of the Microscope, void of Ophiucus, void of Pegasus (diameter = 40 Mpc), void of Perseus-Pisces (diameter = 3,000 km/s), void of Sagittarius, void of the Sculptor (diameter = 34.8 Mpc/h), void of Taurus, void of Bahcall & Soneiro (diameter = 150 x 300 x 60 Mpc)], then the concentration of matter goes down to mind-boggling figures of 1 atom per cubic meter, while the absolute void would be any absence of atom per cubic centimeter, which has never been observed in the universe and is probably impossible existentially speaking since no place in the universe can contain 1 single atom of matter. At our level, the Milky Way galaxy is no less than 105,700 light years and the Andromeda galaxy 220,000 light years,The smallest empty regions of the universe will span millions of light years. No galaxies within 100 million kilometers are visible to telescopes around the Bootes Void with a galaxy at its center called MCG 0102015 in the constellation Pisces. The Sloan Wall appeared almost simultaneously with the beginning of the creation of the universe 13.8 billion years ago. Plausibly, even the super humans Amadeus Frankenstein will not be able to move in these areas with extremely low atomic density and will have to circumvent them carefully with their armada because these spaces are perhaps large-scale trap regions due to their atmospheric under-density in which living beings can hardly get out of the cabins and stations in a simple astronaut suit, and even the Tardigrade-type microorganisms that normally tolerate the vacuum of space with more or less density will also be crushed under the pressure of the air. Only ships or probes with supreme solidity will be able to cross these areas under vacuum and of a coldness more than absolute and repulsive to space colonization because in any case there are no exoplanets and matter to extirpate for the fundamental reason that no atoms walk around suspended in the air. The more the ships will dive towards the center of a supervoid between galactic clusters, the more the quantity of atoms will proportionally decrease, thus the human body will tolerate less and less cramped places of perdition with less than 1 atom per m3 at the risk of being disintegrated and frozen completely, a bit like the way black holes act but varying however less strongly gravitationally on the molecules being ultimately less destructive towards interstellar human machines.Only ships or probes with supreme solidity will be able to cross these vacuum zones and a coldness more than absolute and repulsive to space colonization because in any case there are no exoplanets and matter to extirpate for the fundamental reason that no atoms walk around suspended in the air. The more the ships will dive towards the center of a supervoid inter galactic cluster, and the more the quantity of atoms will proportionally decrease thus the human body will tolerate less and less cramped places of perdition with less than 1 atom per m3 at the risk of being disintegrated and frozen completely a little in the same way that black holes act but varying however less strongly gravitationally on the molecules being ultimately less destructive towards interstellar human machines.Only ships or probes with supreme solidity will be able to cross these vacuum zones and a coldness more than absolute and repulsive to space colonization because in any case there are no exoplanets and matter to extirpate for the fundamental reason that no atoms walk around suspended in the air. The more the ships will dive towards the center of a supervoid inter galactic cluster, and the more the quantity of atoms will proportionally decrease thus the human body will tolerate less and less cramped places of perdition with less than 1 atom per m3 at the risk of being disintegrated and frozen completely a little in the same way that black holes act but varying however less strongly gravitationally on the molecules being ultimately less destructive towards interstellar human machines.

Source (distance in light years of galaxies):

Source (list of intergalactic voids):

Source (supervids of the universe): 

AMADEUS LABORATORY (Terrestrial & Space)     

🧬-DNA sequencing (Haplogromic profile, hereditary diseases, etc.) 

⚗️-Fertility Clinic (insemination, In vitro fertilization, etc.)

🧪-Manufacture of Human Beings in series (list of the 25 Amadeussian humans)

🧫-Organ Cloning (parts garage) & Individuals (old person)

🔬-Genetic Modifications (removal of genomic diseases & addition of new genes)

👶🏻-Mass production of babies (different ethnicities) via Artificial Uterus


The #1 protection against Extraterrestrial infestations are the Amadeus-type Laboratories since they allow to reproduce in quantity and quality humans of different sizes making them almost indestructible towards the other peoples of the cosmos with 8 to 9 chances out of 10 of success. From the moment the genomes have been dinosaurified, they become in some way invincible in intelligence and power against Extraterrestrial armies at any production site of terrestrial humans or in space stations on the very site of the exoplanets where the civilizations of the next worlds to invade live. The Amadeussian laboratories are the aliens' worst nightmare because they know full well that as soon as the procreation centers are created near their planet, waves of humans arrive from everywhere, take over the military and civilian air tactical airs by beginning their series of boardings, repetitive attacks as well as attempts to overthrow the civilizational plateaus of the civilized peoples wandering unfortunately on the edge of their multiple exoplanetary destinations of geostrategic interests.

Extreme danger for alien intruders or robotic spies to approach the Amadeus Laboratories almost anywhere in the galaxy given the high degree of security of the mass production of millions of giant humans as well as the protection of the genetic information of the many human hereditary heritages. In the event of a situation where an alien attack or invasion threatens Amadeussian installations, they must be scuttled immediately in order to avoid the takeover of the laboratories by opposing space companies and the subsequent theft of our genomic information of civilizational top secret level.


I who prefer the symbolic parable of bees the human Hive instead of the insectoid Human Anthill being nevertheless equivalent notions although less attractive to the ear, the notion of Apiary is more than interesting. The Metaphor of the Apiary is a little difficult to imagine at the philosophical meta-conceptual level. I would say that each Hive is equivalent to a human colony living on a given Exoplanet. So a human galactic Apiary would be similar to the set of all civilizations of human genetics distributed in a galaxy and/or the entire Galactic Cluster. For example, the Apiary of the Local Galactic Cluster holds no less than 10,000 galaxies located in the same group because under the same attractive gravitational effect. There are several possible configurations when setting up the hives of an apiary, in order to facilitate access, maintenance, security and abundant harvests. The Beehives are most of the time installed in the shape of a quadrilateral, either a square or a uniform rectangle or the space between each hive or a human exoplanetary colony that will be scattered more or less equally from one stellar system to another. Another effective and easiest to undertake arrangement is that of a pearl necklace or the Beehives follow one after the other in a string extending to the limits of the agricultural lands of the beekeepers and/or the galactic confines for the expansionist intelligent civilizations. The Beehives in a circular shape around the mother planet or other organizational nerve center can be profitable and beneficial because they are easy to circulate within the limits of the circumference of the circle, the Cycloid, the ellipse, the Parabola, the Hyperbola by heading towards the center to take all the natural, mineral and astrobiological resources that we find on the available uninhabited planets and stars. Shapes such as the Platonic solid series including Tetrahedron (4 faces), Hexahedron (6 faces), Octahedron (8 faces), Dodecahedron (12 faces), Icosahedron (20 faces) as well as other classical shapes such as Triangles, Cylinders, Cones, Prisms, Cuboctahedron, Icosidodecahedron, Polyhedra, Polytopes, Rhombicosidodecahedron, Octahedron, Parallelepipeds, Zonohedron, Deltahedron, Trapeziums, Trigonal Trapezohedron (6 faces), Rhombuses, Octahedron, Trigonal Trapezohedron, Rhombohedron, Isometric Rhombuses, Tetragonal Trapezohedron (8 faces), Square Antiprism, Pentagonal Trapezohedron (10 faces), Pentagonal Antiprism, Hexagonal Trapezohedron (12 faces), Hexagonal Antiprism, Heptagonal Trapezohedron (14 faces), Heptagonal Antiprism, Octagonal Trapezohedron (16 faces), Octagonal Antiprism, Enneagonal Trapezohedron (18 faces), Enneagonal Antiprism, Decagonal Trapezohedron (20 faces),Ecagonal Antiprism, etc. are all valid spatial geometric organizations whether they are only in a single horizontal plane or in a three-dimensional vertical-horizontal-diagonal multiple plane. The honeycomb-shaped apiaries are those that would come closest architecturally to the swarms and 20,000 kinds of bees found naturally on Earth among our precious friends the hymenoptera of the very rich super-family of Apoides. The least practical apiaries, but the most likely to create diversions among other Extraterrestrial civilizations are to arrange the human colonies in a jumbled and random way, making it so that the other civilizations will have a lot of difficulty finding the particular structure that we have traced in the cosmos because their intelligence being very high, they will quickly deduce the structures that we have previously delimited in our management planning of large-scale galactic establishments. Based on the approximate number of 100 to 300 billion stars per galaxy, these staggering stellar figures already lead us to believe that there will be thousands, millions, billions and trillions of exploratory probes and human implantations to be set up everywhere in all these distant galaxies. In the same way that I usually affirm everywhere in my eugenic anthropological research, only gifted superhumans with ultra-capacities will plausibly be able to go there on our behalf, manage and take the natural resources during the next millennia in a truly effective, efficient and victorious manner in all respects when bio/intelligent aliens stand in our way. This is why when we enter into difficult interactions with exogenous civilizations, it will also be crucial on our side to deduce which are precisely the types of structural parameterization that the civilization(s) have preferred in the construction of their celestial swarms. I may have heard the word apiary before, but today I seemed to learn it for the first time as soon as I built it into the Principle of Human Civilizational APIARY (Hive-ism). I would say that it is neither more nor less than the most IMPORTANT concept for the future expansion of Humanity in space and the universe under all horizons.The honeycomb-shaped apiaries are those that would come closest architecturally to the swarms and 20,000 types of bees found naturally on Earth among our precious friends the hymenoptera of the very rich super-family of Apoides. The least practical apiaries, but the most likely to create diversions among other Extraterrestrial civilizations are to arrange the human colonies in a jumbled and random way, making it so that other civilizations will have a lot of difficulty finding the particular structure that we have traced in the cosmos because their intelligence is very high, so they will quickly deduce the structures that we have previously delimited in our management plans for large-scale galactic establishments. Based on the approximate number of 100 to 300 billion stars per galaxy, these staggering stellar figures already lead us to believe that there will be thousands, millions, billions and trillions of exploratory probes and human implantations to be set up everywhere in all these distant galaxies. In the same way that I usually affirm everywhere in my eugenic anthropological research, only gifted superhumans with ultra-capacities will plausibly be able to go there on our behalf, manage and take the natural resources during the next millennia in a truly effective, efficient and victorious manner in all respects when bio/intelligent aliens stand in our way. This is why when we enter into difficult interactions with exogenous civilizations, it will also be crucial on our side to deduce which are precisely the types of structural parameterization that the civilization(s) have preferred in the construction of their celestial swarms. I may have heard the word apiary before, but today I seemed to learn it for the first time as soon as I built it into the Principle of Human Civilizational APIARY (Hive-ism). I would say that it is neither more nor less than the most IMPORTANT concept for the future expansion of Humanity in space and the universe under all horizons.The honeycomb-shaped apiaries are those that would come closest architecturally to the swarms and 20,000 types of bees found naturally on Earth among our precious friends the hymenoptera of the very rich super-family of Apoides. The least practical apiaries, but the most likely to create diversions among other Extraterrestrial civilizations are to arrange the human colonies in a jumbled and random way, making it so that other civilizations will have a lot of difficulty finding the particular structure that we have traced in the cosmos because their intelligence is very high, so they will quickly deduce the structures that we have previously delimited in our management plans for large-scale galactic establishments. Based on the approximate number of 100 to 300 billion stars per galaxy, these staggering stellar figures already lead us to believe that there will be thousands, millions, billions and trillions of exploratory probes and human implantations to be set up everywhere in all these distant galaxies. In the same way that I usually affirm everywhere in my eugenic anthropological research, only gifted superhumans with ultra-capacities will plausibly be able to go there on our behalf, manage and take the natural resources during the next millennia in a truly effective, efficient and victorious manner in all respects when bio/intelligent aliens stand in our way. This is why when we enter into difficult interactions with exogenous civilizations, it will also be crucial on our side to deduce which are precisely the types of structural parameterization that the civilization(s) have preferred in the construction of their celestial swarms. I may have heard the word apiary before, but today I seemed to learn it for the first time as soon as I built it into the Principle of Human Civilizational APIARY (Hive-ism). I would say that it is neither more nor less than the most IMPORTANT concept for the future expansion of Humanity in space and the universe under all horizons.Based on the approximate number of 100 to 300 billion stars per galaxy, these staggering stellar figures already lead us to believe that there will be thousands, millions, billions and trillions of exploratory probes and human implantations to be set up everywhere in all these distant galaxies. In the same way that I usually affirm everywhere in my eugenic anthropological research, only gifted superhumans with ultra-capacities will plausibly be able to go there on our behalf, manage and take the natural resources during the next millennia in a truly effective, efficient and victorious manner in all respects when bio/intelligent aliens stand in our way. This is why when we enter into difficult interactions with exogenous civilizations, it will also be crucial on our side to deduce which are precisely the types of structural parameterization that the civilization(s) have preferred in the construction of their celestial swarms. I may have heard the word apiary before, but today I seemed to learn it for the first time as soon as I built it into the Principle of Human Civilizational APIARY (Hive-ism). I would say that it is neither more nor less than the most IMPORTANT concept for the future expansion of Humanity in space and the universe under all horizons.Based on the approximate number of 100 to 300 billion stars per galaxy, these staggering stellar figures already lead us to believe that there will be thousands, millions, billions and trillions of exploratory probes and human implantations to be set up everywhere in all these distant galaxies. In the same way that I usually affirm everywhere in my eugenic anthropological research, only gifted superhumans with ultra-capacities will plausibly be able to go there on our behalf, manage and take the natural resources during the next millennia in a truly effective, efficient and victorious manner in all respects when bio/intelligent aliens stand in our way. This is why when we enter into difficult interactions with exogenous civilizations, it will also be crucial on our side to deduce which are precisely the types of structural parameterization that the civilization(s) have preferred in the construction of their celestial swarms. I may have heard the word apiary before, but today I seemed to learn it for the first time as soon as I built it into the Principle of Human Civilizational APIARY (Hive-ism). I would say that it is neither more nor less than the most IMPORTANT concept for the future expansion of Humanity in space and the universe under all horizons.

Source (Bees):

Source (The Battle of Honey):

Source (Almost total destruction of a beehive or human apiary by rodent or alien predators):

Source (5 Platonic Solids):

Source (Trapezohedron): 


The analytical method of divergent evolution and especially of convergent evolution (morphological and/or behavioral similarities) in the entire kingdom of universal exoplanetary living things arranged with the notion of phylogenetics (evolutionary kinship) allows to find a whole list of exhaustive characteristics leading to the definition and description more and more precise and elaborate of the potentialities as much terrestrial animal, as extraterrestrial astrobiological. In this sense, the most powerful Extraterrestrial species is the one in the middle of the table because it is larger and with a larger skull concentrating more average intelligence, then the 2 extraterrestrials on each side and the others around as well as small humans in the center who will not understand anything of the discussion given their mini-skulls (except when the largest Extraterrestrials will voluntarily simplify for them the most narrow diplomatic, military and strategic conceptual notions). In order to properly represent the interests of human civilization, then Amadeus or Alexandrius variants would be minimally necessary in the middle of this galactic negotiation table in order to balance the balance of brain capacity powers! The miniature humans at the bottom of the size pyramid are beaten in 2 minutes maximum both physically and intellectually, there is no reasonable doubt. According to all physiognomic probabilities, the small humans will therefore be eaten immediately in every sense of the word as soon as the invaders feel hungry. While the Amadeus themselves would lay waste to all the Extraterrestrials around the table, perhaps except for the Blue Giant who is more difficult to beat, because more cunning, strong and resistant. Its exobiological anatomical characteristics are that it must be at least 1/3 larger than in the image since it appears to be kneeling to be able to sit at the same level as the other small ones at the table, in addition to the fact that it has a very large neck, medium-strength musculature, a relatively thin thorax, gigantic eyeballs giving it excellent long-distance vision (stereoscopic vision), except that it is mounted on a skull that could be much larger given the significant support capacity of its neck giving it proportionally more free intelligence. A Titaneus-class Asterix human with 20 meters of height would easily crush the Blue Alien but a 30 to 40 meter dinosaur Blue Alien variant would crush a 10 meter human Xavius ​​Frankenstein quite easily. Humans at this level of negotiation will not manage anything at all,they will only have to follow the directives of the Aliens much bigger and more scheming than these last under-gifted of the pack and even if the xenomorphs ask them for their opinion out of illusion of respect, deep down they will not care much having already planned all their most probable moves in advance and will therefore impose on them obliquely all their demands and requests according to their own civilizational interests of stellar invaders. Humans will only have an impression of decision, the Aliens will already have planned at least their 10 to 50 potential low Qi responses, and their strategic counterattack plans will already be all prepared with at least 5 to 10 subcategories of responses per subject thanks to the predictive mechanism of cyclical argumentative redundancy. 

Source (Divergent vs Convergent Evolution):

Source (Evolutionary Convergence):

Source (Convergent vs Divergent Evolution):

Source Patterns in Evolution):


By installing my 3 big skeletons at Halloween, being faithful figurative representatives of the humans of the future, I discovered the origin of the deep, dull noise that we hear in this Lovecraftian album entitled ''Rise Of Cthulhu''. These resonant guttural sounds evoke to me nothing more nor less than the imminent arrival of the monumental armada of Amadeus spaceships (where the ground vibrates + then the roar of the machines and heavy feet walking that make the earth tremble), are similarly linked to the Human Mammals or giant Marine Mammals that produce the same type of informational sound to communicate in water or space. Imagine whale songs, but with 5,000 to 10,000 Qi points that travel in groups in the ocean firmament and send messages from one whale pellet to another with low waves allowing messages to be sent much further with the undulating sound of the low frequencies of the water that bounce back like the aquifer vibrations of the abyssal depths. I think that naturally by mammalian association of auditory cerebral frequency calibration, we like to hear whale songs just as much given our great genomic, vibrational and therefore linguistic proximity with them. Giant marine mammals can dive much deeper into the sea, similar to giant human mammals that will travel much further into the cosmos than our generation with few cells to protect themselves from the extremophile environment of space that is very difficult and trying for any type of animal genetics. Can a small Goldfish go deep in the ocean, and not more than 2 to 10 meters maximum (1 bar = ±981 kPa pressure at -10 meters therefore leading to a crushing of the goldfish by barometric aquifer volumetric overpressure) instead of 300 to 500 meters (2,942 to 4,903 kilopascals) up to nearly 1,500 to 2,000 meters or 2 kilometers deep for the most vigorous of them (extreme barometric pressure of 147,100 kPa to 196,130 kPa) supported by marine mammals with thick and compact skin in addition to their hardened internal organs with a high capacity for resistance and distribution of overloads to Pascalian overpressure and this with a tolerance factor of a ratio approximately 200 times higher). According to high-sensitivity military sonars and the accumulation of data by bioacoustician Christopher Clark (Cornell University), the deep, cavernous songs of whales can be heard up to a phenomenal distance of 3,000 kilometers underwater (approximate distance between the island city of St. John's in Newfoundland, Canada, and the city of Lisbon, Portugal, thus a sound capacity to cross almost the entire Atlantic Ocean). 

GOLDEN RULE OF EVOLUTIONARY EUGENICS (living creatures must individually move their crystal ball all over the universe)

The Golden Rule with evolutionary eugenics (Eugenegineering with evolutionary population planning) being valid for probably any extraterrestrial civilization is to know how to place the largest possible Crystal Ball on a skeletal framework sufficient to carry it across the innumerable universe worlds. Skeletons are not really useful in the end except to run faster, lift heavier weights and fight better against the Extraterrestrials. The most important thing is rather to obtain the big super-intelligent gifted Skull that we want to place on the framework of skeletons strong enough to support it and drag it through environments with changing gravities. So much so that the Alexandriussian skull that I am holding in my hands in the photograph, could easily be fixed on a 10 foot skeleton. No doubt the 8 foot skeleton is a little too small and would only be thrown off balance by walking even slightly quickly. Few people will want to stay in the small human variants at the bottom of the ladder. At the bottom levels, the Crystal Balls are too small, they do not have a great power of visualization of the future, this is why the high decision-making ranks (military, political, etc.) will probably be more in the top levels. The giant humans will run roughly less quickly, however they will make greater strides with legs much stronger and more powerful than ours. The wind sometimes gives the premonitory illusion that the skeletons vibrate and want to live passing from the neoplatonic world of the potential Future to arrive at us in the world of the Present. Especially the Amadeus today he was turning from left to right) and me their first inventor while straightening the skeletons, I bled a little from the hand so it is a good sign it means that they will really exist sooner or later. Blood on the hands while installing the skeletons, this premonition means more luck than bad luck in my opinion since it means that as I create their first existential probabilities, well I am wet or entangled with them so I have blood not only on my hands, but up to my elbows and shoulders, because I theoretically invent them and will actually make them one day or another. Consequently by existential debt, they will clone me ad vitam æternam out of respect, admiration and gratification for everything I have done for their advent, so I am taken with them symbolically as soon as we demonstrate that they will live, because the future knows its destiny and its purpose from then on it sends us messages. Any good car or tank mechanic will agree to have Oil up to his elbows if he wants to do his job well, it is the same for doctors or surgeons,They have blood on them, but it is good blood that splashes on their jackets, the blood of Life.


The intense noise of the prophetic avenue during the simultaneous planetary landing of hundreds and thousands of machines must resemble that of the vibratory sound of the black hypercube ''The Void'' (planetary pyramidal cubic version of the black rosetta stone from the movie 2001 Space Odyssey)! Just the extended residual sound of the vibration of the gigantic machine hordes proportionally increasing the atmospheric pressure at the moment, that if the pulsed waves are too close to living beings they can almost crack the majority of small animal skulls having an insufficiently thick and dense bone wall in Calcium (quantity of the 22 very fragile skull bones) therefore having a high potential bone fracture rate especially on the fault lines of the junctions of cranial plates (sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, coronal suture and the frontal suture, etc.). Only a few categories of cyclopean humans from a certain size with large robust skulls with a good thickness of bones and/or with protective helmets will be able to approach such machines to maintain, repair and improve them as much on satellites, space stations as exoplanets. If such cases occur when approaching titanic machinery of extraterrestrial levels then the following physiognomic symptoms should appear gradually: drastic increase in intracranial pressure, repeated nausea and vomiting, severe headaches (severe headaches), bleeding from the eyes, nose and ears, irregular and panting breathing, difficulty feeling or articulating an arm or leg normally (partial paralysis), speech or vision problems, difficulty recognizing people or places already visited, loss of motor coordination, loss of balance due to cerebellar disturbances, mild, moderate to severe convulsions, etc.).

Source (A Cuvier's whale sets a new diving record):

Source (Overview, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis of Head Injuries in Humans):

Source (The Mystery of Humpback Whale DNA):

Source (Meeting the Giants of the Seas):

Source (Whale Songs):

Source (Rise Of Cthulhu):

Source (The Void):

Source (Whale Song):


One of my favorite science fiction scenes from the Aliens 1-7 movie series that made me think a lot about the ins and outs of cloning and human eugenics as a whole. This scene incomparably demonstrates everything the world wants or does not want deep down when cloning. First, not to have genetic mutations leading to malformations or dysfunctions. Second, that the human phenotype is greatly changed. Third, that the new humans supplant us in the short term. Fourth, that their DNA is mixed with that of less evolved animals leading to serious genomic regressions. Fifth, that their genome be added to those of Extraterrestrial species even more evolved than the initial modified ones not desiring minimalist preservationism of other exoplanetary genetic information (fear of loss of genetic and phenotypic identity similar to the risk of inter-ethnic terrestrial crossbreeding not desired by the majority of peoples given the ancestral historical depersonalization). Sixth, to see oneself as a half-robotic version of oneself therefore partially dehumanized by more evolved eugeno-mechanical processes or not traumatizing the person directly concerned by these invasive and debiologizing cloning methods. So these are the 6 main reasons for the fear of Eugenics. And this, similar to the scene in the 1997 film Aliens Resurrection where Sigourney Weaver enters a scientific laboratory and surreptitiously faces her cloned versions and does not appreciate seeing herself as mutant versions of herself. In contrast, in a perfectly healthy 12-foot version, Ripley would not flinch one iota but would instead be very impressed, fascinated and jubilant in front of her personal enhanced human version whose existence, behaviors and more evolved responses from her cloned giant twin she could not have predicted.

On the other hand, if Sigourney Weaver entered the same Laboratory of the Nostromos ship, saw herself in a 12-foot-tall twin version sipping coffee and reading a newspaper requiring 875 Qi points to decipher it normally and in complete peace of mind. Well, version #1 would certainly be amazed and destabilized to see herself in a giant version, despite everything she would be inclined to discuss with herself out of curiosity, namely her identical, more evolved version never created, she would learn new information that her small-skull version could not access cerebrally speaking and especially at the end of the scene she would probably not burn her optimized Amadeussian version with a flamethrower. It is rather the opposite phenomenon that would risk occurring given the impression of uselessness of a less efficient human version compared to its identical variant with 10 million additional years of accelerated synthetic genomic evolution. Although a much superior human would be more likely to feel pity for his own clone seen as a mentally retarded, handicapped, similar version that is incomplete and vulnerable on a cerebro-cognitive and physiognomic level. 

Unconsciously, the character in the film or anyone in real life, would only burn the mutant, sterile, under-gifted, sick versions of herself, therefore undesirable for the reign of the living in general (which is Bad or Evil according to my metagraphic on the scale of complexificationist hierarchy). What the character likes even less is that her DNA seems to have been mixed with extraterrestrial DNA (Alienization) or the xenomorphic species featured in the series, the many varieties and many subspecies of Aliens invented by renowned director James Cameron and genius writer Noah Hawley. Being in front of one's own optimized version in perfect health would generate exactly the opposite behavior with a high probability rate even if at the very beginning the cloned and improved being would inevitably be speechless. Same phenomenon for Parents who would unplug at the hospital or burn their Down syndrome version of themselves because they are completely non-viable in Nature. However, conscientious parents would not destroy their gifted child, bigger and more intelligent than them making them look good in family, at school or in public in the eyes of society subjugated by the prowess of their overachieving family genetics. The humanity of the future will be able to happily send its giant children far away in the galaxy with their lunch box filled with much better foods and tools necessary for successful stellar and galactic implantations. The scene of Sigourney destroying one by one her mutant versions of herself in the germinal vat in the space laboratory is a typical case of the most relevant applying to all the living world and therefore which has made me think the most for years in accordance with my theoretical model of positive evolutionary eugenics that I developed in the Bible of Future Humanity. 

Source (Ripley Burns Her Clones Scene | ALIEN RESURRECTION 1997): 


In the same way as the Wow signal received on August 15, 1977 at the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University in the United States, a new signal called BLC1 with a duration of 5 hours was picked up by the space background listening systems at the Parks Observatory by the Australians in 2019 and the Chinese who claimed to have received the same message at the Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope and confirmed reception as early as 2021. This signal has a higher probability of being emitted by normal astrophysical phenomena, even if it does not seem to have a similar astrophysical sound equivalent recognized so it could also be of Extraterrestrial origin. This message would have been produced from the Alpha Centauri solar system about 1 million years ago if we take into account the time required for such a radio wave to reach Earth. The distance of this stellar system is precisely 40,000 billion kilometers or 4.2 light years. A normal radio signal emits approximately in the 100 MegaHertz spectrum while the extraterrestrial radio signal is rather in the 982 MegaHerzt which would validate the theory of an emission by an electronic device and not a simply natural astrophysical phenomenon. Unlike the Wow signal which only lasted a short moment, the BLC1 signal lasted for many hours and would therefore not be just a stellar gamma burst, a defective satellite sent by humanity a few decades ago or a rebound of waves emitted on Earth and reflected on the Moon returning to us by rebound, but indeed a decipherable phenomenon or intelligent message of greater astronomical civilizational magnitude. My analysis is that I find it rather surprising that a message of Extraterrestrial origin is always focused on the same sound notes, a real message would include more modulations and multiple intonations allowing not only to hear a deducible alphabet system, but also subsequently a message in good eduform based on the first initially audible digital alphabet. The symbolic meaning of the message could be a descent of notes inevitably signifying the fall of our civilization since the notes tend downwards, towards the range of neutral tones of the last low notes of the audible spectrum as if we were hearing at the end of a video game like Mario Bros, the notes announcing to us that we will soon be ''game over''. This message would therefore possibly bring obscure and definitive auspices would warn us that like the sound sent that we will also fall as soon as this civilization arrives around the Earth.Low-Qi humanity will be massively eaten and squeezed out of its source planet like the hordes of immigrants in the West, who by their excess numbers end up supplanting and annihilating the host populations overwhelmed by the number and unable to respond adequately with a sufficient equalizing birth rate. This potential civilization would have therefore 1 million years ago, detected that our Earth's atmosphere already sheltered life in abundance with all the necessary chemical gases and organic molecules, so they did not take any chances and sent a message that does not seem at first glance to be an SOS distress message for example. At that time, our ancestors had reached the time of Homo Erectus leaving Africa heading towards Asia. Aside from the fact that this Proxima Centaurian civilization, if it were exactly the same level of intelligence as us, would obviously be an excellent candidate to be our galactic ally since it is precisely the closest to us compared to all the billions of stars in the Milky Way and the other trillions of galaxies scattered throughout the universe. The fact that the sound transmission occupies a time range of 5 hours would denote either a natural astronomical phenomenon that only lasted that period of time before fading just as abruptly as it had appeared, or that the Centaurians wanted to support the signal so that we would be sure to pick it up with our equipment and that it would not be just a short signal that could slip through our fingers and cause us to miss their long-distance phone call from another world than ours.The fact that the sound transmission occupies a time range of 5 hours would denote either a natural astronomical phenomenon that lasted precisely this period of time before fading away just as abruptly as it had appeared, or that the Centaurians wanted to support the signal precisely so that we would be certain to pick it up with our equipment and that it would not be just a short signal that could slip through our fingers causing us to miss their long-distance telephone call from another world than ours.The fact that the sound transmission occupies a time range of 5 hours would denote either a natural astronomical phenomenon that lasted precisely this period of time before fading away just as abruptly as it had appeared, or that the Centaurians wanted to support the signal precisely so that we would be certain to pick it up with our equipment and that it would not be just a short signal that could slip through our fingers causing us to miss their long-distance telephone call from another world than ours.


What is incomprehensible at first glance is to ask; why would the Centaurians have sent a message announcing their imminent arrival (unless they themselves are not capable of getting here and it was only a neighborhood communication without too much damaging information revealing their civilizational level)? Since knowing that there is an intelligent population there and habitable exoplanets within our reach, automatically we have every reason in the world to go there soon with our human fleets or on the contrary prepare ourselves against an imminent invasion. Unless they, by not having detected any complex molecule in the Earth's upper atmosphere, know that our civilization is not very advanced so by the time they reach us they do not think they will have any surprises, except that the Amadeussian armies will plausibly be there and will be waiting for them with a titanic brick and a deadly beacon. In general, when the Extraterrestrials arrive on a new planet whose civilization is several degrees inferior to them intellectually and technologically, they only do Surface Diplomacy so all their proposals are only an endless succession of 50 to 1001 traps and subterfuges scattered one after the other that they will shamelessly set for the most credulous and naive civilizations (fool's bargain). I wrote it in my Announcing Bible, in my opinion to oust an attempt at planetary takeover against just about any Extraterrestrial civilization, we will need about a minimum of 1 million Amadeus Frankensteins (frozen in the Earth on standby or not), armed to the teeth with all the weapons and land and space vehicles sufficient for an effective response from the first days of the invasion around the solar system and not just near the Earth's ionosphere. In addition to several hundred or thousands of Titaneus Frankenstein humans to fight against their possible giant Alien variant (Titan clash phase). Below these numbers, we will only be able to sabotage our planet with nuclear weapons (similar to the German submarines during World War II that sank their ships as soon as they were surrounded and threatened with being captured, both their crew and their secret and/or valuable technologies). This is why they will do everything to simulate initial diplomatic relations from the first days with the unavowed military-political objective that we do not sabotage our planet irreversibly with nuclear pollution making our star just as uninhabitable for them as for us (calculation by civilizationalist probabilistic reasoning).It is certain that with their privileged position in space, the Extraterrestrial strategists and observers will see all the priority military vehicles and targets on the ground and will therefore be able to destroy hundreds and thousands of tactical targets from above, as no land army will be able to do anything really tangible about them. As the famous military proverb states; "Who takes the Top, takes the Bottom" or in other words "Who dominates the top, will dominate the bottom", (historical example of the battle between the Germans and the Russians in September 1942 on Mamayev Hill at the top of the city of Stalingrad) as much as the armaments of the Extraterrestrial ships will strike much more precisely from the sky and will hit the mark with a high success rate, that the giant Centaurian Xenomorphs will supplant the small humans on the ground and will make short work of them in close combat both literally and figuratively. Similar human message from Arecibo! All these messages that give us too precise information about our civilization are suicidal because the Extraterrestrials will quickly use them against us before even arriving inside our planetary neighborhood.

Source (Arecibo Humanity Message): 

Source (Alien Signal Captured?! Paranormal Activities with Christian Page):

Source (Wow Spatial Signal):!&fbclid=IwY2xjawG6225leHRuA2FlbQIx MAABHWJrSI0YUhddbGM-ZJ5Y64zIkII008h-dHodG1fxyTLwqwCplpgd2KbcCw_aem_HN-jOmL7w_XBpEsfHtVZZw

Source (The WOW! signal finally decrypted by NASA after 45 years... and it's strange):

Source (Original BLC-1 Signal from Proxima Centauri b):




Recommendations for rescue

of the indigenous Caucasian ethnicity of Europe

 PREAMBLE - Following the example of the Native Americans of America, we must protect our "culture" so that it does not disappear. The culture of European descendants is precious, because it is one of the first and most advanced in the world in the history of humanity and must absolutely continue beyond the centuries and millions of years to come.

-We must protect our European "traditions" as our ancestors have perpetuated them, for example folk dances, customs and habits between people that make us who we are. -We must protect our "territories" and set up vital Nordic white "reserves" from the unbridled migratory inclusions of non-Nordic ethnic groups and dedicate exclusive zones to Europeans, otherwise our territories and areas of belonging will disappear forever. -We must protect the "genetics" of European Indigenous people in order to preserve pure-blooded Nordic white individuals like each of the other continental ethnic groups (e.g. Africans in Africa, Asians in Asia, Indigenous people in South America, etc.).

-Reserve "economic zones" for white natives, expressly European, dedicated to their ethnic economic activities, ensuring their constant and progressive development over time over the ages.

-Fences and barriers should be built if necessary, and territories should be demarcated around areas and geographic regions with a large indigenous Caucasian population such as in Europe, North America and Australia (France, England, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Canada, Australia and the United States, etc.).


-School for Europeans dedicated to learning their  culture in parallel with that of the rest of humanity in a chronological order of discoveries and general knowledge allowing to highlight their informative civilizational contribution. 

-Teaching Nordic children their European culture and  language (example of German, English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Czech) following the example of Native Americans who learn their native language in their reservation school. 

-To educate young people, adolescents and adults about their  European origin (school and other places of learning as well as through different media such as newspapers, books, radio and television) with the aim of having a higher awareness of their past, of realizing how their ancestors founded and built the structural foundations of today's Western society and how they can perpetuate this specific Nordic culture for centuries and thousands of years to come. 


-White people should never feel sorry for themselves and diminish themselves from their culture, apologize for the actions of their ancestors, diminish themselves, feel guilty for who they are and who they were, or feel self-conscious about being a Nordic descendant in today's world. For example, women have the right to be proud of being women, the disabled have their Olympics, Africans have the right to be proud of their culture, Native Americans have the right to be proud of their origins, and white people also have the right to be proud of being Nordic just as much as the other ethnic groups or minorities previously mentioned.

-Do not confuse the fact that protecting one's polar culture is necessarily a sign of racism and intolerance towards others, because on the contrary it can be a gesture of self-protection as the Amerindian, Italian, Asian cultures, etc. have done.

-White people have a kind of feeling of superiority that makes them think that their 10 to 20 IQ points more than other ethnic groups on average gives them an advantage in all situations and will certainly allow them to always win over other peoples no matter what. Which is not at all the case, so Caucasians are also very vulnerable, especially in terms of their low demographics and their inability to renew their generation of children (birth rate, base of 1 to 2 children per woman, exaggerated family planning, work of both parents, increase in homosexuality, etc.).

-Create the same system of purity and genetic generation with Europeans as those validated similarly to the ancestral grades of Native Americans such as 1 (First Primary Indigenous People), grade 2 (Second Indigenous Generation), grade 3 (Third Indigenous Generation). This system is normally applied in Canada and supported by the federal government in Ottawa for decades in order to preserve the genetics of indigenous peoples. -Positive eugenics or minimal modification of the DNA of each ethnic group can be done without offending other ethnic groups. Unlike a process of negative eugenics where other groups would become useless and denigrated, there is a way to improve all genomic groups of inhabitants everywhere on Earth.

-To reduce as much as possible the impact of all harmful social, political and cultural ideologies (example: LGBT movement, homosexuality, lesbianism, transvestism, fashion of sexual abstinence, etc.) reducing the chances of reproduction of the indigenous Caucasian ethnicity to the detriment of the development of the normal and regenerative nuclear family of Western civilization. BIRTH RATE -Birth clinics must be opened urgently promoting the rapid procreation of white children, this measure ensuring hundreds of thousands or even millions of babies born annually. -Any woman wishing to provide her eggs to the reproduction of polar humans or through the donation of her child for adoption when the pregnancy is unwanted and inevitable, this can be done with monetary or non-monetary compensation and/or stamps in exchangeable vouchers.

-The name of the donor parents can be anonymous or not so that the children can or cannot find their genitor in the case where they have donated sperm or eggs to reproduce the Nordic ethnicity. Their name and identification must still be kept in the file for later genomic analyses or possible reunions.

-Sperm donations must be evaluated according to specific genetic criteria (hair color (black, brown, red, blond, etc.) plus a technical sheet of the individual (photo, height, measurements, profile, etc.). Possibility of choice for the characteristics both for the woman with the sperm and the man with the choice of eggs.

-Women and men participating in these processes of directed birth must receive excellent treatment by the fertility center, the necessary nurses and doctors (good care, money, accompaniments, foodstuffs of all kinds, entertainment, music, sports, cinema, etc.).

-Receiving eggs from polar white women who want to support the cause of reproduction or be paid by the government or private birth companies (large stock in advance instead of being lost in the monthly female cycle). And this, precisely with the right haplogroups R1b, R1a, l1, l2 and N before the sampling of the eggs in order to be certain to have only genes of Nordic people.

- Babies created by incubation in an "artificial uterus" that does not require a surrogate mother and can reproduce thousands and millions of children in a vat without requiring unnecessary human resources (example of the work in 1996 by Japanese researcher Yoshinori Kuwabara at the Jutendo University of Tokyo and in 2017 by American researchers at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia). - Babies created by the use of high-tech 3D printers for the reproduction of Nordic ethnic groups or by test tube babies, by artificial insemination or any other viable techniques helping to reproduce Nordic humans both on Earth and in future space stations.


-Free service for nuclear families regarding their electricity and heating bill, telephone, clothing, food, school tax for children, childcare services (30% discount for families with less than 2 children and 50% for families with more than 3 children). -Free grocery coupons for Nordic Caucasian families in the countries where they were born and from the continental appearance (this process ensures that parents explicitly buy products to feed and help their child and not to pay for luxuries as a parent). -Mothers can enjoy a certain time of various free expenses and an amount of money dedicated to the needs during their growth and then the education of their child or family, in parental leave for the father (paid by the state and taxpayers).

-Promote as much as possible the large families of Nordic nuclear couples who can afford it (for example 3 to 10 children per family, twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, etc.) in order to guarantee better offspring for future generations of Caucasians who unfortunately experience too much of a low birth rate in the West.

-Governments from countries with indigenous Caucasian origins (and also governments based on their territorial ancestors compared to the inhabitants of other continents), give more money to white women and families in order to promote European birth rates compared to that of families from immigration.

-Nativity Medal and meritorious privileges for mothers and families who have had and care for several polar children (for example with 2 children = bronze medal of the woman, 3 children and more = silver medal of fertility and with 5 children and more = gold medal of the family queen). MEETING & COUPLES

-Virtual and real dating site for Caucasians only via normal sites compared to other ethnic groups or a site exclusive to Europeans in order to promote their reproduction and not their genetic dilution in the medium and long term.

-Real voluntary reproduction dating service for Arctic-type women and men wishing to procreate by having a child more simply without being in a relationship with the person (telephone service, waiting list for meeting with anonymous or non-anonymous genitor and genitresses).

-When meeting people, it is better not to mix too much the genes of Europeans in couples with "Arabs", because even if the skulls are considered similar, they add genes of aggressiveness unnecessarily in the genetic heritage of whites as with Italians (addition of the Berber haplogroups E1, E2 or Arabs J1, J2).

-When dating, it is better not to mix European genes in couples with "Africans", because even the skulls are not similar, so they add genes lowering the average IQ intelligence of 70-85 instead of 103 as in Caucasians in the genetic heritage of whites as in Europeans before their exit from the African continent with haplogroup A (-200,000 years) or B (-70,000 years). This type of union also causes the loss in a single generation of all the attributes of Nordicity such as light skin, pale hair, blue or green eyes, etc. because of the presence of older dominant genes found mainly in Africans (example: frizzy and black hair, brown skin, small ears, large arms, nostrils, etc.).

-When dating, it is better not to mix European genes in couples with "Asians", because the skulls are not similar, even if they add genes increasing intelligence in the genetic heritage of whites as in Europeans, the latter must respectively preserve their native Caucasian DNA at all costs and not make it Asian unnecessarily, because there are already enough of them on planet Earth (e.g. 4.5 billion Asians including 1.6 billion Chinese).

DNA - The number of people with very white skin with a pigmentation level index of 1 to 12 is a very small group on the planet compared to the darker skin of 27 to 30 and more pigmentation of equatorial latitudes (see demographic map).

-About 2% of humanity has green eyes, this genetic trait having appeared recently and is also very characteristic of an appearance only in North-West Europeans. This is why it is necessary to protect the descendants of carriers of this extremely rare recessive mutated gene group which is also associated with a higher IQ of light eyes than the normal human average.

-About 5% of humanity has gray or blue eyes, this genetic trait having appeared about 6,000 to 10,000 years ago around the Black Sea in Eastern Europe and is also very characteristic of northern Europeans. This is why it is necessary to protect this group of mutated genes very recent in the history of humanity which is usually associated with an IQ of 7 additional points and is favorable to development by this modern aptitude advantageous in terms of the growth of humanity. -Increase in the size of polar humanity or smallness, and generates humans more able to confront not only the abrupt conditions of space, but will also be able to better confront possible animals, fish and unknown extraterrestrial species. -Increased strength and endurance of Caucasoids in order to help them survive well in harsh terrestrial conditions and also those of space which can be worse and more demanding to survive than in a normal natural environment.

INTELLIGENCE - Improving the "genetics" of Caucasians and modifying the basic DNA such as increasing the cranial volume and subsequently the brain volume (a larger skull will proportionally give a larger brain and therefore an increase in intelligence) in order to better adapt on Earth and in space. Each terrestrial ethnic group can do the same if it wishes, because any indigenous species can be improved by its natural previous genetic versions (example since 2010 of the Chinese sequencing with 57 machines the human genomes of 2000 gifted Asians with IQs of 130 to 160 in order to create a new generation of babies statistically more likely to be intelligent at the Beijing Genomics Institute).

-Increase the neuronal "density" of Europeans, with the aim of obtaining a higher ratio of neurons in the same cubic centimeter, in addition to increasing the intelligence of this ethnic group, already among the most intelligent groups on planet Earth (example of better adaptive performance on Earth and in space).

-Artificially exceed the minimum 130 to 160 (previous example of the European Danes working with the Chinese people working on the sequencing of their Scandinavian DNA) or up to thresholds of at least 200-300 points of IQ or even up to 500-1000 points like possible extraterrestrial civilizations having worked on their own DNA in order to make themselves much more intelligent and subsequently knowledgeable (rising exponential curve). Cranial volume of 2000 to 3000 cubic centimeters of brain in order to increase the number of neurons available for potential brain connectivity.

-Increase the number of intelligence genes found in human DNA associated with higher cognitive abilities that should endow future generations (example of genes: GWAS, CHRM2, IGF2R, DTNBP1, Snap25, Fads2, MCPH1, ASPM, Dab1, DUF1220 and Myopia gene).  TECHNOLOGIES -Promote the robotization of industrial production of economic and social activities, because it reduces the number of immigrants needed to fill jobs in countries with low birth rates (example of Japan with more help from robotics genius).

-Method of media and electronic communication emphasized between men and women making their lives easier when it comes to getting to know each other in order to form loving and reproductive unions.

-Adequate support for the exchange of sexual gametes via postal shipments within a reasonable time frame allowing the various biological processes to take place and guarantee reproductive success at a distance.


-Create closed cities of exclusive Europeans with the aim of saving the indigenous populations from the exaggerated mixing and the inquisition of immigrants, like the closed cities in the USA with fences around them and a guard at the entrance controlling the comings and goings. With the similarity of the cities in South Africa where the "Afrikaners" of Dutch descent lock themselves in villages of the European community in order not to suffer the thefts and problems of the criminality of the Africans.

-Closing neighborhoods in the city in order to protect indigenous European inhabitants from the mix and crime resulting from immigration (example of the French city of Marseille 20 to 25% of neighborhoods are closed with barriers against unexpected traffic).

-Increasingly reduced primary polar Caucasian territorial zone (see map) to be protected at all costs by the remaining indigenous inhabitants of these regions, regardless of what the new arrivals think (legitimate minimum reappropriation of resources).

-Close the borders hermetically to unwanted mass immigration in order to protect the Caucasian territories and strains from the genetic dilution of their Nordic genes and DNA. IMMIGRATION & HERITAGE

-It is not because a citizen accepted on a continent is "nationalized" in a host country that he is necessarily protected from the "right of expulsion" (native indigenous populations always having more rights), because he does not live on his continent of genetic appearance and can be expelled following a crime too serious in the eyes of the law.

-Expel immigrants found guilty by a court, to their country of origin when they have contracted prison sentences too harmful to be pardoned, and this to their continent of genetic appearance or to the country which will agree to host them during their detention. -Once methods of procreation and replacement of the birth rate are assured or not, the re-emigration of non-Caucasian immigrants can be done partially to their country of origin so that they can advance and progress their people of origin according to their ethnicity and continental genetics.

-Promote the assimilation of immigrants into the culture of Nordic Caucasians so that they are aware of the common ways of thinking and ideas perpetuated in this ideological and behavioral culture distinct from their ancestral offspring and customs.

SOCIETY -Continuous global monitoring of the danger of dilution of European culture if the Nordic peoples apply too literally the abstract, too universalist principles of "multiculturalism" and "pro-ethnicists" that they themselves created following the Second World War (example of the Declaration of Human Rights a little too cosmopolitan and abstract universalist unrealizable in the social fact), and this, if they do not want to cause too significant an imbalance followed by a collapse of their culture and their genetics very disadvantageous to them in a few decades.-The Nordic societies must not bow to the ideological and cultural demands of the new immigrants, because their culture does not have the primary anteriority to the customs and traditions in place for hundreds of years. These customs cannot therefore be altered in depth randomly over the course of the change of generations on the territory who come and go for various considerations, but which risks uprooting the deep roots of the cultural tree of the original people.

-We must no longer wage war between Caucasians as unfortunately happened in the past in Europe (First World War: 18.6 million dead (including 9.7 million military and 8.9 million civilians) and Second World War: 60 million military and civilian dead (USSR with more than 21 million dead, China with almost 12 million dead, then Germany with 7 million dead). Therefore, we must absolutely leave our national, territorial, historical and cultural differences aside and come together to better save our ethnicity and project it far into the future of terrestrial and spatial survival.

✯  The Nordic Century Initiative at the North Pole  ✯ 

The European Demographic Project for the colonization of the Northern Hemisphere of planet Earth with +100 to 500 million or 1 billion Caucasians in the year 2100-2200 until the year 2000 to 3000

1-Since the Caucasian white population has reached a critical threshold of 300 to 500 million inhabitants on Earth, its future is uncertain and comparable to the endangered terrestrial species of polar climates that can disappear for x, y, z considerations, so it is necessary to protect the genetics of the European ethnicity. 

2-Since human populations of terrestrial continents appear on specific territories and geographies over tens of thousands of years, they automatically acquire minimal legal Ancestral Rights under the national Law of their specific region in the context of International Law. 

3-Since gene pools cannot be recovered if they have been completely diluted in other populations, it is wiser to preserve extremely rare indigenous strains. 

4-Given that the European populations are experiencing many problems and are subjected to personal attacks from newcomers, with regard to their possessions, civilizational and cultural integrity in addition to the results of the miscegenation imposed by government propaganda and private companies, then the Caucasians have the legitimate right and the need to fight against these shortcomings to their full development on their own territory which they founded and made prosper for several hundred years. 

5-Given that the European Caucasian civilization includes an ethnicity that ranks among the 2 to 3 most intelligent populations on average in humanity (Europeans with 103 IQ points, North Asians with 106 points, and Ashkenazi Jews with 107 points), its preservation. Its maintenance and reproduction are one of the most important safeguarding projects to ensure for the future development of Humanity on Earth and in Space during the 3rd millennium. 

6-Given that it can be considered a ''quiet genocide'', therefore a crime against Humanity, the fact of wanting to slowly and hypocritically replace any type of population on planet Earth, and this for short-term economic needs and considerations with the different Governments and Companies that work and have the responsibility for their population preservation.

Legitimate and legal claim of a 

Vital Space or European Safe Space of the Earth

Preservation of Fauna & Flora

8-Europeans in the Northern Hemisphere will take care of the preservation and maintenance of the polar regions of the Earth, not only in fulfilling its needs for demographic and territorial emancipation, but also in managing major meteorological and geological factors in order to reverse major climate changes to the maximum.  9-All Arctic and Antarctic species such as the polar bear, the Arctic fox, the white coyote, the snowy owl, seals, killer whales, belugas, etc. must be listed, protected, mated and artificially reproduced in zoos, and this by biologists with the ultimate goal of preventing their extinction. 

10-In history, polar bears moved up to the north of America 600,000 years ago and now occupy the top of the food chain in the polar regions. Today, despite this position at the top, the balance of nature is fragile and it is therefore important to save them, because with global warming they find themselves without ice floes to hunt seals and this situation results in weight loss and starvation among the bears.

11-The water quality of the Arctic and Antarctic regions will be inspected regularly in order to ensure adequate monitoring of the purity of the polar aquifers for the rest of humanity (Iceberg, global fresh water reserve, ice continent, etc.).

12-The genetics of  animals of northern species can be studied using the example of other animals on the planet, by comparing their differences and specific attributions of DNA according to adaptations to climate change in history with the aim of better understanding the evolution of genomic filiations. 

13-The genetics of  northern plants and species must be studied in the same way as other plants and vegetation on the planet. However, this must be done by comparing their differences and specific DNA allocations based on adaptations to climate change in history since the appearance of the first forms of life 1 billion years ago after the formation of the Earth. Polar decontamination, optimization and resolution of global warming 

14-The decontamination of sites that were used by commercial companies during the extraction of minerals such as iron, aluminum, uranium, gold, diamonds, rare earths, etc. and colonization can then begin. 

15-The soils or oil exploitations have been carried out and can also be decontaminated by moving the dirty oil-bearing soil and/or cleaning it by industrial leaching principle. 

16-Caucasians have sufficient physiological and social capacities including a high average intelligence allowing them to correctly manage and certainly save the climate changes at the North and South Poles, and this for the rest of the entire Humanity. The Caucasian civilization cannot do it currently, because it does not live expressly in these polar regions strictly speaking.

17-Megamachines are to be built in the northern and southern hemispheres in order to solve several types of large-scale environmental or geological problems (capture of chemical and biological pollutants in the atmosphere using giant filters, filtration and separation of molecules and atoms, transformation of Methane gas (CH4), manufacture of fertilizers for the global agricultural industry, etc.).

18-Methane gas (CH4) is a very powerful greenhouse gas that will possibly be responsible for a future rapid increase in global warming and that is why we must install pipeline networks capable of effectively collecting the gases before they escape from the earth with thawing permafrost causing an irreversible global catastrophe. 

19-We must absolutely prevent the current predicted average increase of 2 degrees Celsius from rising to a global temperature of an additional 4 degrees or it will turn the air of the North Pole to an increase of 7 to 11 degrees Celsius. This will not only affect the melting of polar glaciers but will also result in a decrease in the number of northern animals at these latitudes, as they will suddenly find themselves living in a highly disturbed environment in just a few decades.

20-Europeans will build a giant planetary thermal regulator or thermostat and other machines controlling important geological phenomena capable of effectively regulating the temperature of the oceans, the amount of atmospheric gases and their heat, the control of the Earth's internal magnetism, the control of thermonuclear reactions inside the Earth, etc. (technical level undertaken by the great powerful extraterrestrial civilizations).

21-If no one goes to the northern regions with the objective of monitoring in real time and repairing the ozone layer (O3) if necessary, since when it thins or not, and this as in the 1980s-1990s, then the planetary phenomenon would continue to amplify, solar radiation was much stronger and more easily crossed the layers of air in the upper atmosphere and all of humanity will be affected. 

Ancestral Rights and Safe Space

22-The establishment and legitimate claim of ancestral civilizational rights is obtained when a tribe, a group or an indigenous population has lived in a territory for hundreds of years, even thousands and/or millions of years, thus acquiring subsequent territorial privileges in the management of natural, mining, wildlife, plant, etc. heritage.

23-In nature and with the meaning of the symbolic and physical scope of the concept of Vital Space-Time, it applies equally to micro-organisms, individuals, family, close relatives, community, ethnic group, people, civilization and between the populations of a planet, a solar system or even a galaxy, a galactic cluster and/or universe in a multiverse context.

24-Failure to respect the Vital Space of individuals, terrestrial and even extraterrestrial peoples, will result in increasingly frequent disruption of interactions (psychological conflicts, aggressiveness, rejections, overlapping of vital spaces), modification of relationships, withdrawal, etc.).

25-On Earth, the native populations of regions on the periphery of the northern hemisphere do not have to see their civilizational enclosure being flooded quickly and being flooded with immigration compared to a Labrador dog enclosure where governments with the help of companies will bring in thousands and millions of new species of dogs then these differences will necessarily create the emergence of conflicts due to the non-similarity of genetic breeds of dogs (rottweiler, boxer, dalmatian, poodle, doberman, bulldog, etc.) and that they would not have the equivalent of the same precepts, beliefs and ideological dogmas (metaphorical equivalent of religions, sects, etc.). 

26-There is a link between the rate of Relational, Populational and Civilizational Distance in relation to the role of the extent or promiscuity of people on a territory as a distance buffer zone (Space variable) and the total period spent together (Time variable). 

27-No current regulatory system can contradict the primacy of the territorial rights of Europeans in their region of appearance, even according to laws and legislatures prior to this treaty, because it oversees them as a superior system of terrestrial supranational laws. 

28-The notion of Vital Space is a concept that allows us to understand that each individual, population, people and/or civilization have the legitimate right to claim a residential area where they want to ensure non-conflictual interpersonal relationships, homogeneous population growth, a common culture and future projects without being disturbed and influenced by other ethnic, cultural, genetic groups that would not be in agreement with the vital spatio-temporal preservation zone (contrary example of perverted societies with Multiculturalist and Multiethnic ideologies of peoples with overly progressive political ideologies of modernity). 

29-Genetic modification and improvement of the intelligence of the white ethnic group from 100 average points to 200-300 points minimum and this, in order to save global warming, coming from asteroids, departure and colonization in space, manufacturing of megamachine, construction of quantum computer, European cryptocurrency, etc.

30-If Europeans disappear from the planet (including the Chinese, but with 1.7 billion, they do not have a demographic problem for the moment), Humanity will struggle to conquer Space, because in the line of history it is the Europeans who brought the first animals [dog Laika (1957), chimpanzee Ham (1961)] and humans into the cosmos [Yuri Gagarin (1961), Alan Shepard (1961), German Titov (1961), Valentina Tereshkova (1963), Alexei Leonov (1965) and on the Moon with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin (1969)].

31-No other earthly ethnicity (haplogroups from other regions of the globe) can interfere and prevent in any way whatsoever the procedures and mechanisms in place established with the aim of minimal self-preservation of the white Caucasian ethnicity of Europe throughout the world and of the new Nordic living space. 

European population

32-The population that must be put forward in the living space, in Europe in North America and Australia, is the one linked to the genetics of the Eurasian and European haplogroups (R1a (Y chromosome - Eurasia -20,000 years), R1a (Eastern Europe), R1a1a7, R1a + I2a2, R1a + G, R1b (Y chromosome - Western Europe -25,000 years), R1b-S116, R1b-U152, R1b-U106, R1b-M153, R1b-M167, R1b-M529, R1b-M222, R1b + I1, R1b-L23), I (Y chromosome - Balkans -60,000 years), I1, I1 (Sweden), I1 + R1b-M529 (Eastern Norway + Eastern England), I1 + R1a (Norway), I1 + R1b-U106 (Denmark), I2 (Y chromosome - Greece -28,000 years), I2a1, I2a2), N (Y chromosome - Northern Eurasia -20,000 years), N (Northwestern Russia), N1c, N1b, N1c + R1a), G (Y chromosome - Northern Middle East -60,000 years including -G (Georgia), G + R1a, G + J2).

33-Human populations from other haplogroups and different geographical regions of the planet absolutely cannot "immigrate" in the long term, be "nationalized" and officially work in any of these territories, because they must not in any way harm the minimum genetic reproduction and the minimum authentic preservation of their original culture and centuries-old traditions. 

34-A ratio of at least 50% of the original population in the historically inhabited geographical areas on all continents on the territories where Europeans are chronologically native must be respected by other peoples who arrived a few hundred years later in our current civilizational era on the territories than Europeans (e.g. Europe, Australia and North America).

35-The lineage of descent has been successfully identified in the science of decoding Haplogroups and the particular Caucasian white physiological differentiation, which allows us to see the progression of human migrations since leaving Africa 60,000 to 70,000 years ago and the subsequent journey of the first men and women to the different continents of the planet. 

36-The population with a great diversity of European genetics must focus on itself in order to rebuild a strong genomic base, to preserve it and optimize it in every way. 

37-A Haplogroup test must be taken for all people wanting to work, reside and mate in the polar European living space and it must only have precise letters associated with the history of the evolution of peoples in the European continental area (see list above). 

38-The test results can be used later when 2 people wish to form a family, preserve their genetic characteristics and obtain offspring that display exactly the desired physiological traits and appearances (for example, a father and mother with red hair and green eyes will have a better chance of having children with exactly these same bodily characteristics). 

39-Within the Nordic living space zone, a ratio of 100% of the population of European origin must be respected in order to avoid interference, unnecessary interbreeding and loss of the genetic pool of the Caucasian polar population over time. 

40-The side effects of multiculturalism and subsequent interbreeding are observed in Western European countries after the establishment of multi-ethnic ideologies implemented following the Second World War and the implementation of the American Marshall Plan having found themselves completely eaten away and slowly destroyed demographically by the Southern Ethnicities (France, England, Germany, etc.) not to mention the USA itself which is the world's worst dumping ground for southern ethnicities leading this society to the brink of the breakdown of interpersonal relations (extreme social tensions caused by racial tensions). This is not the case in countries with similar demographics such as Scandinavia and China, given the large number of ethnic groups with different genetics and diverse cultures in the same territory with uncertain security (space-time). 

41-In order to see the consequences of the Great Replacement of the polar populations and their culture, one only has to take the visual archives filmed in the past in the years exhibiting in black and white videos (example the documentaries ''The Thunderstruck Eagles'' where we do not see any ethnicity in the crowds during the passage of the carriages of the empires and the European Royalty) and subsequently around 1970-1980 to 1990 to easily see that there reigned a genetic uniqueness of the populations when one looks at the average of the television programs filmed in the European land colonies.

42-We will be able to represent a strong and united polar world population basin in the preservation of our Nordic European white ethnicity and the consolidation of our future international cooperation will be concentrated in a common and united force in the planning and colonization of the solar system and later of the intergalactic space near the Milky Way.

Territory & Border

43-Given that legitimately and legally all the northern regions of planet Earth belong directly by right to the polar peoples according to the indigenous appearance of Europeans in the north of the planet, then no people from the south who are not indigenous to Europe can or will be able to claim them in the future given their non-appearance on these specific territories, and this, for millennia and for the millions and billions of years of the future. 

44-The areas of the northern hemispheres (regions bordering the Arctic or North Pole) beyond the 60 degrees North latitude line on the way up, belong by right to the Nordic European ethnic groups and their civilizational establishment is assured in time and space. 

45-The areas of the Southern Hemisphere (regions bordering Antarctica or the South Pole) beyond the latitude line from 75 degrees South to 30 degrees South, rightfully belong to the Nordic European ethnic groups and their civilizational establishment is assured in time and space (Canada - Finland - Sweden - Norway - Russia - Alaska - Iceland - Arctic - Antarctica).

46-The territories planned and provided for by the maps must be respected by the bordering national regions around them, because they are part of an important population protection region to be preserved over time. Otherwise, they may suffer psychological and physical reprisals, and this, with the simple legitimate objective of pushing them back to their territorial zone of origin. 47-The borders located in the polar latitudes do not necessarily always need to be guarded by guards (surveillance by camera, lasers and motion detectors), but intruders found on the territory can be returned to the limits of the transgressed border.  48-The North and East of Russia in Siberia are fabulous territories to grow an even more viable Siberian economic market and with the installation of European families of choice in order to increase the power and prosperity of this uninhabited northern region of planet Earth.

49-Northern Canada can serve as a territory to be colonized by European populations who have already founded the countries of Lower and Upper Canada, thus it would be in the natural order of things and cohabitation with the Amerindians is easily possible, because treaties and agreements have been respected by both camps for centuries. 

50-The territory of Alaska belonging to the USA can also serve for the establishment of northern populations, because already at this moment the inhabitants of this American territory sold in 1867 by Canada for 7 million dollars. Nowadays, this American state is still inhabited mainly by populations of English-speaking origin dating mainly from the first European colonizers.

51-Scandinavia and the peripheral regions can also serve as a territory for the settlement of European populations, being compatible with the cultural and genetic history of the populations already in place (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, Denmark). 

52-On the territories legitimately claimed by the European natives, it automatically acquires the rights and skills of economic management, biological heritage, metals and minerals and any other value coming from these regions, and this, jointly with the Amerindian, Inuit and/or Eskimo reserves living near the white Nordic cities


53-The basic colonization of European living space will be located in all the polar territories of the planet, first in the North and then possibly in the Southern hemisphere of the Earth, which must necessarily be environmentally protected from the global warming observed around the year 2000. 

54-Minimal territories that are not even inhabited have the existential spatio-temporal metaphysical precedence and therefore of colonization by peoples already coming from northern environments and geographies in the history of the survival of humanity near the polar arctic circle (example polar bears in this geographical location) since the Paleolithic and then in modern times in the Neolithic.

55-The establishment of factories and companies with the help of the government with the objective of sustainable development of entrepreneurs in the northern areas without which the establishment of companies will be difficult, because the distances and the ambient environmental conditions are arid.

56-The territories will first be developed with roads in nature, power lines, local or regional aqueducts then later European families will be able to migrate to the north and establish cities and neighborhoods with a common culture, genetics and language as in the old days of colonization on American, Australian territory, etc. 

57-Europeans from all over the world will be welcome in the northern and southern hemisphere of the planet and can therefore send their application along with their Haplogroup test in the polar colonies with the aim of immigrating to the rescue zone of the Arctic and Antarctic polar circle. 

58-Colonizer families will benefit from many discounts and food stamps with tickets or alternative currencies parallel to the currencies of the countries already in place and/or new currency of the Earth, and this in order to help the growth of the number of viable and prosperous family homes. 

59-Northern polar citizenship can be officially granted to any person and/or family of colonizers to any person who meets the requirements cited in this international treaty.

60-Colonization will be done gradually from the lower polar regions and after the construction of roads, electricity connections (hydroelectric dams, solar panels and wind turbines) as well as the aqueduct in addition to the establishment of public infrastructures (town hall, schools, community centers, hospitals, etc.) in addition to housing such as houses and apartment blocks. 

61-Partnerships can be made with the governments of the territories in place so that these countries can reap colonization taxes, taxes and other potential economic dividends.

62-Like future space societies, nuclear family couples should preferably form with the aim of preserving the uniqueness of ethnicity as much as possible instead of mixing the genetics of the entire crew, and this over the course of voyages over periods of multiple decades, hundreds of years or even thousands of years across the universe.

63-Otherwise, the phenomenon of flattening by extreme crossbreeding will represent a serious danger neutralizing all the genetic particularities and specificities accumulated with difficulty after tens of thousands of years of evolution.

Culture & Tradition

64-Culture is all the baggage of common knowledge that one or more peoples can acquire and share in time and space and the establishment of their codification and social symbolization of the reality that they encounter on their territory and the nature in place during their historical evolution. Therefore this traditional culture cannot and must not be erased all of a sudden by the fashions, policies and relativistic currents of the modern era.

65-All Cultures being specific and particular, they therefore provide by default a value in themselves, thus each population of the countries of the Earth has the right to protect its culture and its secular traditions despite the promises and positivist aspirations of the multiculturalist and multiethnicist ideologies that several contemporary depraved Western countries blindly propose, thinking themselves the stooges and official representatives of progressivism which in fact turns out to be a societal, ideological, moral and reproductive regressivism. 

66-European schools with courses and teachings of the rich Western history in addition to cultural performances (choir, art, cinema, painting, theater, music, etc.).

67-Celebration of European cultural and historical traditions in all its forms through dance, festivals and festive events representing tradition, highlighting important dates linked to our Nordic continental history, etc.

68-In the European living space, the priority of cultural content projected on television must be in accordance with the historical culture practiced on site for the longest time or almost and not necessarily advocate other international values ​​and excessively capitalist globalist and pseudo-progressive societal ideologies.

69-Cultural symbols being an example of the temporality of the experience of societies can no longer be changed randomly and/or with intention in order to supplant the culture of European descent in the exclusive European polar zones (official futuristic moral code of the Earth).

70-A common culture is much stronger, more solid and positive than a culture that tries at all costs to mix all cultures at once under the same falsely multi-ideological belief, which irreversibly becomes with time and the various drifts and particularist demands of the multiple communities and/or interest groups an undesirable mess, because it cannot be unified in anything except the fact of thinking that mixing all cultures is an end in itself.

71-Creation and participation in a neo-European culture with our representative, symbolic, moral codes, etc., and this by the realization of their high expressive uniqueness up to the new spheres of abstract and practical actualization with a universalist tendency.

Demographics & Birth Rate

72-The demography in the respective territories of humanity according to the regions of appearance is a phenomenon that varies, fluctuates and/or stabilizes with the times, so this variable is more than crucial and important to respect minimally and plan for a good rotation of generations in time without degenerating their genetics. 

73-Precise work on decoding the unique attributes of gene clusters associated with high intellectual performance (example: congenital myopia with blue or green eyes, high-performance brain gene cluster, cranial shape and volume, genes that arose due to natural selection due to the cold climate of the ice ages and the ability to survive at low temperatures). 

74-Promote the birth of European genetics best adapted to the cold polar climate of the regions near the planetary poles with the physiological attributes best in phase with the low rates of sunshine, and necessary for survival in the winter seasons.

75-Sponsorship association between the different regions with the families of European settlers who have demonstrated the skills, competences and willingness to adopt a child from the nurseries and community schools of the Caucasian polar circle and other regions of the Earth where his genetic counterparts thrive properly there. 

76-One of the advantages of our era in science is that modern advances offer us the possibilities of reproduction brought by new technologies (artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, selection of matings and even artificial uteruses which work so far with sheep fetuses). 

77-We must not abuse the solution that is too easy in the short term, but often less advantageous in the long term, of the contribution of non-Caucasian migrants such as (Africans, Arabs, Hispanics and Asians, etc.). Which means that according to demographers, the descendants on the Old Continent with this genocidal project of European populations (Theory of the Great Replacement and the Great Miscegenation) for example, we would have only reached 30% (visible minority) and non-Nordic immigrants 70 million in Canada, which is legitimately aberrant for the populations already living there for hundreds of years from generation to generation. 

78-It is necessary to adopt avant-garde and futuristic measures of birth rate as applied by the Chinese with their birth rate policy and thus lead a demographic curve of sustained birth rate (supported and written in the Constitution of the Planetary Northern Hemispheres) mainly favoring the reproduction of European and Amerindian couples in order to colonize the North of Canada, Scandinavia, Alaska and the East of Russia which represents the main world reservoir of white(s) with 170 million inhabitants, but 130 million whites. 

79-Women who cannot take care of their child can return it to the European nursery so that it can benefit from the most adequate health care and education possible until the age of 18 or after that it can live in the living space and/or in another country with a large Caucasian majority in order to increase its birth rate and demographic weight.

80-With an average IQ of 100 points currently, Humanity will not go far into space (barely a conquest of the solar system) and will mostly be destroyed and annihilated by any other intelligent civilization with 150 to 200 average IQ points who will rejoice in our generalized primate intellectual incapacity and take either our planet or our ships in the Milky Way galaxy so that is why we will have no choice but to increase the genetics of the gene groups related to the increase in intelligence. 

Futuristic society project

81-The social project is necessary for a viable establishment of populations with a view over several decades and hundreds of years in advance, following the example of what Asian governments such as in China have been doing for several millennia. 

82-Project of society of a new human citizen in synchronicity with the values ​​advocated by the most logical, naturalistic and reasonable systems of modern philosophy for the good moral development of individuals and families of the future more and more promising and evolved.

83-All classes of European workers will be considered in the various sectors of the prolific industry of the north as much in the protection of wildlife, mining, extraction of clean oil guys and / or methane in order to recover it and transform it into environmentally safe solids. 

84-A healthy society with more constructivist morals and values ​​"pure" will grow and live in harmony much better than a multicultural society where the fragmentation of peoples and interests of minority groups of all kinds, contributes to increasing the frequency of inter-ethnic tensions and conflicts. And this, like the phenomenon of enthalpy in physics or in a closed system where the amount of energy is based at the beginning, and then with atmospheric pressure or additional heat the frequency of collisions between elementary particles will increase in complexity in total.

85-Society not necessarily too inclusive and excessively egalitarian, accepting an infinity of supposedly reasonable accommodations as well as other philosophical ideologies that are not relativistic, not religious, but rather spiritualist, scientific and universalist. 

86-Irremediably, we must rely on what our ancestors did best in order to reproduce their valiant successes which were very numerous according to the principle of utility and efficiency on the scale of time. Not only to wallow and constantly change ideas by following the fashions of modernity which often have chances of deviating from the developmental issues of the more viable and traditionalist society. 

87-Collection of passage tax by the European polar colony when cargo ships, merchant steamers and passenger ships want to pass through the northern sea corridor between Russia and Canada. 

88-Civilization of the era of machines, intelligence and genetics put forward by the authorities and governments of the northern hemisphere in order to achieve societal excellence.

89-Advanced land base on the continent of the Arctic and Antarctic in order to study its specific climates, their evolutions and migrations of ice caps, melting of continental glaciers in the valleys, etc. Everything must be done to protect and maintain the large areas of the planetary polar glaciers with the objective of avoiding as much as possible the inversion of the poles and/or global warming. 

90-Government focused on social democracy, making possible on the one hand a certain liberalism of markets and private property, but while ensuring free basic care and services to less fortunate Europeans. 

91-Construction of a space elevator made of light and strong carbon nanotube allowing the Nordic European colony to raise goods and materials to space to build the next civilizational projects and space bases for colonizing the universe. 

Cultural drifts, ideological and demographic decadence

92-In order to optimize social genetic capacities, the marking of the cultural plan of ideologies adopted in the Nordic living space must be in accordance with the moral values ​​presupposed for example in this demographic projection and historical legal text. 

93-Ideology, religions, sects, etc. must be controlled at all times in the Nordic European territory, and this with the aim of limiting past, present and future beliefs so that they do not harm the formation of couples and the reproduction of polar civilization. 

94-Contemporary deviant sexual practices based essentially on the phenomenon of mass pornography from cultural sources such as the Internet, are to be prohibited, because they constitute potential deviations invariably leading young people and adults to adopt practices and behaviors that greatly disadvantage the chances of normal couplings similar to the normality experienced during the millions of years of evolution of our human species (LGBT mode, lesbianism, all sexual practices that by default distance people from the common, normal and viable practice of coitus). 

95-Limitation in politics of the emotionality of the diverse feminist-leftism of the 5th column where women and feminists in politics allow themselves to be moved and softened by all attempts to victimize ethnic, cultural, sexual minorities, etc. 

96-Sociological studies and research in moral philosophy have demonstrated many times the links between certain types of cultures that are more deviant and negative for the

good development of morals, habits and a good adequate spirit satisfying the usefulness of their role of learning and cultural entertainment according to the evaluative criteria of a universalist morality at a hierarchical minimum. 

97-At the time, religious institutions played a role of guardian of morality overseeing the populations of those of their religious yoke, however in our modern era there is no longer any moral authority other than the laws of justice which guide the majority of legal behaviors of everyone.

98-Extremist feminist movements sometimes turn out to be deconstructive and decentralizing, because some models of self-determination challenge the natural biological determinations between men and women such as the ability of females to give birth to offspring. Which becomes an unnatural approach to not forming standard nuclear couples between different complementary sexes, and this, with the aim of ensuring a renewal of populations in the fact of generating viable human family offspring. 

99-The Universal Moral Code of Humanity is the one that manages and maintains the social fabric and interactions between cities, villages and citizens of the living space (ethical and behavioral code without the contribution of divinity of the invisible as in the ancient religions of Antiquity). 

100-Impossibility for other non-Caucasian planetary peoples to come and change anything in this universal charter, because it has been cleverly thought out and designed with a sustainable view that can extend over several hundreds, even thousands and millions of years to come. 



1-Resurgence of creeping and recalcitrant ideological Archaisms in relation to deist ideologies or any other unprovable religious sectarian system calling upon entities or phenomena of the invisible order (linked to low IQ + outdated historical anchoring, outdated archaeological and ideological pastism).

2-Explosion of Radical Relativist ideological systems leading towards evaluative quicksands as much moral, ahierarchical, acomplexificationist, etc.

3-Loss of the quality of human genetics by not reproducing the best elements between them (unlike any breeding which only mates individuals with the attributes most favorable to the gradual improvement of DNA).

4-Phenomenon of Great Crossbreeding at work accelerated by the amoral Great Capitalism of the Anglo-Saxon type (money has no smell, money has no morals, money does not care about destroying the best planetary genetics or replacing a people).

5-Browning of the lighter genetic populations and lightening of the darker peoples without anyone noticing.

6-Darkening of the lightest eyes in just 60 to 80 years in Europeans, for example, going from pale blue to gray blue, to dark blue, to even color, the same for the color of the green iris.

7-Darkening of the lightest hair in just 60 to 80 years in Europeans, for example, going from platinum blonde to brown, from bright orange red to dull red.

8-Phenomenon of Civilizational Reprimatization where the oldest terrestrial human genetics rub shoulders with the most recent and most evolved genetics (danger of statistically increased crossbreeding and irreversible deterioration of the best genetic baggage).

9-Reduction in average cranial volume and subsequent loss of intelligence from ancestral brains of 1900-1500 cubic cm to volumes of 1250-1400 cubic cm (proportionality of brain mass correlated with high IQ).

10-Slowing down of human response rate by a few microseconds resulting in a decrease in the generation of thousands of thoughts per day (example: fish in plastic polluted water, eating and moving slower on average).

11-Phenomenon of Neutralization of Human Reproduction through a misunderstanding of the biological concepts underlying the phenomena of animal sexual attractions and deviances.

12-Phenomenon of monopolization of all planetary resources by an economic and political elite to the detriment of an entire civilization.

13-Phenomenon of mass pornography of the younger generations and contamination of deviances in the human collective unconscious + incomprehension of this same phenomenon by Humanity through theoretical and observational ignorance.

14-General IQ drop of 10 to 15 points in even the most advanced societies (caused by industrial pollution, plastics, microwave pollution, nuclear pollution and mutation, pollution of drinking water with plastic, etc., random mating of the worst genetics together in the name of love, the inter-ethnic ideal, etc.).

15-Decrease in the memory capacity of young people and adults using a cell phone several hours a day, giving them less and less cognitive capacity, because their frontal cortex is burned (fish memory of 3 seconds or rather 3 minutes for a human).

16-Uncontrolled increase in planetary temperature, because Humanity is insufficiently intelligent to put together solutions of joint planetary magnitude (inability to theorize inventions and giant machines filtering proportionally to the needs of massive depollution).

17-IQ capped a brain genetic limit oscillating around 70-100 points maximum which limits the capacities for both planetary development and the possibilities of growth in the solar system.

18-Robotization of Primates moving towards an even greater dependence on machines tending towards a progressive and irreversible dehumanization transforming humanity into a biological spare part for the future army of terrestrial robots controlled by the quantum computer chief (intellectual quantum supremacy).

19-No existing global system of genetic protectionism (seen rather as misplaced eugenics) of both the most recent or efficient genetic baggage and the old genetics at the foundation of human civilization.

20-Diversion of the most probable ideological systems with naturalist, biologist, astronomist foundations (for example in philosophy naturalist morality) in other words, minimally materialist and physicalist to be in phase with modern discoveries in quantum physics and astrophysics. Moral or societal ideologies called constructivist can drift towards mental or social constructions that no longer correspond to planetary reality similar to what abstract mathematics can give without the information of cosmological physics tested by laboratory equipment.

21-Misuse of biological determinisms and therefore of family reproductionist foundations for models of unnatural couple formation for dubious and very questionable modern ideals on the consequences of reproduction of civilization in the medium and long term both on the mother planet and in the space colonies.

22-High probability of an impact with an asteroid or a meteorite in the next hundreds or even thousands of years (short geological time frame), because there is no military system to deflect or stop an extraterrestrial rock threat.

23-High probability of global nuclear contamination, because the sector of the 260 global reactors with fission technology, insufficient radioactive shield protection, insufficient Deuterium pool filling system, high risk of global nuclear fire making the quality of water, air and land undecontaminable and therefore unlivable.

24-High possibility of inability to resist and adequately fight an alien attack or invasion (both low IQ of 150-200 points and highly intelligent species of 5000 to 10,000 points), because the perimeter of the Earth's solar and planetary system is not protected by any weapon designed specifically for this purpose given the low average intelligence of Humanity.

25-Medium to high probability for the risk of civilizational self-destruction by mass weaponization (example of global nuclear arsenals and other new weapons with high radiation and high destructive power) within 100, 500 to 1000 years maximum, because no anti-self-destruction protection, no rescue space base, satellites and/or spare planet to save the genes from nuclear or solar radiation near the mother planet.

26-Economic liberalism (all for private enterprise) and expressed in exacerbated personal individualism (all for the freedom of the individual) is too focused on personal interests, limited to the sole egocentric interests of individuality and is antinomic to the interest of the terrestrial community, therefore a risk to be considered for the good bearing for the assured continuity of the global entity of civilization.

27-Do not waste any food from all industries, restaurants, grocery stores in order to manufacture dried powder, sterilized compotes and purees in airtight bags (estimated annual production of food for 12 billion people, but cannot adequately feed 7 billion earthlings).

28-Prevent and cancel all transactions and transfers of money to the so-called 70 current tax havens, in order to limit companies, banks, insurance companies, wealthy savers and the mafia from evading their tax payments.

29-Mandatory installation of solar panels in the deserts of the planet on mountains, coastal beaches, schools, buildings, buildings and government buildings (example of the regulation of the city of Barcelona in Spain).

30-Mandatory installation of magnetic motors with magnets in buildings such as schools, buildings, apartment buildings and government buildings.

31-Mandatory installation of wind turbines on mountains, coastal beaches, schools, buildings, apartment buildings and government buildings.

32-Creation and assembly of multiple free energy engines in each house, building, city, earthly and/or planetary community (current known or future unknown technologies).

33-Prohibition on leaving lights on in buildings, schools, private and government buildings at night.

34-Global distribution of appetite suppressant sachets of nut and/or artificial proteins (peanut powder, etc.).

35-Global distribution of antiseptic silver molecule filtration sheets (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) in order to give populations the possibility of sanitizing their water at lower costs.

36-Prohibition and severe fines for companies that knowingly practice the planned obsolescence of their devices (voluntary planning by companies with the aim of making objects last less long and that buyers must obtain them more quickly).

37-Deprivatize banks that should be public (Bank of Canada, Bank of France, Deutschbank, American Federal Reserve, etc.).

38-Systematic cancellation of the global public debt of 50 trillion and the austerity measures imposed on the industrialized and/or poor countries of the world. The fortune of the 28 largest systemic banks is 100 trillion dollars.

39-Wipe out state debts and restore money from losses incurred by the new national banks. Little consequence, because 95% of the money is virtual (scriptural money) and not in material form.

40-Reestablishment of standards of minerals or other important natural resources (gold, silver, diamonds, bronze, copper, oil, etc.).

41-Close all nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion power plants (456 plants in 2015) and gradually dismantle them in the safest way possible.

42-Cleaning up the 6 continents of ocean plastic (octopus tentacle harvesters and/or fleet of volunteer boats with tight-meshed fishing nets).

43-General installation of filtration and gray water recovery system (example: Aquartis).

44-Mandatory nationalization of countries' natural resources (minerals, oil, electricity, etc.).

45-Mining royalties of at least 30% to 40%, plus corporate taxes proportional to the territories exploited.

46-Control and strict laws on global lobbying organizations with governments (pharmaceutical, oil, military, tobacco, bankers, insurers, etc.).

47-Establishment of a universal international minimum wage with an attempt to equalize prices according to the old currencies.

48-Creation of a global currency that can be used in all countries and adjusted to the cost of living.

49-Conquest of the Moon, extraction of Helium-3 for 1000 years of energy production on Earth.

50-Universal ideology putting people in the same planetary tune as humanity.

51-Self-constructive robotization of space for the preparation of the colonization of planets and terraforming (Moon, Mars, satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, Milky Way, etc.).

52-Ground planetary bases and orbiting space stations, human colonies on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere in the universe.

53-Increasing the IQ of human intelligence through access to free online training, courses in history, philosophy and theories of knowledge in addition to modifying the DNA of the human brain (over 2000 cubic centimeters).

54-Mixing of human DNA with that of land animals such as dolphins, and mammals with higher intelligence.

55-Separation in the bank of the sums deposited by companies and savers as "deposits" and those of "investments" in the banks closely maternalized by governments so that they do not play the stock market of international markets.

56-Increasing the intelligence of animals through genetic manipulation and modification of their brains and other relevant organs.

57-Ban on patenting the human genome by private companies and governments (example: Monsanto).

58-Prohibition of patenting of the animal genome by private companies and governments.

59-Minimizing the use and spreading of insecticides and pesticides that can poison personnel and make the population's food toxic (example of diseases: cancer, congenital malformations, etc.).

60-Massive use of cars with alternative fuels such as electric vehicles, hydrogen and compression engines (Guy Nègre), these not causing huge quantities of greenhouse gases.

61-Provision of free minimum internet connection to all poor and rich people of the planets through public cafes, libraries, schools and government institutions.

62-Reduction of installations or otherwise removal of microwave towers near homes in cities and populated areas (danger of radiofrequency irradiation).

63-Reducing the production of magnetic waves in public places such as homes, schools, libraries and hospitals, etc.

64-Harvesting electricity from lightning using superconducting materials and tall lightning towers.

65-Hydrolin in lakes or turbulent rivers and along all land coasts within 10 kilometers (optimal distance to limit energy transport losses).

66-Space elevator made of carbon nanotube or other with the aim of bringing materials and travelers into space at lower costs (construction of space stations and fleets of ships).

67-Governmental and private conservation zone (example: 1 hectare sells for $1000 and allows private companies not to destroy the environment of the world heritage of living species.)

68-A minimal space and planetary station per planet of the solar system and subsequently elsewhere in the universe (stars and galaxies).

69-Stop deforestation, clear-cutting, progress instead in the form of a square cutting checkerboard including spacing to protect animals.

70-Significant reduction in the extraction of fossil fuels so as not to burn them too quickly in history and that there are still some left in a few hundred years.

71-Production of biofuel from algae (algofuel) => the production of 1 ton of algae eliminates 2 tons of CO2.

72-Giant metal crusher and grinder for recycling, melting and reuse of important materials from industrial and technological production.

73-Collection and massive use by the geothermal process of the internal energy of the Earth (millions of Megawatts available).

74-story self-sufficient tower with vertical greenhouses inside and solar panels outside.

75-Energy and electricity produced by the recycling of sawdust, hay, wood chips and organic materials (peelings, grass, etc.).

76-Mandatory composting with biodegradable waste either in airtight containers in towns or in wooden squares in the countryside.

77-Progressive emptying of energy contained in the form of heat in the dangerous Yellowstone caldera in the United States.

78-Prohibition of the meeting of sects that do not respect the human rights of the weakest people such as children, the elderly and others.

79-Secularization of world states and their bureaucratic apparatuses in order not to be influenced by religious ideologies and an unprovable divine existence (among civil servants and places of the state).

80-Massive job creation => one job per person guaranteed (new ideas for jobs and innovative economic sectors).

81-International legalization of cannabis given its great possibility of manufacturing different transformation products (food, oil, soap, clothing, board, house, rope, medicine and various related economic income).

82-Protection of plants, animals, bacteria, viruses and any other organism on Earth and in the universe.

83-Projection of lasers, images and videos on the surface of clouds, giant screens and/or the Moon in order to convey important messages with global reach.

84-Global distribution of messages of general interest important to humanity (monthly report retransmitted on cell phones, television, radio or Internet).

85-Reduction in the quantity and diversity of different types of plastics so that better recovery and subsequent recycling can be carried out more easily for environmental companies.

86-Creation in the laboratory of a planetary brain based on human neurons without the usual limitation of a cranium with the aim of having available a super brain capable of answering the many questions of humanity via a computerized interface or by telepathy of its members. 



The first Constitution of the Universe is a founding legal act with the objective of establishing the most promising ways of governing the multiple national and planetary States of the universe, by establishing standards of judicial, legislative and diplomatic procedures with a very great universal scope that has never been perpetrated before by any other civilization of the universe. Its status of occurrence in the universe, of application and maintenance in space and time is therefore more than rare and unequaled in its kind since it has no notable equivalent having already been recognized among the multiple so-called civilized populations of space.

The Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe thus becomes the ultimate foundation of all legality of national, international and supranational laws belonging to the peoples of the cosmos and will therefore come into force on the very day of its official publication. The date of its advent was January 1, 2011, this day is thus considered to be the date of legal appearance of this legalislative text document as well as the legal and legitimate adoption of the mother Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, so it becomes by default the one and only Constitution in force everywhere across the multiverses.

It thus takes on the value of law in the planetary, solar and galactic systems of the cosmos as the supreme Constitution overseeing the Independence of peoples, the Sovereignty of Nations, the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and all other living organisms, and this, by the voluntary application of civilizations of all origins which must henceforth fulfill their duties and obligations towards the first founding State and the numerous subordinate galactic States, having also reciprocally contracted the same advantages in law and royalties with the official Confederative Assembly.

As a symbol of the absolute principle of unilateral respect for common rights and freedoms throughout the universal State, it thus establishes the first law of social justice extended to all civilizations, thanks to a body of legal and moral standards as well as ethical and institutional rules which now take effect among the governments of interplanetary States, which must now consider with interest and obligingness the supranational systems of laws of other civilizations and societies in the universe.


Legal basis of

The State of the Universe

Article 1

Status and definition of the universal state and its confederation

1. The universal confederation is a democratic, national state, a vast state of law, having a liberal form of government.

2. The terms “Confederations of the Universe” or “Universal Government” are equivalent.

Article 2

Right of life to exist

Living organisms, their rights and freedoms are an inalienable supreme value. The recognition, respect and protection of the rights and freedoms of every living organism are a duty and a capital obligation that must be protected at all costs by the justice mechanisms of the State and the behavior of its fellow citizens.

Article 3

The power of sovereignty to the people

1. The peoples of the universe are the sole holders of sovereignty, thus guaranteeing them all the legal powers associated with the full realization of the functions and powers of the State.

2. The peoples of space will fully exercise their power by themselves, through their planetary community of belonging, as well as the multiple governmental organs of the State.

3. The holding of free elections at regular intervals, in addition to soliciting public opinion through referendums, is the supreme expression of the power the people hold over their first freedom and their subsequent destiny.

4. No person, company or other non-governmental organization may assume the power of the State, otherwise such authority will be prosecuted before the courts of all levels throughout the world.

Article 4

Status of the territory

1. The sovereignty of peoples is legally associatable and proportional to the perimeter of the territories included on their planet and solar system.

2. The Universal Constitution and the supranational intercivilizational confederative laws have primacy throughout the observable universe, the multiverses being part of the whole of the meta-universe as well as all areas of space-time unknown to us.

3. The Confederate States of the Universe defend  the integrity  and ensure  the inviolability  of all their territories.

Article 5

Attribute of the confederation

1. The confederation of the Universe State consists of republics, territories, regions, cities of national importance, an autonomous region and autonomous districts, equal subjects of the confederation of the Universe.

2. The republic (state) has its Constitution and legislation. The territory, region, city of national importance, autonomous region, autonomous district have their own status and legislation.

3. The supranational structure of the Universe Confederation is based on its integrity as a state, the unity of the system of state power, the delimitation of the spheres of competence and attributions between the organs of state power of the Universe Confederation and the organs of state power of the subjects of the Universe Confederation, equality in rights and self-determination of peoples throughout the observable universe.

4. All subjects of the Confederation of the Universe are equal among themselves in their mutual relations with the confederal organs of state power.

Article 6

Freedom and obligation of citizenship

1. Planetary and/or universal citizenship of the multiverses is acquired and granted only by the States of the planets in their respective countries and/or by the authorities governing the laws of a particular solar system. To an absolute extent as this constitution founds the State of the universe, a citizen cannot have the citizenship of his given observable universe taken away from him by the physically contingent fact of a unilateral impossibility of transferability from one universe to another, unless it is proven that someone has indeed been able to transfer from one universe to another by highly advanced technological means.

2. Every citizen of his planet and at the same time as a resident of the universe, holds all rights and freedoms equal in protection, but also in duties and obligations of respect towards governmental laws in place, however, these being under the supervision of this multilateral Constitution cannot deviate too much from it without valid reason and recognized by all.

3. The planetary and/or universe citizen cannot be arbitrarily judged and then deprived of his original regional and/or planetary nationality or those that will be attributed to him subsequently during his interplanetary travels. If necessary, it will also be his responsibility to claim his legal right to change it because of his new origin.

Article 7

Political insurance of the state of the universe

1. The State of the Universe is a vast region of space-time whose policies will aim to establish the conditions for the realization of a dignified life for each individual and living organism, through the development of environments free of existential development, keeping as far as possible from all unjust constraints of growth towards the millions of species that live there and will live there in the coming billions of years.

2. The promotion of the healthiest industrial and environmental health conditions, promoting the  health  of all galactic citizens during their jobs, as well as the possibilities of hiring  free  and available work for all at their fair demand, as well as: that a minimum wage guarantees for all, assistance from planetary States of citizens at home or in an extraplanetary colony, by dedication to their families and to motherhood in general, fatherhood and childhood, to the disabled and elderly with restricted mobility. The donation of alimony, financial allowances from the State, support for disabled people through social protection interventions and other accommodating measures of material and or monetary guarantees, these services will therefore provide an acceptable and profitable standard of living for all inhabitants of the universe.

Article 8

Economic space and private property

1. Within the confederation of the universe, the unity of the economic space, the free movement of goods, services and financial means, state support for competition, and freedom of individual and economic activities are guaranteed.

2. Throughout the observable universe, the recognition and protection of the right to property, municipal, union, entrepreneurial, institutional, state or any other forms of property permitted by the law of this constitution.

Article 9

Preservation and protection of territories

1. Planets, stars, meteorites and other resources of the universe are exploited and protected in the State of the Universe as the basis for the existence and activity of civilizations on their planet and solar environment.

2. A native planet, star, and other resources of the universe may be granted private, municipal, governmental, national, planetary, solar, and other forms of property rights in a given space-time.

3. This right to property excludes large areas of space such as galaxies and existing observable universes which will never lend themselves entirely to the possession of a single civilization, unless it has been established in a planetary region for at least 100 years, or has manufactured a universe itself from Big Bang generating apparatus in space or in a laboratory.

Article 10

Legislative, executive and judicial power

Power in the states of the universe is accomplished according to a separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers. These different organs are all independent of each other and must not exchange services, advantages and common interests beyond the framework of their function of impartial governance detached from the individuality of their representative members.

Article 11

Sharing power and skills

1. National and planetary presidents, Galactic Confederation Assemblies, State Parliament organs, planetary and space governments and tribunals are responsible for and function in the unfolding of justice through the noble exercise of a unified state power throughout the universe.

2. State powers are established by planetary governments that are in place or chronically reside nearby.

3. The delimitation of the areas of competence, of the allocation between the organs of state power of the subjects of the peoples of the confederation, is carried out by the precepts, moral and legal obligations of this Constitution.

Article 12

Colonial and planetary local self-determination

Local colonial self-administration of planetary civilizations and populations is recognized and guaranteed by the Universe Confederation.

Local self-government is often played out at the planetary and/or colonial level, so the community will become autonomous thanks to the boundary drawn by the limits of the powers it gives itself and that which is imposed on it by the precepts of supranational law. However, these bodies are not part of governments, but rather are the responsibility of private organizations and/or collective associations.

Article 13

Ideology and association

1. Pluralism of ideologies, religions and logical doctrines of thought is tolerated and welcomed for the sharing of all in the Confederation of the universe.

2. No mode of thought, religion or ideology has the possibility of rising to the level of an approved establishment of these affirmations specifically limited and obligatory to apply in the State and its national and planetary ramifications.

3. Political pluralism and multiparty system are accepted and tolerated in the Universe State.

4. All types of associations are equal in rights and freedom before the universal intergalactic law.

5. To the exemption of organizations and associations whose ideological foundations aim at achieving by force and violence the modification of the constitutional foundations of the foundations of the order of justice, and this, by shaking the societies of the cosmos by threatening their security, by setting up criminal armies and military forces, by inciting peoples to destruction or hatred, racial, ethnic, or any other forms of illegitimate disturbances leading to assured social discohesion.

Article 14

Secularism of States

1. The Confederation of the Universe is a neutral and secular State in which no religion or spiritual ideology may establish itself as a compulsory State religion.

2. Sectarian groups and religious associations are equal before the law, but cannot be included directly in the machinery and functions of State institutions.

Article 15

Constitution of the universe

1. The Constitution of the Universe has a higher legal force and takes precedence over all forms of local planetary and/or galactic legislation, the effects of its direct legal limits apply to the entirety of the territories of all possible current and future meta-universes.

2. All its residents and living organisms that inhabit it, including in the first place the organs of power of the planetary States, government officials, groups in self-administration, private companies, citizens and living beings in the last instance, are required to respect in all respects the laws of the Constitution of the Universe.

3. Laws and amendments to the Constitution are subject to official publication for all parties and civilizations concerned or else those which do not hold a mandatory fulfillment status will not always be presented.

Article 16

Provision of the constitutional order

1. The final provisions which have been presented in this section represent the immutable constitutional foundations of this legal text of the State of the Universe, and can only be modified according to the previous procedures of modifications prescribed therein.

2. This is the main provision which takes precedence over other provisions in force in certain regions of space, and they cannot contradict the fundamental principles of the Constitution of the universe.


Rights and freedoms of living organisms

and citizens of the universe

Article 17

Fundamental rights

1. In the universal State, the protection of the rights and freedoms of organisms and citizens living in the cities of the universe are advocated and guaranteed in accordance with the moral principles and legal norms put forward in this Constitution.

2. The recognized fundamental rights of human beings and their right to live in complete freedom are inalienable from birth.

3. The exercise of one's right to freedom must not harm others by violating their own fundamental rights (Kant's principle of universality).

Article 18

Rights and freedoms of living beings

Rights and freedoms are applied directly and explicitly in all areas of the universe, they will be guaranteed by justice on the one hand, the content and meaning of the law, legislative and executive powers, as well as the self-determination of the peoples and colonies of space.

Article 19

Legal equality of individuals

1. Every living being who appears before a court of justice is equal before the  law  and the  tribunal , whether national, planetary or intergalactic.

2. The State declares and ensures complete equality of rights and freedoms without regard to race, gender, religion, ideology, social class, nationality, language, culture, planetary origin, membership in an association, etc. Any activities aimed at harming these fundamental rights will be formally prohibited and monitored by the planetary and/or galactic authorities in place.

3. Female and male organisms have the same rights and freedoms to live equally among others and to go about their activities, public or personal occupations, jobs, realizations of their tastes, functions and various aspirations in society, etc.

Article 20

Right of life and death

1. All citizens and organizations have the right to life.

2. The death penalty is forbidden and prohibited in all solar systems and galaxies of the universe, unless in extreme situations of crimes committed against masses of populations or acts of violence, the accused may be called to appear before a court, judge and jury deciding on the fate of the subject.

Article 21

Dignity and torture

1. The dignity of the individual is a supreme value to be respected by people and the State; nothing should unnecessarily lower it or destroy it under false pretenses.

2. No one may be subjected to violence or torture by being subjected to brutal treatment and capital punishment which only harms him or diminishes his degree of personal dignity.

3. The individual's consent must be voluntary and accepted before carrying out any medical, military, scientific and other experiments.

Article 22

Arrest and personal inviolability

1. Everyone has the vital right to the personal inviolability of their body.

2. Police custody, arrest and preventive detention are only permitted after obtaining a judicial order from the court; which cannot be extended for a period of more than 72 hours without further delay or else the detainee will be entitled to be released again.

Article 23

Right to privacy

1. Everyone has a vital right to the inviolability of their private life and that of their loved ones, to professional and family secrecy, and to defense against attacks on their reputation and honor.

2. Everyone has the right to privacy in their  private and  public communications  , whether by voice, telephone, Internet, mail or other physical or electronic means of transferring information, unless otherwise ordered by a court mandated for this purpose.

Article 24

Confidentiality of personal documents

1. It is strictly forbidden to collect information about an individual's private life without their consent, and this, by means of maneuvers such as spying, accumulation, processing and conservation of personal documents as well as their future use with a view to disseminating them to the population, is subsequently punishable by justice.

2. Officials of local authorities of communities, colonies and governments of planetary populations must inform their inhabitants of their rights and freedoms by means of documents and express communications, thus ensuring them a fundamental knowledge of the minimum living conditions well established by these institutions.

Article 25

Home protection

1. At all times, the private home of an individual, his family and close relatives or acquaintances may not be violated without their prior consent, or in exceptional cases of national necessity under the authorization of a search warrant issued by a judge.

Article 26

Native language

Everyone has the right to choose their preferred language for personal use, for the education of their children, private and public affairs, communications, means of artistic creation, whether it is our mother tongue or any other dialect.

Article 27

National affiliation

1. Everyone has the right to determine his national, planetary or other origin by choosing his habitat in a country or on a satellite or planet and in any such territory no one may be forced to adopt one against his will, unless he lives on one of these in which case he acquires its nationality by default.

2.  Everyone has the right to use  their mother tongue as they see fit  , to freely choose their language of teaching ,  education ,  creation and communication.

Article 28

Freedom of interplanetary movement

1. Every citizen who is legally on a planetary territory or a pacified region of the universe has the right to move freely and to reside in the place of residence of his choosing.

2. Everyone has the right to leave and enter within the boundaries of their country, planet, solar system, galaxy or any other legal means of travel, communication or transportation.

Article 29

Right to belief and freedom of conscience

All are  free of conscience whatever their own beliefs and ideologies, which cannot be dictated and controlled by the State and its institutions as well as by the control of private companies and monopolies. 

The right to freedom of belief in a particular religion must also be permitted among peoples, and meetings and the exhibition and manifestation of their religious beliefs in public have their place in the multiplicity of customs of diverse universal societies.

Article 30

Freedom of expression and beliefs

1. Freedom of thought and speech is proclaimed and guaranteed to all beings in the universe who wish to express themselves with complete openness.

2. It is not permissible for anyone to induce anyone to renounce his ideas or opinions under threat or future penalty of reprisals, nor to engage or solicit other people to do so.

3. Propaganda of a pernicious nature and negative tendency is formally prohibited in all regions of the universe, those considered as putting forward racial, national, linguistic and religious prejudices thereby inciting populations to hatred, vengeance and destruction, therefore any social manifestation that could lead to instability and anarchy of civilization.

4. Everyone has the possibility of producing, distributing and researching public information with the aim of retransmitting it to any listener likely to understand it and make good use of it.

5. Censorship of the media and various press releases is prohibited; the population has the essential right to freedom of information.

6. Certain information belonging to high diplomatic and governmental levels may hold the status of  top secret intelligence  and thus be protected by law in order to prevent its transmission and widespread dissemination, which could harm the stability and good continuation of their civilizations and space colonies.

Article 31

Law of trade unions and other associations

1. Every living being in the universe has individual liberty and the legitimate right to associate with peers, to hold meetings, which may extend to the formation of a labor union for the assurance of the maintenance and preservation of rights and liberty with their local employers and/or planetary entrepreneurs, and this, during the exercise of any common or particular employment in the service of maintaining the growth of their society.

The minimal associative right of individuals also has the fundamental preventive aim of avoiding cases where there is a unilateral exploitation of peoples working on a space station far from their colony and their planet of origin in the services of an extraterrestrial empire which would tend to proceed by excessive hiring or illegal treatment methods and in other cases, the complete enslavement of groups of workers captured in space among the planetary populations visited.

2. No one may be forced to enter a group of individuals, an association, a union, a company or even an army in order to be accepted and included in an organization, and this, by being forced to remain there for a determined time against his will and by no longer being able to leave it of his own free will, under penalty of reprisals and sanctions against his person by this organization.

Article 32

Right to demonstrate

All primitive animals and civilized citizens of the universe have the right to assemble peacefully to exchange information and/or opinions, to organize meetings, protest marches and demonstrations of all kinds, provided that these do not excessively disturb public order.

Article 33

Citizens' right to participate in the state

1. Citizens of the universal State have the right to participate in the public affairs of the State, in their monetary administration and their general management in their personal capacity or through the intermediaries of the government authorities officially awarded their representative functions.

2. Citizens have the opportunity to participate in referendums and local self-government, through state bodies, which allows them either to be eligible to run for president, or simply to have the right to vote for the candidate of their choice.

3. Citizens who have been declared incapable of fulfilling these functions, guilty of serious offenses or even if they are imprisoned in a planetary or space prison establishment following the judgment of a recognized court cannot be eligible and/or officially elected to provincial, national, planetary, solar or galactic elections.

4. All citizens of the universe have an equal and legitimate right to access to public and government functions, this not being detrimental to any civilization.

5. Everyone has the right to participate in the administration of justice, whether as a juror in a public case, or, if his education and skills permit, as a judge in a more delicate circumstantial case.

Article 34

Right to lodge a complaint with the State

Every person has the right to appear before the organs of planetary States or other governmental and/or institutional bodies, to address personal requests in his name and/or collectively for the satisfaction of the interests of the people concerned in question.

Article 35

Freedom of operation of a business

1. Everyone has the legitimate right to the free use of his property and personal abilities for commercial or other economic activities, if these are expressly permitted by law.

Article 36

Monopoly and competition

2. Monopolies, unfair competition and excessively dubious business practices are strictly prohibited throughout the Universe State.

Article 37

Goods and private property

1. Private property rights are protected by law throughout the universe.

2. Everyone has the right to own, use, enjoy and dispose of property in any way he pleases, individually or collectively.

3. No one may be deprived of his personal and/or collective property and goods, unless fair compensation is provided for them during a process of forced material alienation.

4. The right of succession of these goods and properties to descendants is guaranteed and defended by the State.

Article 38

Right to possession of territory, space and planets

1. Citizens and the associations and/or institutions they have created have the right to own certain plots of land in private property.

2. If their actions do not harm other parties nearby by causing them damage or do not contravene environmental laws on the population of the environment, their owners have the right to exercise their full ownership and possession, enjoyment of their aspirations, disposal of the territory and reasonable exploitation of its resources.

3. The legal conditions and modalities for the use, exploitation and enjoyment of individuals on their territory in ownership, will always be done according to supranational law and not only according to the regulations in place on a planet in a given society.

Article 39

Labor law

1. Work is free for all. Everyone must have the opportunity to freely dispose of their preferences, skills specific to such work, and the occupations they wish to pursue in their professions.

2. All forced labor, excessive exploitation of workers, undignified treatment and the enslavement of groups and/or masses which may be perpetrated in colonies and planetary civilizations is prohibited by universal law.

3. Everyone has the right to find a minimum decent job in acceptable conditions that meet the requirements of hygiene and safety, to a reasonable and sufficient remuneration in relation to the requirements of the job and the tasks to be performed, all of this guaranteed by a right to unemployment in the relevant case. This can only be done without any positive and/or negative discrimination being present, in addition to the fact that the salary must be equal to or higher than the minimum wage imposed by law in a nation on a given planet. And/or throughout the universe.

4. The following are recognized under the authority of the governments of the universal State: the right to strike and to individual and collective labor disputes if this is done peacefully and in compliance with the laws and regulations prescribed by this Constitution.

5. Every worker has the right to a well-deserved rest which must be included in the official working hours, public holidays and leave. In addition, paid leave time annually must be offered to workers when they make arrangements during hiring when signing their employment contract.

Article 40

Family law

1. The following are safeguarded under the protection of the State of the universe: the family, childhood and motherhood of species in all their possible forms in the cosmos.

2. Parents of all offspring have the responsibility and obligation: to take care of their children, to ensure their personal and academic education as well as to protect them from any possible threats coming from outside the fortification of their family nucleus.

3. From a certain age set by law, and this, according to the species and their level of maturity at a specific period of their development, can work to provide for their own needs. They also have the responsibility to see that their natural and/or adoptive parents do not lack anything and live in acceptable living conditions, if the latter are unfit for work or other government benefits, rendering them unable to survive adequately.

Article 41

Social protections

1. The four basic social protections are guaranteed by the States and governments of the planet, namely; the satisfaction of a minimum of essential care, the donation of goods and services in the event of disability and illness, when family support is lost, and the education of children old enough to learn to reason.

2. Social benefits and pensions are established by law of the governments in place, but must be consistent with the guarantees set out in this Constitution.

3. Citizens also have the possibility of taking out private insurance (individual and collective), of registering for forms of complementary social protection as well as of participating in activities and charitable works.

Article 42

Right to housing

1. Everyone has the right to have housing and shall not be arbitrarily deprived of it by any person, enterprise, institution or government.

2. The construction of housing centers by the organs of state power, its institutions and space companies; will be encouraged by establishing good conditions for the realization of the minimum right to healthy and safe housing.

3. States, governments and space companies must make available to poor citizens and/or their space workers; affordable or free housing. The necessary monetary funds are taken for this purpose from the economic budget of the State or the space exploration company which have every interest in seeing to the full development of their members and inhabitants.

Article 43

Right to medical assistance and

protection of public health

1. Everyone has the right to medical care and protection of his health, in medical institutions of national states and municipalities, as well as by space companies if they employ personnel. All such treatment shall be financed at their own expense by budgetary means allocated by states or companies, by contributions to medical insurance, compensation funds and other economic resources for this purpose.

2. In the State of the Universe, is financed by national and planetary governments, and this, with the help of programs of promotion, protection and general improvement of public health; measures to develop public health systems (national, municipal and private), by encouraging various sports, all this while ensuring ecological and health prosperity in order to prevent the spread of disease occurring through major epidemics.

3. In circumstances that may pose a serious threat to the life and health of individuals, the concealment of these facts or other compromising information by officials and diplomats of government authorities will be formally punished by law since they have a great responsibility to inform the population in all cases where an alarm is imminent and emergency measures must be adopted.

Article 44

Right to a healthy environment

Every citizen of the universe has a vital right to live in a healthy environment, to be informed about its condition in the event of an environmental crisis or not, and to be compensated if natural disasters that could have been avoided have nevertheless been detrimentally caused to his health or that of his loved ones.

Article 45

Right to education

1. Everyone has the right to education, whether they are living organisms or complex robots with the capacity to learn knowledge about the world or only abstract knowledge.

2. Access to primary, secondary, university and professional education includes part of the free registration and continuation fees paid by the national and/or global State in national establishments as well as within private companies.

3. Everyone has the right to pursue higher education of their choice, if they meet the conditions of acceptance and continuation of their studies, thus no educational program can be imposed unless there are extraordinary social measures requiring a large number of workers and experts in a given sector of activity (e.g. natural disaster, epidemic, famine, meteorite, war, etc.).

4. Elementary general education is compulsory until the age of maturity of the living organism in question, this may vary from one living species to another so it must be set by the authorities responsible for the planetary civilization in place. Otherwise, the parents or guardians responsible for them must ensure a good replacement of this elementary general education or else their offspring will have to follow training according to public education.

5. National and global states promote and advance all forms of self-education and public education that are as emancipatory as possible for their populations.

Article 46

Right to cultural life

1. Everyone has the opportunity to express themselves freely through their artistic, literary, scientific creation and other types of teaching of individual expressiveness.

2. All citizens of the universal State have the right to participate actively in the cultural and intellectual life of their communities, and to use the places (buildings, public squares, museums, etc.) dedicated to this purpose of transmitting culture to the general public through the proper promotion and mission brought by cultural values.

3. Every individual (locally) and government (nationally) is required to care about the conservation of historical cultural monuments and the preservation of works and all documents related to their particular history as well as those of other possible nations.

Article 47

Intellectual property rights

1. Intellectual property and subsequent creations are protected by law throughout the State of the universe.

2. Any work strongly inspired by another and by general ideas previously conveyed by its creator, must be placed with the mention of references to the original author, and this, with the name and first name of its author, publisher, place and date of creation, etc. Under penalty of criminal sanction and the shelving of the works copied by the forger whether he is: unemployed, employee, student, self-employed, civil servant, president, professor, etc.

Article 48

Defense and protection of rights and

freedoms of citizens by the state

1. The rights and freedoms of individuals are fiercely guarded by the protection of national and/or planetary states within the more global state of the universe.

2. Every person has the legitimate right to defend his rights and freedoms at all costs if he feels aggrieved in several respects, however this must be perpetrated within the limits of legality circumscribed by this Constitution.

Article 49

Judicial protection

1. Judicial protection is unilaterally applicable to all citizens of the universe, without regard to individual particularities, ideological aspirations, social classes, hierarchical status in government, etc.

2. State bodies, the President, ministers, deputies, civil servants' associations, senior deputies of local and planetary self-government, as well as all subordinate members of government personnel may be prosecuted if serious acts or omissions have been committed unjustly against any citizens of the universal State.

3. Everyone has the possibility of resorting to inter-State legal assistance from other international bodies and authorities, and this, in accordance with international and supranational laws in cases where an individual has used all the remedies available to him since these are found by default within the given borders of his State, his planet, therefore of his own implicitly limited judicial system.

Article 50

Right to have one's case examined in court

1. No individual may be confined to silence and not be heard in a court of justice, if he wishes to request a serious examination of his case by a court and the judge and/or juror composed for this purpose for this particular procedure.

2. Every person who has been charged by a court with having caused any offence (act or omission) has a legitimate right to have his case heard by an impartial and independent tribunal and with the assistance of its jury.

Article 51

Legal aid

1. Free legal aid must be offered to those who do not have the intellectual and financial means to make amends with the help of a competent lawyer to ensure that their trial is conducted in the fairest and most equitable manner compared to other people who would have had the capacity to defend themselves alone or with the help of a paid professional.

2. From the very moment an individual is arrested, placed under surveillance, or upon communication by peace officers of his imminent arrest, the alleged accused has the right to request immediately the assistance and assistance of a competent lawyer of his choice for the defense of his own case, or another lawyer provided free of charge by the State.

Article 52

Presumption of innocence

1. All citizens who have been previously accused by a court are in fact considered to be a priori innocent before the courts, the proof having to be provided with the greatest possible weight and arguments so that a verdict of guilt is ultimately handed down to them.

2. An accused person on trial is not required to prove his innocence to the judge and jury if it is not necessary for him to do so.

3. The person's accusatory judgment may be diminished if there are still a significant number of doubts that have not been dispelled.

Article 53

Conditions of conviction

1. No one can be charged twice for the same violation of the code of law. If the situation occurs, then significant compensation and restitution must be provided to him.

2. Any evidence obtained in a manner that is considered illegal under the law at a given time cannot be legally held against an individual and subsequently be deemed valid by a judge and jury in court.

3. All citizens who have been found guilty by a certain court of justice have the legitimate right to request a new trial before a higher court of higher instance, which must re-demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is incontestably guilty of his acts, which may lead to a reduction of his sentence.

Article 54

No obligation to testify

1. No one is obliged to testify against himself, his life partner, his family, his children, his close relatives or any other individual important to him since it is a matter of freedom of speech regardless of the motives and circumstances involved.

2. In certain special situations where the lives of several people depend on the testimony of an individual, then the relevant government authorities may come to require only a minimum of disclosure of information for the merits of resolving the case.

Article 55

Victims' rights in cases of abuse of power

Victims who have suffered abuses of power and violations of power against them will be provided with all justice services in addition to being properly compensated and compensated by the national or planetary State in place.

Article 56

Compensation for damages

When the State (regardless of its hierarchical level) has caused harm to one or a certain number of individuals, whether intentionally or not, it must repair the illegal acts it has perpetrated through its representatives: civil servants, administrators or any other organ of the State, etc.

Article 57

Responsibility for our actions

1. The liability of a person or company cannot be increased retroactively according to the law, it must be applied exactly as it was previously judged by an official court.

2. No one can be accused and held responsible for his actions, if at the time when these actions were carried out, there was no law considering it to be illegal in itself prima facie.

Article 58

Prohibition on promulgation of

laws against rights and freedoms

1. By establishing basic rights and freedoms for all citizens of the universe, these cannot be brandished at random and come to represent only the limiting negation erected against the other rights and freedoms of individuals and species of space which are universally recognized.

2. Within the borders of the universal State, no laws may be voted or legally adopted that diminish or thwart the basic rights and freedoms of living organisms and citizens of cities.

3. Rights and freedoms may only be partially limited by national and/or supranational law when it becomes necessary to preserve public health, general morality, the legal rights and interests of everyone, the defence and protection of state security and, more generally, the constitutional order.

Article 59

Emergency states measurement

1. In the situation where a state of emergency is declared by the authorities,

2. A state of national, planetary, solar and/or galactic emergency may be declared in the following situations:

National: Famine, epidemic, flood, forest fire, war, social crisis, war.

Planetary: Famine, epidemic, flood, meteorite, climate upheaval, world war, presence of unknown extraterrestrials within the planetary perimeter.

Solarian: A shower of imposing meteorites, a planet's orbit being thrown off course with a dangerous trajectory, the arrival of an extraterrestrial armada in a solar system.

Galactic: Large-scale alien invasion, collision between galaxies, presence of a black hole nearby.

3. Conventional rights and freedoms may not be limited or abolished except by exceptional measures which render them temporarily inapplicable in all respects.

Article 60

Civil taxes

1. All residents of a country or planet, space station or satellite are required to pay the taxes and levies required of them, and this, to ensure the running of the society, provided that it is not demanded in an abusive manner. Since these must have been voted legally by the public or private authorities of the government or companies being the main leaders of the space colonies under their tutelage.

Article 61

Protection of nature and its resources

1. Everyone must preserve, protect and ensure respect for the environment and its habitats (planet, satellite, solar system, etc.), not to abuse its living species and the extirpation and/or exploitation of its natural resources.

Article 62

Military service

1. Military service or equivalent social contribution is not compulsory in peacetime unless otherwise requested by the people in a vote.

2. May be required in times of global or planetary war against extraterrestrial civilizations.

3. A national and/or planetary State may require members of its civilization to engage temporarily in military service, if the social situation in which it lives necessarily requires it, or otherwise the citizen may choose to replace it with a charitable civil contribution in the public services of his choice.

Article 63

Age of citizenship

1. The age of intellectual and therefore subsequently legal maturity is assessed according to the physical and cognitive development of living organisms which can vary from one species to another, complex robots are assessed according to their level of consciousness at the very beginning of their programming. It is then that they can be granted all the rights, obligations, and subsequent duties according to the full role that a citizen must play in his or her civilization of belonging.

Article 64

Expulsion or protection outside the border

1. Citizens of a given civilization cannot be transferred or deported to a colony other than their own to complete their prison sentence, unless agreements with other extraterrestrial colonies have been previously concluded for the management of large areas of space requiring the intervention of the two civilizations jointly.

2. National and planetary states guarantee the protection of their citizens outside the limits of their territory, including the many zones and galaxies of the cosmos.

3. A citizen tried in a trial on a planet or elsewhere in the cosmos may be deported to a minimum, medium or maximum security space prison, even if it is located in space and therefore not directly on his or her home planet.

Article 65

Citizenship of the universe

1. The citizen of the State of the Universe can have a dual nationality, that of an inhabitant of a given observable universe, this one being included in the whole of the multiverses or not, but also residing within a limited region of space-time like his planet of origin. In special circumstances, he can have from 2 to several nationalities, if an individual travels for example to another planet and ends up staying there for a good period of time, then he has in his possibility to officially ask the depositary authorities responsible for the legation of right to a new nationality according to the number of years spent that they require minimally to obtain it.

It is assumed that a citizen automatically takes by default the nationality associated with his place of birth until he decides to change country as an adult or only if his family decides to move during his childhood.

2. Having multiple nationalities forces the individual to comply with each of the systems of laws that his duties and obligations legally require him to act within.

The exceptions that may be eligible for compliance with its nationality duties; are when national or planetary laws leave their inhabitants free of rights, and this, without attachments to internal laws. Or in the case where national and supranational diplomatic treaties between civilizations have formally included it in their practical standards as well as legal royalties to these States.

3. Visitors from abroad visiting a country and therefore entering a national, planetary, solar or galactic perimeter, are obliged to comply with the internal laws of the present civilizations and social customs to respect the laws and standards in place. However, it is necessary to take into account supranational laws which take precedence over laws which would be considered sufficiently exaggerated and inopportune not to be followed in a civilization adhering rather to treaties and agreements on meta-state laws.

Article 66

Extradition and political asylum

1. National, planetary, solar and galactic states, as well as space station societies, must charitably accept aliens seeking political asylum to temporarily help protect them from threats that may be hanging over their heads in their countries or planets of origin.

2. Arbitrary extradition is prohibited for all States, for example in cases where they wish to send an accused to another region of his planet or the universe, they cannot do so to serve their cause or to get rid of disobliging or dangerous citizens.

Except when there is a prior treaty between two civilizations with laws and agreements that have become legally joint in interdependent nationality and or other legal rights of a shared justice system.

Article 67

Legal status of the individual

1. The specific attributions and powers that we have just seen in this section, concern the legal status of the citizen of the universe and cannot be modified unless the precepts that this constitution suggests and demands are applied.


Confederation of the Universe

Article 68

Universe State Territory (Confederation)

The territories forming part of the universal State and subject to its legislation and force of law are:

Appendix  ; see exoplanets, solar systems and galaxies being counted in the calculation of the territory of the Cosmos Confederation.

Article 69

Status of the Federation

1. The status of the universal republic through the alliance of the Confederation of the universe as well as this republic in the universal state including all possible civilizations participating in it in a free, voluntary or involuntary manner.

2. The status of territories in the universe, all regions, countries, cities, ecosystem, planet, satellites, asteroids, solar system, galaxies and multiverses are all concerned by the Confederation of the universe.

3. The National Law on the Autonomous Region provides that the autonomous district can be directed and adopted by the legislative and executive organs of the autonomous regions.

4. Diplomatic relations between the multiple autonomous districts that are part of a given territory may be regulated by supranational law and by agreements between the organs of state power of the autonomous districts, as well as the organs of state power of the region and territory.

5. The status of the subject of the Universe Confederation may only be changed by mutual and voluntary agreements of the participating members on behalf of all by the Confederation, and of the subject of the Universe Confederation in accordance with supranational constitutional law.

Article 70

Right of Territorial Sovereignty

1. The territory of the Universe Confederation includes all territories and environments, subjects living therein, planets, internal and external waters, satellites, stars, planets, galaxies and any place in space-time.

2. The Confederation of the Universe has sovereign rights to manage the physical and biological heritage of the universe such as the planets and their surrounding areas and the exclusive economic zones included therein in addition to the legal modalities set by the national law in question and the metanorms of supranational law.

3. The territorial boundaries and limits on planets or in space can be modified and fixed at will if the galactic populations make mutual agreements between themselves, and this, on their limits of application in force and procedures for general management of space natural resources, otherwise it remains unchanged and stabilized in relation to the first formation of the border limits imposed by those who created and established them first.

Article 71

Official languages

1. There is no official language in the Universe Confederation and all of its territories.

2. States and nations have the right to found and speak the languages ​​of their choice, if it suits them, although it is desirable and suggested that in the long run a universal common language be established which can serve as a means of communication exchangeable by all, but this cannot be required obligatorily.

3. National and global states must do everything in their power to ensure that citizens under their jurisdiction have the opportunity to use and practice their mother tongues on the one hand, but also all the conditions necessary for its proper establishment through its study and teaching in the awarded population.

Article 72

Rights of indigenous peoples or minority societies

1. The deployment of the confederation will guarantee the rights and freedoms of the natives, tribes and exotic and/or unknown species at the present time, even if they are a minority they benefit from the same freedoms and privileges and the subsequent recourses that they have the right to claim before the courts as in any other equivalent civilizations or majority societies of the universe.

Article 73


1. There is no official logo, coat of arms and national anthem in the Confederation of the Universe, so they cannot be described and used for a response to the procedure compliant and usual with other constitutional norms and laws that should form the basis of the material symbolization of the State. Some may be suggested, but they only keep a representative value and will never be imposed on any civilization.

Article 74

Planetary and galactic capital

1. There is no official capital of the Universe State since no region, planet or civilization deserves to be the true center of this republic with borders that are far too grandiose to be reduced to a central point of government influence.

2. Places of high instance of justice as well as decision-making bodies can be formed to be able to set up places of public debate between the different civilizations of the universe, but they are led to change location and materialize in others over time and the transfer of governments at the head of the universal States.

Article 75

Competence of the confederations (universal state)

The competences of the Universal Confederation are essentially recognized under the yoke of;

(a) The adoption and initial modification of the a priori foundations of the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe and of the subsequent laws included therein remains under their supervision, control and unilateral respect.

(b) The supranational structure of the Supreme State and the territory of the Confederation of the Universe.

(c) Regulations on the guarantee and protection of the rights and freedoms of living organisms and citizens, planetary and galactic citizenship as a whole, as well as the regulation and protection of the rights and freedoms of all possible minorities.

(d) The establishment of a system of law of the entirety of national organs and their legislative, executive and judicial powers, the modalities of their organizations and their legitimate functioning as well as the formation of supranational States.

(e) National and supranational property of States and their subsequent administrations.

f) Establishment of the foundations of national and supranational policy and its associated programs in the areas of development of states, their economic, ecological, social, cultural sphere of activity in the Confederation of the universe.

g) Establishing the basis of the legal structures of the global market, establishing itself as the only one that is so broad in the universe, financial regulation, exchange rates, short-term credit, customs transition conditions, the issue of currencies, pricing policies for products and services (public, private and federal), in addition to all national, federal and supranational banks.

h) The federal, national and supranational budget, taxes and duties, regional and global development funds.

(i) National, planetary, solar and galactic energy systems powered by natural nuclear resources, fissile materials, oil and gas, transport of convoys, communication channels, state information and telecommunications as well as everything that closely or remotely supervises activities in space. 

j) Foreign policy and international and inter-civilizational diplomatic relations common to all peoples of the Confederation of the Universe State, treaties of all kinds as well as everything related to climates of peace and frequent problems of conflicts caused by wars.

k) Monitoring the perpetual cohesion between the parties so that the economic relations occurring between the investing peoples of the different planetary and galactic markets take place profitably in the best possible way.

(l) The security and defense of the people, its military industry of planetary and space defenses, the establishment of the legal procedure for the sale and purchase of weapons, ammunition, all military equipment and other militia apparatus of the government of the States.

The invention, manufacture and high-risk production of psychotropic substances, chemicals, bacteriological and nuclear weapons and other composite materials with potentially very dangerous and destructive effects that risk contaminating the environment or that may also harm a large number of living beings in the vicinity.

(m) Defining the status of the border of the universe state and its other subdivisions of national and planetary states, its coercive protection on the ground, sea coasts, mountains, rivers, estuaries, the entire airspace, continental shelves, their zones of exploitation and exclusive economy as well as all space environments around planetary and satellite territories.

(n) Judicial organization, criminal legislation, criminal and penitentiary procedure, pardon and amnesty, civil legislation, civil procedure and other arbitration procedures, legal regulations and intellectual property.

(o) National, state, supranational and confederational law arising in the ongoing debates caused by the dichotomy between new and old laws.

(p) The planetary, solar and space meteorological service as well as the general standards of measurements and their standards, the metric system and others as well as the more global measurement of time, geodesy, cartography, the naming of geographical entities, statistics and official accounting of state budgets.

(r) State titles and honorary decorations given to citizens for their services to the State or their remarkable exploits.

(s) All public functions and services provided to the population of the States.

Article 76

Obligations of the Planetary States of the Confederation in the Universal State (Confederation of the Cosmos)

1. It falls under the joint jurisdiction of the universal State and also of its numerous national subjects and planetary States in the great Confederation of the cosmos.

a) Ensuring the conformity of all national, planetary, solar and galactic constitutions with the first intercivilizational mother constitution, the statutes of the laws of the republics and other normative legal acts of the territories, regions, cities, autonomous regions and colonies, autonomous galactic districts with respect to the Constitution of the Confederation and supranational laws.

(b) Protection of the rights and freedoms of living organisms and citizens, protection of planetary national minorities, promulgation of uniform legality, of the legal order as a whole between national and interplanetary states, management of border areas, public safety in cities and colonies of populations located in space environments, as well as more special attention paid to species in the process of becoming insane which no longer have many members of their representative.

(c) The possession, disposal and full enjoyment of the earth of the planets, their geological subsoils, lakes, rivers, oceans and water tables, satellites, stars, asteroids and other celestial structures which can be considered as a natural resource.

(d) The delimitation of official State property, the privileges of exploitation of its populations and territories and all associated governmental and State powers.

(e) The exploitation of nature in all its aspects, the protection of space and planetary ecosystems and environments, the monitoring of protected natural sites and wildlife reserves and the maintenance of their perpetual security for all their inhabitants and users.

In addition to the protection of all constructions and architectural works accomplished by intelligent species, their historical, heritage and cultural monuments.

f) The general management of education, primary, secondary and university education, science, social culture (public work), intellectual (knowledge) and physical (sport).

(g) The comprehensive delivery of health services, protection of families, maternity and paternity, childhood, protection of the people in general and the social security program in case of need.

(h) The logistics of measures to combat all forms of natural disasters and calamities, epidemics and famines, as well as the resolution and elimination of their consequences on ecosystems and populations.

i) The establishment of general principles establishing the rate of taxes and levies on planets, between this and the costs of passage of exploitation zones.

j) Administrative legislation, administrative procedure, rules on labour, family, housing, land legislation and values, on the management of water, forests, subsoil as well as the total protection of the environment.

k) The framework of the judicial organs as well as the maintenance of its continuous order, the establishment of the bar and the numerous standards and rules of notarial practice.

(l) Protection of civil and natural habitats and traditional living environments among small global ethnic communities such as indigenous peoples or endangered species.

(m) On the establishment of general principles of organization of the system of organs of state power and local self-government bodies on planets and in space colonies.

n) Of the holistic overall coordination of international and supranational relations, of the planetary internal economy and or in addition of the external bargaining across the billions of galaxies, and this, between the state subjects of the confederation and their civilizations as well as the supervision of the carrying out in respect and peacefulness, of the globally established supranational agreements and treaties by being jointly parallel in the universe in the same space and its time.

2. All the norms, powers, provisions and competences formulated in this section shall apply in a manner proportional to the order of magnitude and importance of the subject States and governments of the republics, of the territories under civilizational jurisdiction, to the autonomous regions and districts of the cities of space which shall implement them in the authorities, public services and other current activities of their colonial societies of affiliation.

Article 77

Customs border

1. It is strictly forbidden on the territory of the Confederation of the Universe; the establishment of spatial and planetary customs borders, duties and taxes as well as any other obstacles whatsoever which harm or impede the free circulation of public, private and personal commercial goods, services and financial means of other competing civilizations.

2. It may be that in cases of extraordinary necessity, it is obligatory to monitor and protect the planetary and spatial border perimeters as best as possible in order to guarantee the full social security of populations, thus ensuring the protection of the existence and health of people and organisms and their cultural and historical heritage in addition to taking care of the existing wilderness.

Article 78

Movement of goods and services

1. Furthermore, there are restrictions on the regulatory circulation of goods and services that can be introduced legally among all forms of market transactions, in accordance with the supranational law between universal civilizations.

Article 79

Monetary unit and currency management

1. There is no monetary unit in the Confederation of the Universe. The monetary emission is carried out by the Planetary Banks of the different civilizations that live among the billions of galaxies. The emission of new coins and notes as well as their introduction into the solar systems among other currencies already existing in the Confederation of the Universe, are absolutely not prohibited.

2. The protection and guarantee of the stability of the multiple currencies, currencies and economic market values ​​are the essential function and almost exclusive responsibility of the national and planetary Banks of the civilizations themselves even if they trade and transit valuable goods everywhere in the Confederation of the universe.

3. The general principles of taxation and taxation in the Confederation of the Universe are applicable through a system of collecting taxes collected for the benefit of national budgets, this being in accordance with what is mainly established by national laws on the one hand, but also written higher in supranational laws.

4. Monetary and material bank loans between States are negotiated according to the procedure established by national, planetary and confederational law, these are subscribed on the basis of the free will of the governments involved.

Article 80

Area of ​​expertise

1. Within the areas of competence of the Confederation of the Universe are admitted the constitutional laws voted unanimously by the assemblies of civilizations and the addition of a significant number of more specific local national laws, these thus taking on a status of direct establishment on the whole of the immeasurable intergalactic territory of the vast Confederation of the State of the Universe.

2. Among all areas of joint competence of the Confederation of the Universe and the states that are its subjects, a series of constitutional laws and laws and other normative legal acts originating from the contribution of the subjects of the Confederation of the Cosmos are accepted and taken in concert with them.

3. National, planetary, solarian and galactic laws do not have the possibility of being immediately contradictory among themselves with respect to other constitutional laws of supranational importance.

4. Planetary republics, territories, regions, cities and towns of supranational significance, autonomous region and autonomous districts carry out their own legal regulation, including the adoption of laws and other normative legal acts. All this can be done even if they are outside the limits of the higher competence of the Universe Confederation, the primary joint competence of the Cosmos Confederation and the secondary subjects of the Confederation of the Global State of the Universe.

5. When there are cases of contradiction between a national law and the adoption of another act in the Confederation of the Universe, then the confederation law will always prevail. Normative legal acts of national governmental authorities and other planetary laws of the subjects of the State of the Confederation of the Universe, cannot be explicitly contrary to the supranational laws admitted in accordance with paragraphs one and two of this article.

6. In the event of a clear contradiction between the supranational law and the national normative legal act of the subject of the Confederation of the Universe, the latter adopted in accordance with paragraph four of this article, the normative legal act of the subject of the Confederation of the Universe may prevail for an indefinite period, if it does not harm the minimum conditions imposed by the rights and freedoms as well as the equal treatment guaranteed to other members of the Confederation.

Article 81

System of organs of state power

1. In accordance with the foundations of the constitutional order of the Universe Confederation and the general principles of the organization of representative and executive bodies of state power established by supranational law, there are established autonomously by all subjects of the Universe Confederation; official systems of state power bodies, planetary and galactic republics, territories, regions, cities of national importance, autonomous regions and colonies in addition to autonomous planetary districts.

2. The national and planetary organs of executive power and the organs of executive power of the subjects of the Universe Confederation establish a single system of executive power in the Universe Confederation. This position always remaining within the limits of the competences set by the Cosmos Confederation and the attributions of powers and privileges that are distributed in the areas of joint state competence, firstly those attributed to the Universe Confederation and to the subjects of this great intergalactic association.

Article 82

Federal bodies (executive power)

1. For the exercise of their full state attributions; the primary constitutional organs of the executive power of the universal State and with the help of the suggestions of its confederative subjects, have the legal capacity to create territorial organs and to designate at the same time, the corresponding planetary and galactic government officials who will carry out the administrative and judicial tasks.

2. If this does not conflict with all supranational laws and the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, the confederative organs of the higher executive power which are in agreement of sponsorship with the organs of the lower executive power at the level of the subjects of the Confederation of the Universe; may come to transfer to them only the exercise of a part of their attributions so that a more local management of the universe is possible and not only with an overall management.

3. In addition, it could be that in certain circumstances they are given the exercise of part of their state civilizational attributions, because the organs of the executive power of the subjects of the Confederation of the universe are indeed in concordant agreement with the national organs of the executive power.

4. The Planetary Presidents and Galactic Ambassadors, as well as the fragmented Government of the Universe Confederation; guarantee and defend the exercise of the attributions of supranational State power over all the intergalactic territories of the great Universe Confederation.

Article 83

Interstate Union (Confederation)

The Confederation of the Universe reserves the ultimate right to regiment and participate in inter-state inter-civilizational unions and to transfer to them, if necessary, part of its primary attributions, and this, in accordance with the corresponding treaties that will be concluded with them, provided that this does not entail an irreversible limitation of the rights and freedoms of citizens and living organisms and that their legal normative recommendations do not explicitly contradict the very foundations of the supreme constitutional order of the Inter-state Confederation of the Cosmos.


President and Human Ambassadors of the Universe

Article 84

Status and duties of the President

1. The National or Planetary President who is an associate member of the Universe Confederation is the head of state in his solar system district.

2. The President is the first guarantor of the Constitution of his country and that of the Confederation of the Universe, which therefore includes as duties the protection of the rights and freedoms of living beings and citizens residing in the cities and colonies of space. He thus adopts all measures to protect the sovereignty of his nation and or civilization, but also that of the Confederation of the Universe as a whole, their national integrity and their independence in the universal State, guarantees the concerted functioning and collaboration of the organs of State power, and this, always in accordance with the modalities prescribed by the mother Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe.

3. The National and/or Planetary President, being sworn to serve in the Confederation of the universe, undertakes on his own initiative the essential directions of the internal and external policy of his State, and this, conceding that he is among a cohort of several other States in the universe.

4. The national or planetary President, member of the Confederation of the Universe, acts as head of state to assert as best he can within his country and elsewhere in other international, supranational and intergalactic relations that he maintains with extraterrestrial civilizations, the integrity of the precepts provided by all legal regulations of the Confederation of the Universe.

Article 85

Exercise of the mandate

1. The National, Planetary and/or Galactic President, being an active member of the Confederation of the Universe; is elected for a term of four years by the citizens of his nation, planet of origin or his galaxy on the basis of a one-off vote as equal as possible by the process of universal suffrage through a secret ballot procedure.

2. All citizens of the Universe Confederation who are at least 35 years old are eligible to become the President Emeritus of their homeland, provided that they have official proof of having resided permanently for a period of at least 10 years in their country or planet of choice.

3. A single person is absolutely not legally permitted to exercise the function of President of a State member of the Confederation of the Universe for more than two successive terms, that is, for a maximum period of 8 years.

4. The official procedure for the election of the national and/or planetary President being associated by the Confederation with the other diplomatic members of the Confederation of the universe, is legally ensured by supranational law.

Article 86


1. From the moment of taking office in the State, the President of his local homeland swears to his own people and to other civilizations of the cosmos, the following legitimate oath before all the contractors to the Confederation of the universe:

"I solemnly swear that in exercising the powers of the President of my homeland and as a proud representative of the universal moral values ​​of democratic societies of space, to respect and defend the rights and freedoms of citizens and living organisms, to honor and protect at all costs the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, to defend the sovereignty and independence of all peoples, the security and integrity of the universal state, to faithfully serve all communities of civilizations of the universe."

2. The oath of investiture must be taken publicly in the presence of the members of the local Planetary Council of the Confederation, the deputies of the State Parliament and the judges of the Planetary Constitutional Court who are members of the Universe Confederation.

Article 87

Duties and powers of the President

The National, Planetary and/or Galactic President of the Confederation of the Universe:

(a) designates, with the agreement of the deputies and ministers of the State Parliament of his planet, the President of the Planetary Government, member of the Confederation of the Universe;

(b) has the right to direct meetings of the Planetary Government and the higher authorities of the Universe Confederation;

(c) grants the sentence relating to the resignation of the Planetary State Government thereby excluding it from the Universe Confederation;

d) suggests to the members of the Planetary State Parliament the candidacy of a competent citizen with sufficient skills to participate in the race for nomination to the position of President of the National or Planetary Central Bank in the Universe Confederation. Otherwise, it also offers to the State Parliament to relieve from his duties the President of the Central Bank who does not meet the goals and requirements of the position for which he was previously placed before beginning his term;

e) upon the proposal of the National and/or Planetary President of the National and/or World Government participating in the Confederation of the Universe, will officially designate the functions of Vice-Presidents of the Government and the positions of National Ministers, in addition to terminating their functions if circumstances so require;

f) presents to the Planetary and/or Galactic Council of the Confederation; the candidacies of diplomats available to participate in the appointment to the functions of judges at the Internal (national) and External (supranational) Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe, at the Supreme Court of the Confederation of the Universe, at the Superior Court of Arbitration of the Confederation of the Universe, as well as the presentation of the candidacy of the Planetary Prosecutor General; presents to the Council of the Federation the proposal to terminate the diplomatic functions of the Prosecutor General of the State; appoints the judges of the other national, international and supranational courts;

(g) forms and chairs the Security Council of the Confederation of the Universe, whose status is subject to supranational law;

(h) states and supports the military doctrine of the Universe Confederation;

(i) establishes the Administration of the President as a member of the Confederation of the Universe;

(j) awards the plenipotentiary representatives of the President as a member of the Confederation of the Universe and terminates their functions if the case is necessary;

(k) appoints and terminates the responsibilities and functions of the high command of the Planetary Armed Forces in the great Confederation of the universe;

l) appoints and recalls, after official consultation, the committees and commissions of the chambers of the National and Confederative Assembly, the diplomatic representatives of the Confederation of the Universe to extraterrestrial foreign States and international and supranational private and public organizations.

Article 88

State Parliament

The National, Planetary or Galactic President of the Universe Confederation:

(a) chosen from the specific date of election to the State Parliament in accordance with what is stipulated in the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe and supranational law;

(b) disbands the State Parliament in the specific cases provided for this purpose and according to the procedure generally suggested by the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe;

(c) chooses the organisation and necessary preparations for the conduct of referendums, in accordance with the procedure laid down by supranational constitutional law;

(d) introduces multiple bills in the national and universal State Parliament;

e) authorizes and decrees national and supranational laws valid for all organisms and citizens of the solar systems, if circumstances permit and the decisions come to pass at the confederational level;

f) sends by certified press release to the National, Planetary, Galactic and/or Confederational Assembly; annual information messages on the political and economic situation in his country, his planet, his solar system and/or his galaxy, in addition to informing them on the fundamental orientations of the internal and external policy of his State.

Article 89

Conflict resolution skills

1. The national, planetary, or galactic President of the Universe Confederation may, if he so wishes, resort to accommodation procedures to resolve problems between the organs of the planetary national state power with the organs of the state power of the subjects of the Universe Confederation, as well as between the organs of the state power of the subjects of the Universe Confederation. When there are situations where a good number of disagreements will still persist, then he has the right to submit the cases of disputes to a more in-depth examination by an intergalactic tribunal competent in the matter.

2. In the situation where actions of the executive power bodies of the subjects of the Universe Confederation are too opposed to national laws and the mother Constitution of the Universe Confederation, to international and supranational obligations of the Universe Confederation, or when they contravene the principles of rights and freedoms of living organisms and citizens of space, the Planetary President has the right to stop their effect until an official decision of the competent court is pronounced before a public hearing.

Article 90

Diplomacy and politics

The National, Planetary or Galactic President of the Universe Confederation:

(a) applies the general direction of foreign policy in accordance with the precepts conveyed in the Confederation of the Universe;

(b) negotiates and authorizes international treaties with the nations of its planet and the extraterrestrial civilizations of the Universe Confederation;

(c) authorizes or not diplomatic instruments of ratification of treaties;

(d) collects government-level information, invitation or warning letters, credentials and the recall of extraterrestrial diplomatic representatives, who are officially accredited to refer to him in good faith.

Article 91

Head of the Armed Forces

1. The National, Planetary or Galactic President is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces under his jurisdiction, this being inserted into the section which he represents more globally in the vast Confederation of the universe.

2. In the event of direct aggression against his State or threats of war or aggression against the allied members of the Universe Confederation, the President has the right to send on any of the space territories under his jurisdiction or that of a friend of the Universe Confederation or in certain of the more circumscribed localities; the state of generalized siege, and this, with the aid of his armies and immediately informs the Council of the Confederation and the Parliament of planetary and galactic State.

3. The specificity of the procedural rules of the political, economic and military regime of the state of siege is governed by the national law of the State in question and the supranational constitutional law.

Article 92

Power to trigger a state of emergency

The national, planetary or galactic President under the regulation of the jurisdiction of the Confederation of the Universe, will establish and conduct the state of emergency on all the space territory under his charge or in certain of his isolated localities, stations and colonies of space and as soon as he has the opportunity he will have to inform the Council of the Confederation and the State Parliament.

Article 93

Right to grant citizenship

The President Member of the Confederation of the Universe:

(a) regulated matters relating to the citizenship status of citizens on their home planet, but also within the Universe Confederation, in addition to seeing to the granting of the right of asylum and the rights of political refugees;

(b) awards the official state decorations of his homeland and of those displayed by the Confederation of the Universe, he also distributes the numerous honorary titles, the higher military ranks and the higher special titles;

(c) grants pardon and clemency to former accused criminals and formerly incarcerated prisoners who have subsequently improved and distinguished themselves through good conduct over a long period of abstinence and maintenance.

Article 94

Decrees and ordinances

1. The President participating in the unilateral deployment of the Confederation of the universe, selects ordinances and decrees that he will put forward his state policy.

2. The adoption of the numerous ordinances and decrees in force at the national, planetary or galactic President, are necessary and mandatory to follow throughout the entire grandiose territory of the Confederation of the universe.

3. The orders and decrees of the national, planetary or galactic President; must never be contrary to what is stipulated in the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe and to supranational laws.

Article 95

Right to impunity

The President-elect and member of the Confederation of the Universe will never enjoy complete impunity from other ordinary citizens and government officials, nor an exclusive right to complete and exaggerated inviolability of his privacy.

Article 96

Constraints on the exercise of the mandate ( Acting President)

1. The President elected in the elections, arrives at his real functions from the moment he gives his public swearing-in. Subsequently, at the expiration of his mandate, at the time of the swearing-in of the new President of the Confederation of the universe, then he will stop the exercise and continuation of his multiple ministerial functions.

2. In the event of resignation, permanent incapacity for reasons of precarious health, no longer being able to properly exercise the powers incumbent upon him, or in the event of his own dismissal by the Council or the Government, the national, planetary or galactic President of the Confederation of the Universe ceases to exercise his powers and his mandate before the end of the term. In this circumstance, the legitimate election of the new President must take place at the latest within three months following the early termination of the presidential mandate that has been forfeited.

3. In all situations where the National, Planetary or Galactic President is no longer able to continue his term of office and in satisfactory health to exercise his jurisdictional obligations, the President of the Internal Government member of the Confederation of the Cosmos may temporarily fulfill them in his place. The Acting President does not, however, have the right to defeat the State Parliament at will, to propose and submit a referendum to the population, nor to request to amend and rework the numerous provisions of the Mother Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe.

Article 97


1. The President may only be removed from office by the Council of the Confederation on the grounds of a serious accusation, which must be presented by the State Parliament. Other possible cases of accusation are when he or she commits high treason against his or her homeland or another serious offence or crime.

All this procedure must be carried out taking into account that they must be confirmed by the unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court about the prejudicial existence in the actions of the President of the criteria of the offense and the opinion of the Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe, as well as on the respect of the legal procedure in place for the impartial indictment of state officials.

2. The punitive sentence of the State Parliament on the ins and outs of the official impeachment based on the judgment of the Council of the Confederation, and this, on the possible dismissal of the President, have the obligation to be used by a majority of two-thirds of the votes of all the members in each of the chambers concerned by this matter. It must also be carried by the concerted initiative of at least one third of the deputies in the State Parliament and also according to the conclusions of a special commission formed to investigate by and for the needs and interests of the State Parliament.

3. The official verdict of the Federation Council on the final dismissal of the State President of the Confederation of the Universe must indeed be taken into account no later than three months after the impeachment of the President by the State Parliament. If this is not the case and does not happen within this short period of time, then no irremediable sentence and convictions can be adopted by the Confederation Council, the first accusation dropped against the President will become considered unfounded and thereby dismissed.


The Intergalactic Constitutional Assembly

Article 98

Supreme legislative representative body

The Intergalactic Constitutional Assembly - Parliament of the Universe Confederation - is the representative and legislative body of the Universe Confederation.

Article 99

Organs of the Assembly

1. The Constitutional Assembly consists of two chambers: the State Parliament and the Constitutional Council.

2. The State Parliament consists of 500 deputies who sit from their specific territorial position in the universe.

3. The Council of the Confederation consists of two representatives from each subject of the Confederation: one diplomatic representative of the representative body and another to fill the position in the executive body of state power.

Article 100

Council and Parliament

1. The State Parliament shall be elected and shall hold office for a term of office for a full period of four years.

2. The initial structuring process of the Constitutional Council as well as the procedure for electing deputies to the State Parliament are established by national and supranational laws.

Article 101

Members of Parliament & Council

1. All adult voluntary citizens who are part of the Confederation of the Universe, who are over twenty-one years of age and who have the right to vote, have a real possibility of being elected as deputies to the State Parliament.

2. One and the same person may never be at the same time an official member of the Council of the Confederation in addition to being a deputy sitting in the State Parliament. Thus, the deputy in the State Parliament may not be a deputy in the other representative organs of State power and the various organs of local planetary and colonial self-administration.

3. Members of Parliament who work in the State Parliament perform their many duties as professionals who hold permanent employment status. Members of Parliament sitting in the State Parliament are not allowed to belong to the public service at the same time, in addition to carrying out another remunerated entrepreneurial activity. Except for artistic creation activities, scientific experiments, primary, secondary and university academic teachings as well as some other types of unpaid personal and private activities and/or charities.

Article 102

Rights and privileges of members of Parliament

1. Members of the State Parliament and members of the Council of the Confederation enjoy a certain inviolability of their private life, and this, during the entire legal period of their mandate in the civil service. This means that special attention must be paid to their cases supported by diplomatic status, since they cannot be arbitrarily detained as easily as ordinary citizens, and this, by extraterrestrial police services, be summarily arrested, be forced to undergo intimidating searches, be forced to undergo a search of their home or administrative office.

Except in cases of obvious crimes confirmed by several sources, then under these precise conditions exceptional measures can be taken against any member of the government including the President of the nation, except in cases provided for by federal law which was carried out to ensure the safety of others and the public as a whole.

2. The diplomatic immunity of the President, Minister and other State officials, regardless of their hierarchical level, upon the official proposal of the Attorney General of the Confederation of the Universe, may be removed by the competent chamber of the Planetary and Universal Constitutional Assembly.

Article 103

Assembly proceedings

1. The Constitutional Assembly is a body that functions constantly and continuously.

2. The State Parliament shall be assembled for its first session on the thirtieth day after its official election by the general public. The President, a member of the Confederation of the Universe, shall have the full power to call for the reunification of the State Parliament before that date if he deems it appropriate.

3. The oldest or most experienced member of the State Parliament shall inaugurate the first session of the State Parliament.

4. From the commencement of the activity of the State Parliament and the arrival of its new legislature then the official term of the previous appointed State Parliament and its previous legislature shall end.

Article 104

Federation Council

1. The Council of the Confederation and the State Parliament do not sit together in the same parliamentary building.

2. The sessions of the Council of the Confederation and the State Parliament are obligatorily public and therefore open to everyone, for the citizens of the host countries and those of the civilizations who would like to attend them peacefully. In certain rare and unusual circumstances which have been provided for by the rules of the chamber, they have the right to have sessions which will take place in secret behind closed doors.

3. The chambers may assemble simultaneously to listen to missives and intelligence from any President who is a member of the Universe Confederation, important messages from the Constitutional Court of the Confederation, important addresses from leaders and rulers in the vicinity of space, and from civilizations of foreign extraterrestrial states.

Article 105

Council and Parliament

1. The State Parliament elects from among its members the President and Vice-Presidents of the official State Parliament. The Confederation Council selects and elects from among its members the President and Vice-Presidents of the Confederation Council.

2. The President and Vice-Presidents of the Council of the Confederation, the President and Vice-Presidents of the State Parliament preside over the discussion sessions and ensure peaceful internal order in the House of Representatives.

3. The Council of the Confederation and the State Parliament shall appoint committees and commissions and hold public parliamentary hearings on matters within their competence within the government.

4. Each of the chambers chooses its own legal procedural rules and regulates the issues of its logistics, its internal functioning and its general organization.

5. In order to ensure control over the execution of the national budget of the planetary States and that of the State of the Universe, the Council of the Confederation and the State Parliament jointly establish the Confederal Bank Accounts Chamber, the entire procedural functioning and effective composition of whose accounts are governed by the national and supranational law adopted by the interstellar civilizations.

Article 106

Competence of the Council of the Confederation

1. The following fall within the competence of the Council of the Confederation:

(a) approval or disapproval of changes in spatial boundaries between geographically distant subjects of the recognized States of the Confederation;

(b) the assent of the decree of the national, planetary or galactic Presidents of the Confederation of the universe on the urgent and imminent introduction of the state of siege due to a war of extraterrestrial invasion in a specific region of the universe;

(c) the initiation of the decree of the President of the Confederation of the Universe on the introduction of a national, planetary, solar or galactic state of emergency;

(d) the order relating to the possibility of calling upon the Armed Forces of the Confederation of the Universe, and this, outside the limits and borders of planetary, satellite, solar and/or galactic territories throughout the Confederation of the Universe;

e) the stabilization of the final election of the national, planetary and/or galactic President as well as the ambassadors of the Confederation of the universe;

(f) the irremediable dismissal of all State Presidents proven guilty of serious crimes or procedural defects, this also including all official diplomats of the Universe Confederation;

(g) appointment to the honourable functions of judges of the Constitutional Court of the National Confederation of his country or planet, of the Supreme Court of the Confederation of the Universe, of the Superior Court of Arbitration of the Confederation of the Universe;

(h) the appointment and termination of office of the Attorney General of the Confederation of the Universe;

(i) the appointment and termination of office of the Vice-President and of half of the representatives of the National or Confederative Chamber of State Monetary Accounts.

2. On the issues assigned to its competence by the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, the Council of the Confederation votes and chooses government decrees.

3. The decisions of the Federation Council are accepted or rejected by the total majority of votes of all members of the Council of the Confederation of the Cosmos, if another procedure for choosing and adopting decisions has not been previously predefined by the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe.

Article 107

Competence of Parliament

1. The following fall within the competence of the State Parliament:

(a) the assent given or not to the President of the Universe Confederation for the appointment of the President of the Planetary Government member of the Universe Confederation;

(b) the verdict on the question of confidence in the Government of the Confederation of the Universe;

(c) the appointment and termination of the office of the President of the Planetary Central Bank and of the Confederation of the Universe;

(d) the appointment and termination of office of the President and half of the members of the Chamber and for the accounts;

(e) the appointment and termination of office of the Commissioner for the Rights of Living Beings in the Universe, who shall exercise his or her activity in accordance with national and supranational constitutional law;

(f) the declaration of amnesty is granted, this being a legislative act which stops the judicial proceedings in addition to removing all previous convictions of those prosecuted and sentenced to death.

(g) the indictment of State Presidents and official members of the Confederation of the Universe, with a view to their definitive dismissal.

2. On the issues assigned to its competence by the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, the State Parliament opts for a series of concrete decrees.

3. The decisions of the State Parliament are actually accepted by a complete majority of votes of all deputies of the State Parliament, all this happens if another procedure of official adoption of decisions has not been previously established by the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe.

Article 108


1. The right of legislative initiative is vested in the Presidents of the States that are members of the Confederation of the Universe, the State and Confederation Councils, the members of the Council of the Confederations, the deputies and ministers of the State Parliament, the Government of the Confederation of the Universe, the legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of all States of the Confederation of the Universe. On matters within their own competence, the right of legislative initiative is applied in accordance with the Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe, the Supreme Court of the Confederation of the Universe and the High Court of Arbitration of the Confederation of the Universe.

2. All important national bills or inter-civilizational regulations shall be brought before the State Parliament for their subsequent evaluation.

3. Bills on the introduction or partial abandonment of taxes, tax exemptions, on the issuance of state loans, on the change of financial commitments of the planetary state as well as other bills planning expenditures that will be covered by the national and planetary budget. These are only entitled to be publicly disclosed with an official notice from the Government of the Universe Confederation.

Article 109

National, international and supranational laws

1. National, international and supranational laws are admitted by the State Parliament of the universe.

2. National and supranational laws are chosen as such on the planets of the universe and/or in the confederative parliamentary sessions, with the minimum criterion of the majority of votes of all the deputies in the Parliament of the planetary and/or galactic States, strictly if the Constitution of the cosmos has not decided otherwise.

3. National and supranational laws that are ultimately accepted by the Parliaments of the planetary States must be communicated within five to ten days following examination by the Confederation Council.

4. The supranational law is considered to be admitted and agreed by the members of the Council of the Confederation, and this, in situations where more than half of all the members of the chambers have voted in its favor, or if it is not judged negatively by the Council of the Confederation within fourteen days following its date of issue.

In cases where a supranational law is rejected by the Confederation Council, the chambers have the possibility of setting up a conciliation commission in order to resolve the remaining disagreements, subsequently the law is returned to the State Parliament for a second official review.

5. In the event of a residual disagreement between the State Parliament and the decision of the Confederation Council, the supranational law shall still be deemed valid and effective if, in the second vote, they voted in full in favour of it with at least two-thirds of the total number of members present at that time in the State Parliament.

Article 110

Final review of laws by the Council

L Council of the Confederation and the national, international and supranational laws that it has legally chosen must absolutely be subject to careful questioning by the State Parliament on questions in the following areas of activity:

a) the national, planetary, solarian and/or galactic budget;

(b) national taxes and duties and supranational charges;

(c) financial regulation, exchange rates, bank credit, customs fees and taxes, the issue of state currencies;

(d) the prosecution and ratification of the harmful bad laws arising from the falsified international treaties entered into between many of the extraterrestrial species throughout the Confederation of the universe;

(e) the actual status of the planetary and space territory as well as the military protection of the border of national, planetary and other state members of the Universe Confederation;

f) peace in normal times in the universe or otherwise the outbreak of interplanetary and galactic wars.

Article 111

Adoption of the Interplanetary Confederation Laws

1. The supranational law having been chosen at the highest level according to the legislative attribution procedures, must be transmitted within a short period of five to 10 days to the President of the Confederation of the universe, depending on the actual distances separating the civilizations (which can be measured in several light years) so that he can affix his signature and promulgate the regulation with the status of law officially adopted by the State.

2. The President of the Universe Confederation promulgates and signs the law within 15 days in normal times, however this can be extended to a maximum of 30 days, but only in exceptional matters of state.

3. If the President of the Universe Confederation rejects the national and/or supranational law within 15 days from the day of its certified receipt, the State Parliament and the Council of the Confederation shall consider and analyze this law again, and this, according to the procedure promulgated in the Constitution of the Universe Confederation. If at the time of a new examination, the national or supranational law is accepted and agreed in the previously preferred wording by a majority of at least two-thirds of all members of the Council of the Federation and the deputies of the State Parliament, the President of the Universe Confederation is indeed obliged to sign it promptly within seven days at the most and to promulgate it as a law having the force of formal application in his universe region and/or throughout the cosmos in the case of supranational laws.

Article 112

Adoption of constitutional laws

1. National and supranational constitutional laws are accepted on the issue dealing with the ins and outs of the activities, freedoms, duties and obligations which are supported at length in the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe.

2. The national and/or planetary constitutional law is considered to be fully admitted if it is first approved by a majority of at least three-quarters of the votes of all members of the Planetary Council member of the confederation in addition to obtaining at least two-thirds of the votes of the total number of deputies in the Planetary State Parliament. The President of the Universe Confederation is obliged to authorize, sign the documents and promulgate the national constitutional law within 15 days since it has passed the test of the judicial procedure and has become accepted and thus permitted in the State.

Article 113

Dissolution of the State Parliament

1. The State Parliament has the possibility of being legally dismantled by the State President in power of the Universe Confederation, only if necessary, as prescribed in the circumstances predefined in Articles 111 and 117 of the Mother Constitution of the Universe Confederation.

2. In the event of the disintegration of the Parliament of a planetary state, the President of the State member of the Universe Confederation shall choose the date of the new elections so that the State Parliament which will soon be elected to power shall assemble no later than 6 months to 1 year from the beginning of the period of dissolution.

3. The State Parliament cannot be disintegrated within one year following its first election, for the reasons set out in Article 117 of the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe.

4. The State Parliament cannot be destroyed between the time when the President of the Confederation of the Universe was indicted and the time of the adoption of the corresponding verdict by the Council of the Confederation.

5. The Parliaments of the States residing throughout the territory of the Confederation of the Universe, cannot be destroyed during the period when the destructive effects of the state of siege or the state of national or planetary emergency are felt, this lasting and thus extending during the six months preceding the expiration of the President's mandate.


Government of the Universe Federation

Article 114

Executive branch governors

1. The Government of the Universe Confederation unilaterally executes and applies the executive power of the Universe Confederation.

2. The Government is formed by the President of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe, the Vice-Presidents of the Government and the national, federal and confederative ministers.

Article 115

Acceptance of the President's candidacy

1. The President of the Government of the Universe Confederation is appointed primarily by the President of the Universe Confederation and with the consent of the State Parliament.

2. The offer of candidacy for President of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe is made within a maximum of 1 month after the start of his/her term as new President elected as certified members of the Confederation of the Universe, all of this following the withdrawal of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe or within a period of one week after the peremptory rejection by the State Parliament of a candidacy of no interest to the State.

3. The candidacy for the office of President member of the Government of the Universe Confederation is considered to be still valid by the State Parliament for a period of one week, starting from its first presentation to the media by the President member of the Universe Confederation.

4. It is enough to have three official rejections of the candidacies exhibited in Parliament for the President member of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe, the State President then designates the President of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe, in addition to slowly disorganizing the State Parliament and providing for the opening of new elections by universal suffrage.

Article 116

Presentation of applications and

structures of confederative bodies

1. The President of the Government member of the Confederation of the Universe, informs the President member of the Confederation of the Universe of the crucial proposals on the structure and organization of the national, planetary and galactic organs of the executive power, and this, at the most within the week following its honorary promulgation within the government.

2. The President of the Government member of the Confederation of the Universe shows to the President the applications of the personnel available to suit the tasks and functions of vice-presidents of the Government and of planetary and galactic national ministers.

Article 117

Determination of the fundamental orientation

government activities

The President of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe decides on the main directions of the activity of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe and organizes its work, in accordance with the Mother Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, national, planetary and galactic laws, as well as the numerous choices of decrees of the President during the execution of his mandate.

Article 118

Organization of government activities

1. The Government of the Universe Confederation:

(a) draws up a balance sheet and shows to the State Parliament the national or global budget in place and guarantees its management and proper execution; demonstrates one by one the financial reports to the State Parliament which sees them all as necessary in the eventual execution of the national budget;

(b) ensures the development of a financial policy, credit, loans and borrowing as well as the establishment of the unique monetary aspect of its planet in relation to other allied contractors in the Confederation of the universe;

(c) advocates the implementation in the Confederation of the Universe of a single national, planetary and solarian state policy, in the fields of science, education, culture, protection and social assistance, health and ecology in general;

(d) implements the administration of national, planetary and solarian property;

e) chooses preventive measures preferably or coercive measures on occasion, and this, to guarantee the defense and armed protection of the country, the greater security of the planetary State, it also has its say on the realization of the foreign policy of the Confederation of the universe;

(f) ensures the implementation of measures designed to preserve public order, the protection of property, the fight against crime, legality and the rights and freedoms of citizens and living organisms;

(g) executes the range of other attributions conferred on it by the regulations of the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, national and planetary laws as well as the derogatory decrees imposed by the order of the appointed President, member of the Confederation of the Universe.

2. The functioning process of the member Government of the Confederation of the Universe is ultimately framed by supranational constitutional law.

Article 119

Decrees, orders and ordinances

1. On the legal basis and in accordance with the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, national and supranational laws, normative decrees of the President of the Confederation of the Universe, the Government of the Confederation of the Universe designates the government orders and ordinances and expressly guarantees their execution during the fulfillment of its mandate.

2. The orders and ordinances of the Government of the Universe Confederation are binding for execution in the Universe Confederation.

3. In the event that they are contrary to the Constitution of the Universe Confederation, federal laws and decrees of the President of the Universe Confederation, the decrees and ordinances of the Government of the Universe Confederation may be repealed by the President of the Universe Confederation.

Article 120

Resignation of the Government

The Government of the Universe Confederation informs the President of the Universe Confederation, who has just been elected, of its desire to leave and of its inevitable future resignation in the very near future.

Article 121

Resignation of the Government

1. The Government participating in the Confederation of the Universe has the legal and legitimate possibility of sending its resignation to the appropriate authorities, this may be admitted or officially refused by the President of the Confederation of the Universe.

2. The President in the Universe Confederation has the right to choose to terminate the administrative and economic functions of the Universe Confederation Government.

3. The State Parliament has the primary privilege to openly express its no-confidence, concerns and fears in the Government of the Universe Confederation. The decision on no-confidence in the Government is adopted by a majority vote of all the deputies in the State Parliament. After the State Parliament has expressed no-confidence in the Government, the President of the Universe Confederation has the right to declare the Government of the Universe Confederation to have resigned or to disagree with the decision of the State Parliament. In case the State Parliament, within three months, again expresses no-confidence in the Government of the Universe Confederation, the President of the Universe Confederation shall declare the Government to have resigned or dissolve the State Parliament.

4. The President of the Government has the availability to ask in public tribune, the question of the minimum confidence in the system and, this, before the State Parliament. In the hypothetical situation where the State Parliament rejects without recourse the minimum diplomatic confidence of the government, then within a period of seven days the President will have to take the formal decision to stop the fulfillment of the functions of the Government or to come to completely disarticulate the State Parliament and then to provide for new elections in the future.

5. In the event of resignation from political functions or the definitive cessation of said functions, at the request of the President of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe, it must nevertheless remain in a transition phase which maintains at least a governmental survival activity, and this, until the new creation of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe.



Article 122

Parliament's distrust of the government

1. Justice in the Universe Confederation is exercised solely by national, planetary, solarian, galactic and intergalactic courts.

2. Judicial power is exercised through the constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal judicial processes of the universe.

3. The judicial system of the Confederation of the Universe is established by the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe and the supranational constitutional law. The creation of exceptional jurisdictions not falling within the areas of confederational application must be totally prohibited in the eyes of the civilizations of the cosmos.

Article 123

Criteria for Judges’ Applications

All adult citizens over the age of 25 who have a higher legal education in addition to at least five years of professional experience in a recognized legal profession have the opportunity to become judges. Some additional intellectual performance requirements and tests may be required in assessing the applications of judges applying for positions in the courts of the Universe Confederation and who are therefore fortunate to have already been registered and had special mentions in national, international and supranational law.

Article 124

Judges and Courts

1. Judges have the obligation to always remain as independent and impartial as possible, and to be obedient only to the mother Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe and to supranational law.

2. When considering a public or private matter, the court which has established the non-conformity with the law of an action or an official organ of the State or even of another independent organ shall always decide in accordance with the law of this Constitution.

Article 125

Mandates of Judges

1. Judges shall be irremovable from their position throughout their career, except when exceptional circumstances and cases are encountered.

2. The full term of office of the judge may not be shortened or terminated; if this is the case, it must be done in accordance with the usual procedure and exclusively for the reasons stipulated and established by national and supranational law.

Article 126

Prosecution of Judges

1. Judges have a right to quasi-inviolable immunity, except in exceptional cases or circumstances.

2. In normal times, the judge may not be subject to legitimate criminal and judicial proceedings, or if this happens they will be carried out according to the procedure established by federal law.

Article 127

Conduct of legal proceedings

1. In all courts, the legal judicial proceedings are public. The examination of the trial in closed session behind closed doors is nevertheless authorized and tolerated in cases predefined by national and supranational law.

2. Criminal cases in courts subject to judgments in absentia are formally banned, except in cases provided for by national and supranational law.

3. The judicial procedure is established on the basis of the principle of adversarial proceedings and the legal equality of the parties involved.

4. The judicial procedure is carried out with the voluntary assistance and participation of jurors in legitimate cases of assistance from its public authorities, and which have been predefined by national and supranational law.

Article 128

Court funding

The financing of the courts is carried out exclusively by the contribution of the national budget and must thus guarantee the possibility of fully deploying the justice system, and this, in a completely independent, fair, impartial and objective manner.

Article 129

Constitutional Court

1. The Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe consists of 50 judges.

2. The Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe shall decide on the conformity with the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, at the request of the President of the Confederation of the Universe, the Council of the Confederation, the State Parliament, one fifth of the members of the Council of the Confederation or deputies of the State Parliament, the Government of the Confederation of the Universe, the Supreme Court of the Confederation of the Universe and the High Arbitration Court of the Confederation of the Universe, the bodies of legislative and executive power of the subjects of the states of the Confederation of the Universe:

(a) national and supranational laws, normative legal acts of the President of the Universe Confederation, the Council of the Confederation, the State Parliament, the Government participating in the Universe Confederation;

b) Constitutions of republics, statutes, as well as laws and other normative legal acts of the subjects of the Confederation of the Universe adopted on issues falling within the competence of the bodies of state power of the Confederation of the Universe and the joint competence of the bodies of state power of the Confederation of the Universe and the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Confederation of the Universe;

(c) formal and informal agreements concluded between the organs of state power of the Universe Confederation and the organs of state power of the subjects of the Universe Confederation, agreements between the organs of state power of the subjects of the Universe Confederation;

(d) international and supranational treaties within the Confederation of the Universe, but which have not yet entered into force.

3. The Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe resolves, as best it can, the debates and conflicts of jurisdiction:

(a) between the national organs of state power of planetary governments;

(b) between the organs of state power of the Confederation of the Universe and the organs of state power of the subjects of the Confederation of the Universe;

(c) between the higher state organs of the subjects of the Confederation of the Universe.

4. The Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe, for appeals relating to the violation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens and at the exclusive request of the courts, verifies the constitutionality of the law in court or that which would be applicable in a concrete situation, and this, according to the procedure stipulated by national and supranational law.

5. The Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe is obliged to provide the full interpretation of the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, at the request of the President of the Confederation of the Universe, the Council of the Confederation, the State Parliament, the Government of the Confederation of the Universe, the bodies of legislative power of the subjects of the Confederation.

6. Acts or their specifically recognized non-constitutional provisions cease to have effect within the State; international and supranational treaties of the Confederation of the Universe which are considered to be not in conformity with the mother Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, are never applied and never come into force as such at any time.

7. At the formal request of the Federation Council, the Constitutional Court of the Universe Confederation shares an opinion on the respect and continuation of the established correct procedure. The one that is applicable in accordance with the impeachment of the President of the Universe Confederation, and this, for cases of high treason or when another serious offense has occurred during his mandate.

Article 130

Supreme Court of the Confederation

The Supreme Court of the Confederation of the Universe is the superior judicial body chosen for the processing of criminal, civil, administrative and other private matters, which should be the responsibility of the ordinary courts since it carries out the proper judicial supervision of their economic activities in the multiple procedural forms predefined by the supranational law and designates clear and practical instructions on the issues of practice of a quality judicial exercise.

Article 131

Superior Court of Arbitration

The Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Confederation of the Universe is the highest judicial body that will deal with the settlement of economic disputes and business cases considered by the numerous arbitration courts; it carries out judicial supervision of all forms of their commercial activity, and this, in the organizational and procedural forms that have been predefined by the national and supranational law and applies its instructions on the issues of exercising judicial practice in general.

Article 132

Judges of the Constitutional Court

1. In the Supreme Court of the Universe Confederation, in the Superior Court of Arbitration of the Universe Confederation, candidates who present themselves as judges of the Constitutional Court of the Universe Confederation are officially granted by the Council of the Federation; the honorable right to practice this profession, and this, only on the recommendation of the President of the Universe Confederation.

2. The judges of the other federal courts are called and elected to their judicial office by the President of the Confederation of the Universe, in accordance with the procedure established by supranational law.

3. The procedure for the formation, legal powers and more general functioning of the Constitutional Court of the Confederation of the Universe, the Supreme Court of the Confederation of the Universe, the Superior Court of Arbitration of the Confederation of the Universe, are established unilaterally by the supranational constitutional law.

Article 133

State Attorney General

1. The State Attorney General system in the Universe Confederation forms a single concentrated and centralized system, in which the lower level prosecutors are dependent on the higher level prosecutors and these are dependent on the Chief Attorney General of the Universe Confederation.

2. The Attorney General of the Universe Confederation is elected and dismissed from official duties only by the Council of the Confederation, and this, upon the request of the President of the Universe Confederation.

3. The attorneys of the subjects of the Confederation of the Universe are awarded by the Attorney General of the Confederation of the Universe and through mutual agreement with these intercivilizational subjects.

4. Other prosecutors are called to their legal positions by the Attorney General of the Universe Confederation.

5. The operating procedures, attributions and general organization of the system of Prosecutors of the Confederation of the Universe are stipulated and framed by supranational law.



local colonial or planetary

Article 134

Definition of local self-administration

1. Local self-government in the Confederation of the Universe supports and protects the settlement by the population, and this, autonomously on questions of local importance of possession, disposal and full enjoyment of planetary municipal and/or colonial property.

2. Local self-government is carried out by the citizens through referendums, annual elections and all other forms of fair and direct expression of the popular will, under the supervision of the elected bodies of government and other bodies of planetary and/or colonial local self-government on the satellites.

Article 135

Self-determination based on local historical traditions

1. Local self-government is carried out in settlements, major cities, rural settlements and all other territories taking into account historical and other local traditions developed on the spot for decades or even hundreds of years. The basic framework and daily logistics of the local self-government bodies are defined autonomously by the population and the space colony.

2. The change of the boundaries of the spatial regions and planetary territories in which local self-administration is carried out is legally agreed, taking into account the judgment and appreciation of the population of the affected territories.

Article 136

Self-administration bodies

1. The organs of local self-government shall govern municipal property, prepare, agree together and implement the local budget, adjust local taxes and duties, protect the peaceful maintenance of public order and always resolve other issues of local importance autonomously.

2. The organs of local self-government also have the possibility of receiving, by national law, State attributions which may decide to effect the subsequent transfer of the financial and material means necessary for their full exercise of colonization. The realization of the transferred attributions always remains manageable to the will and controls of the State.

Article 137

Right to judicial protection and

compensation of expenses

Local self-government in the Universe Confederation is guaranteed by the vital right to judicial protection, compensation for additional expenses arising as a result of decisions made by the authorities of state power bodies, the prohibition of limiting the rights of local self-government of planetary communities and space colonies is framed by the Constitution of the Universe Confederation and supranational law.


Constitutional amendments

and the revision of the

Constitution of the Universe

Article 138

Proposed Amendment & Revisions to Provisions

Proposals for amendments and revision of the provisions of the Constitution of the Universe Confederation may be submitted by the President-member of the Universe Confederation, the Federation Council, the State Parliament, the Government of the Universe Confederation, the legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Federation, as well as by any group that would include at least one-fifth of the members of the Confederation Council or deputies to the State Parliament.

Article 139

Right of non-review

1. The provisions of Chapter 1, 2 and 9 of the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe cannot be reformulated by a National Assembly.

2. A Constitutional Assembly shall be convened if the proposal to revise the provisions of Chapters 1, 2 and 9 of the Constitution is supported by three-fifths of the votes of all members of the Council of the Confederation and of the deputies of the State Parliament, in accordance with supranational constitutional law.

3. The Constitutional Assembly shall either affirm the inviolability of the changes to be made to the parent Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, or shall prepare a draft of a new Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe, which shall be accepted by the Constitutional Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the votes of all its members, or shall submit it to the process of universal suffrage.

In this latter circumstance, the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe is established as admitted if more than half of the electors who took part in the vote voted officially in its favor, provided however that half of the electors took part in the public vote.

Article 140

Amendments to the provisions

Legal amendments to the provisions of Chapters 3-8 of the Constitution of the Universe Confederation are accepted according to the predefined procedure for the adoption of the national constitutional law and come into force only after acceptance by the bodies of legislative power of at least two-thirds of the subjects of the Universe Confederation.

Article 141

Amendment of the constitution & names of countries and planets

1. Amendments to the provisions of Article 65 of the Constitution of the Universe Confederation, establishing the composition of the Universe Confederation, are set out on the basis of the national constitutional law on legal admission into the Universe Confederation and formation within it of a new subject of the Universe Confederation and on changing the legal-constitutional status of the subject of the Universe Confederation.

2. In case of changing the name of the republic, territory, region, city of national importance, country, planet, satellite, galaxy, autonomous region, autonomous district, then the new name of the subject of the Universe Confederation is enshrined in Article 65 of the Constitution of the Universe Confederation. Therefore, they cannot be changed by other civilizations without a valid reason and without the consent of the populations who once participated in its development.



1 - The Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe comes into force on the day of its official publication.

The date of its advent is 10/10/2010 and is thus considered the official default date of the legal and legitimate adoption of the Mother Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe.

In case of non-compliance of the provisions of the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe with the provisions of the Federal Treaty: Treaty on the Delimitation of the Areas of Competence and Powers between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Confederation of the Universe and the Bodies of State Power of the Sovereign Republics Included in the Confederation of the Universe, Treaty on the Delimitation of the Areas of Competence and Powers between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Confederation of the Universe and the Bodies of State Power of the Territories, Regions, Cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg Included in the Confederation of the Universe, Treaty on the Delimitation of the Areas of Competence and Powers between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Confederation of the Universe and the Bodies of State Power of the Autonomous Region, Autonomous Districts Included in the Confederation of the Universe, as well as other agreements between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Confederation of the Universe and the Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Universe Confederation, agreements between the organs of state power of the subjects of the Universe Confederation, the provisions of the Constitution of the Universe Confederation shall prevail.

2 - Laws and other legal acts, valid in the territory of the Universe Confederation before the entry into force of this Constitution, apply to the extent that they are not contrary to the Constitution of the Universe Confederation.

3 - The President of the Confederation of the Universe, from the day of entry into force of this Constitution, exercises the powers it establishes until the expiry of the mandate for which he was elected.

4 - The Council of Ministers - Government of the Confederation of the Universe - from the moment of entry into force of this Constitution exercises the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe established by the Constitution of the Confederation of the Universe and is henceforth called the Government of the Confederation of the Universe.

5 - The Courts in the Confederation of the Universe exercise Justice in accordance with their attributions fixed by this Constitution.

After the entry into force of the Constitution, the judges of all courts of the Confederation of the Universe shall retain their powers until the expiration of the term for which they were elected. Vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the procedure established by this Constitution.

6 - Until the entry into force of the supranational law establishing the procedure for the examination of cases by the court with the participation of jurors, the previous procedure for the judicial examination of the corresponding cases is maintained.

Until the legislation on criminal procedure of the Confederation of the Universe is brought into conformity with the provisions of this Constitution, the previous procedure of arrest, police custody and preventive detention of persons suspected of an offence is maintained.

7 - The Council of the Confederation of the first legislature and the State Parliament of the first legislature are elected for a term of two years.

8 - The Council of the Confederation shall meet for its first session on the thirtieth day after its election. The first session of the Council of the Federation shall be opened by the President of the Confederation of the Universe.

9 - The deputy of the State Parliament of the first legislature may simultaneously be a member of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe. The provisions of this Constitution relating to the quasi-inviolability of the private life of the deputies and also concerning the responsibility for acts (or omissions) related to the exercise of service obligations do not extend to other deputies of the State Parliament - members of the Government of the Confederation of the Universe.

The deputies of the Council of the Confederation of the first legislature exercise their powers on a non-permanent basis.

Source: Constitution of Australia, England, Germany, Canada, France and Russia







(invented by the genius of the Nordic Caucasians)


Eyeglasses (1300)

Giordano da Pisa (Italy)


Caravel (1400)

Prince Henry (Portugal)

Printing (1454)

Johannes Gutenberg (Germany)


Watch (1508)

Peter Henlein (Germany)

Violin (1524)

 Giovan Giacomo Dalla Corna (Italy)

Cello (1570)

Andrea Armati (Italy)


Astronomical telescope (1608)

Hans Lippershey (Holland)

Pendulum clock (1657)

Christiaan Huygens (Holland)

Telescope (1671)

Isaac Newton (England)

Steam engine (1698)

Thomas Savery (England) 


Piano (1709)

Bartolomeo Cristofori (Italy)

Typewriter (1714)

Henry Mill (USA)

Celsius Thermometer (1724)

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (Sweden)

Flying loom shuttle (1733 )

John Kay (England) 

Automobile (1769)

Joseph Cugnot (France)

Submarine (1775)

David Bushnell (USA)

Hot air balloon (1783)

Joseph-Michel & Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier (France)


Battery (1800)

Alessandro Volta (Italy)

Photography (1816)

Nicephore Niépce (France)

Bicycle (1817)

Karl Drais von Sauerbronn (France) 

Rubber tire (1830)

Charles Dietz (France)

Tramway (1832)

John Stephenson (USA) 

Toilet (1836)

Thomas Crapper & Thomas Sziburne (England)

Telegram (1840)

Samuel Morse (USA)

Gyroscope (1852)

Leon Foucault (France)

Internal Combustion Engine (1858)

Etienne Lenoir (Luxembourg)

Oil exploitation (1859)

Edwin Drake (USA) 

Helicopter (1861)

Amécourt Pontoon (France)

TNT - Trinitrotoluene (1863)

Julius Wilbrand (German)

Pasteurization (1865)

Louis Pasteur (France)

Nitroglycerin (1866)

Alfred Nobel (Swedish)

Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (1869)

Dmitri Mendeleev (Russian) 

Telephone (1876)

Alexander Graham Bell (Scotland-America)

Light (1879)

Joseph Swan (England)

Networked electricity (1879)

Thomas Edison (USA)

Sterilization autoclave (1879)

Charles Chamberland (France) 

Cash register (1879)

James Ritty (USA)  

Baby incubator (1880)

Etienne Stephane Tarnier (France) 

Mouse trap (1880)

Hiram Stevens Maxim (England) 

Hydraulic turbine (1880)

Lester Pelton (USA) 

Faucet (1880)

Thomas Campbell (England)

Metal detector (1881)

Alexander Graham Bell (USA)

Steam tractor with tracks (1881)

 Russian Fyodor Blinov (Russia)

Septic tank (1881)

Jean-Louis Mouras (France)

Similigravure (1881)

Frederic Ives (USA)

Blowtorch (1881)

Carl Nyberg (Sweden) 

Electric iron (1882)

Henry W. Seely (USA) 

Cantilever bridge (1882)

Benjamin Baker & John Fowler (Scotland)

Electric fan (1882)

Schuyler Skaats Wheeler (USA)

Rasterization of television (1884)

Paul Nipkov (German)

Portable submachine gun (1884)

Hiram Maxim (USA) 

Soluble Pill (1884)

William Upjohn (USA)

Postage meter (1884)

Carl Bushe (France)

Steel skyscraper (1884)

Baron Jenney (USA) 

Steam turbine (1884)

Charles Parsons (England) 

Photovoltaic cell (1884)

Charles Fritts (USA)

Electric arc welding (1885)

Nicolaï Benardos (Russian) & Stanislaus Olszewski (Poland)

Guitar (1884)

Antonio De Torres (Spain)

Transformer (1885)

William Stanley Jr (USA) 

Compressor (1885)

Gottlieb Daimler (Germany)

Lynotipe (1885)

Ottmar Mergenthaler (Germany)

Dishwasher (1886)

Josephine Cochrane (USA)

Motor boat (1887)

Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach (Germany) 

Disc (1887)

Emille Berliner (Germany) 

Gramophone (1888)

Emille Berliner (Germany)  

Ballpoint pen style (1888)

John J. Loud (USA) 

Wind turbine (1888)

Charles F. Brush (USA)

Alternating current machine (1888)

Nicola Tesla (Serbia) 

Dictaphone (1888)

Thomas Edison (USA)

Drum carrier (1888)

Theophilus Van Kannel (USA) 

Swiss Army knife (1890)

Karl Elsener (Switzerland)

Film camera (1891)

William Dickson (England)

Escalator (1892)

Jesse W. Reno (USA) 

Toaster (1894)

Alan MacMasters (Scotland)

Radio (1895)

Guglielmo Marconi (Italy) 

Cinematograph (1895)

Auguste and Louis Lumière (France)

Seismograph (1895)

Thomas Lomar Gray & John Milne (Scotland & England)

Bulletproof Vest (1897)

Kazimierz Zeglen (Poland)

Loudspeaker (1898)

Oliver Lodge (Denmark)


Airplane (1903)

Orville & Wilbur Wright (USA)

Locomotive (1904)

Richard Trevithick (England)

General Relativity (1907)

Albert Einstein (Germany)

Jet plane (1910)

Henri Coandă (Romania)

Tank (1912)

Lancelot de Mole (Australian)

Kaplan Turbine (1912)

Viktor Kaplan (Austria)

Traffic lights (1914)

Garrett Augustus (USA)

Parachute (1914)

Stefan Banič (Slovakia)

Feathering Spectrograph (1915)

Gavriil Adrianovich Tikhov (Belarus)

Space rocket (1926)

Robert Goddard (USA)

Television (1926)

John Logie Baird (Scotland)

Aerosol Can (1927)

 Erik Rotheim (Norway)

Antibiotic - Penicillin (1928)

Alexander Flemming (Scotland)

Thermographic Camera (1929)

 Kalman Tihanyi (Hungary)

Polygraph (1930)

John Augustus Larson & Leonard Keeler (USA)

Particle Accelerator - Cyclotron (1931)

Ernest Orlando Lawrence (USA)

Radar (1935)

Robert Watson-Watt (England)

Computer (1936)

Alan Turing (England)

Magnetic resonance (1938)

Isidor Isaac Rabi (Austria-Hungary)

Miniature Camera (1938)

Walter Zapp (Latvia)

V2 missile (1942)

Wernher von Braun (Germany)

Power Transformer (1942)

Chester Hjortur Thordarson (Iceland)

Nuclear fission A-bomb (1944 )

Robert Oppenheimer & Los Alamos team (USA)

Nuclear fusion H-bomb (1945)

Edward Teller (Hungarian-American)

Microwave oven (1946)

Percy LeBaron Spencer (USA) 

Nuclear fusion reactor (1946)

George Paget Thomson & Moses Blackman (England)

Cybernetics (1947)

Norbert Wiener (Romania)

Perfume Atomiser (1950)

Peter Florjančič (Slovenia)

Atomic Clock (1949)

Louis Essen (England)

Tokamac (1950)

Andreï Sakharov & Igor Tamm (Russian) 

Laser (1960)

Theodore Maiman (USA)

Space Suit (1961)

Russell Colley (Spain)

Soft Contact Lenses (1961)

Otto Wichterle (Czech Republic)

Vilnius Photometric System (1963)

Vytautas Straižys (Lithuania)

Internet (1972)

Robert Elliot Kahn & Vint Cerf (USA)

Heart Rate Monitor (1977)

Seppo Säynäjäkangas (Finland)

Automatic Gearbox (1988)

Rumen Antonov (Bulgaria)

World Wide Web (1989)

Robert Cailliau (Belgium)

Safety Gas Pressure Regulator (1992-95)

(Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Skype (2003)

Niklas Zennström (Estonia)



[Source: The 1001 Inventions that Changed the World, Jack Challoner, Éditions Trécarré, 2012]

Theorist Alexander Timmons (head circumference 60 cm) holding  the skull of the 

giant superhuman Amadeus Frankenstein (head circumference 115 cm).


 Generations Project Amadeus - Prometheus - Alexandrius - Titaneus Frankenstein



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Distribution for educational purposes only

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